Forgot your Apple ID password. What to do? How to reset your Apple ID password? How to unlock an iPhone if you forgot your password? What password should I enter when updating my iPhone?

Why does my iPhone constantly ask for my Apple ID password? Typically, this problem occurs after updating or restoring the iPhone. This problem can also occur under other circumstances. The iPhone is not loaded, the password is entered correctly, and there are no problems with your account, but you continue to receive an annoying notification that makes using the gadget unbearable.

Typically, this happens with unsuccessful downloads that are not displayed directly on the main screen. Sometimes this problem is due to your iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, or App Store account being set up incorrectly.

So what to do when your phone keeps asking for your Apple ID password?

From time to time, often after a major iOS update, you'll receive notifications in iCloud that ask you to sign in. This goes on and on and on. And if at the beginning the use of the gadget is tolerable, then after a few days it becomes unbearable and the iPhone constantly asks for the Apple ID password. However, this problem is quite easy to fix; to do this, you need:

1. Open Settings on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Click "iCloud".

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Log Out".

4. Click “Logout” in the pop-up menu.

5. Tap “Delete from my iPhone” in the second pop-up menu.

6. Choose whether to save your browser data, news, reminders, and contact information on your phone.

7. Enter your password to disable Find My iPhone (if it is enabled).

8. Wait until the download is completed and reboot the gadget.
On the iPhome 8/X, press the power up and down buttons, then hold down the power button.

On iPhone 7, press and hold the Power button and Volume Down button until you see the Apple logo.
On iPad and iPhone 6 and earlier models, press and hold the Power button and the Home button.

Rebooting your iPhone can solve many problems, including our “iPhone keeps asking for Apple ID password” problem. This is easy for iPhone users, especially those with more recent models. You just need to press and hold the Power button for at least 10 seconds. Then move the slider that appears to the right and wait until the smartphone reboots.


Resetting settings may solve our problem. To do this, you need:

  1. Go to Settings and click General.
  2. Scroll down the page and click Reset.
  3. Finally, select "Reset all settings."

You can also try resetting without erasing data. If your iPhone still asks for your Apple ID password, move on to the next solution.

Checking for app updates

All you have to do is open the App Store and check your purchased app history. Make sure there is nothing currently downloading or updating. They may not appear on your home screen, so the best way is to check everything yourself.

You can then open your recording settings in iTunes and App Store (Settings → iTunes → App Store) and report your Apple ID. After that, register it again. This can help you find the problem and track down what is causing it.

During login, if you find that you cannot log into your account, then there is some problem with your Apple ID password. In this case, try resetting your password and signing in again using your iPhone or iPad.

Check iCloud/iMessage/FaceTime

It's always important to check your iCloud account. Check frequently to make sure it is configured properly. Make sure you were logged out of your account when you deleted it. Before you do this, you need to prepare all your file backups for iCloud and iTunes.

When you go to Settings, tap the account field, erase the previously written password, enter a new one. After that, try to log in. This should fix the problem.

If the problem (iPhone keeps asking for Apple ID password) is still not fixed, you need to check your settings and . These two apps always use your Apple ID, even if you don't have them running.

If this happens, there may be problems with your account activation or information. You must sign in again using your new Apple ID and password.

Change your Apple ID

If the problem: “iPhone keeps asking for Apple ID password” is still not resolved, then try changing your Apple ID. You can do this as follows:

1. Open Settings by scrolling down and selecting iCloud.

2. At the bottom of the page, click “Sign Out” and confirm your choice (If you have iOS 7 or earlier, you need to click “Delete”).

3. Click "Keep on My Device" and enter your Apple ID password. In this case, your phone data will remain in iCloud and will be updated after you sign in.

4. Now you need to go to My Apple ID and enter your current Apple ID with your Apple password.

5. After entering your Apple ID and password, click the Change button located next to your Apple ID and your primary email ID. If there are security issues, you need to resolve them first.

6. You will need to change your Apple ID to iCloud Email ID.

7. Finally, sign out of My Apple ID.

Apple technology is famous for its stable operation thanks to its well-thought-out and reliable iOS system. However, nothing is perfect, and even this platform’s failure can put the user in a very uncomfortable position, for example, blocking access to the device for no apparent reason. Here is one of the very common situations - the user did not set a lock password, but suddenly after rebooting the device, it asked to enter it. Of course, the owner is in a panic - how to gain access to the gadget if there is no option, what kind of password is it?

Fortunately, there is a way out, although if you haven’t made backup copies of the information stored on your gadget, this very way out threatens the loss of personal data. But, what can you do, you will either lose your data or won’t be able to use the device at all - choose the lesser of two evils yourself.

In this article, we will tell you what to do if your iPad requires you to enter your password after it restarts. However, it is worth noting that these recommendations are relevant for any Apple mobile device.

So, to restore access to the device, we will need to reset the password. Unfortunately, the principle of selectivity does not work here - you cannot reset the password separately and leave the rest of the information and settings, so you will have to perform a complete reset of the device.

The iTunes program or the iCloud cloud service will help us in this matter; you can study the guides we offer and choose the most suitable reset method.

Removing a password using iTunes

There are two ways to erase an unknown cipher using this program; the one you will have to work with depends on whether you have previously synchronized your iPad with iTunes or not, and also on whether the program will ask you for an unlock password when you connect the device to it .

1 If you have already connected your iPad and iTunes before and when connecting it did not require you to provide a password, you are very lucky, because before resetting, you will be able to create a backup copy. The instructions for resetting with a preliminary backup are as follows:

That's all - when this procedure is completed, the tablet will reboot and you will be prompted to perform the initial setup.

2 If you have never connected your iPad to a PC before or iTunes required a password when connecting, you need to follow different instructions, which, unfortunately, do not allow you to make a preliminary backup.

Once the procedure is complete, the tablet will automatically reboot and prompt you to complete the initial setup.

Removing a password using iCloud

If you reset data via iCloud, you will not be able to back up the information first. But if you don’t need this, because you made a backup copy earlier, this fact is unlikely to scare you. So, for a cloud reset:

Ready! All that remains is to wait for the reset to complete and perform the initial setup of the device.

Which reset method is best?

There are no objective reasons to call one or another reset the best; here, in fact, it’s worth talking more about the possibility of using one or the other. For example, if the iPad is not connected to Wi-Fi or a high-quality mobile network, you will not be able to use the iCloud reset; the offline device simply will not appear in the “All devices” list, which means it will be impossible to erase it. And if you don't have a connection cable, then you won't be able to reset using iTunes.

If you are lucky, and the conditions are such that you can use both iTunes and iCloud, choose the method that, as they say, “lies in your heart.” But we would recommend starting with iTunes, because in this situation it is possible that you will be able to make a preliminary backup.

How to restore their backup data?

Many users who faithfully perform backups are at a loss when they need to restore data from a backup copy, but there is nothing complicated here. You just need to select the appropriate item during initial setup. Thus, after the reset you will receive a device with the same information, but reset settings and password.

By the way, an interesting point - many owners of i-equipment, having once activated the “Backup” slider in the iCloud settings, forget about it and think that they do not have a backup of information, at a time when the device regularly carefully performs it automatically. You can check whether any data is stored in iCloud by visiting your cloud service account.

If iCloud is empty, during the initial setup, select “Restore from a copy of iTunes”; there is a chance that at least some of the information was saved in iTunes during previous synchronizations with the program.

What should I do if my iPad requires a restrictions or Apple ID password?

If your iPad requires a restrictions password after restarting, you can reset it the same way you reset your screen unlock code.

If the tablet requires a password for your Apple ID, and you have forgotten it, then reset it using a special service by selecting “Forgot Apple ID or password” - further instructions will depend on how you configured the “Security” section when registering your ID.

Let's summarize

Well, now you know what to do if an iPad or other mobile i-device asks you for a password unknown to you and, as you can see, the consequences of this glitch are not so terrible, especially if you regularly make backups.

It is worth noting that many users, instead of immediately performing a reset, try to guess the password by brute force, but this idea can hardly be called successful. It seems that finding a 4-digit password is not difficult, but in fact, there can be a huge number of combination options and this is a method that requires enormous time resources.

You should also take into account that after entering 6 incorrect passwords, the device will be blocked for a minute, and each subsequent entry of an incorrect cipher will cause a new blocking for a longer time. After 10 incorrect codes, the iPad will become permanently blocked and for further selection you will need to initially reset the attempt counter in iTunes. In short, you will agree that the brute force method does not look promising, so it is better to use a reset right away.

The presence of a Touch ID sensor on a smartphone relaxes the user a little; if previously you had to enter the unlock password dozens of times a day to access the gadget, now this procedure is replaced by a simple touch on the sensor.

The code still needs to be entered when updating the software, changing some settings and installing profiles, but do you think that your wife, children or parents do such actions with the device?

As a result, the user can easily forget the iPhone unlock password

And then there comes a time when the iPhone asks you to enter the forgotten code. This will happen after a reboot, if the smartphone has been idle for a very long time or when Touch ID fails to recognize the owner’s finger several times in a row.

This is where the fun begins. If you fail to guess the password several times, the iPhone will ask for a timeout, and if you drain it and make additional attempts, the device will be permanently blocked or completely erase all content.

What to do

For those who regularly make backups, nothing bad happened. You can always erase your iPhone remotely (if it is connected to the network) and restore it from the latest backup.

However, if backups are created irregularly or not at all, you will have to find a computer and manipulate iTunes. This is the only way to remove the unlock password with minimal losses.

How to erase via iTunes

If you don’t want to lose your favorite applications, games and photos, you will have to follow a certain sequence of actions.

Connect your iPhone to the computer you synced with earlier. Create a backup copy of the connected device. Put your iPhone into recovery mode.

Instructions for iPhone 7/7 Plus:

Instructions for other models:

iTunes will detect the connected device, in the dialog box select Restore.

After the process is completed, the data and settings on the iPhone will be deleted; you can set it up as new or restore it from a backup.

How to erase via iCloud

This will remove the password from a device that has Find My iPhone enabled. A locked smartphone must have an Internet connection. A previously turned on mobile Internet or a connection to a familiar Wi-Fi network will do, which will happen automatically within its range.

When the iPhone has “caught” the network, do the following:

On another smartphone/tablet/computer, go to Enter the Apple ID to which your iPhone is linked and the password. At the top of the window, click on the list "All devices". Select the desired iPhone. Click on the button "Erase iPhone".

When the process is complete, the iPhone will not have a lock password; the device can be set up as new or restored from a backup.

This method is simple and fast, however, the data that has accumulated on the device since the last backup was created will disappear without a trace.

Try not to forget your iPhone unlock password!

Many people are familiar with the rather unpleasant situation when a password written on a piece of paper is lost, and they cannot remember whether the day and month of the dog’s birth or the name of a character from a favorite TV series were used for this purpose. We don’t know what to do with lost access to email, but we’ll be happy to tell you what to do if such a problem happens to your iPhone.

If iPhone requires password after reboot, what to do in this case?

First, bad news for those who forgot the password for their phone, but did not back up the data to their computer: all information stored on the smartphone will be lost.Reset password restriction on iPhone, which occurred after six incorrect attempts, and access can only be gained again by erasing all user data along with settings.

If your phone has been synchronized with iTunes, the information can be restored. For this,While iPhone is disabled, connect to iTunes: how to unlocksmartphone using this method, it is better to describe it step by step:

    you need to connect via USB to the PC with which the device is synchronized;

    the program activates the creation of a backup copy;

    after the process is completed, select “Restore” from the menu;

    when the settings dialog box appears, click on “Recover from a copy of iTunes” and select your smartphone;

    When choosing a copy to restore, you need to pay attention to the creation date or the size of the data stored in the backup.

How to reset your iPhone password without a computer? You can contact an Apple service center, where employees will connect it to iTunes and erase all settings. But if you have activated Find My iPhone on iCloud through another iOS device, you can use this to restore lost access. Sign in to the service using your Apple ID. In the “All devices” menu, select your smartphone and click on the “Erase” option. After this, you can either restore your backup data via iCloud or perform the setup again.

If there is no backup copy and you don’t want to lose data, the user begins to wonderIs it possible to hack the password on an iPhone?? If you have Siri enabled, there is a clever way to get the information back.

This can be done in several stages.

    enter the wrong combination of numbers four times;

    the fifth time, enter only three digits, hold down the Home button and quickly enter the fourth digit;

    ask Siri: “What time is it?”;

    after the clock icon appears, click on it;

    click on + in the application and enter any letter combination into the search;

    select it;

Thus, you can save photos by sending them to another device and phone book.

It's up to you to decide whether to turn on Siri to protect your data in case you lose your password. After all, attackers can also gain access to information in a similar way.

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