The best wireless noise canceling headphones. Found headphones with the best noise cancellation. How It Was Active Noise Canceling Headphones Review

First, let's get rid of a popular misconception among headphone lovers: no, not all in-ear headphones are noise-canceling just because they are inserted into the ear canal and have sound-blocking inserts. This is actually sound isolation, which is essentially passive noise suppression. True noise-canceling headphones have a special active device that cancels out incoming noise, not just blocks it out. The effect is deeper and more complex than from conventional headphones.

Most manufacturers do not take on noise-canceling headphones due to technological complexity. With small headphones, it's difficult to do this process, and if it works, the result is far from brilliant. In addition, active noise canceling adds weight and awkward volume to the headphones, breaking the concept of lightweight headphones that you can always carry with you. Only a handful of companies manage to produce a product like this, so putting together a selection of the top 5 noise-canceling in-ear headphones was not difficult.

Headphones AKG K 391 NC - a powerful player

Pros: convenient remote control and microphone
Minuses: weak bass
Most manufacturers concentrate on noise suppression, sacrificing sound quality. AKG goes the other way, making great headphones that also reduce outside noise. At least in a certain world. The headphones themselves are much lighter than their counterparts, but despite their modest size, the transmission quality of even complex audio tracks leaves audiophiles satisfied. The model is equipped with a remote control on the wire and a microphone, which is rare and therefore pleasant, the headphones become comfortable not only for passive listening to music. The fact that the headphones are suitable for a large number of phones and other devices is also pleasant. The small, sleek, noise-canceling device is USB-charged, but since the quality of the noise-canceling is mediocre, more features could be added.

Price: from 4,390 rubles.

Headphones Audio-Technica ATH-ANC23 - the main thing - the price

Pros: rich, full sound development
Minuses: uncomfortable convex shape of the headphones
The generally expensive Audio-Technica (especially their large models) decided to release an inexpensive ANC23 model, and what else. Surprisingly low price and a more than tolerable level of noise reduction, which, moreover, provides a reduction in both constant noise and harsh sounds. When working, the headphones increase the sound without actually making it louder. The sound comes out brighter, overcoming the background hiss produced by the noise canceling system, and drowns out the chatty neighbor, car engine and noisy children. The downside is the need to use an AAA battery and the impossibility of recharging, as well as a massive device the size of a lighter, on a wire that will easily pull the headphones out of your ears if it is not hooked.

Price: from 4,690 rubles.

The Bose QuietComfort 20/20i headphones are the holy grail

Pros: play music even if the noise canceling device battery is dead
Minuses: there are cheaper headphones with better sound
We don’t want to single out favorites, everyone has their own opinion, but if you are looking for the best small headphones that cancel any noise as well as their large counterparts, the QuietComfort 20 and 20i are the best fit. However, the price for silence is prickly. First of all, it should be noted that the difference between 20 and 20i is in compatible devices. 20i is for Apple devices and 20 for everyone else. Powered by a rechargeable lithium battery that lasts over 16 hours, and the level of noise cancellation is unmatched in the headphone market. The earbuds are suitable for long flights and do not cause any pain during landing. The sound effects characteristic of Bose are present here, but you will not be thrown out of your chair.

Price: from 14,800 rubles.

Sony MDR-NC13 headphones are overrated

Pros: surprisingly rich bass for in-ear headphones
Minuses: suppress only constant noise
First of all, it is worth saying that the price for them may vary in different stores, so you should look for the best price before buying. NC13 is an unusual product that not everyone likes. Attached to the earbuds themselves are a pair of tiny microphones that pick up external noise to eliminate it more effectively. In addition, there is a 13.5mm driver behind the headphones that also does noise cancellation, but it looks strange and can turn off both you and anyone who casts a glance at your head. Noise cancellation is quite good, although it could be better, but when the noise canceler is on, it does not affect the quality of the music at all, which distinguishes these headphones from their counterparts, the sound of which changes when the noise canceler is turned on.

Price: 4 750 rubles.

PHIATON 220 NC headphones - a wireless miracle

Pros: syncs with two bluetooth devices
Minuses: inconvenient control
These earphones are not only compatible with Bluetooth, but also equipped with an excellent working NFC system, and synchronization with the device occurs on the click of an instant, and there is no need to shaman with a Bluetooth connection. The 14.3mm drivers support a range of 10Hz to 27kHz, delivering clear sound without metallic highs or hazy lows. The exterior is streamlined, stylish and modern, but there are a few questions lurking behind the aesthetics. The technical component, of course, is good, but due to it, the headphones weigh more, and you still need Bluetooth and ANC devices. This negates all the charm of wireless headphones - you don’t need wires, but you need a large device that you have to attach to your clothes. Noise cancellation is good, but not perfect, and there is a hiss through the music when the noise canceling is turned on. In general, the impression is better than from individual aspects.

Today, almost half of the assortment in the audio department of any store is equipped with an active noise reduction system. Some say that this is the best invention since the appearance of headsets, while others are sure that this is just another ploy to pump out money.

Let's figure out together whether you need to pay attention to such a feature when choosing headphones.

What is it and how does it work

Active noise cancellation is a way to eliminate unwanted noise by overlaying specially generated audio.

Active noise cancellation works as follows. The system captures the noise to be suppressed through an external microphone and emits a sound wave with the same amplitude but a mirror image of the phase of the original sound. The noise wave and the generated sound mix and cancel each other out.

This way of dealing with noise when listening to music allows you to abandon the complete noise isolation or excessive volume increase. It is these two methods that were previously actively used to suppress unnecessary sounds.

The first patents in this area began to appear as early as the 30s of the twentieth century, but the real application came only half a century later. Active noise canceling technology was originally used in the aviation and defense industries. It only hit the consumer market a few years ago.

Is it effective

Many mistakenly consider the active noise cancellation system a marketing ploy. Yes, the system will not protect against all noise, but it performs its direct function properly.

It is generally accepted that a person is able to perceive sounds in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Most modern "noise cancelers" do a good job with noise from 100 Hz to 1 kHz. This is quite enough to save the listener from other people's conversations, traffic noise and wind.

We perceive fluctuations in the range below 100 Hz not only with the ear, but also with the body, here no noise reduction in the headphones will help. As for the upper range, the system is able to turn a high-frequency squeak or whistle into a calm hiss.

Good noise-canceling headphones can make you feel like you're in a quiet room, even on a noisy street.

Useful features of active noise reduction

Manufacturers thought, since the headphones are equipped with an external microphone, why not provide for the possibility of using it for its intended purpose.

Some models allow you to temporarily turn off noise reduction and broadcast sound “outside” to the headphones. So you can communicate with an interlocutor, move safely or simply perceive information from the outside world without removing your headphones.

Another advantage of models with active noise reduction is the presence of a built-in amplifier. It is with its help that “anti-noise” is generated for the operation of the system, but besides this, the amplifier is able to produce better sound.

Is everything so smooth

The system of active noise reduction has its drawbacks. The main one is that these headphones are not suitable for everyone. Do not worry, the percentage of those for whom the technology is contraindicated is quite low. About 3% of users with prolonged use of active "noise canceling" begin to complain of headaches.

Their cause is the intolerance syndrome of the active noise suppression system. It is similar to seasickness, when our brain thinks that the body is at rest, and the vestibular apparatus sends the opposite signals.

So when suppressing noise, it seems to the brain that we are in a quiet place, and the senses send signals unusual for this.

Another negative factor is the increased pressure on the eardrums, because in addition to music and noise, “anti-noise” enters our ear. This can cause disruptions in the nervous system and lead to headaches.

What are the alternatives

At the moment, active noise cancellation is the most technologically advanced solution. This feature cuts off up to 95% of extraneous sounds when listening to music. This uses a whole chain of additional elements and this affects the cost of headphones and headsets with active noise cancellation.

In contrast to this technology, you can put passive noise reduction. It is achieved by sealing the human ear from external noise through massive ear cushions in on-ear models or flexible and shaped ear cushions in vacuum models.

Ceteris paribus, such headphones are cheaper and simpler in the device, which means they are more reliable in operation.

What to choose in the end

First you need to go to the nearest electronics store with exhibition samples and visually verify the operation of the active noise reduction system. A simple comparison of headphones with and without such a system will immediately give the result.

In order not to fall into the so-called "risk zone", it is better to ask a friend or acquaintance for a test model.

This is how another technology, previously in service with the military, tightly penetrates our lives.

Rating of the top 3 best noise canceling earplugs

Noise Cancellation vs Noise Isolation – Is Noise Cancellation Better?

There are misconceptions about noise cancellation and noise isolation. Below we will try to explain the difference.

Noise suppression

Noise cancellation is an active system that uses a microphone and external power. The microphone captures ambient noise, and the control chip creates a sound with similar characteristics, but opposite in wave phase, and sends this sound to the headphones. The same sound with opposite phases extinguishes itself, and you just have to listen to music and enjoy the silence.

Such a system performs well at suppressing low-frequency noise, such as the constant hum of an engine.

When Active Noise Canceling works, you seem to be transported to a quieter place, but this technology does not remove all ambient noise.

The echoes of the human voice, loud music and any other noises with unstable frequencies cannot be isolated, so you will hear them constantly. As a rule, a combination of active noise cancellation and passive noise isolation provides the best result.

Noise isolation

Passive noise isolation does not need complex systems - it drowns out noise by isolating it. For example, the tight-fitting ear cushions of full-size headphones play a significant role in blocking out all external noise. In-ear headphones seal the ear canal with their shape, so sound waves are transmitted through an air column isolated from the environment.

Well-isolated headphones can block up to 37 dB of noise, which provides complete blocking of a quiet human voice.

Passive noise isolation blocks out all outside sounds, from stomping neighbors to screaming children. This makes them useful when you crave privacy.

On the other hand, complete sound isolation can be dangerous in public places, because during a walk on the street it can be important to know what is happening around you.

What can you expect from noise canceling headphones?

Noise-canceling headphones will eliminate most background noise without canceling out high-frequency sounds such as human voices and traffic.

As soon as you press the button to activate the noise reduction, some of the background sounds will simply disappear, creating the illusion of a quieter environment.

So noise-canceling headphones are ideal for travel when you want to get rid of the rumble of the engine, while still allowing you to hear sounds that warn you of important things. For example, about a flight delay at the airport or about the approach of a car on the street.

What does 95% noise reduction mean?

Typically, the effectiveness of noise cancellation is measured in certain, low-frequency, low-noise environments, as it is under these conditions that active noise cancellation technology achieves its best performance.

This does not mean that active noise cancellation with 95% efficiency will remove 95% of background noise. They will only suppress frequencies at various levels. As such, ANC ratings should be treated with some skepticism, as they do not demonstrate the true effectiveness of the technology.

Review of the top 7 best in-ear headphones with noise canceling technology

Best Bose QuietComfort 20 Earplugs

The Bose QuietComfort 20 is undeniably the best active noise canceling earbuds available today.

Not everyone likes Bose products, but it is worth recognizing that they have achieved impressive results in the field of sound suppression and are today the leaders in this direction in the audio equipment market.

Noise suppression

If you want to magically eliminate background noise and immerse yourself in the world of music, but still hear high-frequency sounds, you will not find anything better than the Bose QuietComfort 20.

The noise canceling in earplugs seems to work even better for high-frequency noise as compared to competing headphones (with this technology). They are so good that they will save you both the hum of aircraft turbines and some of the noise of automobile traffic, and muffle the shrill human voices and the loud chirping of birds.

They may not completely get rid of these sounds, but they do it better than all the other models on this list.

In addition, the QC 20 has a special mode called "Attention", which reduces the amount of noise reduction for those times when you need to hear other people around you.

The battery, which is needed for noise reduction, is unfortunately non-removable, but it lasts for 16 hours, after which it can be charged using USB. The lithium-ion battery can withstand up to 500 charge cycles, after which its capacity begins to decrease. Thus, if you use the noise reduction mode for about 10 hours on average, then you will have enough trouble-free battery life for a year and a half.

Design reliability

The construction quality is good, despite the plastic "plugs". Silicone ear pads are pleasant to the touch and fit snugly. The cables are protected by a sufficient layer of rubber and are hardly the weak link in this design.


With its lightweight design and quality silicone ear cushions, the Bose QuietComfort 20 is extremely comfortable.

Included with the headphones, you are provided with three different sizes of ear cushions, which will allow you to comfortably place “plugs” in the ears of almost any person. And while the ear cups are comfortable, they feel a bit short, which reduces their passive noise isolation and fit stability. However, as soon as you find the best level of fit, noise isolation will hardly disappoint you.


The microphone is located on the cable and works as expected, allowing you to easily answer calls without interrupting the noise canceling mode.

No less ergonomically located control compositions and mode of operation of noise reduction. Please note that Attention mode is guaranteed to work only with the required OS type - iOS or Android.


As for headphones with active noise cancellation - the sound is not bad, but it cannot be compared with conventional audiophile models.

Sound seems to be better when noise canceling is on than when it's off. In the latter case, the mids are less pronounced, so it makes sense to activate active noise cancellation as often as possible.

In general, the sound can be described as typical Bose - with an accentuated bass and slightly shaded treble. However, the sound turned out to be more balanced than in previous models, where the mids were even worse.

Bottom line, if you value noise cancellation over sound quality (typical of people on the move), the Bose QuietComfort 20 will appeal to you. After all, if you're looking for the very best in noise canceling technology packed into a small and comfortable pair of headphones

Bose QuietComfort 20 is waiting for you.


  • Best noise cancellation in its class
  • sufficient comfort with a stable fit;
  • strong assembly;
  • ideal "plugs" for travelers;
  • sound quality that rivals the best active noise-cancelling headphones.


  • price;
  • sound quality deteriorates when noise canceling is turned off.

AKG K391 NC Active Noise Canceling In-Ear Headphones

Noise suppression

Compared to the Bose model above, the AKG K391 still has some room for improvement, but overall it delivers a decent level of noise cancellation.

They perform well on board airliners and in the seats of public transport, successfully drowning out low hums, white noises and other background noise, while he is not able to cope with the voice.

The battery is even more durable than on the Bose, and lasts about 40 hours on a single charge.

Design reliability

The construction is made of aluminum and the build quality is top notch. Aluminum ear cups, thick rubberized wires securely attached to the battery and noise canceling devices - you will have to work hard to find flaws in the design.


The AKG K391 NC has a more over-ear design, while the Bose QuietComfort 20 is more on-ear. Therefore, they stay in your ears exactly until the moment you begin to actively move, which makes them not the best choice for sports training. The ear pads can be replaced with foam rubber ones to improve comfort, although the original silicone ones are very good.


The microphone works great when taking calls, and you can easily connect to any iOS and Android devices. Don't expect studio quality from it, but it's fine for talking to a friend.


Any audiophile will surely agree that the AKG K391 NC sounds better than the Bose SoundQuiet 20 as the sound is more balanced.

Whereas the Bose have more pronounced bass and treble, the AKG has a more balanced sound profile. It also cannot be compared to typical audiophile devices, although the sound quality is already closer to them than that of Bose.

With the noise reduction mode turned off, the sound sharply loses detail, but as soon as it is turned on, the sound picture changes dramatically for the better: the highs become clear and pronounced, acquire a warm tint, the middle is not darkened, and the basses become elastic and clear.

Bottom line, if you don't want to spend a ton of money on the Bose QuietComfort 20 but want similar noise canceling performance with high build quality and an improved sound profile, go for the AKG K391.


  • noise cancellation is better than average;
  • high build quality;
  • balanced sound.


  • a little bulky due to the battery;
  • The sound is still not up to standard headphones.

The best wireless headset with microphone and active noise cancellation Phiaton BT 220 NC

Noise suppression

According to the developers, the noise reduction efficiency is 95%. Despite the nice figure, the Bose QuietComfort 20 still beats the Phiaton, especially when suppressing high-frequency sounds.

Active Noise Canceling Bluetooth Headphones - Battery lasts up to 16 hours, depending on usage. Bluetooth 4.0 works as well as older versions, and can receive a signal within a radius of 10 meters. Wireless headphones have built-in AptX technology for best quality, just make sure your device supports it (iPhone does not).

The Phiaton BT 220 NC can be used in a variety of ways - both with Bluetooth and active noise cancellation, and as regular wired headphones using a micro USB cable.

Design reliability

There is nothing special in the design. They don't look flimsy, but they don't hold up well to moisture and are mostly made of plastic, which makes them very light though.


Due to their light weight, they are very comfortable. As soon as you choose the right size of ear pads, you will forget that you are wearing them.


Wired connectivity, Bluetooth 4.0 and AptX technology, a microphone (working in Bluetooth mode only), and multipoint connectivity that allows you to connect up to two devices at the same time.


The sound is excellent, perhaps even better than the Bose QuietComfort 20, but only if you gravitate towards balanced sound. The highs are very "crispy" and detailed, the mids are not darkened, and the basses are elastic, but clearly not accentuated.

In the end, if you're looking for comfortable, lightweight, affordable wireless headphones with good sound, check out the Phiaton BT 220 NC.


  • 95% noise reduction;
  • convenience due to lightness;
  • 16-hour battery life;
  • Bluetooth 4.0 with AptX;
  • possibility of wired connection;
  • balanced clean sound.


  • strong wind spoils the sound when the noise canceling mode is turned on.

Sony MDRNC13 - Sony's latest in-ear headphones with active noise cancellation

Noise suppression

This technology is less effective here compared to products from Bose or Phiation, but it works well. They perform well when you need a noise canceling mode, but you still want to hear the surrounding sounds. As Sony claims, they have 87% noise reduction.

But what surprised the Sony MDRNC13 was the battery capacity, which is enough for 100 hours! It uses standard AAA batteries. No noise canceling earbuds can last that long on a single charge.

Design reliability

The design of the product is made of high quality plastic. The Sony MDRNC13 shouldn't be taken to the gym or expected to last for years, but they won't fall apart if used daily.


The headphones are quite large, but since they are made of plastic, they do not weigh very much and provide a comfortable fit even on long flights.


The Sony MDRNC13 does not come with a microphone for phone calls, but can work with any tablet or smartphone.


The sound quality has a typical picture for Sony - weakly present bass and clear highs. In general, the sound is not bad, but does not stand up to comparison with more advanced counterparts.

Bottom line, if you want quality earbuds from Sony with impressive battery capacity, the Sony MDRNC13 is a great choice.


  • effective 87% noise reduction;
  • Sony branded quality;
  • light and comfortable;
  • impressive battery capacity;
  • good balanced sound.


  • Bose and Phiaton have better noise cancellation

Audio-Technica ATH-ANC23 - the most popular noise canceling earbuds

In our opinion, this model offers the best value solution among all active noise canceling headphones at the moment.

For less than $100, you get sturdy in-ear headphones with high-quality sound that's better than many $200 models in this segment.

Noise suppression

According to Audio-Technica, these headphones cancel out up to 90% of noise, which is true, so they can be compared to Bose QuietComfort 20 and Phiaton earbuds in terms of noise cancellation.

The battery life on a single charge is 60 hours thanks to the capacious AAA batteries.

Design reliability

Products under the Audio-Technica brand can hardly be of poor quality, even despite the plastic. In any case, you should not be afraid that the headphones will break after a few weeks.


The ATH-ANC23 are lightweight yet have a bulky design. But that doesn't make them uncomfortable. On the contrary, as soon as you choose the right size of ear pads, they will seem more convenient to you than many vacuum plugs.


The headphones do not have a separate microphone, as the microphones are already built into the ear cups.


That's what Audio-Technica is good at, especially considering the cost. These are definitely the best in-ear headphones with active noise cancellation in terms of sound quality. It is felt that the sound profile is concentrated around the middle. The tops are usually clean, but can get rough at times. Lows have clear and percussive bass.

Thus, if you want the best earplugs with active noise cancellation technology, then the Audio-Technica ATH-ANC23 is definitely your choice.


  • excellent 95% noise reduction;
  • good build;
  • affordable;
  • high quality sound;
  • 60-hour work on one battery.


  • For the money it's hard to find something better.

Active Noise Canceling Headphones for Sony Xperia MDR NC31EM

Before reading the review, please note that the Sony MDR NC31E is only compatible with noise canceling-enabled Sony gadgets - these are Xperia series smartphones and tablets (Z2, Z3, Z4, etc.)

Noise suppression

According to the manufacturer, this value reaches an impressive 98%, however, in our opinion, the Bose QuietComfort 20 has better noise reduction. On the other hand, the NC31E has various noise canceling modes: air travel, public transport, and office. In addition, there is no need to worry about the battery, since there is no battery in the headphones, and active noise cancellation is powered by the connected device.

Design reliability

The Active Noise Canceling Headphones for the Sony Xperia are made of plastic with rubberized wires that are prone to tangling as the cable on the left side is shorter than the right. The build quality is consistent with the Sony brand, but can not boast of anything special.


Swapping out the bundled ear pads for Comply foam pads will allow you to reach a new level of comfort, as the standard ear pads are nothing compared to most models of this type.


The noise canceling mode works because the microphones are built into the headphones, and the connected Xperia series device is responsible for generating the waves.


The sound quality is very good. The sound profile is balanced and there is clearly no heavy bass. In general, exactly the sound that you would expect from regular headphones for $50.

Bottom line, if you're looking for affordable noise canceling headphones for your Sony Xperia, the MDR NC31E will come in handy.


  • noise reduction with a level above average;
  • there is no bulky "box" with a battery and noise reduction device;
  • available;
  • unique design;
  • good sound.


  • only works fully with Sony Xperia series devices.

TaoTronics TT-BH06 Best Budget Wireless Noise Canceling Headphones

Noise suppression

After evaluating previous samples of active noise canceling headphones, we believe that the TT-BH06 has the worst performance. Yes, noise cancellation works, but it's much worse than the more expensive counterparts, which, in principle, is quite expected for $20 headphones.

The built-in battery allows you to enjoy the available noise reduction mode for 5 hours.

Design reliability

Of course, the fortress of these headphones is not the highest. The manufacturer claims that the device is waterproof, but you should definitely not hope for a long service life. On the other hand, the TaoTronics support department is ready to replace any product that suddenly stops working for unknown reasons.


Finding the right fit takes some getting used to, as the headphones have a built-in battery that makes them heavier. In general, they can be worn for about an hour before you get tired of them. If you are lucky with the shape of your ear canal, then you will surely find these headphones comfortable, and if not, then get ready for the constant loss of "plugs" during any active activities.


Bluetooth 4.1 allows you to connect to any wireless device, and the communication range is up to 10 meters. In addition, TaoTronics can use AptX audio enhancement technology. A built-in microphone is also available, which is convenient for phone calls.


The sound quality, oddly enough, surprises. Of course, he is far from his dear colleagues, but a fairly balanced sound with a minimum of bass is quite suitable for those who want to enjoy music on a long journey.

So, for $20 you won't find a better wireless headset than the TaoTronics TT-BH06.


  • very low price tag;
  • definitely worth the money;
  • heaped enough;
  • responsive support.


  • noise reduction technology is worse than all the above models;
  • nothing special stands out.

  • 1. Rating of in-ear headphones
  • 2. QCY QY7 Black-Green
  • 3. Xiaomi Mi ANC Type-C In-Ear Earphones
  • 4 Plantronics BackBeat GO
  • 5. Audio-Technica ATH-ANC40BT
  • 6 Sennheiser CXC 700
  • 7. Rating of full-size headphones
  • 8. Audio-Technica ATH-ANC50IS
  • 9. JBL E65BT
  • 10 Plantronics BackBeat Pro 2 SE
  • 11. Sony WH-1000XM2
  • 12 Bowers & Wilkins (B&W) PX

No music lover can imagine their life without good headphones. And if you often listen to music on the street or in public transport, then such a criterion for headphones as active noise cancellation becomes one of the most important. Noise canceling headphones are in the spotlight today.

in-ear rating

This will be the traditional top 10 best noise-canceling headphones, which includes both full-size headphones and miniature in-ear headphones.

QCY QY7 Black-Green

Price: 1274 rubles.

QCY QY7 Black-Green are good budget headphones with a nice design. The accessory belongs to the category of wireless and works via Bluetooth. At the same time, the headphones can boast a good degree of autonomy - a full charge is enough for 6.5 hours of listening to music. The sound is reproduced in the range of 20-20000 Hz. Of course, the sound of QCY QY7 Black-Green is far from top-end, but for its price category it is very worthy. But this model, alas, does not differ in outstanding noise-canceling properties.

Xiaomi Mi ANC Type-C In-Ear Earphones

Price: 2890 rubles.

Unlike the model above, Xiaomi Mi ANC has a wider frequency range of 20 - 40000 Hz, as well as a clearer and cleaner sound. They connect via a USB Type-C connector. Active noise cancellation dampens almost all low and medium frequencies, so you can enjoy music even on the subway. In general, good headphones for a reasonable price, which will delight you with a pleasant sound. But there were some drawbacks - not a single equalizer works with these headphones.

Plantronics BackBeat GO

Price: 4000 rubles.

The Plantronics BackBeat GO features a miniature design and light weight, making these headphones almost invisible on your ears. At the same time, the accessory produces excellent sound quality, as well as the level of noise reduction, even in comparison with more expensive models. However, the compactness and wireless type played a trick on the headphones - with active listening to music, a full charge lasts only 4 hours. If low autonomy does not bother you, then Plantronics BackBeat GO will give you many pleasant moments.

Audio Technica ATH-ANC40BT

Price: 9200 rubles.

In second place is another Audio-Technica ATH-ANC40BT wireless earbuds. The headset provides high quality sound and even produces quite tangible bass, especially if you play around with the equalizer. The active noise canceling system does a good job of dampening low and mid frequencies. Pleased with autonomy - the charge is enough for 8 hours of active listening to music. Another distinctive feature of this model is the ability to connect via cable, however, in this case, the noise suppression system will not work.

Sennheiser CXC 700

Price: 10490 rubles.

And finally, the Sennheiser CXC 700 in-ear headphones, best in class. Among their advantages are clear sound with high-quality lows and the most pronounced bass among similar accessories. The digital active noise canceling system also performs better than its closest competitors. Among other things, the Sennheiser CXC 700 is one of the most ergonomic and comfortable models. As a minus, not the most expressive high frequencies can be noted, however, against the background of the overall sound quality, this is not so critical.

Rating of over-ear headphones

Audio Technica ATH-ANC50IS

Price: 6990 rubles.

Inexpensive Audio-Technica ATH-ANC50IS wireless headphones provide sound at frequencies of 20 - 20,000 Hz. The gadget belongs to the wireless type and has a high degree of autonomy - up to 40 hours of operation. The model is distinguished by both good passive noise isolation and a decent active noise cancellation system. True, high noises are blocked much worse. But the main disadvantage of the Audio-Technica ATH-ANC50IS is not the most reliable design, it is quite easy to break these headphones.


Price: 7000 rubles.

JBL E65BT is a wireless model that will appeal to fans of large headphones that sit comfortably on the head and ears. As for the sound, the range of 20 - 20000 Hz is more conducive to high-quality bottoms, although the final result does not cause any particular complaints. Noise reduction on the level. Pleasantly pleased with the high degree of autonomy - with noise reduction turned on, a full charge of the device lasts for 15 hours of continuous operation. Fast charging available.

Plantronics BackBeat Pro 2 SE

Price: 14990 rubles.

Another headphone from Plantronics, but this time of a full-size type. BackBeat Pro 2 SE demonstrate good surround sound, which is facilitated by deep lows and pronounced highs. Noise canceling isn't perfect, but it's good and on par with other models in this price range. It is worth noting the good autonomy, the headphone charge is enough for 24 hours, and the auto-pause function also allows you to save it.

Sony WH-1000XM2

Price: 27999 rubles.

The Sony WH-1000XM2 has everything a quality headphone should have. This is excellent sound in the range of 4 - 40000 Hz with a special wire for listening to high-resolution audio. It is one of the best active smart noise canceling systems with individual settings, allowing you to enjoy great sound even at high altitudes. This is a minimalistic design with high autonomy. But the model costs accordingly.

Bowers & Wilkins (B&W) PX

Price: 29990 rubles.

Bowers & Wilkins (B&W) PX headphones have virtually no competition. The gadget provides best-in-class sound with an almost perfect balance of frequencies, which is complemented by an intelligent noise reduction system that adapts to various environmental conditions. With these headphones, nothing can distract you from listening to music either in the subway car or in the cabin. In addition, the device boasts an ergonomic design and good autonomy. The disadvantage is that their considerable cost can be noted. This is the end of the 2019 rating, which included only the best headphones with active noise reduction. We hope that it helped you resolve the difficult issue of choosing a headset, and the headphones themselves will please both with their sound and the ability to protect from the noise of the world outside the ear cushions.

Noise canceling headphones are one of those things that every music lover needs. Such a device will allow you to enjoy music anywhere and not hear what is happening around. That is why there are a large number of popular models of active noise canceling headphones on the market, and many of them receive good reviews due to their good price-performance ratio. But we have selected only the best devices and combined them into one rating. The result is Top 10, in which you will definitely find a model that you like.

#10 - Bluedio T4

Price: 4 379 rubles

The Bluedio T4 are excellent wireless on-ear headphones with a microphone that can last up to 16 hours on a single charge. They have a sensitivity of 116 dB, an impedance of 16 ohms and are equipped with a 3.5 mm audio jack.

This model is made of very high quality and good materials, solid construction increases reliability. Installed pleasant to the ear ear pads, comfortable control. The sound quality does not fail, as for such a price, Bluetooth catches at a solid distance.

Headphones are made of heavy cast metal. In terms of design, this is undoubtedly a plus, but the metal greatly increases the weight of the device.

#9 - Tronsmart Encore S6

Price: 4 641 rubles

These are wireless headphones that are capable of working around the clock on a single charge without recharging. Supports iPhone connection.

This device offers excellent features, as for such a price, because most of the devices that can compete with it are many times more expensive. The design of the headphones is made in a pleasant minimalist style, the battery lasts quite a long time. Foldable design makes it easy to put in your pocket. The sound is great and the noise canceling works well.

In terms of sound, the model cannot compete with most wired devices. The ear pads are far from universal, so not everyone will be comfortable wearing such headphones.

Tronsmart Encore S6

#8 - Bluedio T5

Price: 3 466 rubles

The Bluedio T5 are over-ear active noise canceling wireless headphones that connect via a USB Type-C connector. The device can work up to 25 hours, has a sensitivity of 116 dB and an impedance of 16 ohms.

This is a great gadget, the body of which is made of titanium and aluminum. On the overlays are comfortable ear cushions in which the ears are comfortable. The built-in battery lasts for a really long time. Pleased with the presence of a USB Type-C cable in the kit. The main plus is the noise isolation, which actually allows you to isolate yourself from external sounds. There is not much difference between the quality of playback through bluetooth and through a wire.

Noise cancellation works, of course, but the sound quality may decrease due to it. You can use the device as a headset for your phone only in quiet places, because the microphone does not pick up sound well on the street.

#7 - JBL Tune 600BTNC

Price: 3 990 rubles

The JBL Tune 600BTNC is a headphone with a microphone from the popular JBL brand that has a sensitivity of 100 dB and an impedance of 32 ohms. The device with a folding design weighs 173 grams, and the battery provides battery life up to 22 hours.

The device provides high-quality sound with excellent bass and good ergonomics. Headphones are durable, sit well on the head. There is a soft padding on the top for comfort. The control buttons are quite comfortable, noise reduction works fine, noticeable even when the music is not turned on. They work perfectly as a headset.

The design looks very flimsy, and not the most convenient wires are supplied in the kit.

JBL Tune 600BTNC

#6 - JBL Live 650BTNC

Price: 7 160 rubles

Another headphone from JBL has a sensitivity of 100 dB and an impedance of 32 ohms. These are full-size headphones that weigh 260 grams and can work up to 30 hours without recharging.

The device is very comfortable and pleasantly felt on the ears. The folding design is made very high quality, there are no noticeable backlashes that could lead to breakage in the future. Noise isolation is made at the highest level, even in the subway you can not hear extraneous sounds. When used as a headset, both incoming and outgoing sound is perfectly audible.

There is no charging indicator on the headphones themselves, only in a special application for a smartphone.

JBL Live 650BTNC

#5 - Sony WH-CH700N

Price: 8 800 rubles

Sony has released a model called Sony WH-CH700N, which is a full-size closed headphones that can work 35 hours, have a sensitivity of 97 dB, an impedance of 22 ohms, a weight of 240 grams, NFC support, as well as AptX, AptX HD and AAC codecs. The device can work with iPhone.

Sony spared no effort to create really high-quality headphones with excellent bottoms. They weigh a little and have a good comfortable design. Noise isolation is quite good, the buttons are conveniently located, which increases ease of operation. The device is assembled with high quality.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that the headphones are not very comfortable to wear around the neck.

No. 4 - Marshall Mid A.N.C.

Price: 12 344 rubles

This model is capable of working up to 20 hours without recharging, has a sensitivity of 99.3 dB, an impedance of 32 ohms, a weight of 208 grams and a foldable design. AptX codec is supported.

The device sits very comfortably on the head, does not create discomfort even with prolonged use. Excellent sound isolation is implemented, which allows you to save a lot of sounds that are lost due to external noise. The kit comes with a case, and the foldable design makes it easy to carry the device. The volume margin is excellent, and the controls are convenient.

Headphones are quite expensive, there are worthy competitors cheaper.

Marshall Mid A.N.C.

#3 - Sennheiser Momentum Over-Ear Wireless

Price: 16 839 rubles

This gadget is a full-size headphones weighing 258 grams that support the AptX codec and NFC. There is a voice dialing function.

This model provides a very smooth sound, which is almost in no way inferior to wired counterparts in quality. Noise cancellation is great, and it doesn't detract from the sound. The design allows the headphones to sit very comfortably on the head. The design is implemented very well, the thing looks really stylish. Management thought out to the smallest detail.

With a wired connection, noise isolation cannot be turned on. The ear pads are not suitable for people with large ears.

Sennheiser Momentum Over-Ear Wireless

#2 - Beats Studio 3 Wireless

Price: 15 150 rubles

The Beats Studio 3 Wireless are popular over-ear headphones with a 22-hour battery life. The device has a folding design and weighs only 260 grams. It is possible to connect the device to the iPhone.

Headphones provide clear high-quality sound without any distortions and errors. Bass is excellent for wireless headphones. The device comes with a pretty rich bundle. The design of the device is very stylish and looks good on the head. Noise isolation, of course, cannot drown out everything around, but it is enough to fully enjoy the music.

Unfortunately, there is not enough headroom. In addition, the ear cups are quite small for full-size headphones, but for most users they will fit well.

Beats Studio 3 Wireless

#1 - Sony WH-1000XM3

Price: 26 490 rubles

Sony WH-1000XM3 are premium headphones from a well-known company. They are full-size, closed, have a sensitivity of 104 dB and are able to work up to 38 hours. There is support for AptX, AptX HD and AAC codecs, as well as NFC technology.

Perhaps the best sound insulation among all the listed models is implemented here. Especially for headphones, there is a proprietary application with a lot of settings.

In terms of appearance, the device looks simply gorgeous, but it weighs very little, almost not felt on the head. Successfully implemented NFC technology, which facilitates pairing with a smartphone.

Due to the specifics of control in the cold, one of the headphones may spontaneously turn off. In addition, the sensor after the cold can respond to non-existent touches. The smartphone application is very demanding on resources, in particular, on battery power.

Here are ten of the best noise canceling headphones we have found on the market today. Our ranking includes both inexpensive and premium headphones, so anyone can find a good device that not only satisfies all needs, but also does not empty the pocket.

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