Library of standard subsystems bsp. Library of standard subsystems Standard subsystems 1s 8.3



Final version

  • Information N11853 for users and partners 05/14/2010 "On the release of the final version of the toolkit "1C: Library of Standard Subsystems 8.2"
1C Company announces the release on May 14, 2010 of the final version of the toolkit for the developer of applied solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform - "1C: Library of Standard Subsystems 8.2". "... In total, the BSP includes 31 subsystems ..."



  • Release date 2010.08.05
  • release:
  • Documentation:

Examples of using

What is it

The Library of Standard Subsystems (SSL) includes a set of universal functional subsystems that can be used in the configuration being developed both together and separately. Using BSP, you can quickly create new configurations with ready-made basic functionality, as well as include ready-made functional blocks in existing configurations.

All BSP subsystems can be conditionally divided into the following categories:

  • Subsystems that implement "independent" functionality. They are implemented by simple transfer of functionality and do not require significant additional settings.
  • Integrable subsystems that implement functionality intended for use in certain consumer configuration objects (“tight” integration). During implementation, it is required to determine the composition of consumer configuration objects for which functionality is to be implemented, and then perform a number of additional settings, make changes to the code and forms of the selected objects.

BSP subsystems cover such areas as information base administration, administration of system users, maintenance of various regulatory and reference information (address classifier, exchange rates, calendar schedules, etc.). BSP provides user and programming interfaces for working with tasks and business processes, attached files, contact information, email messages, etc. The complete composition of the evaluation version subsystems is given in the documentation.

In addition to subsystems, BSP offers separate methods for developing standard solutions.

The use of BSP when developing applications on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform will reduce the time spent on development, improve the quality of application solutions, and standardize configurations released on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform. Now, in addition to the platform, 1C offers ready-made basic functionality and technology for developing application solutions, the use of which will reduce the time for studying and implementing application solutions due to their unification according to the set of standard subsystems used. Features of the evaluation version

The current version 1.0.4 has a number of limitations:

  • Compatibility of the evaluation version of the BSP with subsequent versions is not guaranteed.
  • The use of this version in commercial projects is not recommended.
  • The trial version is intended for use with the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform version

Preliminary test releases of configurations are provided to 1C partners and users of the 1C:Enterprise software system for testing, preliminary familiarization with new configuration features, bug fixes, and testing new releases on real data.

The use of a pre-release to automate real enterprise tasks can only be performed in selected cases at the discretion of the user, in conjunction with a partner supporting the implementation. Reporting bugs found during testing should be sent to the email address [email protected] This address only registers errors of preliminary test releases of configurations, consultations are not provided.

When submitting an error message, be sure to include:

  • partner code or user registration number;
  • configuration name;
  • the full number of the release in which the bug was identified;
  • a detailed description of the error;
  • the order in which the error is reproduced.
  • specify the characteristics of the computer;
  • specify the version of the operating system;
  • transfer application data (infobases and other data that could help reproduce the error).

For each error found, a separate letter should be sent.

Contents of the library

The 1C:Enterprise 8 Library of Standard Subsystems 8.2 includes a set of universal functional subsystems intended for use in application solutions based on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform. The library is not a complete (from the subject point of view) application solution. Library subsystems can be used in a consumer configuration both together and separately.

All subsystems of the library can be conditionally divided into the following categories:

1. Subsystems that implement independent functionality.

2. Integrable subsystems that implement functionality intended for use in certain consumer configuration objects (tight integration).

Subsystems of different categories differ in the complexity of their implementation in the configuration. Subsystems of the first category are implemented by simple transfer of functionality, as a rule, they are displayed in the configuration interface and do not require significant additional settings. Such subsystems may contain user interfaces and provide a programming interface that can be used in a consumer configuration. Updating these subsystems when the next version of the library is released often comes down to simply updating the corresponding configuration objects. Examples of subsystems are “Currencies”, “User Shutdown”.

When implementing integrable subsystems after the subsystem functionality has been transferred, it is necessary to determine the composition of consumer configuration objects for which the functionality needs to be implemented. After that, it is necessary to perform a number of additional settings, make changes to the code and forms of the selected objects, i.e., tightly integrate the subsystem into the consumer configuration objects. Updating such subsystems when the next version of the library is released also comes down to a simple update of the subsystem and, as a rule, does not require repeated changes to the consumer configuration objects.

The library contains only standard subsystems, and also offers some techniques for developing typical solutions, for example, a technique for setting session parameters.

A description of the key functions of the subsystems is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Assignment of library subsystems (subsystems intended for implementation in vendor configuration objects (tight integration) are marked with v)
Subsystem Key features
1. Standard Subsystems
  • General purpose procedures and functions.
  • Setting the title of the program window.
  • Service capabilities of the system administrator (deleting marked objects, list of active users and registration log)
2. Address classifier
  • Provision of an address classifier (KLADR) for use in application subsystems.
  • Loading the address classifier from the ITS disk, from the file and from the user section of the 1C website.
  • Periodic check for updates of the address classifier on the 1C website
3. Business processes and tasks
  • Informing the user about his current tasks.
  • Interactive input of tasks.
  • Monitoring and control of the execution of tasks by interested parties - authors and coordinators of the implementation of tasks.
  • Basic functionality for developing arbitrary business processes in a configuration
4. Currencies
  • Storage and provision of access to the list and exchange rates.
  • Downloading exchange rates from the website.
  • The choice of currencies from the all-Russian OKW classifier
5. Object versioning
  • Storage of the history of changes in directories and documents (the user who made the changes, the time of the change and the nature of the change, accurate to the details of the object and the details of its tabular sections).
  • Comparison of arbitrary versions of objects.
  • Viewing Previously Saved Versions of an Object
6. Shutting down users
  • Setting blocking of new connections to the infobase.
  • Ending existing connections to the infobase
7. Prohibition of editing object attributes
  • Checking the mandatory filling of some details of objects that determine the nature of this object (conditionally called "key" details).
  • Prohibition of editing the key details of recorded objects.
  • Checking the possibility of changing key details by a user who has the rights to do so
8. calendar charts
  • Storage of information about calendar schedules used in the enterprise.
  • Getting the date that will come in the specified number of days according to the specified schedule, etc.
Contact Information
  • Extension of the composition of the details of the configuration directories with an arbitrary set of details intended for entering contact information.
  • Use of predefined and custom types of contact information.
  • Using the functionality of the "Address classifier" subsystem

Dynamic Configuration Update Control

  • Checking if the configuration has changed dynamically.
  • Notifying the user with a suggestion to restart the program

Log control

  • Viewing the registration log in 1C:Enterprise mode.
  • Formation of a report on critical entries in the log and periodic distribution of the report to specified recipients

Adjusting the Order of Items

  • Setting the order of elements in an object using the Up and Down buttons

IB version update

  • Performing the initial filling and updating of the infobase data when changing the configuration version.
  • Display information about changes in the new version of the configuration
  • Formation of printed forms of objects in the form of spreadsheet documents or office documents in Microsoft Word and Writer formats.
  • Printing and sending printed forms by e-mail

Full text search

  • Setting up and using full-text data search

Getting files from the Internet

  • Software interface for receiving files from the Internet.
  • Getting a file from the network on the client.
  • Saving files: on the client computer, in the infobase.
  • Query and store proxy settings


  • Viewing and editing the list of system users.
  • User rights management.
  • Determining the current user at system startup

Working with mail messages

  • Programming interface for sending e-mail messages.
  • View and edit the system account for e-mail.
  • Basic user interface for sending messages

Working with files

  • Attaching files to arbitrary configuration objects.
  • Attaching files from the file system or creating files from a template.
  • Collective editing of files.
  • Storing and providing access to file versions.
  • Full text search support for attached files

Scheduled assignments

  • Displaying and configuring the parameters of scheduled tasks (schedule, start, stop).
  • Support for performing scheduled tasks in the file version of the infobase


  • Creation and editing of additional properties of documents and directories.
  • Storing properties in the object (additional details) and outside the object in a special information register (additional information).
  • Ability to use properties in reports.
  • Support for the ability to set different sets of properties for different objects of the same type

Saving settings

  • Saving and loading report options and custom report settings.
  • Refinement of the report form for convenient switching of user settings and report options


  • Storage and provision of access to information about individuals

Report Features

  • Software interface for setting up data composition system (ACS) report forms

ANDREY LUKONKIN, leading software engineer at OAO NizhegorodAvtoDor. Engaged in automation of production, accounting, management and personnel accounting

Library of standard subsystems
Discussing the pros and cons of innovation

1C Company announced the release of a trial version of the developer toolkit "1C: Library of Standard Subsystems 8.2". Let's try to get to the bottom of the novelty.

Now, in addition to the 1C:Enterprise platform, 1C offers ready-made basic functionality and technology for developing application solutions, the use of which will reduce the time for creating and implementing a software product.

"1C: Library of Standard Subsystems 8.2" (abbreviated as BSP) contains a set of universal functional subsystems that can be used in the configuration being developed both together and separately. What is it for? It is assumed that with the help of the BSP it will be possible to quickly create new configurations with ready-made basic functionality, as well as include ready-made functional blocks in existing configurations. Simply put, there is now a set of ready-made subsystems that a programmer can use without spending time reinventing the wheel.

Composition of trial version subsystems

standard subsystems. General-purpose procedures and functions, setting the title of the program window, service capabilities of the system administrator.

address classifier. Providing an address classifier (KLADR), loading the address classifier from the ITS disk, from a file and from the user section of the 1C website, periodically checking for updates to the address classifier on the site.

Business processes and tasks. Informing the user about his current tasks, interactive input of tasks, monitoring and control of the execution of tasks by interested parties, basic functionality for developing arbitrary business processes.

Object versioning. Storing the history of changes in directories and documents, comparing arbitrary versions of objects, viewing previously saved versions of an object.

Shutting down users. Setting blocking of new connections to the infobase, terminating existing connections.

Prohibition of editing the attributes of objects. Checking the obligatory filling of some details of objects, prohibiting editing the "key" details of recorded objects, checking the possibility of changing the "key" details by a user who has the right to do so.

Contact Information. Extension of the composition of the details of the configuration directories with an arbitrary set of details intended for entering contact information, using the functionality of the "Address classifier" subsystem.

Dynamic configuration update control. Checking the fact of a dynamic configuration change, notifying the user with a suggestion to restart the program.

Registration log control. Viewing the registration log in 1C:Enterprise mode, generating a report on critical entries in the registration log, and periodically sending the report to specified recipients.

Seal. Formation of printed forms of objects in the form of spreadsheet documents, printing and sending printed forms by e-mail.

Full text search. Setting up and using full-text data search.

Getting files from the Internet. Software interface for receiving files from the Internet, receiving a file from the network on a client, saving files on a client computer, in an infobase, requesting and storing proxy server settings.

Users. Viewing and editing the list of system users, managing user rights, determining the current user at system startup.

Working with files. Attaching files to arbitrary configuration objects, attaching files from the file system or creating files from a template, collective editing of files, storing and providing access to file versions, support for full-text search on attached files.

Regulatory assignments. Displaying and configuring the parameters of scheduled tasks, support for the execution of scheduled tasks in the file version of the infobase.

Properties. Creating and editing additional properties of documents and directories, storing properties in the object (additional details) and outside the object in a special information register (additional information), the ability to use properties in reports, support for the ability to set different sets of properties for different objects of the same type.

Saving settings. Saving and loading report options and user report settings, finalizing the report form for easy switching of user settings and report options.

Individuals. Storage and provision of access to information about individuals.

Report functions. Software interface for customizing the forms of ACS reports.

As conceived by the developers of this library, the use of BSP when writing applications on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform will reduce the time spent on development, improve the quality of application solutions, and standardize configurations.

It is planned that 1C will allow registered users of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system who have a valid ITS subscription to use the BSP at no additional charge.

Everything seemed to be good and wonderful. But only until the news began to be discussed by experts on Internet forums. I will give here some reviews (dividing them into positive and negative), after which I will try to summarize some of the discussions.

Positive reviews

  • “For example, in order to introduce an address classifier, loading currencies, banks and other “Wishlist” into your configuration in 8.1, you had to bother cutting out this functionality from the standard one. Everything seems to be easier now.”
  • “If you need a block of characteristics, for example, you can copy it to the configuration, and after 10 minutes everything works. I think it's a good idea."
  • “Nobody promised that this library would be a set of completely ready-made subsystems. The task is completely different - to enable the developer to quickly solve specific tasks that often arise (to enable the functionality of using e-mail or properties and characteristics). No more. If something does not suit you, write it yourself or redo the proposed ones.
  • “Before that, I had to pull out the code from the standard ones, which is not always convenient, and you can’t always pull up everything you need, and errors fall out at the most inopportune moment.”
  • “Why reinvent the wheel? Let's say there is a typical mechanism for working with users, when I write my configuration, I have a lot of tasks - I will take this mechanism from the BSP and forget about it, focusing on the main task.
  • “I don’t understand militant opponents. Have they never used standard libraries in other languages? Or are they just not aware of the existence of such languages ​​and libraries?”
  • “BSP's goal is to make life easier for both developers and users. And this applies primarily to circulation decisions. The developer doesn't have to reinvent the wheel, and the user doesn't have to re-learn how standard mechanisms work when moving from one configuration to another."

Negative Feedback

  • “So soon, programmers will not be needed ... Slowly, 1C is moving towards a customizable system, not a configurable one. Less programmer, more customization.”
  • “In typical configurations, characteristics, contact information, and even an address classifier are methodologically suboptimal. Now it is being forced on everyone. Now these shortcomings are being pushed to the masses.”
  • "Since it's a standard, it must be done well, once and for all."
  • “There is a suspicion that if the developers of the new configuration did not use these libraries, then the configuration will not be certified for “1C: Compatible” in the future. Otherwise, why would 1C need to unify common mechanisms?

So what do we have? On the one hand, there are ready-made blocks that you can insert into your configuration, focusing on solving more important tasks than managing users or working with files. On the other hand, there are concerns about the non-optimality of the standard solutions provided, as a result, the need for frequent changes (additional labor costs).

If we weigh all the pros and cons, then personally I am inclined to believe that there are still much more pluses. Figuratively speaking, 1C provides "sections for the fence", which you only need to place around the perimeter and proceed directly to the construction of the house. It is difficult to imagine a perfectly written program, and even if we assume that some methods in the BSP are not optimal, it is still more convenient than writing from scratch. This is also beneficial for end users, because they will not have to pay for the work of a programmer to write an address classifier and similar typical things.

The library of standard subsystems is a new phenomenon in the 1C world, but even now it has its supporters and opponents. As practice shows, criticism only contributes to the improvement of the product. Therefore, the discussion of all innovations is an important stage in the development of a really good solution.

"announced the release on December 21, 2010 of a new edition 1.1" 1C: Libraries of Standard Subsystems 8.2 "(BSP). Edition 1.1 is the next stage in the development of tools for the developer of applied solutions on the platform" 1C: Enterprise 8.2 ".

BSP edition 1.1 provides a set of universal functional subsystems, ready-made sections for user documentation and technology for developing application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform. With the use of BSP, it becomes possible to quickly develop new configurations with ready-made basic functionality, as well as the inclusion of ready-made functional blocks in existing configurations. The use of BSP in the development of application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform will also allow achieving greater standardization of configurations, which will reduce the time for studying and implementing application solutions due to their unification according to the set of standard subsystems used.

New in version 1.1 BSP

Edition 1.1 includes a number of new subsystems, part of the previously created functionality is separated into separate subsystems, significant changes have been made to some existing subsystems, and the BSP Implementation Assistant has been implemented.

The subsystem "Web services for working with files" provides work with attached files that are physically located in another infobase (library of files). Any configuration with the "Working with files" subsystem, which is published as a web service, can act as a file library. The subsystem provides the user with a basic set of operations with files: viewing the list of attached files, adding new files, deleting files, and opening files for viewing.

Using the new "Interactions" subsystem in the configuration, planning, registration and ordering of interactions can be organized: email correspondence, calls and meetings. All interactions, as well as information about interaction contacts, are stored centrally in the infobase. For example, this subsystem is actively used in edition 11 of the Trade Management configuration.

The "Change prohibition dates" subsystem allows you to block the change of any data (documents, register entries, directory elements, etc.) before a certain date. It is possible to set both one common date for the entire infobase as a whole, and several dates for sections and/or individual objects of accounting sections.

The Attached Files subsystem allows you to store (attach) files to arbitrary configuration objects. Unlike the "Working with files" subsystem, this subsystem is focused on an arbitrarily large number of different types of file owners without loss in speed when user access is limited at the record level. In terms of functions and appearance, the subsystem is close to the "Working with files" subsystem: collective editing of files, support for full-text search on attached files, electronic digital signature, encryption.

The "IS Backup" subsystem for file infobases has the ability to perform on-demand backups, as well as scheduled settings. Built-in infobase recovery assistant from a copy. For the client-server mode of operation, a notification is provided about the need to configure backup using standard DBMS tools.

The subsystem "Electronic digital signature" provides the application developer with a software and user interface for working with cryptography tools: electronic digital signature and signature verification.

The following subsystem is singled out as an independent one: "Group change of objects", which provides a universal service for group change of properties and attributes of objects of an arbitrary reference type (directories, documents, etc.), as well as the subsystem "File functions". The "File functions" subsystem is a technological subsystem that can only be used in conjunction with the "Working with files" and/or "Attached files" subsystems. It implements functions common to both subsystems and basic user interfaces for working with files, storing files in disk volumes, functions for supporting RIB and creating an initial image of an infobase.

The "Basic Functionality" subsystem has a new programming interface for batch writing events from client code to the log, as well as for checking whether logging of certain types of events is enabled in the log. Functions for checking the correctness of regulated data (TIN, KPP, etc.) have been added.

The subsystem "Business processes and tasks" has new functions that significantly expand the scenarios for applying business processes in configurations: stopping business processes, subordinating business processes and accepting tasks for execution.

For configurations with a small number of users, the "Users" subsystem provides a functional option that disables the setting of user groups and external users in the configuration.

The "Data Exchange" subsystem provides data exchange developers with a new "Unload if necessary" object unloading mode, as well as the ability to switch object unloading modes in 1C:Enterprise mode. In addition, the data exchange administrator can now configure all object mapping links that migrate between infobases, including those created by the administrator himself or formed automatically.

The subsystem "Working with files" uses the regular capabilities of the subsystem "Electronic digital signature". In addition, when scanning documents, it became possible to adjust the compression level (for TIF), quality (for JPG) and the way to save to PDF (using an external program).

In the "Access Control" subsystem, a mode of using a simplified interface for setting access rights has been added. This mode is intended for application solutions with a small number of users, each of which has a unique set of rights and access restrictions. In addition, setting the access rights of users, user groups, external users or groups of external users is now possible directly from the element forms of these objects. From the user rights setting form, a complete list of allowed actions (roles) is available, calculated on the basis of the user's membership in certain access groups. To get a complete picture of the rights of a user, user group, external user or group of external users, a detailed report has been developed. As an additional feature, the list of members of an access group now also displays its "implicit" members: members of user groups (groups of external users), as well as user managers.

In the "Individuals" subsystem, checks are implemented for filling in the series and number of the document of an individual (military ID, military ID of a reserve officer, diplomatic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, etc.).

Along with subsystems, BSP also offers separate methods for developing applied solutions. In version 1.1, the developer is provided with ready-made documentation sections for inclusion in the description of the configuration developed on the basis of the BSP.

For the initial implementation and subsequent updating of BSP versions in applied solutions, edition 1.1 includes a special tool - "Implementation Assistant". This assistant provides support for decision-making on the introduction of the BSP into the configuration, as well as automatic control of the actual result of the implementation of the BSP. Since decision-making on the implementation of the BSP and control of their implementation no longer requires "immersion" in the technical details of the implementation, the design, implementation and control can be performed by different specialists and at different points in time.

How to upgrade from a previous version

Edition 1.1 is provided to registered users of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system who have a valid subscription to information technology support (ITS).

To update the BSP to version 1.1, version 1.1.1 was released, compatible with platform version 8.2.13 and higher.

Version 1.1.1 of the BSP is published as part of the February issue of the ITS for 2011, on the user support website and on the ITS website (access to these sites only ITS subscribers have).

The general procedure for updating in the configuration of an already used BSP to version 1.1.1 is given in the documentation included in the delivery of this version. Features of updating from previous versions 1.0.7, 1.0.6, beta version 1.0.5 and evaluation version 1.0.4 are described in the update.htm file, which is also included in the distribution of version 1.1.1.

To update BSP versions in application solutions, it is recommended to use the "Deployment Assistant", which is included in the distribution kit as an external processing.

"1C: Library of Standard Subsystems" (hereinafter BSP) is intended for developments based on "1C: Enterprise". The original version of the BSP, created in 2010, was developed to configure the solutions of 1C itself. Thus, at the heart of all typical products manufactured by 1C is the BSP.

The use of BSP made it possible to solve such problems as the standardization of application programs and saving programmers' time. Since all the basic functionality is embedded in the BSP and it remains only to implement it, there was no need to develop standard functional blocks.

BSP installation. Delivery files

BSP is not a solution, it's just a tool for the programmer. It is not for sale, it is obtained by subscribing to ITS customers or 1C franchisees.

Library installation


Following the installer, go through the steps and click "Finish".




Add a new infobase by clicking the "Add" button and select "Create a new infobase", and then - until you click "Finish".







The BSP delivery includes a demo base with an installation option and the following files:

  • a library delivery file not intended for creating IS from a template;
  • the distribution file of the international version of the library is also not designed to work with templates;
  • 1Cv8_demo.dt demobase;
  • demobase distribution file.



This example is considered using version The configuration files are located in the \1c\SSL\3_0_1_240\ subdirectory. Please note that this version is used with the 1C 8.3 platform not lower than version

When installing the library, you may encounter "Error SDBL. The ConfigVersion table or field is not contained in the FROM clause."


This problem is solved by uploading and downloading the Dt file (in our case, a demo file was downloaded from the delivery kit).


BSP Implementation Assistant



First ImplementationBSP.epf- external processing, the name of which speaks for itself. With its help, you can select subsystems for implementation, taking into account their relationships, leave the settings for comparison (merging), remove redundant, unused code fragments of subsystems.

A step-by-step assistant is available from the "Developer Tools-First Time BSP Implementation" section.


With the help of the assistant, a blank for the configuration being created is also created. On the right, you can find a description of each selectable subsystem.




We prescribe additional parameters for each subsystem we have chosen.

We transfer the data, according to our settings, to the empty configuration being created. In the “Configurator” mode, we go into it.


For clarity, let's rename it to "My_configuration".

For the first time in the configurator mode, select “Configuration-Compare, merge with configuration from file”, specifying the library distribution file in the dialog and confirming the support request.


To the question "Perform a full configuration load?" we answer in the negative.



We see a comparison of two configurations - "My_Configuration" and "Libraries of standard subsystems".


In the comparison window, you can load settings from a file previously saved with the help of the assistant through "Actions-Load settings from file".


In the window that opens, select our previously saved file with the assistant - “Comparison Settings File”.


Please note that the subsystems will be highlighted, depending on which ones were defined during setup by the assistant. So, if you select only the basic functionality (Fig. 28), the configuration window will look like this:



Those. we see that not all configuration objects are ticked.

Now let's configure the subordinate subsystems by marking the objects to be transferred, through "Actions-Mark by file subsystems". Activate "Include the area of ​​subordinate subsystems."



By default, all subsystems are implemented, so you need to clear all the checkboxes, leaving only the ones you need (before implementing the library of standard subsystems into your configuration, you must study the list of subsystems to be implemented).

From the "Standard subsystems" we select the required ones, regardless of what functionality is needed. Among them are basic functionality, updating database versions, users, contacts.

There are also additional systems that are required to be transferred to work in the service model, and optional, requiring custom installation. You can determine their relationship from the tables by reading the article on the ITS website.


After selecting the subsystems, click the "Install" button.

You can also select the merge mode for individual elements - “Take from file” or “Merge with the priority of the main configuration” (to do this, right-click on it).


These actions can be applied to all elements by setting through the menu "Actions-Set mode for all".






Before updating the configuration, you must set the version number of the configuration being created in its properties, otherwise, when you open the program, an error will appear stating that the configuration version property is not filled.



Please note that at the end of the processes, the metadata objects are transferred, but not yet configured. Therefore, it is necessary to start configuring BSP objects.

Developer Toolkit "1C:Pіdpriєmstvo Library of standard subsystems" (BSP) provides a set of universal functional subsystems, ready-made sections for user documentation and technology for developing application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise platform. With the use of BSP, it becomes possible to quickly develop new configurations with ready-made basic functionality, as well as the inclusion of ready-made functional blocks in existing configurations. The use of BSP in the development of application solutions on the platform "1C:Pіdpriёmstvo" also allows you to achieve greater standardization of configurations and reduce the time to study and implement application solutions due to their unification according to the set of standard subsystems used.

The subsystems included in the BSP cover such areas as infobase administration, administration of program users, setting up access to infobase data, maintaining various regulatory and reference information (address classifier, exchange rates, calendar schedules, etc.). BSP provides basic user and programming interfaces for working with tasks and business processes, attached files and electronic signatures, contact information, additional details and information, mail messages, etc.

Subsystems can be used in the developed configuration both together and separately. From the point of view of implementation technology, all BSP subsystems can be divided into two categories:

  • Subsystems that implement"independent functionality". They are implemented by a simple transfer of functionality ("implemented and forgotten") and do not require significant additional settings.
  • Integrable subsystems provide functionality intended to be used in certain consumer configuration objects (so-called "tight integration"). During implementation, it is required to determine the composition of the consumer configuration objects for which the functionality needs to be implemented, and then perform a number of additional settings, make changes to the code and forms of the selected objects.

Along with subsystems, BSP also offers separate methods for developing applied solutions. The developer has ready-made sections for inclusion in the user documentation for the applied solution based on the BSP.

The possibilities of the library are fully used in the applied solutions themselves:

  • and others.

For the task of initial implementation and subsequent updates of BSP versions in applied solutions, there is a special tool - the implementation assistant. Its functions include support for decision-making on the introduction of the BSP into the configuration, as well as automatic control of the actual result of the implementation of the BSP. Since the decision-making on the implementation of the BSP and the control of their implementation do not require "immersion" in the technical details of the implementation, the design, implementation and control can be performed by different specialists and at different points in time.

Demo access

Demo configuration "Library of standard subsystems"

This database is a complete application solution, it can be used as a real working system. The presented functionality, from an applied point of view, is intended to demonstrate the capabilities of the "Library of Standard Subsystems" configuration and the "1C:Pidpriemstvo.3" platform.

More about the platform "1C:Pіdpriyomstvo.3".


  • Your browser must have a pop-up blocker disabled.
  • Your browser settings must allow JavaScript and Cookies.

Launch Options

You can work with the demo configuration using a web client or a thin client.

To connect to the infobase, select any user from the list. Passwords are not set.

Web client

The managed app web client only works on the following browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, or 9.0 for Microsoft Windows. Version 7.0 is recommended.
  • Mozilla Firefox version 3.x or later for Microsoft Windows and Linux.
  • Google Chrome version 12 for Microsoft Windows.
  • Safari version 4.0.5 for MacOS X version 10.5 and above.
Run online demo
  • Normal connection
  • GPRS connection
Thin client

To connect to an infobase using a thin client, select the "Web server" connection option and specify the connection string.

If necessary, specify the option to use a proxy.

Implemented features

Administration of users and access rights

Shutting down users

  • View and end active sessions in the program.
  • Temporary blocking of users' work in the program, prohibition of routine tasks.


  • Maintaining a list of users working in the program.
  • Maintaining a list of external users with limited access to specialized jobs provided in the program (for example, My orders, Questionnaires of the respondent, Registration of applications, etc.).
  • Setting the rights of users and external users (when implemented together with the Access Control subsystem, it is carried out by means of the Access Control subsystem).
  • Grouping users (and external users).
  • Clean up and copy settings for reports, forms, desktop, command interface sections, favorites, printing spreadsheet documents, and other user (and external user) personal settings.

Access control

  • Individual and group setting of user access rights using profiles and access groups.
  • Configuring access rights restrictions at the record level - for individual infobase data elements (elements of directories, documents, register entries, etc.).
  • Report on the rights of the user or group of users of interest.
  • There are two options for implementation in the application solution - normal and simplified. The normal mode of setting access rights is designed for multi-user application solutions, in which, as a rule, group setting of rights is performed, based on access groups. In simplified mode, rights are configured individually for each user. The second mode is intended for configurations with a small number of users, each of which has its own unique set of rights.

Administration and maintenance tools

  • Reports on user activity, on the duration of scheduled tasks and on critical entries in the registration log.

  • Connecting to the program additional (external) reports and processing without making changes to the configuration.
  • Linking additional reports and processing to specific types of objects or sections of the command interface.
  • Regular execution of processing according to the schedule.
  • Administration tools for the list of additional reports and processing.

Program settings

  • Ready-made workplaces (panels) for the Administration section.
  • Adjusting the composition of the administration panels to the current mode of the program.

Configuration update

  • Automatic configuration update (without opening the configurator) on demand, at a specified time in the future, or at the end of the program.
  • Check for and receive configuration updates over the Internet (on demand or scheduled).
  • Update from a specified file on a local or network drive.
  • Applying the main configuration changes to the database configuration.

  • Evaluation of the integral performance of the program according to the APDEX method.
  • Simplifies and automates the collection of information about the execution time of each key operation.
  • Measurement results analysis tools.
  • Automatic export of performance indicators.

Finding and removing duplicate list items.


  • Saving file infobase backups on demand or according to a specified schedule.
  • Restoring a file infobase from a copy.
  • Notification about the need to configure backup (also in client-server mode).

Scheduled assignments

Displaying a list and setting the parameters of scheduled tasks (schedule, start, stop).

  • Deleting objects marked for deletion with integrity control (checking references to deleted objects from other objects).
  • Scheduled background deletion.

Manage Totals and Aggregates

  • Administration of totals and aggregates of turnover accumulation registers.
  • Scheduled execution of operations of moving the border of totals, recalculation and updating of aggregates (according to the schedule, at the end of the program).

Service subsystems

  • Storing and viewing the history of changes in directories and documents (the user who made the changes, the time of the change and the nature of the change, accurate to the details of the object and the details of its tabular sections).
  • Comparison of arbitrary versions of objects.
  • View and rollback to a previously saved version of an object.

Bulk Editing of Objects

  • Group change of arbitrary details and tabular parts of program objects (directories, documents, etc.). The ability to change the values ​​of additional details and information, taking into account the rules pre-installed in the program forbidding editing the details of objects.

Change prohibition date

  • Blocking changes to any data (documents, register entries, directory elements, etc.) entered earlier than a certain date.
  • Flexible setting of one general change prohibition date for all program objects in general, or several dates for sections and / or individual objects of accounting sections.

  • Electronic replacement of stickers on the edges of the monitor, which can be used without leaving the window of your program.
  • Quick list of notes on the desktop, list of notes by subject, general list.
  • Different colors and design of the text of notes, inserting pictures into notes.

  • Support for the requirements of Law 152-FZ "On Personal Data".
  • Management of events of access to personal data (setting the use of the event, obtaining the current state of the use of events, preparing the form for setting up the program).
  • Classification of personal data by areas.
  • Accounting for consents to the processing of personal data.

  • Display various information (such as advertisements) when the program starts.

Contact Information

  • Adding details for entering contact information to arbitrary directories and documents: postal addresses, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, etc.
  • Automatic or manual verification of the correctness of addresses (when used in conjunction with the Address classifier subsystem).
  • Provision of a classifier of countries of the world (OKSM).

  • Enter personal reminders in the program at the right time.
  • Linking reminders to arbitrary program objects.

Adjusting the Order of Items

  • Adjust the order of the elements of arbitrary lists using the Up and Down buttons.


  • Software interface and a ready-made workplace for the formation of printed forms of arbitrary program objects.
  • Output of printed forms in the form of spreadsheet documents and office documents in Microsoft Word and Writer formats.
  • Sending printed forms by e-mail, saving to a computer or in attached files (when used in conjunction with the Attached Files subsystem).
  • Connecting external printing forms, as well as printing external printing forms complete with the main printing forms (when used in conjunction with the subsystem Additional reports and processing).
  • Printable output of a QR code image for a given text string.

Full text search

Setting up and performing a full-text search on all data in the program.

Attached files

  • Programming and user interfaces for attaching files (attachments) to arbitrary program objects.
  • Support for an arbitrary number of different types of file owners without sacrificing speed in terms of record-level user access restrictions (RLS).
  • Collective editing of files, scanning, electronic signature and encryption.

Checking the legality of receiving updates

Software and user interfaces to confirm the legality of receiving a configuration update.


  • Adding additional properties to arbitrary documents and directories.
  • Output of property values ​​in any reports and dynamic lists.
  • Separate storage of properties both in the program object itself (additional details) and outside the owner object in a special information register (additional information).
  • The ability to set the same properties for different objects, properties that must be filled in, and other service features.

  • Displaying information about parent and child documents for the selected document, as well as the entire structure of their relationships.

Electronic signature

  • Software and user interface for working with cryptography tools: electronic signature and signature verification.
  • Sending applications for the issuance of a CEP certificate to the CA "1C: Enterprise" and installing them on a computer.

Technological mechanisms and software interfaces

Basic functionality

  • Procedures and functions of general purpose, for working with strings, with other types of data, with a log, etc.
  • Standard roles (Administration, Full rights, Thin client launch, etc.).
  • Automatic tracking of renaming of metadata objects.
  • Basic service capabilities of the program administrator (registration log, setting the program window title, etc.).

Prohibition of editing object attributes

  • A program interface for checking the obligatory filling of some attributes of objects that determine the nature of this object (conditionally called "key" attributes).
  • Prohibition of editing "key" details of recorded objects.
  • Checking the possibility of changing the "key" details by a user who has the right to do so.

Updating the infobase version

  • Performing the initial filling and updating of the infobase data when changing the configuration version.
  • Display information about changes in the new version of the configuration.
  • API for executing exclusive, online, and deferred update handlers.

Object Prefix

  • Automatic assignment of prefixes to objects, taking into account the program settings.
  • Prefixing of objects in the context of infobases and elements of the Organizations list.
  • Programming interface for re-prefixing lists and documents when changing the infobase prefix.

Working in the service model

  • Includes a number of subsystems required for the configuration to work in the service model:
    • Support for data separation (identification of common classifiers and program settings that are used in general for the infobase).
    • Sequential execution of tasks in different data areas to reduce the load on the 1C: Enterprise server.
    • Transition from the local mode of operation to the service model (and vice versa) based on the mechanism for unloading and loading data areas through xml files.
    • Scheduled automatic backup of data areas.
  • Configuration integration with other service components - service manager and supplied data service:
    • A messaging mechanism for guaranteed delivery of messages between different information systems.
    • Synchronization of lists and user rights in the service manager and in the application. Managing data areas from the service manager.
    • A technology for exchanging data between applications running in the service model, as well as with infobases installed locally on users' computers.
  • Offline work with the application in the service without a permanent connection to the Internet:
    • Ability to work offline with the program in the absence of the Internet or low data transfer rates.
    • Ability to work together online and offline for multiple users.
    • Possibility to consolidate information from different workstations working autonomously.
    • Automatic update of the release of a configuration that works offline.
  • It also includes a number of subsystems that are not intended for independent use. They need to be included in the configuration only together with the corresponding main subsystem. For example, if the Currency subsystem is marked for implementation, the Currency subsystem in the service model should also be marked.

File Functions

  • A technological subsystem not intended for independent use; only in conjunction with the Attached Files and/or Working with Files subsystems.
  • General functions and basic user interfaces for working with files, storing files in disk volumes, functions for supporting RIB and creating an initial image of an infobase.

Monitoring Center

  • Collects depersonalized statistics on configuration usage.
  • Transfers depersonalized statistics to a single quality control center.

Integration with other programs and subsystems

Loading data from a file

  • Loading tabular data into arbitrary lists and tabular parts of documents.

Integration with Buhfon

  • The ability for Buhfon infrastructure users to launch the application directly from the configuration.

Data exchange

  • Software interface and ready-made workstations for organizing joint work in a distributed information base and for synchronizing data with other programs.
  • Data synchronization on demand and automatically according to the schedule.
  • Connection through various communication channels: local or network directory, e-mail, FTP resource or via the Internet (including data synchronization with applications in the "cloud").
  • Flexible configuration of data synchronization rules between programs, assistant for matching identical data.
  • Tools for monitoring and diagnosing data synchronization.
  • Ability to develop exchange plans with or without conversion rules, convenient debugging of conversion rule event handlers in the configurator.
  • Automatic updating of the configuration of the RIB slave node (when used in conjunction with the Configuration Update subsystem).

Sending SMS

  • Software interface for sending and checking the delivery status of SMS messages.

Getting files from the Internet

  • Programming interface for receiving files from the Internet.
  • Getting a file from the network on the client.
  • Saving files on the client computer, in the infobase.
  • Request and store proxy settings.

Working with mail messages

  • Programming interface for sending and receiving e-mail messages.
  • Maintaining a list of email accounts.
  • Basic user interface for sending messages.

Distribution of reports

  • Distribution of reports and additional reports by e-mail.
  • Publishing reports to FTP, network directories and folders of the subsystem Working with files.
  • Scheduled or interactive run.

Reference information and classifiers

Address classifier

  • Storage and provision of an address classifier (FIAS) for use in other application subsystems.
  • Entering and checking the correctness of addresses via the Internet using the vendor's web service.
  • Loading the address classifier into the program from the user section of the vendor's website or from the specified directory (when working offline without a permanent connection to the Internet).


  • Storage and provision of the classifier of banks of the Russian Federation (BIC) for use in other application subsystems.
  • Loading the classifier of banks of the Russian Federation (BIC) from the ITS disk and from the RBC website, automatically or on demand.


  • Storage and provision of access to the list and exchange rates.
  • The choice of currencies from the all-Russian classifier (OKV).

Work schedules

  • Storing information about calendar schedules used in the enterprise.

  • Storing information about the production calendars used in the enterprise.
  • Getting the date that will come in the specified number of days according to the specified calendar and another programming interface.


  • Maintaining a directory of the Organization with contact information in the program.
  • A template for developing an Organization directory in an application configuration.

Working with contractors

  • Checking the details of counterparties according to the Federal Tax Service in the list of Counterparties, documents and reports.
  • Filling in the details of counterparties and the formation of the dossier of the counterparty according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the EGRIP.

Application subsystems and user workstations

  • Conducting surveys for external users of the program.
  • Development of questionnaire templates and conducting surveys according to the list of respondents.
  • Means of analysis of the results of the survey.

  • Interactive input of tasks for program users.
  • Informing users about their current tasks.
  • Monitoring and control of the execution of tasks by interested parties - authors and coordinators of the implementation of tasks.
  • Basic functionality for developing custom business processes in a configuration.

Report Options

  • Collaboration with report options provided in the program and created by users.
  • Quick access panel to report options.
  • A universal report form with quick settings, sending reports by mail, setting up mailing reports, autosum and other service features.
  • Software interface for fine-tuning the appearance of reports.

  • Plan, register and organize interactions: email correspondence, calls, appointments and SMS messages.
  • Storage of all interactions and their contacts in the infobase.
  • Working with the results of interactions.

  • Collective editing of files in a hierarchical folder structure.
  • Storing and providing access to file versions.
  • Attaching files from the file system, creating files from a template, or receiving from a scanner.
  • Electronic signature, encryption.

  • Displaying a list of the user's current affairs on the desktop (new letters, tasks, requests, uncoordinated orders, etc.).

Product functionality update

Description of modifications and features of the new version

Version 2.3.5

Update announcement, evaluation version:

Version 2.3.5 includes delivery of the international version of the library, which is intended for the development of localized solutions of the 1C:Enterprise system. In the international version, there is no national specificity of any country, and the connection of specifics for a specific country to it is performed in the same way for any country. Development on the basis of the international version is carried out in the Russian version of the built-in language of the platform "1C: Enterprise".


  • the subsystem "Working with files" was developed;
  • a mechanism for displaying contextual reports has been implemented;
  • in the "Interactions" subsystem, work with email attachments has been improved;
  • improved layout of administration panels ("Program settings" subsystem);
  • expanded software interface for working with contact information, electronic signature.

In order to simplify the first implementation and regularly update the functionality of the BSP in configurations in version 2.3.5:

  • included in the delivery is a tool to reduce the complexity of updating configurations for corrective releases of the library;
  • the autonomy of subsystems has been significantly increased for the purposes of selective implementation, and the basic (mandatory) part has also been reduced;
  • unified implementation in the configuration of the subsystems "Filling objects", "Print", "Additional reports and processing.

The full list of features of version 2.3.5 is presented in the UpdateSSL.htm file included in the library distribution.

Version 2.3.4 dated 11/24/16

Version 2.3.4 is a development of version 2.3 of the "Library of Standard Subsystems" toolkit, which is designed to develop configurations on the 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.8 and higher. In this case, the "Compatibility Mode" configuration property must be set to "Do not use".

"1C:Pіdpriєmstvo Library of standard subsystems" (BSP) provides a set of universal functional subsystems, ready-made sections for user documentation and technology for developing application solutions on the platform "1C:Pіdpriєmstvo". With the use of BSP, it becomes possible to quickly develop new configurations with ready-made basic functionality, as well as the inclusion of ready-made functional blocks in existing configurations. The use of BSP in the development of application solutions on the 1C:Pіdpriyemstvo platform will also allow achieving greater standardization of configurations, which will reduce the time for studying and implementing application solutions due to their unification according to the set of standard subsystems used.

The subsystems included in the BSP cover areas such as

  • Administration of users and access rights;
  • Administration and maintenance tools (installation of updates, backup, additional reports and processing, performance evaluation, etc.);
  • Service subsystems (versioning of objects, notes and reminders, printing, full-text search, attached files, electronic signature, etc.);
  • Technological mechanisms and software interfaces (general-purpose procedures and functions, updating the IS version, working in the service model, etc.);
  • Reference information and classifiers (address classifier, banks, currencies, etc.);
  • Integration with other programs and systems (data exchange, work with mail messages, sending SMS, sending reports, etc.);
  • Application subsystems and user workplaces (questionnaires, business processes and tasks, interactions, report options, etc.).

In total, the BSP includes 58 subsystems. The full composition of subsystems, their purpose, the order of implementation and recommendations for use are given in the documentation for the library.

Along with subsystems, BSP also offers separate methods for developing application solutions, which are described in the documentation for the library. With the use of BSP, it is much easier to develop configurations that meet all the requirements of the "System of standards and methods for developing configurations for the 1C: Enterprise platform".

In addition, for administrators and specialists in the implementation of applied solutions, external processing is supplied as part of the BSP, which can be used autonomously without the BSP to solve a number of administrative and "repair" tasks: the query console, group modification of objects, registration of changes on exchange plan nodes, hiding confidential information, etc.

How to upgrade from a previous version

Edition 2.3 is provided to registered users of the 1C: Enterprise system who have a valid subscription to Information Technology Support ().

Version 2.3.4 is compatible with platform version 8.3.8 with compatibility mode disabled. The general procedure for upgrading the BSP subsystems used in configurations to version 2.3.4 is given in the documentation. Features of upgrading from previous versions are described in the updateSSL.htm file.

To update BSP versions in applied solutions, it is recommended to use specialized tools included in the library distribution kit:

  • External processing First DeploymentBSP.epf - designed to simplify the process of the first implementation of the library. Allows you to select subsystems for deployment, taking into account their dependencies from each other, as well as remove code fragments of unused subsystems.
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