FSB license for cryptography. FSB license for cryptography and encryption: algorithm for obtaining FSB license distribution of encryption tools

Important provisions that licensees (applicants) need to know when obtaining an FSB license for cryptography

Need? You cannot do without knowledge in the field of information security. Without a diploma that confirms your knowledge, you cannot get the approval of the special services. This requirement is specified in the law. Therefore, there is no choice: to study or not to study. The only question is where to get this education. Familiarize yourself on this site with the possibilities of the Bryansk State Technical University.

License of the FSB of Russia: who needs it, why and how to get it

This license is issued by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. It is needed by all organizations, enterprises, institutions and other legal entities that:

  • Intend to provide information security services;
  • Work with state secrets;
  • Work with personal data and confidential information;
  • We intend to distribute tools and techniques for cryptography.

If you want to urgently obtain an FSB license, you need to immediately begin to fulfill all the necessary conditions. The term for considering the issue of issuing a license lasts from 1 to 3 months. Among them is the qualification of personnel.

A legal entity must be represented by at least 2 specialists with more than 3 years of experience. Another requirement is education. To urgently obtain an FSB license, you need to get an education in the specialty "information security" as soon as possible (over 500 hours). If you do not have such an education, you will have to take special courses.

What documents are required to obtain an FSB license

To obtain, you must apply for a license and provide a certain list of documents:

  • Copies of constituent documents;
  • A copy of the charter of the legal entity;
  • A copy of the lease agreement and other documents for the premises;
  • A copy of the document that confirms being registered with the tax authority;
  • Copies of all work books of all employees;
  • A document that confirms the fact of payment of the state fee for granting a license;
  • Copies of hiring orders for each employee.

In the absence of at least one document, it cannot be issued. In addition, you need a diploma in information security courses. You can get it at our university. It is enough to give classes 1-2 hours every day. All lectures, assignments and other educational materials are available around the clock. You decide when and where you study.

If a company develops cryptographic means for protecting confidential information, information or telecommunications systems, then it needs to obtain a license for the development of cryptographic or encryption tools.

Manufacturers of software for cryptographic protection of information

an FSB license is required to carry out work related to the development (creation) of cryptographic information protection tools.

The Center for Licensing, Certification and Protection of State Secrets of the Federal Security Service of Russia and territorial security agencies carry out licensing of the activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs for the following types:

1. Carrying out work related to the use of information constituting a state secret (only for legal entities).

2. Activities related to the creation of means of protecting information containing information constituting a state secret (only for legal entities).

3. Implementation of measures and (or) provision of services in the field of protection of state secrets (only for legal entities).

4. Activities for the development, production, distribution of encryption (cryptographic) tools, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means, performance of work, provision of services in the field of information encryption, maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means (except for the case if the maintenance of encryption (cryptographic) means, information systems and telecommunication systems protected using encryption (cryptographic) means is carried out to meet the own needs of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur).

5. Activities for the development, production, sale and acquisition for the purpose of sale of special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information.

6. Identification activities electronic devices, intended for secretly obtaining information (except for the case when the specified activity is carried out to meet the own needs of a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur) (only for legal entities).

7. Activities for the development and production of means of protecting confidential information.

We are ready to provide you with qualified assistance in obtaining an FSB license for development.

Our services " Development License" include:

  1. Consultation of a specialist on the issue of obtaining a license and the list of documents that need to be collected.
  2. Legal examination of the submitted documents for compliance with licensing requirements.
  3. Recommendations for elimination of found inconsistencies or assistance in their elimination.
  4. Preparation of a package of documents required for obtaining a license (application, orders, forms, warrants, etc.).
  5. Assistance in certification of the workplace, and, if necessary, a dedicated, protected room.
  6. Assistance in the selection of missing staff.
  7. Delivery of a package of documents signed by the license applicant to the licensing authority.
  8. Obtaining a document confirming the acceptance of a package of documents for consideration.
  9. Monitoring the passage of licensing procedures, interaction with the licensing authority when checking the license applicant for compliance with license requirements and on-site verification.
  10. Assistance in eliminating the comments of experts (if any).
  11. Obtaining a license and transferring it to the Client.

Additional services:

  1. conclusion of an agreement for certification of workstations;
  2. training;
  3. assistance in the purchase of software.

As a result of our services, you will receive the right to develop software, cryptographic means of protecting information, information and telecommunication systems.

Licensing requirements:

The list of works is specified in the Regulation on Licensing the Protection of State Secrets and the Administrative Regulations on Licensing.

Documents required to obtain a development license:

  1. copies of constituent documents (charter, memorandum of association (if any));
  2. order to appoint a leader;
  3. a copy of the Certificate of registration and entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  4. a copy of the Certificate of the latest changes in the constituent documents;
  5. a copy of the Certificate from the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate on tax registration and assignment of TIN;
  6. copies of documents confirming the right of ownership or other legal basis for the possession and use of the premises necessary for the implementation of the licensed activity;
  7. personnel documents;
  8. extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities not older than a month;
  9. bank details of the company, postal address, telephone number;
  10. payment order for payment of state duties;
  11. power of attorney.

What needs to be done to get licenses for the development of encryption tools:

1. Conclude an agreement with us to obtain an FSB license.

2. Submit to us the documents necessary for the provision of the service.

3. Issue a power of attorney for our employee responsible for obtaining the FSB license

Benefits of obtaining an FSB license for the development of cryptographic tools and cryptography in Generation 8:

1. Consulting and preparation of a package of documents is carried out by a staff of specialists, incl. former FSTEC employees with extensive experience and specialization in the subject area, well versed in the intricacies and details of the issue.

2. We help to prepare the documents necessary for obtaining a license, which are quite difficult to do on your own.

3. You save time and money quickly, without loss of nerves, by obtaining the necessary license

Consequences of carrying out activities without an FSB license:

For carrying out activities without the necessary license, the law provides as civil and administrative (and in some cases criminal) liability.

Cryptography development licensing is a job for experienced professionals!

The FSB controls enterprises that create information Technology or developing various encryption systems, as well as data protection programs. Cryptographic activities are subject to special consideration. FSB license for encryption confirms that the company operates legally. As well as its ability to carry out its activities in full compliance with the security requirements established by law for the protection of classified data.

Legal basis

Decor FSB licenses for encryption and cryptography regulated by Federal Laws No. 99 dated May 4, 2011 and No. 313 dated April 16, 2012. According to the rules established by the government, such activities can only be carried out after obtaining the necessary permission. Can't work without. Failure to comply with this provision is considered a violation of the law.

FSB SKZI license is unlimited and available only to legal entities that have confirmed their compliance with the established standards and have successfully passed the inspection of the regulatory authority.

  • protective technologies;
  • electronic signatures;
  • coding and encryption devices;
  • paper and electronic documents of a key type;
  • various programs for processing and encrypting information.

Who needs a license

FSB encryption license necessary for organizations that are engaged in:

  • installation and maintenance of cash registers;
  • repair, installation and sale of tachographs for trucks;
  • production of digital signatures;
  • development of special programs for encryption and data protection;
  • installation and repair of specialized radio equipment;
  • implementation and maintenance of certified facilities cryptographic protection data;
  • development of a secure workflow using encryption.

FSB license for information protection is needed by all companies that provide services or perform work using encryption tools in the interests of legal entities and individuals. These include banks and medical centers, firms that install tachographs. Also, IT companies are required to have specialized software and various databases.

Requirements for applicants

Successful receipt and implementation of activities related to cryptography depends on the degree of compliance of the applicant with all the requirements established by law. To obtain a permit, an organization must:

  • confirm the experience and qualifications of personnel;
  • show documents for ownership or rental of premises;
  • submit certificates for equipment used for work;
  • provide safe use information and confidentiality;
  • successfully pass a number of checks and examinations organized by authorized bodies.

It is necessary to check all papers for compliance with the requirements before starting the registration process FSB licenses for the production of encryption tools.

Preparation of documents

For getting FSB licenses for encryption it is necessary to prepare a number of documents:

  • an application for a license;
  • administrative papers that confirm the security of data;
  • constituent documents of the applicant organization;
  • job descriptions;
  • confirmation that the staff has employees with the appropriate skill level;
  • lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises;
  • documents confirming that the company has the necessary equipment;
  • access to activities requiring the use of secret data;
  • receipts for payment of state duties and fees.

Estimated costs and terms for issuing a license for cryptography and encryption

Receipt FSB licenses for the implementation and development of production encryption devices involves certain costs:

  1. State duty. By law, the applicant is obliged to pay for the services of the licensing authority in the amount of 7,500 rubles.
  2. Computer and room certification is required to obtain FSB licenses for the production of cryptographic tools. The cost of the service is 150 thousand rubles.

Term of receipt FSB licenses for the distribution of encryption cryptographic tools depends on:

  • preparatory stage - takes about 1 month;
  • the time for consideration of the application is a maximum of 45 working days.

The whole process will take at least 3 months. You can speed up the process and get rid of the hassle if you turn to intermediary firms. They take care of the entire process FSB licenses for information protection.

Assistance in obtaining an FSB license for cryptography and encryption

You can get the appropriate permission to carry out your activities yourself. But the design process FSB licenses for the development of production and the provision of services related to classified data is very painstaking. To simplify it, there are special companies ready to take over the entire process of obtaining FSB licenses for the development of encryption tools and a work permit for organizations whose activities involve the use of classified information. Intermediary services include:

  1. Advice on all licensing issues.
  2. Evaluation of the applicant for compliance with the requirements established for the implementation of the declared type of activity.
  3. Procurement and installation of cryptographic protection.
  4. Workplace certification.
  5. Search and training of personnel.
  6. Improving the qualifications of employees.
  7. Collection and execution of regulatory and administrative documents.
  8. Preparation of the applicant for the examination, which will be carried out by the FSB officer.

Firms offering such services will help you quickly and without hassle to get FSB license for the implementation and development settings for encryption and various programs. If necessary, the mediator will take part in the appeal of illegal decisions and protect the interests of the employer in accordance with the law.

The function of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, among others, is to ensure the safety of private information of a private, confidential nature on behalf of the state. The mechanism for controlling the processing, encryption, manufacture, transfer of equipment using such information is implemented through a licensing procedure. The authorities entrusted the issuance, extension, permits, and the issuance of duplicates to specialized bodies - the LPS Center, local divisions of the licensing Department. The FSB license for cryptography issued by them allows:

  • design, manufacture, replicate crypto-means that protect information (CIPF) - including telecommunications, info-complexes equipped with them;
  • encrypt personal, confidential data, provide services related to cryptographic information security;
  • maintain the devices required for the above work.

Licensing requirements vary - the conditions depend on the state body in charge of information protection, by means of CI. Organizations with access to sensitive information that requires protection apply to one of two agencies. Using cryptographic SKI, encryption tools, it is necessary to work with the Office of the Security Service. The rest of the funds are controlled by the FSTEC, granting permission to conduct foreign economic operations with military products/technologies and use:

  • software and hardware information security;
  • equipment for technical protection of information representing state secrets;
  • tools to prevent data leakage through technical channels.

Permits for working with state secrets are issued by the FSTEC for a five-year period (extension is possible). IPS include cryptographic protection tools, so in practice, applicant organizations apply to both departments.

Legal acts, internal company documentation covering the issues of cryptographic means

The legislation establishes compulsory licensing in a set of legal acts, including:

  • federal laws covering licensing, the use of cryptographic tools, the work of authorized bodies, data protection - No. 40-FZ, 99-FZ, 149-FZ, 210-FZ;
  • government Decrees No. 313, 333, 373, 608, 722;
  • annexes of Decree No. 313, where the actions constituting the licensed area are recorded.

The legal norms regarding the execution of the FSB license for cryptography supplement internal company orders, orders stipulating the following issues:

  • enrollment of full-time employees specializing in CIPF;
  • functions performed by employees working with classified information;
  • entries in the work books of employees with access to licensed operations.

For initial, repeated applications, applicants pay a fee - the cost of obtaining permits is determined by the current rules and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (second part, chapter 23, article 333.33).

Who needs to contact the licensing authorities?

The FSB license for encryption and cryptography will be required for enterprises working with:

  • technical means that develop encryption algorithms that restrict access;
  • electronic signatures;
  • imitation protection devices - technical means that prevent the imposition, falsification of data;
  • devices, software products that generate key documents (carriers - electronic, paper);
  • PC-related coding equipment, manual data entry;
  • encryption software.

The list also includes cards, blocks of tachographs - devices for measuring the movement of vehicles. The equipment transmits information (for example, to the authorities of the drivers of the vehicle), therefore, an FSB license for encryption and cryptography is required when:

  • designing, manufacturing, transferring cards/blocks;
  • activation of tachograph modules (permission required by the company providing the devices);
  • installation, debugging, calibration, other work affecting the activation module.

When supplying or installing certified cryptographic tools, servicing the CIPF, organizing a workflow scheme that involves encryption, it is necessary to obtain the right to act in the territorial Administration / Center of LPS. The FSB license for cryptography is required for firms that:

  • embed CIPF in their own products - communication and information complexes with protection;
  • develop, update, transfer tools for information security, production of key documentation, confirmation of access rights;
  • install, repair, sell tachographs;
  • produce an EDS;
  • provide communication through channels with protection;
  • repair special radio equipment, perform debugging;
  • work with encryption software;
  • serve encryption and cryptographic means.

Companies selling CIPF will need an FSB license to distribute encryption devices - the same as in other cases. They receive it by going through the procedure established by law.

The procedure for issuing permits

The regulatory framework stipulates the “referral” for the applicant, the procedure for direct appeals is established by the LSP Center (when the company operates in Moscow, the Moscow Region), the territorial offices of the state agency at the applicant’s registration point. The submission of applications is preceded by the fulfillment of the information security conditions for the premises, control and measuring, testing devices that are in the legal possession / disposal of the organization. The firm needs:

  • confirm the compliance of the area, parameters of the premises with the requirements for compliance with the confidentiality regime;
  • comply with the conditions of compliance with the confidentiality of information (government agencies check this);
  • using information constituting a state secret, issue permits;
  • confirm the qualifications, experience of personnel admitted to "closed" data"
  • calibrate, check devices, equipment according to the requirements of the legislation on the uniformity of measurements;
  • confirm the intended use software;
  • provide the licensing authority with a list, samples of CIPF, technical documentation for them.

Among the mandatory requirements are certified information security tools, certified workstations, justification of the request to local authorities / CLSZ. Having fulfilled the conditions, the applicant company sends a request, a documentation package, receive confirmation, an inventory.

Documentation package for issuing FSB licenses for encryption and cryptography

The licensing organization prepares a set of files, notarizing copies of:

  • constituent documentation - charter / agreement;
  • certificates of OGRN/GRN, TIN (fiscal accounting);
  • title documents for real estate, lease/sublease agreements;
  • extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (fresh - not older than 20 days before the date of submission);
  • order on acceptance to the position of the general director;
  • internal confidentiality instructions;
  • job descriptions, work books, diplomas of employees, certificates of advanced training in the required direction;
  • technical documentation for equipment, devices (calibrated, tested);
  • receipt confirming the payment of the fee.

Organizations that have changed addresses, the composition of the work performed, adjusted the composition of directors admitted to state secrets, are required to reissue the permit. Also, compliance with the requirements of government agencies must be confirmed. The licensing authority conducts inspections - according to the schedule plus unscheduled ones. If an organization has a license from the FSB for the distribution of encryption information security tools, work with crypto-tools, inspectors will visit it for the first time three years from the date of issue (possibly later). The check includes the study of:

  • equipment, software involved in licensed works;
  • validity of device certificates, compliance with GOST;
  • the actual qualification level of employees admitted to work and other aspects.

Licensing procedures are time-consuming, require knowledge of all the nuances of the law. Therefore, their independent implementation is fraught with failures, loss of time due to the need to correct comments. The way out is to turn to experts who know everything about the legal side of the issue, who know how to protect the interests of customers in practice. Professionals:

  • conduct a preliminary examination of the documentation set of the licensing case;
  • help with certification, delivery of certified devices;
  • check the premises for compliance with confidentiality requirements;
  • support the customer when interacting with employees of the licensing departments.

By entrusting the representation of their interests to professional support, customers reduce risks. Help frees you from burdensome hassle and speeds up the procedure.

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