What maps exist in World of Tanks? WOT cards What wot cards

Battles in World of Tanks take place on numerous maps, each of which has its own characteristics. The only thing that all cards have in common is their size. The developments suggested that for tank battles, a map of 1 by 1 kilometer is quite enough. Some maps are completely created by the developers, some borrowed elements of real territories.

We will try to briefly describe all the cards that exist in World of Tanks.


The map combines both forest terrain and open spaces. Valleys and mountain ranges allow you to set up ambushes and catch rivals.

pearl river

As the name implies, the main feature of this map is the river flowing through the entire territory. The landscape is so unpredictable that an opponent can appear in front of you at any moment.


A harsh map that combines swampy terrain and numerous rocks in which you can easily lose your opponent or ambush him.


A river runs through the entire map, which in some places overflows very strongly, creating swamps. You can cross it only in three places. In the middle of the map there is an area that has a small number of buildings and forest plantations, which is great for surprise attacks.

Live Ox

An unremarkable map, most of which is occupied by a lake and marshland. Both bases are located in open areas, which greatly hinders their capture.


The map can be divided into two conditional zones, which are separated by a lake. To the east is a small town with a lot of buildings, and to the west is a high rocky area.

Siegfried line

On this map, you can conduct both long-range fire at the enemy, if he leaves the city, and shoot point-blank in the cramped city streets.


It is an example of an absolutely flat map with a huge field in the middle. You have a choice: break through the entire map, running into artillery fire, or use small covers to get closer to the enemy.


As you can see from the name itself, there is a monastery on the map, which is surrounded by a small town. The map is not very suitable for artillery fire or long-range attacks, so you will have to get closer to the enemy.


Unlike the Monastery, this map is excellent for open battles and artillery fire.



The map is covered with a lot of buildings that can hide from ranged attacks, but the middle of the map is completely open. You have to be very careful when you cross it.


Numerous buildings and small hills allow you to create numerous ambushes for surprise attacks.


The map requires the coordinated actions of the entire team. The flanks play a decisive role, because it is they who will destroy the anti-tank guns of the opponents.


The map contains small hills, flat spaces and a small number of structures.


The decisive factor for victory on this map is the capture of high ground in the center.

Ruinberg and Ruinberg on fire

City map with a huge number of buildings and narrow streets. Another modification of the map is its exact copy with only minor damage and a different color background.

Fisherman's bay

One part of the map is covered with fields and small green spaces, while the other is densely dotted with small buildings and narrow streets.


An excellent map that allows you to use all kinds of equipment and many different tactics.

hidden village

The name itself suggests that there is a village on the map. One half of the map is mountainous terrain, and command of the height has a significant effect on the chances of winning.


What can be in the steppe? Nothing but a huge open area. Learn to quickly look for small shelters and move between them, otherwise enemy artillery will quickly destroy you.

Quiet coast

The map contains mountain ranges, large areas of water and a lot of dense vegetation. The best strategy in this situation is to attack through the flanks.


Most of the map is occupied by swampy terrain, the capture of which is the key to victory.


When playing on this map, you have several options: capture the mountainous highlands or the flat central part.


The map cannot be called urban, but there is a huge number of buildings on it.


The cliff is not alone, the whole landscape is a canvas of rocks and cliffs that allow you to set up ambushes.


The peculiarity of the map is that the enemy base can be captured without a single shot, if the enemy is correctly distracted and bypassed from the rear.


On the map, you can compete both in long-range shooting at the enemy and in close-range shooting using city blocks.

Himmelsdorf and Winter Himmelsdorf

A typical city map that is not suitable for artillery. Everything will be decided on the streets with the help of light and maneuverable tanks. Another modification of the map is completely identical, only it has a winter design.

Dragon spine

A Chinese-style card that has little advantage for either side. The victory will depend only on the skill of one of the team.


On this map, there are both urban developments with narrow streets and open space in the form of a field. To win, you must use a combination of different types of equipment.

South coast

The map is covered with a large number of hills and other high places, which allows you to quietly get close to the enemy.


Although there are some hills for artillery on the map, the city occupies an important part, in which fast and light tanks will be more appropriate.


Impassable obstacles force players to look for other ways. If you predict their direction, you can easily go to their rear.

Sacred Valley

Multiple mountain ranges and small villages allow you to reliably hide from long-range shots and artillery fire.


Having a small factory town will not protect you from enemy artillery fire, so the capture of the hills can be decisive.


A city map that allows you to fight both on the streets with light tanks and in open spaces with the support of artillery fire.


The map is divided by a river across which there are only three bridges. Hills can help in firing at the enemy.


Although it implies a large amount of free space, there are many different shelters on the map that allow you to more accurately plan ambushes.

sandy river

A desert map that still offers a chance to hide behind sandy hills and a few buildings.

El Halluf

The center of the map is a spacious valley for open combat, and on opposite sides are mountain ranges, which are an excellent place for artillery.

At the moment, these are all the maps that exist in World of Tanks and are available for fighting on them.

The main place of battles in World of Tanks is maps, each of which is remembered by players for a long time. All locations for battles are fictitious - they differ in the type of landscape, buildings, design style, musical accompaniment and thematic inserts.

What are the cards in World of Tanks?

Playing in, tankers can visit all corners of the globe - from beautiful Paris to burning Kharkov, from the freezing Arctic to the Sandy River with high dunes.

The average size of maps in the game is kilometer by kilometer, but there are also locations where the size is smaller: in such locations, the battle is often more dynamic, faster and more cheerful.

Terrain on maps in WoT

To revive the battlefield, the mapmakers used a variety of tricks:

  • Alternating open areas with massive buildings.
  • Hiding not only from tank destroyers, but also from artillery fire.
  • The presence of hills, hillocks and depressions.

Terrain play is especially important in WOT, so each of the heights is monitored by the developers and balanced if necessary.

There are 29 cards in the game and they are divided into three types:

  1. Summer.
  2. Winter.
  3. Sandy.

In update 0.8.0, the developers have changed the physical model of the game by reworking all the maps using their own CORE engine. Now the battles in the World of Tanks have become even more exciting. Try it too!

Updated 11/11/2012. Introducing playing cards without a grid the popular MMO game World of Tanks:: World of Tanks, where all the battles take place - from quick "battles" to a never-ending campaign for global domination with epic clan battles.

There are currently three types of cards in the game: field, urban And rustic. Battles on city maps are fought on the territory of Soviet and German cities. The size of a standard map is kilometer per kilometer. There are destructible objects on the maps. In the future, more extensive maps with dimensions of two by two kilometers will be introduced.

At the time of WoT 0.8.1, the game has the following cards:


Aerodrome map. Minimap in WoT 0.7.5 and WoT 0.8.0+

The map is a British military airfield with the surrounding area. Location - North Africa. Command bases are located in two small port villages. In the center between them is a rocky hill, allowing you to control the surrounding expanses and access to the bases. The location is replete with convenient places for ambushes and numerous paths for breakthroughs and maneuvers. At the top of the map is the airfield itself with two large aircraft hangars and a runway.

Map. Minimap in WoT 0.7.5 and WoT 0.8.0
Karelia- Swamps, cliffs and rocky cliffs divide the map into three main areas of operation. The absence of buildings and a small number of rocky shelters favor the actions of artillery. For success, it is necessary to concentrate the forces of the attackers in one of the directions with distracting actions or hard containment of the enemy in other sectors. Lasville- a small town in the mountains with a lake and a mountain range. The isolated mountain valley on one flank and the city blocks on the other allow you to get close to the enemy at the distance of the final throw. An open lake in the center of the field allows you to provide fire support to your units over a fairly large distance.
Robin- The starting positions of the teams are separated by a flat, well-shootable field. The map is good for defending and destroying the enemy with artillery forces. Detours using cover can decide the outcome of the battle. A coordinated attack across the field, with artillery support, can also bring success. Operation Seidlitz took place near Malinovka. Prokhorovka- the place of the Prokhorovsky battle in 1943. Open hilly area separated by a railway embankment. Groups of trees provide excellent cover for anti-tank self-propelled guns. When attacking, watch the flanks. Defensively, attack the flanks of the enemy. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids by high-speed light forces.
Pagorki(map changed to mines) - a hilly area on the shore of a reservoir with two fortified points. Murovanka- village, forest, hills. On this map, you will undoubtedly want to learn about.
Himmelsdorf- A labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns, but ideal for quick breakthroughs and detours of light and medium tanks. Bypass routes - through the hill dominating the area with a castle and along the tracks of the railway station - are capable of opening the resulting positional dead end. Ensk- a labyrinth of city blocks and a flat field of the suburbs are separated by narrow passages between the railway tracks. When concentrating forces, take into account the strengths and weaknesses of combat vehicles in each of their directions: artillery can disrupt a breakthrough across an open field, but is almost helpless against an enemy hiding behind the walls of buildings.
Erlenberg- winter map, there are 3 bridges and a small ruined town in the center, the starting points of the team and the location of the base are separated from each other. Cliff- A cliff, this is an area near the coast, with a rock, with a plateau and boulders, and with a narrow road under the plateau.
Monastery- there is a city in the center of the map, there are two detours to the bases, along the edges of the map along the canyons. sandy river- a desert area, dunes, a village with eastern buildings.
El Halluf- the map can be safely called "Sandy River 2". There are hills, there are small villages, there is even a river! However, there is a difference, and a significant one: the hills are located at the bases of the team, from which everything is shot through. Ruinberg- combines the features of the simplicity of the open area and the labyrinth of the city. Narrow streets, courtyards and suburban areas make tactics on this map, like on Himmelsdorf and Malinovka, only much more dynamic.
Komarin- a slightly wetland around the river, through which 3 bridges lead, there is a village, an edge in the center of the map and flooded fields, the starting points of the team and the location of the base are significantly separated from each other. Westfield- a map resembling a hybrid of "Lasville" with "El-Khalluf" in relief, with spacious green meadows and hills, as well as with a large number of shrubs. In the center of the map there is a small village, as well as several houses near the starting points of the teams, not far from the village there is a dilapidated viaduct.
Pass- mountainous terrain with narrow passages between the mountains, it is very difficult to predict the enemy's move on it.

mines- a hilly area on the shore of a reservoir with two fortified points. The dream of any ST is to occupy the central hill.

Steppes- open flat terrain. Of the barriers, only large stones, terrain folds along the edges of the map and a railway on an embankment in the corner. Siegfried line- a curious map with the old city on one side of the map, with vast fields on the other.
arctic- a truly winter map in the game. It is covered with numerous hills, and military fortifications are also located on the map in some places. redshire— Hilly Scottish countryside. It is divided into 2 parts by a river, in the center there is a bridge.

The World of Tanks is filled with many beautiful and picturesque maps, many of which are prototypes of real places. In those maps that are created from scratch, one way or another, there are elements of the real natural landscape of those places, whether it be elevation changes, small villages and many other details that add even more realism.

Natural (rocks, trees) and man-made (buildings, walls, buildings) shelters and most of them are destructible, which also allows you to use tactics and strategies to defeat enemies, especially if you play with friends in a platoon.

The maps are square and by default, the size is kilometer per kilometer, but some have smaller dimensions, such as Ensk.

The mini-map is divided into squares, which makes it look like a naval battle map in a notebook

According to the developers, in the future there will be more extensive maps for the battle of teams of 30 people, which will allow the use of more sophisticated tactics and strategies. But how many maps are in World of Tanks in total? According to various sources, the number ranges from 36 to 52, and new cards are constantly being added. Most cards have a level limit, usually 1-3 and 4-11, but some are available at any vehicle tier.

In update 0.7.4, the developers came up with a tricky move. Instead of adding new maps, the Assault and Encounter modes were added, which change the spawn point. For example, in Sturm, the balance of power is such that one team is in a better position to defend, while the other must capture the point or destroy the defenders.

Because of this, already bored and bored cards were revealed in a new guise

Update 0.8.0 introduced a new concept of physics into the game, which forced players to change their attitude towards tactics, strategy, and the usual routes along which one could reach strategically important points. It drastically changed the way many players play, not just any single map, but all the maps in the game.

An event is held for almost every holiday, and very often temporary game modes appear, for which new maps are being developed. It’s hard to say right away how many maps in World of Tanks were created for events, but details can always be found on the net.

In addition to maps, for events, many players were given event tanks to play on these maps.

For example, to play a kind of football on the Abandoned Stadium map, special tanks were added that could not be driven onto a regular battlefield. To get to the event map, you need to select the event tank and start the battle search.

The main place of battles in World of Tanks is maps, each of which is remembered by players for a long time. All locations for battles are fictitious - they differ in the type of landscape, buildings, design style, musical accompaniment and thematic inserts.

What are the cards in World of Tanks?

Playing in, tankers can visit all corners of the globe - from beautiful Paris to burning Kharkov, from the freezing Arctic to the Sandy River with high dunes.

The average size of maps in the game is kilometer by kilometer, but there are also locations where the size is smaller: in such locations, the battle is often more dynamic, faster and more cheerful.

Terrain on maps in WoT

To revive the battlefield, the mapmakers used a variety of tricks:

  • Alternating open areas with massive buildings.
  • Hiding not only from tank destroyers, but also from artillery fire.
  • The presence of hills, hillocks and depressions.

Terrain play is especially important in WOT, so each of the heights is monitored by the developers and balanced if necessary.

There are 29 cards in the game and they are divided into three types:

  1. Summer.
  2. Winter.
  3. Sandy.

In update 0.8.0, the developers have changed the physical model of the game by reworking all the maps using their own CORE engine. Now the battles in the World of Tanks have become even more exciting. Try it too!

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