Presentation on computer science on the topic of PC. Presentation - personal computer. What can a computer do?

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Input Devices
System unit
Output devices
Storage devices

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System unit
power unit
In the system unit

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RAM connectors
CPU socket
Power connector
Connectors for connecting drives
Expansion slots

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The system (motherboard) board is the main component of the computer hardware. The motherboard contains an information exchange line; it has connectors for installing a processor and RAM, as well as slots for installing controllers for external devices (video card, sound card, network card, etc.). The processor is built on the basis of a large integrated circuit, which includes a huge number of elements - diodes, transistors, capacitors, resistors, etc. This complex system is the brain of the computer. The processor processes information presented in binary form and is located on the motherboard. The most important characteristic of a processor that determines its performance is the clock frequency. The clock frequency shows how many simple operations (cycles) the processor performs in 1 second. Another important characteristic of a processor is its bit capacity. The processor bit size determines the number of binary bits that the processor processes per clock cycle in its operation. If, for example, the processor data bus width is 128, this means that the processor processes 128 bits per clock cycle. A bit is the smallest piece of information that can take the values ​​0 or 1.
The processor is installed in a special socket on the motherboard

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The bus (system bus) includes three multi-bit buses: a data bus, an address bus and a control bus, which are multi-wire lines. The processor and RAM, as well as peripheral input, output and information storage devices that exchange information in machine language - sequences of zeros and ones in the form of electrical pulses - are connected to the highway. Only the processor and RAM directly exchange information with each other through the backbone! Data bus. It transfers data between different devices. For example, data read from RAM may be sent to the processor for processing, and then the received data may be sent back to RAM for storage. Thus, data on the data bus can be transferred from device to device in any direction. The data bus width is determined by the processor capacity, that is, the number of binary bits that can be processed or transmitted by the processor simultaneously. Address bus. The choice of device or memory cell to which data is sent or read via the data bus is made by the processor. Each device or RAM cell has its own address.
The address is transmitted along the address bus, and signals are transmitted along it in one direction - from the processor to RAM and to other devices. Therefore, the address bus is unidirectional. The width of the address bus determines the amount of addressable memory - the address space, that is, the number of one-byte RAM cells that can have unique addresses. The number of addressable memory cells can be calculated using the formula: N = 2I, where I is the address bus width. The address bus width in modern personal computers is 36 bits. Thus, the maximum possible number of addressable memory cells: N = 236 = 68,719,476,736. Control bus. The control bus transmits signals that determine the nature of information exchange along the highway. Control signals indicate what operation - reading or writing information from memory - needs to be performed, synchronize the exchange of information between devices, and so on.

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Input Devices
Network devices
Data bus 8, 16, 32, 64 bits
Control bus
Persistent memory
Output devices
Backbone-modular principle of computer operation
Address bus 16, 20, 24, 32, 36 bits
Temporary memory

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Motherboard logic diagram
Sound card Network card
Scanner Digital Cameras
Mouse External modem
North Bridge
South Bridge
PCI local bus

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The power supply is used to convert alternating voltage 220v of the lighting network into direct voltages 5v and 12v. A constant voltage of 5V is necessary to power the electronic components of the computer. A constant voltage of 5V is also used to generate an electrical pulse corresponding to the logical signal “1”. The absence of such a pulse corresponds to a logical signal “0”. A voltage of 12V drives the electric motors of the disk drives and cooling fans.

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Input Devices
Digital cameras
Light pen

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The keyboard is a universal device for entering information into a computer. The keyboard allows you to enter numeric and text information, as well as control the operation of the computer. When you press a key, a certain sequence of electrical impulses (8-bit key code) is sent to the computer. At the physical level, the key field of the keyboard is scanned and the sequence number of the pressed key is read. The keyboard is connected through the controller to the motherboard backbone. A standard keyboard has 101 keys.

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The mouse manipulator uses an optical-mechanical operating principle. Its working element is a massive metal ball covered with rubber. When you move the mouse body along a horizontal surface, the ball rotates. The rotation of the ball is transmitted to two rollers located perpendicular to each other. The rollers record information about the movement of the ball along the coordinate plane using photosensitive elements and transmit this information to the computer. Thus, the rotation of the mouse ball turns into movement of the cursor across the monitor screen. The mouse has two or three control buttons. Currently, the optical mouse, which has no mechanical parts, has become widespread. A light source placed inside the mouse illuminates the surface on which it moves. The intensity of light reflected from the surface changes as the mouse moves. The reflected light is detected by the mouse's light detector. Changes in light are translated into cursor movement on the screen.

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Hello everyone from SOCHI!
A light pen is used to input graphic information into a computer when drawing or writing. For those who are not very computer friendly, there is finally an alternative way to enter information without using a keyboard: now you can do it the old proven way - using a pen. At first glance, the pen resembles an ordinary ballpoint pen. When a light pen moves across the surface of a graphics tablet, digital barcodes are generated that carry information to the computer about the trace that remains on this surface. A trace of exactly the same shape appears on the display screen. The main characteristic of a light pen is its accuracy of entering graphic information, which can be, for example, +/-0.5, +/-0.25 mm and higher.
Currently, special displays have been created on the surface of which you can directly write with a light pen.

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The scanner optically captures images presented in the form of photographs, drawings, slides, text documents and converts them into digital form. The scanned image is illuminated with light of three colors - red, blue, green. The light reflected from the image hits a linear array of photocells, which moves to read the image and convert it into binary code. Now the original image can be written to a graphic file. The resolution of scanners is 600, 1200 dpi and higher. A resolution of 600 dpi means that when one inch of the image passes, 600 dots are scanned (1 inch = 2.54 cm). An important characteristic of a scanner is its color rendering, which can be 36, 42, 48 bits or more.

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A digital camera allows you to take photographs directly in digital (computer) format. Such a camera can store hundreds of high-quality images in its memory. After connecting to a computer, the images obtained during shooting are copied to any permanent storage medium (floppy disk, hard drive, laser disk). If necessary, the photo image can be transferred to paper using a printer.
A digital video camera is designed to record moving images in digital format, both in standalone mode and connected to a computer during video recording. In the second case, the video image is continuously recorded on a hard drive or broadcast over computer networks.

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The microphone allows you to input an analog audio signal into your computer. Then the audio information is converted from analogue to digital (computer) format. The microphone is connected to the input of the sound card, which provides 16-bit binary audio encoding. In this case, the sound card is a device for inputting information into the computer. The sound card is installed in one of the expansion slots on the system (motherboard) board.

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A joystick is a game controller designed for more convenient control of computer games. As a rule, it is a handle with buttons. The joystick connects to a special game port on the sound card. As a result of the evolution of the joystick, a more complex manipulator arose - a steering wheel with pedals.

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Output devices
Video card

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Cathode ray tube monitor
LCD monitor
One of the important characteristics of a monitor is the frequency at which one image is displayed on the screen. The screen refresh rate can be 60, 75, 85, 100, 120, 140, 150, 160 Hz, etc. In order for the image to be sufficiently stable, a screen changing frequency of 85 Hz is sufficient. If the image output frequency is, for example, 100 Hz, this means that the picture on the monitor screen changes 100 times in one second. If you set the screen refresh rate to a higher value, its resolution is automatically reduced - the number of pixels horizontally and vertically. The resolution can take, for example, the following values: 640 x 480, 800 x 600, 1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024, 1600 x 1200 pixels, etc. As the resolution increases, the clarity of the image increases, as the monitor will be able to draw finer details. The monitor is connected to a video card, which is inserted into one of the expansion slots of the motherboard (system) board. Monitors vary in screen size diagonally - 14, 15, 17, 21 inches, etc. Another important characteristic of a monitor is the so-called grain - the distance between two physical points of the screen, which can be 0.31, 0.28, 0.26, 0.24 mm, etc. The smaller this value, the better the image quality the monitor provides.

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Cathode ray tube monitor The image on the screen is created by a beam of electrons emitted by an electron gun. This electron beam (a beam of electrons) is accelerated by high electrical voltage and falls on the inner surface of the screen, coated with a phosphor composition. The phosphor glows when hit by an electron beam. The beam control system forces it to run across the lines of the entire screen and change its intensity, and therefore the brightness of the phosphor. Thus, the beam draws an image on the screen line by line. In a color monitor, color is formed from three main components: red, blue and green. Inside the cathode ray tube are three electron guns that create three beams with different electron flow rates. Very small phosphor dots of three colors are evenly distributed on the screen. A phosphor of a given color reacts to electrons of a certain speed. A color image is formed by mixing three basic colors. When mixing red and green colors, yellow is formed, red and blue - purple, blue and green - cyan. If you mix the three base colors at full brightness, you get white. Combinations of basic colors of varying brightness give many other colors and shades.

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Monitor based on a liquid crystal panel The main part of a modern liquid crystal monitor is a TFT panel. Its operation is based on the principle of changing the transparency of liquid crystals under the influence of electric current. Molecules of liquid crystals under the influence of electricity can change their orientation in space and, as a result, change the brightness of the light beam passing through them. To illuminate the panel, a special bright lamp is installed on its reverse side. When the electric field changes, the particles rearrange themselves in a new way, which takes some time. Therefore, when choosing an LCD monitor, such a parameter as the matrix pixel response time is important: the shorter it is, the faster the particles rearrange. Response time can be 10, 20, 30 ms. To create a dot display, a matrix is ​​made of miniature transparent cells filled with liquid crystal. It is placed between two electrodes, one of which is a solid plate, and the other consists of many miniature contacts corresponding to individual cells. In modern monitors, the electrical signal is supplied to individual electrodes through so-called thin film transistors (TFT). A color image is obtained by using three filters that separate three main components from the radiation of a white light source - red, blue, green. The combination of three primary colors for each point or pixel on the screen makes it possible to reproduce any color.

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Let's consider image formation using the example of graphics mode with a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and a color depth of 8 bits. The video memory stores the image bitmap - the binary code of each point that determines its color. In this case, the number of possible colors is 28 = 256. Three rays (red, blue, green) synchronously run across the screen line by line. The intensity of each ray changes as it moves along the line in accordance with the binary code of a given point. Each of the 600 lines displays 800 dots, for a total of 480,000 dots.
The principle of displaying information on a monitor screen is as follows: the computer’s video memory contains an image bitmap (binary code for the color of each point on the screen) and the contents of the video memory are periodically read and displayed on the screen. The reading frequency can, for example, be 85 Hz. The monitor is connected to a video card, which is inserted into one of the expansion slots of the motherboard (system) board. It is on the video card that the video memory chip is located. Modern video cards have video memory of 256 MB or more. An image may consist, for example, of 800 x 600 = 480,000 pixels and be built, for example, on the basis of 232 = 4,294,967,296 colors! They say that the color depth in this case is 32 bits.

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laser beam. As a result, positively charged points appear on the drum. Toner (electrographic developer) is then applied to the drum, which is deposited on positively charged areas. The negatively pre-charged paper is pressed against the drum and the toner is attracted to it. The last stage consists of thermal fixation of the powder on paper at a temperature of 200°C. One of the important characteristics of a printer is its resolution, which can be, for example, 600 x 600 dpi and higher.
The printer is designed to print on paper (create a hard copy) numerical, text and graphic information. It connects to the computer via a parallel port. Inkjet printers use a thermal or piezoelectric ink print head that, under pressure, shoots ink from a series of nozzles onto the paper. A laser printer operates on the principle of electrographic printing, borrowed from xerography. The photosensitive drum is irradiated with modulated (changing)

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Acoustic speakers and headphones are used to output sound from the computer and are connected to the output of the sound card. Their presence is mandatory for a multimedia computer. The sound card is installed in one of the expansion slots on the system (motherboard) board. Typically, a sound card also has the additional ability to synthesize sound (the sounds of 128 different musical instruments are stored in the sound card's memory) and play 32 or more instruments simultaneously. For this reason, the sound card also has another name - a music card.

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A projector allows you to display the contents of your monitor screen on a large screen. Used to demonstrate the operation of programs, presentations, slides, and videos to a large audience. The diagonal size of the image can be 300 inches (7.62 meters) or more. Today, the projector is becoming indispensable in the learning process.

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Storage devices
Temporary memory
Persistent memory
Laser disc
Flash memory
External memory
Inner memory

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A floppy disk is a flexible magnetic disk with a diameter of 3.5 inches, placed in a plastic case. The drive rotates the disk at a constant angular speed of 360 revolutions per minute, while the magnetic head is installed on a specific concentric track from which information is written or read. At the physical level, when recording data in binary form, an electrical pulse is applied to the magnetic head coil, creating a surge in the magnetic field - a certain area of ​​the disk is magnetized, which corresponds to “1”, the area that remains unmagnetized will correspond to “0”. When reading information, the magnetized section of the disk, on the contrary, excites an electrical pulse in the coil of the magnetic head, which corresponds to “1”. The main characteristic of a floppy disk is the data transfer speed, which is only 50 KB/s. Before using a floppy disk for the first time, it must be formatted - creating the physical and logical structure of the disk. During the formatting process, concentric tracks are formed on the disk, which, in turn, are divided into sectors; for this, the magnetic head places track and sector marks on the disk.
After formatting the disk, we get: 512 bytes - information volume of the sector 18 - number of sectors on a track 80 - number of tracks on one side 2 - number of sides Calculate the information capacity of the floppy disk: 512 x 18 x 80 x 2 = 1,474,560 bytes = = 1,440 KB = 1.40625 MB

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When using a laser disk (CD - compact disc), the optical principle of reading information is used. Information is recorded on one track, which has the shape of a spiral. The track contains alternating sections with different reflectivity - a smooth mirror surface or a depression burned by a laser beam during recording. When reading, a laser beam falls on the surface of a rotating disk. The beam is well reflected from the mirror surface, which corresponds to “1” and is not reflected from the dark recess – “0”. The reflected light pulses are then converted into electrical pulses, which are transmitted to the computer. CD-ROM and DVD-ROM discs store information that was recorded during their production by stamping (DVD - digital video disc). Such discs are white and cannot be rewritten (ROM is read only). The information capacity of a CD-ROM disk can reach 800 MB. DVD-ROM discs contain thinner tracks, and there are more tracks - the capacity has increased to 17 GB. The speed of reading information directly depends on the disk rotation speed and can reach 5 MB/s. There are CD-R and DVD-R discs - writeable once (have a yellowish color), as well as CD-RW and DVD-RW discs - rewritable many times (have a dark greenish color).

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A hard drive or hard magnetic disk is one or more disks placed on one axis and rotating at a high angular speed (up to 7200 rpm), enclosed in a metal case. In modern hard drives, magnetic heads seem to “fly” at a distance of fractions of a micron (less than the thickness of a human hair) from the surface of the rotating disks. Due to the small distance between the disk and the head, a high recording density is achieved (the number of tracks on each disk can reach several thousand, and the number of sectors per track can reach several dozen). As a result, the information capacity of hard drives can be 20 - 200 GB or more. Due to the high rotation speed, hard drives provide high speeds for writing and reading information, which can reach 133 MB/s for the highest speed hard drives. At the physical level, when recording data in binary form, an electrical pulse is applied to the magnetic head coil, creating a surge in the magnetic field - a certain area of ​​the disk is magnetized, which corresponds to “1”, the area that remains unmagnetized will correspond to “0”. When reading information, the magnetized section of the disk, on the contrary, excites an electrical pulse in the coil of the magnetic head, which corresponds to “1”.

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Flash memory allows data to be written and stored on chips. This memory has no moving parts, which ensures high data safety. Another important advantage of Flash memory is its compactness. To write or read information, the memory card is inserted into the universal USB port of the computer. The information capacity of a Flash card can be 128, 256, 512 MB, today the count has gone to GB. This type of memory is capable of replacing traditional storage devices, such as floppy disks, CDs, and, over time, possibly even a hard drive. Flash cards are also successfully used in digital cameras to store video and audio information.

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RAM is located inside the system unit on the motherboard. Sometimes this type of memory is called internal or temporary. Structurally, it is made in the form of small boards with memory chips containing many memory cells. The volume of one cell is 1 byte = 23 bits = 8 bits. A bit is the smallest piece of information - it can take the values ​​“0” or “1”. To build one memory cell, eight flip-flops are required, since a flip-flop is capable of storing 1 bit of information. Each memory cell has its own unique binary address. RAM only works while the computer is turned on; it is used to temporarily store data and programs. This memory is small compared to permanent memory, for example, a hard drive, but has enormous speed of writing and reading data. It is this property of temporary memory that helps the processor cope with huge data streams when processing them. Only the processor and RAM directly exchange data with each other via the bus. The frequency of writing or reading information in memory cells can reach 800 MHz. The information capacity of RAM can take the following values ​​- 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 MB, etc.
Memory sticks are inserted into special connectors on the motherboard and directly connected to the backbone

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Personal computer is a computer (computer) intended for personal use, the price, size and capabilities of which satisfy the needs of a large number of people. A modern personal computer can be implemented in various versions - desktop (desktop), portable (notebook), pocket (handheld) and others.


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Mobile PCs

Laptops Compact computers containing all the necessary components (including a monitor) in one small case, usually folding into the shape of a book. To achieve small sizes, they use special technologies: specially designed chips, RAM and hard drives of reduced dimensions, a compact keyboard, external power supplies, and a minimum of expansion slots.

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Pocket PCs (PDAs) Ultra-portable devices that fit in your pocket. They are usually controlled using a screen that is small in size and resolution, pressure-sensitive with a finger or a special pen (stylus), and there is no keyboard or mouse. The screen resolution is low, usually 320x400. Such devices use ultra-efficient processors and small flash drives

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Main components of a personal computer

Monitor Motherboard Processor RAM Expansion cards Power supply Optical drive Hard drive Mouse Keyboard

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System (motherboard) board

Motherboard is a printed circuit board on which the chipset and other components of a computer system are mounted. A chipset is a set of chips on a motherboard. The chipset consists of 2 main chips: MCH - memory controller-hub - Northbridge - ensures interaction between the CPU and the memory and video adapter. ICH - input/output controller - Southbridge - provides interaction between the CPU and the hard drive, PCI, USB slots, etc.

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The name comes from the English motherboard. On the motherboard, in addition to the chipset, there are connectors for connecting a central processor, graphics card, sound card, hard drives, RAM and other connectors. All the main electronic circuits of the computer and the necessary additional devices are included in the motherboard, or connected to it using expansion slots.

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Central processing unit (CPU) or central processing unit (CPU) is a machine instruction processor, a part of computer hardware responsible for performing the bulk of information processing work. Most modern processors implement the cyclic sequential processing process invented by John von Neumann.

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Random access memory (RAM - random access memory) is memory designed to temporarily store data and commands necessary for the processor to perform operations. RAM transmits commands and data to the processor directly or through cache memory. Each RAM cell has its own individual address.

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Modern RAM is a dynamic random access memory (DRAM). The concept of random access memory assumes that the process of accessing data does not take into account the order in which it is located. A memory cell is a part of a computer storage device for storing 1 computer word (number) or part of it (for example, 1 byte). The total number of memory cells of all storage devices determines the computer's memory capacity.

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A hard disk drive, hard drive, HDD or hard drive (English: Hard Disk Drive) is a non-volatile, rewritable computer storage device. It is the main data storage device in almost all modern computers.

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Information in HDD is recorded on hard (aluminum or glass) plates coated with a layer of ferromagnetic material. In operating mode, the read heads do not touch the surface of the plates, but “hover” above them. The distance between the head and the disk is several nanometers (5-10 nm in modern disks), and the absence of mechanical contact ensures a long service life of the device.

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Title "Winchester"

In 1973, IBM released the hard drive model 3340, which for the first time combined disk platters and read heads in one integral housing. When developing it, engineers used the short internal name “30-30”, which meant two modules (in the maximum configuration) of 30 MB each. Kenneth Houghton, the project manager, in consonance with the designation of the popular hunting rifle “Winchester 30-30”, proposed calling this disc a “Winchester”.

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power unit

A computer power supply is designed to supply computer components with electrical energy. Its task is to convert the mains voltage to specified values, stabilize them and protect them from minor interference in the supply voltage. The main parameter of a computer power supply is the maximum power consumed from the network.

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A computer power supply for today's PC platform provides output voltages of ±5, ±12, +3.3 V. The following power supply standards exist: AT - the power switch is located in the power circuit and is usually located on the front panel of the case. As a result, automatic turning on and off of the computer is impossible. ATX – voltage is constantly supplied to the motherboard. Supports power control based on a signal from a board that has a software interface for this.

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Optical drive

An optical drive is an electrical device for reading and possibly writing information from optical media (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM). Today, most optical drives are available with an IDE/ATAPI interface. External CD-ROM drives are usually made with a USB interface.

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Monitor, display - interface of the “person - equipment - person” system. Converts digital and (or) analog information into video images.

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Classification of monitors

Colored by color; monochrome. According to the type of information displayed, alphanumeric – displays capable of displaying only alphanumeric information; graphic: vector, raster

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According to the structure of the CRT, it is based on a cathode ray tube (CRT - cathode ray tube); LCD - liquid crystal display (LCD - liquid crystal display); Plasma - based on a plasma panel; Projection - a video projector and screen placed separately or combined in one housing (optionally through a mirror or a system of mirrors).

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Keyboard is a device that is a set of buttons (keys) designed to control a device or to enter information. This is one of the main devices for entering information into a computer.

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The keyboard has several groups of keys: Alphanumeric and character keys; Special keys; Function keys; Keys for cursor control; Service keys for changing registers and modifying codes of other keys (Ctrl, Alt, Shift); Service keys for register fixation; Auxiliary keys. The total number of keyboard keys is 104, however, the number of different signals from the keyboard significantly exceeds this number.

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Computer mouse

A mouse is one of the pointing input devices that provides a user interface with a computer. The mouse perceives its movement in the working plane (usually on a section of the table surface) and transmits this information to the computer. A program running on a computer, in response to mouse movement, produces an action on the screen that corresponds to the direction and distance of this movement.

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Mouse sensors

Ball drive, the movement of the mouse is transmitted to a rubberized steel ball protruding from the body. Two rollers pressed against the ball record its movements along each dimension and transmit them to sensors that convert these movements into electrical signals.

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Optical mice Optical mice are made on the basis of a microcircuit containing a photosensor and an image processor. The photosensor periodically scans the area of ​​the working surface under the mouse. When the pattern changes, the processor determines in which direction and at what distance the mouse has moved. The scanned area is illuminated by an LED (usually red) at an oblique angle.

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Future prospects

In the next 10-20 years, most likely, the material part of processors will change, due to the fact that the technological process will reach the physical limits of production. Perhaps these will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is likely that over time it will be necessary to change the information part of the processors, that is, move from binary processors on binary triggers to ternary processors on ternary triggers and, probably, to e-processors with a number system equal the base of natural logarithms, that is, the number e = 2.71.... as once, in the time of Napier, in logarithmic tables they switched to a base equal to the number e.

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* * Personal computer - a computer (computer) intended for personal use, the price, size and capabilities of which satisfy the needs of a large number of people. A modern personal computer can be implemented in various versions - desktop (desktop), portable (notebook), pocket (handheld) and others. Definition

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* * Desktop PC version This is a standard configuration of a personal computer, when the main units are separated separately: the system unit; monitor; keyboard; columns; mouse.

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* * Mobile PCs Laptops Compact computers containing all the necessary components (including a monitor) in one small case, usually folding like a book. To achieve small sizes, they use special technologies: specially designed chips, RAM and hard drives of reduced dimensions, a compact keyboard, external power supplies, and a minimum of expansion slots.

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* * Tablet PCs Similar to laptops, but contain a pressure-sensitive screen and no mechanical keyboard. Text input and control are carried out via an on-screen interface. The computing power is inferior to desktop PCs due to the use of energy-saving components. Mobile PCs

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* * Pocket PCs (PDAs) Ultra-portable devices that fit in your pocket. They are usually controlled using a screen that is small in size and resolution, pressure-sensitive with a finger or a special pen (stylus), and there is no keyboard or mouse. The screen resolution is low, usually 320x400. Such devices use ultra-efficient processors and small flash drives. Mobile PCs

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* * Main components of a personal computer Monitor Motherboard Processor RAM Expansion cards Power supply Optical drive Hard drive Mouse Keyboard

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* * System (motherboard) board The motherboard is a printed circuit board on which the chipset and other components of the computer system are mounted. A chipset is a set of chips on a motherboard. The chipset consists of 2 main chips: MCH - memory controller-hub - Northbridge - ensures interaction between the CPU and the memory and video adapter. ICH - input/output controller - Southbridge - provides interaction between the CPU and the hard drive, PCI, USB slots, etc.

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* * Motherboard The name comes from the English motherboard. On the motherboard, in addition to the chipset, there are connectors for connecting a central processor, graphics card, sound card, hard drives, RAM and other connectors. All the main electronic circuits of the computer and the necessary additional devices are included in the motherboard, or connected to it using expansion slots.

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* * The most famous manufacturers of motherboards on the Russian market: Asus, Gigabyte, Intel, Elitegroup, MSI. Among Russian motherboard manufacturers, we can mention the Formosa company, which produced boards using components from Lucky Star and Albatron. Motherboard

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* * Central processor The central processing unit (CPU) or central processing unit (CPU) is a machine instruction processor, a part of computer hardware responsible for performing the bulk of information processing work. Most modern processors implement the cyclic sequential processing process invented by John von Neumann.

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* * Random access memory Random access memory (RAM - random access memory) is memory designed for temporary storage of data and commands necessary for the processor to perform operations. RAM transmits commands and data to the processor directly or through cache memory. Each RAM cell has its own individual address.

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* * Modern RAM is dynamic random access memory (DRAM). The concept of random access memory assumes that the process of accessing data does not take into account the order in which it is located. A memory cell is a part of a computer storage device for storing 1 computer word (number) or part of it (for example, 1 byte). The total number of memory cells of all storage devices determines the computer's memory capacity. RAM

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* * Hard drive A hard disk drive, hard drive, HDD or hard drive (English: Hard Disk Drive) is a non-volatile, rewritable computer storage device. It is the main data storage device in almost all modern computers.

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* * Hard disk Information in HDD is recorded on hard (aluminum or glass) plates coated with a layer of ferromagnetic material. In operating mode, the read heads do not touch the surface of the plates, but “hover” above them. The distance between the head and the disk is several nanometers (5-10 nm in modern disks), and the absence of mechanical contact ensures a long service life of the device.

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* * The name “Winchester” In 1973, IBM released the hard drive model 3340, which for the first time combined disk platters and read heads in one integral housing. When developing it, engineers used the short internal name “30-30”, which meant two modules (in the maximum configuration) of 30 MB each. Kenneth Houghton, the project manager, in consonance with the designation of the popular hunting rifle “Winchester 30-30”, proposed calling this disc a “Winchester”.

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* * Power supply The computer power supply is designed to supply computer components with electrical energy. Its task is to convert the mains voltage to specified values, stabilize them and protect them from minor interference in the supply voltage. The main parameter of a computer power supply is the maximum power consumed from the network.

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* * A computer power supply for today's PC platform provides output voltages of ±5, ±12, +3.3 V. The following power supply standards exist: AT - the power switch is located in the power circuit and is usually located on the front panel of the case. As a result, automatic turning on and off of the computer is impossible. ATX – voltage is constantly supplied to the motherboard. Supports power control based on a signal from a board that has a software interface for this.

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* * Optical drive An optical drive is an electrical device for reading and possibly writing information from optical media (CD-ROM, DVD-ROM). Today, most optical drives are available with an IDE/ATAPI interface. External CD-ROM drives are usually made with a USB interface.

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* * Optical drive The CD-ROM drive allows you to only read information from the disk. The CD-RW drive allows you to both read information from the disk and write to the disk. DVD-ROM drive allows you to read CD-R, CD-ROM, CD-RW, DVD-ROM, DVD-RW discs

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* * Optical drive There are specifications for DVD-RW drives: DVD-RW was developed by a group of largest Japanese companies, including JVC, Hitachi, Mitsubishi; DVD+RW is supported by Sony, Philips, Yamaha. Combination DVD±RW drives are available as a universal solution

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* * Monitor Monitor, display - interface of the “person - equipment - person” system. Converts digital and (or) analog information into video images.

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* * Classification of monitors Color; monochrome. According to the type of information displayed, alphanumeric – displays capable of displaying only alphanumeric information; graphic: vector, raster

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* * Classification of monitors According to the structure of the CRT - based on a cathode ray tube (CRT - cathode ray tube); LCD - liquid crystal display (LCD - liquid crystal display); Plasma - based on a plasma panel; Projection - a video projector and screen placed separately or combined in one housing (optionally through a mirror or a system of mirrors).

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* * Keyboard A keyboard is a device that is a set of buttons (keys) designed to control a device or enter information. This is one of the main devices for entering information into a computer.* * Computer mouse The “mouse” manipulator is one of the pointing input devices that provides the user interface with the computer. The mouse perceives its movement in the working plane (usually on a section of the table surface) and transmits this information to the computer. A program running on a computer, in response to mouse movement, produces an action on the screen that corresponds to the direction and distance of this movement. * * Motion sensors for the “mouse” Ball drive, the movement of the mouse is transmitted to a rubberized steel ball protruding from the body. Two rollers pressed to the ball record its movements along each of the dimensions and transmit them to sensors that convert these movements into electrical signals. * * Future Prospects In the next 10-20 years, the material part of processors is likely to change, due to the fact that the technological process reaches the physical limits of production. Perhaps these will be: Quantum computers Molecular computers It is likely that over time it will be necessary to change the information part of the processors, that is, move from binary processors on binary triggers to ternary processors on ternary triggers and, probably, to e-processors with a number system equal the base of natural logarithms, that is, the number e = 2.71.... as once, in the time of Napier, in logarithmic tables they switched to a base equal to the number e.

What is a computer?

Computer (eng. computer - calculator) is a programmable electronic computing device for data processing, transmission and storage of information. That is, a computer is a complex of software-controlled electronic devices. 2

The term "computer" (or "personal computer") is synonymous with the abbreviation "computer" (electronic computer) or "PC" (personal computer). 3

First of all, a computer, according to von Neumann's principles, must have the following devices: An arithmetic-logical unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations; Control device (CU), which organizes the process of program execution; A storage device (memory), or memory for storing programs and data; External devices for input/output of information. 6

Principles of John von Neumann: The principle of program control (a program consists of a set of commands that are executed by the processor one after another in a certain sequence); The principle of memory homogeneity (programs and data are stored in the same memory); The principle of addressing (the main memory consists of numbered cells, and any cell is available to the processor at any time). 7

Typically, a computer is designed based on the principle of open architecture: Description of the operating principle of a PC and its configuration, which allows you to assemble a PC from individual components and parts; The presence of internal expansion slots in the PC into which the user can insert various devices that meet a given standard. 8

MAIN PC CHARACTERISTICS PC performance (speed). Processor performance (speed). Processor clock speed (clock frequency). Processor capacity. Access time. Memory size. Recording density. Speed ​​of information exchange. 9

Use of computers For calculations. Creation of databases. Control of all kinds of devices. The computer has become the main information tool for modeling complex physical and biological processes. Artificial intelligence. 10

Sources and additional information: K. Aiden, H. Fiebelman, M. Kramer. PC Hardware / Transl. with him. - St. Petersburg: BHV - St. Petersburg, 1997. - 544 p.; - article “Computer” on Wikipedia; - article “What is a computer?”; - article “What is a computer?”; - classical computer architecture. Additional information: - article “Computer”; - article “Computer hardware” in Collier’s encyclopedia; - collection-museum of domestic computers with photographs; - classification of computers; - virtual computer museum. eleven

Thank you for your attention. The presentation was prepared by the teacher of the Baimak Agricultural College, Musina Zh.M.

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