Statement of search for a parcel from China. Russian Post parcel tracking. Where to apply for a search

Russian Post cannot be ignored if you want to deliver orders to customers truly throughout Russia. There used to be a lot of difficulties with mail, but in the last couple of years it has been getting better, this cannot be ignored. But when working with Russian Post, online stores have no fewer questions. Today I’ll tell you about a few useful things that you might not know about.

Over 5 years of work, we sent about 5 thousand orders through Russian Post, while only two (!) orders were irretrievably lost, which we restored to clients at our own expense. All the rest reached their recipients safely.

Surely many will not believe such wonderful statistics, but I’m telling you what it is. This is not even from the words of friends - this is my own experience. Of course, there were many difficulties and minor problems, but they all turned out to be solvable.

Let's start with something simple.

Both the sender and the recipient can submit an application to search for a postal item. Of course, it would be better if the sending store takes on this work. Firstly, this will relieve the client of unnecessary problems, and secondly, the application will be accepted only if there is a copy of the shipping receipt (check), which the recipient, for obvious reasons, does not have.

The shipping receipt is everything to us. Without this piece of paper, which looks like a receipt from a supermarket, no applications will be accepted.

Keep a separate binder in which to file all shipping receipts. When the folder runs out, create a new one, and put a date on the old one with the period for which the checks were filed in it. A more complex option is to scan or photograph shipping receipts and store copies electronically.

Receipts must be kept for at least 6 months (this is the period during which Russian Post accepts claims against it). In reality, you need to store them longer, so that in case of customer complaints against you, you have proof that the order was sent.

Here's what you need to apply to search for a parcel:

  • passport of the sender (the one whose name is indicated on the parcel, in the address of the sender, and not the courier who delivered the parcel to the post office),
  • a copy of the receipt for sending the postal item,
  • full name of the recipient.

All other information that you will need (recipient's address and postal code, type of item, etc.) is on the receipt itself.

Where to apply for a search

Usually it is submitted at the same post office from where you sent the lost package. But you need to understand that such applications are processed at the main post office, and it will take some time until the document reaches the main post office from the department where you wrote it. If possible, it is better to apply there immediately.

There is a special form for such applications. It can be filled out and downloaded on the Russian Post website, but you can also write it in free form. You cannot submit an application directly from the site. You can only fill out and download the form, print it and take it to the post office.

Do not forget to indicate in your application your cell phone number and mailing address to which mail can actually be delivered to you. This is important because the official answer will come to you by registered mail, but for minor clarifications they may call you. A copy of the shipping receipt must be attached to the application. It is not enough to simply copy all the data from it; it is better to staple it to the application.

When the application is accepted, you will be given a tear-off coupon, which will indicate the number of the accepted document, the date of submission, the seal and signature of the employee who accepted it. If a tear-off coupon is not given, the application may not be registered and processed - be sure to ask for a registration slip.

And then we wait. Sent orders were lost dozens of times and almost always, after submitting a search request, they were safely found and delivered to the client. Therefore, you should not perceive the search application as a meaningless measure - it really helps.

By waiting times: if the lost parcel is addressed to another city in Russia, then the processing time for the application will be up to 60 days(usually faster in our experience). If the addressee is in the same city as the sender, then they will manage within 5 days, but we didn’t have such situations, so I can’t say anything.

How can I change the delivery address for a sent parcel or correct the recipient's name?

We've sorted out the search for parcels, now I'll talk about how you can change the delivery address or make adjustments to the recipient's full name in orders that have already been sent.

It often happens that a client, when entering his data when placing an order, makes a mistake. For example, he may misspell his last name. This is doubly easy if the order is placed from a smartphone, which does not have a convenient keyboard and it is easier to easily miss a tiny button on the touch screen with your finger and not notice it.

Many times there were cases when a client was not given a package at the post office because one letter in the last name did not match. Sometimes the client decided this himself, simply by persuading the postal worker :-), sometimes we wrote an application to change the recipient's name.

But once there was a situation, the story of the solution of which can be told in textbooks on customer focus.

The buyer, when placing an order, asked that delivery be no later than a certain date, since this is a gift and if the package arrives later, then everything loses its meaning: the girl is left without a gift, the client without sex, and we without a client.

There were ~10 days before the designated date, the manager, knowing that the order to city X is sent by first class parcel maximum 7 days, he assured me that everything would be okay. It would have been so if not for two factors:

  1. The client accidentally misspelled his last name.
  2. This turned out to be a day before the day when the gift should be given.

The client saw from the tracker that the order had arrived at the post office at the delivery location. Therefore, I was not worried and planned to receive it the day before the designated date. But when he came to the post office to pick up a parcel, they refused to give it to him because his last name did not match his passport. The client, of course, was upset. Counting on help, I called the store and explained the situation to the manager.

If there were 5-6 days left, everything could have been resolved within the framework of standard business processes both here and at the post office. But the hour comes tomorrow. Here, even Flash from the famous series is not sure that he will make it in time, and the slow mechanisms of the Russian Post do not spin so quickly.

But it turned out that there are shortcuts. The manager contacted the manager of the local main post office. What she told her is unknown to me, but the manager agreed to try to help. She sent new data on the recipient by telegraph (not fax :-)) to the desired post office, and then called there to have the telegraph checked, because, according to her, the telegraph can be checked once every 2 days.

The situation was non-standard; it is not the responsibility of postal workers to solve such problems, but good relationships with good people speed up many processes.

On the same day, the problem was solved, the customer received his order, the next day he congratulated the girl, and wrote to us that everything went well. Happy end.

What conclusions can be drawn from this:

  1. Never quarrel with postal workers where you send orders. Don't download your license, even if you're right. You still have to work with them and you don’t know what problems you will have to solve with their help. And it doesn’t look nice from the outside. You can read the same advice in books on networking.
  2. If you can’t make it in time using standard routes, ask for a shortcut. Sometimes it is.

But closer to the topic. To submit an application you will need the same thing as in the previous paragraph:

  • Passport of the sender (the one whose name is indicated in the sender's address on the parcel and the shipping receipt)
  • A copy of the receipt (receipt for sending the parcel). It is issued at the time of dispatch, it contains all the data, including the tracking number (tracker) for the parcel.

Next, we go to the main post office and write a statement at the reception, where we indicate our data, information about the parcel (type of shipment, date, etc.) and the recipient’s data that was indicated on the parcel when sent. I am not writing in detail what data to indicate in the application, because the form is the same (select “Other” in the drop-down list). The difference is that in this application you need to indicate a request to change your address or full name to a new one and the reason why this change is happening.

If there is no form, the receptionist will tell you how to write in free form. The main thing is to attach a copy of the shipping receipt. It contains all the necessary data.

Important point. Changing the address or name/surname of the recipient is a paid service (it was from 50 rubles, now it may be higher). Without a receipt for payment attached to the application, work will not begin, therefore, in order to avoid going to the post office again, pay immediately as soon as your application is accepted (even if you were not told about this, but the application was accepted and a receipt was issued).

The service for changing address and full name usually takes (in our experience) about 5-7 working days(I cannot say what the official deadlines for completing this application are). The changed information will be visible on the Russian Post website when you dial the tracking control number.

Difficulties when applying for changes to the delivery address

If suddenly the application is not accepted at the post office (for example, they claim that this cannot be done), it is worth referring to the official document “Rules for the provision of postal services”, Chapter 4. Rights and obligations of users of postal services. Which states: before the delivery of a registered postal item to the addressee, the sender has the right, in the manner established by the operator, on the basis of his written application, to order the delivery of the postal item to another person and to a different address or its delivery to the same addressee, but to a different address.

How to return a postal item that has already been sent?

On the eve of the holidays (Halloween, New Year, March 8, February 23), when there are a lot of orders and you need to urgently form them and send them quickly, confusion with orders in the warehouse is possible. They make mistakes with completeness or confuse entire orders and different people end up with the wrong product. The problem becomes clear after the order is sent or a few days later when one of the customers receives an order that is not theirs.

The error can be corrected using Russian Post. The procedure is the same as when changing the address or full name, which was discussed in the previous section.

There is no need to wait until the client receives an order that is not his and discovers your mistake. You can immediately send a new order to the client, and apply for a return for an erroneously sent one. This order will be returned to you.

There are costs that will amount to the cost of returning the parcel back. But in any case, this is better than solving the problem with the client, understanding that the client is dissatisfied with you, giving him a refund of the cost of the order and additionally refunding the cost of postage.

This feature is not needed often, but when it is needed, it helps out a lot. Just know that this opportunity exists.

What to do if the deadline for receiving the postal item by the addressee expires?

The post office has a certain storage period for postal items, after which they are sent back to the sender's address. This period is exactly 1 month from the moment the postal item arrives at the post office.

Usually, clients do not forget to pick up paid orders from the post office, but there are cases when the client cannot receive the parcel because he is out of town, went on a business trip, went on vacation to another country, was hospitalized, or is waiting for a notice that they forgot to bring.

To prevent orders from being returned, it makes sense to set up tracking of parcels using a tracker and automatically notify the manager about those whose shelf life at the recipient's post office is about to expire. Then the manager will be able to contact the client, warn him about the package that is waiting for him at the post office and the need to receive it in the next couple of days, otherwise it will go back to the sender.

But what if the client can pick up the order from the post office only when he returns from vacation, and this will be in 10 days? But after 5 days the parcel’s shelf life expires, and it will be sent back at your expense.

Just for such cases, the post office has a service “Extension of the storage period of registered items.” An application for extension of storage is submitted at the main post office and is written in the same way as any other that I mentioned above. The sender's passport and shipping receipt must also be presented. In the application, write about the need to extend the storage period of the parcel, indicating the reason.

The possibility of extending storage periods is stipulated in the Rules for the provision of postal services, Chapter 4. Rights and obligations of users of postal services, paragraph 44, subparagraph “c”, which states that the sender has the right to extend the storage period of postal items.

The amount of payment for extension of storage is determined in accordance with the tariffs established by postal operators. Tariffs vary at different post offices in different cities.

If the mailing is not received after this period, the mailing will be sent to the return address and you as the sender will have to pay the cost of storage and return shipping.

What happens if you do not receive a parcel that is returned to the sender?

If the sender does not pick up the returned item within a month after it was returned to him, such item (parcel, parcel) is considered “unclaimed” and is stored for another 6 months, after which it is destroyed.

The shipping receipt was lost. Is it possible to restore?

Without a receipt (check) for sending the postal item, it will not be possible to submit an application to search for the parcel or anything else. Even if you have a mail tracker (tracking number), this is not enough.

A lost check can be restored, another thing is that, unlike the services described above, Russian Post does not have such a regulated service.

To restore, you need to contact the post office from which the order was sent. The task will be easier if you remember the exact date of departure, the full name of the recipient and sender, and the operator who accepted the parcel. Ideally, contact the same operator.

There is no need to write a statement or make a request in this situation, since this is an optional service and there are no requirements for it in the documents regulating the work of the Russian Post.

It all depends on how you come to an agreement and whether the postal workers are willing to help you. Ask the operator to help you. If he refuses or says that he doesn’t know how, ask to call the head of the post office and describe your problem to her.

During our work with Russian Post, we only once had to recover a lost shipping receipt. But there were no problems, since all the post office employees knew the courier girl who delivered the orders to the post office well, and there were no problems with recovery.


  • Friends, the draft of this article has been gathering dust for more than a year in the “Blog” → “In Work” folder, Therefore, I do not exclude that some points could be outdated.
  • Also please keep in mind that I I am writing from my own experience, which is limited to working with Russian Post in one city, not the largest (~400 thousand inhabitants). Of course, Russian Post operates according to the same rules everywhere, but there may be differences in the organization of receiving applications or some other small details. Therefore, in large cities, for example, the advice to contact the main post office may not be relevant.
  • All examples in the article - This is the work of an online store with Russian Post without concluding an agreement with a legal entity. Such an agreement did not provide any particular advantages, there was no separate window for receiving our shipments, we did not accept cash on delivery, so we did not conclude an agreement.

The article uses footage from the cartoon “Zootopia”.

Unfortunately, in Russia it is increasingly happening that a package that is expected does not arrive on time, but is delayed for a long time or, even worse, lost. Where should our citizens turn and what should be done in such a situation? In this article we will look at what it means to search for a postal item.

Receipt as a useful assistant in case of lost parcel

One of the extremely important things to know is that you should always save your receipts. When your package is lost, you should submit an application to the Russian Post to search for postal items, and for this you must have a receipt or at least a copy of it. Otherwise, your statement, which you will draw up in the event of a loss, may simply not be accepted.

Like any other documents, such as a passport, it is also advisable to check receipts, if not carry them with you, then at least keep them for a while until your purchase reaches you and you are sure that it is the right one. what you need.

The receipt, as a rule, displays information about the parcel's departure number. This may help if your order is a registrable order. Usually this number is communicated immediately after sending. How does the Russian Post search for postal items?

Package Tracking

You can track any shipments directly on the Russian Post website or using certain applications or programs. Previously, citizens tracked their parcels on the “Gdeparsylka” website, but after the introduction of additional protections against such programs, this service ceased to function.

As a way out of this situation, you can download a special program called “Parcel” to your phone - this is a fairly convenient application that very quickly and quickly displays any changes related to the movement of your postal item.

Example of a lost package

Why do you need to search for postal items by Russian Post? More on this later.

So, let's consider the simplest situation related to the loss of a package. In the service of your regional center or city, when tracking, the statuses “left the sorting point” or “arrived at the place of receipt” are indicated. But several days have already passed since this information was displayed, and there is still no notification.

“Left the sorting point” means that the parcel has been loaded into the postal machine and taken directly to your post office address. Of course, the car might not have arrived due to certain circumstances, but in practice something like this happens quite rarely. As a rule, already on the same or, in extreme cases, the next day, the parcel arrives at the post office, and you can immediately go to receive it, without even waiting for a notification.

The exception is the situation when the sorting point is not located in your city, then it makes sense to wait a couple more days. So, if you see in the status column the note “left the sorting point” or “arrived at the place of receipt,” you can grab your passport and safely go to the post office.

How long can it take to search for postal items? At the post office, citizens may be sent home and asked to wait for a notification, but it is better not to agree to this, since the post office employees are most likely too lazy to look for your parcel. In such a situation, it makes sense to demand a boss. The fact is that Russian Post employees are obliged to issue items even without notices. This is especially true in cases where the parcel was marked at the department several days ago, but there is still no notification of its receipt.

When they really can’t find your parcel, you need to write an application to search for international mail.

Finding lost mail items

In order to start the search, you need to check the status of your letter or parcel using the so-called track number. If there is no information regarding the status of your shipment, or it has not been updated for quite a long time, it means that your parcel or letter has not yet been delivered.

To begin searching for a postal item by identifier, you need to write a statement on the page of the Russian Post Internet portal. It can be provided to any department of the service. In order for your application to be accepted, you will need the following documents:

  • An application drawn up for the purpose of searching for a shipment within the territory of the Russian Federation or an international shipment.
  • The check that was issued along with the shipment, or a copy of it. The check itself is issued immediately at the time of sending.
  • Some form of identification, such as a passport or driver's license.

An application to search for international or domestic postal items is accepted within six months from the date of dispatch. And such paper for finding international EMS shipments is accepted within four months from the date of departure, in accordance with the Regulations for the use of standard EMS agreements.

This application to the Russian Post to search for a postal item can be submitted by both the recipient and the sender, or by an authorized representative of one of them; the main thing in such a situation is to present a power of attorney.

The sender of the parcel has the primary and fundamental right to receive compensation; in addition, he has the opportunity to refuse to receive compensation in favor of the recipient. Where should I send a letter to search for a postal item? This is a common question.

Notification method

The Russian Post service, as a rule, reports all search results by registered letter to the actual address or in the form of a message to the email address specified in the application.

Informing must occur no later than thirty calendar days from the date of filing the application regarding domestic Russian postal items, and at the latest two to three months later if we are talking about international parcels. In cases where the shipment still cannot be found, compulsory payment of compensation occurs. The sender may transfer his right to receive it in favor of the customer of the parcel or his other authorized representative.

Anyone may need to search for an international postal item.

Nuances in drawing up applications to search for parcels

It is not at all necessary to go and write an application at the postal service office; you just need to download the application from the official website. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the type of document, since depending on the type of parcels being sought, there are samples for domestic or international shipments.

Next, the paper should be printed and filled out by hand. It is advisable to carefully consider this application and include complete information on your problem. In the header, according to the standard scheme, the name is indicated to whose address the document is drawn up and recorded, from whom this request to search for a postal item by identifier comes from. This way, information about the address, passport and contact details of the sender is recorded.

Data from the receipt

Filling out the application will not be difficult, especially since most of the data is on the check, namely:

  • type of departure;
  • value of the lost parcel;
  • date of cargo acceptance.

It is advisable to remember such a section as the type of packaging or check directly with the sender. For example, when you report that a parcel in a bright red package was lost, this will definitely help you find it much faster, although this field is not required to be filled out.

The tear-off part of the coupon, as a rule, is filled out by postal service employees and given to the customer along with the original check. The reverse side of the application is not required to be printed, as it only provides information on how to fill it out correctly. As soon as the paper is ready, it should be taken to the post office, after which all you can do is wait.

Results of filing an application to search for a parcel

Most often, two or three days after submitting an application to search for postal items by the recipient’s last name, the parcel is announced at some sorting point or it can be found at the issuing office. In the case of international cargo, much more time may pass before it is detected. However, despite all the doubts of our citizens, there is certainly a point in filing an application. As a rule, in the vast majority of cases this helps to find a lost package.

For those persons whose parcels were never found, monetary compensation is provided.


In conclusion, it is important to note that if your package is lost, you should not do two things:

  • get upset;
  • complain.

As practice shows, the official website of the Russian Post is absolutely useless in relation to complaints, so it does not have any forms of feedback at all, and even less has no forums. The only thing that a citizen is required to do in such a situation is, first of all, to be patient and download a form to fill out an application to search for a postal item, which will most likely be found over time. Good luck!

About a month ago I placed an order for a client from the USA. Usually, after clearing American customs, the buyer receives the order within one, maximum two weeks. But this time, for two and a half weeks, there was not a single new status on the USPS website. As a result, the buyer wrote to me and asked where her package was. In order to somehow “speed up” the delivery process, I decided to send a request to search for a shipment from the USPS website. That's how it was.

Step 1 - Register on the USPS website

The first step is to register on the US Postal website. All fields must be filled out in English.

Specify the main language of the site (English) and your login (here you can enter your email address). If the login is busy, the system will indicate this with a red warning.

Then enter your password. It must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter and 1 number. And also there should not be two identical symbols one after the other.

Below you will be asked to write answers to 2 security questions. You will need them if you forget your account password. I chose "City where I was born" and "Mother's maiden name."

Please enter your contact information below. Here I indicated fictitious data, with the exception of the email address.

And at the last stage they ask you to enter your home address. Here you can enter data from any country, but I decided to write an address in the USA. I chose some administrative building from Google Maps :)

After that, click the “Verify Address” button - apparently the system checks whether such an address exists.

A green checkmark appears, which means everything was entered correctly. You can click “Create Account”.

Registration is now complete. And the site will immediately authorize you. You can start searching.

Step 2 - submit a search application

Select the last menu item “Help”, and in the drop-down submenu click “Find Missing Mail”.

In the middle of the page there is a button “Start Your Missing Mail Search”. Let's press it.

On the page that opens, first enter the parcel’s track number in the “Track Number” field.

Below we enter the sending date (Malling Date), the type of shipment (Unknown/other) and indicate that the found shipment should be sent to the addressee (Addressee).

After this, additional fields will appear on the page where you need to enter your client’s address.

After that, in the block “Whom can we contact about this search?” Please include your name and email address. USPS will contact you if they have questions.

After this, a bunch of additional fields will appear in which you can describe your product in a little more detail (for example, indicate the material, color, etc.). Be sure to fill out only fields with asterisks. If you wish, you can also add a photo of the product.

After all this, put 2 checkboxes at the bottom of the page for the items “I have read, understand, and agree to the Missing Mail Search Disclaimer below” and “I have read, understand, and agree to the Terms and Conditions” and click the “Continue” button.

If you click “Save progress”, your application data will be saved as a draft and you can return to it later.

After this, the site will redirect you to a new page, where it will clarify the recipient’s address and offer its own option (if it considers that there could be an error in the address).

Select the desired option (I chose the one indicated by the customer in the order) and click the “Use Selected Address” button.

After this, the USPS website will ask you to double-check all entered data. If you made no mistakes, then click the “Submit Search” button.

That's it, the application has been sent. After this, all we can do is wait and hope that the postal workers will find our parcel.

You can inform the client about your request to the US Postal Service and send a screenshot of the letter that will be sent to you by email from the USPS. It says that your request to search for the parcel has been accepted. And its number and date of application are indicated.

I can’t say for sure that it was my appeal that had an effect. But after 10 days, the parcel finally began to be tracked again on the USPS website (May 12). Almost a month after clearing US customs (April 14).

Founder and author of the ProEtsy blog. I love Etsy with all my heart for the incredible amount of talented artisans. And for the opportunity to communicate with customers from all over the world. I try to tell blog readers about all the new products on Etsy and about my experience interacting with this platform.

Delivery of letters and small parcels is organized through Russian Post. People are increasingly ordering valuable items online, paying for purchases in advance. The greater the load on the post office, the more conflicts arise regarding violations of delivery deadlines. Many citizens do not know what to do if a valuable package is lost. The algorithm of actions is specified in detail in regulations.

A citizen who decides to study the procedure for providing postal services needs to familiarize himself with several legal documents:

  • The main document is Law No. 126-FZ of July 7, 2003 “On Communications”. The act regulates any relationship between telecom operators and persons who receive services.
  • In Law No. 176-FZ of July 17, 1999. “On Postal Communications” establishes the basic rights and obligations of senders, recipients and mail. For example, Article 34 establishes penalties for the loss of parcels and delay in delivery of items.

In their daily work, postal employees are guided by Order of the Ministry of Communications No. 234 dated July 31, 2014. This document details the procedure for providing services for the delivery of correspondence and parcels.

The provisions of the Universal Postal Convention indicate what to do if Russian Post has lost an international parcel. The regulatory document was adopted in Doha in 2012. Russian RPO sent from another state occurs on the basis of the specified documents.

First actions

The recipient should find out where the parcel is located. Receiving information is possible using the track number. The code is entered on the Russian Post website -, the citizen receives information about the location of the item. The identifier is provided by the addressee.

If a parcel is lost at the post office, the track information is not updated for several days. The departure is in one place without movement for no specific reason. For example, a parcel remains in a sorting center for several weeks.

On the Russian Post hotline 8-800-2005-888 you can get information about how long a parcel can stay at a certain point of contact. For domestic and international shipments, the travel times within the Russian Federation are the same.

Next, you should contact the sender of the item. He can recall the parcel by contacting the Russian Post office at the place of dispatch. In other cases, the recipient may independently contact the telecom operator with a request to search for the shipment.

Application to search for a parcel

On the official website of the Russian Post there is an electronic form for submitting an application to search for a parcel - The citizen must provide the following information:

  • FULL NAME. the applicant;
  • residential address and contact telephone number of the author of the application;
  • passport details: series, number, which institution and when it was issued;
  • the reason for drawing up the request (the shipment did not reach the addressee);
  • document submission date;
  • type of postal item and tracking number;
  • date of dispatch and branch index;
  • list of parcel contents, type of packaging, special notes (for example, delivery with cash on delivery);
  • FULL NAME. and addresses of the recipient and sender.

A check or receipt (invoice) confirming the dispatch of the parcel is attached to the document. A copy can be obtained from the sender. Without an invoice, a citizen will not be able to confirm that a shipment agreement was concluded.

You cannot submit an application to search for a parcel online. The information is entered into a special file in PDF format. The applicant prints it out on paper and signs it. The claim and attached documents are provided

A citizen has the right to contact the e-mail address of the organization’s Claims Department. In this case, there will be no official confirmation that his application has been accepted for consideration.

Claims are accepted at any post office. You can write an application no later than six months from the date of departure.

Parcel search

In Russia, postal items are searched by identifier. This is a special number assigned to international shipments for tracking purposes. If it is not there, then the telecom operator will not answer anything on the merits of the citizen’s appeal. In court, it will be impossible to prove the post office’s guilt in the loss of the item.

If the package is lost, the operator has 60 days to search (Article 55 of Law No. 126-FZ).

If a person wants to quickly find a parcel lost at the Russian Post, a week after submitting the application, he must contact the employee of the organization to whom the application was submitted for consideration. The specialist should be asked what steps are being taken to search.

The search for shipments consists of a physical inspection of the last location.

Compensation for delayed shipment

When the shipment arrives at the post office, the citizen is notified. After receiving the parcel, the citizen has the right to file a claim for late delivery.

The Post Office considers such applications within 60 days. The applicant may be paid 3% of the cost of delivery services for each day of delay, but not more than the established tariff (Article 34 of Law No. 176-FZ).

If the package parcel does not arrive, the citizen has the right to demand reimbursement of its cost. To do this, you must submit an invoice indicating the cost of the item in the postal item. Citizens can submit a bank account statement, which will contain information about the amount actually transferred.

Compensation for losses, lost profits, and compensation for moral damage occurs only by court decision. The post office can independently compensate the applicant’s costs, but this happens in exceptional cases.

Search deadlines violated

In some cases, the applicant does not receive a response to applications for searching and tracking international shipments.

The recipient has only one option to protect his interests - going to court. A statement of claim is drawn up, a receipt or check is attached, which can be used to track the parcel, and a response from the Russian Post regarding the fact of the search activities (if any).

An alternative option is to write a statement to senior management -. However, most requests are submitted for consideration directly to the post office where the parcel should be located. The applicant receives an unsubscribe.

Citizens often turn to Roskomnadzor. This department does not settle property disputes between citizens and postal operators.

Until the delivery of the parcel, the item is the property of the sender. If the item was purchased, the recipient may request a refund from the seller. The money will be transferred, and the sender will deal with claims with the Russian Post.

Citizens often save on postal services. A parcel from Aliexpress can be delivered without a track number, but if lost, the recipient will not be able to find his item. Russian Post will not compensate for losses, since there will be no evidence that the loss occurred after the operator received the shipment.

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