Indent 1 25 what it looks like. How can I indent the first line for each paragraph? Creating a Red Line Using the Paragraph Dialog Box


On the design of control works, term papers, final qualifying works, master's theses

For students of the Institute of Law, Economics and Management

Tyumen 2011

These guidelines have been prepared on the basis of the following regulatory and technical documents:

GOST 7.32-2001. Research report. Structure and rules of registration;

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drafting;

General rules

The student's educational research work (hereinafter referred to as the work) must be printed on one side of a sheet of white paper of A 4 format. It is allowed to present illustrations, tables on A3 sheets, as well as in color.

The title page of the work is drawn up in accordance with Annexes 1, 2, 3.

The text of the work should be printed, observing the following margins: right - 10 mm, top - 20 mm, left and bottom - 20 mm.

The text of the work is printed at 1.5 intervals using the font - Regular, Times New Roman, font size - 14. The saturation of letters and characters should be even within the line, page and the entire work. Entering individual words, formulas, conventional signs into the text is allowed only in black ink and approximately the density of the main text.

The paragraph indent is 5 characters (1.25 cm).

Every new chapter starts on a new page. The same rule applies to other main structural parts of the work: list of abbreviations, introduction, conclusion, list of sources used, applications.

The names of the structural elements of the work: "CONTENTS", "LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS", "INTRODUCTION", "CONCLUSION", "LIST OF SOURCES", "APPENDICES", as well as the titles of the chapters of the main part are the headings of the structural elements of the work. They should be centered on the line without a dot and printed in capital letters, bold, without underlining.

Numbering issues

2.1. Pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals. All pages are numbered consecutively from the title page to the last page. The number 1 is not put on the title page, the number 2 is put on the next page. The page number is printed in the upper right corner of the page margin without any additional characters (dots, dashes).

2.2. Illustrations and tables located on separate sheets are included in the general page numbering.

2.3. The main part of the work should be divided into chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs and subparagraphs.

2.4. The chapters should have serial numbers within the work, indicated by Arabic numerals with a dot. The title of the chapter is printed in capital letters without a dot at the end, without underlining. It is not allowed to carry a word to the next line, use Roman numerals, mathematical signs and Greek letters.

Each chapter is printed from a new sheet. The distance between the chapter title and the following text should be 3 spaces. The same distance is maintained between the title of the chapter and paragraph. If the chapter is divided into paragraphs, then there should be no text between them.

2.5. The paragraphs are numbered within the chapter. The number of the paragraph consists of the number of the chapter and the paragraph, separated by a dot, for example, 1.1., a dot is put at the end of the paragraph number.

Paragraph headings should begin with a paragraph indent from a capital letter, without underlining, without a dot at the end. The distance between the title of the paragraph and the following text should be equal to 3 intervals. If the paragraph is divided into paragraphs, then there should be no text between them.

2.6. Items should be numbered consecutively within each paragraph. The number of the paragraph includes the number of the chapter and the serial number of the paragraph and paragraph separated by a dot; at the end of the paragraph number, a dot is not put, for example, 1.1.1., 1.1.2., and is printed from a paragraph indent. The paragraph may have a heading that is written in capital letters, with a paragraph indent. A free line between the title of the item and the following text is not left. If the paragraph is divided into subparagraphs, then there should be no text between them.

2.7. The number of the subparagraph includes the number of the chapter, paragraph, paragraph and the serial number of the subparagraph, separated by a dot, a dot is put at the end of the subparagraph number, for example,,, etc. A subparagraph may have a heading that is written in capital letters, with a paragraph indent. A free line between the heading of the subparagraph and the following text is not left.

2.8. If the heading includes several sentences, they are separated by dots. Word hyphenation in headings is not allowed. There is no dot at the end of the heading. The title of the paragraph, paragraph and subparagraph should not be the last line on the page.

2.9. If a chapter or paragraph has only one paragraph, or a paragraph has one subparagraph, then the paragraph (subparagraph) should not be numbered.

Presentation of the text

3.1. The text of the work should be short, clear and not allow for various interpretations. When presenting mandatory requirements, the words “should”, “should”, “necessary”, “required”, “not allowed”, “prohibited”, “should not” should be used. The presentation of the text is given in an impersonal form. For example: "... measured ...", "accepted ..." or "... .. refer to ...".

3.2. The text is not allowed:

- apply turns of colloquial speech, technicalism, professionalism;

- apply for the same concept different scientific and economic terms that are close in meaning (synonyms), as well as foreign words in the presence of equivalent words and terms in Russian;

- abbreviate the designations of units of physical quantities, if they are used without numbers, for example, m, s, you should write "1 m, 1 s or meter, second", with the exception of units of physical quantities in the heads and sides of the tables, in the decoding of the letter designations included in formulas and figures;

– use the mathematical minus sign (–) before negative values ​​​​of quantities (the word “minus” should be written);

- use mathematical signs without numerical values, for example, > (greater than),< (меньше), = (равно), ≠ (не равно), а также знаки № (номер), % (процент);

- abbreviation of words and phrases.

3.3. Abbreviations in the text are allowed only generally accepted:

- in the middle of sentences - "see", "t. e.";

- at the end of sentences - “etc.”, “etc.”, “etc.”;

- with the surname or name of the institution - abbreviations of academic degrees and titles, for example, Dr. Econ. Sciences Ivanov K.M.; cand. legal Sciences Petrov Yu.S.

- in the presence of a digital designation - "s." (page), "g." (year), "yy." (years) e.g. 5, 2006

Abbreviations of the following words and phrases are not allowed: “since”, “so-called”, “thus”, “so”, “for example”.

3.4. Names should be written in the following order: last name, first name, patronymic (or - last name, initials, it is not allowed to transfer initials separately from the last name to the next line).

The question of how to make a red line in Word, or, more simply, a paragraph, is of interest to many, especially inexperienced users of this software product. The first thing that comes to mind is to press the spacebar several times until the indentation seems to fit “by eye”. This decision is fundamentally wrong, so below we will talk about how to make a paragraph indent in a text editor from Microsoft, having considered in detail all the possible and acceptable options.

Before proceeding to the topic, it is worth noting that the instructions described below will be applicable to all versions of the office application. Using our recommendations, you can make a red line in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, as well as in the most “fresh” Microsoft Office 365 and 2019 packages. Certain items may differ visually, have slightly different names, but in in general, everything is approximately the same and will be clear to everyone.

Important note: In office work, there is a standard indentation from the red line - its indicator is 1.27 cm.

Method 1: Tab

Having eliminated pressing the spacebar several times as a suitable option for creating a paragraph, we can safely use another key on the keyboard - Tab. Actually, this is exactly what it is needed for in the first place, at least when it comes to working with programs like Word.

Place the cursor at the beginning of the piece of text that should be written from the red line, and simply press the key Tab. As a result, the first line will be indented. True, this method has a drawback, and it lies in the fact that the paragraph indent is not set according to accepted standards, but according to the settings of the Microsoft Office Word used, which can be either correct or incorrect, especially if you do not use this product on a particular computer. Only you.

To avoid possible errors in creating a red line by tabulation, it is necessary to correctly define the parameters of this function, which we previously wrote about in a separate article.

Method 2: "Paragraph" options

As we said above, how the key will behave Tab when you press it, you can define it in the tab settings, but in the context of our today's topic, this can and should be considered as a separate way.

Method 3: Ruler

Word has such a useful tool as a ruler. It is used for marking text documents, their alignment and more. With its help, you can put a red line. By default, this tool can be disabled, and to activate it, go to the control panel tab "View" and check the box next to the corresponding item - "Ruler".

The same ruler will appear above and to the left of the sheet. Using the sliders (triangles) located on it, you can change the page layout, including setting the required distance for the red line. To do this, just place the cursor in front of the desired piece of text and drag the top pointer of the horizontal ruler. Above is a normal indent, below is an exaggerated demonstration of how this tool works.

As a result of the correct and precise use of the ruler, the paragraph will be ready and will look the way you wanted it to. You can learn more about the features of the work and the scope of this tool from the article presented at the link below.

Method 4: Create your own style

In the end, we decided to leave the most effective solution, thanks to which you can not only create paragraphs, but also significantly simplify and speed up the overall work with documents in the Microsoft Word editor by automating this process. To solve the task set before us in this way, it will only take a little effort and spend quite a bit of time, but then you don’t have to think about how to apply the required formatting and arrange the text at all. Next, we will create our own style, which will include, among other things, the desired parameters of the red line. In the future, it will be possible to bring any written text literally in one click of the mouse to the desired form.

This article will focus on setting up paragraphs. If you need to properly and beautifully format documents, you cannot do without knowing how paragraphs are set up. The main ways of formatting paragraphs will be described here.

Paragraph Format

A paragraph is a structural component of the text, usually logically connected and highlighted graphically, for example, in the form of indents. As you type, each time you press the Enter key, you create a new paragraph. The paragraph type setting determines its format, which is responsible for the placement of text on the page.

Setting (formatting) a paragraph implies:

  • spacing to the right or left of a paragraph;
  • paragraph line spacing;
  • paragraph line alignment relative to the left and right margins;
  • indent or indent the first line of a paragraph;
  • spacing before and after a paragraph;
  • pagination of a paragraph.

First of all, starting to set up a paragraph, you need to be able to select it. To do this, do the following:

1 way:

  • Triple left-click on any word in the paragraph;

2 way:

Use keyboard shortcuts:

  • - selection from the location of the text input cursor to the beginning of the paragraph;
  • - selection from the location of the text input cursor to the end of the paragraph.

Paragraph line alignment

By default, paragraph text is left-aligned. But documents are different, and alignment may also be required differently. For example, for university tests, width alignment is accepted.

In order to set the desired alignment of the lines of a paragraph, use one of the following methods:

1 way:

Go to the "Home" tab, and then select the necessary paragraphs (the order does not matter).

In the Paragraph group, click one of the four available alignment buttons:

  • "Left" - align the lines of the paragraph to the left;
  • "Centered" - align the lines of the paragraph in the center (proportionately equidistant from the right and left edges);
  • "Right" - align the lines of the paragraph to the right;
  • Justified - alignment of the lines of the paragraph both on the left and on the right margin. In this case, the text will visually “stretch” (fill the space of lines), and additional space will appear between words.

2 way:

Select the paragraphs you need, and then use keyboard shortcuts:

  • – alignment on the left edge;
  • – center alignment;
  • – alignment on the right edge;
  • - alignment in width.

Figure 1 - Paragraph line alignment

Indent the first line of a paragraph

The most commonly used when formatting paragraphs is setting the first line indent. How many times have you seen how “experienced assistant secretaries” and representatives of other professions related to the creation of text electronic documents have no idea how to set a paragraph using the Word 2010 interface. Usually they use double or triple pressing the spacebar for this purpose , or, at best, a key . And although clicking this key visually sets an indent of 1.25 cm (0.5 inches) and everything looks “correct” on the surface - in general, this approach is not rational. There is no need to do the work for which the program for editing text documents was created. In addition, by using the "correct" paragraph formatting, you will save time later on a lot of unnecessary spacebar (or ). In the subsequent editing of the document, avoid the routine associated with restructuring the general appearance of the document.

Now let's look at how to adjust the indents, and you can do this visually (by eye) or exactly (by setting a certain value in the "Paragraph" window). Visual adjustment involves the use of a horizontal ruler, when you can quickly change the size of the indent, guided by the feeling of the desired size "by eye". Fine tuning allows you to set the indentation value in the units used in the document - it is worth using it when you know the size of the indentation value.

Visual setting of first line indent

To indent the first line of a paragraph, do the following:

1 way:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal ruler, move the cursor to the "First line indent" icon;
  3. Click and hold the left mouse button, and then drag the icon along the ruler to the desired location.

2 way:

  1. Click the tab indicator button until the First Line Indent icon appears;
  2. Click on the horizontal ruler where you want the first line to be indented.

Fine-tuning the indentation of the first line

1 way:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. Right-click on the selected fragment;
  3. In the context menu (Fig. 1), select the "Paragraph" item (you will go to the "Paragraph" window);
  4. On the "Indents and Spacing" tab, in the "Indent" group in the "First Line" column, set the desired indent value (default is 1.25 cm).

2 way:

  1. In the open document window, go to the "Home" tab;
  2. Select the required paragraphs;
  3. Further, in the "Paragraph" window, proceed in the same way as in the first case.

Figure 2 - Using the context menu to go to the "Paragraph" window

Setting the first line protrusion

In rare cases, in addition to the usual indentation of the first line of a paragraph, a ledge is used. This technique is often used to design poetic prose and a number of works of art, in particular, magazine articles.

To create a ledge, do the following:

1 way:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. Click on the tab indicator button (Fig. 3) until the "Protrusion" icon appears;
  3. Click the horizontal ruler where you want the first line indent to end, and then enter the text for the first line of the paragraph. Now, starting on the second line, the text will start below the tab position on the horizontal ruler.

Figure 3 Tab indicator button

2 way:

  1. In the document, select the necessary paragraphs, and then go to the "Home" tab;
  2. In the Paragraph group, click the Paragraph button;
  3. In the "Paragraph" window, on the "Indents and Spacing" tab, in the "Indent" group, in the "First Line" column, select the "Indent" value;
  4. Set the desired value manually or with the knobs.

Figure 4 - Indent and indent of the first line of a paragraph

Quick left indent setting for a paragraph

Sometimes you need to quickly adjust the position of a paragraph relative to the edges of the document. In particular, when it seems to us that the indent set for lists is too large, or the inserted images are too far from the left margin, and this spoils the overall look of the document. In this case, we can very quickly, on the fly, change the indent value, choosing the optimal one. To set the left indent for all lines of a paragraph by a given amount (a multiple of the standard), do the following:

1 way:

  1. Select the necessary paragraphs, and then go to the "Home" tab;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Decrease Indent" and "Increase Indent" buttons. All lines of paragraphs will indent (or move to the side) from the left margin by 1.25 cm.

Note. Please note that each repeated click on these buttons shifts the lines of paragraphs by 1.25 cm. Do not get carried away, if you click too much on the button to reduce the indent, you will remove it altogether, and on the contrary, by constantly increasing the indent, you will ensure that the words completely disappear from view (more precisely, they will go beyond the edges of the visible area). To remove the first line indent for a paragraph, use the "Paragraph" window and select "None" in the "First line" field or enter zero in the "On" field. You can also use the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar to go back a few steps.

2 way:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal ruler, move the mouse cursor over the Left Indent icon and, holding down the left button, move it to the desired position.

If you get confused when adjusting the indents, you can easily fix it by removing them, to do this, do the following:

1 way:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click the Decrease Indent button.

2 way:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal ruler, click (and hold) the left mouse button on the Left Indent icon;
  3. Drag it to its starting position on the ruler, at the level of the left margin.

Quick adjustment of padding on the right

It is also possible to quickly adjust the indent on the right. This is useful when you are typing text that should look like a block, such as when you are writing poetry, tanka, or poetic prose. In these cases, right-alignment gives the text a special look, also emphasizing its subject matter.

To quickly set the indent to the right, do the following:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal ruler, click and hold the left mouse button on the Right Indent icon;
  3. Drag it to the desired position on the ruler.

To remove the indent on the right, do the following:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. On the horizontal ruler, click (and hold) the left mouse button on the Right Indent icon;
  3. Drag it to its starting position on the ruler, at the level of the right margin.

Fine tune paragraph indentation

By default, paragraph lines start directly at the left margin and end at the right margin (if you fill the page with text, in one large paragraph, it will look like a text block, the size of a page). It is often necessary to specify the exact distance from the left margin, or from the end of lines to the right margin. In particular, this is necessary when you have clear requirements for the design of the work, in particular, the value of the indentation values. To do this, do the following:

1 way:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. Go to the "Home" tab and in the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Paragraph" button;
  3. On the "Indents and Spacing" tab of the "Paragraph" window, in the "Indent" group, in the "Right" and "Left" items, set the desired value.

2 way:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. Go to the "Page Layout" tab and in the "Paragraph" group in the lines "Left Indent" and "Right Indent", set the desired value.

Figure 5 - Paragraph indent setting

Line spacing

Line spacing is very often used when formatting documents, and its most common values ​​are single and one and a half. The spacing itself is determined based on the baselines of the lines that run through the center of the letters (taking into account their tops and bottoms, such as superscript/subscript characters). So, single spacing, corresponds to the text font size, and is the “default” spacing in Word 2010. One and a half spacing is used in most business documents, in term papers and abstracts. To set line spacing, do the following:

1 way:

  1. Select the desired paragraphs and right-click on the selected area;
  2. In the context menu, select "Paragraph";
  3. In the "Paragraph" window, "Indents and Spacing" tab, in the "Spacing" group in the "Interline" column, select the required one from the list:
  • "Single" - the interval corresponds to the font size of the text of the paragraph;
  • "1.5 lines" - the spacing is equal to one and a half paragraph text font size;
  • "Double" - the spacing is equal to the double font size of the text of the paragraph;
  • "Minimum" - the interval is not less than the size specified in points;
  • "Exactly" - the spacing exactly corresponds to the size specified in points (that is, if the font is 12pt, then the spacing will be exactly the same);
  • "Multiplier" - a multiplier for spacing equal to the font size of the paragraph text (the larger the multiplier, the larger the spacing).

2 way:

  1. In the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Line Spacing" button (you will go to the "Paragraph" window on the "Indents and Spacings" tab);
  2. In the Interval group, in the Value field, enter the desired value and click OK.

3 way:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. Using keyboard shortcuts, set the required interval:
  • Ctrl+1 – single spacing;
  • Ctrl+5 – one and a half interval;
  • Ctrl+2 - double spacing.

Adjusting the spacing between paragraphs

In most cases, when special care is not required in the design of a document, the vertical distance between paragraphs (interval) is set by pressing the key at the end of a paragraph. At the same time, this distance can visually spoil the general appearance of the document, and the more paragraphs, the more noticeable it is. In addition, it may be necessary to set the interval, independent of the size of the fonts used. To do this, do the following:

1 way:

  1. Select the required paragraphs;
  2. In the “Paragraph” window of the “Indents and Spacing” tab, in the “Spacing” group, in the “Before” (above the paragraph) and “After” (after the paragraph) items, use the sliders to set the desired value. Please note that each click on them corresponds to a step multiple of 6pt (points). To enter an arbitrary value, use the data entry area.

2 way:

  1. Select the paragraphs you need and go to the "Page Layout" tab;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group in the "Interval" column, set the desired value;

Figure 6 - Line spacing

Breaking paragraphs into pages

When working with large documents, it may be necessary to set the proportional placement of paragraphs of text on pages. For example, you are writing a document with large paragraphs, and you want each new paragraph to start on a new page. To break paragraphs into pages, do the following:

  1. Highlight the required paragraphs;
  2. Right-click on the selected fragment and in the context menu that appears, select "Paragraph";
  3. In the Paragraph window, go to the Page Position tab;
  4. In the "Pagination" group, select the desired items:
  • "Prohibition of hanging lines" - prohibition of the transition of one line to the next page or the first line to the previous one;
  • “Do not tear away from the next” - prohibition of the transition of the next paragraph to the next page;
  • “Do not break paragraph” - prohibition of splitting a paragraph into two pages;
  • “From New Page” - inserts a page break before a paragraph (each subsequent paragraph starts on a new page).

Figure 7 Breaking a paragraph using the tools of the Page Position tab

To quickly set the spacing at the top of a paragraph, which corresponds to the font size of a standard line (12pt), do the following:

  1. Place the cursor on the desired paragraph;
  2. Press key combination .

Please note that pressing the keys again removes the interval.

Paragraph sorting

Sometimes it is necessary to sort paragraphs, for example, when you have created a bibliography (for a test or abstract) and it needs to be sorted alphabetically. Another example is when you form a news sample and you need to select articles and comments by date. To sort, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Home" tab and select the necessary paragraphs;
  2. In the "Paragraph" group, click on the "Sort" button and in the "Sort Text" window in the "First by" column, select the "Paragraphs" value;
  3. In the "Type" column, select the value "Text", "Number" or "Date", depending on where the paragraph begins (from a number, date or text);
  4. Set the sort direction - "Ascending" (from smallest to largest), or "Descending" (from largest to smallest);
  5. Click OK.

Figure 8 - Sorting paragraphs

Highlight paragraphs with the same formatting

This technique can be used when you insert text fragments with different formatting, for example, you are preparing a review of a new car from Aston Martin and you need as much information as possible from various sites. At the same time, you insert text fragments from sites as you download (read) the article. The sites are different and the formatting is also different there, but, for example, you most trust a couple of sites that specialize in covering the automotive industry. Accordingly, you need to find all the articles from these sites that you have copied into your document. You can do this by setting just one paragraph as an example - all other paragraphs with similar formatting will be selected, and you, for example, can rebuild them into a block for subsequent actions (editing, formatting).

To highlight paragraphs with identical formatting, do the following:

  1. Select a paragraph with the desired formatting options;
  2. Right-click on the selected fragment and in the context menu, hover over the "Styles" item;
  3. From the Styles pop-up menu, click Highlight Text That Same Format.

Reverting formatting in a paragraph

To remove changes made when formatting paragraphs, do the following:

  1. Select the desired paragraph;
  2. Press key combination

Setting the default paragraph style

To use a specific default paragraph style other than the base paragraph style (Normal style), do the following:

  1. Click the "File" tab, then "Word Options", "Advanced";
  2. In the "Editing Options" group, in the "Default Paragraph Style" item, select the desired style;
  3. Click the OK button.

Figure 9 Setting the paragraph style

This technique is useful if you are using a paragraph style that is different from the usual one.


Adjusting paragraphs allows you to completely change the look of a document. By changing the line spacing values, you can visually increase or decrease the size of the document. In this case, you can set quite standard values ​​for the indentation of the first line, and at the same time, give the document a correct and complete look. This has a definite bearing on the overall look of the document, as the lack of visual appearance of a paragraph detracts from the "readability" of the document.

Knowing how to format paragraphs is essential for anyone who works with documents that require at least minimal formatting.

Dividing text into paragraphs is an indispensable attribute of a properly prepared document or site. Solid text is very hard to read. Its presence is a sign of disrespect for the user. Seeing such text, the reader is likely to turn to another similar site.

How to make a paragraph in Word? In the simplest case, they are automatically created each time the Enter key is pressed on the keyboard. The “red line” of a paragraph is implemented by pressing the Tab key first. The shift to the right of the cursor of the first line in this case will be fixed 1.25 cm. But there are much more options for formatting paragraphs in Word 2010. By implementing and remembering their optimal setting, the user will save time when typing large amounts of text or processing already typed documents.

When formatting paragraphs, you need to know how to highlight them in whole or in part. The fastest way is to triple-click on any word in the paragraph. Selecting a part of a paragraph before/after the cursor is implemented by the key combination Ctrl+Shift+up/down arrow.

Formatting a paragraph in Word can be done visually by means of the top ruler or by setting and remembering exact values.

To enable the display of the top ruler, go to the "View" tab, and in the "Show" section, check the box next to the "Ruler" tool.

After that, a ruler appears at the top with four sliders - three on the left and one on the right. When you hover over them with the mouse, you can read the purpose of each:

  • lower left rectangle - left indent;
  • the left triangle with the tip up is a ledge;
  • right triangle point up - indent on the right;
  • the left triangle pointing down is the indentation of the first line.

Moving the first and third sliders will change the indent of the paragraph from the left and right edges of the sheet, i.e. its margin. Text indentation is rarely used instead of indentation. The last triangular slider determines the indentation of the "red line".

Paragraph section of the Home tab


Several of the tools in this section are directly related to paragraph formatting. Each press of the Increase Indent tool will cause the entire paragraph to be shifted by a fixed distance of 1.25 cm, indicated by the red arrow (the same value was when pressing the Tab key). The tool to the left of the red box is called Decrease Indent. It returns the paragraph shifted to the right by the same distance to the left.

The next group of tools in the red rectangle aligns the paragraph text to the left, center, right and width, respectively.

The last case requires an explanation. The following screenshot illustrates the change in the spacing between the words of a paragraph when justified.

The drop-down list of the Spacing tool, in addition to changing the line spacing, will also allow you to control the spacing between paragraphs.

The following screenshot illustrates the paragraph's shift down (marked with a red arrow) when selecting the "Add spacing" line before the paragraph. Obviously, if you click on the next line, the paragraph will return to its original place.

Dropdown box

The most precise way to adjust the paragraph is in the drop-down box of the “Paragraph” section. An alternative way to call this window is to select a paragraph and call its context menu (right-click).

The Alignment list duplicates the 4 paragraph text alignment options discussed above. In the "Indent" fields, you can specify the exact value of the left and right indent. The "Interval" fields are designed to accurately set the interval of the paragraph before and after it in paragraphs (1 pt = 0.35 mm). The user can prevent adding spacing between paragraphs if they belong to the same style.

The "First line" list allows you to optimally configure the "red line". It doesn't exist by default. When "Indent" (or, rarely, "Protrusion") is selected, the original standard value of 1.25 cm can be changed to any other value.

After finishing setting the paragraph, the user can save the selected values ​​by clicking "Default". In the future, as you type, they will be implemented automatically. In particular, choosing the standard "red line" indent will save the user from having to press the Tab key before typing the first line of each paragraph. In this case, the upper left triangle will have a constant position, which is indicated by the red arrow in the next screenshot.

Special Formatting

Let's consider practically significant more complex cases of formatting paragraphs.

Sometimes it is necessary to cancel the division of the text into paragraphs. How to remove paragraphs in Word? To do this, you will have to remove unnecessary paragraph marks. During normal work in Word, they are invisible. To display them on the "Home" tab in the "Paragraph" section, click the last tool "Show all characters".

To automatically remove a paragraph mark:

  1. On the "Home" tab, open the "Editing" tool and click on the "Replace" item;
  2. Open the "Special" list and select the first item "Paragraph Mark" in it. A special character will appear on the "Find" line;
  3. On the line "Replace with" enter one space by pressing the appropriate key.
  4. Click "Replace All".

As you can see, instead of the previous two, a single paragraph appeared.

When formatting multi-page documents, you may want to make sure that each paragraph starts on a new page. In other cases, on the contrary, you need to lengthen the page so that a large paragraph completely fits on it.

  1. Select all text.
  2. In its context menu, click "Paragraph".
  3. Go to Page Position.

To introduce a page break after each paragraph, check the box next to “from a new page”. And in order for the paragraph not to go to another page, you need to activate the “do not break paragraph” item.

Video: How to make a paragraph in Word 2013/2016?

As you can see in the screenshot, in Word, the "prohibition of orphan lines" item is activated by default. It blocks the output of the last line of a paragraph on the page separately from its other lines, which is very convenient.

The red line is familiar to us from the school bench. And if earlier we measured it with the size of our fingers, now Word does it successfully, and we only command it how far the paragraph line should be moved.

Making a paragraph indent in Word 2007

  • If you need to move the entire paragraph to the left or right, and not just one line, we find the “Paragraph” section on the toolbar on the “Home” section, select the button to reduce indent” or “increase indent”, respectively. The cursor should be on the "moved" paragraph.
  • You can adjust the indentation of the red line by calling the window with the right mouse button, in which you should select the line "Paragraph" (or click on the lower right corner of the "Paragraph" section on the top panel). You will see a menu in which you can set the settings not only for the first line, but also for all indents in the document.
  • If you put the cursor at the beginning of the line and press "Tab" on the keyboard, the line will automatically move to the right.
  • You can adjust the indentation of the red line with the sliders at the top of the page; for this, you must first select the text. If the sliders are not visible, you should go to the "View" tab - the "Show or hide" section - check the "Ruler" box.

Indentation in Word 2003

  • We select the text to be formatted, right-click on the "Paragraph" list, in the "Indents" section, set the required interval in the "First Line" field. Or we make the appropriate settings by going to the "Format" on the toolbar - the "Paragraph" subsection.
  • You can also adjust the indents with the slider at the top of the page, which is called by the "View" tab - the "Ruler" section. Select the formatted text.

With these minimal efforts, the necessary formatting of the text in the indentation area is achieved.
Conquer Word and see you soon!

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