How to make content on Instagram interesting. How to make a content plan for Instagram: examples and templates. Delivery and contacts

A well-written content plan is half the success. In any situation, you will have a post prepared, and the page will remain alive. Pre-designed themes will acquire high-quality design. We share recommendations on how to write a content plan for Instagram, tools for its implementation and ideas.

What is a content plan for Instagram

A content plan is a schedule of posts that is compiled in advance. Its task is to ensure regular page activity and not lose customers. To create, you need to be well versed in the chosen topic and be able to talk about it to the audience.

How to write a content plan for Instagram

Step 1. Decide on the type of account

What types of profile on Instagram are:

  1. Educational. On your page, the client will find useful and practical information: from explanations of incomprehensible things to simple instructions on how to implement something in life. If you're selling clothes, talk about current trends, classics, tips on fabrics, colors, and anything else that comes to mind. Show that you are a professional in business, and customers will be drawn.
  2. Motivating. It is now popular to set goals and move towards them. People need support. For example, you sell sports equipment. Subscribers see his photos in the feed with an inspiring quote, and possibly the story of this or that athlete. Each post is supplemented with information about the product.
  3. Blog. Choose a topic that is close to the product. Post stories, thoughts, useful life hacks. In a word, enter a regular blog. Please include information about the product and links to other sources in the biography. The advantages of such a profile management: advertising is not imposed and looks native.
  4. Shop. Post photos of products with detailed information, be sure to indicate the price. Dilute selling texts with informational, entertaining and personal materials. Do you do flowers? Tell your subscribers what bouquets you can bring to a wedding or how to give a man the right gift. Add a funny photo by theme. Share a story about how a rose changed your outlook.

What page are you ready to lead?

Step 2. Formulate the goal of the promotion

Why did you start Instagram?
Possible options:

  • audience expansion;
  • attracting traffic to the landing;
  • increasing brand awareness;
  • improving the company's reputation;
  • information about products and discounts.

Not the whole list. Find your goal and stick to a plan to reach it.

Step 3. Draw out the structure

You know your profile type and purpose. Start from them when determining the prevailing content on the page. What will you post more often and what less often? For example, 60% are information posts, 20% are selling and 20% are entertaining. Shares help not to stray from the logical content.
Do not impose selling texts, try to dilute them with other types of content. Diversity increases competitiveness.
Blogs need one or two topics that will go through the entire material.
Do not neglect personal stories: subscribers love to read about real people.

Step 4. Think about what information about the company you need to convey

List the benefits of the brand. Sample ideas:

  • quality product;
  • original approach to business;
  • useful information;
  • customer care.

Create your own posting rules to suit your requirements. Focus on what the company wants to convey to the audience, and what subscribers, in turn, expect from the brand.

Step 5: Schedule

  1. Think about what the posts will be about, formulate a topic.
  2. Choose the frequency and time for posting. More details: "".
  3. Fill in the chart.

Start creating posts. During the creative process, ideas often come up about what to write about next. Record them separately. Filter out duplicate or unsuccessful ones, edit the rest.
Pay attention to current posts that everyone will know about soon. They should appear outside of the schedule. Subscribers will see that you are living these moments with them.

Where to get inspired and get material for posts

  1. Headings for subscribers. Ask them what they want to know about. Eliminate ideas that are not your format and start implementing.
  2. Communication in the comments. Many ideas can often be gleaned from discussions.
  3. Thematic groups and channels in other social networks. Keep track of what's popular in your area. Write your thoughts or comments. Process the information for the Instagram format.
  4. Competitors. What topics are popular with them? What are they discussing? You don't need to steal, write from a different angle.
  5. Old posts. When the audience has grown, you can offer a selection of quality old posts to interest them and increase engagement. This also includes headings with popular posts for the month.
  6. Guest posts. Post posts from subscribers or experts.
  7. Ready-made ideas for bloggers and businessmen are constantly published on the Internet. Drive your topic into the search and see what people write about, what they ask in the comments. Write down the most frequently discussed topics for yourself. Find ready-made lists, and edit the appropriate items for yourself.

Content plan for Instagram: sample

Here are some examples of how you can draw up a content plan.

Ready-made photos for posts can be combined into galleries. A preview will help you find the best location.

In addition to how to develop a content plan for Instagram, the page owner must be able to analyze the results and make changes to the new schedule.
Review posts for the week. Select the most popular posts. Compare and write down what they had in common. Do the same for the unpopular. Make changes to your schedule next week.

Applications for the content plan for Instagram

  1. planoly. The tool is available in mobile and desktop versions. What does it do:
    - adds content in the format of photos, videos and carousels;
    - selects hashtags;
    - works with text;
    - sets reminders;
    - divides the photo into parts to display one large one in the profile;
    - downloads from Google Drive and Dropbox;
    - looking for photos on stocks.
    Paid application. 30 test photos per month are available. The subscription price depends on the number of accounts and the time of use. Approximate range: 600 - 3.250 rubles.
  2. later. Test period - 30 photos per month. The program works with simple statistics, sends notifications, searches for hashtags. There are sharing features for the team. The tool is entirely in English. Videos can only be published if paid plans are connected.
  3. buffer. The free version of the application is available for one account. Paid Buffer for Business has a two-week trial period. Detailed analytics with comparison functions and statistics sorting. Functions for working with the rights of the administrator and other team members are available. Export, save data at any time and add it to reports with one click.
  4. Content Office is another content planner for Instagram. Works with photos, videos. Post templates available. Selects hashtags and edits the text. The user can edit information about himself. The program has an analysis of the best time for posts. A paid subscription allows you to manage up to 10 accounts at the same time. Contains sections with training and tips for creating quality content.
  5. preview. The application is available in English. In the basic functionality, work with text and photos is available, you can select hashtags. You can work with the content plan without registration. The paid version offers detailed and high-quality page analytics: both your own and competitors. Contains a built-in photo editor.

Summing up

Define the profile type and content structure. Use the recommendations and tools, create a ready-made monthly content plan for Instagram.

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Surely you have already heard about such a concept as a content plan, they talk about it a lot and everywhere, but the fact of the matter is that everything ends with some conversations.

Only a few do it and in vain, let's figure out what kind of instrument it is and why make it anyway.

Everybody's talking

Let me give you a few examples: today you are filled with a pile of ideas, and in a week you will not be able to come up with anything.

Or an unforeseen situation happened, and you do not have the opportunity to go online and download the post. But what about the holidays?

Forget to congratulate your favorite subscribers, and all, out of mind, unsubscribe, hello. To avoid all this, a content plan for social networks will come to your aid.

Content plan- a pre-arranged schedule for publishing posts with an already selected one for a certain period.

This tool will not save you from all troubles and, moreover, will not make your account popular only due to its presence, but it will do very good deeds, for which you will thank him very much:

  1. Do not rack your brains about what you will post tomorrow;
  2. Analyze what is better and what went worse;
  3. Create a logically sequential chain of touches;
  4. Post a variety of content.

But you shouldn’t relax even with a content plan, because in order to be in the top, you need to quickly respond to changes in trends and events here and now, which means don’t think that having done it once, you will bury this idea forever.

Important. If you want to promote your Instagram page for free, then follow the link and use the Bosslike service. And this service will help you make money on your Instagram.


First, we will figure out what a content plan looks like and how to compose it, and only then we will consider its components.

The general content plan template is taken as a basis. It looks in the simplest way - a table in exel with a full description of the post. To make it easier for you to understand, see the form example.

Content plan example

Before you make a table for Instagram content, you need to answer the basic questions: To whom? How often? When? Where? What? There is no need to panic, further I will reveal each of them in detail.

Imagine that you already know all the answers, and you have a certain picture in your head. Now you can start compiling a content plan for instagram.

Step 1: draw a table in exel, indicate all the information, according to the example, see it above, I will not duplicate it.

Step 2: specify the days of the week and the time of publication of the posts, you can see an example in the figure below.

Days of the week and post times

Step 3: write the site and type of each post. And in order not to be mistaken with, I marked them with a color, it turned out more clearly.

I also singled out stories separately, and all because the publication formats for stories and feeds are different.

Site and type of post

Step 4: Fill in each post: picture/video, text, link/geolocation.

I will not fill out the content plan for the week, I will show you only one entry, and then everything is by analogy.

Filling the post

The main thing to remember is that you should describe the post in such a way that you do not have any questions when publishing it.

Just copied and pasted everything. That is, the photo should already be processed, and the text should be formatted, the rest is clear. Congratulations, you now have your Instagram blog content plan ready!

If you do not have enough information and you want to study the topic of the content plan in more detail - see different forms, see examples, then read our article.

Do you want to simplify your life even more and say that there is an application for scheduling content on Instagram?

They are called schedulers, which is quite logical. And instead of posting manually, you can use these programs.

Their principle is the same as in the content plan, you just fill in all the information.

They help save a lot of time. And you will not need to set an alarm on your phone so as not to miss the publication time. Take and use:

I will not insist on using a specific program for posting on Instagram, look at the interfaces and choose which scheduler you like best.

Services are paid, but believe me, this is definitely worth paying for. The functionality of programs for content is similar:

  1. delayed posting;
  2. auto-delete publications;
  3. statistics;
  4. templates;
  5. best time analysis.


We figured out the basic concept, now let's look at everything in more detail. If 5 years ago you could just throw a photo into the feed and it collected thousands of likes and, now this will not work.

You need to turn on your head and do everything in your mind. However, that is exactly what you are here for.

1. To whom?

Every product has a buyer. Therefore, I will not be clever, but I will say a simple truth - the subject of any content should be aimed at the public interested in your topic.

For example, you have an account for a showroom of white blouses for girls, let's make a client avatar, you will have it like this:

  1. General information: girl Natalya, 30 years old, married. Works at Sberbank as a manager. There is a child - 7 years old.
  2. Income: total salary for a family 85,000 rubles. They live in Moscow, own an apartment, have a car and a garage.
  3. Hobby: In his spare time he takes care of his family and goes to sports. hall. Once every two months he goes with his family to the store for clothes.

Based on this, even a mini-portrait, we already see that Natalya works in a banking structure according to the classical scheme - from morning to evening.

That is, she can go to Instagram either in the evening after work and household chores - after 21.00, or at lunchtime.

Based on the place of work, we conclude that Natalya, as a manager, is important in business style in clothes - 5 days a week, so for part of the content we will use examples of business images and combinations in clothes.

And with additional content, since Natalia has a child, we will talk about how to properly remove various stains from white blouses.

2. How often?

Although, of course, it is also exemplary, since only tests will show the truth. But anyway, let's go over the landmarks.

Posts in the feed:

  1. Entertainment accounts: every 4 hours.
  2. Business accounts: maximum 2 per day, minimum 1 per day.
  3. Bloggers: 2 to 4 per day.

Posts in stories:

  1. Entertainment accounts: from 1 to 10 per day.
  2. Business accounts: from 1 to 3 per day.
  3. Bloggers: 1 to 10 per day.

In order not to miss the quantity, remember the basic rule - your posts should not be frequent, so that they are always expected, but at the same time not rare, so that you are not forgotten about.

How much do you have, think or write in the comments, and we will definitely help with advice.

3. When?

In our large country with its numerous time zones, it is difficult for a promoted brand to find a convenient time to publish posts, because when some subscribers have just woken up, others are already going to bed.

Therefore, in this scenario, it is better to choose the time that is convenient for most of your active customers.

And this is not the time that everyone spreads on the Internet, supposedly, in the morning the peak of activity is at 11 am, and in the evening at 19.00.

In your case, it may be completely different numbers. And to find out, you do not need to go to the shaman, just look at the activity in your own account (after switching to ).


In case you don’t have one already collected or you are a fan of getting ready-made solutions, I show you the coordinates to which you can direct your efforts:

  1. If these are young people, then their activity falls on the day and night.
  2. If they are working, then they are most active at breakfast / lunch and on the way to / from work.

By the way, we discussed how to determine the time for publication in the article below.

In short, write down the whole day in hours / minutes of your ideal client and understand when he does that very forbidden action - he climbs into Instagram.

4. Where?

With the advent of Stories, Instagram users are divided into 2 camps: feed lovers and Stories lovers.

That is why, to increase subscribers, you need to use these two sites in parallel. Each of the sites certainly has its advantages.

Story :

  1. Polls;
  2. GIFs;
  3. Live broadcasts;
  4. smiley answers;
  5. Answers in .

Ribbon :

  1. Volumetric text;
  2. More hashtags;
  4. Carousel;
  5. Form style.

And not so long ago, Instagram introduced the ability to share a post from the feed to stories. Use this feature when you need to reach the maximum number of subscribers.

In order to understand all the nuances of stories, I recommend that you read the article.

Types of posts OR WHAT?

In order for the content plan to work tip-top, it is important to understand what type of posts to post, how to alternate them and divide them into categories.

At the same time, I repeat for the hundredth time, do not forget to build on your subject, niche and target audience.

1. Sellers

The meaning of any account is sales, so let's start with this type of posts. The first thing I will say is that they should not be abused, so as not to annoy with constant pressure to purchase your product.

And the second I will say that even with all the simplicity there are small but important nuances:

  1. Show price. Customers do not want to waste time requesting prices and, moreover, waiting for a response;
  2. Specify contacts. Otherwise, everyone will like everything, but no one will understand what needs to be done to buy;
  3. Write a link. If you are selling through the site, then do not forget to say that the link is in the profile description;
  4. State the terms of delivery and payment. To do this, you can even make a separate page in the menu.

Moreover, it is not necessary to understand a banal photo with the words “Buy-buy” as a selling post, you can go with more interesting and original solutions.

And as a concern for you, I post the following options for modeling:

  1. Product Description;
  2. Stock;
  3. Reviews;
  4. Announcement of new products;
  5. Auctions;
  6. discounts;
  7. Interactions with partners.

In general: this is aerobatics. This is when you sell without selling.

For example, if you sell furniture, post posts with tips on upholstery care, workshops on making furniture with your own hands or repairing broken products.

Selling posts often order from bloggers to promote their account. And if you want to use this method quickly and safely, as well as find a blogger with a suitable audience, then I recommend using the exchange.

2. Entertaining

Subscribers need to be entertained, otherwise they will get bored in your profile and go to competitors.

Okay, okay, don't look at me like that, it's part of the joke. Just do not forget that, first of all, Instagram, like all other social networks, was created as an entertainment.

entertaining post

Entertaining posts create an atmosphere of distraction and relaxation, they help the audience become more loyal to you.

And another big plus of such content is that it is better liked, saved and commented on, well, you know what I mean.

So that you do not think that by entertainment content I mean not only funny pictures, I have prepared a list of topics for you, borrow:

  1. Business news;
  2. Tips - useful (and not very);
  3. Humor/memes;
  4. Stories from your experience;
  5. Motivation;
  6. Congratulations;
  7. Collections (books, music, ).

3. Informational

You probably guessed why such content is needed? That's right, it warms up and allows you to arrange.

With it, you can dispel the worst fears of subscribers that relate to your business.

In other words, make it so that from the state “ ”, it goes to “Ready for anything”.

Sounds great, let's move on to examples: You can show the production process and thereby convince users that the materials you use are really high quality.

You can also describe in detail how the goods are delivered and what to do in case of emergency, for example, if the goods are lost on the way.

Information post

With such posts, you create a trusting relationship with subscribers, this is a very important point.

And all because the more confidence in you, the higher the chance of buying. But what is it to write - you ask, to make it work? The answer is simple:

  1. Instructions;
  2. life hacks;
  3. Polls;
  4. Master classes;
  5. Manufacturing processes;
  6. Stages of order assembly;
  7. Reviews of goods/services;
  8. Expert opinion;
  9. Personal experience.

Ideal proportion in the overall content plan: 30-40%

4. Engaging

The main task of engaging content is to get the subscriber to take a key action. It can be like, comment, save or repost.

And Instagram, as you know, is a tricky thing, and if it sees that the subscriber interacts closely with the profile, then it will show it more often.

engaging post

But now users have become snickering (sorry for the French) and it becomes quite difficult to lure them out of, for example, a comment.

In order to avoid such a problem, you need to prepare a worthwhile gift (if this is a competition) or to hurt a nerve - to provoke.

And as expected, I simplify your life and give topics for engaging posts, use it to your health:

  1. Games;
  2. Contests;
  3. Useful lists;
  4. Discussions.

Ideal proportion in the overall content plan: 10-20%

Registration of POSTS

Remember the hackneyed phrase “Meet by clothes…?! Well, this is exactly the case with Instagram.

If your post is so-so, then the result will be no better. And since we are learning to take over the world here, it means that the theme of post design cannot bypass this material.


Do not neglect the text, the description should always be there, it helps to engage the user.

There is a big misconception that the main thing is the picture on Instagram, not the text. But the farther, the more we see that everyone has the same type of pictures and they are all licked to the ideal, which means we give priority to those who also write well.

Important.Looking for a specialist who will write posts on Instagram for you? Then click the link --> A flurry of comments and saves is provided to you.

The technical features of Instagram allow you to write text up to 2,000 characters with spaces. This is about 1/3 of a page of text.

But remember, when viewing the news feed, under the picture we see only 90 characters. This means that the first lines need to be written in such a way that readers want to click the “more” button.

To touch the reader's feelings, to make them react, laugh, get angry, sympathize or reminisce.

You can even provoke, but you need to be careful with this. For example, look at how tasty information is conveyed through the text:


Or here is an example when the text does not tell, but involves. Again, it seems to be banal information, but could we achieve such a result with the help of one picture ?!

An example of an engaging post

The design of the text, like the picture on Instagram, should be beautiful and eye-catching.

The text should be divided into paragraphs, you can do this with dots, emoticons, or you can use invisible signs (copy to your health) “⠀⠀⠀⠀”.

And also, since on Instagram you can’t change the font size, make it bold or underlined, use emoji to highlight the right moments or highlight the right word with a hashtag (then they will be highlighted in blue).

But do not overdo it with highlighting, otherwise, due to the large number of emoticons and hashtags, the text may become unreadable.


Everyone has long known that Instagram is a visual network and more users come in just to look through beautiful pictures.

That is why, in the profile, each photo is the face of your business. In order not to pour water and not to speak common truths, just look at the general requirements, although you yourself know them:

  1. Post a good quality photo at least 1080 x 1080;
  2. Take more shots - there will be plenty to choose from;
  3. Use more emotions in the photo, it should be catchy;
  4. Give the photo colors, bright colors are better perceived;
  5. Create your own filters and your account will be different;
  6. Process photos in the same style - create a complete picture of the profile;
  7. Take photos of details and full images - you can diversify your profile;
  8. Shoot in good light or daylight + wipe the lens (yep, helps a lot);
  9. Add contrasting text if needed and original fonts on the photo to make it stand out.

I'll just tell you frankly, if you have photos of disgusting quality, then it's better to use stock pictures than to post your own.

“But how to be different?” You ask me. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

Stock pictures

An unusual decision, do you agree? Even with stock images, you can make your own style and win against the competition.

But there is one big but: please do not take pictures from Yandex and Google searches, use high-quality stock sites:

All services have tags by which images are separated, and after choosing your style, in the future just look for it by the appropriate tag so that everything is in the same style.


Oddly enough, according to statistics, video content is more popular than regular photos.

But many users either do not know this, or they have other reasons for not using this wonderful tool.

And as I said, subscribers are lazy, so it's easier for them to watch a video than to read a long text.

By the way, it also increases engagement, and all because users stay longer on your account to look at it.

Instagram video

High-quality video content goes well both in the feed and in stories, there are differences in the requirements.

If you can shoot a video for stories using Life as an example, make it more lively and real, then there are certain requirements for the video in the feed:

  1. Video length from 3 to 60 seconds. It is better to keep within 15 seconds maximum, so as not to lose the attention of the public.
  2. Video can be shot in small segments, and then glued together in programs, adding effects, text, sound.
  3. If the video is uploaded via a computer, then the size should be no more than 1080p, otherwise Instagram will compress it and you will lose quality.
  4. Don't forget about lighting and good composition, give preference to square rollers, because. they are more suitable for the instagram format.

life hack. If you have an account in the same style, and the video does not fit into it, then add a cover to the video that will stand on top of the video and will not spoil the whole picture of the profile.

Form style

What is corporate identity? This is the very highlight that catches subscribers. It makes you return to your profile again and again, while competitors, meanwhile, maliciously bite their elbows.

In order not to rant, see examples of an account with and without a corporate identity.

Without style / with corporate style

Feel the difference? An account with a corporate identity looks brighter and more interesting, it clearly attracts attention.

You can subscribe to such an account even simply because it is beautiful, (well, then the work of the content).

As you understand, the corporate identity of an account is similar to a company. It also consists of many different elements that add up to the big picture:

  1. main color scheme;
  2. the same type of filters;
  3. certain emoji;
  4. own hashtags;
  5. the same writing style.

Corporate identity should apply to all content components. If you don’t have it, then I advise you to look for beautiful accounts and be inspired by them, at the same time see how your competitors are doing and how you can differ from them.


Let's talk about the tools with which users can easily find your publications.

The tools are easy to use, but a lot of people forget about them, so don't make the same mistake.

If you want to strengthen your account even more, I recommend adding a multi-button to your profile.

It will allow you to contact you directly through instant messengers, as well as post several links instead of one. To do this, simply follow the link -> (with the promo code “INSCALE7” 7 days for free).



There is not much to talk about here, except to once again remind you that geolocation serves as a search and you should not forget about it when writing a post.

Geolocation is the geographic location of the object.


When switching to geolocation, the user opens not only all publications with this geo, but also a map indicating a specific location. Good tool for offline business.

There are no special rules for geolocation, but I will still give you a few recommendations on how to use geolocation for different cases:

  1. If you use geo to attract subscribers, then indicate the most popular places;
  2. If you mark a place you like in geolocation, then share useful information;
  3. If you create recognition, then mark the location of your office or store.

Content analysis

After you have decided on a content strategy, come up with interesting posts and compiled a content plan, you need to analyze the work done.

We need to know if our content plan is effective or if we need to change something in it.

The analyzes are not difficult and it is necessary to do them. They will help you track the reaction of subscribers to certain posts, show which post came in and which didn’t, which section you liked more and what you should pay attention to.

Short term analysis(done every week):

  1. Choose a leader post and a loser post.
  2. Identify commonalities in popular publications.
  3. Use this idea in your content plan for future posts.
  4. Determine the reason for the failed posts and eliminate it.
  5. Break down the activity of subscribers by bones - likes, comments, subscriptions ..

Long term analysis(done every month):

  1. Pick the most popular post and create a likeness.
  2. Analyze articles, determine the most popular description style and use it.
  3. Delete the most unfortunate post and don't do it again.
  4. Compare previous content plans and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Look at competitors, determine their pros and cons, borrow (just don't forget to add your corporate identity).

Briefly about the main

To save a lot of time and nerves, and at the same time make your profile interesting, get in the habit of creating a content plan for Instagram.

So your profile will always be filled with quality content. And to make it even easier for you, use content planning apps.

This will allow you to deal with more global affairs without fuss and stress and think carefully about ideas in the future.

And it will also give an understanding of which posts / headings subscribers like more, what to focus on, and what to remove altogether.

Important. If you are engaged in promoting your account, then I recommend connecting through a special Zengram service (using the promo code “INSCALEPROMO” you will receive a 20% discount on everything).

If you're creating or selling something that can be beautifully photographed, chances are you're already on Instagram. If not, then you should register there. Because Instagram sells! True, here it is worth considering that Instagram is still a social network, and not an online store. And people come here for socializing, not shopping. Therefore, in order for passers-by to stay in your account for a long time, fall in love with it and one day become buyers, they should be interested in you. What to publish and how to make your business account interesting? This will be discussed.

1. Selling content

If you want to sell through Instagram, then your account must have promotional content - product photos with descriptions of features, benefits, cost, and other commercial attributes.

Photos on a white background, which look great on an online storefront, are not very suitable for Instagram.

Photos for Instagram are conceptual, bright, interesting, beautiful pictures in which the product appears in the most favorable light. If color matters in your case (for example, you sell clothes or jewelry), then it is better to do without photo filters so as not to distort the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

Selling content should not be abused and from time to time it should be diluted with something else: interesting, funny or useful.

2. Storytelling

People come to social networks for communication, so do not be lazy to communicate. ! These may be stories about how you came up with the idea of ​​​​opening your store, why you chose this particular niche. Maybe a story about you personally or a story about how the store changed your life. Better yet, a story about how your product will change (or is already changing) the lives of your customers.

3. Reviews

Very important. Thanks to them, your potential buyers begin to trust you, which will later be reflected in the purchase decision. In addition, it is easier to collect reviews on Instagram than on the website or other social networks. So why not take advantage of this?

Collect reviews wherever they write to you (on the website, in the mail, on WhatsApp, in sms, on Instagram) and publish them in your account. This is done using screenshots or reposts.

4. News

We update our Instagram feed dozens of times every day. And how many times do we go to the "News" section on the website of our favorite brand? If we go there at all ... Through Instagram it is much easier and faster to convey the news of your company to your audience.

Tell us about promotions, discounts, new products, changes in delivery conditions, moving, changing your phone, and everything that happens in the company. If there is suddenly no news at all, they can always be invented. A new flower on the office window sill is also quite an information occasion. Especially on Instagram.

5. Backstage

People always want to look behind the scenes. In general, this is one of the reasons for the popularity of social networks - you can easily peep what your favorite fitness trainer eats for breakfast and in which club the adored singer hangs out after the concert. By registering a business account, you also become a “little star”, which means you can sometimes, for a change, show subscribers your “kitchen”.

If you make your own products, show the production process, be it sketches or machines. A pile of cups on a programmer's desk to help them catch inspiration from space and work on the usability of your site is also great! Introduce subscribers to employees, tell them who forms their orders and packs packages.

6. Training

Users always have a lot of questions: how to care, how to wash, who will suit, how does it work, why is it at all? Train your subscribers on how to use your product. Maybe they have not yet realized that they urgently need it - so explain it to them!

In addition, you can ask the subscribers themselves. Sometimes you can get unexpected and useful ideas.

7. Delivery and contacts

Even if you have a phone number, email and website in your profile, even if your site has a whole section about delivery, even if you write about what you deliver around the world under each photo on Instagram, you will still be constantly about it to ask everyone. So why not anticipate these questions?

Create a beautiful picture with some informative caption, like "All about delivery", and periodically publish it (or different pictures with the same caption in the same style) and tell under it how, where, how fast you deliver and how much it is costs. In the same place or in a separate post, tell us how to contact you.

8. Motives and humor

Try to choose images that are close to your theme. That is, just cute cats should be posted only if you are a pet store or nursery.

9. Polls

In Instagram, there is no way to attach to a post or Vkontakte. Well, okay! No one is stopping you from creating a survey yourself.

For example, if you sell ties, take a picture of a shirt with two ties, post it on Instagram and ask in the caption which tie is better: right or left?

Such posts allow subscribers to express their opinion and usually gain a lot of comments, showing good activity. People are always happy to express their opinion, especially if asked about it.

10. Draws

'and, it's a relatively cheap way to make yourself known on Instagram. The price of the question depends on the prize you are willing to offer.

Such content not only dilutes your posts, but also has a good chance of going viral and attracting new followers to your account.


We analyzed all the Instagram posting solutions available today and chose OnlyPult as the best tool for Instagram marketing automation:

    Scheduling and auto-posting on Instagram (scheduled posting)

    Multi-accounting (managing multiple accounts at the same time)


  • Can be tested for a week for free


All these posts can be repeated periodically, changing pictures and texts. In order not to get confused, draw up a content plan for the month ahead, thinking in advance what and at what time it is better to publish.

Bonus: in the plan, mark at once all the professional, important and just holidays that are close to you in spirit and you will immediately know when it is worth launching this or that promotion. However, even without any promotions, the holiday is a chic info-supply and an opportunity to once again say something pleasant to your subscribers.

In order to create a content plan for Instagram, you need to answer 3 questions:

  1. what content to post
  2. how many posts per day to post
  3. what time to post photos and videos

For example, I will show you how to create a content plan for a hotel Instagram.

Let's say that the hotel is located in Sochi, it is called "Sochinets", it can accommodate 1000 people at the same time. We are making a plan for April - the month in which we need to increase sales in order to fill the hotel for the summer.

Creating content for Instagram: what to photograph, what to write, what video to record?

So, we begin to draw up a content plan for instagram from the answer to

Question 1: What content to post

These proportions are approximate, since testing is necessary in each case.

1. Selling content

The main goal of our account for April is to fill the hotel, that is, to sell, then we will have about 25% of commercial posts in the Instagram content plan.

We include not only the display of numbers (product presentation), but also promotions, discount draws, surveys, and reviews as selling content.

Selling (SALE)
  • Description of rooms
  • Seasonal promotions
  • Providing discounts:

- for repost

- for feedback

- for ordering via Instagram

  • Polls
  • Reviews
  • 2-bed standard room costs XXX rub/day
  • Promotion: book 10 nights, 11 for free
  • Have you stayed in our hotel? Put a hashtag on the photo and get a 15% discount

IMPORTANT NOTE: Don't hide prices. Indicate the cost directly in the post, or answer when asked in the comments.

“Call this phone, they will tell you everything”, “I answered you in a personal” and so on - not the right option. Instagram is not in vain lives in a mobile phone - it is the social network of the present moment.

The subscriber stands in a traffic jam / rides in a trolleybus / walks with a child on the site, sees exactly what he once thought about and at exactly the price he wanted. Perhaps, having learned the price, he will immediately buy / book in the same comments.

2. Personal life

Instagram is the friendliest network. Likes are not spared here.

In addition, among the users there are many women who acquire something if they emotionally respond. To do this, you just need to show your personal life. And more.

Why handicraft, home business is the easiest to develop here? Because it does not look like a storefront with the same type of bags or sneakers. Photos of children and dogs flicker here: “We are collecting another order together with Masya”, “I am sewing a kit for Valya and I see a flock of cranes flying in the window”.

A relatively new type of content is now popular - stories. This is a snapshot or video that you can post on the go, right now, and in a day it will be deleted. Stories appear at the top of the feed and grab attention. Moreover, many Instagrammers use stories for maximum activity, but I publish posts much less often.

With a home business, everything is clear, you say. And if we have an account for a store, cafe or hotel? How do I include personal content in my Instagram plan?

In this case, too, you can think of something. The main thing is to show the present moment. For example, in the instagram content plan for our hotel, you can include the following headings:

Personal (LIFE) Photos with the weather

During the season, the weather can be shown every day as a history.

This will calm those who are about to leave, but he still doubts whether to take sunglasses and a swimsuit or 3 warm sweaters and rubber boots

Photos of the staff (cook, maid, girls at the reception, animator) and a story about personalities Comment showing the benefits: “Our chef has completed a low-calorie dessert master class, and now ourguests can afford sweets without worrying about the figure».
Hotel news (even the most insignificant in your opinion).

– bought toys for the kids club

- installed terminal

- in the beauty salon now we do manicures

Life in the hotel does not stand still. He is developing. Every day.

everyday moments

- watering lawns

On these buses we send on an excursion

– a local cat gained 2 kg in June, he is waiting for the same generous guests in July

People are anxious about their holidays. They must be sure that the hotel is already taking care of their rest: they have painted the benches, watered the lawns, and even the cat is looking forward to them.

3. Educational content.

Ideal for those who teach something - English, copywriting, starting a business, sewing toys.

What about our hotel? You can write about the city and life in it. Vacationers are unlikely to spend their entire vacation in the 4 walls of the hotel.

Question 2: How many posts per day to publish

  • One post per day is mandatory.
  • The optimal amount is 2-3 times.
  • Maximum 4-5 posts per day.
  • You can shoot at least 10-20 stories a day. This is when you want to cover some event or really need to draw attention to your account.

Question 3: What time to post photos and videos

You need to post photos at a time when the account is viewed by the majority of your followers. You can track your visits for free in the "Statistics" section, if you have business account.

If you do not have a business account, then paid statistics programs will help you, such as:

  • Popsters and others.

Average Instagram activity by hour:

8-10 hours - people can view posts while in bed or on their way to work

12-14 hours - lunch break, you can allocate time for Instagram

22-24 hours - all things are done, you can look before going to bed

For example, we are compiling a content plan for a hotel's Instagram for April. The load is still small, but we need to sell places for the summer. Therefore, we publish 3 posts a day, focusing on sales and announcements of events for the summer.

So, we answered all 3 questions. Now we can bring everything into one table.

An example of a content plan for the Instagram of the Sochinets hotel

01.04.2016 9.00 Life New toys for kids club
13.00 City Announcement of city events for the week ahead
17.00 Sale Promotion for early booking
02.04.2016 9.00 Life Buses for excursions
13.00 City Where to go with children: water park "Mayak"
17.00 Sale Review: Single room + 5% discount for booking on Instagram
03.04.2016 9.00 Life Chef + low calorie desserts
13.00 City What to visit in Sochi: arboretum
17.00 Sale Action: if you rested in our hotel, put the hashtag #loveSochinets
04.04.2016 9.00 Life New hotel partner - bike rental
13.00 City City news: turnstiles have been added to the Rosa Khutor ski lifts
17.00 Sale Promotion for early booking
05.04.2016 9.00 Life At the reception you can call a taxi at a discount
13.00 City Sochi Park has a new attraction for adults
17.00 Sale Poll: what entertainment is missing in our hotel

In addition, users will see the real life of the hotel, and not a feed of the same type of advertisements. Now the hotel administration does not need to spend 3-4 hours a week thinking up a reason for fasting.

And what would you include in the content plan of a personal instagram copywriter? Share in the comments.

Show all content

Surely you have already heard about such a concept as a content plan, they talk about it a lot and everywhere, but the fact of the matter is that everything ends with some conversations.

Only a few do it and in vain, let's figure out what kind of instrument it is and why make it anyway.

Everybody's talking

Let me give you a few examples: today you are filled with a pile of ideas, and in a week you will not be able to come up with anything.

Or an unforeseen situation happened, and you do not have the opportunity to go online and download the post. But what about the holidays?

Forget to congratulate your favorite subscribers, and all, out of mind, unsubscribe, hello. To avoid all this, a content plan for social networks will come to your aid.

Content plan- a pre-arranged schedule for publishing posts with an already selected one for a certain period.

This tool will not save you from all troubles and, moreover, will not make your account popular only due to its presence, but it will do very good deeds, for which you will thank him very much:

  1. Do not rack your brains about what you will post tomorrow;
  2. Analyze what is better and what went worse;
  3. Create a logically sequential chain of touches;
  4. Post a variety of content.

But you shouldn’t relax even with a content plan, because in order to be in the top, you need to quickly respond to changes in trends and events here and now, which means don’t think that having done it once, you will bury this idea forever.

Important. If you want to promote your Instagram page for free, then follow the link and use the Bosslike service. And this service will help you make money on your Instagram.


First, we will figure out what a content plan looks like and how to compose it, and only then we will consider its components.

The general content plan template is taken as a basis. It looks in the simplest way - a table in exel with a full description of the post. To make it easier for you to understand, see the form example.

Content plan example

Before you make a table for Instagram content, you need to answer the basic questions: To whom? How often? When? Where? What? There is no need to panic, further I will reveal each of them in detail.

Imagine that you already know all the answers, and you have a certain picture in your head. Now you can start compiling a content plan for instagram.

Step 1: draw a table in exel, indicate all the information, according to the example, see it above, I will not duplicate it.

Step 2: specify the days of the week and the time of publication of the posts, you can see an example in the figure below.

Days of the week and post times

Step 3: write the site and type of each post. And in order not to be mistaken with, I marked them with a color, it turned out more clearly.

I also singled out stories separately, and all because the publication formats for stories and feeds are different.

Site and type of post

Step 4: Fill in each post: picture/video, text, link/geolocation.

I will not fill out the content plan for the week, I will show you only one entry, and then everything is by analogy.

Filling the post

The main thing to remember is that you should describe the post in such a way that you do not have any questions when publishing it.

Just copied and pasted everything. That is, the photo should already be processed, and the text should be formatted, the rest is clear. Congratulations, you now have your Instagram blog content plan ready!

If you do not have enough information and you want to study the topic of the content plan in more detail - see different forms, see examples, then read our article.

Do you want to simplify your life even more and say that there is an application for scheduling content on Instagram?

They are called schedulers, which is quite logical. And instead of posting manually, you can use these programs.

Their principle is the same as in the content plan, you just fill in all the information.

They help save a lot of time. And you will not need to set an alarm on your phone so as not to miss the publication time. Take and use:

I will not insist on using a specific program for posting on Instagram, look at the interfaces and choose which scheduler you like best.

Services are paid, but believe me, this is definitely worth paying for. The functionality of programs for content is similar:

  1. delayed posting;
  2. auto-delete publications;
  3. statistics;
  4. templates;
  5. best time analysis.


We figured out the basic concept, now let's look at everything in more detail. If 5 years ago you could just throw a photo into the feed and it collected thousands of likes and, now this will not work.

You need to turn on your head and do everything in your mind. However, that is exactly what you are here for.

1. To whom?

Every product has a buyer. Therefore, I will not be clever, but I will say a simple truth - the subject of any content should be aimed at the public interested in your topic.

For example, you have an account for a showroom of white blouses for girls, let's make a client avatar, you will have it like this:

  1. General information: girl Natalya, 30 years old, married. Works at Sberbank as a manager. There is a child - 7 years old.
  2. Income: total salary for a family 85,000 rubles. They live in Moscow, own an apartment, have a car and a garage.
  3. Hobby: In his spare time he takes care of his family and goes to sports. hall. Once every two months he goes with his family to the store for clothes.

Based on this, even a mini-portrait, we already see that Natalya works in a banking structure according to the classical scheme - from morning to evening.

That is, she can go to Instagram either in the evening after work and household chores - after 21.00, or at lunchtime.

Based on the place of work, we conclude that Natalya, as a manager, is important in business style in clothes - 5 days a week, so for part of the content we will use examples of business images and combinations in clothes.

And with additional content, since Natalia has a child, we will talk about how to properly remove various stains from white blouses.

2. How often?

Although, of course, it is also exemplary, since only tests will show the truth. But anyway, let's go over the landmarks.

Posts in the feed:

  1. Entertainment accounts: every 4 hours.
  2. Business accounts: maximum 2 per day, minimum 1 per day.
  3. Bloggers: 2 to 4 per day.

Posts in stories:

  1. Entertainment accounts: from 1 to 10 per day.
  2. Business accounts: from 1 to 3 per day.
  3. Bloggers: 1 to 10 per day.

In order not to miss the quantity, remember the basic rule - your posts should not be frequent, so that they are always expected, but at the same time not rare, so that you are not forgotten about.

How much do you have, think or write in the comments, and we will definitely help with advice.

3. When?

In our large country with its numerous time zones, it is difficult for a promoted brand to find a convenient time to publish posts, because when some subscribers have just woken up, others are already going to bed.

Therefore, in this scenario, it is better to choose the time that is convenient for most of your active customers.

And this is not the time that everyone spreads on the Internet, supposedly, in the morning the peak of activity is at 11 am, and in the evening at 19.00.

In your case, it may be completely different numbers. And to find out, you do not need to go to the shaman, just look at the activity in your own account (after switching to ).


In case you don’t have one already collected or you are a fan of getting ready-made solutions, I show you the coordinates to which you can direct your efforts:

  1. If these are young people, then their activity falls on the day and night.
  2. If they are working, then they are most active at breakfast / lunch and on the way to / from work.

By the way, we discussed how to determine the time for publication in the article below.

In short, write down the whole day in hours / minutes of your ideal client and understand when he does that very forbidden action - he climbs into Instagram.

4. Where?

With the advent of Stories, Instagram users are divided into 2 camps: feed lovers and Stories lovers.

That is why, to increase subscribers, you need to use these two sites in parallel. Each of the sites certainly has its advantages.

Story :

  1. Polls;
  2. GIFs;
  3. Live broadcasts;
  4. smiley answers;
  5. Answers in .

Ribbon :

  1. Volumetric text;
  2. More hashtags;
  4. Carousel;
  5. Form style.

And not so long ago, Instagram introduced the ability to share a post from the feed to stories. Use this feature when you need to reach the maximum number of subscribers.

In order to understand all the nuances of stories, I recommend that you read the article.

Types of posts OR WHAT?

In order for the content plan to work tip-top, it is important to understand what type of posts to post, how to alternate them and divide them into categories.

At the same time, I repeat for the hundredth time, do not forget to build on your subject, niche and target audience.

1. Sellers

The meaning of any account is sales, so let's start with this type of posts. The first thing I will say is that they should not be abused, so as not to annoy with constant pressure to purchase your product.

And the second I will say that even with all the simplicity there are small but important nuances:

  1. Show price. Customers do not want to waste time requesting prices and, moreover, waiting for a response;
  2. Specify contacts. Otherwise, everyone will like everything, but no one will understand what needs to be done to buy;
  3. Write a link. If you are selling through the site, then do not forget to say that the link is in the profile description;
  4. State the terms of delivery and payment. To do this, you can even make a separate page in the menu.

Moreover, it is not necessary to understand a banal photo with the words “Buy-buy” as a selling post, you can go with more interesting and original solutions.

And as a concern for you, I post the following options for modeling:

  1. Product Description;
  2. Stock;
  3. Reviews;
  4. Announcement of new products;
  5. Auctions;
  6. discounts;
  7. Interactions with partners.

In general: this is aerobatics. This is when you sell without selling.

For example, if you sell furniture, post posts with tips on upholstery care, workshops on making furniture with your own hands or repairing broken products.

Selling posts often order from bloggers to promote their account. And if you want to use this method quickly and safely, as well as find a blogger with a suitable audience, then I recommend using the exchange.

2. Entertaining

Subscribers need to be entertained, otherwise they will get bored in your profile and go to competitors.

Okay, okay, don't look at me like that, it's part of the joke. Just do not forget that, first of all, Instagram, like all other social networks, was created as an entertainment.

entertaining post

Entertaining posts create an atmosphere of distraction and relaxation, they help the audience become more loyal to you.

And another big plus of such content is that it is better liked, saved and commented on, well, you know what I mean.

So that you do not think that by entertainment content I mean not only funny pictures, I have prepared a list of topics for you, borrow:

  1. Business news;
  2. Tips - useful (and not very);
  3. Humor/memes;
  4. Stories from your experience;
  5. Motivation;
  6. Congratulations;
  7. Collections (books, music, ).

3. Informational

You probably guessed why such content is needed? That's right, it warms up and allows you to arrange.

With it, you can dispel the worst fears of subscribers that relate to your business.

In other words, make it so that from the state “ ”, it goes to “Ready for anything”.

Sounds great, let's move on to examples: You can show the production process and thereby convince users that the materials you use are really high quality.

You can also describe in detail how the goods are delivered and what to do in case of emergency, for example, if the goods are lost on the way.

Information post

With such posts, you create a trusting relationship with subscribers, this is a very important point.

And all because the more confidence in you, the higher the chance of buying. But what is it to write - you ask, to make it work? The answer is simple:

  1. Instructions;
  2. life hacks;
  3. Polls;
  4. Master classes;
  5. Manufacturing processes;
  6. Stages of order assembly;
  7. Reviews of goods/services;
  8. Expert opinion;
  9. Personal experience.

Ideal proportion in the overall content plan: 30-40%

4. Engaging

The main task of engaging content is to get the subscriber to take a key action. It can be like, comment, save or repost.

And Instagram, as you know, is a tricky thing, and if it sees that the subscriber interacts closely with the profile, then it will show it more often.

engaging post

But now users have become snickering (sorry for the French) and it becomes quite difficult to lure them out of, for example, a comment.

In order to avoid such a problem, you need to prepare a worthwhile gift (if this is a competition) or to hurt a nerve - to provoke.

And as expected, I simplify your life and give topics for engaging posts, use it to your health:

  1. Games;
  2. Contests;
  3. Useful lists;
  4. Discussions.

Ideal proportion in the overall content plan: 10-20%

Registration of POSTS

Remember the hackneyed phrase “Meet by clothes…?! Well, this is exactly the case with Instagram.

If your post is so-so, then the result will be no better. And since we are learning to take over the world here, it means that the theme of post design cannot bypass this material.


Do not neglect the text, the description should always be there, it helps to engage the user.

There is a big misconception that the main thing is the picture on Instagram, not the text. But the farther, the more we see that everyone has the same type of pictures and they are all licked to the ideal, which means we give priority to those who also write well.

Important.Looking for a specialist who will write posts on Instagram for you? Then click the link --> A flurry of comments and saves is provided to you.

The technical features of Instagram allow you to write text up to 2,000 characters with spaces. This is about 1/3 of a page of text.

But remember, when viewing the news feed, under the picture we see only 90 characters. This means that the first lines need to be written in such a way that readers want to click the “more” button.

To touch the reader's feelings, to make them react, laugh, get angry, sympathize or reminisce.

You can even provoke, but you need to be careful with this. For example, look at how tasty information is conveyed through the text:


Or here is an example when the text does not tell, but involves. Again, it seems to be banal information, but could we achieve such a result with the help of one picture ?!

An example of an engaging post

The design of the text, like the picture on Instagram, should be beautiful and eye-catching.

The text should be divided into paragraphs, you can do this with dots, emoticons, or you can use invisible signs (copy to your health) “⠀⠀⠀⠀”.

And also, since on Instagram you can’t change the font size, make it bold or underlined, use emoji to highlight the right moments or highlight the right word with a hashtag (then they will be highlighted in blue).

But do not overdo it with highlighting, otherwise, due to the large number of emoticons and hashtags, the text may become unreadable.


Everyone has long known that Instagram is a visual network and more users come in just to look through beautiful pictures.

That is why, in the profile, each photo is the face of your business. In order not to pour water and not to speak common truths, just look at the general requirements, although you yourself know them:

  1. Post a good quality photo at least 1080 x 1080;
  2. Take more shots - there will be plenty to choose from;
  3. Use more emotions in the photo, it should be catchy;
  4. Give the photo colors, bright colors are better perceived;
  5. Create your own filters and your account will be different;
  6. Process photos in the same style - create a complete picture of the profile;
  7. Take photos of details and full images - you can diversify your profile;
  8. Shoot in good light or daylight + wipe the lens (yep, helps a lot);
  9. Add contrasting text if needed and original fonts on the photo to make it stand out.

I'll just tell you frankly, if you have photos of disgusting quality, then it's better to use stock pictures than to post your own.

“But how to be different?” You ask me. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

Stock pictures

An unusual decision, do you agree? Even with stock images, you can make your own style and win against the competition.

But there is one big but: please do not take pictures from Yandex and Google searches, use high-quality stock sites:

All services have tags by which images are separated, and after choosing your style, in the future just look for it by the appropriate tag so that everything is in the same style.


Oddly enough, according to statistics, video content is more popular than regular photos.

But many users either do not know this, or they have other reasons for not using this wonderful tool.

And as I said, subscribers are lazy, so it's easier for them to watch a video than to read a long text.

By the way, it also increases engagement, and all because users stay longer on your account to look at it.

Instagram video

High-quality video content goes well both in the feed and in stories, there are differences in the requirements.

If you can shoot a video for stories using Life as an example, make it more lively and real, then there are certain requirements for the video in the feed:

  1. Video length from 3 to 60 seconds. It is better to keep within 15 seconds maximum, so as not to lose the attention of the public.
  2. Video can be shot in small segments, and then glued together in programs, adding effects, text, sound.
  3. If the video is uploaded via a computer, then the size should be no more than 1080p, otherwise Instagram will compress it and you will lose quality.
  4. Don't forget about lighting and good composition, give preference to square rollers, because. they are more suitable for the instagram format.

life hack. If you have an account in the same style, and the video does not fit into it, then add a cover to the video that will stand on top of the video and will not spoil the whole picture of the profile.

Form style

What is corporate identity? This is the very highlight that catches subscribers. It makes you return to your profile again and again, while competitors, meanwhile, maliciously bite their elbows.

In order not to rant, see examples of an account with and without a corporate identity.

Without style / with corporate style

Feel the difference? An account with a corporate identity looks brighter and more interesting, it clearly attracts attention.

You can subscribe to such an account even simply because it is beautiful, (well, then the work of the content).

As you understand, the corporate identity of an account is similar to a company. It also consists of many different elements that add up to the big picture:

  1. main color scheme;
  2. the same type of filters;
  3. certain emoji;
  4. own hashtags;
  5. the same writing style.

Corporate identity should apply to all content components. If you don’t have it, then I advise you to look for beautiful accounts and be inspired by them, at the same time see how your competitors are doing and how you can differ from them.


Let's talk about the tools with which users can easily find your publications.

The tools are easy to use, but a lot of people forget about them, so don't make the same mistake.

If you want to strengthen your account even more, I recommend adding a multi-button to your profile.

It will allow you to contact you directly through instant messengers, as well as post several links instead of one. To do this, simply follow the link -> (with the promo code “INSCALE7” 7 days for free).



There is not much to talk about here, except to once again remind you that geolocation serves as a search and you should not forget about it when writing a post.

Geolocation is the geographic location of the object.


When switching to geolocation, the user opens not only all publications with this geo, but also a map indicating a specific location. Good tool for offline business.

There are no special rules for geolocation, but I will still give you a few recommendations on how to use geolocation for different cases:

  1. If you use geo to attract subscribers, then indicate the most popular places;
  2. If you mark a place you like in geolocation, then share useful information;
  3. If you create recognition, then mark the location of your office or store.

Content analysis

After you have decided on a content strategy, come up with interesting posts and compiled a content plan, you need to analyze the work done.

We need to know if our content plan is effective or if we need to change something in it.

The analyzes are not difficult and it is necessary to do them. They will help you track the reaction of subscribers to certain posts, show which post came in and which didn’t, which section you liked more and what you should pay attention to.

Short term analysis(done every week):

  1. Choose a leader post and a loser post.
  2. Identify commonalities in popular publications.
  3. Use this idea in your content plan for future posts.
  4. Determine the reason for the failed posts and eliminate it.
  5. Break down the activity of subscribers by bones - likes, comments, subscriptions ..

Long term analysis(done every month):

  1. Pick the most popular post and create a likeness.
  2. Analyze articles, determine the most popular description style and use it.
  3. Delete the most unfortunate post and don't do it again.
  4. Compare previous content plans and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Look at competitors, determine their pros and cons, borrow (just don't forget to add your corporate identity).

Briefly about the main

To save a lot of time and nerves, and at the same time make your profile interesting, get in the habit of creating a content plan for Instagram.

So your profile will always be filled with quality content. And to make it even easier for you, use content planning apps.

This will allow you to deal with more global affairs without fuss and stress and think carefully about ideas in the future.

And it will also give an understanding of which posts / headings subscribers like more, what to focus on, and what to remove altogether.

Important. If you are engaged in promoting your account, then I recommend connecting through a special Zengram service (using the promo code “INSCALEPROMO” you will receive a 20% discount on everything).

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