Secretly determine the location of the subscriber by number. Big brother is watching you: how to determine the location of a person on the phone. The ethical side of the issue

The mobile phone has entered our lives so closely that it is simply impossible to imagine our existence without it. Every day, mobile operators are trying to ensure the comfort of their customers and expand the coverage of the network to the maximum possible distance. Every year more and more towers are being built, and the mobile network penetrates even into areas that are as far as possible from civilization.

Twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week, the subscriber is in the coverage area of ​​the network. Of course, the comfort of a person is above all, but such an all-consuming system has one big drawback: knowing the phone number, we can be tracked down without much difficulty.

Almost every one of us does not part with the phone all day long: at home, work, business meeting, outdoor recreation or a snack in a cafe - we are always in touch. Moreover, there is more than one connection - many have two or three SIM cards, several phones, which greatly simplifies the search task.

Of course, resorting to asceticism because of the risk of being found is somewhat stupid, but keeping this fact in mind and using it will not hurt.

How useful is it to search for a person using a phone number

There are a number of ways to figure out where a person is, and searching by number is one of the most difficult. The reasons why people resort to it can be very different, and not everyone and not always gets the result.

Any attempt to do this without the consent of the “sought” is a violation of the right to personal space. At the legislative level, any attempts to follow a person by phone are suppressed. The only exceptions are law enforcement agencies, which, through the courts, can request an extract of calls or coordinates of a mobile device at any time. This privilege is not available to mere mortals - instead, you can get an administrative fine.

Situations are different, because the subjective factor plays an important role in assessing the appropriateness of interference in someone else's life. Sometimes it is not possible to ask where a person is, sometimes people are simply embarrassed or not sure of the veracity of the answer.

It would be good to believe that, if necessary, the operator will easily give us the necessary information on the location of the person. However, as a rule, operators value their reputation very much and present the security of the subscriber's personal information as something super-valuable.

The degree of need can vary, and sometimes instead of cunningly trying to find someone through the phone, it's easier to simply ask him.

However, this does not mean that the system cannot be bypassed. There are five effective ways to find out where a person is with only a mobile number:

  • Through the Internet;
  • With the help of the operator's services;
  • Through special mobile app;
  • By filing a complaint with the police;
  • By using databases.

Method 1. Search engines, social networks and message boards as a legal source of information

If a person is unfamiliar to you, or perhaps you only have his number and nothing else, the Internet will help clarify the situation. Look for a room in one of the following places:

  • search engines (Google, Yandex,;
  • social media and groups;
  • forums;
  • the most famous sites for buying and selling.

The greatest amount of information can usually be obtained by a query in a search engine, since it also partially analyzes data from all subsequent sources.

The lion's share of young people have accounts in social networks. Having skimmed through the profile, it is easy to find the exact full name, place of residence (country, region, city and sometimes even the address), as well as the coordinates of the last places of activity. If the necessary information was not found, you can look through the pages of the most active friends: suddenly something is found.

Forums, online stores, message boards have more scarce information, but it can also be useful. One of the portals worthy of attention is "Who Called". Users leave comments under the numbers of people with whom they had to communicate. Sometimes you can find a whole dossier on a subscriber.

With the help of job sites, it is also easy to find information about a person, but not everyone is interested in such content and is registered there.

The Internet is a bottomless storehouse of useful information that will not only find the address of the right person, but also share general and private information about the tastes, preferences and worldview of a person. Enjoy it!

Method 2. How to find out the location using services from mobile operators

And although operators do not provide information about their customers, with the consent of the latter, it is quite possible to activate a service that would allow you to see their coordinates at any time. But since asking for confirmation is somewhat inconvenient, and not logical, sometimes you can get around this formality.

  • MTS. The "Locator" service allows you to display the coordinates of a person who has activated this function on his phone and his acquaintances at any time. The peculiarity of this service is that it does not use GPS, mobile communication is enough. Moreover, using the service, you can find not only MTS users, but also Megafon and Beeline.

As of August 2017, the cost of the service was about 100 rubles. However, to connect it, you need SMS confirmation from the people whose coordinates are requested. The most popular solution, according to the forums, is to connect without warning:

  1. send SMS to 7888 to activate the service;
  2. take the phone of the right person;
  3. Confirm service activation via SMS and you're done!
  • Beeline. The operator supplies the service "Beeline. Coordinates ”, which in essence is not much different from the previous one. The cost of this service for Beeline users is 1.7 rubles per day, which is about 50 rubles per month. Connection and use during the first week is free.

However, there is a limit on the number of people that can be found from one device: up to five people. To use data about the location of a Beeline subscriber, his permission is also required.

Megaphone. Using the Radar service will help you find the owner of the number (with the consent of the latter), even if he is not a Megafon user, but MTS or Beeline. There are three packages for this service.

  • "Radar Light": after connecting, it becomes possible to find out the location of one person for free once a day;
  • "Radar": a fee of 3 rubles / day is charged for use, while the user gets access to the map, on which the coordinates of the users selected by phone number are marked in real time;
  • "Radar +": for 7 rubles a day, the subscriber will be able not only to see the coordinates, but also to track the routes of other users.

The error in determining the location can range from one hundred meters (in the city center) to several kilometers (outside settlements).

Similar services are "Navigator" and "Beacon". Connecting these services provides the same opportunities as Radar, but the search technology is somewhat different. Beacon does not ask for permission, as it is aimed at children and connects exclusively to children's packages, allowing adults not to worry about where their child is.

  • Tele 2. To search for other users, the operator provides the Geosearch service. To connect it, you need a one-time permission from the one whose coordinates are requested. The service is not free: the cost is 2 rubles per day.

To get information, you need to send a request, and within five minutes an SMS will be sent to the phone with the street on which the subscriber is located and a link to the map. A significant disadvantage is the ability to use this function only within the home region.

Kyivstar. Another service called "Beacon". The connection is free, however, in order to track the coordinates of a particular Kyivstar user, you need to send him a request and instructions on how to allow tracking.

The service is paid. The coordinates of the owner of the requested phone number come in the form of SMS and are displayed on the map. In addition, within an hour you can track the movement in real time.

  • Velcom. This operator makes it possible to find only children. To do this, you need to install the application "Mom, I'm here" on the phone of the child and parent. Tracking is carried out around the clock. The application not only shows the location of the child, but also notifies the parent if the child is outside the established zone. The service is paid.

Method 3. Installing the direction finder program on the phone of the person of interest

There are special free direction finder applications on the Internet, Google Play and the App Store, which can use GPRS to find a user and report his location to third parties.

The use of such applications is completely free and requires only access to GPS and the Internet.

To avoid conflict situations, discuss in advance all the nuances of using direction finders with the people whose location you are going to track.

Method 4. Official request to determine the location of a person

Another way to find out where a particular person is, knowing his phone number, is to contact the police. However, this method is applicable only if a crime has been committed.

Law enforcement agencies will send a request to the operator cellular communication and receive a printout of recent calls. But the fact that they will share their data with you is unlikely.

Method 5. Using databases to find a subscriber

This is already an outdated method, so the chances of getting the desired result are extremely low.

It is easy to find sites on the Internet that offer up-to-date database data. mobile operators. However, in fact, you are unlikely to be able to find reliable information on them: today the bases of mobile operators are well guarded, and it is almost impossible to hack them. Such statements are nothing more than a divorce. The maximum that can be found is reports from eight to ten years ago, and therefore there will be little sense from them.

Useful use of databases to find a subscriber is possible only if you have real friends-operators or intelligence officers.

How the phone's location system works

There are two main methods that cellular operators and direction finders use to determine where the owner of a phone is based on its number.

  • The first way is through the communication tower. That is, when we are in the coverage area of ​​some tower, the system automatically marks our phone according to the coordinates of the tower. But this method has a big drawback - its accuracy leaves much to be desired.
  • The second way is GPS location. All smartphones have GPS, and when using it, you can determine the user's coordinates with an accuracy of up to a meter. This system is most often used in various kinds of direction finders.

These are the two most effective methods. In fact, when the phone is on, it is simply impossible to hide your coordinates.

Remember: the presence of two direction finding paths ensures that the location of any subscriber (including you) is permanently fixed, even if he does not know about it.

Since the topic of finding people by phone number is popular, there are many fraudulent sites that offer to pay a certain amount, follow a small series of instructions, enter the number of the person whose location you are interested in, and get information about their geolocation. Of course, you should not trust such sites, at least for the reasons that were mentioned above (illegality, lack of databases, information protection).

Here are some simple tips on how to avoid becoming a victim of scammers:

  • Do not agree to offers to buy a database of any mobile operator. As already mentioned, there is simply no updated data.
  • Do not register on sites that offer to find a person by phone number online, even if they offer their services for free. This is 100% scam.
  • Use a secure connection. On such Internet resources, it is very often possible to catch a virus. Take care of the security of your computer.
  • Do not download anything from the Internet without making sure the file is safe. Even if you decide to resort to using the content of such sites, do not download or open the file without making sure that it is safe.
  • Read reviews. In case of indignation, people tend to share negative impressions. Before using the Internet resource, take an interest in the reviews of previous users.
  • Avoid any illegal offers. Remember that obtaining any information about a subscriber without his consent is a criminal offense. And if a person turns to law enforcement, you may face a serious fine.

Following these simple rules will not only save you money, but also protect your gadgets from viruses and malware.


Sometimes there is an urgent need to find a person, having at his disposal only his number. There are several possible methods for this:

  • request a number in a search engine, check social networks, groups, forums, online job forms;
  • use the services of mobile operators;
  • install a direction finder program on the phone of a person whose location needs to be monitored;
  • apply to the special services;
  • use databases of mobile operators.

All these methods are based on the use of two methods for determining the location of the phone (and, accordingly, its owner): using data from mobile towers, mobile communications from which cover almost the entire territory of the country, and using GPS. Such approaches reduce the chances of hiding your location to a minimum.

When choosing a way to search for information about a subscriber or clarify his coordinates, it is important to follow certain rules so as not to fall into the tenacious clutches of scammers.

So, you have already ordered a printout of SMS and call details, but everything in it was empty and so decent that there was absolutely nothing to catch your eye. But the heart is still out of place and suggests that something is wrong. And, indeed, in the old days, when people directly and openly wrote: “I kiss you, my baby,” and then they deleted SMS and slept peacefully, it passes.

Now, when anyone can order and understand that he was not under the “baby doll”, everything has changed. Now love correspondence is disguised and successfully under business, or is not conducted at all, so it has become more difficult to catch infidelity. Required new methods. Your husband or wife says that he sits at work until late, went to his girlfriend, friends, and this is where we will catch them.

Cell tower location

Thanks to a cell phone that is constantly in our pocket, we can track every point where the owner of the mobile phone has been throughout the day. Nothing needs to be invented, this is possible thanks to the cellular technology itself, which will officially track the location of any person with the help of equipment and display where and what time the subscriber was on a particular day and hour.

Have you wondered why cellular telephone, so called? It's simple, the key word here is "honeycomb", like bees. If you look around carefully, you will easily notice that in the city you are always surrounded by towers of mobile operators - on the roofs of buildings, on masts, and even in the subway. To make it easier for you to notice them, see the photo.

The more towers, the better the signal, so they are located as often as possible. The order of arrangement outwardly resembles a hexagonal honeycomb of bees, in order to maximize the uniform distribution of the signal level. As a result, you are always in the range of several towers.

The mobile phone constantly sends out signals and keeps "connection" with the base stations, showing which tower it is near. This allows the operator to "see" that mobile device is active and online, as well as when an incoming call arrives, automatically transfer the signal to a nearby tower, which in turn will transmit it to the cell phone.

We think that the reader has begun to understand that if the phone constantly sends signals about its location, then it is enough just to track which towers it was seen near and build a route around the city based on this.

The accuracy of determining the coordinates of a person's geolocation

The current technologies for detecting the location of a person have reached their zenith. The accuracy of determination in the city is 50-70 meters, for example, these are the dimensions of the courtyard of a small five-story building. Outside the city 120-150 meters, which is also very high direction finding accuracy. Previously, it was impossible to achieve such results. By such coordinates, you can determine the location of the subscriber up to the exact street and address of the house. The technology has long gone beyond search activities and is successfully used for domestic purposes - to identify the betrayal of a husband or wife, where a person was lost, and even to find out the thief who stole your smartphone.

In the picture below you can see an example of how the file looks like, indicating all the geographical points on the map where the subscriber was during the day.

Determine the location of a person when the phone is turned off

An important point - the phone always signals its location in space, even when it is turned off. Yes, a simple shutdown does not affect it in any way. While the battery is in the compartment, the smartphone continues to “work”, although in the passive phase, without receiving calls and SMS messages, so it goes online less often, not every 3 minutes, but once every 10-15 minutes. This slightly affects the accuracy of detection, but still it is enough for detailed recognition of the location. Whether you go out of town or hide in the mountains, you are still in control. Yes, interaction with towers is reduced to a minimum, but now even in the dense forest, at least one station will definitely reach you and this will be enough to find you. Of course, in search activities, this is an indispensable help, because when you need to save someone, speed is more important than ever. But for ordinary people, this is a great find. Finding your husband or wife during working hours at a neighbor's dacha, what could be more beautiful?

Alternative methods to track phone location by number

Now let's deviate a little from the topic and dispel modern myths.

1. Program direction finder for phone

This is generally baby talk, nothing more than for entertainment, you don’t even need to write about it, it’s a waste of time.

2. Detection of a person's location via satellite.

Also complete nonsense. This myth appeared under the influence of magic words about space, spy detectives, in which special agents from different countries watched "earthly" people directly from the satellite and everything was visible, including a matchbox and the matches themselves. We assume that the Martians have been following human civilization for a long time. Do you believe? Probably, this gave rise to fairy tales about the "omnipotence" of this technique. But again, this is a myth. Not a single satellite can intercept the signal from your cell phone from its orbit, due to the fact that the geostationary orbit of 99% of the satellites passes over the equator at an altitude of 35 thousand km. Yes, so high. And, as we wrote earlier, towers are placed in the city at every corner, since the signal from the mobile is very weak and reaches only a few kilometers.

3. Detect the location of the subscriber using GPS technology

Yes, it works. But, first, the phone of the person you want to track must have a gps module. If he has an ordinary outdated push-button device, then the module is not there.
Second, it must be turned on, and many people turn it off to save battery.
Thirdly, you need to install a spy program on your mobile phone that will record all the user's geolocation data, and then take this information from the phone and send it to you, or you need to set up duplication of SMS and calls. In this case, the information will be distributed in real time to several devices.
Fourthly, when driving fast, parking, in a house with "thick" walls, the gps signal suffers greatly and becomes too weak.
And lastly, you will never know what a person did yesterday, last month, etc. The information will only be about future movements.

As you can see, despite the fact that the GPS direction finding technology works, it is not very reliable: it requires knowledge and skills from the user, it is also necessary to install the appropriate software on the phone, which costs more than 1 ruble. Therefore, the easiest option is to simply order the subscriber location service by mobile phone number, especially since the prices are humane, the subscriber will never know about anything and will not suspect you of surveillance and espionage.

Find location by phone number for free online

We cannot ignore this question, especially since it constantly “emerges” from our clients.

No confidential information can be found for free. Judge for yourself, if access to such classified information is available to everyone, and even online, that you don’t even need to go anywhere, and all this is free, then what kind of secret information is this? Of course, mobile operators are interested in the loyalty of their customers, who would not like at all that all information about them and their actions was open to third parties. Therefore, any cellular giant takes all available measures to ensure security and data protection. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the location of a subscriber by phone number for free.

All information about the subscriber, his calls, SMS, movement is confidential information that is stored in reliable sources with limited access. Therefore, services for bypassing locks, extracting them and issuing them to you cannot cost 500 rubles.

Find a person by phone number without his consent

In our service, the consent of the other subscriber is not required for any service. Our equipment allows you to covertly perform any manipulations without direct contact with the phone of interest. Therefore, we guarantee to all our clients the complete anonymity of services and the confidentiality of your use of the service. A person will use his gadget, as before, without noticing that he was being monitored, this will last until you yourself tell him about it. Our service detects any movement, even outside the metropolis. Any interested person can determine the location of a subscriber by phone number. It does not require any knowledge. The controlled person will not know that someone reads his text messages, examines calls and knows exactly where he was at 12:15 pm on August 2, 2017.

In order to find someone close by mobile number, there are various ways. In this article, we will touch on each of them.

Geolocation will help

Most people today know what geolocation. This is the determination of the exact location of an object using various technologies, such as satellite networks(GPS or GLONASS), as well as LBS(Location Based Service) - determining the location of a mobile phone by base station signals, using the resection method. In the case of determining the location of a person by number, this option is usually used.

Geolocation can help you find a person by mobile phone number

The main advantage of this method of geolocation is no connection to satellite systems, however, there is a drawback: it is not possible to accurately determine the location of the desired device. It depends on the type of network, and a certain coordinate point may be erroneous, and the error here is not 200 meters, but several kilometers. Although, you might get lucky.

Grandfather, who went for mushrooms,

you won't find it that way

Of course, the more base stations around, the more accurately the system can determine where the owner of the desired number is located, but, for example, you will not find a grandfather who went for mushrooms in this way: if around the forest 2-3 stations, and he himself covers an area of ​​\u200b\u200bhundred kilometers, certain coordinates will be very, very inaccurate.

Of course, it can determine the location of the phone by number as accurately as possible. the telecom operator, however, he will do this only upon request from the police or other competent authorities, and we all know how these same authorities work in our country. By the time they move papers from one pile to another, and the phone will be discharged, and the attacker will hide.

However, mobile service providers offer special services to find out the location of a person without violating the law, that is, with the consent of the owner of the number.

What do operators offer?

As we have already said, every mobile operator considers it a duty of honor to provide number finding service. Traditionally these services are provided for a fee, but they are not very expensive.

Such services are connected using USSD requests, using IVR, via Personal Area on the operator's website or in showrooms. You can do it legally only with the consent of the subscriber, but you can do without it, if you hold his phone in your hands for a minute or two. You can find out the location of a person by receiving it on your mobile phone in the form of SMS or by installing a special application.

Radar service from MegaFon

Service "Radar" from MegaFon

To activate the service, you need to send a USSD request from your mobile *140# or on site You can find out where the phone you are looking for is located there or using a USSD request *140*7xxxxxxxxxx#(where 7xxxxxxxxxx is the phone number of the subscriber you are looking for). The cost of the service is 3 rub. / day. You can also track subscribers of other networks.

Connecting the "Geopoisk" service from Tele2

TELE2 also provides a similar service

*119*01# . To enable tracking, dial *119*1*7xxxxxxxxxx#. For information about where the phone is located, dial *119*2*7xxxxxxxxxx#. The cost is 3 rub. / day.

Connecting the Locator service from Beeline

Beeline also allows its subscribers to track loved ones

To connect this service, send an empty SMS to the number 5166 and download the application "Locator". The cost of the service is 7 rub. / day. You can track up to 5 numbers.

Connection of the Locator service from MTS

Keeps up with competitors and MTS

The service is activated by USSD request *111*788# . To add monitored subscribers, you need to send an SMS to a short number 6677 , for example: "DOB Daughter 89157654321". Service cost 100 rubles per month. You can also track Megafon subscribers.

Here you need to understand one important thing: when providing this service, mobile service providers use the same geolocation by base stations, that is, the problems will be the same. Coordinates will be given with a big error, and if in the city center, where there are a lot of towers, it will be only 100-200 meters, then outside the city - in a forest or industrial area to find a person no longer possible. Plus, if the mobile is turned off for one reason or another, then Locator service will not work, and to determine the location of a person in this way can be no more than once every five minutes.

Search through Google or Apple accounts

You can find out the location of a person by his phone number (or find the gadget itself if it is stolen or lost) online with the help of special f Google and iCloud features. One minus: all these features work only if the phone has enabled geolocation And possibility remote control . However, in the case of, for example, a child whose accounts parents have access to by default, it makes sense to use these services - this is really very convenient.

Here's how, for example, it happens using Google services. All you need to do 4 steps:

1. go to search engine on any browser;

2. select the menu and click on "My account";

Go to the search engine and select "My account"

3. scroll down the page;

Select "Find phone"

4. select "search for phone".

The system will request access to a Google account - enter your password. The service will then determine where is the gadget. However, as always, there are certain conditions. Firstly, the phone number must be associated with the account, and Secondly, GPS must be enabled on the device, otherwise, unfortunately, it will not be possible to find it.

Applications to find a person by the location of his phone

It must be admitted that there is a lot of such software. we will describe only some of the programs, because otherwise we will simply drown. Hope this selection helps you.

The first of the applications we have chosen allows you to create a certain group (for example, children or couriers), whose members can see where everyone else is, as well as their history.

Find My Friends

Absolutely free app, which, while being very easy to use, gives a lot of opportunities to track people by phone number. In addition, people who are part of the circle you created will not only see each other, but also have the opportunity to correspond with each other.

Life360: be with your family


This is not simple software, but a whole social cross-platform system where you can create user groups and track their location. In addition, the application supports Messenger functions and also makes it possible to evaluate battery status on the

phone you are interested in.

What is very important for parents is the ability to highlight locations such as school, home, work and so on. When you enter or exit it, the program will give you a signal.

It is also very important panic button function. When a user who is in a difficult situation clicks on it, then everyone in his circle receives a corresponding message.

More recently, one could say that there is nothing special in this program, because everything was like everyone else: an SOS button, a GPS search for people by phone number, a messenger - however, in the summer of 2016, the developer company accomplished not so much technological what a marketing breakthrough: the program has learned to send relatives data on departures and landings of aircraft, which, of course, is sometimes very important.

The GeoLocator application makes a very pleasant impression, which, in addition to being able to track the movements of a child (or an adult), can even turn into a babysitter (that is, perform a feedback function) or an Internet walkie-talkie. Separately, I would like to note the excellent work of the software support team.

Of course, there are spyware to spy on the phone, however, you should clearly understand that the use of such software illegal and violates human rights. However, these applications can be easily found and purchased online. They are ideal hide, are not displayed in the system processes of gadgets, secretly collect data about the location of the subscriber and thus make it possible to find the location of a person by mobile phone number.

These applications include programs Talklog, Hellospy, Phone Spy, however, these are the most popular of them, in fact there are many more of them. As we have said, viewing installed programs it is impossible to find this software, however some mobile antiviruses are capable of it.

What to watch out for

Beautifully designed sites with a modern discreet design, offering to find a person by phone number for little money is free or for symbolic money should be avoided. Let's repeat it again: if special software is not installed on your phone or computer, special services from the operator are not connected, or the internal affairs authorities are not interested in the subscriber, it is impossible to find the location of a person by mobile phone number. Those who propose to do so scammers who want to steal your money.

On the other hand, determine by prefix, to which region an unfamiliar number belongs, from which, for example, an unfamiliar call came to your phone, is not only legal, but also quite realistic.

So let's sum it up: how to find the location of a person by phone, we told you, however, as you can see, just drive the number into search line browser and see all the information about the wife or subordinate is unlikely to succeed. Of course, there are situations when it is simply necessary to find a loved one quickly, but, fortunately, they do not happen so often. In other cases, it is better to trust others: it will save both nerves and money.

Can the phone be traced? In our age of high technology, it will not be difficult to find it. Simple interest, jealousy or distrust - why this is needed, each person decides for himself. It is worth noting that there are several ways to find out where the smartphone is, but not all of them are legal.

How to follow a person through the phone

Now few people do without a mobile phone. In most cases, these are smartphones that allow you to quickly find any information on the Internet, get directions to another city, or just talk with a friend. Not all owners of these gadgets know that mobile devices deprive them of a part of their personal life. It will not be difficult for any person who is more or less friendly with technology to track down the owner of the gadget.

Sometimes this feature can be extremely useful. So you can always check where the child is. And if the smartphone is lost or stolen, in this way you can determine its location. How to track a person on the phone? There are several ways to do this. The first is to contact the mobile operator that serves the subscriber. The company will tell you how to track the phone number. Options:

  • GPS navigation. With this function, the cell phone is used not only as a navigator in the husband's car. So you can calculate where the person is, because most programs require the smartphone owner to mark their location. You can follow those people who like to be photographed and mark the place where the picture was taken. With the help of applications, you can easily track their movement.
  • Special programs. With access to your Google account, you can legally install software on your smartphone that helps you track your mobile.
  • Internet. The World Wide Web is able to give an idea of ​​where a person is. The location will not be exact, but some sites may give the approximate location of the owner's machine.
  • GPS tracker. You can use this special module that is built into the mobile, which can be used to monitor the movement of the smartphone.

Location by phone number without the consent of the subscriber

Sometimes spying on a phone by number without the consent of the owner can become a necessity, for example, if the person has disappeared and there is no other way to contact him. Without the approval of the subscriber, it will not be possible to obtain such access, since at least once he must confirm his consent. Operators may provide such information, but it is confidential. You can use it only in extreme cases. Access to it is still available to people who have special permission, for example, from the relevant authorities.

How to track a person by phone number

Starting tracking by phone number is easy. Only now it is not possible to use this service without the consent of the subscriber. All Russian operators offer special geolocator services for a fee:

Find android

Google, under whose leadership it is being developed operating system Android, very responsibly approaches the issue of user security. Therefore, in order to find an Android phone in case of loss, it is necessary to carry out some manipulations with it in advance. Firstly, you should register an account with Google, and secondly, set up your smartphone. To do this, enter the "Menu", where select "Settings". There, go to the category "My location" and check the box "Allow to track coordinates."

Find iPhone by phone number

If the question arose of how to find an iPhone by phone number, then you can contact the operator and activate the appropriate service. In addition, on the device itself, you can configure the Find My iPhone function, which can not only block or turn off the device from a distance, but also delete all data. The application includes a sound signal that will help you find your smartphone.

Location by phone number

On the Internet, it is easy to find many programs that promise to find a person by mobile. It is hardly worth talking about their functionality, since mobile operators are actively fighting for the safety of the personal data of their subscribers, and no one has canceled the inviolability of personal life. There is only one legal way to track the location of a person by phone number - this is to contact a cellular company and legally activate the appropriate service. In this case, you can see the location of the subscriber on the map online.

Geolocation by phone number

Every mobile operator offers its service, the essence of which is geolocation by phone number. You can use the following options to connect:

  • enter ussd request;
  • send SMS;
  • contact the operator;
  • contact the salon in person.

How to track a phone number online

It is naive to think that finding a location by a phone number online is a trifle. To do this, you need to install the appropriate program on your mobile. In addition, the device must be within the range of its own cellular network, you need to enable GPS and Internet on it. Tracking a mobile phone is otherwise possible only if sanctions are obtained from law enforcement agencies. None of the operators, upon a simple user request, will provide such data.

How to find a phone by GPS using a computer

Modern gadgets help to calculate the location using satellites and the Internet. To understand how to track a phone by GPS through a computer, you need to enter account and activate the search function. In this case, the gadget will begin to transmit a signal at maximum power in order to determine the location of the device. Smartphones on all known operating systems have this function.

phone tracking software

Tracking a cell without the consent of the owner is illegal, so before you start implementing this idea, you should think carefully about the pros and cons. You also need to know that it is not possible to track a subscriber until a phone tracking program is installed on the smartphone. All sorts of offers to track the device, which are full on the Internet, are a common money scam.

Can be downloaded free program, which will be able to find out the route of the lost smartphone online. Developers offer paid and free options. Through the software, you can track the path of the mobile. Some programs can work invisibly, which will not allow an attacker to detect it, while others, on the contrary, require you to enter codes and passwords in order to track the device.

Video: How to track the location of an Android phone through Google

Person's location by phone number this is a very popular and important service that allows you to accurately determine where the subscriber was during a specific time to within tens of meters.

We will not write for what and how you can use such information, you yourself know very well.

phone location by number online via satellite

If there is a demand, then there is a supply, which entrepreneurial businessmen immediately took advantage of by creating the “find a person via satellite” service. It sounds very convincing, everyone knows about astronautics, high technology, signal transmission from space, about spy satellites that can see a pack of cigarettes. Where a spacecraft “hangs” high above your head, and for it to track your phone is a couple of trifles. But all this is pure nonsense.

  • The satellite hangs at an altitude of 40,000 (forty thousand km above the earth). The radius of the radio signal from a cell phone is several kilometers. As you understand, not a single cell phone will reach there.
  • 99.99% of all their numbers are repeaters (transmitters), they receive a signal from the ground and broadcast it over a vast territory of tens of km 2. They can't track anything. The picture shows the transmission tower. Only such equipment is capable of reaching the spacecraft at such a height.

relay antenna

  • There is one exception, i.e. the most 00.01% is a satellite mobile phone. See the picture, it is he who can communicate with the special low-lying satellites of the Iridium operator and similar ones. If your subscriber does not have one, then not a single satellite in orbit will be able to detect and find it.

hundred iridium phone

satellite phone

Find location by phone number for free online

In reality, there is only one way to detect a person by mobile. Works with subscribers of tele2, beeline, mts, megaphone. There are no location programs, neither paid nor free. Unless, of course, we are talking about professional equipment in detective work worth under 100,000 euros.

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