The mouse wheel scrolls the page in jerks. The mouse wheel moves in jerks. What to do if the mouse arrow is shaking

Hello friends. I had such a problem that the page twitches when scrolling with the mouse wheel in the browser when I'm on the Internet on some site where I need to be active, for example, classmates or VKontakte. And in Opera, Chrome and Mozilla Firefox everything is the same. I thought that the mouse is finished and was about to throw it away, but accidentally stumbled upon an article that said what needs to be done so that the page does not twitch. I decided to try and I succeeded. Now I want to tell you how I did it, since there is nothing complicated. If you're too lazy to read, go straight to the video.

Why is the page twitching when scrolling

It constantly crashes and because of this, the scrolling mechanism is disrupted. This is one of the axles on which the wheel is mounted. There are metal tendrils that hold it together and they bend from frequent blows and the page twitches when scrolling. It is very annoying and needs to be fixed as soon as possible. I have 2 mice that suffer from this ailment. One is wired, the other is not. I'll show you the example of wireless. Model Defender MS-125 Nano. One of the cheapest.

DIY mouse repair

We will need tools such as a screwdriver, in my case a Phillips screwdriver and pliers, they are also pliers. And the first thing to do is perform an autopsy on our patient. Gently, without any extra effort, we press the metal part of our test subject. Just don’t overdo it and don’t tear it all off by the roots. If it is possible to remove the wheel, then remove it.
I did this with both mice and the page no longer twitches when scrolling. Thus, you can extend the life of this device for some time. Of course, I have them very budgetary, but it's a shame when this happened with an expensive gaming one. I recommend this solution to you and unsubscribe if it helped you or not. I hope that your page will not twitch when scrolling either.

Computer mouse- perhaps one of the items most often in our hands, it's hard not to notice. But what really practically does not attract attention to itself is the cursor in the operating system we use. It is understandable, the cursor does not need to be visible, its main purpose is point us to specific interface objects focusing our attention on them. That is, it does its job. arrow"almost imperceptibly. But as soon as the cursor movements become less smooth, twitching and trembling, the resulting instability in the operation of the device will immediately begin to catch your eye.

What to do if the mouse arrow is shaking

In this article, we will consider two typical moments.
The first problem is the situation in which one can observe on the screen how cursor twitches , that is mouse arrow on monitor is shaking while the mouse itself is in a static position.

Let's start with the simplest reason why we can observe such a nuisance: debris on the mouse pad or work surface if we don't use a mat.
Small debris, small clots of dust, hair that has fallen under the optical beam of the mouse - this is all that can cause annoying twitching of the cursor on the computer screen
Therefore, the first piece of advice that can be given when the arrow twitches appears is to wipe the mouse pad or the surface on which we drive the mouse.
Of course, the surface itself used for working with the mouse should be not only clean, but also, if possible, even, however, by no means glossy. By the way, that is why, do not be surprised when, in the age of optical and laser manipulators, you meet people who still use mouse pads, this is quite practical.

The second possible reason is the same garbage, only caught in the eye of a mouse laser .

Disconnect the USB cable of the mouse from the computer connector, turn the mouse over and see if there are any foreign particles there. Turning off the device is necessary in order to de-energize the laser, the light of which can have a negative effect on your eyes. The hole at the bottom of the mouse can be blown out or cleaned with a cotton swab. After cleaning, be sure to check that there are no cotton lint left in the hole.

And the last cause of cursor jitter which I would like to mention - mouse software and driver failure .
For various reasons, it happens that over time, this or that software may begin to work unstably. Viruses, conflicting programs, errors in software and in the registry of the operating system are capable of causing failures. First you need to check the operation of the mouse in Windows safe mode, how to start it is described in the article:. If there are no problems in Safe Mode, then it remains only to calculate which program is conflicting or affecting the cursor.
Otherwise, you need reinstall software, which supports stable operation of the equipment, in our case it is necessary reinstall drivers.

And if for a wired mouse, just remove the entry from the Device Manager HID compliant mouse , then restart the computer, waiting for the drivers to be reinstalled in automatic mode, then for Bluetooth mouse smarter will completely uninstall the hardware driver, restart your computer and install the driver yourself, which must be downloaded from the website of the manufacturer of your bluetooth mouse. If, when buying a device, you got a driver disk with it, you can use it, however: only visiting the manufacturer's website will give you confidence in installing the latest version of the software, which, quite possibly, could have fixed the problems and errors of the drivers of previous versions.
These were the main actions to correct the situation in which jumping mouse arrow on the screen.

What to do if scrolling with the mouse wheel slows down

The second problem that we will touch upon in this article is the situation in which screen flickering while scrolling the page .

You can observe a similar effect both while surfing the Internet, and when reading documents, or when working with any object whose borders go beyond the bottom edge of the monitor screen.

The main causes of image judder while scrolling the mouse wheel are mechanical. This can be either debris or wear or chafing of the mouse wheel module. And if by simply blowing the eye of the laser it is not possible to return the stable operation of the mouse, then it will be necessary disassemble usb mouse or your ps / 2 device, clean it of dirt and lubricate the rubbing mechanisms.
Consider in pictures how to disassemble and clean a computer mouse on the model example A4Tech X7 X-760H.

We disconnect the cable of our mouse from the usb connector of the computer, turn it over and carefully remove the stickers on the legs of the mouse. Do not try to pick off the small round button, there is no screw under it, this is a system sensor AntiVibrate, which increases the accuracy of cursor positioning when the mouse is raised above the work surface, that is, when the computer mouse is torn off the table. Before us appeared screws that we need to unscrew small Phillips screwdriver.

Slowly move the upper part of the mouse body from the lower to the left side. Inside we see board contact cable, which must be disconnected from the bottom of the mouse by slightly pulling up on the cable connector. The cable itself is not fixed in any way on the bottom board, it is held only due to tight contact with the pins coming directly from the board.

Now we need remove mouse wheel. To do this, slightly raise the right leg of the wheel and carefully remove the left leg from the module responsible for scrolling the image on the computer screen.

Below is a photo of what we will see after removing the mouse wheel. We need to clean this hole if debris and dust have accumulated there.

In addition, the left leg of the mouse wheel itself is often very dirty in the groove that clings to the scrolling module. Cleaning mouse wheel mounts.

After we have cleaned the mouse, it remains for us to lubricate the rubbing parts in the mouse wheel, which will help us make scrolling in the browser and documents smooth without twitching and shaking. For lubrication, you can also use a thick technical tool such as Litol or SHRUS, but then you will need to open the block responsible for scrolling the mouse wheel. In order not to mess with such small details, you can lubricate the wheel of a computer mouse with silicone grease which is sold in aerosol cans.

It is only necessary to put a few drops of lubricant in the slots of the scroll block.

After cleaning and lubricating the mouse, we set the wheel in place and make several scrolls of the wheel up and down in order to spread the lubricant over all surfaces of the contacting parts. Then we assemble the mouse body in reverse order. We glue stickers imitating mouse legs, if necessary, use new ones.

On this usb mouse repair finished, we connect the mouse to the computer and check the smoothness of scrolling and the clarity of cursor movements.

I have been using the A4Tech X-7 series mouse for many years. And I know their “proprietary” problem with the mouse wheel, when instead of rewinding it starts to twitch or skip. It's just that A4tech's X7 scroll wheel is sometimes buggy. When the bug began to progress and it became uncomfortable to use the mouse, he began to google. I found an article about the treatment of this problem and it helped, but it did not help for long. After some time (about a year) the problem returned and I crimped the “box” again. But it was clear that this was not a solution to the problem.

The problem node is circled below in blue. In the photo, it is already new, after the operation and differs from the old one in color.

If you disassemble it, it will look like this:


1. a wheel inside with a hexagon, which we turn when we turn the wheel. It has ratchets that walk along the contacts 3. Element 2. it is just a “spring” that provides resistance to twisting and a characteristic discreteness of rotation. A element 4. it's a hull wreckage.

When this “box” was crimped, the ratchet contacts were simply pressed harder against the contacts, and this solved the problem for a while.

A worn element can be replaced. As a donor - any other cheap mouse, which is not a pity. Can only be replaced 1. breaking the box. But it's better to spend 5 minutes more time and solder the whole box, the task is quite trivial, even easier than soldering the headphone plug.

So, we solder (we cut the donor mouse board with wire cutters and release each leg separately with a soldering iron, it’s easier) the “box” from the donor. We simply cut the “box” in our expensive mouse into pieces with wire cutters and carefully solder each contact separately, without damaging anything around.

Then, with a soldering iron and a gypsy needle, we make holes in the board of our dear mouse and insert a box from the donor there, spray with flux and solder each pin separately, making sure not to short them to each other.

After we assemble the mouse and enjoy the new and clear wheel movement. You can also check if the axis of the wheel is slipping in the element 1. Hope the post helps someone.

Perhaps one of the most common breakdowns is problems with the scroll wheel. As I already noted, such breakdowns are of two types:

1. The wheel does not work completely ( I consider this case in the article).
2. The wheel works, but jerkily.

Here I consider the second option, when the pages on the screen scroll up and down in jerks, and not smoothly, as expected. This indicates that the mouse scroll mechanism is loose. By the way, this problem is a characteristic feature of A4Tech X7 mice. It occurs in almost any model of this series after six months of active use. However, sometimes this behavior is due to the settings of the mouse or a particular program. For example, it is because of this that it may not work.

There are three ways to repair a loose scroll mechanism:

I. Lubrication of the scroll mechanism

This is a way for those whose scrolling mechanism has not yet completely worn out, as well as for preventing problems with scrolling in new mice.I strongly recommend that you start the repair with this method!

1. Disassemble the mouse

To begin with, if your mouse wheel does not work (it moves jerkily), you need to disassemble its case. One screw is usually visible, another is hidden under a sticker. In some models, a couple more screws may be under the legs. Pay attention to how the mouse cord was located in the case.

2. Clean the sensor

Having disassembled the case, you will immediately notice the wheel inserted into a special mechanism. It is he who is responsible for scrolling pages on the screen. You need to drop 2-3 drops of alcohol on it, then scroll the wheel and blow it out with your mouth. The operation must be repeated several times.

3. Lubricate

For lubrication, you need high-quality liquid oil. It should not be liquid, like water, but thick enough to drip. You can also use silicone lubricant, for example in aerosol cans, which are available at any auto shop.

Silicone lubricant in aerosol cans.

It is necessary to drop 1-2 drops inside the scroll mechanism, then scroll the wheel to better distribute the lubricant. We remove excess if oil flows out.

II. Fixing with metal staples

This method should be used if the scroll mechanism is already loose and lubrication no longer helps. Wayeffective in cases wheremouse wheel not working , however somewhat time consuming and requires soldering iron skills.

1. Again, disassemble the mouse (see previous paragraphs)

2. Install the brackets

Now you need to make metal brackets with which to fix the scroll mechanism.

There are two options here:

a) No soldering. You can make two U-shaped brackets from metal plates (for example, from automotive wiring terminals). Such staples will be fastened by crimping with pliers without the use of soldering.This method is preferable, since the staples attached by soldering may fall off during subsequent parsing. I think there is nothing complicated in this method. For a better understanding, look at the photo:

Don't forget to lubricate the scroll at the end of work (see item i).

b) With soldering. Also, staples can be made of copper wire with a thickness of about 1 mm. Other metals will not work, because due to their high elasticity it is difficult to tighten them, and besides, they are difficult to solder.

Staples are made in the form of an equal-angle corner. A piece of wire is fixed in a vise and then carefully bent at a right angle. You can bend it with pliers or gently tapping a hammer. The ends of the staples are slightly filed to give them a flat shape.

The final stage: pre-prepared staples are soldered at one end to the metal side of the scroll. Instead of long explanations, I propose to carefully consider this photo:

The soldered corners can be pressed a little more with pliers, but this must be done very carefully and only if the quality of the soldering allows. The interfering ends of the staples (if any) are ground with a file.

At the end of the work, it does not hurt to lubricate the scroll mechanism (see point I). This will avoid oxidation and increase the life of the scroll.

III. Preload encoder ("wheel sensor")

This method is also used for thoroughly shaky scrolling mechanisms. It is much simpler and less time consuming than the previous method, but less effective. Repaired in this way, the scroll will again start to act up in a month and a half or two months, and the next repairs will be enough for an even shorter period.

1. Disassemble the mouse (see previous paragraphs)

2. Press the encoder ("wheel sensor")

Having disassembled the case, you will immediately notice the wheel inserted into a special mechanism. It is he who is responsible for scrolling pages on the screen. Now, with the help of pliers, you need to slightly tighten this mechanism. This must be done very carefully. Remember: you can always tighten a little more, but you can’t restore an already broken scrolling mechanism.

This is what the scroll mechanism looks like. The arrows indicate the places that need to be tightened.

In the hole where the pin of the wheel is inserted, you can make a thin gasket (duct tape is ideal for this). Now it will fit snugly against the scroll mechanism.

3. We check the performance

At the end, you need to check how the wheel spins. If necessary, you can tighten a little more. Then the mouse body is assembled.

Now you know what to do ifmouse wheel does not work (moves in jerks) . And if you are interested in what to do if the mouse double-clicks, then you can read about it in the article.


In writing this article, I used several instructions, the creators of which I would like to thank. Namely: FenixSU for the method of fixing the scroll with metal brackets; Steve_Key for the way the scroll is lubricated, as well as the user xatab25, thanks to which I significantly expanded this article.

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Users don't realize how important a mouse wheel is until it falls into disrepair. Meanwhile, it is the wheel that is responsible for scrolling pages, zooming in editors and browsers, opening a page in a new tab, and also for some of the game functions. What to do if the wheel does not work? Do not rush to change the mouse - try troubleshooting.

How to fix a mouse wheel

The key causes of wheel problems are incorrect software or mechanical damage to the mouse. Having found a failure, first of all connect the accessory to another computer and check if it works. If the scrolling works, the reason is in the settings, and if not, in the Solutions differ for each specific case.

If pressing and scrolling up and down does not work

A mouse that does not respond to clicks and scrolling the wheel must be disassembled to understand the cause of the failure. Procedure:

  1. Remove the protective pads at the bottom of the mouse and unscrew the bolts.
  2. Detach the bottom panel. You will see the board and below it is the scrolling mechanism.
  3. Raise the board by first unscrewing the bolts.
  4. Remove the wheel and pay attention to the axle - most likely, it is broken off on one side.

If you find a broken axle, try to fix it with a paperclip:

  1. Straighten the paper clip, bend the wire in half and twist into a bundle.
  2. Attach the part to the wheel, in the place where the axle was located, and cut it to size with wire cutters, adding 1–2 mm.
  3. Heat the desired part of the wire red-hot on a gas stove or with a piezo lighter and attach it to the break in the axis.
  4. When the material has melted, assemble the wheel and test the scroll and pressure.

Photo gallery: how to disassemble the mouse yourself

Step 1 Remove the mouse base Step 2 Remove the wheel Step 3 Replace the wheel axle Sometimes it's not the axle itself that breaks, but the tabs that hold it

If the mouse works and the wheel spins evenly without hitting anything, assemble the case and check the functionality.

Sometimes the axle does not break off, but falls out. Having found the dropped pin, replace it with an axle of a larger diameter.

Pages not scrolling

Check the software settings if the mouse does not scroll the page. For this:

  1. Open "Start - Control Panel". Select Hardware and Sound - Devices and Printers - Mouse.
  2. Open the Wheel tab and check the scroll values.
  3. Raise the values ​​if necessary and click OK.

Check the operation of the mouse - if the method does not help, reinstall the driver. Sequencing:

  1. Open "Device Manager".
  2. Look for Mice and pointing devices.
  3. Select the mouse you are using and double click on its name.
  4. Open Driver and click Update.

If the update does not work, follow the same path and click "Uninstall" and then reinstall the driver.

If the pages "jump"

In a situation where the wheel works, but when scrolling quickly, the page scrolls jerkily and “jumps” up and down, the touch sensor is faulty. To fix it:

  1. Disassemble the mouse following the instructions above.
  2. Remove the protective cover from the scroll mechanism.
  3. The sensor is pressed against the wheel by four metal petals - gently bend them one by one.
  4. Fold back the protective part of the wheel, take out the pressure mechanism and wipe it and the inside of the device with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  5. Lay the clamping part on the table and press on the middle with a screwdriver so that a dent remains. It will ensure that the part works correctly when scrolling.
  6. Replace the mechanism, bend the protection and firmly press the petals back.
  7. Assemble the wheel, reinstall the board and the bottom of the case. Fix the parts with bolts.

Check the functionality of the mouse. If scrolling does not work, contact the service or replace the mouse.

Video: pages twitch when scrolling

The wheel does not turn and rattles

When the wheel does not scroll at all, or something rattles inside the mouse, look for a hardware failure. Lubricate the mechanism first. To do this, disassemble the accessory as above and clean the sensor with alcohol. Prepare a liquid silicone lubricant such as WD-40. Drop it inside, assemble the wheel and scroll two or three times. Check the operation - if the lubrication does not help, replace the pressure petals. For this:

  1. Disassemble the mouse and remove the wheel.
  2. Break off the petals holding the protection.
  3. From copper wire, make 4 brackets of a suitable size.
  4. Solder the brackets in place of the petals and assemble the mouse.

By disassembling the mouse yourself, you automatically lose the right to warranty service.

Wheel clicks not working

If the mouse wheel scrolls through the pages, but the system does not respond to clicks, listen for clicks when you click. If there is, check the program settings:

  1. Download the hotkey remapping app - Antsoft Key Manager or Oscar.
  2. Find out which function is assigned to click the wheel.

If the click function does not work only in a browser or game, you can not download additional applications - check the information in the program settings.

If you don't hear a click, it's a hardware failure. Disassemble and repair the mouse or replace with a new one.

Video: how to repair the wheel axle with your own hands

Conflict between Windows 10 and mouse drivers - how to fix

In Windows 10, scrolling works in Explorer, browsers, editors and the standard environment, but in the Start menu and some preinstalled applications it does not. The reason is a conflict between the system and device drivers. When faced with such a problem, install Windows updates. For this.

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