RFID technology, tags, readers and its application. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID): Working Principle and Application

It was actively used by the Allies during World War II to determine whether an object in the sky was friend or foe. Similar systems are still used in both military and civil aviation.

Another milestone in the use of RFID technology is the work of Harry Stockman ( Harry Stockman) under the title “Communication by means of a reflected signal” (eng. "Communication by Means of Reflected Power" ) (IRE reports, pp. 1196-1204, October). Stockman notes that "...considerable research and development work was done before the basic problems in reflected communication were solved, and before applications for the technology were found."

The first demonstration of modern backscatter RFID chips, both passive and active, was conducted at the Los Alamos Research Laboratory. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory ) in 1973. The portable system operated at 915 MHz and used 12-bit tags.

The first patent associated with the name RFID itself was issued to Charles Walton ( Charles Walton) in 1983 (US Patent No. 4,384,288).

Classification of RFID tags

There are several ways to organize RFID tags and systems:

By power source

Based on the type of power source, RFID tags are divided into:

  • Passive
  • Active
  • Semi-passive


RFID antenna

Passive RFID tags do not have a built-in power source. The electric current induced in the antenna by the electromagnetic signal from the reader provides sufficient power to operate the silicon CMOS chip located in the tag and transmit the response signal.

Commercial implementations of low-frequency RFID tags can be embedded in a sticker (sticker) or implanted under the skin (see VeriChip).

The compactness of RFID tags depends on the size of external antennas, which are many times larger than the chip and, as a rule, determine the dimensions of the tags. The lowest cost of RFID tags, which have become standard for companies such as Wal-Mart, Target, Tesco in the UK, Metro AG in Germany and the US Department of Defense, is approximately 5 cents per company tag SmartCode(for purchases of 100 million units or more). In addition, due to the variation in antenna sizes, tags have different sizes - from a postage stamp to a postcard. In practice, the maximum reading distance of passive tags varies from 10 cm (4 inches) (according to the ISO 14443 standard) to several meters (EPC and ISO 18000-6 standards), depending on the selected frequency and antenna dimensions. In some cases, the antenna can be printed.

Production processes from Alien Technology entitled Fluidic Self Assembly, from SmartCode - Flexible Area Synchronized Transfer (FAST) and from Symbol Technologies - PICA are aimed at further reducing the cost of tags through the use of mass parallel production. Alien Technology currently uses the FSA and HiSam processes to produce tags, while PICA is a process from Symbol Technologies- is still under development. The FSA process can produce over 2 million IC wafers per hour, and the PICA process can produce over 70 billion tags per year (if it is further developed). In these technical processes, ICs are attached to tag wafers, which in turn are attached to antennas to form a complete chip. Attaching ICs to wafers and subsequently wafers to antennas are the most spatially sensitive elements of the manufacturing process. This means that when reducing the size of the IC, installation (eng. Pick and place) will become the most expensive operation. Alternative production methods such as FSA and HiSam can significantly reduce the cost of tags. Standardization of production Industry benchmarks) will ultimately lead to a further drop in tag prices as they are implemented on a large scale.

Non-silicon tags can be made from polymer semiconductors. Currently, several companies around the world are developing them. Tags manufactured in laboratory conditions and operating at frequencies of 13.56 MHz were demonstrated in 2005 by companies PolyIC(Germany) and Philips(Holland). In an industrial setting, polymer tags will be produced by roll printing (a technology similar to magazine and newspaper printing), making them less expensive than IC-based tags. Ultimately, this could result in tags being as easy to print as barcodes and just as cheap for most applications.

Active tags usually have a much larger read range (up to 300 m) and memory capacity than passive tags, and are able to store more information for sending by the transceiver.


Semi-passive RFID tags, also called semi-active, are very similar to passive tags but have a battery that powers the chip. Moreover, the range of these tags depends only on the sensitivity of the reader’s receiver and they can operate at a greater distance and with better characteristics.

By type of memory used

Based on the type of memory used, RFID tags are divided into:

  • R.O.(English) Read Only) - data is recorded only once, immediately during production. Such marks are suitable for identification purposes only. No new information can be written into them, and they are almost impossible to fake.
  • WORM(English) Write Once Read Many) - in addition to a unique identifier, such tags contain a block of write-once memory, which can then be read repeatedly.
  • RW(English) Read and Write) - such tags contain an identifier and a memory block for reading/writing information. The data in them can be overwritten many times.

By operating frequency

LF range marks (125-134 kHz)

RFID tag 125 kHz

Passive systems in this range have low prices, and due to their physical characteristics, they are used for subcutaneous tags when microchipping animals, humans and fish. However, due to the wavelength, there are problems with reading over long distances, as well as problems associated with the occurrence of collisions during reading.

HF band tags (13.56 MHz)

13 MHz systems are cheap, do not have environmental or licensing problems, are well standardized, and have a wide range of solutions. They are used in payment systems, logistics, and personal identification. For a frequency of 13.56 MHz, the ISO 14443 standard (types A/B) has been developed. Unlike Mifare 1K, this standard provides a key diversification system, which allows the creation of open systems. Standardized encryption algorithms are used.

Several dozen systems have been developed based on the 14443 B standard, for example, the public transport fare payment system for the Paris region.

For the standards that existed in this frequency range, serious security problems were found: there was absolutely no cryptography in cheap card chips Mifare Ultralight, introduced in the Netherlands for the fare payment system in urban public transport OV-chipkaart, later the card, which was considered more reliable, was hacked Mifare Classic.

As with the LF range, systems built in the HF range have problems with reading over long distances, reading in conditions of high humidity, the presence of metal, and problems associated with the appearance of collisions during reading.

UHF band tags (860-960 MHz)

Tags in this range have the greatest registration range; many standards in this range contain anti-collision mechanisms. Initially oriented for the needs of warehouse and production logistics, UHF range tags did not have a unique identifier. It was assumed that the identifier for the tag would be the EPC number ( Electronic Product Code) of a product that each manufacturer will label independently during production. However, it soon became clear that in addition to the function of being a carrier of the EPC product number, it would be good to assign the tag also an authenticity control function. That is, a requirement arose that contradicted itself: to simultaneously ensure the uniqueness of the tag and allow the manufacturer to record an arbitrary EPC number.

For a long time there were no chips that would fully satisfy these requirements. Released by the company Philips The Gen 1.19 chip had an unchangeable identifier, but did not have any built-in functions for password-protecting the tag’s memory banks, and data from the tag could be read by anyone with the appropriate equipment. Subsequently developed chips of the Gen 2.0 standard had functions for password-protecting memory banks (password for reading, password for writing), but did not have a unique tag identifier, which made it possible to create identical clones of tags if desired.

Finally, in 2008, NXP released two new chips, which today meet all of the above requirements. The SL3S1202 and SL3FCS1002 chips are made in the EPC Gen 2.0 standard, but differ from all their predecessors in that the TID memory field ( Tag ID), into which the tag type code is usually written during production (and within the same article it does not differ from tag to tag), is divided into two parts. The first 32 bits are reserved for the code of the tag manufacturer and its brand, and the second 32 bits are for the unique number of the chip itself. The TID field is immutable, and thus each tag is unique. The new chips have all the benefits of Gen 2.0 standard tags. Each memory bank can be protected from reading or writing with a password, the EPC number can be recorded by the manufacturer of the product at the time of labeling.

In UHF RFID systems, compared to LF and HF, the cost of tags is lower, while the cost of other equipment is higher.

Currently, the UHF frequency range is open for free use in the Russian Federation in the so-called “European” range - 863-868 MHz.

RF UHF Near Field Tags

Compared to portable readers, this type of reader usually has a larger reading area and power and is capable of simultaneously processing data from several dozen tags. Stationary readers are connected to a PLC, integrated into a DCS or connected to a PC. The task of such readers is to gradually record the movement of marked objects in real time, or to identify the position of marked objects in space.


They have a relatively shorter range and often do not have a constant connection with the control and accounting program. Mobile readers have an internal memory into which data from read tags is recorded (this information can then be loaded into a computer) and, like stationary readers, they are capable of writing data to a tag (for example, information about the control performed).

Depending on the frequency range of the tag, the distance for stable reading and writing data in them will be different.

RFID and alternative methods of automatic identification

In terms of functionality, RFID tags, as a method of collecting information, are very close to barcodes, which are most widely used today for marking goods. Despite the reduction in the cost of RFID tags, in the foreseeable future, complete replacement of barcodes by radio frequency identification is unlikely to take place for economic reasons (the system will not pay for itself).

At the same time, barcode technology itself continues to evolve. New developments (for example, the two-dimensional Data Matrix barcode) solve a number of problems that were previously solved only by the use of RFID. Technologies can complement each other. Components with unchanged consumer properties can be marked with permanent markings based on optical recognition technologies, carrying information about their production date and consumer properties, and the RFID tag can record information subject to change, such as information about the specific recipient of the order on the returned reusable packaging.

Benefits of RFID

  • Overwrite capability. RFID tag data can be rewritten and updated many times, while barcode data cannot be changed - it is written immediately when printed.
  • No line of sight required. The RFID reader does not need direct visibility of the tag to read its data. The mutual orientation of the tag and the reader often does not matter. Tags can be read through the packaging, making them possible to be hidden. To read the data, the tag only needs to enter the registration zone at least briefly, moving, among other things, at a fairly high speed. In contrast, a barcode reader always needs a direct line of sight to the barcode to read it.
  • Longer reading distance. An RFID tag can be read at a much greater distance than a barcode. Depending on the tag model and reader, the reading radius can be up to several hundred meters. At the same time, such distances are not always required.
  • More data storage capacity. An RFID tag can store significantly more information than a barcode.
  • Support reading multiple tags. Industrial readers can simultaneously read many (more than a thousand) RFID tags per second using the so-called anti-collision function. A barcode reader can only scan one barcode at a time.
  • Reading tag data at any location. In order to ensure automatic barcode reading, standards committees (including EAN International) have developed rules for placing barcodes on product and shipping packaging. These requirements do not apply to radio frequency tags. The only condition is that the tag is within the reader's coverage area.
  • Environmental resistance. There are RFID tags that are highly durable and resistant to harsh operating environments, and barcodes are easily damaged (for example, by moisture or contamination). In applications where the same item can be used an unlimited number of times (for example, when identifying containers or returnable containers), an RFID tag is a more suitable means of identification since it does not need to be placed on the outside of the package. Passive RFID tags have a virtually unlimited service life.
  • Intelligent behavior. An RFID tag can be used to perform tasks other than being a data carrier. The barcode is not programmable and is only a means of storing data.
  • High degree of security. A unique, unchangeable identifier number assigned to the tag during production guarantees a high degree of protection of tags from counterfeiting. Also, the data on the tag can be encrypted. The radio frequency tag has the ability to password-protect data recording and reading operations, as well as encrypt their transmission. One label can simultaneously store open and closed data.

Disadvantages of RFID

  • Tag performance lost due to partial mechanical damage.
  • System cost higher than the cost of an accounting system based on barcodes.
  • Difficulty in making your own. The barcode can be printed on any printer.
  • Susceptibility to Interference in the form of electromagnetic fields.
  • Mistrust users, the possibility of using it to collect information about people.
  • Installed technical base for reading barcodes significantly exceeds RFID-based solutions in volume.
  • Insufficient openness of the developed standards.

Technology characteristics

Compiled based on materials from Sandeep Lahiri’s book “RFID. Implementation Guide"
Technology characteristics RFID Barcode
The need for direct visibility of the tag Read even hidden marks Reading without line of sight is impossible
Memory From 10 to 10,000 bytes Up to 100 bytes
Ability to rewrite data and reuse tags Eat No
Registration range Up to 100 m Up to 4 m
Simultaneous identification of multiple objects Up to 200 marks per second Impossible
Resistance to environmental influences: mechanical, temperature, chemical, moisture Increased strength and resistance Depends on the material it is applied to
Tag lifetime More than 10 years Depends on the printing method and the material of which the marked object is made
Security and counterfeit protection Fake is almost impossible Easy to fake
Work when the tag is damaged Impossible Difficult
Moving Object Identification Yes Difficult
Susceptibility to interference from electromagnetic fields Eat No
Identification of metal objects Possible Possible
Use of both stationary and hand-held terminals for identification Yes Yes
Possibility of introduction into the human or animal body Possible Difficult
Dimensions Medium and small Small
Price Medium and high Low


RFID and human rights

Debra Bowen, California State Senator, at a 2003 hearing

The use of RFID tags has caused serious controversy, criticism and even boycott of goods. The four main problems associated with this technology are as follows:

  • The buyer may not even know about the presence of the RFID tag. Or can't remove it
  • Data from the tag can be read remotely without the owner’s knowledge
  • If the tagged item is paid for by credit card, it is possible to uniquely associate the tag's unique identifier with the buyer
  • Tag system EPCGlobal creates or involves the creation of unique serial numbers for everyone products, despite the fact that this creates privacy issues and is completely unnecessary for most applications

The main concern is that sometimes RFID tags remain operational even after an item has been purchased and removed from the store, and therefore can be used for surveillance and other nefarious purposes unrelated to the tags' inventory function. Reading from short distances can also be dangerous if, for example, the information read accumulates in a database, or a burglar uses a pocket reader to assess the wealth of a potential victim passing by. Serial numbers on RFID tags can provide additional information even after the product has been disposed of. For example, tags on resold or gifted items can be used to establish a person's social circle.

Security experts are opposed to using RFID technology to authenticate people based on the risk of ID theft. For example, attack "man in the middle" makes it possible for an attacker to steal an identity in real time. At the moment, due to resource limitations of RFID tags, it is theoretically not possible to protect them from such attack patterns, since this would require complex data transfer protocols.


The negative attitude towards RFID technology is compounded by the gaps that exist in all current standards. Although the process of improving standards has not ended, many have a tendency to hide some tag commands from the public. For example, the command Authentication in proprietary technology Philips MIFARE, which uses the ISO/IEC 14443 standard, after which the tag must encrypt its responses and accept only encrypted commands, can be neutralized by some command that the developer keeps secret. After running this command you can successfully use ReadBlock, fictitiously encrypted on a constant (which is used to calculate the CRC in the ISO/IEC 14443 standard). This way you can read the MIFARE card. Moreover, by analyzing the current consumed by the card, a circuit engineer can read all access passwords to all blocks of the MIFARE card (due to the relative gluttony of EEPROM cells and the circuitry of memory reading in the chip). Thus, the most common RFID cards may initially contain a bookmark.

Some of the suspicions regarding RFID can be removed by developing complete and open standards, the absence of which causes suspicion and mistrust in the technology.

The use of microwave range tags in the Russian Federation is currently regulated by SanPiN 2.1.8/, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 135 of 06/09/2003. Despite the widespread misconception about the non-compliance of this equipment with standards, in real calculations the strength of the electromagnetic field or the power flux density emitted by the equipment is taken into account, and not the output power of the device, as was established in SanPiN 2.2.4/, which became invalid as of June 30, 2003; actual values ​​for calculating the maximum permissible level in UHF equipment actually existing in Russia are approximately 10-20 times lower than those established by sanitary and hygienic standards.

Development of the RFID market

According to experts, the market for RFID systems in Russia is still in its infancy, so supply in this segment significantly exceeds demand. Because of this lag, the domestic market is developing at an accelerated pace - the cumulative average annual growth rate in the period from 2010 exceeds 19%. While the average annual growth rate of the global RFID market (CAGR) exceeds 15%.

According to market participants, the volume of the global RFID products market in 2008 was $5.29 billion. It is expected that by 2018 it will grow more than 5 times. The volume of the Russian RFID market is slightly more than one percent of the world market, and amounts to $69 million.

All radio frequency identification systems are being implemented in Russia for the first time. A company installing an RFID system does not need to drag along outdated equipment and frequencies, adapt existing equipment at the site to the task, and has the opportunity to implement the most advanced developments.

Due to its high cost, RFID in Russia is used primarily for logistics operations, in the metro of large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan) and in library systems. However, according to Rusnano General Director Anatoly Chubais, in the coming years it is possible to switch to nanochips for bank cards with RFID, with the help of which the technology will become widely used in retail trade.


Book lending station in the library of St. Petersburg State University

Currently, RFID technologies are used in a wide variety of areas of human activity:

  1. Medicine - monitoring the condition of patients, monitoring movement around the hospital building.
  2. Libraries - automatic book lending stations, quick inventory.
  3. Baggage management system
  4. Real-time Object Localization System

First of all, the following RFID functionality is used:

  • Information about the object, its properties, qualities, etc.
  • Information about the position of the object.

RFID is just beginning to be used in retail trade - in logistics and warehouse accounting, as well as on the sales floor to prevent theft.

In April 2012, electronics and household appliances retailer Media-Saturn Russia (Media Markt and Saturn chains) announced that, together with the Metro Group Innovation Center (Germany), it was working on a pilot project to introduce RFID technology in the company's stores. Testing will begin at the end of the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd quarter of 2012 and will take place on the basis of the Multimedia department of one of the Moscow Media Markt stores. Thus, Media-Saturn Russia will become the first retail company in the household appliances and electronics segment on the Russian market to begin testing RFID in logistics, warehouse accounting and at the sales floor level.

By analogy with the use of RFID tags in hospitals, in the future it is possible to implant such a tag into a person at a certain age for unambiguous identification. This will make it possible to replace many paper documents with a small chip, for example: passport, individual tax number, birth certificate, driver’s license, medical contraindications, blood type, and others. The advantage of this technology is its compactness, reliability (it is more difficult to lose an implant than a document), and the convenience of identifying a dead person or an unconscious person in the event of injury, accident, accident, or other adverse events.

In addition, this will eliminate body tags at the morgue.


Main article: RFID Standards

International RFID standards, as an integral part of automatic identification technology, are developed and adopted by the international organization ISO together with IEC. Preparation of projects (development) of standards is carried out in close cooperation with proactive interested organizations and companies.

Standards development organizations


AIM Global is an international trade association representing providers of automatic identification and mobile technologies. The Association actively supports the development of AIM standards through its own Technical Symbology Committee, Global Standards Advisory Groups and group of RFID experts, as well as through participation in industry, national (ANSI) and international (ISO) development groups.

In Russia, the development of standards in the field of RFID is entrusted to the UNISCAN/GS1 Russia Association.


  • ISO 11784 - "Radio frequency identification of animals - Code structure"
  • ISO 11785 - "Radio frequency identification of animals - Technical concept"
  • ISO 14223 - "Radio frequency identification of animals - Transponders with advanced functions"
  • ISO 10536 - “Identification cards. Contactless chip cards"
  • ISO 14443 - “Identification cards. Contactless chip cards. Cards with short reading distance"
  • ISO 15693 - “Identification cards. Contactless chip cards. Medium reading range cards"
  • DIN/ISO 69873 - “Data media for tools and clamping devices”
  • ISO/IEC 10374 - “Identification of containers”
  • VDI 4470 - “Product security systems”
  • ISO 15961 - "RFID for merchandise management: control computer, tag functional commands and other syntactic capabilities"
  • ISO 15962 - "RFID for merchandise management: data syntax"
  • ISO 15963 - "Unique identification of RFID tags and owner registration for uniqueness management"
  • ISO 18000 - "RFID for Product Management: Wireless Interface"
  • ISO 18001 - "Information technology - RFID for merchandise management - Recommended application profiles"

see also

  • Smart store


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  2. Retelling the content of the Appeal of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to the authorities of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic States dated October 6, 2005 (Russian). Official website of the Moscow Patriarchate (October 17, 2005). Archived from the original on January 29, 2011. Retrieved October 14, 2008.
  3. Hacking Exposed Linux: Linux Security Secrets & Solutions (third ed.). McGraw-Hill Osborne Media. 2008. pp. 298. ISBN 978-0-07-226257-5.
  4. RFID technologies at the service of your business = RFID Field Guide: Deploying Radio Frequency Identification Systems / Troitsky N. - Moscow: Alpina Publisher, 2007. - P. 47. - 290 p. - ISBN 5-9614-0421-8
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  9. Klaus Finkenzeller, RFID Handbook, 2008, 496 pp., illustrated, ISBN 978-5-94120-151-8, Dodeka-XXI Publishing House, 2008
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  • IT infrastructure,
  • Communication standards
  • RFID tag for patients to be visible on the hospital map

    - Can you put a chip in every builder’s head?
    - Theoretically, yes, but maybe explain why you need this?
    - They steal construction materials from us. Right during work. And so everyone will be able to see where they went and where they shouldn’t.

    The project was solved by sewing RFID tags into uniforms, dividing the construction site into zones, and then what was done online when building the perimeter. That is, by building a profile of “white” traffic - who goes where and when. And then - like on a firewall - the builders were banned from everything else. Thefts immediately decreased. The foreman received otherworldly power and saw almost every joint.

    And then every damn time I talk about an RFID solution, people start waving their hands and confusing these tags with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and passive resonating circuits. One reason is that some RFID tags actually work over 802.11 Wi-Fi. Let's tell you how this is used in practice in different countries.

    Passive and active RFID

    There are two types of RFID tags. The first are those that do not have their own on-board power supply and simply resonate in the magnetic field. These are the ones you most often see in stores from bookstores to clothing stores, and even on sausage at the grocery store. They are very cheap, small and reliable, if the attacker does not have a bag woven from wire like a Faraday cage.

    Passive tags

    Active radio tags are no longer a resonating circuit, but a self-emitting circuit. The signal is transmitted constantly and over a significantly greater distance. Active tags are more expensive and larger, but they can provide more data. Active tags are obviously much easier to read - accordingly, the readers themselves will be two orders of magnitude smaller and an order of magnitude less demanding on power.

    Active tags

    The usual operating range for a passive tag is 3 meters, for an active tag it is 100–500 meters.

    “Large” active tags, so as not to get up twice, are also equipped with different sensors. The ability to continuously monitor and broadcast a signal makes it possible to broadcast the level of temperature, humidity, notify about shocks and shocks, the level of vibration, show the level of illumination, gas pollution (including qualitatively, for example, only for carbon dioxide), broadcast the level of radiation. And writing logs to internal memory - 512 kilobytes no longer seems fantastic.

    The listed tags are very actively used in various industries.

    RFID over Wi-Fi 802.11

    Now we get to the most interesting and large RFID tags. These are 802.11-compatible radio devices that broadcast at frequencies from 2.4 to 2.4835 GHz or 5.8 GHz to 5.825 - in those very “household” bands. And their beauty is that out of the box they are full-fledged parts of the Wi-Fi infrastructure and do not require any intermediate protocols or interfaces for communication.

    Not all support 5GHz - for example, this 802.11 b/g/n, 2.4GHz

    Patients won't go far

    The mark like in the picture at the top of the post was implemented in a foreign hospital. It was attached to patients' belts. It transmits basic telemetry without additional bells and whistles - just the patient's position (in the case of a hospital, the nearest emitter corresponding to the room or corridor). If you press on it with your finger along the indentation, you can call a sister; if you press hard or fall face down on the floor along with the mark, a doctor will immediately come running instead of the sister.

    It is 802.11 b/g/n, omniantenna signal power +11.5dBm, 2.4 - 2.4835 GHz, protocol - UDP/IP or DHCP, stated 16 Mbit/s at 40 meters, 6 Mbit/s at 100 meters. Open/WPA2 protection, the battery cannot be removed, it dies in a day or two in the cold, there is a certain class of protection from rain. The size is about the same as the cockroach from The Fifth Element, 3x5 centimeters and a little less than a centimeter in height. Weighs 2 grams (this is the amount of blood in a vole mouse). There is a clip or Velcro on the back.

    A hospital in Canada put these marks on staff too, just to see what they could do next. It turned out that with the help of such things it is possible to greatly increase the safety of performing various procedures, optimize patient flows, simplify the work of keeping a log for security, and monitor all sorts of different parameters from external sensors. The best story is a nasty squeak if you don’t wash your hands when you come from a “dirty” area.

    The finale is the introduction of tags on all valuable equipment. We started simply by quickly searching for items like beds, stretchers and wheelchairs, but then we realized that we could take telemetry from devices. And we connected all medical monitors, ventilators, etc. to notifications a la Zabbix.

    Search for freeloaders in production

    Another interesting implementation was done at the American production complex. To begin with, each container and each individual accounting unit (pallet or box) was equipped with a passive RFID tag in order to keep accurate records of products and know what was being consumed and how. This alone has somewhat reduced, as they wrote in the report, “non-production losses” - it seems that they steal just as happily in America as in our usual factories.

    Then the tags were hung on the workers' uniforms - this was done in accordance with labor safety requirements. Some tags have a “lone worker” function, when you need to move or fiddle with the tag once every 5–10 minutes. If you didn’t do it, it beeps disgustingly, and after 15 seconds an SOS is sent.

    Then, by tracking the flow of workers and materials, manufacturing analysts began looking for problems. We found a couple of manual procedures that were completely unnecessary at the plant, automated some of the processes, and relieved internal logistics due to the correct location of warehouses and correct shift accounting. In general, we were able to make sure that the workers did not stand idle and wait for something, but constantly worked. At the last stage, they were going to integrate to automatically assign tasks to workers in real time (at the time of implementation, this was done at the beginning of the shift).

    And the finale is the automation of transport and materials accounting logs, quick inventories and control of balances.

    At school

    For one American school, RFID+Wi-Fi was implemented in a very original way. Each student has a regular Wi-Fi-compatible tag, and teachers have small Wi-Fi terminals with the ability to send and receive messages.

    Based on ARiSTA Flow

    The school director can send messages to teachers, and teachers can respond with recorded patterns like “got it,” “come urgently,” etc. The same system is activated in case of a fire alarm and other emergencies - teachers receive information about where to take the class, then there is actually an escape route.

    Each classroom has a reader (Wi-Fi access point) that “sees” and counts the students. The attendance log is generated automatically. The school intranet is connected to a server that looks into the wider Internet, and parents can log in from the application or directly through a web form and see where their children are sitting in the school, and at the same time - diaries.

    The most interesting thing is done in a school bus, which collects children around the area. Children with tags board the bus, and almost the same functional infrastructure is installed there, and parents can make sure that the child boarded properly and see the bus on the map (it gives the coordinates of its GPS sensor).

    Teachers began to put separate tags on projectors and other equipment in order to know where it is located exactly, so the project also includes marking the school’s equipment.

    What does it look like

    One example of a solution is RFID over Wi-Fi Cisco.

    The Mobility Services Engine (MSE) aggregates signal strength data from all wireless devices and sends it to the MobileViewc application. MSE also provides a rich set of features, starting with security - Cisco CleanAir, rogue device location detection, Wi-Fi intrusion prevention systems (wIPS) and location analytics.

    Or MobileView is a web-based application for displaying asset movement tracking, including alarm messages based on movement within specified zones.

    RFID tags with telemetry, call buttons, temperature and humidity sensors.

    Here are the staff tags:

    Range Outdoor range: Up to 200m (650 feet) Indoor range: Up to 80m (260 feet)
    Physical and Mechanical Dimensions (incl. Flange): 80mm x 40.6mm x 20mm (3.14in x 1.60in x 0.8in) Total Weight (Incl. Retractable reel): 53g (1.86oz). Radio 802.11 b/g/n compliant (2.4 GHz) Low frequency receiver for chokepoint detection (125kHz) Transmission power: up to +19dBm (~81mW) Patented clear channel sensing avoids interference with wireless networks. Ultrasound Receiver Frequency: 40KHz.

    Works up to 2 years without battery replacement. Depends on the configuration in the system.
    Includes an ultrasonic transmitter with a frequency of 40kHZ, these signals propagate only within the room, which is necessary for the accuracy of the location detection system. An RFID tag receives a request via ultrasound from a special transmitter installed in the room and sends a response via Wi-Fi, determining the person’s location.

    Asset tags:

    45mm x 31mm x 18mm (1.7in x 1.2in x 0.7in) Weight: 26g (0.92oz), Radio 802.11 compliant (2.4 GHz) Low frequency receiver for chokepoint detection (125kHz) Transmission power: up to +19dBm (~81mW) Patented clear channel sensing avoids interference with wireless networks. Ultrasound Receiver (optional) Frequency 40KHz.

    This tag contains a 3.6V battery that can be replaced. Duration of work - up to 4 years. The tag sends charge information to the MobileView system. The tag is equipped with a motion sensor, and in case of movement it starts sending a signal to the monitoring system. The transmission interval is adjustable from 1 second to 3.5 hours. Includes an ultrasonic transmitter with a frequency of 40kHZ, these signals propagate only within the room, which is necessary for the accuracy of the location detection system. The RFID tag receives a request via ultrasound from a special transmitter installed in the room and sends a response via Wi-Fi, determining the location of the asset.

    Label setting device:

    Radio Wi-Fi 802.11 (2.4 GHz); b/g/n compliant* Bluetooth 4. 1 (2.4 GHz)* Low Frequency receiver (LF) 125kHz Transmission power: Up to +19dBm (~81mW). This is a sensor, this device allows you to quickly configure RFID tags.

    Ultrasonic LF transmitter (various options):

    The ultrasonic transmitter is connected to the LAN and powered via PoE. It constantly sends a request at 40 KHz. At this frequency, the signal propagates only within the premises where the transmitter is installed. When an active RFID tag appears in a room, it receives a signal and transmits its data via Wi-Fi to the MobileView monitoring system. There are several types of LF transmitters, they differ in signal transmission range and installation capabilities.

    Thanks to these devices, it is possible to save charge on active tags, because the tag, when leaving the operating area of ​​the LF transmitter, can turn off and stop transmitting information via Wi-Fi.

    In general, I hope it has become a little clearer how it works. In Russia, the use of such tags is still extremely rare, but we are now preparing the first major implementations. If there are questions not for public discussion, then my email is [email protected].

    From everyone’s favorite (at least I really hope so) series “A View from the Inside” - more than six months. It’s not that there wasn’t anything to write or talk about, it’s just that I was overwhelmed by things that will become the subject of one of my next articles on Habré (I hope that it won’t be scrapped, since it won’t be devoted entirely to IT topics). In the meantime, we have a free minute, let's figure out what RFID (Radio-frequency identification) is - they will be joined by simpler tags - or how one small step in technology has dramatically changed the lives of millions and even billions of people around the world.


    I would like to make a reservation right away.

    Before starting work on this article, I really hoped that from microphotographs, and especially from optics, information found on the Internet, and some knowledge from past publications, it would be possible to determine where and what elements of the microcircuit are located. At least at the “everyday” level: they say, this is memory, this is the power supply circuit, and here information processing takes place. Indeed, it would seem that RFID is the simplest device, the simplest “computer” that you can think of...

    However, life made its own adjustments and everything that I managed to find: a general diagram of the device of a new generation of tags, photographs of what, for example, a memory should look like - I don’t even know why I didn’t pay attention to this (maybe there will be an opportunity to improve?! ), and scandals, intrigues, revelations of A5 processors from chipworks.

    Theoretical part

    By tradition, let's start with some introductory part.
    The history of radio frequency recognition technology - perhaps this is how all conceivable and inconceivable variants of RFID (radio-frequency identification) can be called - goes back to the 40s of the 20th century, when the development of all types of electronic equipment was actively carried out in the USSR, Europe and the USA .

    At that time, any product powered by electricity was still a novelty, so the scientists faced an unplowed field: wherever you poked, as in the Black Earth Region, a shovel handle - a tree would grow. Judge for yourself: Maxwell proposed his laws only half a century ago (in 1884). And theories based on these equations began to appear 2-3 decades later (between 1900 and 1914), including the theory of radio waves (from their discovery, to signal modulation models, etc.). Plus, the preparation and conduct of the Second World War left its mark on this area.

    As a result, by the end of the 40s, “friend or foe” recognition systems were developed, which were somewhat larger than those described, but worked on virtually the same principle as modern RFID tags.

    The first demonstration of close to modern RFID was carried out in 1973 at the Los Alamos Research Laboratory, and one of the first patents for this kind of identification system was received a decade later - in 1983. More details about the history of RFID can be found on Wiki and some other sites ( and ).

    Due to the built-in battery, active tags have a significantly larger operating radius, dimensions, more complex “filling” (you can add a thermometer, hygrometer, or even a whole GPS positioning chip to the tag) and an appropriate price.

    Tags can be classified in different ways: by operating frequency (LF – low-frequency ~130KHz, HF – high-frequency ~14MHz and UHF – ultra-high-frequency ~900MHz), by the type of memory inside the tag (read-only, write-once and write-once). By the way, NFC, so beloved and promoted by all manufacturers, refers to the HF range, which has a number of well-known problems.

    Other tags
    Unfortunately, the cost of RFID tags compared to other types of identification is quite high, so, for example, we still buy food and other “traditional” goods using barcodes (or barcodes), sometimes QR codes, and protection so-called anti-theft tags (or EAS - electronic article surveillance) provide protection against theft.

    The three most common types (all photos taken from Wiki):

    There are many wonderful discoveries ahead of us, sometimes completely unexpected and of course hard geek porn in the format HD!

    If the theory is not enough for someone, welcome to this English-language site.

    Practical part

    So, what marks were found in the world around us:

    Left column from top to bottom: Moscow metro card, Aeroexpress pass, plastic card for access to the building, RFID tag presented by the Perekrestok company at the RosNanoForum-2011 exhibition. Right column from top to bottom: radio frequency EAS tag, acoustomagnetic EAS tag, bonus ticket for Moscow public transport with a magnetic stripe, RFID visitor card of RosNanoForum even contains two tags.

    The first to be announced is the Moscow Metro card - let's get started.

    In the first circle. Moscow metro ticket
    First, soak the card in plain water to remove the paper layers that hide the very heart of this “mark.”

    Stripped map of the Moscow metro

    Now let’s carefully look at it at low magnification using an optical microscope:

    Microphotographs of a card chip for access to the Moscow metro

    The chip is fixed quite firmly and I would like to point out that all 4 “legs” are attached to the antenna - this will be useful to us later for comparison with another RFID tag. By folding the plastic base in half where the chip is located and slightly shaking it from side to side, it is easily released. As a result, we have a chip the size of a needle eye:

    Optical micrographs of the chip immediately after separation from the antenna

    Well, let's play with the trick:

    Changing the focus position from the bottom layer to the top layer

    Now for a little intrigue.

    There are rumors that Mikron is developing and producing chips for the Moscow metro in-house using similar Mifare technology (at least the attachment to the antenna is different - the legs are of a different shape). On August 22, without declaring war and treacherously sent an appeal to Mikron for clarification on whether this chip could in principle be seen somewhere, by 3.11 there was no response. One of the journalists (namely, Alexander Erlikh) on the IXBT forum was also going to clarify this information with Mikron representatives, but at the moment things are still there, that is, Mikron official representatives are avoiding answering the directly posed question.

    The ticket discussed above was apparently manufactured (or just mounted on the antenna?) at the Mikron enterprise (Zelenograd) - see links below - using technology from NXP, a well-known company in RFID circles, which is clearly hinted at by 3 huge letters and the year of release of the technology (and maybe the year of production) on the top metallization layer of the chip. If we assume that 2009 refers to the year the technology was launched, and the abbreviation CUL1V2 is deciphered as Circuit ULtralite 1 Version 2 (this assumption is also confirmed by this news), then on the NXP website you can find a detailed description of these chips (the last two lines in the list)

    By the way, last year an excursion to the Micron plant (photo and video reports) was organized for the participants of the Internet Olympiad on Nanotechnology, so it makes no sense to say that the equipment there is idle, but also the statement of the “guy in a white coat” that they produce tags by 70 nm standards, I would question it...

    According to statistics collected after analyzing the chips of 109 metro tickets (a fairly representative sample), according to the normal distribution, the chances of finding an “unusual” ticket are ~109^1/2 or about 10%, but they melt with each opened ticket...

    A careful eye has already noticed the main difference between the two Mifare chips - the Philips2001 inscription. In fact, back in 1998, Philips bought the American microelectronics manufacturer Mikron (not to be confused with our Zelenograd Mikron). And in 2006, NXP spun off from Philips.

    It is also easy to notice the mark CLU1V1C, which, based on the above, means Circuit ULTralite 1 Version 1C. That is, this tag is the predecessor of Mifare, used by the Moscow metro, and, therefore, is compatible with it in its main parameters. However, as in the previous case, 2001 is an indication of the year of development and implementation of the technology or the year of production. It’s strange that Aeroexpress uses outdated tags...

    In the third circle. A plastic card
    One day, I decided to show one of my friends articles and photographs on Habrahabr. Then he asked if she had any unnecessary card for the next article about RFID. By that time, she had just moved to study at EPFL and gave me a card that allows access to one of the buildings of Moscow State University. The card, accordingly, is without any markings, and I’m not even sure that anything is written on it, except for the usual key to enter the building.
    The card is completely plastic, so we immediately put it in acetone for literally a couple of tens of minutes:

    Taking acetone baths

    Everything inside is pretty standard - an antenna and a chip, however, it turned out to be on a small piece of PCB. Unfortunately, without any identification marks - a typical Chinese noname. The only thing you can know about this chip and card is that they are made/belong to some TK41 standard. There are a lot of such cards at sales like ali-baba and dealextreme.

    In the fourth circle. Crossroads
    Next, I want to look at two tags presented at the RosNanoForum 2011 exhibition. The first of them was presented with great pathos, saying that it was almost a panacea for thieves and shoplifting. And in general, this label will allow stores to completely switch to self-service. Unfortunately, the effective manager turned out to be little more than completely incompetent in matters of school physics. And after the proposal to test the effectiveness of it and the tag using a strong magnet attached to the tag, he quickly hushed up the topic...

    After a couple of purchases at SmartShop, I had a few tags left at my disposal. Having cleared one of them from glue and the white protective layer, we see the following:

    New label for the Perekrestok chain of stores

    We do the same as Mifare, carefully disconnect it from the polymer base and antenna and place it on the table of the optical microscope:

    Optical microphotographs of a tag intended for use in SmartShop

    By a lucky coincidence (either the glue let us down, or this was intended), the mark was quickly torn off from the base, and its surface remained without any traces of glue. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if Mifare has all 4 contacts attached to the antenna (2 contacts at each end), here we see that two contacts are connected to two small pads that are not in contact with the antenna.

    Let's play a little with focus in different parts of the label:

    Changing focus...

    Maximum magnification of an optical microscope

    The last photo at the top left apparently shows an EEPROM memory module, since it occupies about a third of the surface of the chip and has a “regular” structure.

    Published 08/19/2014

    You've probably noticed that in some stores they attach “anti-theft” devices to their products. These could be some kind of plastic plaques or stickers. If you don’t take off such a thing at the checkout and go outside the special frame located at the exit from the store, then a funny bell will ring and a cubic man (or several) will instantly appear near you. And practical knowledge of what it is begins RFID. But let's get back to theory.

    Also, many of you have entrance keys that look like a keychain. It is enough to bring it to the lock and the doors open. In some cities there is a fare payment system (for example, in the subway), where contactless RFID cards. Similar cards are used in some companies for access control. On some products, manufacturers stick their RFID labels in the form of stickers that are not immediately noticeable. These marks are used to notice animals, and sometimes naughty people.

    First, a little theory collected from the Internet. Then (in the following articles) - using examples, I will tell you how you can connect various readers to microcontrollers, microcomputers, and ordinary computers.


    RFID(English Radio Frequency IDentification, radio frequency identification) is a method of automatic identification of objects, in which data stored in so-called transponders is read or written using radio signals, or RFID tags. Any RFID system consists of a reader and a transponder ( RFID tag, or RFID tag).


    Devices that read information from tags and write data to them. These devices can be permanently included in the accounting system, or operate autonomously. Readers can be either stationary or portable. The design of the readers can also be different: in the form of frames (as in supermarkets), in the form of wall-mounted readers, desktop and portable pocket readers. Readers may have different communication protocols ( UART, RS-232, SPI, WG26, WG32, USB etc.) to connect them to the information system.

    Transponders, RFID tags or RFID tags

    Transponders, RFID tags or RFID tags can have different designs and can be disguised as different things. Also RFID tags can be specialized for specific tasks and have special fastenings, for example, for marking animals or birds.




    For animals:

    For retail chains:

    Majority RFID tags consists of two parts. The first is an integrated circuit for storing and processing information, modulating and demodulating a radio frequency (RF) signal and some other functions. The second is an antenna for receiving and transmitting signals.

    History of RFID

    History RFID begins in 1945, when Lev Sergeyovich Termen created a passive device (without any life), which modulated the radio frequency. This is a bug, ale yogo is attributed to history RFID for those who “twisted” this device and pointed it at the new radio broadcaster. They themselves perform in this manner every day. RFID tags.

    Ale boules and active systems. To have autonomous living quarters. The stink doesn't bother us. I will not tell you about the friend-or-foe systems that even before the hour of another world began to take over from aviation. Ce tezh can be called RFID systems. You can definitely read it on the Internet. Tick ​​us RFID mass stagnation systems.

    So first RFID chips 1973 people showed up. Since then, a number of types of marks have appeared and their technology is gradually being improved.

    Story RFID begins in 1945, when Lev Sergeevich Termen made a passive device (i.e. without any power) that modulated the reflected radio wave. It was a bug, but it is attributed to history RFID because this device “distorted” the radio wave transmitted to it. This is exactly how modern ones work. RFID tags.

    But there were also active systems. That is, with autonomous power supply. They don't interest us. I will not talk about friend-or-foe systems that began to be used in aviation during the Second World War. This can also be called RFID systems. You can read about this on the Internet if you wish. We are interested RFID mass application systems.

    So first RFID chips appeared in 1973. Since then, several types of tags have appeared and their technology is constantly being improved.

    Classification of RFID tags

    RFID tags can be qualified for:

    • reading range
    • Dzherelom Zhivilnya
    • memory type
    • operating frequency
    • Wiconanny

    RFID tags can be qualified by:

    • reading range
    • power supply
    • memory type
    • operating frequency
    • execution


    Based on range, RFID system readers can be divided into:

    • short-range (up to 20 cm);
    • medium range (from 20 cm to 5 m);
    • long range (from 5 m to 100 m)

    AND power source

    Based on the type of power supply, RFID tags are divided into:

    • passive
    • active
    • semi-passive


    Passive RFID tags do not have a built-in power supply. The electric current induced in the antenna by the electromagnetic signal from the reader provides sufficient power to operate the microchip and transmit the return signal.

    Passive tags UHF And Microwave ranges ( 860-960 MHz and 2,4-2,5 GHz) transmit a signal by modulating the reflected signal of the carrier frequency (eng. Backscattering Modulation– backscatter modulation). The reader antenna emits a carrier frequency signal and receives a modulated signal reflected from the tag.

    Passive HF tags transmit a signal by modulating the loading of a carrier frequency signal. Load Modulation– load modulation). Each tag has an identification number. Passive tags may contain non-volatile EEPROM memory.

    The range of tags is 1-200 cm (HF tags) and 1-10 meters (UHF and microwave tags).


    Active RFID tags have their own power source and do not depend on the reader’s energy, due to which they are read from a greater distance. Such tags are large and can be equipped with additional electronics. Such tags cost quite a lot, and the batteries have a limited operating time.

    Active tags are generally more reliable and provide the highest reading accuracy at the longest distance.

    Active tags, having their own power source, can also generate an output signal of a higher level than passive ones, allowing them to be used in environments that are aggressive for radio frequency signals: in water (including people and animals, which mainly consist of water), metals (ship containers, cars).

    Most active tags can transmit a signal over a distance of hundreds of meters with a battery life of up to 10 years.

    Some RFID tags have built-in sensors, for example, to monitor the temperature of goods that quickly deteriorate. Other types of sensors, in conjunction with active tags, can be used to measure humidity, shock/vibration, light, radiation, temperature and atmospheric gases (eg ethylene).

    Active tags usually have a significantly larger reading range (up to 300 m), memory capacity than passive ones, and are capable of storing a larger amount of information.


    Semi-passive RFID tags, also called semi-active tags, are very similar to passive tags, but are equipped with a power supply that provides power to the chip. Moreover, the range of such tags depends only on the sensitivity of the reader’s receiver and they can operate at a greater distance and with better characteristics.

    By memory type

    By memory type RFID tags divided:

    • RO (English Read Only) – data is written only once, during production. Such marks are suitable for identification purposes only. No new information can be written into them, so they are almost impossible to fake.
    • WORM (English Write Once Read Many) - in addition to a unique identifier, such tags contain a block of memory that can be written once, which can then be read many times.
    • RW (English Read and Write) - such tags contain an identifier and a memory block for reading / writing information. The data in them can be overwritten many times.

    Operating frequency

    RFID tag LF (125 kHz)

    Passive systems in this range have a low price, and according to their physical characteristics, can also be used for subcutaneous tags when microchipping animals, people and fish. But there is certain problems with reading distance related to wavelength.

    HF band tags (13.56 MHz)

    Systems 13.56 MHz inexpensive, do not have environmental or licensing problems, and are well standardized. They have a fairly wide range of solutions. Used in payment systems, logistics, identification. For frequency 13.56 MHz standard developed ISO 14443(View A/B). Unlike Mifare 1K This standard provides a system for diversifying keys and allows the creation of open systems. Standardized encryption algorithms are used.

    Same as for range LF, in systems built in HF band, there are problems with reading at long distances, reading in conditions of high humidity, and the presence of metal nearby.

    UHF band tags (860-960 MHz)

    Tags in this range work at long distances. Focused primarily on the needs of warehouse and industrial logistics, range marks UHF did not have a unique identifier.

    It was assumed that the identifier for the label would be EPC number(Electronic Product Code) of a product, which each manufacturer will enter into the label independently during production. However, it soon became clear that in addition to the function of the carrier EPC numbers product, it would be nice to add an authenticity control function to the label. A requirement has arisen that contradicts itself: to simultaneously ensure the uniqueness of the tag and allow the manufacturer to record any EPC number.

    In 2008 the company NXP has released two new chips that currently meet all of the above requirements. Chips SL3S1202 And SL3FCS1002 made to standard EPC Gen 2.0, but differ from their predecessors in that the memory field TID (Tag ID), in which the tag type code is usually written during production (and within the same article it does not differ from tag to tag), is divided into two parts. The first 32 bits are reserved for the tag manufacturer code and its brand, and the second 32 bits are reserved for the unique number of the chip itself. Field TID– unchangeable, and thus each mark is unique. New chips have all the advantages of standard marks Gen 2.0. Each memory bank can be protected from reading or writing with a password, EPC number may be recorded by the manufacturer of the product at the time of labeling.

    IN UHF RFID systems compared with LF And HF The cost of tags is lower, while the cost of other equipment is higher.

    Advantages of RFID compared to other popular systems

    • Possibility of rewriting. Data RFID tags can be rewritten and supplemented many times;
    • No need for line of sight. RFID reader does not require direct visibility of the tag in order to read its data. The orientation of the tag and reader often does not matter. Tags can be read through the packaging, making them possible to be hidden. To read data, the tag only needs to enter the registration zone at least briefly, moving, among other things, at a fairly high speed. Unlike barcode reading, where direct visibility of the barcode is always necessary to read it;
    • Longer reading distance. RFID tag can be read at a much greater distance than a barcode. Depending on the tag model and reader, the reading radius can be up to several hundred meters. At the same time, such distances are not always necessary;
    • Ability to store more data. RFID tag can store significantly more information than a barcode;
    • Supports reading multiple tags. Industrial readers can simultaneously read many (more than a thousand) RFID tags per second, using so-called anti-collision functions. The barcode reader can only scan one barcode at a time;
    • Reading tag data at any location. In order to ensure automatic barcode reading, standards committees (including EAN International) have developed rules for placing barcodes on product and shipping packaging. These requirements do not apply to radio frequency tags. The only condition is that the tag is within the reader’s coverage area;
    • Environmental resistance. Exist RFID tags, having increased strength and resistance to harsh operating conditions, and the barcode is easily damaged (for example, by moisture or contamination). In applications where the same item can be used an unlimited number of times (for example, identifying containers or returnable packaging), an RFID tag is a more suitable means of identification because it does not need to be placed on the outside of the package. Passive RFID tags have an almost unlimited service life;
    • Intelligent behavior. RFID tag can be used to perform tasks other than the storage medium function. A barcode cannot be self-programmed and is only a means of storing data;
    • High degree of security. A unique, unchanging identifier number assigned to the tag during production guarantees a high degree of protection of tags from counterfeiting. Also, the data on the tag can be encrypted. The radio frequency tag has the ability to password-protect data recording and reading operations, as well as encrypt their transmission. One label can simultaneously store open and closed data.

    Disadvantages of RFID

    • The functionality of the tag is lost due to partial mechanical damage;
    • The cost of the system is higher than the cost of an accounting system based on barcodes;
    • Difficulty in making it yourself. The barcode can be printed on any printer;
    • Sensitivity to interference in the form of electromagnetic fields;
    • Distrust of users due to the possibility of using it to collect information about people;
    • The installed technical base for reading barcodes significantly exceeds solutions based on RFID;
    • Lack of openness to developed standards.

    How does an RFID system with passive tags work?

    Passive RFID tags do not have a power source. They use the radiation energy of the reader antenna.

    The reader emits an electromagnetic field of a certain frequency. When RFID tag falls into the field of action of this radiation, in the antenna RFID tag an electric current is induced, the power of which is sufficient to operate the chip. This is how passive ones feed RFID tags.

    RFID tag with the help of its electronics can cause a greater outflow of energy from the antenna. This distorts the magnetic field and causes a voltage drop across the reader antenna. This effect is used to transmit data from RFID tags.

    RFID and human rights

    Usage RFID tags caused serious controversy, criticism and even a boycott of goods. The four main privacy concerns of this technology are:

    • The buyer may not even know about availability RFID tags. Or cannot remove it;
    • Data from the tag can be read remotely without the knowledge of the owner;
    • If the designated item is paid for by credit card, it is possible to uniquely associate the tag's unique identifier with the buyer;
    • The EPCGlobal tagging system creates or provides for the creation of unique serial numbers for all products, although this creates privacy issues and is completely unnecessary for most applications.

    The main concern is that sometimes RFID tags remain in working order even after the product is purchased and taken out of the store. And after this they can be used for tracking and other nefarious purposes not related to the inventory function of tags. Reading from short distances can also pose a risk if, for example, the information read accumulates in a database, or a burglar uses a pocket reader to assess “wealth” while passing a potential victim. Serial numbers on RFID tags may provide additional information even after separation from the product. For example, tags on resold or gifted items can be used to establish a person's social circle.

    Some security experts are opposed to the technology RFID to authenticate people based on the risk of ID theft. For example, a man-in-the-middle attack makes it possible for an attacker to steal an identity in real time. At the moment, due to resource limitations RFID tags,it is theoretically not possible to protect them from such ,attacks since it requires complex data transfer protocols.


    Possibility of discreet remote reading RFID tags raises concerns about human safety. For example, a thief can, unnoticed by a person, count RFID key from her entrance. To do this, he doesn’t even need to pick up your key.

    The thief's reader can be in a bag, pocket, or in items of clothing, furniture, etc. It is enough to bring the disguised reader closer to your purse or pocket where it is located for a split second. RFID key. This can be done in transport, on the street. No one will even touch your things, and the key has already been copied.

    It is quite difficult to reproduce exactly the same mark, if we talk about a keychain or card. But the thief is not interested in the appearance of your key. It’s easy to copy a signal RFID tags(key) is not a very difficult matter. Even if your tag repeater is the size of a suitcase, it will still open into your entrance.

    Regarding payment systems, everything will not be so simple (data on payment cards is encrypted), but you can also get into trouble.

    In some cities they use RFID cards for paying for travel on public transport. In these systems, information is not only read from the card, but also written to the card. That is, there is a possibility, if not used, then at least damaged, of the information stored on the card. This can cause some discomfort for one person, or it can cause a traffic collapse for the entire city.

    To make it impossible or difficult to illegally read RFID tags, you need to shield the antenna RFID tags. We know that metal objects and metallized surfaces block the passage of electromagnetic waves. Also, the presence of water, theoretically, can complicate the passage of electromagnetic waves.

    In order to find out exactly what household items will help us protect ourselves from unauthorized reading of RFID tags, keys, access cards or payment cards, we will conduct an experiment.


    The abbreviation RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a technology that uses radio waves to automatically identify objects. It can recognize not only living beings, but also inanimate objects, for example, vehicles, containers, clothing and much more. Other examples of Auto-ID are barcodes or biometric methods (retinal scanning, fingerprints), as well as optical character recognition and voice identification.

    RFID technology was widely used during the Great Patriotic War. At that time, the first identification systems had just appeared on airplanes, which made it possible to recognize and distinguish friendly air forces from enemy troops. After the war ended, the technology was no longer a commercial success, but things have changed dramatically in recent years. Transport and logistics companies became interested in it, which brought the standard to a new level.

    Where is RFID technology used?

    RFID based solutions can be used:

    • In the retail industry: to control the movement of goods between the warehouse and the store, prevent theft, and make inventory easier.
    • In the industry of production and sale of fur products: for mandatory marking of fur coats and fur products with a control identification mark.
    • In warehouse and logistics complexes: to track the movement of goods, increase the speed of acceptance and shipment, reduce the influence of the human factor.
    • In production: to control personnel and transport, ensure safety and prevent emergency situations, and account for raw materials.
    • In access control systems and payment systems: to implement contactless automatic access, payment for services using terminals.

    Application of RFID technology:

    • access control applications;
    • applications for monitoring and recording working hours;
    • vehicle identification;
    • production automation;
    • automation of warehouse processing.

    Working principle of RFID

    The basis of the technology: the interaction of an RFID tag (RFID tag) and an RFID reader (RFID reader). An RFID tag is a miniature chip that stores a unique tag number and information and has the ability to transmit data to an RFID reader. As soon as an RFID tag falls within the coverage area of ​​the RFID reader, the reader records the fact of data transmission, reads the information from the tag and transmits it to the accounting system, which analyzes the data using predefined algorithms.

    In this case, there can be a distance of up to 300 meters between the RFID tag and the RFID reader (systems operating at a distance from 5 to 300 meters are classified as long-range identification systems, from 20 cm to 5 m - medium-range identification, up to 20 cm - short-range systems identification).

    Benefits of RFID Technology

    • Long reading distance
    • Independence of tag and reader orientation
    • Speed ​​and accuracy of identification
    • Ability to work through materials that transmit radio waves, no line of sight required
    • Possibility of reading a tag from a moving object
    • Ability to store additional information on the tag and rewrite it
    • The difficulty of counterfeiting RFID tags
    • Simultaneous reading of several marks (with anti-collision function)
    • Resistant to environmental influences, long service life

    The RFID system consists of:

    • RFID Reader;
    • RFID Tag;
    • Software.

    The reader is engaged in the generation and propagation of electromagnetic waves into the surrounding space. This signal is received by the RFID tag, which creates a return signal that is captured by the antenna of the reading device, then the received information is decrypted and processed by the electronic unit. An object equipped with an RFID tag is identified using a unique digital code that is stored in the memory of the electronic tag. For example, you can obtain individual user data or the identification number of a particular product in a matter of seconds.

    RFID tags: classification

    Power supply

    The main classification of RFID tags used is based on the power source - according to it, tags are divided into passive, active and semi-passive.

    Passive RFID tags do not have their own power source and use the energy of the reader's field to operate. Depending on the architecture of the RFID tag and the type of reader, passive tags only work over a short distance - up to 8 meters, but are compact and affordable.

    It is passive low-frequency RFID tags that we most often encounter on goods in stores - representatives of the world's leading retail chains are working to increase the compactness of tags and reduce their cost.

    Active RFID tags are equipped with their own power source, so they can receive additional functions, operate over a greater distance and are less demanding on the reader. Their disadvantages, compared to passive tags, include their large size and limited operating time of the power source (however, today we are talking about a battery life of up to 10 years), however, they are irreplaceable where a large operating radius is required (up to 300 meters).

    Active RFID tags are rightfully considered more reliable; they can transmit a signal even through water or metal, and they can also be equipped with built-in sensors to assess temperature, humidity, light level and other environmental parameters. Thus, RFID tags can help monitor, for example, compliance with storage conditions for certain categories of goods.

    Semi-passive RFID tags work on the same principle as passive ones, but have a battery to power the chip. We can say that this solution is a compromise in terms of cost, size and characteristics of RFID tags.


    In terms of design, RFID tags can be plastic cards, key fobs, body tags, as well as self-adhesive labels made of paper or thermoplastic. There is also an “invisible” label format, which is actually sewn into the product packaging directly at the production stage.

    Memory type

    Based on the type of memory, RFID tags are divided into those intended only for identification (RO, Read Only), designed to read a block of information (WORM, Write Once Read Many) and rewritable (RW, Read and Write).

    RO RFID tags are used solely for identification - the unique identifier data is recorded when the tag is manufactured, so it is almost impossible to copy it and fake the tag.

    WORM RFID tags allow you to record any data once, which can later be read and used many times. This allows the user, upon receipt, to supplement the tag with his own information, which will then be used when reading.

    RW RFID tags contain a memory block that allows information to be written and read repeatedly. The RFID tag identifier remains unchanged.

    Operating frequency

    The classification of RFID tags by operating frequency is as follows:

    • LF range marks (125-134 kHz)

    They are characterized by affordable prices and certain physical characteristics that allow the use of such RFID tags for microchipping animals. Typically these are passive systems that operate only over short distances.

    • HF band tags (13.56 MHz)

    RFID tags of this frequency are used mainly for personal identification, in payment systems, and for solving simple business problems (for example, to identify products in a warehouse). Most RFID systems operating at a frequency of 13.56 MHz operate in accordance with the ISO 14443 (A/B) standard - it is this standard that, for example, operates the payment system for public transport in Paris.

    The disadvantages of RFID systems in the described range include the lack of a decent level of security, as well as possible problems with reading at long distances, in conditions of high humidity, through metal conductors.

    • UHF band tags (860-960 MHz)

    Designed specifically for working with goods in warehouses and logistics systems, RFID tags in this range initially did not have their own unique identifier. It was assumed that the EPC product number would be used as it, but this would not allow monitoring the authenticity of the tag, so the development of systems based on the UHF range made it possible to improve the system.

    At the same time, the features of RFID tags in the specified range include high range and speed of operation and the presence of anti-collision mechanisms. Today, the cost of RFID tags in the UHF range is minimal, but the price of other equipment for working in the designated range is quite high.

    A separate category of UHF RFID tags includes near-field tags. Using the magnetic field of an antenna, they are not technically RFID tags and can be read in high humidity and in the presence of metal. Massive use of near-field tags is expected, for example, in working with pharmaceutical products that require authenticity control and strict accounting.

    Types of RFID tags

    Electronic tags can be active or passive. Active identifiers are equipped with their own power source; the reading range of such devices does not depend on the reader’s energy. Passive tags do not have their own power source, so they are powered by the energy of an electromagnetic signal distributed by the reader. The identification range of these tags directly depends on the energy emitted by the reader.

    Each of these types of devices is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages. Passive tags are good for their long service life, as well as their low cost compared to their active counterpart. In addition, passive identification devices do not require battery replacement. The disadvantage of the device is the need to use more powerful readers.

    Active identification devices are characterized by a high information reading range, in contrast to passive tags, as well as the ability to recognize and read data when the electronic tag moves at high speed relative to the reading device. The disadvantage of active tags is their high price and bulkiness.

    Types of RFID identifiers depending on operating frequency:

    • (HF) High frequency RFID tags operating at 13.56 MHz;
    • (UHF) Ultra-high frequency RFID tags operating in the frequency range 860-960 MHz. This range is used in Russia; in Europe, RFID tags operate in the range 863-868 MHz.

    Methods for recording information on an identifier (tag):

    • ReadOnly devices - identifiers on which information can be written only once; further modification or deletion of information is impossible;
    • WORM devices are RFID tags that allow you to write data once and read it multiple times. Initially, no information is stored in the device’s memory; all necessary data is entered by the user, but after recording, it is impossible to overwrite or delete the information;
    • R/W devices are identifiers that allow you to repeatedly read and write information. This is the most progressive group of devices, since such tags allow you to overwrite and delete unnecessary information.

    RFID technology is widely used in manufacturing, retail, access management and control systems, anti-counterfeit systems and other fields. It saves time and minimizes the use of manual labor.


    Despite the fairly high cost of using RFID systems, their implementation is advisable wherever a high level of security and quick identification of objects are important. In this case, special attention should be paid to the choice of a specific solution, which will depend on many factors:

      Distance between RFID tags and readers

      Presence of shielding surfaces (for example, metal)

      The need to simultaneously read data from several tags (collision protection)

      The need for secure execution of tags, hidden placement of tags

      High requirements for tag security

      Data storage and rewriting

      Easy integration with your infrastructure

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