Why minecraft servers are not loading. Why is Minecraft not working? Server issues

Please help, the servers in the game "Minecraft" do not work, although all Ip are correctly written, tell me what to do? and got the best answer

Answer from
Reinstall the game by deleting the old one
Grandfather Ivan Shishkin
Well xs

Answer from Alexander Goncharov[active]
Probably the Minecraft client is clumsy, remove it completely, and install it either from the site, having bought a license, because download a pirate from our site, an excellent launcher, and everything works fine there. It's all about the client
For those who want to play quietly on a vanilla server (without mods), with good guys, to bring to life all their minecraft ideas and thoughts, without cheats and lags, without swearing and schoolchildren: minecraft-game.nl The site is progressing in +15 mode , schoolchildren, if they are, they do not have access to the chat. I recommend to all the right guys! Played it for 3 years. You can also ask all questions regarding Minecraft on the same site, on the forum. You can download the launcher there. Waiting for you! With:

Answer from Black_kot cat[newbie]
If it says an invalid session login error, then this is a licensed minecraft server and you have a pirated launcher, you just need to install a license.

Answer from 2423423 1242332423 [newbie]
Damn the same

Answer from Johnny Zen[newbie]
Update the client if you are on TLauncher helped me

Answer from Ivan Gerashchenko[newbie]

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Please help, the servers in the game "Minecraft" do not work, although all Ip are correctly written, tell me what to do?

Greetings, dear fans of endless slots on MineCraft servers!

The material that I will offer you today was written by a wonderful person, moderator, and RJ ๖ۣۜmkrtes.

In it you will find a lot of interesting information..

About how the MineCraft servers work.

Why servers are lagging.

How they are arranged.

And much more!...

Many of our players have never thought about how the server they play on works? But they like to complain about lags, resent the ban on some items, and offer to put "some kind of mod" on the server and increase the number of slots on the server.

In this article, I will briefly describe to you how our servers work and where the LAAAAGS come from!

And also why the administration does not put a bunch of very useful mods and plugins on the server...

Just Minecraft!

Let's start, perhaps, with the cleanest (“vanilla”) Minecraft server, or rather, with what it does in general. These things are processed by the server:

  • Chunky- for those who do not know, the whole Minecraft world is divided into pieces with an area of ​​16x16 cubes and a height depending on the settings. All chunks within the visibility radius of the players are loaded into the server's memory and are in the HashMap, each "tick" of the server, each chunk is processed. At this time, the following is performed: all active chunks (those that are within a certain radius from the players) are moved in turn. For each chunk, weather processing is performed (pour snow, strike with lightning), as well as random processing of blocks - several dozen random blocks are selected from the entire chunk, it is checked whether these blocks need to be updated (by block type) and a special function is called on the selected block.
  • Tiles are special blocks that are processed every tick, not randomly. These blocks include furnaces (updating the status of burning material, remaining fuel, this should be done evenly, and not randomly, like the tick of other blocks), there are also mob spawners (blocks that spawn mobs around them), potion cauldrons and the like things. They are all stored in a List, which is filled when a chunk is loaded or when a new tile is installed during operation, and are iterated over each cycle in turn.
  • Urgent Blocks- they, of course, are not called that, but nevertheless, these are blocks that need to be processed “urgently”, that is, on the next cycle or with a slight delay (also in cycles, everything is considered in cycles, even time, even Allah) , and not by chance, because random blocks are processed every few minutes on average. They are processed approximately like tiles, only they can have a delay, after how many cycles they need to be processed. Processing tasks are usually generated while the server is running due to the actions of the player or other blocks. In particular, this is how redstone is processed, which must react very quickly to external changes, fire blocks, flowing water, and the like.
  • Light update- Minecraft uses static lighting divided into blocks. Each block has its own illumination level from 15 to 0. When changing blocks, their illumination must be recalculated, the algorithm is not very complicated, but recursive, and there are also two types of illumination - from blocks (torches, fire, etc.) and from the sky, they must be calculated independently, i.e. twice for each change (if the world has a sky, the Nether does not).
  • entity are almost all objects. Mobs, players, objects lying on the floor, carts, boats, paintings, lightning, arrows and more. All of them are stored in one large list and the tick() function is called on them one by one, before that it is checked if they have died, if they have died, then they are removed from the list and from the server memory, respectively.
  • Mob spawn- also a separate action. Mobs spawn in a certain radius from the player, while a random point in the chunk is selected and, based on several shifts in different directions, it is selected whether the mob can be placed there, and it is created
  • Player Handling- all packages sent by players need to be processed, obviously. Every movement, wave of the hand, restoration of health, turn of the head - all this is processed by the server.
  • - if there is an attempt to access a chunk block that is not in memory, the chunk must be loaded from disk, if it is not on disk, it must be generated. Needless to say, the hard drive is almost always a very bottleneck. Chunk generation is even more complicated than chunk loading.
  • Saving a Chunk- during the general saving of the server or just when the chunk has not been used for a long time and can be unloaded, the chunks must be saved to disk - converted to a stream and written to a file.

It would seem that everything is fine and there is nothing criminal, everything is done quite well and there is nothing to add. The problem here is this: all this is processed in one main thread. In the latest versions, Mojang read a little about multi-threaded things and learned how to save chunks to disk in a separate thread. This is definitely a breakthrough, because it was a damn bottleneck, a long time ago the server was saved for 15 minutes and completely hung during this time, now there is no such thing. However, the problem has not been resolved.

What is the problem here, you ask? Many people do this: the main logic of the application is in one thread, it is very convenient to program, you do not need to worry about synchronization and other problems of parallel applications. The problem here is that if there are more than 40 people on the server, instead of the standard 20 cycles, it already does 15, if there are 70 people, then 10, if 100, then it sags to incredible values. This is despite the fact that I actually have a powerful 6-core Core i7 and 64Gb of RAM! And where should I put these resources now, if only two out of 12 threads are occupied?

I won't waste my time, I'll give you an example:

There are 223 players on the server, while the visibility radius is chosen quite small, there are 46577 chunks in memory, 524 “urgent” blocks, 87 redstone and piston blocks, 11240 Entity items, 4274 Entity animals, 19 carts and boats, 717 other Entities, players, which are also Entities and require appropriate processing.

The number of tiles and light updates my server does not display in the information (I do not need this), but you can believe there are a lot of them.

Processing animals alone is a terribly heavy process - they regularly do pathfinding, search for other Entities around, they have AI (quite advanced in recent versions), so processing 4 thousand animals is already a lot of work.

Bypassing 3 million blocks (approximately how many random blocks are processed with this number of chunks) is also not a trivial task.

There are 11,000 items to move, some other actions to do, updates to be sent to players about their position, and so on.

And all this needs to be done in 50 milliseconds, that is 20 times per second , otherwise everything will start to slow down, because the speed is calculated in cycles. If the server is doing fewer cycles per second than it shouldwives, then, for example, mobs begin to walk slowly and jerkily. The advantage of calculations in cycles is obvious - if the server freezes or a huge garbage collection occurs (after all, the server is in Java), then it will not turn out that the cart traveling at full speed on the next cycle will turn into a fast moving small object, and you will have to calculate its movement over more complex algorithms.

CraftBook is one of the first plugins for Buckit, adds elevators,
gates, bridges, trolley stations and boosters.

At the same time, there is also Bukkit!

Bukkit- this is such an "add-on" for the vanilla server. It adds an API for creating plugins, it's super friendly for plugin developers, and it's really well made. But, to put it bluntly, things are only getting worse. If a player sends a packet that he moved a little or turned his head… an event is created and sent to all plugins that process it. And at the same time, the motion processing function is already quite complicated. When a block is broken or set, the same thing happens, as well as about a hundred other actions that the player or the server creates, including waving a hand, changing the state of the redstone, water flowing, mob spawning, AI, thousands of them ... That is, as it were the system is good, but creates a bunch of extra calls when processing everything. On servers MinecraftOnly several dozen plugins are used, each of which adds load. Yes, yes .. in pure minecraft there are no privates, no shops, no multi-colored chat, no VIPs and premiums and their teams, no elevators and gates, no economy and economy, no chest protection ... finally, there is not even a Russian language! All these nice little things require their share of processor power and RAM for each player.

Based on CraftBukkit separate groups of developers create their own platforms, in which they also make improvements and fixes to their taste. For example, the popular Spigot platform differs from Buckit in memory allocation and much more. Not all plugins are compatible with Spigot.

Industrial Craft 2 - a well-known popular mod, adds electricity to the world,
new devices, tools, blocks, items and much more.

And after all this, there are also FASHIONS!

Everything that was mentioned above - concerned a pure lane and a lane with plugins. On our project, these are the Classic, SandBox and TeraWars servers. Plugins add a lot of things, but they only operate on what has already in minecraft. But what if you want .. for example ... new ore? Titanium, for example? This is where mods come on the scene, which add a bunch of other resources, events, relationships, crafting recipes, creatures, dimensions to the lane .. and so on and so forth. Examples of a global mod - ThaumCraft, DivineRPG(they are on 4 servers of our project) or IndustrialCraft(installed on 7 servers). Mods should be able to interact with each other, with plugins and with the core of minecraft itself.

I will show the complexity of the task as follows. Suppose we decide to make a mod that allows you to craft uranium scrap from uranium ore. To do this, you need to introduce a new object into the game with a unique in-game id, a certain strength, a picture, a crafting recipe, with a prescribed way of interacting with the world - how it hits mobs, players, blocks, is it enchanted and how, is it repaired, stacks or not, and by how much, and much more. Next, let's remember about the recipe and about the ore. Ore, in addition to texture, strength and other parameters, must still be correctly generated in the world at different heights. Burn in the furnace or immediately drop like a redstone. Let's assume we've done everything. Can you rejoice? But no, because the plugins interact with the items of the "clean" lane and will ignore our uranium scrap. How it will manifest itself - I can not predict. It may turn out that they can destroy blocks in a private area, or beat players in a safe area.
Interaction with other mods is even more problematic - starting from the banal coincidence of id of different items from different mods, and ending with the question - what will be obtained from uranium scrap in the utilizer? Maybe it will not be destroyed, or maybe it will put the server with processing errors. And all these difficulties increase many times if we want to make not a meaningless scrap, but introduce it into the gameplay of the same IndustrialCraft, as part of the mechanisms.


For servers with mods, there is a special platform called ForgeModLoader , which allows you to add uranium scrap to minecraft. It standardizes many features, and spells out certain mod development rules that make it easier for mods to work together. For example, a single database of id items is being maintained, so that aguitic armor and an atomic bomb would not end up under the same id in different mods. However Forge worked only on "vanilla" pure minecraft without plugins!

Combining mods and plugins used to be a very non-trivial task, they had to be added and ported to CraftBukkit until the MCPC+ project came along, which includes CraftBukkit combined with Forge.

Thanks to this, now the installation of mods and plugins on the server has become much easier. But all that I talked about above, all this piling up of software platforms on top of each other, although it increases convenience, does not have the best effect on performance.

Let me just say that a "clean" minecraft server now weighs 6 megabytes. The mcpc + server with several mods and a pack of standard plugins weighs 30 megabytes packed.

But that's a completely different story...

(the article used a lot of material from habrahabr.ru)

Minecraft or Minecraft is one of the most popular indie games at the moment, which has tens of thousands of loyal fans around the world. Some players who are just starting out in this new gaming space are experiencing problems with the game. In this article we will try to figure out why the minecraft game does not work and how to fix it.

Missing or outdated version of Java on the computer

The Minecraft game is written in the Java programming language and without the appropriate software, Minecraft will not start on your computer.

First you need to find out what type of operating system is installed on your computer - 32-bit or 64-bit. Based on this, download the latest version of the program from the official java.com website and install it on your device. If you already have Java installed, simply connect to the Internet and automatically update your system to the latest version.

Game saved to desktop

For many, Minecraft does not start because the program launcher was placed on the desktop. We recommend that you initially save it to some other folder on your computer so that there are no problems later.

Problems with the video card

Another popular problem why minecraft does not work is a problem with the video card. If the message "Bad video card drivers!" pops up in front of you while loading the game, this means that you need to update the drivers. Try downloading from the manufacturer's official website (for example, use the nVidia or Radeon websites) and run the drivers for your video card model on your computer. Updating drivers will also be useful if the game starts but does not display correctly.

Server issues

If you do not see a list of servers in Minecraft, it is possible that an antivirus or firewall is blocking the connection to a remote server. Of course, the easiest way to solve this problem is to simply turn them off for the duration of the game. But we do not advise you to do this. Better dig into the settings and add all files and connections related to the game to the exclusion list.

For those who are looking for an answer to the question why the Minecraft server is not working, there may be some problems with the host file. To test this belief, first turn on all hidden folders on your computer, and then open the host file in Notepad, which is located at c:\windows\system32\drtivers\etc. Check if there are any extra or suspicious entries there. If there is something extra - feel free to delete these entries, save the changes and try to connect to the Minecraft server again.

Connecting mods

If you want to make any modifications with the standard version of the game, you must download special mod files and install them correctly on your device.

Those who have a question when playing Minecraft why mods do not work, most likely, they simply install them incorrectly. Below are detailed instructions on how to do it right.

To be able to easily install and manage mods, you will need to download ModLoader , Minecraft Forge (for game version 1.6 and higher), Player API , LiteLoader .

  1. Find the minecraft.jar file on your device.
  2. Open it with an archiver or a special program Mod Installer.
  3. Next, you will need to delete the META-INF folder.
  4. Download the archive with the mod you are interested in to your device. Be extremely careful, as some mods can harm your computer and contain various viruses. Therefore, download mods only from trusted sources and from developers you know.
  5. Move the mod files to the minecraft.jar folder.
  6. If you are using a version of the game before 1.5.2, then from the archive with the mod, the files from the resources folder will need to be transferred to the .minecraft folder, and from the bin / jar folder they will need to be extracted to minecraft.jar.
  7. Starting with version 1.6 of the game, Minecraft Forge is used to work with mods. To install the mod, its files will need to be unzipped into the 1.6.2-Forge9.10.0.804 folder, after which the only thing left to do in the launcher is to select the appropriate game profile.
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