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Windows operating systems starting with Vista use a built-in equalizer. It is especially useful for gamers to get the necessary sound in games. The system equalizer uses the sound card driver settings and works in all applications. Finding and setting it up is very simple; in Windows 7 and 10 it is done the same way. This is done like this (everywhere it is underlined in red where we will go next):

Finding and connecting an equalizer

In the Start menu open:

In the control panel, select the “ Equipment and sound” and go to a new window:

Before going any further, it is worth noting that in the “ Equipment and sound” a utility for configuring the sound card is available. Realtek supplies drivers for almost all motherboards, since the audio chipset on all modern motherboards uses the same technology. This manager can also be called from the notification area; there is a small icon there.

Press the button “ Sound” and open the corresponding dialog:

In this dialog, the “tab” must be active Playback”, and it will be so by default. Since sound data can be output to various devices, we choose the one we will use. Usually these are columns. Before setting up the properties, we’ll make sure that our configuration is working properly and check how the speakers sound.

Press the button “ Tune” and we find ourselves in a new dialogue:

We choose exactly our configuration, which corresponds to the connected equipment. Instead of speakers in a stereo configuration, headphones can be connected, but in this case the number of output channels is important, since the sound for the speakers will be further amplified in power by the speaker system itself.

We carry out the check by pressing the button “ Examination" The left speaker will play audio first, accompanied by an animation on the left speaker icon. Then press the button again Examination” and the sound is repeated on the right. If the sound is played correctly, press the “ Further”.

Speaker setup:

In this case there is nothing to configure. In a subwoofer, quad, 5.1 or 7.1 configuration, you must specify the channels that have additional high-pass and low-pass filters enabled.

Press the button “ Further” and we see the result of checking the speakers:

Click “ Ready” and return to the familiar sound settings window:

Here we select the next button “ Properties”.

Press the button “ Properties” and go to driver settings using Windows:

This is the initial tab that appears by default. We can see here which of the sound card connectors are currently connected. When diagnosing, this eliminates the need to once again look at the back of the system unit, which can be inconvenient.

Select the tab “ Improvements”:

“Improvements” is just a confusing mistranslation of the word enhancement, what it really meant was “ driver settings”, which includes a whole set of filters for synthesizing the signal at the analog output. Now we need to check the box to the left of the “ Equalizer" Bandpass filters will be included in the audio stream path. Since there is currently “no tuning”, the transmission of each of the filters is 0 dB.

Quick equalizer settings

After turning on the equalizer, we configure it. There are two options here. The first is to select one of the preset settings. Let's consider this option.

Expanding the list ready-made settings. They are already stored in Windows as the most typical ones.

Select one of the options by clicking, for example, Jazz:

After this you can press OK and close the window. We chose the preset setting.

Custom Equalizer Setting

The second option is that the user himself defines the setting and saves it under a specific name. This is done when none of the preset settings are suitable for the user, for example, this may be required in games or for some features of his speaker systems, especially homemade speakers. In this case, you need to start by pressing the button to display the equalizer filter panel.

Click panel button with equalizer filter sliders. A child window appears:

Move the sliders while listening to sound playback from the selected source:

Select the saved setting from the list and close the windows. The setup is complete. You can always add a new setting if you are not satisfied with the existing ones. Custom settings are marked at the beginning with a hash icon or a hash (sharp).

Setting the equalizer using the driver utility

Until now, configuration was performed using the operating system. It is possible to make it from the utility supplied by Realtek.

Click the Realtek icon in the “ Equipment and sound" This can also be done from the system tray, as shown below:

The utility window will appear:

Choose desired setting from the list of ready ones and click OK.

To set a new setting, click the button with the image of a graphic equalizer (vertical sliders). The Equalizer panel will appear, displaying the currently selected settings:

These settings can either be reset (all filters are 0 dB) or adjusted in any way until the desired result is obtained.

Moving the sliders and listen to the playback:

Applying current settings without saving:

To enable nameless settings, press the button with the guitar.

Saving settings with the given name:

Click OK:

Settings have been saved. All user settings differ from system ones by the presence of a sharp before the name (hash, hash). They can edit or delete. System settings are not deleted.

External equalizers

Many players, such as Winamp, contain their own equalizer, which only works when the player is running. For all other sounds, system settings are saved. If other programs are used, for example, video viewers or a browser, then the system equalizer, which disabled by default, may impair sound perception.

Thus, introducing the system equalizer using Windows, or even better and more conveniently through the Realtek HD tweaker, seems very convenient. This way you can set basic settings for a specific speaker system, suitable for all programs. For a specific program, you can use its own equalizer, or select a setting from the list.

If you understand high-quality sound, then you should download the equalizer for Windows Hear Equalizer for free. This is a small utility that allows you to fine-tune your sound.

Of course, the primary role in this matter is played by the acoustic system (speakers), as well as the quality of the reproduced information. Well, only then does frequency-based tuning come into play, which is done by the equalizer.

A window opens in front of you with a large number of sliders, which can confuse a newbie. But there is nothing complicated here. Each of them is responsible for the manifestation of a certain cut of sound. On the left is the bass control, on the right is the treble control. It’s another matter to understand how many of which to put out. This is a matter of taste and the type of audio content being played.

Each genre of music has its own settings designed to optimize its sound as much as possible. In the program you will find ready-made presets for popular styles:

  • classic;
  • instrumental;
  • electronics;
  • and others.

You can also create your own preset and save it in the library.

Many computer users will not understand why they need to install a separate application, since all players generally already have a built-in equalizer. Yes, but this program works at the Windows level, which means it processes absolutely all sounds, regardless of the source. It's convenient to set up once and constantly enjoy high-quality sound.

Beginner users can trust the preset parameters. Professionals have access to a wide range of settings, including mixer, effects, maximizer, limiter and others. Everyone will be able to get exactly what they need.

Video review and adjustment of the Hear equalizer


System requirements

OS: Windows 10/8/7
CPU: any
RAM: 128 MB
HDD: 15 MB
Type: audio plugin
Release date: 2017
Developer: Prosoft Engineering
Platform: PC
Publication type: final
Interface language: Russian (RUS) / English (ENG)
Medicine: serial number
Size: 6.5 MB

Installing the Hear equalizer on your computer

  1. Run the installation file
  2. Install the program according to the instructions
  3. Activate the program using the serial number from the key.txt file
  4. Start using.

Equalizer APO is a parametric/graphic equalizer for Windows. It is implemented as an Audio Processing Object (APO) for the system effect infrastructure introduced with Windows Vista.

Equalizer APO has been specifically designed to help you improve both the quality and power of your sound.

  • Virtually unlimited number of filters.
  • Works on any number of channels.
  • Very low latency, which makes it suited for interactive applications.
  • Low CPU usage.
  • Modular graphical user interface.

Equalizer APO is a Windows equalizer, which doesn’t display a graphic user interface. Instead, you use TXT files to alter the settings of your audio output. The app works beneath the hood of your operating system and delivers quick results without leaving any traces in your system resources. Because of this Equalizer APO is not only reliable, but it’s also quite efficient.

Upon installing the app, it allows you to choose the device you want to install the APO to. You will need to know which audio device you need to enhance. The app displays a complete list of connectors, device names and informs you of which ones support APO. If you want to alter the new equalizer’s parameters, you need to navigate to where Equalizer APO is installed and open a configuration TXT file.

Hear is a program that helps improve sound quality when listening to music, watching movies, and playing computer games. Along with it, the system is installed with its own sound driver, as well as a set of tools for changing various sound parameters. For example, the program has a mixer that allows you to adjust the sound volume in individual applications, there is also an equalizer with peak frequency limiters, as well as separate sections with subwoofer and bass parameters, surround sound (3D) parameters, sound resonance parameters and sound positioning parameters in space.

Using this program, you can select the optimal settings for your external speaker and headphones. Please note that Hear does not automatically detect these. That is, immediately after its installation, the overall sound may noticeably deteriorate. Beginners who do not fully understand the purpose of each slider and checkbox must rely on their own feelings when changing different parameters. Fortunately, in order to return the original sound and undo all changes made by the program, just switch to the standard sound driver using the Windows system selector (opened by clicking on the sound indicator in the notification panel).

Unlike other similar programs, Hear does not have any requirements for the computer hardware. To work with it, you do not need a professional sound card. There was no significant load on the system during testing of the program.

Key Features and Functions

  • a mixer that allows you to adjust the sound volume in individual applications;
  • eleven-band equalizer with peak limiters;
  • general bass and subwoofer parameters;
  • ready-made effects applied by pressing one key;
  • sound positioning parameters in space;
  • own sound driver;
  • absence of any special requirements for the computer hardware;
  • quick cancellation of changes made.
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