The keyboard on Windows 10 does not work correctly. The keyboard on the computer does not work: what to do, reasons. Check if your USB port is working

PC owners often face a problem when one of the most important elements of the computer that provides feedback to the user, namely the keyboard, does not work. This article provides detailed instructions for solving such a problem.

Where to start solving the problem?

The keyboard and all other peripheral equipment does not work for two main reasons:

  1. For some reason, in the Windows 10 operating system, i.e. software problem;
  2. For reasons of computer or laptop problems, i.e. in this case, the user is facing a hardware problem.

There are many methods to identify the true causes of keyboard malfunctions. For example, one of the most accurate diagnostic methods is to analyze the operation of the keyboard in BIOS, because. The BIOS is completely removed from Windows 10 and functions in the computer directly with the motherboard.

After checking how the input tool in the BIOS works, it is already possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion. For example, if the keys work perfectly in the BIOS, then the circle of searches for reasons immediately narrows by half and the problem is guaranteed to be in windows 10, i.e. the next step is to perform a root cause analysis in the software.

And the opposite situation, with the complete absence of signs of the "clave" in the BIOS, leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to disassemble the PC to identify specific hardware problems.

Connecting the keyboard on the screen

A temporary alternative to a non-working keyboard is successfully served by its on-screen counterpart. After all, the user will need to find drivers on the Internet, which will be extremely difficult to do without using the text input tool. Before starting the execution of this paragraph of the instruction, of course, you can try to connect a keyboard to the computer from another PC that works fine, but often this method does not lead to success (however, if there is such an opportunity, then it’s worth a try, because sometimes the peripheral itself breaks down) .

The algorithm for launching the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10 consists of the following steps:

Analysis of the causes of computer or laptop problems, i.e. hardware problems

In the case of a desktop computer, it is necessary to check the connecting elements of the keyboard (plug and connectors).

Keyboard with USB plug

If there is a keyboard with a USB plug, problems are detected in the PC connector. It is recommended to reconnect it to another PC port, and you should also check how the port works by inserting a USB flash drive into it. In the case when Windows 10 perfectly detects removable storage media, then the reason is in the keyboard itself.

Keyboard with PS/2 plug

These connectors have broken contacts. It is necessary to remove the plug and make sure they are intact. If this is not the case, then you will need a complete replacement of the “clave” or solder a working plug.

What if there is a problem with the laptop?

In laptops, the “clave” cable is damaged from long-term operation and this connecting element needs to be replaced. Which in turn will require the disassembly of the laptop. In this case, it is not possible to provide instructions suitable for all mobile PCs, so it is recommended to look for a specific manual for a specific laptop model on the global network. You just need to enter the following phrase in any search engine: "Disassembly and repair (model name) of a laptop."

Before you start disassembling the laptop, you need to remove the battery and flash card. If defects are found in the cable, be sure to change it. Fortunately, at present there are no problems with the availability of such spare parts in online stores.

If there are no defects on the cable, it is recommended to clean its contacts with alcohol and check the functioning of the keyboard again.

Analysis of the causes of problems in the Windows 10 operating system, i.e. software problems

If the analysis of the previous section did not reveal any hardware defects, then the cause is probably in the drivers.

If the automatic search does not work, it is recommended to visit the official resource of the manufacturer of the computer that released the keyboard and enter the "Support" tab, where you need to find your equipment. After installing the software, restart the PC again. Ready! The keyboard should now work fine. But in the absence of success, and after these actions, you will have to visit the BIOS.

Debugging in BIOS

To enter the BIOS, you will need to click a certain button several times. This key is different for different PC models. You can find it out either by reading the manufacturer's manual that came with your computer or by carefully reading the inscriptions when loading the PC. Next, in the BIOS, enter the tab with the settings of the components for input. In the case when they are disabled, you need to set them to the "Enabled" mode.

Infection of a computer with malware

Sometimes malicious apps block the keyboard. In this case, you need to enter safe mode by following these steps:

If you've recently upgraded to Windows 10 and your keyboard has stopped working, you're not alone. Many other Windows 10 users are reporting the same issue, especially after installing February 13, 2018 update KB4074588.

And, fortunately, there are 4 options for solving the issue.

Check if your USB port is working

Sometimes the USB port stops working when updating to a new version of Windows. This is usually due to a driver issue. Fortunately, this is easy to check: unplug the device from the USB port and plug in another USB device - a mouse or an external hard drive. If they don't work, then the USB is the problem.

Adjust keyboard settings

Windows has a setting called " Filter keys, allowing you to control how it relates to random repetitive keystrokes. If enabled, this setting causes the device to not work.

Reinstall the keyboard driver

If a device driver has an error, it stops working. Fix it:

One of the most common causes of an insensitive keyboard is an outdated model or USB driver.

There are two ways to get the right “firewood” for the “clave”: manually or automatically.

If you don't have the time, patience, or computer skills to update drivers manually, then do it automatically with Driver Easy.

05.02.2016 Frank 0 Comments

The reasons why the keyboard does not work on a windows 10 hp, asus, sony, lenovo, acer, samsung or toshiba laptop can be different and even "individual" - very rare.

The first thing you need to do in such a situation is to find out if they are software (in windows 10 itself) or hardware (in the laptop itself).

This can be done in several ways. The most reliable way to enter the BIOS and see if the keyboard works in it.

BIOS has nothing to do with Windows 10, it works directly with the motherboard.

Therefore, if the keyboard works in it, then 100 percent of the matter is in windows 10 itself and you need to look for reasons directly in the software.

If the keyboard does not work in the BIOS, then you need to disassemble the laptop and look for reasons in it. Most often this is due to the train, although not always.

Reasons why the keyboard does not work on a laptop with windows 10

The most common causes are software failure, cable contacts and spilled liquid.

An error in the driver or conflicts with other software can lead to a failure. In such cases, try starting windows 10 in safe mode with a minimum of services and no drivers.

If there are no problems in safe mode, then what to do is clear without explanation. Either you installed something, something that caused a conflict, or you need to reinstall the driver

NOTE: Viruses can affect the functionality of the keyboard. Also, you always have the option to use USB or

Problems in a laptop with keyboard cable contacts

Loop contacts sometimes oxidize or wring out. This results in a hardware failure.

Repair is not possible without disassembly. If you are a little versed in electronic devices, you can try your hand at it yourself.

Just before that, check out the video instructions on YouTube - finding them will not be difficult.

I will only say that if there is damage on the cable connector, then it will either need to be replaced or the contacts cleaned.

Fluid and microcontroller

The cause may be a spilled liquid (coffee / tea / beer). This leads to oxidation of the contacts.

In such cases, without wasting a minute, turn off the laptop, remove the battery and dry everything thoroughly with a hairdryer.

This will slow down the oxidation of boards, chips and contacts. If, for this reason, the microcontroller is covered, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid a service center.

The keyboard is the main instrument for entering information, without which work on a computer is impossible. Most often, in order for this device to work flawlessly, it is enough just to connect it to a computer, and it will install all the necessary drivers automatically. This happens in most cases, but not always. There are situations when, when the keyboard is connected to the USB or PS / 2 connector, it is not detected on the computer and does not show any signs of operation - the indicators do not light up, and the buttons do not work. Within the framework of this article, we offer instructions on what to do if the keyboard on the computer does not work.

We recommend reading:

Connecting the keyboard to the computer is as simple as possible - just insert its wire into the appropriate connector on the motherboard, and after that the device will start working. There are wireless keyboards, the radio receiver from which is inserted into the USB connector, after which the device works if the distance between the transmitter and the device is observed.

Due to the simplicity of the process of connecting a computer, we can conclude that there are only 2 reasons why the keyboard does not work on a computer:

  • Mechanical. There may be problems directly with the keyboard or the wire with which it connects to the motherboard. Also, the cause of the malfunction may be a broken connector on the motherboard.
  • Software. Keyboard drivers are installed automatically, but the installation process of any software can fail, and this situation is no exception. In addition, problems can be observed not at the operating system level, but in the BIOS, where the corresponding settings for the keyboard are disabled.

Depending on which connector the keyboard is connected to the computer, we offer different options for solving problems that arise.

What to do if the keyboard does not work on a computer via USB

The most common interface for connecting a keyboard to a computer is USB. The speed of information transfer from a peripheral device to a computer is enough, both through the USB 2.0 protocol and through USB 3.0, so there is no difference in which connector to connect the keyboard to.

If the USB keyboard does not work when you turn on the computer, you need to do the following:

It is worth noting that users whose keyboard is connected to the motherboard via USB may have problems getting into the BIOS on the boot screen of the computer if they are using an old version of the underlying software. In this case, you need to find a keyboard with a PS / 2 connector or use the appropriate adapter.

What to do if the keyboard does not work on a computer using the PS / 2 protocol

Keyboard manufacturers are trying to move away from the PS / 2 connector, abandoning it in favor of USB. It is very difficult to find a PS / 2 keyboard for sale, but if you come across such peripherals and it does not work when loading Windows, the problem is most likely related to the drivers. To make the keyboard work, you need to do the following:

It is worth noting that a similar problem with keyboards connected via the PS / 2 protocol most often occurs due to an error when installing the i8042prt.sys or kbdclass.sys driver.

Hello! Many users after switching to Windows 10 experienced such a nuisance as a non-working keyboard.
Today we will try to fix this problem.

The keyboard, like any peripheral, may not work at one of two levels:

  1. On the system (software);
  2. On hardware.

How to enable the on-screen keyboard

But despite these two points, we first of all need to find a temporary replacement for a broken keyboard, because you may need to search for the necessary drivers on the network, and without a keyboard you cannot do this.

Of course, the first option that comes to mind is to connect another keyboard. What if that didn't help?

Windows 10 provides such a thing as an on-screen keyboard. It is designed for touch screens, but you can also use it with a mouse.


If you find that the keyboard is intact, the connectors in the computer are not broken, and the plug in the laptop is in order, then most likely it's all about the drivers.

The fact is that when you were sitting on your old OS (Windows XP/Vista/7/8), you most likely used outdated drivers. And when you switched to the top ten, the old drivers did not fit, and the system could not find new ones on its own.

The solution is simple: reinstall the drivers manually. To do this, first of all we go to the Device Manager, which is located in the control panel. Here we find our keyboard, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Delete".

After deleting, we restart the computer / laptop, and the system itself will determine the new drivers.

If the automatic search did not help, then we go to the official website of the manufacturer of your keyboard, go to the Support tab and look for your device (the drivers may be elsewhere on the site; use the search).

Download the driver, install, reboot the system and enjoy! If this does not help you, then most likely the matter is in the BIOS menu.

BIOS setup

To start the BIOS when the computer boots, you must press the appropriate key. Different inscriptions appear on computers at startup. It is there that you can find out which button launches the menu.

After starting in the BIOS, you need to find a tab that will display the input device settings. If they are disabled, then you just need to switch them to Enabled mode.

Unfortunately, there are no universal instructions for this, and therefore the switch can be in any BIOS tab. It all depends on the type of motherboard and BIOS version.


Yes, sometimes it happens. Viruses can completely block input devices. Then not only the keyboard, but also the mouse no longer works. If the latter works, then you're in luck.

Entering safe mode will be easier. To do this, using the on-screen keyboard, call the command "Run ..." (Win + R). Now, in the box that appears, type msconfig and click OK.

In the window that appears, go to the Boot tab and check the "Safe Mode", Minimal checkbox there.

After that, confirm the actions and reboot the system. But what if the mouse also does not work? To do this, during system startup (Windows logo), you must hold the F8 key.

Yes, it sounds funny: how to do it if the keyboard doesn't work? But the fact is that viruses can only work when the system is already running. If the system is just starting up, then the virus is not yet enabled and you can start the safe mode with the keyboard.

After entering safe mode, start the antivirus and enable full scan.

If these steps did not help you, then it remains only to contact the service center. Good luck to everyone and see you soon!

PC owners often face a problem when one of the most important elements of the computer that provides feedback to the user, namely the keyboard, does not work. This article outlines a solution to such a problem.

Where to start solving the problem?

The keyboard and all other peripheral equipment does not work for two main reasons:

  1. For some reason, in the Windows 10 operating system, i.e. software problem;
  2. For reasons of computer or laptop problems, i.e. in this case, the user is facing a hardware problem.

There are many methods to identify the true causes of keyboard malfunctions. For example, one of the most accurate diagnostic methods is to analyze the operation of the keyboard in BIOS, because. The BIOS is completely removed from Windows 10 and functions in the computer directly with the motherboard.

After checking how the input tool in the BIOS works, it is already possible to draw an unambiguous conclusion. For example, if the keys work perfectly in the BIOS, then the circle of searches for reasons immediately narrows by half and the problem is guaranteed to be in windows 10, i.e. the next step is to perform a root cause analysis in the software.

And the opposite situation, with the complete absence of signs of the "clave" in the BIOS, leads to the conclusion that it is necessary to disassemble the PC to identify specific hardware problems.

Connecting the keyboard on the screen

A temporary alternative to a non-working keyboard is successfully served by its on-screen counterpart. After all, the user will need to find drivers on the Internet, which will be extremely difficult to do without using the text input tool. Before starting the execution of this paragraph of the instruction, of course, you can try to connect a keyboard to the computer from another PC that works fine, but often this method does not lead to success (however, if there is such an opportunity, then it’s worth a try, because sometimes the peripheral itself breaks down) .

The algorithm for launching the on-screen keyboard in Windows 10 consists of the following steps:

Analysis of the causes of computer or laptop problems, i.e. hardware problems

In the case of a desktop computer, it is necessary to check the connecting elements of the keyboard (plug and connectors).

Keyboard with USB plug

If there is a keyboard with a USB plug, problems are detected in the PC connector. It is recommended to reconnect it to another PC port, and you should also check how the port works by inserting a USB flash drive into it. In the case when Windows 10 perfectly detects removable storage media, then the reason is in the keyboard itself.

Keyboard with PS/2 plug

These connectors have broken contacts. It is necessary to remove the plug and make sure they are intact. If this is not the case, then you will need a complete replacement of the “clave” or solder a working plug.

What if there is a problem with the laptop?

In laptops, the “clave” cable is damaged from long-term operation and this connecting element needs to be replaced. Which in turn will require the disassembly of the laptop. In this case, it is not possible to provide instructions suitable for all mobile PCs, therefore it is recommended to look for a specific manual for a specific laptop model on the global network. You just need to enter the following phrase in any search engine: "Disassembly and repair (model name) of a laptop."

Before you start disassembling the laptop, you need to remove the battery and flash card. If defects are found in the cable, be sure to change it. Fortunately, at present there are no problems with the availability of such spare parts in online stores.

If there are no defects on the cable, it is recommended to clean its contacts with alcohol and check the functioning of the keyboard again.

Analysis of the causes of problems in the Windows 10 operating system, i.e. software problems

If the analysis of the previous section did not reveal any hardware defects, then the cause is probably in the drivers.

If automatic search does not work, it is recommended to visit the official resource of the manufacturer of the computer that released the keyboard and enter the "Support" tab, where you need to find your equipment. After installing the software, restart the PC again. Ready! The keyboard should now work fine. But in the absence of success, and after these actions, you will have to visit the BIOS.

Debugging in BIOS

To enter the BIOS, you will need to click a certain button several times. This key is different for different PC models. You can find it out either by reading the manufacturer's manual that came with your computer or by carefully reading the inscriptions when loading the PC. Next, in the BIOS, enter the tab with the settings of the components for input. In the case when they are disabled, you need to set them to the "Enabled" mode.

The reasons why the keyboard does not work on a windows 10 hp, asus, sony, lenovo, acer, samsung or toshiba laptop can be different and even “individual” - very rare.

The first thing you need to do in such a situation is to find out whether they are software (in windows 10 itself) or hardware (in the laptop itself).

This can be done in several ways. The most reliable way to enter the BIOS and see if the keyboard works in it.

BIOS has nothing to do with Windows 10, it works directly with the motherboard.

Therefore, if the keyboard works in it, then 100 percent of the matter is in windows 10 itself and you need to look for reasons directly in the software.

If the keyboard does not work in the BIOS, then you need to disassemble the laptop and look for reasons in it. Most often this is due to the train, although not always.

Reasons why the keyboard does not work on a laptop with windows 10

The most common causes are software failure, cable contacts and spilled liquid.

An error in the driver or conflicts with other software can lead to a failure. In such cases, try starting windows 10 in safe mode with a minimum of services and no drivers.

If there are no problems in safe mode, then what to do is clear without explanation. Either you installed something, something that caused a conflict, or you need to reinstall the driver

NOTE: Viruses can affect the functionality of the keyboard. Also, you always have the option to use USB or

Problems in a laptop with keyboard cable contacts

Loop contacts sometimes oxidize or wring out. This results in a hardware failure.

Repair is not possible without disassembly. If you are a little versed in electronic devices, you can try your hand on your own, just before that, check out the video instructions on YouTube.

I will only say that if there is damage on the cable connector, then it will either need to be replaced or the contacts cleaned.

Fluid and microcontroller

The cause may be a spilled liquid (coffee / tea / beer). This leads to oxidation of the contacts.

In such cases, without wasting a minute, turn off the laptop, remove the battery and dry everything thoroughly with a hairdryer.

This will slow down the oxidation of boards, chips and contacts. If, for this reason, the microcontroller is covered, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid a service center.

This can be said to be jewelry work - be careful, and if you have any questions, write in the comments. Let's decide together. Good luck.

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