RegFromApp is a utility for tracking changes in the Windows registry. How to see changes in the Windows registry Change an entry in the windows 10 registry

Users personal computers sometimes they are interested in how to enter the Windows 10 registry. It is usually used to back up a database, create and open new REG files, and many other operations. Windows 10 as the latest operating system has the registry as one of its key components. This hierarchical database contains OS settings, application settings, device driver and user password information, and other important system information.

When a new program is installed, some part of it is stored in the RegEdit.exe registry file.

To create and edit a file that should enter the Windows 10 registry, some skills will be required. Before making any changes, it is important to create backup the entire database. Thanks to this, you will be able to import the original settings from the file if something goes wrong.

How to create a new file

If you are interested in how to open the registry in Windows 10, you need to type regedit in the search bar. Then you should right-click on the search result and select "Open as administrator" from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can press the combination Windows buttons+ R, which will open the Run dialog box. You can type regedit in this field and click OK. You must select "File" and "Export", then enter a name and save it. You can choose to save the entire database or select a specific range. Exported registry files are automatically given a .reg extension by default.

The registry file is simple Text Document with the REG extension, which can be viewed through the Notepad application. If it is configured correctly, then you can simply click on it and make changes to the Windows registry. To create a new file, you can open notepad and enter the required syntax. You need to save a text document on your computer, then right-click on it and change the extension to REG. After that, if you 2 times click on the file, it will make changes to the registry. For example, such a document may allow you to automatically start the DNS service. To manually start the service, you need to change the data value to 00000003.

To disable it, change the value to 00000004.

How to make changes

Users who are wondering how to open the Windows 10 registry should be aware that editors allow you to make changes to current files. As an example, you can change the home page of your browser. This can be useful if malware has taken control of the browser, making it difficult to visit the desired website. First, we call the editor by typing regedit in the search bar or using the Windows + R combination.

Click on the "+" symbol next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER and select Software Microsoft Internet Explorer. Then right-click on Main and select Export to save the file to the signed-in user's computer. After that, it remains only to right-click on the file, select "Open with" and "Notepad".

The top line "Windows 10 Registry Edit" tells the operating system that this document is a RegEdit file. The next line is configuration data that tells the system what to add and change in the registry. To change your home page to a specific website (for example, Microsoft), you need to sign in to:

  2. Software.
  3. Microsoft.
  4. Internet Explorer.
  5. main.

Then check the box in the right part of the window and click on Start Page 2 times. In the Value Data section, enter the website address and click OK. If something goes wrong after making changes, you need to double-click on the exported file to reset it to its original settings.

When you uninstall a program, there is a chance that some settings will not be erased.

To completely uninstall a program, you need to remove its entry from the registry. To do this, call the editor and click on the "+" icon next to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Then click on Software and define the program to be erased. To do this, right-click on the desired entry and select "Delete".

In the branches of the registry operating system Windows stores the settings and settings of the system itself, as well as other things installed on the computer software. Sometimes you need to find out which registry branches the program being launched or its installation distribution. In order to find out what has been changed in the registry, you need to use a special program to monitor the status of system registry settings. RegFromApp monitors real-time changes to system registry produced by the running program (process) and reflects the registry branch and the values ​​changed in it.

Track registry changes

To find out what changes in the registry specific program, you need to run RegFromApp and select the process of interest to monitor from the list of all running processes. As soon as the program of interest to the user accesses the registry and changes the values ​​of its branches, RegFromApp will immediately reflect the registry branch in which the changes occur and show the values ​​being changed. Changes made to the registry can be saved to a registry file (*.reg). The RegFromApp utility supports launching from command line with parameters.

Screenshots of RegFromApp

Official site:
Operating Systems: 32.64 Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Supported languages: Russian
Version: 1.32
License:freeware (free)

File size 107 Kb

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You can make changes to the registry by making new values ​​for the desired settings in the registry editor itself or by importing. But there is another way. You can prepare a file in advance in a given format, and the necessary parameters will be automatically set in the registry. For these purposes, text files with the extension reg .

REG file format

Here is an example of a REG file that will allow you to create a section ( test) with parameters ( "cat name").

;Set new parameters for the Test section


Syntax of REG files

Consider the REG file format. First comes the file header

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

It should be noted that in earlier operating systems, Windows 98 and Windows NT 4.0, heading was used REGEDIT4. If you still have such old files, then do not be alarmed. will understand this file and correctly process the information. But the reverse process will not be available - Windows 98 will not be able to recognize the new header and will throw an error. One important detail - after the heading there is always an empty line.

If you need to include a comment in the document so as not to forget about the purpose of the parameter, then first put the symbol ";" (semicolon). The comment serves for the convenience of the user himself and is not entered into the register.

Create a .reg file

Write .reg file possible in any text editor, for example in Notepad. Create a new text document, type the code above (Fig. 1.1) and save the file with a .reg extension. If you want to practice creating these files, it's easier to generate them by exporting them from the Registry Editor and then edit them in Notepad.

Rice. 1.1.

Making changes to the registry using a .reg file

Above, we have already considered the behavior of the system when double-clicking on a file with the extension .reg. By double clicking on .reg file you start the registry editor, which is passed as a parameter to the file name.

Before importing into the registry REG file be sure to backup your registry or restore a system point! This method not very convenient for automating tasks. For example, we want to create a script automatic installation systems using REG-files. If there are too many such files, then the user will constantly have to press the button OK, which, you see, will not give him pleasure. You can suppress the appearance of the dialog box by running the command with the parameter /S:

REGEDIT /S D:\test.reg

It is this method that is used by programmers and system administrators when creating their programs and scripts using REG files. True, the Windows User Account Control service will prompt you to allow the operation, but the control service can be disabled for the duration of such actions, and then the user will not see anything. With help REG file you can also delete sections. To do this, put a minus sign in front of the section name. Let's open our file in Notepad cat.reg and make the following changes:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
: put a minus to delete the section

Now you need to double click on the .reg file to run it and import the registry entries. Check in the registry editor that the specified key has been removed.

Please note that you can only delete sections that do not contain subsections. Otherwise, you must sequentially delete all the subsections included in it, and only then proceed to delete the desired section.

You can also remove the setting. To do this, put a minus sign (-) after the equal sign (=).

Rosreestr - making changes to the USRN. How to apply for amendments to the EGRN? The list of required documents, the cost of the service and the timing of the operation.

Making changes to the USRN is a common operation that every property owner may face. This article will show you how to deal with such a task.

When changes are made to the EGRN

Amendments to the USRN are carried out for various reasons. However, the public must know when and where to make relevant requests.

In Russia, by law, it will be necessary to make adjustments to Rosreestr's information if:

The owner makes redevelopment in the apartment;

Planned construction on the plot of land;

The object changes its owner;

The owner of the property changes his personal data (for example, last name);

During the verification of documents, technical or registry errors were revealed;

The division or redistribution of property is carried out;

There comes the liquidation of property or a change in its type (for example, non-residential real estate is made from an apartment).

The same situations are projected not only on property purchased or received in one way or another, but also on mortgage objects. The procedure does not take much time and effort. Especially if you know how to act.

Ways to make changes to the USRN

Changes to the USRN can be made in different ways. Usually the owner of the object becomes the initiator of the adjustments. Less often - his representative or the State Register. Third parties cannot participate in the process.

The procedure for recording changes in the USRN is varied. You can make adjustments:

At the request of the owner;

Through the forces of Rosreestr (notification of the owner of the land or other object about changes is required);

Through litigation.

The latter option is most often encountered with cadastral errors. And adjustments at the initiative of the employees of the cadastral chambers almost never take place in practice. Therefore, we will focus on a personal appeal to the registration authority with a request in the prescribed form.

Where changes are made to the EGRN

Which authorities can submit requests for correction of data in the real estate register?

In Russia, according to the law, you can get the corresponding service in:


Cadastral chambers.

The owner or his representative may apply to the court to prove the need to correct the information about the apartment / land in the State Register. But in the end, you still have to turn to the help of these bodies.

How to make changes to the USRN - instructions

Consider the procedure for correcting information in the cadastral chamber personally. This is the simplest and most correct solution. Users in the mentioned direction work extremely rarely with the State Services.

The instruction for changing data in the cadastre looks like this:

1. Prepare a package of necessary documents. It depends on the specific situation.

2. Write and fill out an application for adjustments.

3. Deposit funds for the service provided.

4. Get your hands on a ready certificate with corrections.

That's all. The most difficult moment is the preparation of documents. After all, the package of papers will change depending on the situation.

How to make changes to the USRN - basic documents

But what in general can be useful to the owner? Most often, citizens are required to:

Applicant's identity card;

Receipt of payment of the fee;

Documents indicating the existence of grounds for data correction;

Acts of technical work;


Old extract from the register.

Most often, owners are faced with a change in the USRN when changing the owner of the property. With the right approach, the process does not cause any problems.

The cost of changes in the USRN

How much does the operation being studied cost? The amount of the fee will depend on who submits the request.

Individuals pay on average 350 rubles for the operation. Legal entities and entrepreneurs give 1 000 rubles. These rates should be guided in 2018.

From time to time, users and system administrators may need to review changes in Windows registry for a certain period. This may be due to the desire to see what changes a certain program or user actions make.

You can view the changes made to the Windows registry using both the tools built into the operating system and using third-party software. Let's start with the first.

In addition, we also mention that it all comes down to two methods: comparing two "snapshots" of the registry taken at different times, or monitoring changes in real time.

Most affordable way to see what changes were made to the registry, this is using the utility built into Windows fc.exe. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to look for additional software. In general, the fc.exe utility is used not only to view registry changes, but to compare two files or sets of files in general. Thus, it becomes clear that we need two "snapshots" of the registry.

We export the entire registry first or only the branch we need. Let's say we have two files: 1.reg and 2.reg, which we put on drive C. Then we can use the command to compare them

fc c:\1.reg c:\2.reg > c:\log.txt

In this case, we output the result of the command to a text file. But I would recommend using a more advanced format and (or) an editor stronger than Notepad so that there are no problems with .

Above I used MS Word and .doc format.

The problem with using fc.exe lies in the fact that the result of its work is hardly readable. The screenshot above says that in the branch parameter has been added primer. But it is unlikely that you will be able to understand this if you do not know about it in advance. You cannot call fc.exe a full-fledged analysis tool. This utility is more suitable when you yourself make changes to the registry, and want to make sure that they were made (but do not want to wander through the registry branches in regedit).

Therefore, let's move on to another utility, which, unfortunately, is no longer part of modern Windows versions, but may be added. It's called WinDiff. You can add it via install. Microsoft packages Windows SDK. Unfortunately, after Windows 7, WinDiff was also excluded from these packages, but you can also download it separately, for example, .

To use the WinDiff utility from the command line Windows strings, put it in the directory %WINDIR%\System32. Now, to compare the two registry files from the example, we just need to enter the command

windiff C:\1.reg C:\2.reg

The graphical interface of the utility will open, which can be seen in the screenshot above. Let's figure out how to read the output of the WinDiff program.

  • Lines on a white background mean the contents of the files match;
  • Lines on a red background show the contents of the first (left) file, which are not in the second (right);
  • Lines on a yellow background show the contents of the second (right) file, which is not in the first (left).

We have a yellow line with content "Primer"="". This indicates that the parameter appeared in the second file primer with an empty value. And he is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Test. Since the second file was saved later than the first one, it can be concluded that this parameter was added and not removed.

Let's move on to third party utilities registry monitoring.

A popular free solution is the program Regshot. The program also works with registry snapshots, and makes them itself, and does not analyze pre-saved files. This is her minus. And the plus is that it is very simple.

First you need to take the first snapshot of the registry.

Then they can be compared.

After the end of the comparison process, the program will automatically open the file with the results of the work. Another advantage of Regshot is that this file is easy to read. True, it is worth noting that there will be a bunch of registry changes in it, which may seem like a kind of Morse code. In my case, both shots were taken less than a minute apart. My actions were only that I removed the Primer parameter. As you can see, the program fixed it. And also recorded many other changes. “Under the hood” of the operating system is constantly something going on, and most of it is hidden from our eyes.

Pictures that are no longer needed can be deleted by pressing the button. Clear in the program interface. You can download the Regshot program.

The last tool for monitoring the Windows registry discussed in this article will be the program Registry Live Watch. Perhaps you can already understand from the name that this program able to monitor registry changes in real time.

The program is also extremely simple and, in fact, does not even really have settings. You just specify the branch of the registry that you want to monitor, and start monitoring with the button Start Monitor.

However, the program has a serious drawback, which, for the most part, eliminates the very idea of ​​monitoring. It gives only messages about the change in the observed registry branch, but does not write what changes were made. The second disadvantage is that Registry Live Watch cannot monitor the entire registry. You can download the program.

At the end of the article, we will talk about how to automate the collection of information about the registry without resorting to third-party software. This can be done using a script containing the reg export command, the syntax of which is devoted to. By running this script on a schedule, you will get a series of registry snapshots that you can compare if necessary.

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