DIY cell phone blocker. DIY GSM cell phone jammer. How to camouflage jammers

Today, communicating with each other has become much easier, thanks to the advent and widespread use of mobile phones. But, on the other hand, such a development entails many unpleasant moments. And in order to avoid all sorts of surprises, they came up with special devices that have now become available not only to intelligence officers, but also to ordinary people. These are so-called suppressors or jammers. With their help, you can not be afraid of hidden video cameras, wiretapping, “bugs” and similar “things” that are available to everyone today.

Suppressors can be purchased, for example, via the Internet. And radio amateurs make them themselves. How these devices work, what they are capable of and how to make a GSM jammer with your own hands will be discussed in the next article.

How do cell phone jammers work?

Some of them are devices of such a type that when the devices fall within their range, all the phones around them only pick up interference, and people cannot talk on them.

Other GSM jammers are aimed at scanning frequencies and looking for a specific signal. The moment he appears, they begin to generate interference. Thus, electrical energy is significantly saved.

Devices may have different ranges. Some of them do not spread more than ten meters. They are perfect for a small office or car.

More serious models have a range of about fifty meters. They can be used, for example, in conference rooms or meeting rooms.

But there is also a device with a huge range. It can spread interference over entire areas. Of course, only special services have access to such a GSM jammer.

The diagram presented below will help you construct a device with your own hands.

Suppressors and the law

However, it must be borne in mind that, according to the Russian federal law “On Communications”, all communication blockers are subject to mandatory registration and certification. The certificate is issued by the device manufacturers themselves upon purchase, but the device owners are responsible for the registration procedure. If it is not passed, then operating the device is an illegal act for which you will have to bear responsibility.

But thanks to such devices, you can protect yourself from various spying devices that aim to invade your privacy. It is sometimes impossible to detect them due to their miniature size, but GSM jammers can cope with the task.

Suppressor Installation and Operation

Installation of the device is completely simple. The antenna is screwed into the connector, and the jammer will suppress the signals within ten seconds after switching on. The blocker is able to work both in and through the network. You can also use the car's cigarette lighter if necessary.

But we should not forget that illegal use of the device is a violation of the law.

Fine tuning

It happens that after the GSM jammers have been charged, turning on the devices, they discover poor performance, the effect extends only to a certain telecom operator, or something else similar. This happens if operators use slightly different frequencies.

But in order for the device to work with them, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • remove the switch;
  • unscrew the antenna;
  • remove the cover;
  • pull out the microcircuit;
  • turn the trimming resistor on it with a screwdriver to increase or decrease the frequency.

Who needs to invade someone else's life?

Similar steps are taken to set up WiFi.

Probably everyone knows today what “bugs” are. Various means of wiretapping are currently used not only by intelligence services. They can be installed by a student or even a schoolchild.

However, most often jealous people, business competitors and others are interested in such devices. Spy technology can harm anyone. Therefore, many people are interested in information security today. And the GSM jammer is precisely the device that combats such phenomena.

Well, many have long known about GSM 900-1800 cell phones that without a jammer they can easily turn into a means of information leakage.

Bluetooth, 3G, Wi-Fi jammer

Such a device is usually invisible and operates at certain frequencies. At the same time, on a cell phone, when the device is operating, something like “network not found”, “no signal”, etc. is usually displayed. And if it is installed with some kind of device, then after a few seconds it is interrupted. Then no spyware will be able to eavesdrop and pick up signals.

GSM phone or Wi-Fi jammers do not emit powerful noise or radio signals. Therefore, household devices both worked and continue to work.

Highly sensitive spy equipment can be installed anywhere: in offices, cars, apartments, saunas, and so on. Communication occurs at certain frequencies. Conventional detectors often fail to cope with the task and are not able to “compute” modern spy technology. But jammers, developed taking into account increased conditions and requirements, can “neutralize” space.

GPS jammer and anti-tracker

In recent years, another type of spy technology has become widespread: GPS trackers. They are not intended only for monitoring cargo transportation, as manufacturers often claim. They are often used by law enforcement agencies, private detectives, and the same envious competitors, even criminal structures.

These are absolutely miniature devices that are easy and simple to hide. And as a result, a certain person will be under such automated surveillance. That is why a GSM signal jammer, a kind of anti-tracker, began to be developed.

These are certain modules that do not allow one to calculate the coordinates of a person or vehicle. Anyone who monitors using a tracker will only see “no data”, or the data will not reach him at all.

Jammers provide vehicle anonymity and prevent the collection of personal information via GPS channels.

The devices are capable of successfully combating all kinds of spy technology, which can harm any person in his personal life, in the business sphere, as well as an entire organization. Therefore, in our realities, such things cannot be neglected, and it is necessary to try to protect yourself, your loved ones and employees from spy gadgets.

DIY GSM signal jammer

You can find instructions on how to assemble the devices yourself.

One of them is given below.

The suppressor is capable of resisting a signal at a frequency of 800 megahertz - most mobile devices are tuned to this frequency. The control generator here is a rocking wave generator. The device works great, but its assembly certainly requires certain skills.

Signals are taken at forty-five megahertz. The local oscillator port responds to it. The result is interference. The resistance in both the local oscillator port and the generator is equalized by directing the signal from the receiver's oscillator.

The port of the last generator has an 800 megahertz antenna configured. The RF output is connected to an amplifier, increasing the power of the device to sixteen dBm. After this, the increased signal reaches the antenna.

The inside of the GSM jammer is made from:

  • tuning circuit;
  • antennas;
  • amplifier stage;
  • source of interference.

Jammers operate at different frequencies depending on the need to interfere with certain communication devices.

The VCO can be considered the “heart” of the entire device. It produces an RF signal. An RF amplification unit will be needed to expand the coverage area of ​​the device. The tuning circuit can be either closed-loop or open-loop. Sold in a variety of capacities. But it should be understood that with higher power the operating time will decrease. signals generated by the suppressor. The power supply keeps the device alive. It can be used as a lithium ion battery. But if you will be using a regular power source, be sure to purchase an AC adapter.

These are the means today that we have to deal with the side effects of those inventions that, perhaps, were intended for completely different, good and useful purposes.

Sometimes there is a need to make a lot of interference for TV and radio bands. For example, your wife is watching “Don’t Be Born Beautiful,” and you need to watch the Champions League. For this purpose, special devices are used - “Radio Jammers” or popularly “Pig”. They are characterized by a short range (50-100 meters) and a good ability to jam the signal. The picture and sound may disappear completely.

Below is a diagram of a simple device for jamming television broadcasts.

R1 - 3.3k, R2 - 1.5k, R3 - 1.5k

C1 - 8...30 pF (Trim capacitor)

C3 - 5-10pF (4.7 pF), C4 - 56-69 pF (27 pF)

L1 - coil on frame 6 mm, 4 turns of wire 0.5 mm

Antenna 40 cm stranded wire

Muffler power supply - 3 Volts. The adjustment is made by a tuning capacitor and shifting and stretching the coil turns.

Option II

Radio-TV jammer

Are you tired of your sick neighbor who listens to “TaTu” on the radio from morning to evening, forgetting about sleep and about his neighbors? Does your mother not let you finish watching your favorite cartoon, clicking buttons on the remote control in search of your favorite series? Are you tired of living like this, do you want to get rid of evil neighbors and stupid TV series? Then go into the closet for your expensive soldering iron and read this article carefully!

If you think that to realize your cherished dream you will need a bunch of green presidents to buy a new TV, then you are very mistaken. All you need is a soldering iron and a couple of parts. If you understand correctly, today we will start making a simple “Radio and TV Silencer”. “Well, finally this hell will end!” - you will say and... you will be absolutely right.

What is this?

You are walking down the street accompanied by pretty girls. You notice that they are listening to the radio in the car. Here you make a couple of movements in your pocket. Now, instead of songs, you can hear crackling, squeaking and other crap coming from the car...

Heh... The girls are delighted with you, especially with the movements in your pants.

How it was

Why did I like this scheme? Everyone! First of all, a minimum number of parts, less can only be found in a TV. I also liked the simplicity and ease of use. Of ALL my friends who are far from electronics, ALL managed to collect it. Which I regret to this day. The object for testing, as you already knew, was my box.

By the way, when you try out this 198th wonder of the world, be extremely careful of cars with large antennas on the roof! They are popularly called "Direction Finders". Why be afraid of them? It’s just that the next time you jam the radio for your 98-year-old grandmother, she, without hesitation, will call the radio station on her mobile phone. Granny will tell them that her branded radio does not work. Operators, having checked and made sure that everything is working perfectly, can send a machine with “horns” to the area where the radio signal is leaking. And she will find you without difficulty. They will take care of you with special zeal if this “grandmother’s radio” turns out to be a police or fire wave.

Let's start with

Making this device is a bit like building Lego. If you don’t have the necessary parts in your inventory (and you most likely don’t have them), then your direct route to MiTiN0 BaZaR. Well, or if you want to buy a really high-quality thing that will drown out almost all frequencies and your budget allows you to spend 300-500 dollars, then this is your place - All you need to buy is a mikruha and a trimmer, the approximate appearance of which you see in one of the photographs.

Although there will be no need to buy a capacitor if you have an old radio lying under your bed. You will remove it (the part) from there (do not forget to disinfect your hands with ammonia and wear special gloves before doing this). So, I stocked up on parts for two years, what next? And then you can plug the soldering iron into the right socket of the left corner of the top table and calmly run “on the path” so that nothing distracts you from your work.

Okay, you can go back. The soldering iron won't wait for you. Take it in your right hand, this manual in your left, and begin to thoroughly study the diagram so as not to interfere with your two-year supply of parts. Why did it burn? Yes, because there was no need to be distracted by physiology. A soldering iron should be 40 watts, not 100. Microcircuits tend to burn out at high temperatures! Remember these simple but necessary words. Although, if you have a domestic microcircuit... To burn it, you need a gasoline torch or a welding machine. In short, DO NOT be afraid to experiment! Only through experiments will your individual model of Glushak be born.

I won’t suggest you to use fiberglass, there’s too much extra hemorrhoids, it’s best to solder with suspended mounting (wires to the legs). No circuit board, noise and dust.


Well, you've finally come to one of the most important moments of this operation. When you're soldering, try not to be distracted by anything, especially by the naked women who stick out on every millimeter of your monitor (this is a nuisance, I know from my own experience).

You will need 5 cm of solder (if you still haven’t learned from your 5-year-old brother what this is, read our FAQ). And rosin. If there is no rosin, you can use any solder paste or soldering liquid (HC-l, for example). Just don’t use shoe polish under any circumstances, it stains everything a lot. If there is no shoe polish, don’t be upset, you can safely solder without it. The soldering will just be less neat. In extreme cases, you can even screw everything together with wires.

There are two ways to solder the legs of the microcircuit to each other:

Having bent them a little, solder them together without additional material.

Without bending them, just solder an additional piece of wire, it's up to you.

First, you need to connect the power supply. The whole procedure consists of attaching the wires from the battery. They are connected like this: to the 14th leg “+”, and to the 7th leg “-”.

As I already explained above, soldering a microcircuit must be done extremely carefully; it is not advisable to hold the soldering iron on one leg for more than 10 seconds (it’s not possible, but if you really want to, then you can). Oh yes, I forgot that you’ve already bought parts for two years, which means you’re not afraid of it. As can be seen from the diagram, legs 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 1 and 6 are soldered together, and some of them are not used.

The second stage of work comes down to soldering the variable capacitor to the soldered legs: “3 and 5” and “1 and 6”. Now the time has come to extract the most important component of this elixir from my grandfather’s old Voskhod receiver. Your goal is a small square or round part with which you can adjust the frequency of the radio channel. Found? Take a saw and saw it off with all its giblets, just don’t forget to unplug the receiver from the outlet before doing this. Grandpa will be happy...

This part has two contacts, the polarity of which does not matter - you can attach either side. From the inside, it consists of a pair of thin plates, with the help of which the desired frequency of the radio signal will be adjusted. It is better to solder it onto wires 5-7 cm long. Or you can do it directly.

Out of 10-15 such jammers, only one did not work. Do you want to know why? It’s just that instead of the 74LS04 chip, I accidentally installed a K555TM2, and it simply burned out! But it was necessary to install K555LN1, it is the Russian analogue of 74LS04. I think the Russian brother is even louder than the American one (although it depends on how you look at it). But the main thing: K555LN1 costs 2 rubles, and 74LS04 - 20 rubles.

At the next stage of the operation, you will need a piece of wire a meter long, which will play the role of a contact antenna. It must be attached to the 6th blade of the small circuit.


Take one last look at the diagram and the resulting salad, and ask yourself whether the assembly was correct. If you are sure that you have assembled everything correctly, click YES. If you make a mistake, click on the NO button and start re-reading this manual. Although it could easily turn out that your mistake will make our Silencer even cooler. After all, the microcircuit operates in non-standard modes.

Let's build the body

The easiest way to make a case is to find a suitable box of the required dimensions. A pack of cigarettes or a box of condoms will do. Only after this can we safely proceed to the most delicious part - setting up our pest.

First test

The test must be carried out in the FM band. Turn on any radio station and start turning the trimmer capacitor knob with a wild scream (you must shout). Oh no, nothing works and never will: we forgot about the battery. Run to any kiosk and buy a 9-volt Krona battery. Everything should now be funded!

If you suddenly don’t have extra money for a new battery, don’t worry: any alternating current source will do. The voltage of such a source should be no more than 6-12 volts. But in any case, I do not recommend using this method. You understand why. Well, where will you go with an extension cord and a power supply?

True, power supplies also have little juicy delights. Especially if the source is homemade and works poorly, it will create another source of noise. Now we will have two noises hanging out, and everything will be more tweezers. And you can get a lot of power from the source.


The whole setup comes down to finding the frequency of the radio station on your hacker device. After scrolling the capacitor slider back and forth a couple of times, you will find that at some point the sound in the receiver disappears. After that, turn it more slowly. No, that’s not the way it’s done, that’s only the way firefighters handle it - they need to be more gentle. Imagine this is your favorite... nightstand handle. Hey, don't get carried away so you don't miss the precious millimeter. And finally, all receivers within a radius of ten meters will become silent, just like your mouse is silent.

The same thing happens when the TV is on. True, the effect is a little worse. This is due to the fact that TVs have become smarter. I also have cable television at home: I had to wrap the entire antenna around the television cable in order to at least slightly disable this miracle of technology. But still, my friend was unable to watch episode 38235 of “Manta the Barbarians”. So think for yourself where you will use the jammer. If you still decide to turn off the radio, then you don’t need to change anything. But if your goal is a TV, then I would advise increasing the length of the antenna by about two times...


Don't take this diagram as a standard. Just one of the options... In fact, it is enough to solder a couple of legs of the microcircuit with a loop of wire as long as a finger. Even this simple design will make noise. And if you make several such loops, for example, between the 1st and 2nd, between the 3rd and 4th, between the 5th and 6th... It will also make a very cool noise =). So you shouldn’t be too much of a monkey, it’s much more interesting to experiment. Install another battery, another capacitor, change the length of the wires between the legs, the length of the antenna. Write to us about your experiments, we will publish them.

GSM cell phone jammer circuit

Today GSM bugs are a bestseller! The most convenient and best option for wiretapping is via a GSM channel. You are in the Canary Islands, a client in the Kuril Islands - you called this GSM bug and are aware of everything!

The scheme is very simple - you don’t need to sit near the client’s office and be calculated, the whole system works where there is cellular communication, and today it is everywhere, such a gsm jammer and noise suppressor for any range of digital signals. We propose a circuit for suppressing a cellular signal in the GSM range.

A homemade jammer circuit for a mobile phone is assembled on an outdated element base, but it is very easy to manufacture and all the blocker element base is available on the markets. Theoretically, the suppression range of this GSM jammer circuit is no more than 7 meters.

Suppressed frequencies 900-1800 MHz. The power supply is from 15 to 20 volts, there is a stabilization chip that supplies the entire circuit with 12 volts. A voltage-controlled generator is assembled using transistors.

GSM cell phone jammer circuit. Phone blocker circuit:

Jammer circuit for GPS receivers (1575.42 MHz)

The GPS jammer circuit provides effective suppression of signals from satellites (GPS) at a frequency of 1575.42 MHz.

The suppression range is 20-75 meters, while the effectiveness of suppression depends on what kind of obstacles are between the car and the satellite (roof, forest, and so on). This circuit is assembled on a frequency synthesizer chip from Motorola.

The signal from which is mixed with the NOISE signal from the LM-386 microcircuit and then fed through a mixer to a preliminary high-frequency amplifier, then through a bandpass filter to the final RF amplifier and then to the antenna. The device is suitable for use in a car when powered by Krona. Operating time from the crown is 10-15 minutes or from the cigarette lighter through a 9-volt stabilizer.

Jammer circuit for GPS receivers (1575.42 MHz):

Radio signal jammer diagram

The circuit is intended for the manufacture of a device for protection against radio bugs. Silencer circuit Provides effective suppression of emissions from low-power transmitters in the range 30 MHz - 1000 MHz. A large number of bugs operate at these frequencies.

Schematic diagram of the suppressor:
Transistors VT1-VT4 require radiators of at least 100 square meters. see each, provided there is good internal ventilation of the case. It is better to replace resistors R1 and R2 with one 4.7 Ohm 10 W power.

Deputy Director for Development Kerimov Rostislav.

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As you know, every action has a reaction. So, since the first communication system appeared, all sorts of methods have appeared that make it possible to effectively interrupt it.

It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a conversation on a mobile phone or a banal wireless connection - absolutely any radio communication can be jammed.

Let's dive into theory

The principle of radio communication jamming itself is not complicated. To do this, it is only necessary that the operation of the receiving antenna be disrupted by interference, which will be comparable in level to the signal. Using such a banal and simple scheme, you can easily jam any signal, be it radio broadcasting or mobile communications.

Mind and heart - a constant struggle

Let's dive a little into history and remember how during the Soviet era, all friendly countries were surrounded by dozens of enemy-type radio stations that broadcast from everywhere. Soviet radio suppression at the time was aimed primarily at Radio Free Europe. Anti-Soviet broadcasts, which literally destroyed the human brain, were broadcast from every corner of the world.

Military radio communications - nothing is impossible!

Absolutely every country at one time or another used special jammers to suppress enemy communications signals. It is clear that the USSR, since it was the founder of radio communications, reached considerable heights in this area.

You need to understand that at that time the network of radio jammers was spread throughout the USSR better than the Internet is today in Russia.

The subscriber cannot receive your call...

It is clear that jamming the radio today will not be difficult, if we take into account the technologies that the modern world can boast of. But, since it is much easier to “calm down” annoying media using the method of orders than noise, in the 21st century a new victim of jamming has appeared - mobile communications.

Mobile communications are jammed quite often, although sometimes we are not aware of it at all. The average person can come up with anything:

  • "glitch";
  • poor coverage;
  • It’s better not to pay attention to the loss of the network at all than to believe that it was jammed.

This does not mean that your communications are being jammed because they want something from you. Jammers can be activated in places where special operations are carried out or near government highways. Network jamming can also be detected in:

  • hospitals and cafes;
  • meeting rooms;
  • conference rooms;
  • commercial structures, etc.

And there is absolutely nothing surprising about this today, because on public transport there may be a person standing or sitting with you who will have a jammer in his bag, which is activated to suppress the mobile network.

Why would an ordinary person suppress mobile communications?

You may ask why this is being done, because a cafe or public bus is not a place for business negotiations. Why turn on the jammer? The answer to this question is banally simple: for your own peace of mind. Just imagine that on a bus crowded with people, next to you there will be, say, a man “in charge” who decides to “divorce” his wife over the phone. You won’t beg him to speak more quietly because it annoys you, or argue with him? That’s right, it will be much more effective if you lightly press just one button and the person’s mobile connection is lost.

Shall we mute something else?

At the beginning of this article, we already said that you can jam anything where the radio channel will be used. If you are an ordinary person, then you may suffer slightly from your neighbor’s hooliganism, noticing that the things you are used to have stopped working.

Car alarm - easy to silence

In addition to mobile communications, today you can easily silence a car alarm. To achieve this goal, you can use both homemade and special devices. Please note that if you try to lock your car, the alarm key fob flashes, but nothing happens, then someone nearby is trying to silence your alarm.

Again, it’s difficult to talk about bad goals here. Of course, a car alarm can be jammed in order to steal a car, or maybe because a siren “screams” under the window all night and does not allow a small child to sleep.

Buying is as easy as shelling pears!

Whatever your goal, if you need a communication jammer, you can always purchase it in a specialized store or on an online portal. The main thing is that you need to initially decide for what purposes you will use it, what you will jam:

  • Internet;
  • bluetooth;
  • alarm;
  • mobile communications.

Depending on the goals presented, you will need to select a device model that fits the required parameters: perhaps a weak jammer that will suppress the signal of the radio transmitter will be enough for you, or you will need a more powerful option. It is important to remember that it is recommended to use such devices exclusively for good purposes, so that you do not end up harming yourself.

I present to your court the design of a frequency suppressor. A fairly simple and 100% working circuit is designed to suppress television and radio signals. The device will be able to jam almost any TV channel (except satellite, of course) at a distance of up to 15 meters from the TV. The device itself is an interference provider, the transmitter of which is made of only one transistor.

You can use literally any RF or microwave transistors. KT 368 (from the HF series) or KT 325, KT 399 (from the microwave series) are excellent. When using microwave transistors, the range increases to 50 meters. The circuit contains 5 - 6 turns of wire with a diameter of 0.5 - 0.7 mm, wound on a frame with a diameter of 4 mm. The circuit itself is quite simple and was taken from the radio bug circuit. The transmitting circuit was replaced, the circuit was changed so as to generate interference on the am-fm bands, because it is on these bands that many television and radio channels operate. The antenna is a piece of copper wire with a length of 20 - 15 cm, the latter can be excluded, but then the distance decreases. By rotating the variable capacitor, the device can be configured to specifically suppress channels that are in close ranges. The power of the device is enough for targeted suppression of 2 - 3 television or radio channels.

The jammer can be powered from 4 to 12 volts. Crown or corundum or any DC voltage sources that have a specified output rating are perfect for this purpose. Such a device can also be implemented using microwave field-effect transistors. The ratings of the radio components used can be deviated in one direction or another, we are talking about resistors, since capacitors in the circuit are critical and with a deviation of even 1 picofarad the circuit may not work at all or work with<< недугами >> - short range, high current consumption, unstable operation, etc.

The current consumption of the jammer should be somewhere between 5 and 7 mA from the crown. In order to reduce power, you can increase the value of the emitter resistor to 100 ohms. Thanks to this, you can achieve a power of a couple of watts. Using powerful field-effect transistors, you can suppress (jam) the GPS range, and therefore mobile communications; we’ll talk about a similar design next time.

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