Musical quiz “Guess the melody. Interactive game "guess the melody" Guess the melody for pensioners download presentation

Scenario of an extracurricular event for schoolchildren in grades 5-6-7-8

Scenario of the game program "Guess the melody" for schoolchildren

Author: Kuzikov Vladimir Arkadievich, teacher of history and social studies, teacher of additional education, head of VIA "Stimulus", MKUOSHI "Panaevskaya boarding school of secondary (complete) general education", YaNAO, Yamal district, Panaevsk village
The scenario of the program is aimed at students in grades 5-8. The material will be useful to educators, leaders of musical circles.
Purpose: to interest children in music, to promote the expansion of horizons, the ability to work in groups.
Conduct form: a game
Rules of the game
The game involves 5 people.
The game consists of 4 rounds.
I round: participants listen to 4 categories of music of their choice, accumulating points.
The choice of melody is given to the player who guessed the melody, the first time the choice can be made by the participant who answered the question. The participant with the fewest points is eliminated.

II round: participants listen to the tunes of their choice and those participants who have the fewest points leave the game.

Round III: represents the bidding, which is started by the participant who has more points. You can start guessing the melody from 15 notes. If the melody is not guessed, a point is given to the opponent. In this round, the score will go up to 3 points.

First, a hint sounds, then the players bargain, then as many notes of the melody sound as the participants stopped.
Super game.

Event progress

Organizational moment. Greetings.
Performance of the song "Oh, this music" by the participants of the VIA "Stimulus".
Presenter 1. Hello! We welcome you to our Guess the Melody show.
Presenter 2. And for starters, I propose to complete a very difficult task.

Qualifying round
Presenter 2. Dear guys, now your attention will be offered the words from the songs that you heard in the cartoons. The task is simple: you need to name the hero and the name of the cartoon in which this song is sung.
1. “And I increasingly notice
It's like someone replaced me.
I don’t dream about the seas -
The TV has replaced nature for me ”(Matroskin’s song from the film“ Prostokvashino ”).
2. “Spoon interfering with snow,
The night is big
What are you, stupid, do not sleep?
Your neighbors are sleeping
White bears,
Sleep soon, baby." (Lullaby of the Bear from the movie "Umka")
3. “I was once strange
Nameless toy,
To which in the store
Nobody will fit. (Song of Cheburashka m / f "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena").
4. - Tell me, Snow Maiden,
Where was?
Tell me, honey
How are you?
- I was running after you
Father Frost,
I spilled a lot
Bitter tears. (Song of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus from the film "Well, you wait!").
5. “You can’t fly far on an old piece of iron,
You won't get far on an old piece of iron.
It's good to sit in the dark
And turn the pieces of iron,
Your whole life will change as soon as you pick up
The same pin
Pin!" (Smeshariki's song from the film "Smeshariki").
fallback options
6. "Stretch the furs, accordion,
Oh, play, play!
Sing ditties, grandmother Yozhka,
Sing, don't talk!" (Song Grandmothers Ezhek from the m / f "Flying Ship").
7. "If long, long, long,
If for a long time along the path,
If long on the track
Stomp ride and run
That, perhaps, then of course,
That's probably right, right
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible
You can come to Africa ”(Song of the Little Red Riding Hood m / f“ Little Red Riding Hood ”).

Participants who answered the questions correctly are invited to the stage.
Presenter 1. Let's welcome music connoisseurs.
(introduction of participants)
Member #1…
Member #2…
Member #3…
Member #4…
Member #5…
Presenter 2. Congratulations, you have become participants in the Guess the Melody show. A jury will judge you. Let me introduce you to a strict but fair jury that will evaluate the participants in our show.
(introduction of jury members)
Presenter 1. It's time to start our show. The jury is ready to work, the participants are in place, it remains only to explain the rules of our game. We will have 4 rounds, after the first round, the participant with the least points is eliminated. After the second round, the two players with the lowest results leave the stage. Then, after the third round, one participant also drops out, and a super game is played with the remaining player. The leaders of the VIA "Stimulus" will help us in the musical arrangement. Let's greet them (VIA participants go on stage, then take their places).

Host 2. So, we begin. First tour.
Presenter 1. Before you is a scoreboard with four categories of music, in each category - four melodies. Melodies are marked with notes. Each note has its own price - from 5 to 30 points. You select a note, then a melody without words is played. Participants are required to be the first to remember what kind of melody it is, raise their number and answer. If the answer is correct, the value of the “note” is credited to the scoreboard of the participant, who has the right to choose the next category. If the player makes a mistake, he is "fined" - he misses one (two) melodies and is out of the game. Melodies sound for 20 seconds, in which case the "note" remains unplayed. Not all categories and notes can be played in the first round. After the first round, the participant with the fewest points is eliminated.
Presenter 2. The right to name and open the first note is given to the participant under number 1 (the participant chooses a melody, it sounds, and the one who first raises his number guesses. If the participant guessed correctly, then the next move will be his).
(a game)
Presenter 1. The first round ends on this magnificent melody. Let's see the results. Jury word.
As mentioned, according to the rules of our show, the participant with the lowest score leaves us. Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to……..and say "thank you".

Second round
Lead 2. We continue the game. And now the start of the second round is announced. The player with the fewest points is……., so this participant chooses a category. According to the terms of the second round, 2 participants who scored the least number of points are eliminated from the game.
(a game)
Presenter 1. The floor is given to the jury (jury's speech, summing up the results of the second round).
Participants ... and ... are eliminated from the game, we thank them for their excellent game with applause and a musical number.
(musical number of VIA "Stimulus")

Third round
Presenter 2. In the third round they play with us ... and .... The tour will be held in the form of auctions. You will bargain with each other for the right to name the tune after my prompt. The game will go up to three points. The participant with the number ... with the most points starts the game. The countdown goes from 15 to 7 notes, that is, you say “I will guess this melody from 15 notes, and the second participant either gives you the right to guess the melody, or says a smaller number of notes from which he will guess the melody.
(a game)

Presenter 1. We give the floor to the jury. The third round has come to an end, unfortunately, for one of the participants it turned out to be the last one. We say goodbye to .... we are glad that you were at the game and showed a high musical level. VIA "Stimulus" congratulates you.
(musical number of VIA "Stimulus")
Super game.
Presenter 2. And now a super game. We congratulate the participant on reaching the final. You need to guess 7 melodies in 3 minutes. At the signal of the jury, we begin.
(a game)
Lead 1.
You proved today that you are a true connoisseur of music. We congratulate you on winning our show. This thunderous applause is addressed to you.
Even though you didn't make it to the super game, you are a finalist and you are the winner of the game “Guess the melody. You are rightly regarded as a connoisseur of music.

Presenter 2. We invite all participants of the game to the stage. Thank you for your attention. See you soon!
(awarding the winner, presenting prizes and certificates to participants)
Category "School"
1. What is taught at school (words by Mikhail Plyatskovsky, music by Vladimir Shainsky)
2. This never happens again (words by Mikhail Plyatskovsky, music by Serafim Tulikov)
3. School ship (words by Konstantin Ibryaev, music by Georgy Struve)
4. Song of the first-grader (words by Igor Shaferan, music by Eduard Khanok)

Category "Media: cinema and multi"
1. Kind bug (film "Cinderella")
2. Song about bears (film "Prisoner of the Caucasus")
3. Island of bad luck (film "The Diamond Arm")
4. Song of Winnie the Pooh (cartoon "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all")
5. Smile (cartoon "Little Raccoon")

Category "Happy New Year"
1. A Christmas tree was born in the forest
2. Little Christmas tree is cold in winter
3. If there was no winter (cartoon "Prostokvashino")
4. Herringbone (cartoon "New Year's Tale").
Third round
1. A song about a profession whose representatives want to get enough sleep and know how to keep the secrets of the king (“The Song of the Guard” from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”)
2. A song about a representative of a detachment of insects similar to a vegetable (“A grasshopper sat in the grass” from the cartoon “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”)
3. A song about learning at school (“What is taught at school”)
4. The song of a vehicle that loves to observe nature (“Song of the Train” from the cartoon “The Train from Romashkovo”).
5. A song about two cheerful representatives of the grandmother's farmstead ("Two cheerful geese")

Scenario of the musical holiday "Guess the melody"

Leading: Good afternoon, dear teachers! Happy holiday to you! Today we will play the well-known game "Guess the melody". I will be with you throughout the program practically a copy of Vladislav Pelsh - Maria Nazarenko. I need an assistant who will play the role of the counting commission. Nikolai Vladimirovich and I will observe who's first light bulb will light up.

(team distribution)

Let's greet music connoisseurs with loud applause!

Now it's time to start our show! Music program "Guess the melody"!

(music "Guess the melody" sounds)

Leading: The game consists of 4 rounds.

Let's get acquainted with the rules of the 1st round: 3 teams participate in the first round. There are four categories of music with five melodies each. You can find out the cost of each melody only after you choose it. Melodies sound without words. Players need to be the first to remember what the melody is, turn on the lamp and answer. If the answer is correct, points are credited to the team's account. If a player makes a mistake, he is "fined" - he misses two melodies and is out of the game. The other two teams again try to guess this melody. The tour continues until all 20 tunes from the first round have been played. So here we go!


Category 1 "Multi-Remote"

1 - I'm watery

2 - Dance of the ducklings

3 - Bear's lullaby

4 - Chastushki Babok-Ezhek

5 - They say we are badass

1 - Two times two is four

2 - When we leave the schoolyard

3 - Teach at school

4 - School time

5 - There will still be roofing felts

1 - I love you to tears

2 - Love, like a dream (Pugacheva)

3 - Battery

4 - Is it my fault

5 - And I love a married man

1 - Mammoth song about mom

2 - May there always be sunshine

3 - Talk to me mom

4 - Oh my god mom, I'm going crazy

5 - Mama Lyuba

Leading: This beautiful tune ends the first round. Let's once again support the brave and courageous players of the first round with loud applause!

Dear Audit Chamber will now announce the results.


Leading: The rules of the second round are the same as those of the first, only here the points are completely different. Points scored in the second round are added to the points of the first round. The two teams with the most points advance to the semifinals.

Category 1 "Our smaller brothers"

1 - Man is a friend of a dog

2 -33 cows

3 - My Bunny (Kirkorov)

4 - Once upon a time there was a black cat

5 - We don't care

1 – Woman don't dance

2 - exhibit

3 - oh my god what a man

4 - everything is for you stas mikhaylov

5- toastmaster

1 - yellow tulips

2 - a bouquet of white roses

3 - a million million scarlet roses

4 - lavender, mountain lavender

5 - daisies hid

1 - Watch out for the car

2 - Song of the Musketeers

3 - From the movie Love and Doves

4 – Titanic

5 - If I were a sultan

Leading: The second round has come to an end. Let's applaud the participants!

And we are waiting for the results after the second round.

Leading: Under the terms of the second round, the team with the least number of points is eliminated from the game. And this ______________________________

(announcement of players who leave the game).

Thank you for the excellent game of applause.


(music "Guess the melody" sounds)

Leading: I'll tell you about the rules of the semi-final: Two teams participate. The semi-final is a bidding that is started by the participant with the most points. You will be given a clue what the song is about. You will have the opportunity to guess this melody from 7 to 3 notes. The player can stop "bidding" at any time and give the right to guess the melody to the opponent. Bidding also ends if someone says they can guess the melody in the minimum number of seconds. After that, the participant needs to guess the melody. If he answers correctly, he gets one point. If not, the opponent gets the point. In this round, the score goes up to 3 points. The team with 3 points advances to the final.


    A song about what is sweet and dear to every person (Where does the Motherland begin ...)

    In this song, the guy who is looking for his beloved turns to the trees?(I asked the poplar)

    In this song, the old tree not only knocks on the window, but also calls for a walk?(maple)

    A song about a profession without which we would not receive a salary. (Accountant)

    Song about grandmother's friends (Two cheerful geese)
    Leading: This is the end of the semi-finals. But, unfortunately, at this stage we are forced to say goodbye to ____________________

(result, who dropped out)

We are glad that you were at the game and showed a high musical level! Loud applause sounds once again especially for you!


(music "Guess the melody" sounds)

Leading: We have come to the final. Congratulations to the team ……………… You are already winners!

But we give you the opportunity to compete for a super prize!

Now you need to guess 7 melodies in 2 minutes. Ready. The Accounts Chamber keeps track of time.

1 - If for a long time along the path (Little Red Riding Hood Song)

2 - Oh, bullseye

3 - if there was no winter

4 - Tired toys sleep

5 - Standing alone again

6 - oh frost frost

7 - trucker

Host: - if won: You proved today that you are a true connoisseur of music. We congratulate you on winning our show. This thunderous applause is addressed to you. And, of course, your well-deserved super prize!

- if lost: You may not have won the final, but you are still the winner of the Guess the Melody game! You are rightfully considered a connoisseur of music!

- Anyway: Congratulations to the finalist of the musical program "Guess the melody"! Thank you to everyone who participated in our show today! Thanks to all viewers for your attention and see you soon!

Theme: interactive game "Guess the melody"

Purpose: to raise interest in the subject


    To form in children a love for music and the need to communicate with it.

    Raise musical interests, tastes of children.

    To develop in students mental activity, ingenuity, ingenuity, resourcefulness.

Planned results:


    Students are able to perceive music and express their attitude to a piece of music.


    To perceive the speech of the teacher (classmates), not directly addressed to the student, to express a positive attitude towards the process of cognition. Show interest. Evaluate your own educational activities, your achievements, independence, initiative, responsibility, reasons for failures.


    Regulatory- keep the goal of the activity until its result is obtained. Plan the solution of the educational problem: build a sequence of necessary operations (algorithms, actions).

    Communicative- to perceive the text taking into account the set educational task. Characterize the qualities, attributes of an object, relating it to a certain class (type).

    Cognitive- make assumptions, discuss problematic issues.

Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, computer, tokens, red notes, green notes.

Didactic lesson structure

During the classes


Teacher activity

Student activities

Organizing time

Time: 1 min.

Hello guys!

Today we will play an interactive game "Guess the melody". Are you ready to start?

Welcome teachers.

Determine your readiness level.

Preparatory stage

Time: 5 min.

First, I will tell you the rules of the game:

Today we have to determine the most attentive listener, a connoisseur of children's songs. The game consists of four rounds. In the fourth, the winners play (from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd). Before each of the three games, a qualifying round is held - three players are selected from those present. After the qualifying round, three players start the first game.

Player #1 chooses a theme:

"From cartoons"

"From children's films"

"About animals"

"About Friends"

"School years are wonderful"

and the number of the melody (each theme has 9 melodies). The presenter first presses the square with the number of the melody, when he changes color to light green, clicks on the melody icon and notes the playing time. The maximum is 10 seconds. Who is the first of the three players to guess the melody, raises the card, and the presenter presses the stop button. If the melody is guessed correctly, the presenter presses the "correct" button with the sound of applause. The name of the song appears under the melody number (trigger), you need to click. The game is continued by the one who guessed the melody (he can choose any theme and any number of the melody). For each guessed melody, a note token is issued. The player with the most note tokens advances to the final.

Similarly, 2 (3) qualifying rounds and 2 (3) games are held.

Three finalists play in the final.

The winner plays the super game (2 mistakes are allowed). In the super game, the leader in turn clicks first on the square with the number of the melody, and then on the melody icon. Melody sounding time - 10 sec.

FOR EACH PLAYER ON AVERAGE 5 MELODIES. (supergame separately).

Listen to the rules of the game.

main stage

Time: 29

And so, we begin!

Play an interactive game.

Accompanying: presentation.


Time: 3 min.

And so, who is our most attentive listener, connoisseur of children's songs?

And this…

Congratulations on winning the game.

The winner is awarded with a certificate.


Time: 2 min.

You each have two notes on your desks: red and green.

A red note means that you did not like it and were not interested. Green note - you enjoyed playing.

Show your attitude to the lesson.

What is your mood.

This concludes our game, thanks for the lesson! See you soon!


Notes are pre-issued at the beginning of the lesson.

Irina Tsurganova

This event was held during the summer health campaign. For this period, all groups in the kindergarten are of different ages, which contributes to better socialization, the development of communication skills, teaches older children to help and support the younger ones, and the kids, in turn, take an example from older children and reach for them.

Previously, the children were divided into 4 teams of 6 people (1 child from each age group).

Musical quiz "Guess the melody".

Purpose: To educate children's cognitive interest in musical activity. Develop communication and creativity skills. Generate a positive emotional response.

Equipment: Phonograms of children's songs, a set of children's musical instruments, score cards for the jury, chairs for each team.

Event progress:

Host: Hello guys! I welcome you, boys and girls, to our fun, musical and entertaining quiz "Guess the melody". Melody is music, and it surrounds us everywhere. And, probably, each of you has a favorite song or favorite artist. Tell us what kind of music do you like? (children's answers). Today I invite you to participate in a quiz, which will consist of music competitions. To do this, we divided into teams and now you need to come up with a name for your team.

(Children come up with a team name and present their teams)

Competition No. 1 "Guess the melody".

(Children should determine the name of the songs by the musical passage: backing track; 3 songs for each team)

1. A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.

2. It's fun to walk together.

3. True friend.

4. Friends (gr. Barbariki)

5. Two funny geese.

6. Oh God, what a man.

7. From a smile.

8. Watch (m / f Fixies)

9. Antoshka.

10. What is taught at school.

11. Dance of little ducklings.

12. Chunga - changa.

The jury evaluates the competition

Competition No. 2 "Recognize the song by description".

(Children should recognize the song from the verbal description; 3 songs for each team)

1. A song about how a birthday present was brought by helicopter. ("Song of the crocodile Gena" (Let them run clumsily)

2. A song about a holiday that is met with tears in the eyes. ("Victory Day")

3. A song about two poultry of different colors. ("Two cheerful geese")

4. A song about how to walk well with friends and sing songs. ("It's fun to walk together")

5. Song of a girl who wore a bright headdress ("Little Red Riding Hood's Song")

6. A song about what happens if you multiply one number by another. ("2x2=4")

7. A song about transport that rolls towards new adventures. ("Blue carriage")

8. A song about worn winter shoes. ("Felt boots")

9. The song after the cartoons under which all the children go to bed. ("Tired toys are sleeping")

10. A song about a wooden boy who changed his alphabet for a ticket to the theater. ("Pinocchio")

11. A song about a coniferous tree that is cold. ("Little Christmas Tree")

12. A song about an animal floating on an ice floe. ("Mammoth song")

The jury evaluates the competition

Competition No. 3 "Musical Instruments"

(Whose team will remember more names of musical instruments)

Children are shown images of musical instruments, they must name those that they recognize.

The jury evaluates the competition

Dance break for participants and for spectators:

dance to the song "Bi-bi, bi-bi, bibika" (The teacher shows the movements)

Competition No. 4 "What is it?"

Children must collect a cut picture with the image of a musical instrument. Who is faster!

The jury evaluates the competition

Competition No. 5 "Dancing"

Each team is given a piece of paper on which they dance to the music, after changing the music, the paper is added up (3 times). The team that has more dancers left on the paper wins.

The jury evaluates the competition

Competition No. 6 "Connoisseur of Music"

1) What was the name of the heroine of the fairy tale, who, having first got to the ball, charmed the king and prince with her wonderful song? Who is this song about?

2) Name your favorite music. Instrument of Karabas-Barabas (Pipe)

3) What flower has a musical name? (Bell)

4) What is the name of the kindest, and most importantly singing cat, who called on everyone to live in friendship and harmony? (Leopold)

5) What tool can be made from a reed if you make holes in it? (Pipe)

6) What is the name of the profession of a person who performs songs? (Singer)

7) What is the name of the song they sing before going to bed? (Lullaby)

8) What is the profession of the person who writes music? (Composer)

9) Name the main song of our country. (Hymn)

10) What song did the mother goat sing so that the kids would open the door for her? (sing a song)

11) What is the musical instrument played by the crocodile Gena? (Harmonic)

12) Name the first musical note. (Before)

The jury evaluates the competition

Song break.

Children of the preparatory group sing the song "Young Horse"

Children of the second junior and middle groups sing the song "True Friend"

Competition No. 7 "Musical carousel"

The participants run around the chairs to the music (there are 1 less of them than the children, at the end of the music the children take their places, those who did not have time - leave the game, so to the winner. (First in each team, and then 1 child (winners in the team) in the general circle).

The jury evaluates the competition


Presenter: So our music competitions have ended, of which there were exactly 7, as many as there are musical notes. You actively participated and earned the following points.

The winners are awarded prizes and certificates.

Consolation gifts are also given and all teams (1 for each group) are given a disk with classical music in memory of the competition.

Related publications:

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