What does paragraph indent 1.25 mean. How can I indent the first line for each paragraph? Paragraph line alignment

The red line is familiar to us from the school bench. And if earlier we measured it with the size of our fingers, now Word does it successfully, and we only command it how far the paragraph line should be moved.

Making a paragraph indent in Word 2007

  • If you need to move the entire paragraph to the left or right, and not just one line, we find the “Paragraph” section on the toolbar on the “Home” section, select the button to reduce indent” or “increase indent”, respectively. The cursor should be on the "moved" paragraph.
  • You can adjust the indentation of the red line by calling the window with the right mouse button, in which you should select the line "Paragraph" (or click on the lower right corner of the "Paragraph" section on the top panel). You will see a menu in which you can set the settings not only for the first line, but also for all indents in the document.
  • If you put the cursor at the beginning of the line and press "Tab" on the keyboard, the line will automatically move to the right.
  • You can adjust the indentation of the red line with the sliders at the top of the page; for this, you must first select the text. If the sliders are not visible, you should go to the "View" tab - the "Show or hide" section - check the "Ruler" box.

Indentation in Word 2003

  • We select the text to be formatted, right-click on the "Paragraph" list, in the "Indents" section, set the required interval in the "First Line" field. Or we make the appropriate settings by going to the "Format" on the toolbar - the "Paragraph" subsection.
  • You can also adjust the indents with the slider at the top of the page, which is called by the "View" tab - the "Ruler" section. Select the formatted text.

With these minimal efforts, the necessary formatting of the text in the indentation area is achieved.
Conquer Word and see you soon!

In this article, we will look at how to indent in word. Paragraph indents in Word are empty space on each side from the margin to the paragraph. You can indent left, right, or both fields. And make a paragraph indent the first line in Word.

How to indent left in Word

Indent left means to move the left edge of the paragraph inward toward the center of the paragraph. In order to indent left in word, do the following steps:

  1. Click anywhere in the paragraph you want to indent to the left and click the " Increase indent”, Available on the tab “ Home", Or just press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + M.
How to indent in Word - Increase indent

You can click multiple times to create a deeper indent on the left.

How to indent in Word - Indent left
  1. You can delete indent left by pressing the button " Decrease indent”, available on the tab “ Home»:

How to indent in Word - Reduce indent

Or just press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+M . To remove a deeper indent, click several times.

How to indent right in Word

Indent right means to move the right edge of the paragraph inward toward the center of the paragraph. In order to indent to the right use the following steps:

  1. Click anywhere in the paragraph where you want indent right in word .
  2. On the Layout tab, enter an indent value in the " Indent right».

How to indent in Word - Indent right

Or use the arrows to set the value:

How to indent in Word - Increase and decrease indent on the right
  1. In our example right indent in word will look like this:

How to indent in Word - Indent right in Word
  1. You can indent left and right in Word from the same place, using the "Layout" tab, the " Indent».

How to indent in Word - Indent right and left

To remove the indent on the right, set the value to zero in the " Indent right».

How to indent the first line

You can indent the first line of a paragraph inward towards the center. Let's consider, how to indent paragraph in word:

  1. Click anywhere in the paragraph you want make a paragraph indent, and press the command " Paragraph Options on the Home tab.

How to indent in Word - Open Paragraph Options
  1. In the window that opens, on the tab " Indents and spacing", in order to make a paragraph indent in a word, In chapter " Indent”, in the paragraph “first line:” select “ Indent ". In our example, we made a paragraph indent 1.25 cm.

How to indent in Word - Paragraph indent 1.25 of the first line in a Word

Also in this window you can indent left and right.

How to indent in Word - Indent lines in Word

These are the ways you can indent in Word.


On the design of control works, term papers, final qualifying works, master's theses

For students of the Institute of Law, Economics and Management

Tyumen 2011

These guidelines have been prepared on the basis of the following regulatory and technical documents:

GOST 7.32-2001. Research report. Structure and rules of registration;

GOST 7.1-2003. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules for drafting;

General rules

The student's educational research work (hereinafter referred to as the work) must be printed on one side of a sheet of white paper of A 4 format. It is allowed to present illustrations, tables on A3 sheets, as well as in color.

The title page of the work is drawn up in accordance with Annexes 1, 2, 3.

The text of the work should be printed, observing the following margins: right - 10 mm, top - 20 mm, left and bottom - 20 mm.

The text of the work is printed at 1.5 intervals using the font - Regular, Times New Roman, font size - 14. The saturation of letters and characters should be even within the line, page and the entire work. Entering individual words, formulas, conventional signs into the text is allowed only in black ink and approximately the density of the main text.

The paragraph indent is 5 characters (1.25 cm).

Every new chapter starts on a new page. The same rule applies to other main structural parts of the work: list of abbreviations, introduction, conclusion, list of sources used, applications.

The names of the structural elements of the work: "CONTENTS", "LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS", "INTRODUCTION", "CONCLUSION", "LIST OF SOURCES", "APPENDICES", as well as the titles of the chapters of the main part are the headings of the structural elements of the work. They should be centered on the line without a dot and printed in capital letters, bold, without underlining.

Numbering issues

2.1. Pages should be numbered with Arabic numerals. All pages are numbered consecutively from the title page to the last page. The number 1 is not put on the title page, the number 2 is put on the next page. The page number is printed in the upper right corner of the page margin without any additional characters (dots, dashes).

2.2. Illustrations and tables located on separate sheets are included in the general page numbering.

2.3. The main part of the work should be divided into chapters, paragraphs, paragraphs and subparagraphs.

2.4. The chapters should have serial numbers within the work, indicated by Arabic numerals with a dot. The title of the chapter is printed in capital letters without a dot at the end, without underlining. It is not allowed to carry a word to the next line, use Roman numerals, mathematical signs and Greek letters.

Each chapter is printed from a new sheet. The distance between the chapter title and the following text should be 3 spaces. The same distance is maintained between the title of the chapter and paragraph. If the chapter is divided into paragraphs, then there should be no text between them.

2.5. The paragraphs are numbered within the chapter. The number of the paragraph consists of the number of the chapter and the paragraph, separated by a dot, for example, 1.1., a dot is put at the end of the paragraph number.

Paragraph headings should begin with a paragraph indent from a capital letter, without underlining, without a dot at the end. The distance between the title of the paragraph and the following text should be equal to 3 intervals. If the paragraph is divided into paragraphs, then there should be no text between them.

2.6. Items should be numbered consecutively within each paragraph. The number of the paragraph includes the number of the chapter and the serial number of the paragraph and paragraph separated by a dot; at the end of the paragraph number, a dot is not put, for example, 1.1.1., 1.1.2., and is printed from a paragraph indent. The paragraph may have a heading that is written in capital letters, with a paragraph indent. A free line between the title of the item and the following text is not left. If the paragraph is divided into subparagraphs, then there should be no text between them.

2.7. The number of the subparagraph includes the number of the chapter, paragraph, paragraph and the serial number of the subparagraph, separated by a dot, a dot is put at the end of the subparagraph number, for example,,, etc. A subparagraph may have a heading that is written in capital letters, with a paragraph indent. A free line between the heading of the subparagraph and the following text is not left.

2.8. If the heading includes several sentences, they are separated by dots. Word hyphenation in headings is not allowed. There is no dot at the end of the heading. The title of the paragraph, paragraph and subparagraph should not be the last line on the page.

2.9. If a chapter or paragraph has only one paragraph, or a paragraph has one subparagraph, then the paragraph (subparagraph) should not be numbered.

Presentation of the text

3.1. The text of the work should be short, clear and not allow for various interpretations. When presenting mandatory requirements, the words “should”, “should”, “necessary”, “required”, “not allowed”, “prohibited”, “should not” should be used. The presentation of the text is given in an impersonal form. For example: "... measured ...", "accepted ..." or "... .. refer to ...".

3.2. The text is not allowed:

- apply turns of colloquial speech, technicalism, professionalism;

- apply for the same concept different scientific and economic terms that are close in meaning (synonyms), as well as foreign words in the presence of equivalent words and terms in Russian;

- abbreviate the designations of units of physical quantities, if they are used without numbers, for example, m, s, you should write "1 m, 1 s or meter, second", with the exception of units of physical quantities in the heads and sides of the tables, in the decoding of the letter designations included in formulas and figures;

– use the mathematical minus sign (–) before negative values ​​​​of quantities (the word “minus” should be written);

- use mathematical signs without numerical values, for example, > (greater than),< (меньше), = (равно), ≠ (не равно), а также знаки № (номер), % (процент);

- abbreviation of words and phrases.

3.3. Abbreviations in the text are allowed only generally accepted:

- in the middle of sentences - "see", "t. e.";

- at the end of sentences - “etc.”, “etc.”, “etc.”;

- with the surname or name of the institution - abbreviations of academic degrees and titles, for example, Dr. Econ. Sciences Ivanov K.M.; cand. legal Sciences Petrov Yu.S.

- in the presence of a digital designation - "s." (page), "g." (year), "yy." (years) e.g. 5, 2006

Abbreviations of the following words and phrases are not allowed: “since”, “so-called”, “thus”, “so”, “for example”.

3.4. Names should be written in the following order: last name, first name, patronymic (or - last name, initials, it is not allowed to transfer initials separately from the last name to the next line).



The structure of the course work:

Title page

- introduction - a maximum of 2 sheets;

Chapters (number from 2 to 3) and paragraphs;

Conclusion - maximum 2 sheets;

List of used literature;

Applications (not required).

General requirements. The text of the work must be typed on a computer in Times New Roman font, size 14p., Using a Microsoft Word word processor. The font used in illustrative material (tables, graphs, charts, etc.), if necessary, can be smaller, but not less than 10 pt. Alignment of the text to the width of the page. The volume of work is NOT LESS than 25 pages.

Line spacing in the main material - 1,5 (including spacing between paragraphs). The line spacing in the illustrative material is single (including the spacing between paragraphs).


Each paragraph must begin with a red line.


Paragraph indent - 1.25 cm from the left border of the text.

Each paragraph should contain a complete thought and usually consist of 4-5 sentences. Too large a paragraph makes it difficult to perceive the meaning and indicates the inability to clearly express the idea. Leaving one word or even part of a word on the last line of a paragraph should also be avoided; in this case, it is better to change the wording of the sentence so that at least three or four words remain on the last line of the paragraph.

Each section of the work should start on a new page. Paragraphs follow each other without putting a new paragraph on a new page. It is not allowed to start a new paragraph at the bottom of the page if three or four lines of body text remain on the page after the paragraph heading. In this case, the paragraph must start on a new page. Each paragraph should be indented from the previous text by 1.5 cm. The distance between the section heading and the following paragraph heading should be 1 cm.

The text of the work should be placed, formulated, systematized in such a way that there is no free space on the pages. 2/3 of the sheet must be written, respectively, 1/3 of the sheet can be left free from text.

The headings of sections, paragraphs, as well as the headings of the introduction, conclusion, content and list of sources used should be printed in capital letters, in bold type 14, (no italics or underlining) and spread across the width. Wrapping is not allowed in the headings of sections and paragraphs.

Sections (chapters) in the content and in the text are numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3). The word "section" is not written, the word "chapter" is written. Paragraphs are numbered with Arabic numerals within a section or chapter (1.1, 1.2, etc.). A dot is placed after the number and the corresponding heading is written. A period at the end of headings (sections, chapters, paragraphs) is not put.

The titles of sections, chapters and paragraphs should be short but meaningful.

All pages of the work (including the appendix) must be numbered. The first page is considered the title page, the second page of the work will be the content page, on which the page number is not affixed. Thus, the third page will be the Introduction, and starting from the introduction, on each page, in Arabic numerals, its number is put down in the center of the page.

Design of illustrative material. Illustrative material (tables, graphs, drawings, formulas, charts, diagrams, etc.) is included in the work in order to visualize the argumentation and justification of the decisions received by the student. Thus, in the main part of the individual task, only that material is placed that contributes to a better justification of the conclusions. Tables and other factual material, which is the initial data for the study, are not included in the main text of the work, but can be included in the appendix.

All illustrative material, if possible, should be placed immediately after its first mention in the text. If this is not possible due to a discrepancy between the size of the illustrative material and the free space on the current page, the illustrative material should be placed either on the next page or placed in an appendix with an appropriate link.

Table formatting. All tables in the text should have a short title reflecting the content of the table. Also, all tables in the text (not including the tables in the appendix) must be numbered with Arabic numerals through numbering. A reference to a table in the text is given by its number (for example: see table 1), the word "table" is written in full. The word “Table” is placed above the table on the left edge, its serial number is put (1, 2, 3, etc.) and the name of the table is written through the dash. The dot at the end of the table name is not put. If the table was compiled by the author of an individual task, then there is no link at the end of the table name. If the table is borrowed from one of the sources of the list of references, the link is placed after the table name in square brackets (for example, ). The table itself is placed after the title.

The headings of the columns and rows of the table should begin with capital letters, be parallel or perpendicular to the rows of the table. It is not allowed to leave empty spaces in the columns of the table. If the relevant data is not available, a dash (dash) is put in the column. If all indicators placed in the table are expressed in the same units, the abbreviation of the unit is placed above the table, after the title or on the right edge in brackets.

If necessary, the table can be transferred to another page. In this case, the headings of the columns (or rows) of the table are numbered, and the text of the headings is not repeated on the next page, but only the corresponding number of the column (line) is put down. Above the continuation of the table, the words "Continuation of table 5" are printed on top. The name of the table and column on the new page is not repeated.

It is not allowed to start a table at the bottom of the page if only the heading part remains after its title, or the heading part plus one or two lines of content, and the main part of the table is on the next sheet.

If this situation occurs, you should either slightly reduce the font size used in the table so that the table fits entirely on the previous sheet, or slightly increase (or decrease) the spacing between the lines of the table so that the table is located on the pages more evenly.

Making drawings. Drawings include drawings, diagrams, diagrams, graphs, etc. The placement of drawings in the work is the same as for other illustrative material, i.e. either immediately after the link to it, or on the page closest to this link. A reference to a figure in the text is given by its number (for example: see figure 1), the word "figure" is written in full or abbreviated (for example: see figure 1).

Figures should be placed in the text so that they can be viewed without turning the work, or with turning the work clockwise. The same rule applies to large tables requiring rotation. Transferring drawings is prohibited.

All drawings must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals (“Figure 1 or Figure 1”) on the left side relative to the figure below the image. After the figure number, a dash is followed by the name of the figure. If necessary, the figure may also contain explanatory inscriptions.

If the drawing was made by the author of the individual task, then there is no link at the end of the drawing title. If the figure is borrowed from one of the sources in the list of references, the link is placed after the name of the figure in square brackets (for example, ).

Formatting formulas. Formulas, equations, etc. should be separated from the text by free lines. Above and below each formula must be left at least one free line.

The meanings of the symbols and numerical coefficients included in the formula must be given directly below the formula. The value of each character is given on a new line in the order in which they are given in the formula. The first line of the decryption must begin with the word "where" without a colon after it.

The character is separated from the explanation by a dash, the decoding from the next character is separated by a semicolon. The character list column is aligned with a dash. Symbols reused in formulas cannot be decoded. Re-writing the formula in the text is not recommended.

The letter designations of quantities (symbols) must be constant throughout the work. It is allowed to use the notation of units in the explanations of the notation of quantities to formulas. The placement of unit designations in the same line with formulas expressing dependencies between quantities or between their numerical values ​​presented in alphabetical form is not allowed.

Continuous numbering of formulas within the entire work is allowed. The formula number is indicated on the right side of the sheet at the formula level in parentheses, for example:

where P profitability, %;

P - profit, rub.;

C - cost, rub.

References in the text to the formula number are given in brackets. When citing the calculations, they first set out the calculation methodology with all the formulas, their numbering, a single interpretation, and then the calculation itself. The calculation results can be presented in the form of a table. Below the table should be a summary summarizing the results.

How to make the same paragraph indent in Word. When writing reports, abstracts, reports and other text documents in Word, the creation of a paragraph is one of the mandatory items for proper design.

In addition, the red line gives the text a nice look and also makes it easier to read.

This issue is most often faced by office workers and students.

In this article, we will show you how to indent paragraphs in Word.

Method One: Ruler Tool

This method is considered the most common for creating a paragraph indent and the easiest.

In this case, the length of the red line is determined approximately.

It happens that by default this tool is removed, and it needs to be enabled. This is done in the following way:

  1. Find and click on the "View" tab, which is located directly under the name of the document;
  2. Find the tab area called "Show";
  3. Click on the box next to the line "Ruler".

Pay attention to the top ruler, as the paragraph line is adjusted on it.

The text will be limited by clear borders, on which you will see four "sliders": two lower ones, a middle one and a top one.

To create a paragraph indent, you need to pay attention to the "sliders" on the left side.

  • When moving the bottom "slider", an indent will be created for all text in the paragraph;
  • When moving the middle "slider", an indent will be created for all text, except for the first line;
  • When moving the upper "slider", a red line will be created.

Remember that the division price on the ruler is 0.25 centimeters.

Method two: the "Tab" key

This method is also called tabulation.

It, like the first method, does not give full accuracy, but it is also in demand.

Using it, you can indent from the left edge for the first line.

Tabulation is done using the "Tab" key on the keyboard.

When you press it, one large space is set, which will be your paragraph.

The only disadvantage of this method is its methodical affixing in each paragraph.

Therefore, it is easier to use a ruler and the third way to put down a red line.

Method Three: Paragraph Menu

The third way to put down a paragraph will help you most accurately put down a red line throughout the text.

Under the document name, click on the "Home" tab. It opens by default when you open a document.

In the lower right corner of the area, click on the small square icon.

In the pop-up window, pay attention to the field called "Indent". In it, you can fully customize the setting of paragraph indentation.

First of all, pay attention to the list drop-down under the inscription "first line". Choose the one that suits you from the options below:

  • No (nothing will happen when clicked);
  • Indent (when pressed, a red line is created);
  • Protrusion (when pressed, all lines of text will shift except the first).

The bottommost field in the box called "Sample" will show how the text will look after all the changes.

These methods will help you to indent a paragraph in a document. Remember that beautiful and correct design of the text makes it easier to read.

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