Interest clubs - addresses, telephones. Interest clubs for the elderly: plan of work and activities

The established practice of formation and activity of amateur associations and interest clubs is presented as a collective carrier of interest. They are characterized by free pastime, including public and private interests.

The time of "perestroika" within the country and its positive and negative aspects are perceived by the people ambiguously. A significant reduction in public investment in the development of children's and youth, youth leisure institutions opened the way for the progressive growth of juvenile and youth crime. In search of various means to increase the effectiveness of the upbringing of the younger generation, the possibility of expanding the scope of leisure, special attention is paid to amateur associations, interest clubs, and work in the community. An important factor noted by many theorists and practitioners in the field of sociocultural sphere is the inclusion of the population in various activities. In many regions, support and stimulation of creative initiatives of various age groups of the population is carried out.

The existing types of associations include: initiative clubs, club associations (circles, studios, sections, etc.), interest clubs, amateur associations, etc. New organizational forms of clubs are being developed - children's, multidisciplinary leisure, family communication, working according to author's programs. There are many of them and they are divided depending on the target setting, on age characteristics, and most importantly, on areas of activity. “The destroyed amateur-educational and social-leisure infrastructure is now being revived in the form of schools - complexes, courtyard clubs, pedagogical and psychological-methodological associations, counseling centers, etc.” . There are also separate types of clubs, which are still very few, - community clubs, youth leisure centers.

In the city of Tambov and its region in 2000-2001 there has been a slight reduction in amateur associations, interest clubs, circles, studios. A noticeable re-profiling of many cultural centers into commercial structures resulted in a reduction in the activities of many club associations, there was an outflow of professional leaders of amateur art activities, and enthusiasts of the socio-cultural sphere. Along with this, the active work of the Houses of creativity, the station of young naturalists, clubs at the place of residence, public organizations, studios and clubs of interest at educational institutions of the city is noted. All of them have a different focus of activity.

Let us consider the main types of amateur associations and interest clubs, which are officially fixed in the regulation on amateur associations and interest clubs (1986).

1. Socio-political (political clubs, clubs of voters, clubs of philosophers, clubs of international relations, clubs of revolutionary and military glory, information and educational clubs, legal, international friendship, warriors of defenders). Work on the organization of these various clubs is carried out in parks, museums, hostels, enterprises, green areas at the place of residence, in the Houses of Culture. In many cities of Russia there are youth social and political clubs that organize meetings with veterans and create search teams. Museums of military glory have been created at many schools. The regional socio-political movement "Revival of the Tambov Region" operates in Tambov. A lot of work in this direction is being carried out by the Committee for Youth Affairs under the administration of the region, on the basis of which the comprehensive program "Youth" operates. The main section of the program is to promote the civic and patriotic education of young people. Within the framework of this direction, major events are held - festivals of soldiers' songs, meetings with veterans and more. In modern Russia, radical changes are taking place in all spheres of society. We are witnessing a change in public opinion, along with a change in the value system. Today, more and more attention has been paid to human values ​​and personal needs in the field of education. This, in turn, has led to a greater differentiation of educational institutions and services, which are both cause and effect of the stratification of society. It becomes obvious that the most urgent need of the state and society is the upbringing of Russian citizens in the spirit of democratic values, who could actively participate in building the rule of law.

At present, it is necessary to find a balance between the needs of each person, social groups, regions, etc. and the need to ensure national security, especially since now both the regions and each educational institution can freely choose their own path of development. A similar balance must also be maintained between the preservation of traditions and the renewal of the content of education. One of the urgent tasks of educating young people is the formation of a culture of peace, which requires comprehensive action in the field of education, culture and social development, the ultimate goal of which is to make the culture of peace inseparable from culture in general, so that it is deeply rooted in the minds and hearts of people. Political leaders, figures of science, culture and education play a paramount role in spreading the ideas of a culture of peace.

The education and upbringing of young people, as a holistic pedagogical process, appearing in the form of a wide variety of organizational and methodological manifestations that have a constructive impact on the emerging personality of a particular young person and on young people as a whole as a social group, is the main tool for building a culture of peace. It is necessary to use all aspects of education: content, forms, methods, organization, relations between the administration, teachers and students, between educational institutions and families - to actively promote the development and strengthening in the minds of people of the ideas of tolerance, good neighborliness, equality. Education of youth in the spirit of a culture of peace is a multi-level system of adaptation of the individual to the conditions of society and a way of actively transforming one's own life in a particular situation, under the influence of the forming principles of a culture of peace.

In this regard, the development of programs for the formation of a culture of peace takes into account the specifics of different age groups, starting from preschool age, since the foundations of education are laid in early childhood. The absence of such programs and methods for education in the spirit of peace from an early age negatively affects the process of shaping the worldview and behavior of children and further leads to the perception of the world through the prism of militant relations, since society at this stage of development is characterized by aggressiveness. The leading role in education should be played by higher educational institutions, especially those involved in the training of teachers, psychologists, and social and cultural workers.

Over the course of three years, we have been conducting an experimental scientific study devoted to the study of the socio-pedagogical problems of education and upbringing of young people in the spirit of a culture of peace. The developed and tested in practice program of the training course "Culture of Peace" made it possible to acquaint students with the following problems:

· the historical development of the problem of peace and the experience of international cooperation in this direction;

· the process of developing the concepts of a culture of peace abroad and in Russia;

· consider the main stages of the spread of the movement "On the way to a culture of peace";

· to acquaint with the socio-pedagogical problems of education and upbringing of youth in the spirit of a culture of peace;

· consider methods of popularization and dissemination of the idea of ​​a culture of peace and non-violence.

In addition, the UNESCO club "Juno" was created at TSU, which was the center of the spiritual life of students and graduate students, involving young people in the world of culture and peacemaking.

Club members developed and implemented cultural and leisure programs for institutions of the socio-cultural sphere, which made it possible to acquaint workers of various social institutions with the main problems that arise on the way to a culture of peace.

The main activities of the club are:

· Expansion of the content of educational programs and training courses.

· Interaction and correspondence with Universities – UNESCO Clubs in Russia and abroad.

· Study of various cultures of the peoples of the world.

· Conducting seminars and scientific-practical conferences.

· Participation in the study, protection and use of the cultural and historical heritage of the native land.

Organization of holidays, concerts, festivals.

· Collection of folklore material, antiquities.

· Organization of exhibitions, competitions of artistic and decorative arts.

· Interaction with various centers of children's and youth creativity.

· Organization of seminars, lectures, conferences for teachers of additional education and organizers of social and cultural activities.

· Participation in summer recreational activities for children.

Thus, a clear identification of the socio-pedagogical aspect of education and upbringing of youth in the spirit of a culture of peace both in educational institutions and socio-cultural institutions, as well as the comprehensive development and implementation of training course programs, make it possible to understand the possibility of human development in accordance with the concept of culture of the world as an alternative to the existing direction of development, which in turn is a determining factor in the way out of mankind from the current comprehensive crisis.

Recently, the military sports game "Zarnitsa" has begun to revive, which is successfully taking place in many cities and districts of the Tambov region. An interesting experience was the creation in 1991 of the school of "democratic culture", which initially took shape as a movement of young parliamentarians, and then grew into an Association. These are 24 organizations that operate in 41 regions - the Moscow Region, Kemerovo, Orenburg, Perm, Lipetsk, Chelyabinsk, Krasnodar, Ryazan, Yekaterinburg and a number of other Russian cities. The movement considers its goal the formation of citizenship in the younger generation, and the end result should be the self-determination of the members of the association through effective democracy. This Association unites high school students of public and private schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, clubs. Here they strive for an in-depth study of political science, economics, and law; its ranks include teachers of the above educational institutions, graduate students of the Association, as well as scientists, primarily specialists in the field of pedagogy, history, law, and political science.

Recently, there has been a noticeable tendency towards integration of various clubs and groups in solving some common problems. And here a significant role is played by ecological, historical-patriotic and national-cultural associations. Civil and patriotic education of youth has always been a priority for organizations working with children and youth.

The Committees on Youth Affairs, which are currently operating throughout Russia, are no exception, and they are doing a lot of work in this direction. In order to more fully show all the variety of leisure orientations of the younger generation in terms of socio-political education, we will cite as an illustration only some fragments from the information of the Committee on Youth Affairs of the Administration of the Tambov Region about this activity in 1997. These materials indicate that work on the socio-political and patriotic education of young people was carried out in several directions. This is, first of all, the work of the regional search charitable center "Seeker", formed from students and schoolchildren from the city of Tambov, who repeatedly traveled to the Bryansk, Kaluga and Smolensk regions in order to search for the burial places of the remains of Soviet soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. Secondly, the work of the military-patriotic club of the landing profile "Reid" continued, in which more than 50 cadets of military schools are engaged. A military-patriotic club of the border profile was also created. Thirdly, the Committee for Youth Affairs, together with the Search Center "Iskatel", organized and conducted the IX International Youth Camp for the care of war graves, in which more than 40 young people from Germany, England, and Russia took part.

2. Industrial and technical (clubs of technical creativity - radio, modeling, automotive, karting, etc.; design; design and engineering; computer technology; professional clubs, etc.). An attractive, but still inaccessible direction is technical creativity. The participation of adolescents and young people in technical creativity contributes not only to the formation of a versatile technical culture, skills of constructive thinking and activity, but also expands knowledge in other types of science and technology.

Forms of participation of cultural, leisure and out-of-school institutions in the dissemination of technical creativity may be different. Undoubtedly, the development of this type of creativity depends on the interest of administrative bodies and the availability of professional personnel (managers, teachers, social activists). Today, we can no longer always talk about the development of technical creativity in children and adolescents, which quite recently was part of the general educational pedagogical process of many cultural and leisure institutions. Nevertheless, a club of radio amateurs has been operating at the Tambov Academy of Childhood for 40 years. In 1961, four of them were created in the region at once. Currently, there is a collective radio station of the Academy of Childhood, which is one of the best in Russia and the leader in the Tambov region. There is also a children's radio station for collective use, which aims at professional orientation of schoolchildren and students in acquiring the necessary skills of radio operators. Here, practical work is carried out on conducting radio communications, preparing and participating in radio sports competitions. Participants of the children's radio station learn the basics of radio engineering, electronics, acquire practical skills in radio design, work with electrical measuring instruments. They study the telegraphic alphabet and foreign languages ​​for conducting amateur radio communications, acquire the skills of operator work on the air. In the existing department of technical creativity and sports, there are children's associations - teleradio mechanics, a school for young pilots, computer training, office work and programming.

Today, the most popular are computer clubs, which are created in many educational institutions, houses of culture, academies of childhood. Fans sit for hours at computers that attract teenagers and young people with game programs, creating new images - scoring an instrumental orchestra, composing music for any verses, creating films and animations. Work on the development of scientific and technical creativity in higher educational institutions and lyceums has been well organized. So, for example, under the guidance of graduate students and students of the Technical University (TSTU), schoolchildren also take part in the innovations of the student design bureau. At TSTU there is a council of VOIR (All-Russian Society of Inventors and Innovators). Council members are organizers of city, regional and zonal exhibitions-fairs of inventions and competitions of innovations of students, students and young scientists. However, there are a number of reasons that do not allow young people to actively engage in this type of creativity. Such reasons include:

1) lack of the necessary material and technical base, ranging from adapted premises to the necessary materials and tools;

2) the absence of coordinating councils, centers that could unite people capable of technical creativity;

3) low-paid position of the head.

Clubs of a natural-science orientation. Among them, there are more often clubs of nature lovers, breeders, flower growers and gardeners, animal lovers, poultry farmers, dog breeders, aquarists, clubs of gardeners, beekeepers, hunters, clubs of lovers of astronomy, mathematics, physics and much more.

A variety of forms and methods of search and research work attracts a large number of children to libraries, museums, clubs, where teenagers can meet with participants in local history and environmental expeditions, become eyewitnesses of various events, independently conduct local history observations, work in museum funds. Recently, among schoolchildren and students, it has become popular to participate in expeditions of scientific institutions and public organizations. They initiate labor landings, beautification of monuments and memorial sites, environmental protection work.

Serious concern about environmental problems is at the center of attention of many foreign and Russian scientists. The last 80 years have been declared by UNESCO as years of environmental education and upbringing. In order to form an ecological culture of the younger generation, various measures are taken by educational institutions, socio-cultural institutions. Among them, the most important are:

· Creation of a system of continuous environmental education and upbringing;

· revision of training courses on ecology and introduction of sections "ecological culture" and "environmental ethics";

· training and advanced training of specialists in environmental and valeological education.

This work should begin already from preschool age, and here amateur associations and clubs of ecological interests can be of great help. The experience of such associations exists in many regions of Russia. Let us dwell on the work of environmental clubs for young children who work under the Ecology and Children program. It is based on the development of a system of activities of children's and youth environmental associations in the region, capable of choosing feasible environmental problems and solving them. Let's name the main areas of activity that the participants of these clubs are trying to solve:

communication with nature. On this path, young ecologists and their leaders will have to return to the original understanding that sparrows and dandelions are just as interesting as people;

observation of what is happening in nature;

Monitoring the state of the environment - environmental monitoring;

· environmental games that make it possible to make environmental ties, laws, problems more accessible to children and youth;

business games. The purpose of these games is to simulate real situations in human relationships in resolving environmental conflicts;

collection and analysis of environmental information;

· environmental actions, which may include operations "Spruce", "Primrose", "Clean Water" and much more.

At the same time, it should be noted that the main tasks of such clubs are the need to awaken in the younger generation the desire to study the laws of ecology. And for this, it is necessary to observe the legal and ethical norms of attitude towards nature; to deepen knowledge about the environment of the native land; contribute to the formation of an ecological clean zone at the place of residence.

4. Physical culture and health-improving associations include: hardening clubs, joggers, tourism clubs, "fans" clubs, history of sports, diving, chess and drafts, clubs of folk sports entertainment and games, hang gliding, etc.

The sphere of free time represents a huge opportunity for a person to choose directions of activity. All of them are carried out in different ways - on vacation or as a result of work, which are united by the concept of "leisure".

The problem of improving the health of different age groups of the population has always been topical, and special attention was paid to organizational work with the younger generation. Today, this is the main goal of all educational and extracurricular institutions, various associations, since medical studies of recent years show that every second child has quite serious health problems. It is necessary to start work in this direction with the family, kindergarten - this is hardening, visiting sports sections and cultivating a culture of self-healing. An example of the physical self-improvement of adolescents and youth can be called the clubs "Athlete", "Silver Spokes", "Phoenix" operating at the City Center for Work with Children and Youth in the city of Tambov. Professional leaders, together with the coaches of sports schools, create conditions for sports, develop the physical abilities of children through special exercises and simulators. A new form of health improvement for young children (from four years old) is the developed special program "Goliath" (club "Phoenix"), which includes, in addition to physical training, games, participation in cultural and leisure activities, acquaintance with the basics of various martial arts. Courage, love for their homeland, their loved ones, friendship and mutual assistance are brought up in the guys. Here they accept all the weak and not prepared for sports, since the main goal of the club is to create conditions for the intellectual and physical development of a full-fledged citizen.

5. Associations of collectors-gatherers exist everywhere today. Adults and children collect a wide variety of things, ranging from candy wrappers and match labels to videos and paintings. And if before the clubs of collectors belonged to associations of artistic orientation, then with the adoption of a new regulation on interest clubs and amateur associations in 1986, collectors separated into a separate group. Today there are clubs of philatelists, philafonists, philocartists, numismatists and many others.

The creative activity of a Tambov resident, an amateur collector, an art historian, an associate professor of the Department of Cultural Studies at the Institute of Culture and Art of the TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin Ivan Ivanovich Alpatsky. In his home collection there are postcards with reproductions of paintings by Russian and foreign artists (about 20 thousand copies, among them 3 thousand pre-revolutionary ones). He collects art medals dedicated to the anniversaries of famous people or memorable events (about 300). Among its numerous collection there are about 10 thousand books - on art history, memoirs, local history literature. There are more than 2 thousand matchbox labels, a collection of bookplates and much more. With the collected collections of I.I. Alpatsky constantly introduces university students, schoolchildren, arranges exhibitions. For 20 years he was chairman of the city's book club.

Associations of artistic orientation (lovers of music, theater, cinema, fine arts, literature, dance, song, photography, arts and crafts, folklore clubs, etc.).

The range of genres of art in amateur groups is great - circles, studios, amateur associations, interest clubs that contribute to the development of amateur performances and initiatives of the masses. They apply and use various forms of organized leisure, which contribute to the familiarization of the unorganized population to participate in socio-cultural activities in the field of free time. Thus, the forms of organization of folklore groups bring special independence to the regions, include a variety of types and genres of creativity. If there is a folklore singing hobby, members of club associations can learn the basics: playing on spoons, rattles; dance moves; tailoring and decorating your costume; take part in mass games and fun.

Associations of artistic orientation are most often divided into two groups: educational and creative and art history. In its turn educational and creative are divided into author's and performing teams. these two groups of associations are shown in Fig. 4.

The activation of the individual in the sphere of free time, the development of amateur cultural activity of the masses complicates the functions of club artistic and creative groups. The cultural amateur performance of the masses is realized in cultural and leisure activities and is provided by the entire system of social and cultural institutions of the country, for which the creative development of the individual is one of the most important problems.

Rice. 4. Types of artistic associations

If amateur performances were previously dominated by performing types, in which the creative principle consisted only in the interpretation of the author's intention, today it includes the creative activity of the individual to create original artistic values. Now the author's types of artistic creativity, such as writing, playing music, filming, drawing, making folk crafts, etc., are becoming more widespread. This circumstance, in turn, modifies amateur art activity in cultural and leisure institutions in terms of forms, requires it to be more systematic, puts on the agenda more and more insistently the question of preliminary preparation of a person for artistic creativity. It also reveals questions about the development of inclinations and abilities for one or another type of artistic creativity in childhood, about the creation of a unified system of artistic education of the individual in schools and out-of-school institutions, primarily clubs.

Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of students of the department of socio-cultural activities to work with problem groups of the population. The statistics of recent years shows that among us there are many people with intellectual disabilities who have the right to develop and embody their creative abilities. The involvement of such a contingent (mentally disabled) in the sphere of leisure contributes to the formation of individual creative abilities that help them express themselves in various forms of artistic creativity.

The favorable impact of art helps to feel satisfaction for those who are laconic, have difficulties in linguistic expression. “The pictorial power manifested in a work of art is an expression of the exceptional personality of the creator, regardless, for example, of the indicator of intelligence. In this, all artists are equal. Creativity, the driving force behind the artistic process, cannot be identified with intellectuality. They and the results they bring are neither prudent nor unreasonable, neither intelligent nor stupid - they correspond to the individual possibilities and means of the artist's language. Creative creative power exists regardless of intellectual ability or mental limitations. Individually, in different ways, in different areas and to different extents, a person develops his talents. This is due only to creative inclinations and the social conditions in which the artist works. There are many examples when a mentally handicapped artist receives a review of his work. His work is admired and criticized. This creates a favorable atmosphere of benevolence, where the respectful attitude of the surrounding people towards a mentally limited person gives strength to new creativity, the opportunity to feel one's self-respect and the usefulness of existence. It is necessary to promote various projects and to finance them from the social sphere, the healthcare sector, the cultural budget and the local budget.

It is important to hold exhibitions where, along with ordinary artists, mentally limited artists could exhibit expositions. Organize workshops as institutions for the inclusion of mentally handicapped people in working life. To create conditions for the embodiment of artistic ideas of mentally limited people (premises, separate rooms in hostels, houses, boarding schools). It is important to create circles in microdistricts at teenage clubs that once a week for two to three hours of artistic activity. It is possible to create centers where, simultaneously with groups of people without mental limitations, five to ten people with problems in mental development would be engaged. It is possible to involve the Houses of Creativity of the Districts in this work. Forms of organization can be: visits to public workshops; cooperation with music schools (classes for classes with mentally handicapped people and joint groups), theater groups, folk music ensembles; creative weeks, etc.

The current trend in the development of interest clubs and amateur associations is also manifested in the growing role of various exhibitions, reviews, and competitions. They are clear evidence of profound social transformations in our society. However, the exhibitions reflect only a general picture of the state of the artistic form of creativity, behind which many problems that exist in the organization of the amateur movement are not visible. The activities of all interest clubs and amateur associations are carried out in the following main types: educational, propaganda, educational and research, collection and organizing, which is enshrined in the regulation on interest clubs and amateur associations for 1986. In general, speaking about the work of amateur associations, it can be noted that today multifunctional associations operate everywhere - these are clubs for war and labor veterans, adolescents and youth, young families over 30, psychological assistance, sobriety, family vacations, etc. So, for example, clubs that organize leisure activities for teenagers and young people are clubs at the place of residence that have an additional focus on activities. Along with the main areas listed by us, they use a variety of forms and methods of activity, various programs and projects are being implemented.

A.I. Luchankin and A.A. Snyatsky, considering the modern priorities of practical club work with teenagers and youth in clubs at the place of residence, they single out additional areas along with the main ones. This:

1. Applied art(chasing, macrame, soft toy, pyrography, tatting, etc.).

2. Sports and tourism(tourism, sports sections, chess, civil defense).

3. Cultural and educational(literary salon, local history, educational associations, intellectual clubs, etc.).

4. Psychological and communicative direction(groups of meetings and communication, training programs and family clubs, etc.).

5. Military patriotic.

6. Ecological and natural history(cynological station, circle "Young biologist", ecology, etc.).

7. Leisure direction(game library, festive themed events, etc.).

8. Socio-pedagogical(organization of children's groups, individual work with teenagers who have difficulties with school and family, with employment, comprehensive summer camps, etc.).

These types of activities are implemented in children's multidisciplinary leisure and family clubs, communication clubs.

The modern representation of the typology of clubness in the place of residence are meeting clubs, interest clubs, community clubs. For example, on the basis of the City Center for Work with Children and Youth of the Committee for Children and Youth Affairs of the Mayor's Office of Tambov, there are currently 28 teenage clubs where interesting socially useful leisure time for children is organized. Since 1998, an intellectual game club for high school students has been operating at the Center, which sets the following tasks: the development of erudition in children, the deepening of knowledge in various fields of knowledge, the development of the child's creative potential during the game, the development of communication skills in children, raising the status of an erudite person. Club teams are formed on the basis of educational institutions, where they go through several stages, and the result is the formation of Leagues. A new form of cooperation between children and parents has been developed in the club - holding joint meetings of the club of intellectual games, evenings of rest, holidays and hikes. At teenage clubs there are circles, sections of various directions, they are led by competent specialists. There are also interest clubs, where enthusiastic leaders rally teenagers and youth around themselves, involve parents and the local population in the activities of the clubs.

Thus, with all the variety of amateur activities, it is important to note the involvement of various groups of the population that are of interest to us in one way or another in forms of cultural and leisure activities, in accordance with experience and training. It is in the process of activity that a personality is formed, interpersonal communication takes place, and all this is influenced by art, an amateur search for truth, and motivation for socially useful activities.

Control questions

1. Name the main types of amateur associations and clubs and clubs of interest.

2. Give a brief description of each type of amateur associations.

3. Describe the socio-artistic (creative) portrait of the artist, poet on a specific example.

4. What are the modern priorities of practical club work with teenagers and young people in clubs at the place of residence.

1. Grigoryeva E.I., Velikanova E.V. Amateur artistic creativity as the basis for the revival of national cultural traditions: Proc. allowance. Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. state tech. university 2000.

2. Dolzhenkova M.I. Traditional Tambov folk art culture. Tambov, 2000.

3. Art and creativity of people with special needs in mental development. Minsk: Belarusian Exarchate of the Belarusian Orthodox Church, 1999.

4. Kruglikov G.I., Simonenko A.F., Tsyrlin M.D. Fundamentals of professional creativity. Kursk, 1995.

5. Kargin A.S. Amateur artistic creativity: History, theory, practice. M., 1988.

6. Kargin A.S. Educational work in a group of amateur performances. M., 1984.

7. Kagan M.S. Morphology of art. L., 1972. S. 175-194.

8. Clubbing. M.: Education, 1980. S. 283-302.

9. Luchankin A.I., Siyatsky A.A. Social club work with youth: problems and approaches. 3rd ed., corrected. and recommend. Yekaterinburg: UrO RAN, In KOT, 1997. 396 p.

10. Likhachev D.S. Great legacy. M., 1975.

11. Organization and methodology of amateur performances: Proc. allowance. L., 1981.

12. Creativity and pedagogy. T. 1, 2. M., 1998.

13. Einon D. Creative play: from birth to 10 months. M., 1995.

There are many interesting things in the world. People are constantly interested in one or the other. It is not surprising that for the sake of a better study of the subject of attention, interest clubs are born. At the same time, if the fun hobby of one person does not cause special attention, then the activities of a whole club of eccentrics are already in sight.

Such associations of people not only publicly demonstrate their adherence to habits, but may even put forward some demands. Eccentrics believe that in this way they will make others imbued with their ideas. We will tell below about the most unusual interest clubs.

Club 13. In the English "Club 13" it is customary to break mirrors, sprinkle salt, light a cigarette from one match three of us. A member of the community will be sure to open umbrellas on the premises. Their colleagues from New York are not afraid of omens either, where people certainly dine in the company of 13 black cats.

Bald Club. In Germany, the Bald Club was formed. It would seem, what claims can people who have lost their hair have to the authorities? The board of the club, however, officially appealed to the government with a request to issue free wigs to all bald people under 40 years old. Such a measure will help people calmly endure hair loss.

Doubles Club. There is a Doubles Club in New York. To enter there, you must meet simple requirements - to be like some kind of celebrity. As a result, 7 Churchills and 11 Eisenhowers have already gathered in the club. It remains to be hoped that it is not customary to conduct political disputes in the club.

Pedestrian Club. In the same New York, since 1964, there has been a Pedestrian Club. True, it consisted of only two people. Over time, both the president and the treasurer of the club bought cars for themselves. As a result, society naturally ceased to exist.

Club of small people. An unusual community exists in Spain. There are 45 people in the Short People's Club. It is customary to actively fight for the rights of its members. In particular, one of the tasks of the club is to provide all its members with permanent theater tickets for the first three rows.

Divorced Club. In New York there is a Divorced Club with a very developed network of branches. There are branches of the organization in 30 other cities across the country. In addition to providing psychological assistance to the victims, the club also conducts legislative activities. He recently raised the issue of revising the divorce law. Members of the club did not like the part that allows you to put child support defaulters in jail.

Bachelors Club. But in Holland there is an antipode - the Bachelor's Club. Over time, it was even reorganized into a political party. The club even decided to seriously fight for seats in parliament. An elegant campaign slogan was used: "Dutch bachelors consider their life an ideal form and are ready to fight for it!".

Club of losers-professionals. In London, the Club of Professional Losers was created. His first meeting was attended by booed actors, unrecognized artistic geniuses, unknown musicians and lawyers who failed to save their clients from execution.

Mother-in-law protection club. In Argentina, people united in the Mother-in-Law Protection Club. Today there are already 137 members. All of them are exemplary sons-in-law who cannot bear resentment towards the mothers of their wives.

Club of husbands oppressed by their wives. In England, for more than 70 years, there has been a glorious Club of husbands oppressed by their wives. The secret admirers of the organization are thousands of men, but officially only 40 people are members of it. At one of the last conventions in Yorkshire, only half the members arrived. The rest of the letters and telegrams explained the reason for the absence very simply: "The wife did not let go."

We all know that selling something is much more difficult than giving it away for free. So maybe it's better to give away for free?

He earned more from the free distribution of his book than from its direct sales. And why? But because instead of single sales, he received a thousand downloads of his book, on the pages of which he placed, in addition to the actual text of the book, advertisements for various casinos. And readers, by clicking on the banners, increased his income in the affiliate programs of these casinos.

Another example. A cool business lady decided at her leisure to organize a health group from her friends, colleagues and acquaintances. They gathered once a week in the park, ran, went in for physical education, in general, they had an interesting time. This lady, in addition to her business, was also fond of Herbalife. And with her passion she infected her health group.

Now she has not only a health group, but also a huge structure of Herbalife distributors, and her monthly income from sales of products of this company and from leadership commissions is comparable to her income from her main business (which, by the way, is obtained by sweat and blood).

Third example. Looking for knitting courses on the Internet, I came across them in Israel. I was struck by the price of the courses - something around $ 5 per month (the courses were not conducted via the Internet, but in an Israeli city). "What's so cheap?" I was surprised. The forum participant (and part-time resident of Israel) Rabinovich explained everything to me: the organizers of the courses have income not from conducting courses, but from selling consumables to cadets: yarn, knitting needles, books on knitting, etc.

Here is an example of a business for you: organize an interest club, and when you bring together a lot of lovers of one business (knitting, fitness, dogs), you will always find something to sell them.

For example, in 2002 I went to Norbekov's courses. From those who went to them, a small group of lovers was organized to learn more about their capabilities. How much money we then spent on educational literature, which the organizer of the courses brought to us from Moscow ...

This is a fairly easy business (I think). Because:

1. Lovers of something are easy to collect (people who are passionate about something love to communicate with their own kind).

2. They buy easily (amateurs are the best buyers, they don't look at the price tag, they buy because they are very interested or really need it).

3. They themselves will tell you what they need (if you don’t figure it out right away). That is, even market research is not necessary.

4. This is a business without much investment. The maximum that you need is a room (or just a site) for meetings. Options are possible here (your own apartment, renting a room, a local square).

5. If the business takes place, but you do not pull it (or you get tired of it), there will always be one of your amateur colleagues who will pick up your idea (amateurs are enthusiasts). Your club will be able to continue life without your participation.

Retirement is not a diagnosis with which a person is “discharged” for a well-deserved rest. The pensioner is the same member of society as he was yesterday, only he has much more time to realize his dream, for which, perhaps, there was not enough time when he worked. The main thing for a person is to be in demand in the family and society and not to set oneself on loneliness.

We can say with confidence that the current generation of pensioners will not sit on the bench. They are still full of vitality and energy to continue to live, and not to exist. You can find such circles for pensioners that would meet the desire to be a member of them. So, for example, someone likes fishing, and someone cannot live without chess. If you set a goal, then in your city you can find circles, sections of pensioners who are passionate about the same.

Pensioner and the Internet

TV in the 21st century is no longer relevant. The internet has taken over retirees. Where, if not on the Web, can you find like-minded people in any field of knowledge and skills? You don’t even need to leave your home to apply to a group or circle that interests you. For the interest of retirees, the Web provides an incredible number of options.

Do you want to learn computer? Computer courses will help you gain knowledge about the computer itself and about what you can do on the Internet. After all, the virtual network is a huge library of knowledge. For many, the Internet will become a new interesting hobby that does not allow the soul to grow old. And for household members, especially the younger generation, you will significantly increase your rating by owning a computer as a confident user.

You can use your computer to spend your leisure time to your advantage. You will open up new opportunities for maintaining your accounting not on paper, but in spreadsheets. You will use Photoshop to create family photo albums and process photos. Finally, you can make money online by opening your store, or you can shop from the comfort of your home. Thanks to the World Wide Web, you can start selling your crafts, if any.

Sport is health

For older people, live communication with interesting people who have already found is important. You can meet them even on a morning run somewhere in a nearby park or square. After talking with them, get useful information about the healthy lifestyle they lead, about where it is better to sign up for a pool, yoga or fitness. Participation in all kinds of sports competitions that are feasible for health is an excellent leisure activity for pensioners. Circles, sections, interest courses are in the palace of culture or a club in any city.

Interest groups

You can start painting. Perhaps this talent was so deeply buried that in his youth he did not show himself in any way. For example, Muslim Magomayev painted his first paintings when he finished his creative activity.

Or maybe you dreamed of singing or dancing, but somehow there was not enough time for this activity when you were working? There are also such circles for pensioners in the palaces of culture and clubs. If you sing, you should sign up for a choir club. Yes, you can start dancing at 60.

Fans of planting flowers do not have to find a circle of flower growers. You are the guru in this matter. After retirement, you will have enough time to engage not only in breeding, but also in the sale of your unique varieties, turning your hobby into an additional income for retirement.

Lovers of needlework or canning can also find their niche in the labor market. As they say, there would be a product. Embroidery and knitting do not go out of fashion. And if you are a needlewoman in this area, you can find buyers who will become your customers. There will be enough time in retirement to do this work quickly and on time.

Without leaving home

Retired men feel not forgotten when they have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience. They can take up hands-on work in modeling or woodcarving. A knowledgeable teacher is a godsend for such circles.

What the capital offers to pensioners

Capital pensioners, of course, have more opportunities for self-realization in retirement than in the outback. There are mugs for all districts. They are often called interest clubs, in which pensioners can learn how to work on a computer, do yoga, dance, sing, paint. This is a small list where pensioners who have registered with the CSO can get. After completing the documents, they get the opportunity not only to visit circles and sections, but also to receive discounts on the purchase of tickets to the cultural and mass centers of the capital.

Still worth the trip

Well, we can not say about the desire of people of retirement age to travel. Probably, many people would like to see the world not in the “Travel Club” on TV, but in reality, with their own eyes. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to do this. There are not enough savings and the pension is not so great... Sometimes, even with some savings, pensioners do not allow themselves to realize their hidden dream, to see the world. But you can always find a way out. It is not necessary to go abroad, because so many interesting trips are organized by travel agencies in the country where you live.

Amazing conclusions were made by gerontologists by analyzing when a person feels happy. And as it turned out, for a person, earthly happiness is doing one's favorite things.

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