Program for replacing similar letters. Synonymizer is a program for online text rewriting. Creating and editing a replacement

UV FilesCorrector- a program for quickly correcting text files, text on the clipboard and simply selected text.

  • What to do when you need to make several different replacements in the text at once?
  • Or do you need to replace text in a dozen or two files at once?
  • Or do you need to find and replace multiline text?
  • Or find (replace with) non-standard characters (tab, ©, etc.)?

The usual replacement mechanism is not helpful here. Either it takes a long time or is completely impossible. But with UV FilesCorrector this task becomes very simple and fast.

Here is an incomplete list of the program's capabilities for working with text:

  • Ability to fix multiple files at once
  • Make many different substitutions one after another
  • Replace selected text in any program
  • Use non-standard characters in search and replace (for example ©, ® and many others)
  • Use pattern search (regular expressions)
  • It is possible to work with XML files using the xPath query language.
  • And much more

And all this with one click of a button!

Download UV FilesCorrector

List of replacements

Replacements are made in the order in which they are listed. Only marked substitutions work.

Invisible characters are indicated in the list by symbols in square brackets. For example, newlines are designated as , tabs as [t], etc. The symbols are shown below the list of substitutions.

Creating and editing a replacement

When you create and edit a replacement, the window shown below opens.

You can use newline and tabs in What to Find and Replace With text.

In the new version, you can set the number of repetitions of the replacement. For example, if you need to replace repeated spaces, leaving only one. Switch the option “Repeat replacement” to “As long as there is something to replace.” All extra spaces will be removed.

Replacing text in files

Approximate procedure:

  • Select folder with files
  • Set the file mask, if necessary (in the example it is "*.txt;*.xml")
  • Mark the required files
  • Click the "Replace" button

Upon completion of file processing, a message will be displayed indicating the number of replacements made.

You can view the log of replacements made.

Replacing text on the clipboard

The Clipboard tab shows text copied to the clipboard. When you click the "Replace" button, this text is in accordance with the list of replacements. After this, you can immediately insert the changed text using Ctrl+V.

Added the ability to replace text on the clipboard using a hotkey Ctrl + Shift + C.

Replacing selected text in any program

Added hotkey Ctrl + Shift + X to replace selected text in any program. It doesn't matter what program you use to edit the text. Just highlight the text and click Ctrl + Shift + X.

Replacement in XML files

To do this, when editing the replacement, check the "XML" box and set xPath. Only text in attributes and between tags (including in the CDATA section) is affected. All elements for which the xPath condition is true are searched. The text is replaced in the element itself and in all child elements (see example 2.a). The file extension can be anything (not necessarily xml).

Examples: Let's replace "text" with "TEXT", but not in all the text, but only in the right places

Source XML (snippet)

text color
text color

1. xPath = "//item/@name"


text color
text color

2. xPath = "//item"


TEXT color
TEXT color

3. xPath = "//item/title"


TEXT color
text color

If, when specifying xPath, you do not specify “what to find,” then any text in the specified xPath will be replaced.

Working from the command line

For start UV FilesCorrector From the command line you need two files:
- a file containing a list of files to replace
- a file containing a list of replacements (create the necessary replacements using UV FilesCorrector and save to a file).

The utility runs in hidden mode and closes after completion. Command Format:

"UV FilesCorrector.exe" "Files.txt" "Replaces.lst"

An example of a Files.txt file with a list of files to replace. File names must be on separate lines. You can use full and relative (relative to the folder in which Files.txt is located) paths to files.

Annual report.txt

As an example of a Replaces.lst file, you can take the Default.lst file from the program directory.

Only those replacements will be made in which 1

Replace provided

Let's say there are many files in a folder in which the text needs to be corrected. But in some files there is no need to fix it (either it has already been fixed, or it is simply not necessary). In such cases, additional replacement conditions can be useful, where you can specify:

  • Replace if the text "..." is present
  • Replace if the text "..." is missing
  • Do not replace if the text "..." is present
  • Do not replace if the text "..." is missing

The text will be replaced only if all specified conditions are met.

Pattern search (regular expressions)

A very powerful search tool. When the text itself is unknown, but its properties are known. For example, find and remove all e-mail addresses or phone numbers from the text.

As a very simple example, here's a regular expression:

This expression looks for three numbers in a row in the text. You can search the text for email, URL, phone number and many other things.

UV FilesCorrector now has a Wizard to help you write regular expressions.

The wizard window itself contains a quick reference guide to regular expressions and a tool for checking constructed expressions

To test a regular expression, fill in the "Text to test" text field. If you check the "Analyze each line" checkbox, the regular expression will be applied to each line. Otherwise, to the entire text. When checking, you should indicate both the lines that match the condition and those that should be skipped.

The regular expression fragment in brackets forms a subpattern (subtext) that can be used in “Replace with”. $1 is the first substring, $2 is the second, etc. More details in the examples below.

Original text Sample Replaced by Result
before 1234 after (\d+) price $1 rub. before price 1234 rub. after
before 1234 after (\d+) $1.00 before 1234.00 after
before 1234 after (\d(2))(\d(2)) $2$1 before 3412 after
... [email protected]... \s([\w.]+@[\w.]+)\s $1 ... [email protected]...

Even if your job is not directly related to typing, you still most likely have to work with the keyboard quite a lot. Write a letter, leave a message on the forum, just chat on ICQ - all this requires a keyboard. For now, unfortunately, computers cannot dictate like a secretary or transmit your thoughts to them at a distance, so the keyboard remains the main means of input. You may have repeatedly wondered how to type faster. In addition to the most obvious solution - mastering the touch typing method - there are others. They are based on automating some of the operations that need to be performed when entering text. Programs to speed up keyboard input can automatically or at the user's command switch the layout of typed text, correct typos in words, offer options for completing words when the user has just started typing, replace several entered characters with entire phrases or even sentences. It is precisely such programs that will be discussed in today’s review.

Punto Switcher 3.0

Developer: Yandex
Distribution size: 2 MB
Spreading: for free
Interface: Russian Punto Switcher is perhaps the most famous and popular program for automatically switching keyboard layouts. However, not everyone knows that in addition to switching layouts, Punto Switcher can do a lot more. For those who work a lot with text, the program can be a good helper. Firstly, it’s worth talking about compiling an autocorrect list. Autocorrect in Punto Switcher works in much the same way as in MS Word - when you enter certain characters, they are replaced with a preset word or entire phrase. But if Word's autocorrect works only within this text editor, then the list of frequently typed words and phrases saved in Punto Switcher can be used in all Windows applications, for example, in a browser or email client. In addition, you can save this list when reinstalling the system or transfer it to another computer. The list of autocorrects is stored in the replace.dat file, which in previous versions of Punto Switcher was placed in the program installation folder, and is now located at c: Documents and SettingsUserApplication DataYandexPunto Switcher3.0 (for Windows XP).

The autocorrect list has two main purposes. First, you can use it to automatically correct typos for the words you miss most often. Secondly, you can include in this list some words or phrases that you often need to type. You can even use paragraphs when creating AutoCorrect elements, so you can store, for example, email response templates in this list. Depending on your preferences, you can ask the program to replace entered characters after you press the spacebar, Enter, or Tab. In addition, Punto Switcher can take into account characters typed in a different layout. In most cases, this feature is very convenient, as it allows you not to think about what layout you are typing in. For example, if you need to insert a template for replying to a letter for which the “letter” characters are specified in the program settings, you can enter “dueuk”, after which Punto Switcher will automatically switch the layout and auto-correct. Some users don't work with the AutoCorrect list because they have trouble remembering which characters they need to enter for the program to replace them. “I’d rather take the time to type the entire phrase than remember what abbreviation I came up with for autocorrect,” they say. For such users, Punto Switcher provides a display of the autocorrect list on top of all windows. This window can be translucent and located anywhere on the screen. Working with it is very simple: you place the cursor in the place where you want to insert the text and click on the desired phrase in the autocorrect list box. However, it should be noted that this method of working with the autocorrect list will be convenient only if there are not very many elements in it, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of time searching for the desired phrase, scrolling through the list.

The second convenient feature of the program, which will help save a lot of nerves while working, is a diary. The program can record everything you type on your computer in a diary. By the way, because of this function, some programs for detecting spyware perceive Punto Switcher as a malicious utility, because in fact it works as a keylogger program. However, unlike real keyloggers, it does not send the contents of your diary anywhere. Moreover, you can set a password to view it. The diary can save all the phrases you typed, containing at least a certain number of words (this number must be at least two and is set in the program settings). In addition, the contents of the clipboard can be saved in the diary.

What is the practical application of this function? It is guaranteed to save your work in the event of a software or system failure. Closing your text editor or browser unexpectedly, freezing your computer, or doing a hot reboot can all cause the text you typed in the original program to not be saved. Over many years of working with Punto Switcher, we have not had a single case where in such a situation we could not “pull out” something missing from the diary. The only thing worth remembering when working with a diary is the need to clean it from time to time, since with active work this file can grow to a considerable size. However, the cleaning function is provided in Punto Switcher. Despite the fact that Punto Switcher cannot check spelling on the fly and automatically correct typos, the program can still help you point out errors. If a typo was made while typing, the program changes the color of its icon in the system tray. In addition, if the sound is turned on on the computer, it will also notify you of the error with a special signal. Punto Switcher also has some clipboard capabilities that you may find useful in your daily work. Firstly, the program can translate a piece of text that is on the clipboard to another layout. Secondly, using Punto Switcher you can transliterate text from the clipboard. After Punto Switcher was acquired by Yandex, some other features were added to the program. For example, for a word placed on the clipboard, you can quickly find a definition in Yandex online dictionaries, get its translation into another language, look at an article about it in the Russian or English encyclopedia Wikipedia, and also perform a search in Yandex. All these features are available from the context menu, which is called up by clicking on the Punto Switcher icon in the system tray.

Finally, it’s worth saying a few words about the main purpose of the program - automatically switching layouts from Russian to English and back. The program has many settings that help adapt it to the needs of a specific user. For example, if the Punto Switcher dictionary doesn't have a particular word that you type often, you can add it there manually. For example, the program does not automatically switch the words “wooser” and “mukeuch” to the English layout when typing, despite the fact that in Russian they sound like abracadabra, and in English they sound like “depth” and “vertex”. It also happens the other way around - switching to another layout occurs when it is not needed. When you add a word to a custom dictionary, you can specify whether it should be translated to another layout, and whether it should be case-sensitive. In some programs, Punto Switcher may not help, but hinder. An example is working in AutoCAD, where you often need to work with the command line, entering commands that do not look like ordinary words and therefore may be interpreted incorrectly by the program. For such cases, Punto Switcher has the ability to specify applications in which the program will automatically turn off. In addition, the program can be disabled manually by unchecking the box next to the "Auto switch" command in the context menu of the tray icon. If you work with other languages ​​besides Russian and English, then be sure to pay attention to the “Consider input only in Russian and English layouts” checkbox in the program settings. If you install it, Punto Switcher will not appear when another layout is active. Perhaps one of the main inconveniences that Punto Switcher users complain about is that the program does not accept characters that have been typed previously. That is, if you typed part of a word earlier, and then added the missing characters, Punto Switcher will process only the letters you just entered. This often causes errors when automatically switching layouts, because the part of the word you typed, for example, may begin with “b”, and therefore Punto Switcher will instantly change the layout to English. The easiest way to edit previously typed words is to use the left and right arrows on your keyboard. When you do not need the program to switch the layout, you simply press these keys before entering characters, after which you can enter any characters without any problems. In the program settings, you can specify other keys, after pressing which Punto Switcher should not switch the layout - Delete, BackSpace, manual change of layout.

Orfo Switcher 1.22

Developer: Oleg Dubrov
Distribution size: 1 MB
Spreading: shareware
Interface: Russian The main purpose of Orfo Switcher is to check the spelling of the typed text during the input process. The program works in all Windows applications, including chat windows of IM clients, browsers, etc. As soon as you make a mistake in a word, Orfo Switcher displays a menu next to it, which offers several options for correcting it. In addition, it is possible to immediately add a word to the dictionary. You can select the desired option from the menu either using the keyboard arrows or using the mouse. If you don't want to do either one or the other, you simply continue typing and the error correction options window will automatically disappear from the screen. The program works with both Russian and English languages.

The second function of Orfo Switcher is to switch the keyboard layout. Like Punto Switcher, the program can monitor the text you type and automatically switch layouts. Switching can be done both while typing a word, and after pressing the "Space" key. The program provides lists of exceptions - words for which you do not need to change the layout, and words for which you must change it when entering. These lists are presented as text files and can be easily edited in Notepad.

It should be noted that, unlike Punto Switcher, which works in both Windows XP and Windows Vista, this program allows you to automatically switch the keyboard only in Windows XP. In Windows Vista, to switch typed text to another layout, you need to select it and use a predefined keyboard shortcut. Using the context menu that appears when you click on the program's tray icon, you can disable Orfo Switcher or temporarily disable it for 10 minutes. These commands can also be executed using hotkeys. Orfo Switcher also has the ability to create a list of applications in which the program will not work. Orfo Switcher also implements some capabilities for working with the clipboard. The program saves the last 40 elements that were entered into the buffer, and makes it possible to quickly paste them into the place where the cursor is positioned. To open a window with a list of text fragments, you must press and hold the middle mouse button. After this, just select the desired fragment using the cursor or arrows on the keyboard. Using this menu, you can also transliterate characters stored on the clipboard, or convert them to another layout.

The program also has a function similar to the autocorrect list in Punto Switcher. Using the "Presets" tab in the program settings, you can make a list of frequently used words and phrases. You can insert such blanks using the same menu, which is called up by pressing the middle mouse button. Interestingly, using this menu you can quickly create new templates, and by default the text that is on the clipboard will be inserted into them.

Comfort Typing 3.2

Developer: Comfort Software Group
Distribution size: 2 MB
Spreading: shareware
Interface: Russian The Comfort Typing program, unlike other utilities discussed in this review, is not an automatic keyboard layout switcher. As its developers say, it was created for those who do not trust automatic switches to change the input language. Switching layouts can only be performed by user command. Comfort Typing can switch the input language of the text you just entered, as well as the characters that have been highlighted. To change the layout, use the Win+Shift key combination. In addition to changing the input language, Comfort Typing helps you quickly perform operations with selected text such as changing the case of characters (you can convert all characters to upper or lower case, invert the case of characters, set the case as in sentences, or make all words begin with capital letter). To perform these operations, keyboard shortcuts are used, which can be assigned in the program settings.

Comfort Typing offers several tools to speed up typing. Firstly, the program has an auto-prompt function when typing. As soon as you start typing a word, it displays a small menu that offers one or more options for completing the word. You select the appropriate one using the arrows on the keyboard and proceed to enter the next word. You can also use numbers to select the desired word, which is very convenient if there are several completion options in the list. All words that Comfort Typing suggests for replacement are numbered. It is enough to enter the number that corresponds to the desired option, and the word will be automatically typed. If you enable the corresponding option in the program settings, a space will also appear after it. Comfort Typing automatically replenishes its vocabulary with the words you type, so the more you use the autosuggest function, the more likely it is that the desired word will be found in the program's dictionary for substitution. The auto-suggest function will be especially convenient for those users who cannot boast of a high typing speed. If you don’t see any hints while typing, simply reduce the delay time for their appearance. By default it is quite large, so you may be typing faster than Comfort Typing can display the hint. If you reduce the delay time to the minimum value, then prompts will appear.

The second tool for speeding up typing is text templates, which are something similar to the autocorrect list in Punto Switcher. Text templates work like this: you type the sequence of characters that was specified for the template and press the NumLock key, after which the program replaces the entered characters with the corresponding piece of text. If you don't remember the sequence of characters, you can simply press NumLock. In this case, a window will appear on the screen with a list of all templates. You can select the one you need and insert it.

Working with templates in Comfort Typing has a number of advantages compared to similar programs. First, templates can use macros, such as the current date and time. Secondly, templates can be saved in RTF format, that is, when creating them, you can use a variety of formatting tools that are not available for regular text: lists, alignment, superscript and subscript, different styles, typefaces and font size. All templates created in the program can be protected with a password. It is also possible to use common templates within a local network, where several users work with the program.


Hello, in this article we will look at a fairly useful tool for copywriters, rewriters, as well as those who are involved in stamping GS - synonymizer. There are synonymizers that allow you to do automatic text rewriting online, and sometimes there is completely full-fledged software that requires installation. Moreover, there are both paid and free versions.

It is not difficult to guess, based on the name, what the function of this program is. Right - replacing words in the text with synonyms. Synonym databases are taken from dictionaries. Using this software or online synonymizers, you can get a certain % of uniqueness of the material, usually 95 - 100%. Alas, the readability of the text after synonymization will be poor. You can compare it, for example, with Google translating text from Russian into a foreign language and vice versa, or even worse. If you plan to use this text for satellites, then only a cosmetic rewrite will be required. You can select and replace synonyms that are more appropriate in meaning to the article in the synonymizers themselves. But, if attracting traffic is also your goal, you will have to make some efforts to edit the resulting text.

Of course, if you need content of more or less good quality, but there is no time or desire to write it yourself, then you can order content on article exchanges, for example, on eTXT. Personally, I order articles for one of my sites ( there. It turns out very well.

Synonymizers are often used for reproduction of articles, so from one article you can make 10, 20, or even 100. Why generate so many identical articles? And this is done to promote the site with articles, to place generated duplicate articles on sites with a link to your site. Here is an excellent article exchange where you can make money by posting articles on your website, and also order articles there - Miralinks.

The best free online text synonymizers

A small list of free online text synonymizers.

The main purpose of the program Punto Switcher is an automatic change of keyboard layout from English to Russian (and vice versa) when typing is not performed in the language required. This process is constantly monitored using a built-in dictionary, which contains a fairly large number of the most frequently used phrases. Thus, when typing text on the keyboard, you no longer have to worry about having to rewrite it again; the Punto Switcher program converts everything automatically. However, if for some reason this does not happen, you can use the built-in transliterator, which will make the typed text readable in a split second.
Punto Switcher works using the principle that certain letter combinations are impossible for Russian and English languages. In Russian, for example, a word cannot begin with the letter “b”. The program monitors which letters are typed on the keyboard and, if the program sees an invalid combination, for example, More, after pressing the spacebar, Enter or Tab, the layout automatically switches. A dictionary of several million words is used to identify impossible combinations. Please keep in mind that the program works correctly with Russian and English keyboard layouts; the switching rules are based on the rules of the Russian and English languages.

Punto Switcher program features:

  • creating and editing your own custom dictionary;
  • Fixed RANDOM pressing of CapsLock;
  • Cancel switching and correcting the typed text by pressing Break. For example, you want to turn the “we” you just typed into “vs” - click Break;
  • switching prevention and correction. For example, you type your password in Latin letters and do not want to switch the layout. Press the right arrow (→ key) and the layout will not switch, but the typed text will be corrected;
  • sound signal for typos;
  • correction of the first two capital letters, for example in the case: RUSSIA - Russia;
  • setting up a way to switch layouts;
  • autocorrect. Now you can create shortcuts that will unfold. For example, you write “SNP”, and these three letters turn into the phrase: “With best wishes.” Also, you can put the name of your company in autoreplace, for example, SKK - “Samara Cable Company”.

The Punto Switcher program includes a diary - Punto Diary. The diary is designed to help you save and organize meaningful text that is usually scattered throughout conferences, letters, and chats. Punto Dairy has the ability to search through all the text that a person typed during the week, month, year. A journalist can make an article out of this, a writer can make a book, or you can, flipping through your diary, remember what you did last spring. Punto Diary can be useful for quoting a forgotten chat conversation, recovering text after a program crash, etc.

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