Search and publication of information in internet presentation. Presentation on the topic "Searching for information on the Internet. All search engines are divided into two categories


online information


The search for information on the Internet is carried out with the help of special programs that process requests - information retrieval systems (IPS).

An information retrieval system is an applied computer environment for processing, storing, sorting, filtering and searching for large arrays of structured information.

IPS are of two types:

1. Documentographic. In documentographic information systems, all stored documents are indexed in a special way, i.e., each document is assigned an individual code that makes up the search image. The search is not based on the documents themselves, but on their search images. This is how books are searched for in large libraries. First, they look for a card in the catalog, and then, by the number indicated on it, the book itself is also found.

2. Factual. Factographic information systems store not documents, but facts related to any subject area. The search is carried out according to the pattern of the fact.

In Russia, the largest and most popular search engines are:

  • "Yandex" (
  • "Rambler" (
  • Google (
  • "mail" ( www . mail . en)

Web server is the computer on which

special software.

Web site is the location on the web server.

The Internet has adopted a numerical addressing system.

Computers prefer numbers ( ), and people are names ( as names are easier to remember.

Therefore, the Internet was introduced domain name system .

third level domain,

reports the name

organizations, on


given domain

Top level domain:

means the site

Registered in the Russian Federation

The entire sequence of characters

used in an address is called URL

second level domain,

means the site

registered in

St. Petersburg

Uniform Resource Locator (URL - Uniform Resource

locator ) is a uniform locator (determinant

location) of the resource.

Formerly called Universal Resource Locator -

generic resource locator.

URL is a standardized way of writing the address of a resource

on the Internet.

The URL was invented by Tim Berners-Lee

in 1990 within the walls of the European

nuclear research council

in Geneva, Switzerland.

URL has become a fundamental innovation

in the Internet.

The URL was originally intended for

location designations

resources (most often files) in

World Wide Web.

URLs are now used to refer to the addresses of almost all

Internet resources.

Search types:

  • Search by URLs
  • Search engines

Search engines

search engines- these are automatic systems that poll servers connected to the global network and store information about

available on the servers.






Russian search servers:

  • "Yandex" -
  • Rambler -
  • mail - www . mail . en ;
  • gogo -

Foreign search servers:

  • Alta-Vista-
  • fast search-
  • Northern Light-

search technology in

search engines

2. Keyword Search

Keyword search

The simplest and most effective search is the search by keywords.

The main search algorithm is as follows:

enter keywords in request field(For example, train schedule ), press the button Find .

Query language syntax

In system Yandex there is a special query language, which is more difficult to use than the advanced search form, but can provide the best results.

Search query entered in the search field, it may contain keywords And Special symbols, allowing you to establish relationships between these words and enter additional parameters. Most of these characters are shown in the table below.

Yandex query language syntax


What does operator mean


space or &

Logical AND (within sentence)

Request example


Logical AND (within the document)

Logical OR

recipes && (processed cheese)

photo | photography | snapshot | photographic image

Mandatory presence of the word in the found document

Grouping words

To be or + not to be

Binary operator AND NOT (within a sentence)


(technology | production) (cheese | cottage cheese)

banks ~ law

Binary AND NOT operator (within document)

Paris travel guide ~~ (agency | tour)

Distance in words (minus (-) - back, plus (+) - forward)

suppliers /2 coffee music /(-2 4) education vacancies ~ /+1 students

Phrase search


"little red riding hood" Equivalently: red / +1 riding hood

Distance in sentences (minus (-) - back, plus (+) - forward)

bank && /1 taxes

Specialized information retrieval systems

On the Internet, there are search engines in certain areas: search for information about people music search movie search– finding books from electronic libraries job search

Appropriate use of search engines

  • Today, young people consider the Internet and computers as a means of entertainment.
  • Internet resources are varied. They contain both useful and harmful information.
  • Internet information retrieval systems from Internet resources Have the ability to find any requested information. Because search engines search for keywords.
  • What request the user asks, he will receive such information.
  • It is necessary to remember that the information received is not always truthful, useful and correct.
  • Information retrieval systems should only be used appropriately.
  • Do not distribute and use false, immoral and compromising information

What are search engines and what are they for? On the global Internet, you can find information on any
topic of interest. But the most difficult thing in working with the Internet is
find the information you need. Since the Internet does not have a clear
centralized structure, develops chaotically, and in the world
there are more and more new servers, information search issues
become very relevant.
Search engines make browsing the Internet a lot easier.
help us quickly find the information we need in a huge array
Internet servers. The Internet is on the World Wide Web
several thousand search engines, among which there are already
well-established, and less well-known.

Search in a hierarchical directory system

In a search engine database, Web sites are grouped into hierarchical
thematic directories, which are analogues of thematic
directory in the library.
Top-level topics, for example: Internet, Computers,
Science and education, etc., contain subdirectories. For example,
the Internet directory may contain subdirectories Search, Mail, etc.
Searching for information in a catalog comes down to choosing a specific catalog, after
which the user will be presented with a list of links to Internet addresses
the most visited and informative Web sites. Each link usually
annotated, i.e. contains a short commentary on the content of the document.
The most complete multi-level hierarchical subject catalog
Russian-language Internet resources has a search engine Aport (
). The catalog contains a detailed annotation of the content of the Web sites and an indication
to their geographic location.

File search

To search for files on file archive servers, there are
specialized search engines, including a search engine
FileSearch ( To search for a file, you must enter a file name
in the search field, and the search engine will return the Internet addresses of the servers
file archives that store the file with the given name.
Search for information in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet using the most
search engines: Google, Rambler, Aport, Yandex and file search engine
Research can be produced using the integrated search engine systems. To do this, just enter keywords in the search bar,
use the switches to set the type of information required and
click on the button with the name of the search engine. For this
just enter keywords in the search bar, using the switches
set the type of required information and click on the button with the name
search engine.

Keyword search

Searching for a Document in a Search Engine Database
carried out by entering queries in the field
The request must contain one or more
keywords that are the main ones for this
document. For example, to search for the search engines themselves
on the Internet, you can enter keywords in the search field
the words "Russian information retrieval system
Some time after sending the request
the search engine will return a list of Internet addresses
documents in which the given
keywords. To view this document in
browser, it is enough to activate the pointing to
him a link

Three Ways to Search the Web

1. Indication of the page address. This is the fastest
search method, but it can only be used in
if the exact address of the document is known.
2. Movement on hyperlinks. It's the least
convenient way, because with its help you can search
documents that are only close in meaning to the current
document. If the current document is about
for example, music, then using the hyperlinks of this
document, it will hardly be possible to get to the site,
dedicated to sports.
3. Access to the search server (search
system). The use of search engines is the most
convenient way to find information. Currently
in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet, the following are popular


In my presentation, I considered the options for finding information
in the Internet. In particular, it can be judged that search engines
make it easier to find the information you need
correct execution of the request. In the age of high technology,
when it is necessary to find out the exact
information search engines are especially

"Searching for scientific information on the Internet" Stepanova Tanya Master's degree 1 course

In online work, it is useful to rely on the opinion of professionals who have previously gone through the same search path, done the rough work and compiled tips, guides, lists of useful pages and sites for colleagues. Specialists can be a good help. search engines that select web resources worthy of attention according to a given algorithm.

Key positives: Large catalog of available chemistry journals Patent databases Links to articles and reference books

A definite plus: quick navigation through reference books A wide variety of reference material There are different sections on chemistry

Windows Live Academic A beta version of a scientific search engine from Microsoft. Designed to search for scientific articles both in open sources and in archives of publications with paid access. At the moment, articles on physics, chemistry, computer technology, electrical engineering and related disciplines have been introduced into the system.

Chemweb is the largest online chemistry portal in the world. Contains information on research in the field of chemistry and chem. industry. Topic: analytical chemistry, biochemistry, catalysis, electrochemistry, fuel, inorganic chemistry, chemical materials, organic chemistry, pharmacology, physical chemistry, polymers. Access to 350 journals and databases.

Nigma Search engine for chemical data Substances can be written both with the help of names and in the form of formulas. For the introduced substance, the system will try to find reactions with their participation. In addition to the molecular formula, the system provides an ionic formula. The system will tell you why the reaction is impossible

List of used links:


  • How is a computer network organized?
  • E-mail and other computer network services.
  • Network hardware and software.
  • Internet and World Wide Web.

The purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to various search resources on the Internet, methods of information search, to form students' skills in using search services to search for information in World Wide Web .

To teach how to apply the knowledge and skills gained in computer science lessons in organizing the search for specific information on the Internet.

For organization convenient search for web pages with the necessary data can be specified in the browser page address or contact search services .

By operating principle there are several types search services .

The most common are:

web directories

search engines .

Web directories

(other name thematic catalogs ) contain a database of links to websites, divided into separate thematic headings.

Site registry

Web directories there are:

universal , containing links to websites from different parts of the world with a variety of topics;

territorial , covering web resources of the country, region or city;

specialized , containing links to websites of a certain orientation - literary, scientific and technical, commercial, educational, etc.

To perform a search, the names of the headings are chosen sequentially, narrowing the search area.

Artificial intelligence

A few years ago, registration in web directories was the most effective method for promotion websites , but gradually search engines became smarter and directories lost in many positions.

But at the moment, many people use this method for promotion, because Search engines quickly index directories and generate little traffic.

P search systems

Another kind of search services - P search systems, which are also called index databases , or search indexes .

Search system is a website that allows you to search for the necessary information on the Internet.

Database search engines contain many more links to web pages than databases thematic catalogs .

This is achieved due to the fact that the processing of web pages is not performed by people, but by special programs called search robots .

These programs scan the content of web pages, determine the words that occur most often in the text, and store the results of processing the content of the pages in a database. search engine .

Search engines can compare with a help desk, whose agents go around the enterprises, collecting information in a database

Spider robots browsing content

Web pages and create the base from which the search is performed.

RELEVANCE- the degree of correspondence between the query and the found.

To search for information by keywords, enter keyword or combinations of several words in a special search engine query input line

Check out some search engines.


1.OPERATOR " + »

There are situations when you need to force the inclusion of a word in the text that may have spelling variants. For this, it is used operator "+" before a required word . Suppose if we have a request One Houses I , as a result of the request, we will have unnecessary information about " One Houses II ", " One Houses III "and quite a bit about" One Houses I ". If we have a request like Home Alone +I , the result will be information only about the movie " Home Alone I ".


As you know, information garbage is often encountered when compiling a request. To remove it, the standard exclusion operators are used − logical "NOT" . In Google this operator presented sign « minus ". Using this operator, you can exclude from the search results those pages that contain certain words in the text.




Searching for the exact phrase in practice is required either to search for the text of a particular work, or to search for certain products or companies in which the name or part of the description is a consistently repeating phrase.

Google allows you to enter no more than 32 words .


Sometimes it is required to search for information about a word combination of words in which one or more words are unknown. For these purposes, instead of unknown words, the operator is used "*" .

Those. "*" - any word or group of words.


The search engine stores the version of the text that is indexed by the search spider in a special store in a format called cache . A cached version of a page can be retrieved if the original page is not available ( for example, the server on which it is stored does not work ).

You can create a query that will immediately return a cached version of a page with a specific address: cache:page_url , where instead of "page address" is the address of the cached page.

If you want to find some information in the cached page, you need to write a request for this information after the page address, separated by a space.

Example :


There should not be a space between ":" and the page address!


As you know, Google indexes not only html pages.

If, for example, you need to find some information in a file type other than html, you can use the operator filetype , which allows you to search for information in a specific file type ( html, pdf, doc, rtf... ).

Here is an example of a pdf search: filetype:pdf


This operator acts as a kind of explanatory dictionary that allows you to quickly get the definition of the word that is entered after the operator.

For example : define:computer science

8. You can use the Google search bar as a calculator by typing in an example to calculate: (7+3*5)/11=

9. This search engine also convert units quantities from the English system of measures to the metric and vice versa: 9.5 yards in centimeters .

10. In addition to unit conversion, you can also convert currency different countries , To For example: 200 US dollars in rubles.

The ability to correctly formulate a request and knowledge of some subtleties and tricks will save you from tedious walking through unnecessary and uninformative sites.

Searching the Internet can be fast and efficient - if you know how to search the right way !

Compliance with certain specific rules

when searching for information on the Internet

Correctly formulate the search query. It should neither be too short nor too long. The optimal length of the search query is 2-3 words.

If the result does not satisfy you, try changing the query by rearranging the words in the query or using synonyms.

To find an exact phrase or quote, enclose your search term in quotation marks.

Typically, entering a refined query is more efficient than searching through the results.

Try not to formulate a search query as a question to a search engine.

Pay attention to website domains from search results so that you do not accidentally click on a suspicious link.

Use not one search engine, but several. Different search engines have different ranking principles, so what is not found in one may be found in another.

Use additional search technologies of search engines (image search, region search, blog search, advanced search, etc.).

Use the search capabilities of browsers. For example, the key combination Ctrl+F enables page search.

Keep in mind that search results are dynamic and may change in a few days or even hours. Therefore, the found useful link should be immediately bookmarked: the next time the search result on the Internet may turn out to be different, and you will simply lose the site you found once.

Searching for information on the Internet
Computer telecommunications

Lesson plan
“Fill in the blanks” Why are we learning a new topic? Ways to find information on the Internet. Types of search engines. Characteristics of popular search engines. Homework.

"Fill in the blanks"
Computer network E-mail Local, regional, global Local Servers Network card, network cable Global Ring, star, bus www browsers
Evaluation 10 answers - 5 8-9 answers - 4 6-7 answers - 3

Ways to find information on the web
Searching for information is one of the most popular tasks in practice that any Internet user has to solve. There are three main ways to search for information on the Internet: Specifying the page address. Navigation through hyperlinks. Access to the search engine (search server).

Specifying a page address
Navigation through hyperlinks
Contacting a search engine

Method 1: Specifying the page address
This is the fastest way to search, but it can only be used if you know exactly the address of the document or the site where the document is located. For example:

Method 3: Contacting a search engine
Using hypertext links, you can travel indefinitely in the information space of the Web, moving from one web page to another, but given that many millions of web pages have been created in the world, it is unlikely that you will be able to find the necessary information on them in this way. Special search engines come to the rescue (they are also called search engines). Search server addresses are well known to everyone who works on the Internet. Currently, the following search servers are popular in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet: Yandex (, Google ( and Rambler (

Search system
Search engine - a website that provides the ability to search for information on the Internet. Most search engines look for information on World Wide Web sites, but there are also systems that can look for files on ftp servers, items in online stores, and information on Usenet newsgroups. The first search engine for the World Wide Web was Wandex, a now-defunct index developed by Matthew Gray of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1993.

According to the principle of operation, search engines are divided into two types: search directories and search indexes.

Search directories
Search directories serve for thematic search. The information on these servers is structured by topics and subtopics. With the intention of covering a narrow topic, it is not difficult to find a list of web pages dedicated to it. An Internet resource catalog or a catalog of Internet resources or simply an Internet catalog is a structured set of links to sites with a brief description of them. The directory in which links to sites within categories are sorted by the popularity of sites is called a rating (or top).

Search indexes
Search indexes work like alphabetical indexes. The client specifies a word or a group of words that characterize his search area - and receives a list of links to web pages containing the specified terms.

How does a search index work?
Search indexes automatically, with the help of special programs (web spiders), scan Internet pages and index them, that is, they enter them into their huge database. A search robot (“web spider”) is a program that is an integral part of a search engine and is designed to crawl Internet pages in order to enter information about them (keywords) into the search engine database. At its core, the spider most closely resembles a regular browser. It scans the content of the page, uploads it to the server of the search engine that owns it, and sends it through links to the following pages. In response to a query where to find the required information, the search server returns a list of hyperlinks leading to web pages that contain or mention the required information. The length of the list can be any, depending on the content of the request.

Golden rules for searching for information on the web.
Consider the features of natural language. Don't make spelling mistakes. Avoid single word searches. Do not write in capital letters. Exclude unnecessary words from the search. Use the advanced search options.

Rating of search engines in Russia (according to SpyLog).
Major search engines - 54.8267% - 21.7645% - 15.6207% http://www.mail. ru/ - 4.5466% - 1.5788%
Yandex is a Russian web search engine. The company's website,, was launched on September 23, 1997. The head office of the company is located in Moscow. The company has offices in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Odessa and Kyiv. The word "Yandex" (consisting of the letter "I" and part of the word index; the fact that the Russian pronoun "I" corresponds to the English "I") was coined by Ilya Segalovich, one of the founders of Yandex. Yandex search allows you to search the Runet for documents in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Romanian, English, German and French, taking into account the morphology of Russian and English and the proximity of words in a sentence. A distinctive feature of Yandex is the ability to fine-tune the search query. This is implemented using a flexible query language. By default, Yandex displays 10 links on each results page; in the search results settings, you can increase the page size to 20, 30, or 50 found documents. From time to time, the Yandex algorithms responsible for the relevance of the issue change, which leads to changes in the results of search queries. In particular, these changes are directed against search spam, leading to irrelevant results for some queries.
Rambler Media Group is an Internet holding that includes as services a search engine, a rating classifier of Russian Internet resources, and an information portal. Rambler was founded in 1996. The Rambler search engine understands and distinguishes between Russian, English and Ukrainian words. By default, the search is based on all forms of the word.
The leader of Internet search engines, Google occupies more than 70% of the world market. It now registers about 50 million search queries daily and indexes more than 8 billion web pages. Google can find information in 115 languages. According to one version, Google is a distorted spelling of the English word googol. "Googol" is a mathematical term for one followed by 100 zeros. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and first described in Kasner and James Newman's Mathematics and the Imagination. Google's use of the term reflects the challenge of organizing the vast amounts of information on the Internet. The Google interface contains a rather sophisticated query language that allows you to limit your search to specific domains, languages, file types, and so on.

Search method Pros Cons Application
Specifying the page address Hitting the target Need to know the exact address When the exact address is known
Navigation through hyperlinks Evidence of search Search within one or more pages When you need an answer to an inaccurate question
Contacting a search engine There is always a “positive” result A lot of extraneous information, the difficulty of formulating an exact query In almost any situation

For which method is the characteristic given: Search within similar pages The result contains a lot of extraneous information The result is always The most accurate The easiest The most common The best

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