3d modeling of a summer residence download without a disk. Site planning software. Adding library objects

Garden Planner is a program for visualizing a conditional garden on the surface. It comes with a feature rich and extensive toolkit that simulates greenery, water, soil, and many other themed objects. You have the opportunity to download the utility for free in Russian on this page.

App created by Artifact Interactive. The program is widely used by landscape designers. Can simulate your own garden and yard and see them in real time.

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Installation and activation video

In the utility, you can upload photos of real houses and plots. It is convenient to work with project plans and images taken from above. The set of tools is very diverse:

  • trees and bushes;
  • grass and fences;
  • sidewalks and pools;
  • flowers and vegetables;
  • fruit trees and many other elements.

Elements that you did not find in the program catalog can be modeled independently using the Garden Planner 3 constructor. The program interface is convenient, consisting of thumbnails. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted that the presence of watermarks in trial version, lack of 3b modeling and high price. The program supports operating Windows systems and iPad.

For the preliminary design of garden plots, there is a functional and rather easy-to-learn X-Designer program.

Despite the fact that this application was released a long time ago and has not been updated, it does not look very outdated and inconvenient. With X-Designer, you can quickly create a sketch design project for the arrangement of the territory, using combinations of various library elements. The program was developed in Russia, so the user should have no problems mastering the interface. The process of creating a project is highly intuitive, and is also fast and simple.

Let's take a look at the main features of X-Designer and find out how well it suits your landscape design needs.

In order to better understand the capabilities of the program and evaluate its suitability for performing tasks, the user is invited to open a test scene with existing objects.

Create a lot

Before starting work with a new project, X-Designer suggests determining the size of the site, giving the name of the hay, and choosing the date relative to which the visualization will be performed.

Adding Library Objects

Since we can create the design of our garden plot only by applying combinations of ready-made elements, the most important function of the program is the flexibility and volume of the model library. The catalog of elements is structured into several dozen categories, covering everything that can be placed in a site model.

On the one hand, the library of primitives is quite large, but the fact that the program does not have support and new elements are not released for it gives significant limitations in creating a project that corresponds to reality.

X-Designer has a couple of custom house models that can be set to size, position, exterior material, and door and window configurations.

The user can fill the scene with a variety of trees, flowers, flower beds. Each of these elements can be edited as a whole or in separate parts, such as trunks or stems. Before placing an element in the scene, you can set its state at a certain time of the year.

The same properties as for vegetation can be assigned to other library elements - lanterns, fences, benches, deck chairs. fountains, pools and more. You can select material and configuration for these objects.

Imitation of the season

In the X-Designer program, much attention is paid to displaying the model at different times of the year. Using a special panel, the season, date and time of display are selected. When choosing the winter option, the ground is instantly covered with snow, the trees lose their leaves, and the flowers disappear from the flower beds.

Parameters for displaying objects by seasons are set in its properties when selecting from the library.

The color of grass and foliage, the position of the sun in the sky and the characteristics of the atmosphere depend on the time of year. The function is very visual and useful when introducing seasonal plants into the project.

terrain modeling

X-Designer has a convenient and intuitive terrain editor. It is very easy to create hills and valleys with the brush. The brush can also be used to smooth out too sharp terrain transitions or make the top of a hill flat. The cavities that appear can be filled with water or removed from there.

The height of the increment and indentation, as well as the radius of the impact of the brush is specified in meters. A factor is set to control smoothing.

Creating zones

Zones in X-Designer are sections of paths, beds, lawns generated on the basis of given parameters. These are complex objects that cannot be selected in the scene and are editable only using the options panel. Zones can be hidden, deleted, changed their coverage and content.

Layered editing

Each of the scene objects is displayed in the manager, where any component of the scene can be found and edited. In the 3D projection window, you can temporarily hide objects of living and inanimate nature.

Photorealistic rendering

The user has the ability to set up five static points to place the camera and shoot photo visualization from them. Creating a bitmap image takes some time, and its quality is almost the same as the picture that the user sees in real time. Therefore, the usefulness of the rendering engine remains debatable. The finished image can be saved in BMP, JPG and PNG formats.

So we reviewed a rather flexible and intuitive product for landscape design X-Designer, which, despite its age, surprises with its sophistication and functionality.

This program can be easily used by both a professional designer and a person who does not have qualifications, but simply wants to model his virtual garden plot. What can be said in the end?


- Russian-language interface
— Availability of detailed help on using the program
- Presence of a scene template
— Intuitive and simple logic of work
Handy Tool relief creation
- The function of changing the model depending on the time of year
- Convenient layered organization of scene objects


- Limited number of objects in the library. The impossibility of loading new objects into it.
— Not convenient navigation in the three-dimensional window
— The impossibility of creating drawings for the created project
- Sophisticated zone creation tool

Today on the Internet you can download a large number of ready-made landscape projects for suburban areas. But many people prefer to create a project on their own from scratch, taking into account their own taste preferences. In this case, you can use one of the landscape design programs.

To help you master landscape design software, we present to your attention a tutorial that describes how to work with such programs as Garden Planner, X-Designer and 3D Home Architect Design Suite Delux. Visibility and accessibility of information ensures rapid development functionality programs.

Download tutorial (124Mb)

X-Designer - Garden plot planner 3D

This program does not require special training and makes it easy to model a site using the extensive library of plants and landscape objects available. You can not only place any residential and utility buildings, gazebos for recreation, a wide variety of lawns, flower beds, trees and other components, but also see how the planned site will look at different times of the day in any season. It is also possible to take a picture of your own creation in order to continue working on the project.

Our Garden Ruby 10.0

A multifunctional, but at the same time very convenient program allows you to design a landscape design of a site using high-quality digital photographs. The editor-planner can be used both for modeling from scratch, and for those cases when there are already some objects on the site. The library of the program includes many different building objects and garden elements, so it is possible to create interesting landscape projects.

Download Our Garden 10.4 for free (3.7 Gb)

Garden Planner 3

A very simple program for modeling a garden plot. All that is required is to arrange the proposed elements and objects in accordance with your own wishes, using a convenient drag and drop interface. To enhance visibility, the developers have provided the ability to change the scale and color of foliage.

Use Garden Planner 3 online
Download Garden Planner 3 for free (3.5 Mb)

3D Home Architect Design Suite Deluxe

This program turns the process of site modeling into an exciting experience. It is a powerful multifunctional scheduler, but at the same time it has a clear interface. A huge selection of design elements allows you to develop a high-precision site project. Despite the fact that the project itself is created in 2D format, the simulation result can be viewed using the built-in functionality in a three-dimensional version.

Download 3D Home Architect Design Suite Delux for free from the official website

Professional software for landscape design

Professionals with a high level of training can use the following programs when creating landscape projects:


One of the most famous professional software tools for design design. With the help of this program, specialists can create projects taking into account all the subtleties of the site relief. When modeling, coordinates, surface breaks are taken into account, all designed objects are visualized. In addition, powerful software allows you to create various project documentation.

Download AutoCAD program for free (0.2 Gb)

3D Max

A very complex full-featured and high-performance program that provides great opportunities for modeling in 3D format. In most cases, this planner is used when working with architects and engineers, after completing specialized courses.

Download 3D Max program for free (2.2 Gb)

Punch! Professional Home Design

This specialized 3D planning software has the simplest and most efficient interface. In this regard, she is popular among ordinary people when modeling a site, or even an apartment. The program library contains a huge number of standard objects and elements that can be modified. The value of this program for professionals lies in the possibility of producing high-quality project documentation, as well as the fact that it is possible to replenish the library with your own components.

When developing a design project for a personal plot, it is very important to have a visual representation at different stages of its preparation. Landscaping, garden accessories, paths and ponds - all this can be organically and simply arranged using landscape design programs. Let's look at free apps.

Common to all: what to look for when choosing

In the development of design projects, one should be guided by the principle “the simpler the better”. If certain software satisfies the requirements in the context of a particular project, there is no point in chasing advanced high-level graphics creation tools.

Most design visualization software is primarily for presentation purposes. This is important when doing work to order, but if you are developing for yourself, mastering complex CAD mechanisms will result in an inefficient waste of time.

In the practical development of landscape design, you should always leave room for the imagination. It is unlikely that you will be able to fill the scene "one to one" in the foreseeable time with the same elements that will take place in the real physical world. Therefore, the primitivism of the objects of the virtual environment and the low degree of detail are more of a blessing than a disadvantage. They make it possible to appreciate the overall, global side of the design, without being distracted by minor details.

Given the above, we recommend paying attention to software marked "for beginners". Also of great importance is free access to educational literature authored by the creators of the program or the developers using it.

It should be noted that the lack of a Russified version of the software usually does not become an obstacle in the development of simple landscaping and landscape design projects. Also note that the concept of free for this kind of software is very arbitrary: even professional tools have a trial period, during which it is quite possible to develop your own project, but use paid program will not work for commercial purposes.

Working with Component Libraries

The basis of work with most landscape design programs is the use of ready-made elements from standard set. You simply create a scene of the required size, and then place the necessary content on it: lawns, paths, buildings, trees, and decorative paraphernalia.

One of the most popular free products- Sierra Land Designer - contains several modules with the ability to freely import projects between them. Forte This kit contains an impressive library of garden plants, complete with recommendations for climate suitability, planting, care and life cycle. The program suffers from a weak visualization tool: the garden planner has a two-dimensional top view, but after layout, the project can be viewed in a rather modest 3D visualization module.

A well-developed user community plays an important role in working with landscape design. SketchUp, for example, while not designed as a detailed home garden program, has an extensive library of 3D models that have been previously created and used by other users. Sketchup does not have a built-in encyclopedia of plants, but allows you to create a visual environment with a high degree of detail and variety.

The golden mean in terms of libraries and display quality is FloorPlan 3D. The program has a developed set of components and design patterns, both ready-made and third-party. And this is not at the expense of usability or graphics.

User Interface Differences

Almost all programs differ in the individual layout of controls. This directly determines the ease of use, the speed of development and project implementation.

For example: SketchUp has a very wide range of tools for editing and moving objects. They are located on two panels in different parts of the screen and can be configured individually. The same feature distinguishes most CAD programs (Autocad, ArchiCad, etc.): the main editing screen contains everything that should be at hand, and all additional modules, such as setting the parameters of individual models, relationships between them and tools visual display are located in additional internal windows.

A slightly different organization scheme is used in programs that are specifically focused on garden and landscape design. In Sierra Home&Land Designer 3D and 3D Home Architect Design Suite Deluxe, work with a project and its components is divided into stages, each of which has a separate module with its own tab. Switching between them is absolutely free, at any time you can return and, say, reconfigure the global settings of the scene or the properties of a group of objects.

visual environment

Most free programs do not claim to be high-quality graphics processing with good realism. But in their segment, they still differ from each other in the way of visual presentation and the degree of image elaboration.

Most simple programs, such as Expert Landscape Design or Garden Planner 3, are designed to efficiently arrange objects on a site plan. Top view in 2D, purely schematic representation, and, with rare exceptions, the inability to set up and shoot a scene for a presentation are the main features of programs designed for design at the lowest level.

There is a special class of landscape design tools that use photographs to build scenes by collaging them or rendering pseudo-3D. This group includes Realtime Landscaping Architect and 3D Home Landscape Designer. They allow you to walk around the site in three-dimensional mode and it is possible to shoot the scene of the project from unique angles or simulate the conditions of changing weather and time of day. The main function of such programs is to automate the processing of photographic materials manually in graphic editors.

The best detail and photorealistic drawing are used by such "monsters" of 3D modeling as Autodesk 3ds Max, Maya, Punch Home Design and SketchUp. These programs do not have (with the exception of special plug-ins) the means to work specifically with landscape and park design, but they allow you to work with sources of natural and artificial lighting, fully support shadows. This is possible due to the render rendered in a separate module of the program, therefore, with some effort, you can take incredibly realistic pictures of your virtual area. Unfortunately, such features are quite expensive: the programs have high system requirements and take time to master.

The degree of user training

You can estimate the potential complexity of interaction with the program by the range of its capabilities. Element placement standard library on the plan using Expert Landscape Design does not require any preparation at all, while setting up a high-quality display in Sierra Home & Land Design may require several hours of attention and a number of unsuccessful attempts.

Don't forget that in the long run, it's still better to start with a medium complexity program like SketchUp or the more specific Complete Landscape Designer to master the full range of basic landscape design CAD features.

Help in this matter will be free and paid literature on the development of projects in a particular program, all kinds of thematic forums and communities. For almost all the described programs, there are a series of videos with examples of work, according to which you can evaluate the capabilities and control scheme of the program in a matter of hours.

Recommended sequence for developing your own project

Finally, we will suggest the optimal sequence of actions that will allow you to master most of the potential of the software in two or three evenings and quickly develop your own project. When you decide on the choice of a program, study 3-5 lessons that demonstrate how to work with individual models, as well as with their groups and entire scenes, explaining the very concept of development.

When creating your project, start by styling and setting up the global scene. Keep in mind that objects can be grouped and hidden when finished to focus on specific areas of the scene. When the individual details are worked out, take care of their global arrangement.

At the final stage, work is underway with the special features of the program: setting materials, textures, lighting, simulating different conditions and angles. It is obvious that the project will not gain physical implementation in one day, so you should return to the virtual plan of your site from time to time to take a fresh look at it and refine the small details.

X-Designer is a landscape design software.


The software is useful not only for those who are engaged in landscape design at a professional level, but also for those who have independently decided to equip the area adjacent to their home. X-Designer was released about ten years ago, so don't expect a high-quality picture from it. If this does not bother you, you can safely download the program and work with it, as it copes with its duties quite well.


X-Designer is a 3D constructor that the user will have to assemble. The program does not offer any schemes - you design everything as you wish. You cannot generate objects on your own here - only use ready-made templates. Before proceeding with the design, it is necessary to choose the size of the site, as well as decide on the time of day and season.

After that, you can proceed to the most important thing. X-Designer allows you to shape the terrain by creating hills or "hollows" that you can fill with water, plant plants in the ground - grass, flowers, trees, and, of course, add various buildings. These include houses and gazebos. Finally, you can do the details - "arrange" the lanterns, decorative stones, benches and other necessary elements. When viewing a three-dimensional model, the user has the opportunity to turn the camera and view the created layout from different angles. The finished project can be saved in JPG, PNG and BMP formats, as well as printed.

Key features

  • creation of a 3D model of the house and the garden adjacent to it;
  • choice of textures for the house, fence and other elements in the garden;
  • viewing the created model from different camera angles;
  • saving in graphic format and subsequent printing;
  • there is no possibility to create your own details - only the use of ready-made ones is allowed;
  • the program, due to the lack of updates, offers rather primitive graphics;
  • quite intuitive interface, which is fully translated into Russian.
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