How to drive traffic from social networks. Social traffic is easy and a lot! Secret! How to get cheap traffic for arbitration from VK

The concept of social network traffic

The traffic of an Internet resource is understood as the number of users who ended up on the resource from third-party sources in a certain period of time.

Search engines (Google, Yandex), social networks, blogs, forums, etc. can act as places for users to go. When calculating the total social media traffic all sources of transitions to this resource are considered.

In this article, we will look at how to get good traffic using social networks.

Ways to increase social media traffic

Methods related to monitoring social networks:

  • Follow the topics of shopping, comment on publications with a link to your resource.
  • Consider user recommendations, post productive links.
  • Given the discussions on your products, post links of information of interest to users.
  • Share quality content.
  • By reading interesting forums you can get in touch with them to post your links.
  • Select content for social networks:
  • Place calls to action to generate consumer content.
  • Under publications, you can place links of popular bloggers with the same topics.
  • When compiling a content plan, divide it into parts. This will make it easier for you and more interesting for your readers.
  • You can also post news about the release of publications in social networks.
  • Let social network users subscribe to your resource.

Participate in social networks in full:

  • Participate in discussions and, if your resource has useful information on this topic, leave a link to the page.
  • No question should be left unanswered.
  • Exchange useful information with readers.
  • Since many go online with mobile devices, it is necessary to optimize your resource for these purposes.
  • Try to maintain accounts in all possible social networks to find more potential customers.

Post ads:

  • You can advertise your VKontakte group in Intagram or vice versa.
  • You can create a discussion about your topic and advertise your products.
  • Post links to relevant resources for later viewing.
  • Use the LinkedIn service to post information about the company and search for employees.

Assess the activity of social networks:

  • See which of the social networks give large quantity traffic.
  • To track activity on the resource, you can place social buttons.
  • Conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of your chosen promotion strategy.
  • You can place several calls to action and watch the actions of users.
  • View the percentage of downloads of documents from your resource.

SEO optimization:

  • Share various materials with subscribers.
  • Social media pages need to be optimized for relevant search engine queries.
  • In social networks, as well as on the resource, use keywords.
  • Use keywords in post titles.
  • To promote a resource, link its content to social networks.

Check the positions of your pages in search engines ah, you can use the SE Ranking service.

You can increase free traffic in social networks with the help of proper community management. It is necessary to regularly post relevant publications on the blog, you can create forums for communication. A creative invitation to your group will help to attract the attention of new users. Do not forget about regular active readers, encourage them.

You can also use authoritative users to promote the resource: agree to place your links on their resources, conduct interviews with them, get feedback on your products, etc. You can invite well-known authors to write articles or they can simply write an essay on your brand.

Placing a variety of videos also brings good traffic. You can post video answers to readers' burning questions, place calls to action in videos, use YouTube videos, and post realistic stories and share them on social networks.

Don't forget about leadership. In this decision of the issue, speeches at various events with presentations of their products will help you. Such a presentation can be placed in your social account or on the Slideshare service. It will also help to write feature articles for recognizable bloggers indicating authorship and placing a link to your resource. You can post your biography.

In this article, we examined the concept of traffic, the sources of its appearance and provided several options that can make traffic in social networks unlimited. By applying them when promoting your resources, you will not lose your target audience, but only increase it.

How to get traffic from social networks when there is not a word about business.
As you know, this winter, Facebook put a ban on
posting about business, offers, products
in general, everything that, in their opinion, should be advertised
for money. Along with how posts with cats, dogs or
jokes are gaining huge involvement, namely
reposts, likes and comments, and this is called virality
which is equal to traffic.

How to make your posts as viral as possible, how to get
reposts, how to involve people in your posts, how to get
free traffic from social networks, which is the most effective
traffic method and where to lead it correctly. About this we are with you
Let's talk and get practical advice.

Free traffic from social networks effective traffic scheme

I generally do not accept work in social networks, because it
They do not bring the desired result, and time is in the trash.
But we have worked out an excellent scheme that gives and
traffic, and subscribers, and then they become partners
or clients.

Scheme of effective traffic:

  1. Wrote an article
  2. Created a video and uploaded to your channel and article
  3. Shared the article on social networks (FB and VK)
  4. Launched reposts on the machine (viral advertising).
  5. We sent a powerful signal to search engines about engagement

That is, people go to your articles, read them
Or maybe your blog, search engines see it
and push the article to the top of the search.

The main task of everyone on the Internet is to shine in the TOP search

Free social media traffic analysis and facts

Any networker dreams of a good team, any entrepreneur
about loyal customers. But in order for you to succeed, you must
Be prepared, that is, have business tools and clearly
Know where, how and what to do.

Do you see now why there is no result?

Now to the point:

The ideal video length is 2-3 minutes. Best video maker
This is a video robot. There is everything you need and do not sit over hours
Creation, came up with the text, visualization, edited and
All is ready. The easiest video creator lesson example.

Your post should be in one sentence or a couple of phrases
And immediately go to a blog article or a capture page,
where again 3 offers and a subscription, and already
Everything else is in the mailing list, subscribers read your letters,
They understand this, a desire arises and they buy.

Free traffic from social networks how to get reposts on the machine in VK

So, suppose you have already written an article and even shared
In social networks, but the post is not gaining any coverage, there is no involvement.
To do this, I use a new platform for Vkontakte reposts,
To move an article to the top due to virality.

People on this platform get paid for sharing, so
There is a direct interest, and you get access to the top and money
Optionally, also automatically to your payeer wallet.

If you wish, you can change posts every day.
Vkontakte and promote any article in search engines
Through VKontakte reposts. These are comments and new friends.
For those who don't have a blog, use YouTube videos.
Watch the video overview of the platform

Free traffic from social networks how to get automatic reposts on FB

I continue to pamper you with penny traffic from social networks.
How to get 3000 reposts on Facebook and get to the top of the feed
The trick here is that you can repost not on your wall
but to any group. We are talking about organic traffic, then
eat without markups, because we need a result, not just
bare numbers. Registration

Watch the video lesson carefully.

Free traffic from social networks your videos in the top

What you need to do to get your videos on YouTube
Immediately to the top of the search? And we solved this riddle
Simplified to the point of impossibility, and most importantly, I tested
Repeatedly and all my videos went to the top despite
On those shark videos that have tens of thousands of subscribers and
Hundreds of thousands of views.

The solution is simple - live broadcasts on YouTube.
But you say that we are not ready to go on the air, then the voice
Not like that appearance, then there is no possibility of any other ...

Do not despair, today there is such a program:
We recorded a video, uploaded it to the program, made all the necessary
Keywords, tags, description, created and uploaded a preview
And they launched the video at the appointed time and day without you.

Free traffic from social networks for a penny reaching the top

This scheme, which I wrote about, has been tested in practice and
now you appear in search engines. In this is
business automation when it moves without you.

Good day to all visitors of the site " All about how to make money online". In this article, you will learn how to get more visitors to your resource.

How to get big traffic from social networks

There are two main ways to attract traffic from social networks to the pages of an Internet resource. This is an internal site setup, as well as placing links to your project.

1.Internal site setup.

essence this method attracting traffic from social networks is that special additions are introduced into the structure of the web resource: social buttons. networks, content commenting forms, news subscription forms. Such forms and buttons can be found at the end of each article on this site.
Using these elements, site users can either share links to project content on their social profile pages. projects, or subscribe to his news, that is, join groups and communities of the resource, which are located in various social networks. communities.
It is important to note that the forms of commenting on the news of the site from the social. resources today can be considered not only a tool to attract traffic from their pages, but also a fairly effective method for improving the behavioral factors of an Internet project, as they allow its visitors to leave comments, while spending the least amount of time and effort.

In addition, it is important to note that the pages of the site, which attracts traffic from social networks, should not be oversaturated with such elements, as this can significantly degrade the quality of their usability. It is most expedient to place social buttons. networks immediately after the block containing the main content of web documents, which will increase the likelihood of their use by site visitors by several times.

2. Placement of links

The essence of this method of attracting traffic from social networks is to publish links on social pages. projects.
You can leave such links in various ways. You can buy them, that is, order an increase in likes, retweets, as well as the number of links on thematic pages social projects freelancers working in this area, as well as the efforts of the webmaster of the project.
It should be noted that the use of paid methods of promotion in social. networks, as a rule, does not make it possible to obtain the expected result, since in this case it is possible to improve only the technical indicators of the resource, and as for real results, that is, an increase in the level of traffic from social networks, such a goal is far from always achieved.

As I wrote on the blog about. I am still of the opinion that it is better to put yandex social buttons.

There is basically one reason for this - all signals go through Yandex and it certainly captures all body movements on the site. And if you have a good site, then it will only be a plus for him. It also affects one way or another the speed of indexing new articles in the same Yandex, which is not famous for speed in this.

It would seem, what else could there be questions? But there are questions. In the process, I found that the buttons VERY STRONGLY slow down page loading, and Yandex social buttons are no exception, although I only had six of them.

I decided to conduct an experiment and check the page loading speed when the social buttons are on and when they are not. What happened? Here is the result with buttons:

After that, I removed the code for the buttons on this page and tested the download speed again. Here's what happened:

As you can clearly see, the page load speed decreased by two! And it's actually a LOT! You can conduct an experiment on your own and check the effect of your buttons on page loading speed.

Is it worth putting social buttons on the site?

But does this mean that the buttons are best removed, since they slow down the loading of the site so much? Do not rush to draw conclusions, since the speed of the site, although an important parameter, is still not the most important.

The first thing you need to analyze is the NEED for such buttons on the site. Can you put buttons with counters and see if visitors share your articles on social networks? If they share, then mainly in what networks? All unclaimed buttons are better remove completely.

You can also analyze what kind of traffic you get from social networks - does it go at all? I went to Yandex Metrica and looked at the traffic from social networks for a month on my Linux website. Here's what I saw:

As you can see, the traffic is scanty, although I constantly send all the announcements to many social networks in which I have hundreds and thousands of subscribers and friends. Here are more details:

In a month, there were a total of about 600 visits from social networks. Think it's a lot? For a month this site is visited by 100,000 people! And this traffic is just a drop in the ocean…. But at the same time, I constantly spend a lot of time publishing announcements on these networks.

But my other site is a completely different case. There is not a lot of search traffic, but a lot of subscribers, and users are very active in clicking on the social media buttons on the blog and sharing links on their pages.

It's all about the theme of the site: if you have a site with tips, then a person came from the search, received an answer and left, safely forgetting about your site after 5 seconds. Why would he share a link to an article about with his classmates? The topic is narrow and most of his friends are not interested.

But if he gets to a site where a VERY interesting article is written, for example, about what is behind the impending one, then he will certainly share these thoughts with his classmates, classmates, and so on.

But even if you remove the buttons from the site, you still remember that it is VERY useful to periodically upload article announcements to social networks, if not for the sake of traffic, then for the sake of links. It is especially important to post on the network where links are open and which Yandex Webmaster takes into account.

If done smartly, it won't be spam, and group leaders are often even happy that you're populating their groups with useful content for free. But that's a completely different story….

What kind of traffic from social networks do I have now?

Traffic from social networks- is it really so big that you need to work with it and pay attention to it? Why did I ask myself this question? I recently read an article in which one blogger was indignant at the fact that we are, in fact, working for social networks!

We fill their network with unique content, and they get money for it, and money is not small. Of course, bloggers also try to use traffic from social networks for their own purposes, but how effective is it?

The other day I just watched an interview with one cool marketer, and he said that the return on the same public pages and groups on social networks that companies make for their website is very small!

And it takes a lot of effort and time to support and communicate in these groups, expecting traffic from social networks. And he was talking about sites that have good traffic conversion.

Here I have created public pages of the site on Vkontakte, Facebook, Google +, Odnoklassniki, Subscribe and a sea of ​​​​accounts on different blog hosting. What kind of traffic comes from them? I send the announcement of each article there. Here is my total traffic:

As you can see, the lion's share of traffic comes from search engines, a little from direct visits. And what about social networks? This purple hyperbole is not visible ... Here is all my traffic from the networks ...

But for the sake of fairness, let's look at this traffic in numbers. To begin with, let's look at how many people are subscribed to my public pages on social networks and see how many actually moved from them to the site per month.

In contact with: subscribers 114 - real clicks per month - 22

Classmates: subscribers 26 - real clicks per month - 70

facebook: 57 subscribers - 42 real clicks per month

google plus: subscribers 222 - real clicks per month - 119

Here are some sample data. They are not entirely accurate, since in Google plus the traffic came from other people's groups in which I published article announcements. Same thing with classmates. So let's count:

22 + 70 + 42 + 119 = 253/30 = 8 people visited my site from social networks per day. Here is such a huge traffic!

And the question immediately arises: do I need it? No, unless of course you promote groups of up to 10,000 people each, then there will be more traffic. But how much effort, time and money will I need to do this? And Why should I do something that brings such a small efficiency? Wouldn't it be better to limit yourself to the social network buttons at the end of the article? And the freed time to spend on improving the site and writing new articles?

And another side effect of this approach: a person subscribes to my site through a social network widget, but does not subscribe through e-mail.

And the second is much better, since it is much easier to miss the news on a social network than a letter to the post office. Every day there is a huge flow of information on the social network, and if a person has not visited his page for a couple of days, then your news will probably no longer be available to him, as new messages will fill it up.

Here are my thoughts. I remove social network widgets from the site, let the pages themselves hang. What do you think about this?

Let's talk about traffic. Today we will analyze the two remaining channels, these are: Social (social) and Paid (paid).

The user perceives social networks as an entry point to the Internet. He does not need to go to every single site, he gets everything right here and now. The latest data shows that the share of visits to the site from social networks is greatly reduced, so when planning a strategy for So

If you are ready to invest, then various advertising tools will help you. Each social network has its own:

You can turn to an agency that will make the whole complex work for you on a turn-key basis, but again, it will be a lot of money.
In general, ask yourself the question: why do you need groups in social networks and what will you broadcast in them?

No matter how a hundred million times they talk about it, but only the necessary and interesting content is able to attract an audience.

Paid or paid traffic channels

These are users who come to you through paid advertising. Let's see what kind it is.

The cheapest cost of going to your site!

Purchasing mailings for the audience you need. Send a presentation of your product/website or anything to your potential customers, down to banner ads inside the email.

Forgive me for interrupting my reading. Join my telegram channel. Fresh announcements of articles, development of digital products and growth hack, everything is there. Waiting for you! We continue ...

Small blocks with a small picture that look like news. In the previous article, we just talked about. The same blocks can be purchased as advertising.

Great resources are no exception. The same media, entertainment portals, etc. The key will be the question: is there your audience there? Advertising on such sources can be varied, from special projects to native (an article mentioning a product).

How to pump paid traffic channels?

Money, money and more money J Everything needs to be approached wisely. It is always easiest to take and give money to the agency.

But, if you have a little time and patience, then you can organize at least part of the paid advertising yourself. To do this, learn the tools and create your own advertising campaign.

The same is true for other channels. Study the question, spend a little of your time and you will not regret it. At a minimum, you will understand and be able to ask the right questions to the agency if necessary.


Today we talked about Social and Paid traffic channels, that's where the basics end. Then you can find in each of them an effective way to attract customers to your site. Now we need to move on to the part where we will learn how to check the operation of channels, but more on that in the next article.

Good luck!

I almost forgot, subscribe at the bottom right 🙂

Alexey A.

All articles in the series.

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