How to create an additional Facebook account. How to merge two Facebook accounts? How to find out if I have a Facebook account

Almost every Internet user can boast of having an account on social networks today. Registration takes only a few minutes, and the possibilities it provides seem almost limitless. In this article, we will talk about how to create an account on Facebook, the most famous and popular social network of our time.

What is an account?

Let's start with what is generally understood by the word "account". By and large, this is a personal account that identifies a specific user and gives him access to use a particular service. The server collects information about the user, but you should not be afraid of this - it guarantees the security and confidentiality of personal data. On Facebook, each account is assigned an individual page, which allows you to initiate and maintain communication with other users by exchanging messages, media files, news, etc. To take advantage of all the available features of the social network, you only need to register.

Facebook registration

In general, there are rarely any problems with registration. The Facebook interface has long been translated into Russian, and the user can only follow the steps in sequence. However, users who have just discovered the world of social networks may encounter a misunderstanding of the registration process. Step-by-step instructions for registering on FB are presented. And now let's look at the main stages of creating an account.

So, Facebook on the main page meets its guests with an offer to join the community. Registration is as simple as possible - you just need to enter information about yourself and leave your contacts (mobile phone number or e-mail).

The name and surname must correspond to reality, because this is the surest way to find your real friends and acquaintances on Facebook. In addition, it is important to leave a real mobile phone number or e-mail. First, they are used for authorization on the site. Secondly, with their help you can recover a forgotten password or, if necessary, unlock the page.

Next, you have to fill out a profile: mark the place of residence / study / work, tell about your hobbies, put a photo (avatar), etc. Filling in these fields is optional, but it will greatly facilitate the search for friends on the social network. You can skip these steps and return to them after registration is complete.

At the end of the process, the system will ask you to confirm your desire to register on Facebook. To do this, an email with a link and a secret code will be sent to the e-mail you specified. By clicking on this link, you confirm your intention to use the social network.

If during registration you indicated a mobile phone number, then wait for an SMS with a confirmation code. After entering it on the site, you will be able to use all the features that Facebook offers to its users.

Despite the fact that Facebook is a typical social network created primarily for the purpose of communication, many users use it to advertise and promote products/services. The monetization of the service forces them to create many accounts in order to get “likes” and attract the attention of real users. Fortunately, the social network system monitors fake profiles and blocks them.

Very often, users ask how to merge multiple Facebook accounts. In fact, there is no such possibility in the standard interface. However, there are workarounds. Unfortunately, the method proposed in the article will not allow you to transfer and recreate absolutely all your data. But it's better than nothing.

So, what kind of association are we talking about? Suppose you have registered a Facebook account, which for some reason no longer suits you. We created a new account, but what about the content, likes, friends, comments and everything that is “acquired by overwork”?

Creating an archive

As a first step, I recommend using the standard function for creating and uploading an archive with account data. This procedure may take some time. In any case, the resulting archive will be useful to you if you suddenly decide to delete your account or lose access to it (unfortunately, Facebook can consider you a violator and block your account at any time).

To back up your data, go to account settings, tab Are common, button Download a copy of your Facebook information in the lower part.

This will take you to a page where you can download the information and get a copy of what you have shared on Facebook.

Now click on the button Start archiving. In addition, you can also download extended archive at the relevant link below. It is advisable to download both archives. The first is the data itself, the second is, as it were, the history of changing the account, which is also very useful.

Now you have to be patient. Depending on how long and how actively you have maintained your account, creating an archive can take a long time. Up to several hours.

You will see a window like this on your screen. There is no need to look at it and wait for completion. When the operation is completed, you will receive an email notification, after which you will only have to download the prepared archive.

Restoring friends

As mentioned above, you will not be able to restore or transfer absolutely all your data, including your friends. You must manually add contacts to the new account. Unfortunately, Facebook does not yet have a function to export and import friends.

However, you can import contacts from accounts such as Skype or Gmail. So if you have the contact details of most of your friends outside of Facebook, then this is not such a problem. Go to your new Facebook account and import contacts from any service you like (even from a CSV file) through the standard function Invite friends.

Be sure to read our long-standing article on the topic. Using this method, you can easily upload the resulting CSV file and send invitations to everyone already in the new account.

What will you lose

Worst of all, there is no automatic import of the information you downloaded as an archive. The archive contains photographs, correspondence, videos, publications. But you will have to download all this and place it on your new chronicle. manually. Reconfigure privacy, re-post friends in photos, re-apply content access tokens, follow pages, and join groups. Because there will be no usual chronicle and news feed. Everything will have to be created from the archive "handles". And this is a huge piece of work for any active user.

Disable or delete old account?

If you decide to disable or delete your old Facebook account, then do not forget to add the new account to the administrators of all your pages and groups, if any. Otherwise, you will lose access to everything. In addition, the services and applications where you registered with your Facebook account will become unavailable. You will have to manually register / log in with a new account.

After you complete all the preparatory processes and make sure that you no longer need the old account and that no important services are tied to it, it is not listed anywhere else in the administrators, etc., you can safely send a request to delete the entire account .


Although Facebook allows you to download your account archive, there is still no standard or normal third-party solution for "moving" from one account to another.

If you have experience moving data, please share your experience in the comments. What tools did you use, how long did it take to set up, how painless was the move?

. Your existing email address cannot be used for the fake profile, it is better to create a new address that will only be used when registering a new account.
  • This new email address should not be used for other sites and services that require an email address (for example, to sign into a bank account or for any subscriptions).
  • To create a new email address, use a different email service (other than the one that registered your primary email address). For example, if you used a Gmail address when you signed up for your current account, use Yahoo or Outlook for the new email address.

Consider new personal information. You shouldn't give out too much personal information on a social network, but there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Interests and hobbies- come up with a list of things that your fake user will be interested in. Think about hobbies, daily activities, favorite pastimes.
  • Date of Birth- choose a date of birth that corresponds to the approximate age of your imaginary user. The date of birth may vary depending on the preferences and interests that you have indicated in the new profile.
  • Name- choose a name that is common enough that won't draw too much attention, but not so common as to arouse any suspicion. You should not choose common pseudonyms (for example, "Vasya Pupkin"). Think of a name that was popular with children in the expected year of birth.
  • Understand what the rule “Less is more” means. It's okay to add a few plausible details to your account that no one can confirm or deny, like photos, interests, current location, but don't overdo it! By adding information that people can verify (and realize it's false), you undermine people's trust in your new profile, eventually, it may even be reported as fake.

    • For example, you shouldn't list a particular school or place of work in your account, because it's pretty easy to tell if you actually worked for that company and attended that school.
    • The less precise details in your new profile, the more believable it will look.
  • Try to minimize the similarities between your real and fake profile. This includes the fake profile's current location, age, name, interests, job, and so on. All of these items should be markedly different from your real profile. In addition, you need to change the way you communicate.

    • For example, if on your real page you always follow the correct spelling and punctuation, on a fake page try to ignore the grammar.
    • Things like your age and interests can't be verified by anyone, so feel free to write them up without fear of getting caught.
    • Also, on a new profile, you should not add more than one or two people as friends that you have on your real page as friends, and never add two people that you could not know if you were not in a certain place (for example, at school or at some event).
  • Add real photos to your profile. It is worth publishing a photo from Google or Yandex, and you will certainly be caught stealing content. So make sure to take and post real photos to your new profile. But first, make sure that there are no details in these photos that would give away your actual location.

    • For example, instead of a snapshot of a street in your hometown, you can upload an image of a field or meadow.
  • Don't show your real face. Of course, you don't want anyone to associate your real face with a fake profile. Therefore, you should not post photos with your own image.

    Like pages. Like the pages that the owner of your fake profile might like and they will be added to the profile information in the "Like" section. This is an easy way to add "depth" to a profile.

  • Show, don't tell. People rarely talk about their personality and other mundane things. Simply listing facts about yourself in the hope of filling in blank profile lines will only arouse suspicion among people on your friends list.

    • Instead, you can show what kind of person you are by adding information to the About section, liking pages, indicating your interests, and so on.
  • Limit communication through Messenger. This is another example of the “less is more” rule: the more you talk about yourself or your activities, the easier it will be for another user to understand that your profile is fake. Unless you have a vital need to discuss something in private messages, consider not using Messenger at all.

    • If you do use Messenger, be mindful of the grammar and other communication techniques specific to your posts (for example, if your posts are informal and don't pay attention to literacy, do the same on Messenger).
  • Be an active user. Most Facebook users are quite active throughout the day, so it's important to add friends, like posts, occasionally post, update job information, or contact information.

    • You can use incognito browser mode so that you can use your fake profile without leaving your real profile.
    • If you want to take a break from using a fake profile, consider posting a suitable status, such as "Going on vacation." When you go back to your profile after a break, you can even post a few "vacation" photos.
    • Publish posts from time to time - this way you can instill trust in users of your page and your updates. For example, you can publish a post about the anniversary of your work.
  • If Facebook is just a service for communication and entertainment for you, come to terms with the fact that you are losing money and losing to competitors. To reach a new level, urgently master this social network to promote your business or personal brand.

    Start with the simplest - figure out how to create a business page on Facebook and start publishing it on the web.

    In the article, we have combined instructions for creating a page and tips for upgrading the interface that are relevant for 2018.

    What is a business page on Facebook and how is it different from a personal profile

    We find the answers in the terms of the user agreement. There are clear definitions of personal profile and business pages. The main differences are in the goals and functions.

    A profile represents only a person. The user creates it solely for socialization and entertainment, that is, for non-commercial use. Facebook is relentless: there is no advertising and sales. If you break this rule, your account can be blocked at any time. There are no exceptions.

    If you want to make money on Facebook, create a business page. Otherwise it is called a fan page. It is an effective and free SMM tool. It is used to promote, launch advertising campaigns, monetize blogs.

    The page is suitable for companies, regardless of the scale of their activities, organizations, public figures. Entrepreneurs with small businesses often do without even having their own website. Its functions are performed by a business profile in the social network.

    Facebook offers the following options for page owners:

    • indexing by search engines;
    • access to statistics;
    • self-administration and involvement of another person for this;
    • setting up advertising, including targeted and on third-party resources using the "Audience network";
    • application connection.

    The number of subscribers for personal and business accounts after the last changes is not limited. The "Add to friends" function is provided only for the profile.

    There is another type of account on Facebook - a group. Otherwise, it can be called a community of interest. It is also prohibited to use it for promotion and earnings.

    Important! It is impossible to create a page without a personal profile.

    Why start a business account - 3 main reasons

    The brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg attracts business representatives with the main quality of its audience - solvency.

    Companies, entrepreneurs, public figures actively use this platform, realizing several key goals at once. Let's name the main reasons to open your own online representation on Facebook.

    Reason 1. Promotion of goods and services in social networks

    Today, people come to social networks not only with the desire to spend time with virtual friends. Information about goods and services on Facebook is searched almost more often than in search engines. It is equally important that users are willing to buy here.

    Reason 2. Formation and maintenance of a positive company image

    Even negative reviews can really be turned into good. Often, when problems arise, customers contact not only the support service, but also write comments (reviews) on the social network pages.

    The page administrator responds to requests, offers options for resolving difficult situations. Other users see similar dialogues and understand: the company cares about people, all difficulties can be solved.

    Reason 3. The ability to analyze the audience

    A business page is an ideal platform for communication with potential buyers. Statistics help to understand who is interested in thematic posts, to determine the best time to publish. Based on the data, it is much easier to create a portrait of your target audience, to find out the "pain" of the client.

    Through surveys and analysis of comments, messages with questions from visitors, marketers build a dialogue with subscribers, study their preferences and interests. Feedback is being generated. Such information is invaluable in the formation of a marketing strategy.

    How to create a business page on Facebook - step by step algorithm

    Log in to your personal profile.

    If not, step 1 is registration. You will need an email address or mobile phone number. Creating an account takes a few minutes. Next, click on the triangle icon in the top panel of the profile, then - "Create Page".

    Step 1. Choose a page type

    Previously, the user chose from 6 options, now only 2 main page types are offered:

    1. company or brand.
    2. "Community or public figure".

    Option 1 is preferable for organizations and representative offices that have a specific address, a place where customers will contact: office, shop, cafe, gym, workshop, etc. If your business is not geo-referenced, or your goal is personal branding, choose option 2. Click Get Started.

    Step 2. Uploading a photo and designing a cover

    If you have not yet decided on the visual of the page, you can skip the step and return to it later.

    Image requirements:

    A logo is ideal for a photo account. It will be displayed next to each post in the feed, as well as accompany posts and comments. Please note that the photo will be standard on the page, and round in publications and ads.

    The cover photo is a themed image. It contains inscriptions, slogans and other textual information. It is recommended to upload images in PNG format.

    Step 3. Come up with a page name, select a category and create a username

    Name the page with the name of the company (brand) or use keywords related to the field of activity. For example, "Computer Repair", "Job Search", "SEO Services". It is allowed to “dilute” the name with the indication of the city, region: “Apartments for rent in Voronezh”.

    Not suitable for the name:

    • long slogan appeals: "Come to us for delicious dinners";
    • words of a general nature and geographical names without clarifications. It is forbidden:"St. Petersburg", "Shoes". Allowed:"Excursion tours. St. Petersburg”, “Shoes from Petrovich”.

    The username must not be used by other page owners. It consists only of Latin letters and numbers. Dots can be used to separate words. For example, @remont.noyt.

    Step 4. Add account information

    Open the "Information" menu and fill in those sections that you consider key. Stop at the main. In priority: history, mission, contact details, website, opening hours.

    Step 5: Adding a Call to Action Button

    Below the cover photo is the Add Button menu. Choose the option that suits you. For example, "Contact". Then click "Test button" and check how it works. If you decide to change the call to action, there is an option "Edit button" in the same menu.

    Step 6. Set up an account

    Open the "Settings" section. The menu is extensive, but at the start it is worth setting the basic minimum. In the “General” section, determine which users can see your page, publish their posts in the feed, and be sure to open the ability to write messages and reviews to you.

    Step 7. Filling the page with content

    In the feed, select "Write Post", create a post, then click "Publish". Prepare the page for promotion, make it active and informative. The key to success is regular posting and varied content.

    Post expert articles, videos, photos, entertaining posts, broadcast live. Only a “warmed up”, that is, an engaged audience goes into the category of customers.

    Feel free to ask questions to the Audience Network FB support team.

    Watch a short YouTube video on how to create a Facebook page:

    How to design a page to attract more customers - useful tips and tricks

    Sometimes a few simple actions are enough for the visitor to pay attention to the page.

    A couple of interesting touches in the design and the conversion increases by 2-3 times. Here are 4 important tips that will help you make your page more attractive and earn more.

    Tip 1: Use a product or product line image on the cover

    If a profile photo is like a business card for a page, then the cover photo is your free billboard. Use its full potential.

    Remember that you have no more than 10 seconds for the user to understand what the page was created for and linger on it. Combine visual information with text. There are no restrictions now, but the optimal size of a text block is no more than 30% of the total area.

    Any important information should be visible. Therefore, tell about discounts, bonuses and other "goodies" in a post that will not be lost in the feed. Use the "Pin to Top of Page" feature. New posts will then appear under the post about the current promotion. You can also briefly announce discounts on the cover of the page.

    Determine what step the page visitor should take: call, write a message, book a product, go to the order page. In accordance with this, add the "Call-to-action" button. Or connect it to the downloaded video. The call can also be in the text of the post: remind about it, target potential customers to certain actions.

    Tip 4. Encourage visitors to visit your site

    The main purpose of a Facebook business page is to attract more buyers to your business and increase your earnings. To accomplish this task, work on increasing conversion - increasing the number of clicks to the site.

    Use intriguing headlines for posts, lure with useful information. At the same time, promise to tell the entire article or all the necessary data only on the site. Offer a reward if a user shares your post. As an option: "Tell your friends about our promotion and come to the project website for a pleasant surprise!".

    The other day the thought occurred to me, why not develop the group into facebook? It seems that there are good earnings, and the groups are sold for decent money.

    I scratched my turnip and decided that I could try it. Moreover, Misha promises to help me, I can't do it without him ❤

    I have never used Facebook before, as, in general, and everyone I know. Who even sits there when there is VC And OK, Well Instagram more? So I thought before I decided to create an account there.

    All sorts of social media gurus present Facebook as a promising and attractive network, on a par with Instagram. The Russian-speaking audience of FB is constantly growing, moreover, this audience is adult, financially secure and serious. We will check this statement.

    Well, let's start, at the same time and see what and how. Let's go to and there immediately there are fields for registering a new user.

    We enter our data: name, surname, phone number, come up with a password, indicate the date of birth. And we register.

    The profile has been created, and an SMS will be sent to the specified phone for confirmation, in the upper right corner you will need to enter the code from the SMS. When we have done this, the profile is at our disposal:

    To minimally fill out the profile: add an avatar by clicking on the camera icon, upload the general background in the same way, and fill out the profile information in this box below.

    While I was filling out my profile, Facebook was blunting, offering strange answers to the questions of the questionnaire, did not allow me to upload Selected photos, in short, it dishonored its creator in every possible way:

    But I still managed and filled in some basic information about myself with grief in half. In fact, if this is a work account, and not a personal one, then filling out something other than the avatar and background is not necessary at all.

    It's good that Facebook does not require you to install your personal photo on the avatar, as in OK, for example. Of course, it would be possible to post a lot of glamorous photos with lips in the form of a chicken butt, but I need this account for work and I would not want to show my physiognomy there. I will put here such a kitty, which, by the way, is much more beautiful than me.

    Here's the profile:

    If you need to remove unnecessary information from the feed that you put a photo or changed the cover, then click on the arrow next to the event and click hide from Timeline.

    Some kind of Chronicles of Narnia, damn it ☺

    IN Facebook this is the name of the account feed and the group feed. And when you fill in information about yourself, inscriptions appear in the chronicle dated even to your birthday.

    I am not kidding. Judging by my chronicle, having barely fallen out of my mother's womb, I already checked in on FB:

    Why this was done is not clear. And such records cannot be hidden from the tape - only deleted, but then data about you disappears. Well, okay, it's not that important.

    In general, the account is ready for work or entertainment, it all depends on your desires. In the next article, I promise to tell you how I created the group and about my first experiments in recruiting subscribers. Keep your finger on the pulse.

    Share with friends or save for yourself:
