What are the action camera modes? What is an action camera (Action Camera), how to choose the right one. Why choose an action camera

Today, almost everyone has a photo or video camera. All this suggests that people love to keep the most memorable moments of their lives, so that in cozy evenings with a cup of fragrant tea with lemon they can review the frames, enjoy memories, relive pleasant emotions and impressions.

Are action cameras becoming more popular these days? For those who do not know what it is, we will tell you in detail what are the advantages of this device and why it is necessary for lovers of travel, extreme sports and just those who love to take bright and unique shots.

The action camera is designed for those who prefer outdoor activities, walk a lot, like to always leave memorable photos and videos on the carrier. The thing is that if an ordinary camera can hardly endure aggressive shooting, that is, at high speed, under water or on it, then the action device will cope with the task assigned to it simply and easily.

By the way, among the population, models that are called GoPro are the most popular. It is possible to purchase them at a relatively low price, especially if you use the help of the Internet.

How an action camera works

Those who choose an active holiday, like to spend unforgettable days and nights in the mountains, among the big waves, go down the rocky terrain, run on the grass, swim on a scooter, water ski, travel through the forest, you should definitely take a wonderful invention with you.

Due to the fact that the unique device can operate at the highest speed and in all weather conditions, you can be sure that in the end the user will receive excellent, high-quality images.

The body of the camera does not let water through, so you can not be afraid to plunge into the abyss of water and take pictures of the stunning underwater world. And the action device will also capture the smallest details of a parachute jump, fast cycling, skateboarding, skiing, skating, catamaran. After a while, it will be possible to see all the exciting impressions received from the extreme walk without any problems. It is worth noting that the video unit will withstand any load.

Often the device is 12 megapixel with a liquid crystal screen. It has many useful features that allow you to get an amazing picture of the highest quality.

If necessary, it is possible to extend the shooting time, in connection with this, a removable battery is provided. By charging it additionally, the user will get a long shot.

Recording is performed even when the battery is being charged. This also has an undeniable plus in the piggy bank of the device.

Why an action camera is essential

  1. The camera can fit anywhere, in a small handbag, backpack, pocket. This is an important feature for those who prefer to travel light and do not like to carry, in addition to a backpack, bulky heavy equipment.
  2. It is absolutely not inferior to its big brothers in terms of functionality, and in some positions it even surpasses them. Picture quality, improved sound can be obtained in the process of extreme shooting
  3. The action camera is not afraid of dirt, dust, rain and snow, any moisture. Therefore, she will become a faithful companion on any trip. The user should not be afraid to damage the equipment, damage
  4. A special aquabox turns a novelty, fashionable device into an ideal recording device for underwater and surface shooting in extreme conditions.

Reasons why you need to give preference to an amazing device.

As already mentioned, the equipment is able to withstand any temperature and weather conditions. Do not be afraid of sudden movements, falls, vibrations, dives, jumps. Such a product allows you to play absolutely any kind of sport. Every moment will not be able to escape the close lens of the camera.

The owner always has the opportunity to make stunningly beautiful videos and photographs.

We also note the fact that the action device can be attached to the body or clothing, because it is small and very light. Included with the extreme device are:

  • Duct tape
  • Special fasteners. They allow you to hold the unit on a bicycle, arm, boat, etc.
  • Waterproof case
  • Monopods
  • Aquabox
  • Other

Camera Benefits

  1. High quality color
  2. The viewing angle is unusually wide
  3. It is possible to shoot video in FullHD and Ultra HD 4K format
  4. Works in modes: SuperView, TimeLapse
  5. The quality of underwater as well as night shooting is amazing
  6. Easy to use
  7. Mass of accessories on offer, making the camera even more attractive to the consumer

When purchasing an action camera, you should pay attention to the fact that it can record sound. This is especially true of inexpensive, budget models. Some inexpensive devices sin by not being able to record sounds, only then the question arises of its necessity. It is also worth paying attention to the liquid crystal screen, the display, try to shoot a video on the spot and check the device in operation. If the footage is not to your liking, you can choose another one that meets the requirements of the buyer. Shockproof and waterproof features are very important. They deserve special attention.

Going on a trip is definitely worth buying an action camera. Surfing, climbing mountain peaks, pedaling a bicycle or making maneuvers on a skateboard - all this will remain in her tiny memory, and then on your computer. Let wonderful memories not disappear without a trace, and remain not only in your head, but also on an information carrier. Enjoy the best moments in life, make it brighter and more beautiful.

Due to the fact that conventional cameras are not able to work in conditions of poor lighting, high humidity or pollution, as well as when driving at high speed or when driving on difficult terrain, action cameras were created to shoot in such conditions. Their main purpose is to shoot extreme sports, at least for this purpose they were created. Today, the scope of use is much wider, very often such cameras are bought for travel photography. This article will tell you about what an action camera is, why it is needed and what happens.

An action camera is a type of digital camera designed specifically for for shooting in hostile environments. To protect against shock, moisture and dirt, it is placed in a special case. Distinctive features of such devices are small size, light weight, wide-angle lens and increased depth of field.

Another important point is the fixed focus, which, unlike autofocus, has a permanent fixation, that is, it is not afraid of shaking and jumps, the image is still clear. It is enough to point the camera in the right direction to capture everything interesting.

The action camera differs from the usual one in that it can shoot in any environment unfriendly to technology. At the same time, she does not require any settings from the operator. It is enough for him to turn on the device for recording and forget that he needs to configure anything. Such devices are sold with a set of accessories for use in different conditions, in addition, any accessories can be purchased separately. A good action camera supports shooting in high-definition formats - 2K and 4K, and also can take high-quality pictures with a resolution of up to 12 megapixels.

Scope of the device

It is worth buying an action camera for those people who go in for extreme sports or just shoot videos while hiking, fishing, hunting and similar events. Also in recent years, such devices have become popular. for social media shooting: The ability to attach the model to the head provides first-person shooting, which allows you to show real events and not be distracted by following this process. The presence of a shockproof housing makes the device resistant to mechanical stress, for example, when the operator falls to the ground. The waterproof design allows you to shoot in the rain or in water without any problems.

On a note! A few years ago, action cameras were tried to be used for shooting staged films, but they abandoned this idea due to insufficient picture quality in terms of the possibility of further video processing during editing.

Also, such a device can be used, like a recorder on a motorcycle. Due to the fact that it is mounted like a webcam, you can fix the device on the hood or steering wheel. A wide viewing angle will make it possible to capture everything that happens on the road.

Often, users have the question of whether to buy an action camera for shooting home parties and similar events. In such situations, it is better to use a conventional camera or a camera with a video recording function. The description of the characteristics of an action camera and the important parameters for its quality work directly indicates that it needs to shoot in conditions where it is impossible to carry out a long setup, focus and apply all the skills that are necessary when shooting with a conventional camera.

Comparison of an action camera with other devices for shooting video

Currently, there are many devices that can shoot video - these are cameras, camcorders, smartphones, tablets and others. Which is better to choose for shooting video, it will help to understand the comparison of these devices by the function of shooting video. In this, each device has its advantages and disadvantages.


Any modern camera can shoot video. The advantages of using this device are good video quality, the ability to apply different effects, for example, blur the background (on SLR cameras), color reproduction, and, as a bonus, high-quality photos.

Now consider the disadvantages of such devices.

  1. No stabilization. This forces you to shoot video with a tripod, or at least have a support. Often this is not acceptable, especially when it comes to extreme conditions.
  2. Manual focus. Most cameras do not know how to focus when shooting video and you need to do this with your hands.
  3. Weak zoom. Quite often, when shooting, there is a desire to zoom in or out of an object, it is very rare to do this on a camera without bugs in the video.

In addition, a SLR camera is not the most convenient device for shooting video and is quite heavy. If we are talking about small amateur-level cameras, then they are simply not able to give a decent image that will look good on a large screen.


Actually, the camcorder was originally created for shooting video, which means that in comparison with a camera or a smartphone, it should automatically be out of competition. In fact, a good camcorder does provide more options and better quality video compared to other devices.

  • stabilization - the camera can be held with one hand, shifted to the side and no serious artifacts will be visible on the video;
  • optical zoom can reach 20x, while it works smoothly;
  • high-quality autofocus;
  • in most cases, on amateur cameras, automatic modes work better than when manually changing the settings, with the exception of a professional using a camera.
  • shooting video portraits is much worse than that of DSLRs;
  • inconvenient manual settings interface;
  • not the most compact.


Modern smartphones, in addition to the main characteristics (processor, coprocessor and RAM), often get more and more powerful cameras. In some models, the emphasis is on the type of sensor, in others on the size of the matrix, in others, laser autofocus technologies are used.

The main advantage of a smartphone is that it is always at hand, which means that there is always the opportunity to shoot an interesting story.

In this case, the device is used not only for shooting video, which affects the battery. Shooting a long subject may result in the battery will run out This is not acceptable for many users. Using the zoom on a smartphone seriously degrades the quality of the shooting. For all their "cool" characteristics, modern smartphones are still highly dependent on the level of lighting. In bad weather or at dusk get a good level of video, most likely will not work. Cameras in smartphones are poorly stabilized, and even when shooting on the move, the picture will seriously shake. The list of shortcomings of cameras in smartphones can be continued for a long time, the main conclusion is that they should be used for shooting video if there are no other options.

A good action camera is not afraid of shooting in poor visibility conditions, it is not afraid of bumps, water and dirt, that is, it can shoot even if it is under water at that moment. New action cameras from major manufacturers have fast processors and light-sensitive sensors that provide good image sharpness. Due to the fact that in most cases action cameras are focused on direct shooting, it is no longer necessary to do this manually. Besides, Shooting angle can reach 170 degrees. Under this condition, it is quite difficult not to remove the object of interest. Such devices are small in size and very easy to operate, in addition, they can control with a wireless remote control or smartphone.

Minuses - short focal length, which makes it impossible to capture distant objects. There is no way to configure any parameters, that is, the user receives a picture without the ability to somehow configure the camera. in action cameras no zoom function.

Advice! Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that a smartphone and a camera are best used to shoot small videos, for example, record a message from friends or shoot a small interesting story, provided that no one is interested in high quality video. The camcorder allows you to shoot long reports, as well as not necessarily nearby objects. In addition, here you can play with the settings. The action camera is designed to shoot here and now, as well as in the conditions that the operator does not have the opportunity to somehow influence the recording process.

Types of action cameras

GoPro was the first manufacturer of action cameras, in fact, these cameras are the progenitors and, to some extent, a common name for all such devices. Many users believe that GoPro is not a specific camera brand, but the camera itself. After these devices became popular, many manufacturers began to make them and introduce their technologies into them. Including this affected the appearance of the device. Today on the market you can find classic models, glasses with an action camera, as well as devices for shooting 360 degrees.


Classic action cameras are a rectangle with a screen on one side (may be absent), and on the other there is a lens directly. These cameras are placed in special protective cases and have many different mounts and useful accessories. Most of all, classic devices are similar to webcams or video recorders.

Action camera goggles are a 007-style device. The difference between this device and ordinary sunglasses is that they have more thick temples: they hide all the electronic stuffing of the camera and the battery. The camera itself is located in the center between the lenses and sometimes has the same color as the lenses themselves. This was done in order not to attract attention.

These models were created for those people who want to always be able to record video. With such a camera, you do not need to worry about mounting it, glasses are lighter than classic devices, and besides, others may not know about shooting.

Along with standard models, there are protection against dust, moisture and shock. The body of glasses is usually made of specially high-strength plastic. Among other things, such a device allows you to shoot from the most interesting angle, namely from the first person.

Panorama cameras mean that the device must shoot 360 degrees. This is achieved by using multiple lenses. In total, there can be from 2 to 36. For the domestic segment, that is, ordinary users, devices with 2-6 lenses are produced, for more professional shooting, models with 16-32 lenses are made.

It is important not only the quantity, but also the quality of the lenses. In some cases, models with a small number of lenses shoot much better than where there are twice as many.

panoramic cameras divided into several types- some have a full view only around their horizontal axis, while leaving a blind spot below and above the shooting level (230-270 degrees vertically). Full-fledged cameras for shooting panoramas have a 360 * 360 degree view.

Due to the fact that the viewing angle of more than 90 degrees gives some video distortion, namely fisheye effect, recently models with a viewing angle of no more than this value began to come out. They capture the image not as widely as their counterparts with a large angle, but there is no distortion here.

with night mode

For a long time, action cameras were produced without the ability to shoot video in the dark; relatively recently, devices with night mode began to appear on the market. A similar opportunity for night shooting was given IR LEDs. In some models, they are installed up to 6-8 pieces to get the maximum video quality. In fact, the principle of operation here is no different from that implemented in car DVRs.

For quadcopter

FPV action camera for quadcopter is a special device that in real time outputs video to the control panel(if it has a monitor) or on a smartphone. The speed of broadcasting primarily depends on the characteristics of the devices used. With the help of such a device, you can control the quadcopter, even if it is out of sight.

It remains a little bit, and we go on a long-awaited vacation. We know where we will go, on what and how we will get there, the same is known :) All that is left is the suitcase and go! But are we all prepared for an interesting trip? Are you sure you haven't forgotten anything? But what about interesting videos? You can “bake” on the beach under a selfie on your smartphone.

But, if a non-standard vacation is chosen - river rafting, hiking or visiting unusual places - your favorite gadget will not cope, because the conditions are extreme! It is worth thinking about a special device that can capture miracles of courage - an action camera.

We offer you to look at the review of inexpensive action cameras. For many, such a device is not too familiar. Well, the camera, well, with protection against water and shock, what's special? And there are actually quite a few features. And the choice of devices is not as simple as it seems. Let's figure out what an action camera is and what they "eat" it with :) Let's go!

What is an action camera

One of the differences between a person and the rest of the inhabitants of the planet is the desire to capture past events. Primitive hunters carved mammoths, saber-toothed predators and other significant events. Then came the time for sculptures and painting. But it was difficult to “stop the moment” on your own. Talent was required.

FACT. The first video camera for filming in extreme conditions was released under the logo of the GoPro company. The idea was born during N. Woodman's trip to Australia and Indonesia in 2002. The devices instantly became popular, and YouTube was flooded with first-person videos. Remarkably, the company did not need external funding to pay for the creation of the device.

The invention of the camera gave impetus to the creation of extensive user-generated content. A few decades after the first picture, anyone could easily capture the right moment in the picture. The devices made it possible to get by with a minimum of knowledge - he pointed and pressed a button. Modern devices make it easier to create a photo to the maximum.

And those are just the photos! Any smartphone is equipped with a high-quality camera that can shoot decent video. The market is littered with miniature camcorders with "delicious" features. Want to take a photo? No problem! Need a roller? Please! One device can do a job that used to take a lot of time and effort.

The action camera has become a logical continuation in the development of devices for photo and video filming. Sharp movements, constant fluctuations, bad weather are not able to prevent a person from capturing the right moment of life. Extreme athletes and lovers of an active lifestyle have appreciated the appearance of such devices.

What is the best action camera to buy

The trendsetter for extreme shooting devices "GoPro" are distinguished by cool stuffing and no less steep prices. The cheapest model starts in the region of 8-9 thousand rubles. And these are not the most sophisticated devices from the old lines. "Fresh" cameras can cost 20, 30, 40 or more thousand rubles.

Expensive for a device that you will use a couple of weeks a year. Moreover, for such money you can buy a good household video camera that will work much more often. Therefore, in the material we will look at other brands. And first, let's decide on the performance characteristics that an action-camera should have:

  • Durable and waterproof housing. Falling onto hard surfaces from a height of several meters, immersion in water bodies, resistance to sliding shocks - this and much more should be a quality camera;
  • Quality shooting. Less than FullHD is not recommended. With less opportunities to get a high-quality picture will not succeed. It is not necessary to go broke for a cool camera with 4K, there are enough models with the ability to shoot from 720p;

INTERESTING. Manufacturers supply devices not just with wide-angle optics, but with an ultra-wide-angle lens that works like a fixed focus. Continuous long-range focusing and maximum depth of field eliminate the need for autofocus. It is this approach that allows you to shoot with strong vibrations.

  • Optics. When choosing a camera, pay attention to the viewing angle, the larger the better. Budget options shoot with angles of 170-220 degrees, fancy ones have a view of 300-360 degrees. Smaller parameters mean fake - action cameras should not have a "dead zone";
  • Small sizes. Compactness is one of the "chips" of such devices. Small size and light weight allow you to mount the device anywhere: on a bicycle, ammunition or equipment;
  • Wireless communication with other devices. The first devices were in contact with computers only via cable or Bluetooth. The use of wi-fi not only simplified the procedure for transferring videos to a computer. Now you can upload vidos to the network in real time.

It remains to remember about the frame rate. Household cameras shoot at a frequency of about 30 frames per second. This is quite enough. But when riding a bike on mountain trails or rafting on rivers, the situation changes so often that the “soap dishes” give a blurry picture. So the frequency should be at least 50 frames per second.

If there is optical stabilization, even better. Additional jitter compensation will definitely not hurt :) If you need a view from a distance, choose models with digital zoom. According to the editors, the presence of a display is not a real necessity. In fact, in one click you can view the recording on your smartphone. Yes, and the price of models with a display increases significantly

Below is an overview of action cameras in different price segments. The exception is expensive models, the cost of which exceeds 30,000 rubles. Most of these devices are not needed, and can not afford.

SJCAM SJ7 Star - the choice of extreme

The model is not entirely new, it appeared in the second half of the 16th year. During this time, the camera has only gotten better. The brand listened to users - fixed firmware bugs, added "buns". In general, a good device just got better. A miniature device is the best fit for lovers of drive.

First, let's look at the performance characteristics:

  • Processor A12S75 from Ambarella;
  • Sensor IMX117 16Mp from SONY;
  • Two-inch touch LCD display;
  • 166 degree view;
  • Aluminum alloy body;
  • Dimensions - 5.8x4.1x3 centimeters;
  • The weight is just over 70 grams.

Even without going into details, it is clear that yummy. A powerful pair - processor + sensor - processes the image quickly and without distortion. If you set it to 4K, the camera will shoot at 30 frames. By reducing the quality to 2.5K, we get a frequency of 60 frames / second. So by reducing the quality, you can increase the frame rate to about 200 frames per second.

What! Any speed will submit to the video amateur. Everything is fine with photos - 14 Mpix, stabilization and good focus allow you to snap high-quality shots. Yes, and you can watch without connecting a smartphone or tablet. The two-inch screen will allow you to see the pictures and decide whether to leave them or not.

IMPORTANT! When buying, pay attention to the design features, namely the possibility of fasteners. Ideally, the camera should be mounted on clothing, a helmet, an arm, or a bike handlebar. Carefully study the complete set of the device. Most brands supply devices with different mounts. Because they know what an action camera is for.

Now about communications. "Blue tooth", wi-fi, two laces: microUSB and microHDMI. A good kit. You can view and upload both to your computer and to the network. What else does a streamer need? J Of course protection. We think a fall from a height of 3-5 meters, but at speed, plus a dive up to 30 meters, is quite enough.

A flash card with a capacity of up to 128 gigs, a removable 1000-meter battery, a full charge in two and a half hours only complement the good characteristics. Someone will definitely ask about the cons. And here the question is, what is considered a minus? For example:

  • The device will not work as a webcam;
  • Can't scroll through previews
  • When the screen is off, the battery lasts for an hour and a half;
  • The camera heats up significantly, but within acceptable limits.

Here, perhaps, and all shortcomings, in our opinion. The price against the background of performance characteristics does not seem too high. The company store offers the device for 11290, but those who wish can find the SJ7 Star for ten.

Action Camera Choice - Insta360 ONE

Panoramic cameras are not so rare. But there are not so many companies that produce only such cameras. "Shenzhen Arashi Vision Company Ltd" initially specializes in such devices of varying complexity. And the result is impressive. Panoramic shooting is a rather young hobby and every year the number of fans is growing.

Don't think 360 degrees is an exaggeration. Several miniature lenses allow you to cover the entire horizontal space. But stitching pictures into one whole is a matter of sophisticated software. Thanks to this, the user can rotate the footage, looking at details that are invisible to the eye.

FUN FACT. Spherical projections are used to create three-dimensional panoramas. Such panoramas are characterized by large viewing angles - 360 by 180 degrees. The disadvantage of such projections is the distortion of perspectives, which makes it difficult to transfer the image to paper or film. In most cases, spherical panoramas are used for viewing in special software.

Not the most advanced model. But! Insta 360 One is able to become an addition to any smartphone or work independently for an hour. The autonomy is not very large, although in most cases it is enough. The videos are shot in 4K mode, and the pictures go to 24 Mpix. Excellent basic specs. Now more about TTX:

  • Two lenses with a viewing angle of 210 degrees;
  • Maximum photo resolution 6912 x 3456;
  • Video resolution 3840×1920;
  • Dimensions - 9.6 x 3.65 x 2.5 centimeters;
  • Weight 82 grams;
  • Bluetooth control;
  • Live broadcasts.

The quality is excellent, that of the photos, that of the videos. Two cameras with stabilization system do their job. The device copes well with dynamic scenes. At a frequency of 120 frames, the videos are of decent quality. Not everything is clear in terms of compatibility with android devices. Definitely yes with the latest smartphones.

If the device is older than 3 years, it is not a fact that the camera will work. There are no problems with "apple" gadgets. Be sure to read the instructions :) Otherwise, you won’t understand how to mount the device and why the fishing line is included. The price is a bit weird. On offsite it costs almost 30,000, although it is realistic to find for 17-20 thousand rubles. Perhaps the difference in external memory is 64 or 128 gigs to the maximum.

Garmin Virb Elite Dark - you won't forget where you shot

Not a budget action camera at all, but it deserves a place in this material. This model is almost 4 years old. Nevertheless, the characteristics are at the level, so you can not chase the latest innovations. The brand does not need the recommendations of its navigators for a long time. In recent years, the company has been rapidly entering new markets - smart watches, video recorders and action cameras.

First about TTX:

  • The viewing angle is not specified in the specifications. It feels like about 160-170 degrees;
  • 16 Mpix matrix;
  • The frequency with a resolution of 1080p is 30 frames / second;
  • Communications - microHDMI, mini USB 2.0, wi-fi, ANT +;
  • External display 1.4'';
  • G-sensor, altimeter;

At first, and at the second, the look is nothing special. The resolution is so-so, the frequency is minimal, although the pictures and videos are of high quality. But the company did not position the models in the upper segment, rather a good state employee. But the additional "chips" are very tasty. Such a device is definitely suitable for lovers of extreme sports.

DID YOU KNOW…that the name Garmin comes from a merger of the names of the two founders? Engineers Gar y Burrell and Min Kao founded the company in 1989. A few years later, the successful brand became known all over the world. Navigation equipment is used in various fields: motor transport, aviation, tourism, sports, shipping and other areas.

Add good dust resistance, moisture resistance, shockproof performance to the image. Get a great camera for filming in any weather. True, we do not recommend divers to use it. Still, the protection against water penetration is rather weak. On the shelves you can see the camera in several versions: with and without a navigation module.

Also in the minimum configuration there will be no Wi-Fi, accelerometer and altimeter. The selling kit looks strange in terms of fasteners. Even the expensive variety does not have all the fasteners. What you definitely won't find is the steering wheel mount. You will have to think about it further. And about the price … the officials are asking for a little over 27 thousand. If you search, you will find for 18-23 thousand.

Action camera from China - SJCAM SJ5000X Elite

Another "Chinese". Cheap this time. It should be said right away that the price-quality ratio is at a very good level. If you look at TTX:

  • 12MP CMOS for matrix;
  • Video: 720p, 1080p. Frequencies: 120 fps for 1280x720, 60 fps for 1920x1080 and 24 fps for 4K;
  • HDMI, usb, wi-fi, microSD;
  • 900 mAh battery.

Well, what can I say? Well done representatives of the Middle Kingdom. It turned out to be an analogue of the fancy GoPro. Only cheaper. Good sensitivity, motion sensor, good quality burst shots. You can set a delay for shooting. The stabilizer cannot be compared with expensive models, but the quality is acceptable. The small size goes without saying.

No obvious or critical shortcomings were found :) Of the pluses, we note: good quality of the 4K mode, motion detection, the ability to use accessories from GoPro and a large own package. The price for such deliciousness is unrealistic - from 6800.

Budget action camera Eken H9R

The last model that we will see today is from the “cheap and cheerful” series. Ideal for those who do not want to spend money at all. TTX are:

  • 4 Mpix CMOS matrix;
  • Angles 170 degrees;
  • Video recording - UHD 4K. Writes at 120fps at 1280x720, 60fps at 1920x1080, and 25fps at 4K;
  • HDMI, usb, wi-fi, microSD up to 32 gigs;
  • Battery 1050 mAh.

The first "surprise" appears when you try to shoot a video in 4K format. Only 10 frames per second. The quality is appropriate. When the resolution is lowered, the frequency increases and the quality becomes acceptable. Photos are so-so. The equipment is good, but in the light of the previous diving box is doubtful :)

Of the positive aspects, we note: the ability to control the camera through the remote control and good video quality in FullHD mode. There are enough minuses, but two are critical: if the Wi-Fi is on, a constant crackle is heard, and a disgusting sound. But the price is around 3200-3700!

The list of good cameras for shooting in extreme conditions can be continued. But that's not the point. What action camera should you buy? Much depends on the thickness of the wallet. The device is not a whim or excess. The device will help not only to get cool videos and vacation pictures, but also save money :) It's cheaper to buy a secure device than to throw out a damaged household camera.

The standard approach of any article about choosing an action camera is this: you decide, buddy, why you need a camera, look in your wallet, from these two stoves and dance. The approach seems reasonable, but it leads, from our point of view, straight into the abyss of suffering.

To avoid the abyss of suffering, you really need to know very little about action cameras. This:

Matrix resolution

Modern action cameras, depending on the sophistication, have matrices with resolutions from 720p to 4K. So that the buyer has a choice. For example, simple 720p cameras should be enough for filming family stories, 1080p is enough for the eyes for a video blog, and only the unfortunate owners of multicopters cannot do without cameras capable of producing ultra-quality 4K ... In theory, it is logical. In practice, it almost never works.

The higher the physical resolution of the matrix (the number of working pixels, from which, like a mosaic, a picture is assembled), the higher the image detail. And with any choice, no matter how high the physical resolution of the action camera matrix, it will still often be missed. Because you always want more.

And also a photo! You can tear out a great story frame from a video with any resolution, but you can’t look at a 720p screenshot without tears, and a 4K resolution picture can be hung on the wall.

Of course, any action camera can record a picture not only with the maximum resolution, but also with lower values. And sometimes it can be extremely helpful.

Frame frequency

The more frames the camera manages to capture per second, the smoother the final video. Movies are shot at a frequency of 24 frames per second (frames per second or fps), for normal video perception, the frequencies adopted in television broadcasting standards are more suitable: 25 fps (PAL and SECAM systems) or 30 fps (NTSC). An action camera is an extreme sports product, so it can often record video at much higher speeds: 60, 120, 240 fps, and so on. Such frequencies allow you to smoothly play video not only in normal, but also in slow motion. It is useful as a photo finish (you can’t argue with the camera!), and in videos you can use the rapid effect, or slow motion, if it’s fashionable.

Frame rates are directly tied to the shooting resolution. For example, at maximum quality, the camera's processor is able to process 30 frames per second, at a lower resolution: 60 or 120, we further reduce the resolution, we get 240. Or we won't get it if the camera is not smartly made.

Also useful is the ability of some cameras to shoot at a reduced, customizable frame rate. Thanks to this feature, we have at our disposal the time-lapse video mode, it is also a time-lapse. Flowers bloom, snail races, a dying ice cube in a glass, that's it.


Lenses for action cameras are wide-angle, because only such a lens is able to accommodate the maximum visual information (action! There is no time to aim!) and gives a huge depth of field, keeping both distant and near objects in focus. Action cameras don't have autofocus, which is a good thing.

But, wide-angle lenses, they are like eyes in the door: the image on the matrix comes distorted. The effect is called "fisheye". He's cool, of course, but better without him. It's difficult, but possible. The best modern action cameras are able to programmatically correct the image, turning a convex “bulb” into a good flat picture. Don't pass by!

Interfaces with goodies

A camera with a touch screen is much more convenient than a camera without this screen. (Of course, if you use a camera not exclusively in a helmet-mounted version, then the opposite is true. Wireless interfaces (Bluetooth and Wi-Fi) allow you to connect the camera to a smartphone or desktop computer, which greatly expands the usability and functionality of the device. Smart as a remote control of the camera , that's great!

Gyroscopes and G-sensors allow you to save battery and space on the memory card, remove only movement or only in movement. Noise reduction and optical image stabilization are useful buns, but someone can do without them. You choose!


Critical questions: how long will it last, can it be quickly replaced, and how long does it take to charge. In general, we read performance characteristics and reviews, everything is simple.


A camera is just a camera. To make it convenient (or even possible) to use, additional accessories are needed. Mounting tripods for different surfaces, underwater shooting boxes, remote controls - these things can be needed at the most unexpected moment, which means they must be available!

In the case of premium cameras, everything is usually simple; hardware for them is sold in many places. With simpler cameras, you will have to read the forums: sometimes it’s better to dress a Chinese camera in GoPro clothes than wait for delivery from AliExpress. Well, or a file in hand ...

Weight and appearance

Modern action cameras are all very light, small and, in general, quite versatile devices. Unless, with mostly helmet-mounted wear (bikers and skiers), you should choose a camera with a minimum windage.


Now, if there is a completely dead mouse in your wallet, then you can go the way of suffering. Choose a camera according to your means and according to your current opinion, why do you need it right now. But then you will want more, and you will want it all at once - it has been checked repeatedly! The only way to live in peace with yourself is to get a camera that can do everything. Now choose!

By the way, a big fight is expected in the upper price segment. Intelligence reports that cool action cameras have just appeared on sale

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