How to return traffic after Baden-Baden? Baden-Baden algorithm in Yandex What is Yandex's new Baden-Baden filter

In March, Yandex launched another innovation - the Baden-Baden text filtering algorithm. This innovation was announced on 03/23/2017 in the blog for webmasters. However, this innovation showed itself somewhat later. The results of the search results were in a fever for about two weeks. Then the situation returned to normal. The re-optimized pages and documents showed subsidence in many of the search queries that had been promoted previously. A typical indicator (correlated by starting position and keyword competition) is from 7 to 30 points.

This algorithm works throughout the post-Soviet space for commercial and informational requests. Since the original idea of ​​the algorithm was anti-spam, the reduction in positions upon issuance (sanctions) was applied not to the entire resource, but to individual phrases upon request.

It is possible to detect problems, like other text post-filters. This can be done using the Pixel Tools toolkit, or its analogues. This indicates that "Baden-Baden" is nothing more than an add-on to the ranking formula, and not about its integration into the main ranking methods. It is similar to other post-filters; both the manifestations and the method of its operation are similar. The fact that the filter is query-dependent is also evidenced by the fact that query-by-query diagnostic methods are also used, which gives sanctions only for key phrases that lead to a drawdown.

On 04/07/2017, a host filter also appeared (it applies to the entire resource and for all requests, excluding navigation ones). Drops in search traffic were noticed on those sites that were filtered from the afternoon of 04/06/2017. This is very similar to "Re-optimization" in manual mode. This is displayed in the webmaster's panel, and the action is performed by the decision of our search engine's anti-spam analytics. These nuances are controlled through the webmaster panel. If there is no access to the resource, then it is recommended to perform a check similar to the use of filtering by the Minusinsk algorithm. Drawdown sizes are similar. To identify the problem, you should form a special request, it will allow you to detect sanctions in relation to the domain name.

If sanctions of this type take place, then there will be requests in the TOP of the issue, for which the resource will be a virtual response (organization, domain, etc.). If there is a desire to check someone else's resource, then not all virtual requests will give the top position of links to a given domain. In principle, it is not forbidden to apply some kind of your own diagnostic method.

Why are search engines penalized?

Suppose that the use of sanctions is revealed, therefore, it is necessary to get rid of them. The source of troubles should be looked for in both cases (query-dependent, host-based) in text content and optimization of resource documents.

What is Yandex trying to catch to impose sanctions?

query-dependent Host or re-optimization
1 Query-specific filter applied to promoted phrases. There is a significant rise with a small change in demand. The sanction is not request dependent. Used for all phrases to be promoted. An exception to the rule is requests for which the resource is a virtual response.
2 Drawdown from 7 to 30 points. Correlates with competition, phrase, starting positions Drawdown by two dozen points.
3 Necessary:
  • Change the document: direct to the user, add facts, remove water, increase information content.
  • Remove optimization from bigrams. Remove inconsistencies in phrases.
  • Reduce the volume, leaving only the information. Reduce the number of keywords. Use the tag in paragraphs. Reduce the number of high-frequency bigrams.
  • Check headings h1–h6, title and meta tags, accents. Check layout.
  • Achieve reindexing. The result will be in a couple of rounds, do not wait right away
  • Install the base. Usually redundancy of texts in product descriptions. Remove spam documents and uninformative texts.
  • Take steps to optimize. You can donate a piece of text. Removing sanctions will increase traffic. Usually they remove from 40% of the text (emptiness and water), spam documents. Sometimes the complete removal of text leads to an increase in traffic.
  • Check spam and SEO tags.
  • Contact Yandex services if the reason has not been established independently.
4 Yandex is not Google. Even if you are in good positions in Google, then cropping the text will have little effect there, in Yandex it is very significant. Even if you are in good positions on Google, you should not use the tagas the only remedy for indexing by Yandex. It is not certain that this will lift the sanctions. Here it is desirable to replace the general strategy and modify the texts.

When carrying out work, be sure to save the history.

Cases of the “Baden-Baden” algorithm

Cases of the phrases of the younger Baden-Baden are quite standard and are similar to the post-filters "Reoptimization" and "Spam".

  • Scrolling pages. Hidden part 50-80% of the total content.
  • Excess occurrences, lack of specifics, no specifics for the region.
  • Other situations. Removing or hiding text from indexing leads to high positions and traffic.

Host Filtering Algorithm

In order to remove such sanctions, you need to remove the reasons for filtering and submit an application for revising the resource through the Webmaster. Usually takes about a month. The second option is similar. The visibility of the resource in Yandex will return, in Google it will not change.


  • Baden-Baden is divided into two types, both in terms of manifestation and methods of diagnosis and elimination.
  • The origins of sanctions are shown above, recommendations are given.
  • From practice, the tag will not remove host-type sanctions.

Additional information in the Yandex Blog.

Hello friends! No one will argue that Yandex likes to surprise. So a couple of weeks ago, he surprised many by introducing a new algorithm for determining overoptimized texts called Baden-Baden.

Today I will talk about the features of this algorithm, give comments from the support service, and also show how to determine the presence of a filter, how to find filtered pages and return traffic from Yandex.

It can be said that only recently webmasters and optimizers have "departed" from Minusinsk, and a new "terrible" city has come to replace it - Baden-Baden. I have studied this algorithm in some detail since its introduction. I will share my findings and observations.

In 2 words about the algorithm. He struggles with re-optimized texts that contain a large number of keywords (link to the news on the Yandex blog). In fact, the Runet mirror 6 years ago already declared its attitude to such content. Then everything went quite quietly. Now the filter has made a lot of noise. In fact, the new algorithm is an improved version of the old one. It is now part of the overall ranking formula.

The news contains more than 1000 comments (mostly negative). People complain that normal texts written for people got under the distribution. Well, I read all these comments and made up my picture. First I will show it in a question-answer format.

1. Which sites have been hit by the new algorithm? What regions?

According to the text of the news, only commercial projects can be judged.

But in fact, all resources (including informational ones) were affected in all regions.

2. When was the filter launched?

Baden-Baden started on 22 March. For some webmasters, traffic began to sag earlier. Either this was due to other reasons, or tests were carried out on some limited sample.

3. What is the nature of the sanctions? Does the algorithm lower the entire site in the search results, only the query-document link or specific pages?

At the moment, only certain pages that the ranking formula considers overoptimized are downgraded in the SERP.

On the one hand, it's good - you can determine which documents have fallen in the issuance, and work with them already. On the other hand, it's bad - a resource can have thousands of pages. In my opinion, ideally, it was necessary to make a request-document bundle. It's more honest, isn't it? Well, the logic of Yandex here is different: if you wanted to increase the rating of the text in the search results, get it and sign it.

4. Will sanctions be shown in Yandex.Webmaster?

At the moment they are not shown, but representatives are going to change something in this direction. "What?" and when?" - it's behind the scenes.

Update. In the comments, we shared a notification in Yandex.Webmaster about a sanction (the "Re-optimization" category).

5. Should the text on the "fallen" pages be completely replaced or just edited?

According to a Yandex support representative, it is enough to change the content on the filtered documents so that they return to normal ranking. The question is, will the new version meet the criteria?

6. Should online stores worry about spamming on category pages?

No, it's not worth it. But I would still think about optimizing the number of such uses. Just in case, for the future.

7. Should I add text to dilute the number of key occurrences?

It is not worth increasing the content to "footcloths". It is better to remove the excessive nausea of ​​the key phrase and remove/change spam constructs.

In other words, it is not necessary to enlarge the text with the so-called water to enter all the necessary keys. Informativeness and usefulness of content in the first place.

Update. New video "Bynet Week Report on Algorithm". Maybe it will clear up some points.

How to determine that the site came under Baden-Baden?

In fact, I've been talking about re-optimization for a long time. But Baden-Baden did not bypass me either (though not so much, by 15 percent).

In general, you need to look at the attendance statistics from Yandex in the period of March 22-23. If there is a drop in traffic, then, unfortunately, the filter did not bypass your project. By the way, are there those who have had a general growth these days? Share. I haven't come across these yet.

Search for re-optimized pages

Determining the presence of a filter is quite easy. Another thing is to find pages that the algorithm did not like. If you have even a slight drop in traffic, then still do not be lazy and find documents that have lost visitors from Yandex. Their analysis will help to understand what this search engine does not like, so as not to make the same "mistakes" in the future.

Why did I write errors in quotation marks? If only because such spammy constructions were not used on a project that had a drop in attendance. I can’t say that the texts on it are just so holy, but being an opponent of hard optimization, I try not to allow it at the semantic level.

So, 2 simple instructions that will help you find re-optimized pages. The first option is for Google Analytics, the second one is for Yandex.Metrica.

Google Analytics

If your site collected statistics in analytics, then congratulations: it will not be difficult to find documents that have lost traffic. Go to Behavior -> Site Content -> Landing Pages.

In the first one, we put yandex to sort visits only from this search engine. In the second, we set the number of sessions, less than which pages will not be displayed (you can not use it). For example, you have a large project with several thousand pages and a lot of traffic. It hardly makes sense to analyze documents that collect only 10-20 visits per week.

Then we compare the readings a week before the filter and a week after it.

As dates, I chose March 14-21 and March 24-31 (I did not take 22-23 for the purity of observations). We will get a comparison table that will display the analyzed pages and the difference in the number of visits (+ as a percentage). Where a minus is a loss, a plus is an increase.

Here you can clearly see which of the materials lost traffic. By the way, the analysis often comes across articles that are not bad added. I hope that it will work out, correcting the old documents, and eventually get a plus in terms of overall attendance. Here is an example of +209% traffic.

I advise you not to analyze documents with a small percentage change, but to take them with a difference of 15-20%. Smaller values ​​of this indicator cannot, with a high degree of probability, indicate the presence of overoptimization.

You can search for similar pages in google analytics itself, or by making an export, work with them, for example, in excel.

According to the analyst, in principle, everything. Quite convenient and clear. Let's move on to Metrics.


We go into the account and create "Reports" -> Standard -> Content -> Login pages.

Now you need to separate the seeds from the chaff of visitors from Yandex. Add a source condition.

We set the same dates March 14-21 and March 24-31. We will receive data for the first and second periods, as well as the difference between them.

Very visual. You can watch through the web interface or download to your computer. Green color - growth of traffic, red - fall. Unlike Google Analytics percentages, the ratio is shown here (how many times the first period is better / worse than the second). Everything above -1.15-1.20x must be taken for analysis and improvements.

Which method did you like the most?

10 points to eliminate overoptimization

In order to return the documents to their former positions and restore attendance, the only thing left is to analyze and edit each page. Nobody said it was easy. I described the general principles in a post about . Briefly about them (pay special attention to the first 4 points):

  1. Human usage of key phrases (not as in wordstat, but as an ordinary person speaks or writes).
  2. No overspam by word and/or phrase. I usually check for words that occur more than 2% in the text. You also need to pay attention to phrases (usually 2-3 words) that are not so often present in the content, but which are search queries (for example, buy furniture, self-promotion of sites, prices for TVs). The use of such constructions more than 1-2 times may cause the search engine to be suspicious due to unnaturalness.
  3. Uniform distribution of keys. The point follows from the second. For example, some request has a small percentage of occurrences, offhand 1.5%. If it is concentrated only in a specific area of ​​the document, then there its "nausea" will be critical. It is necessary to ensure that keywords are written harmoniously.
  4. Matching content and keys. If your page does not respond to some request, then you should not include it just "for good luck". More refers to different lists, such as cities.
  5. No overspam in Title, description, subtitles, alt and image title, cross-cutting elements, internal links (here are their number).
  6. Content without semantic load and design.
  7. Creation of duplicate pages according to the logic.
  8. No highlighting of keywords with strong and b tags.
  9. Multiple tags for one element.
  10. Title, H1, URL and breadcrumbs match.

Yes, I agree, the work is not easy and pleasant. But if the resource is dear to you, then, most likely, you cannot do without editing. Start with a small number of pages (for example, 10 pages). Make a standard out of them and see Yandex's reaction a few weeks after reindexing. If the traffic on them began to grow, then scale your improvements to the rest of the re-optimized pages.

Which of you fell under Baden-Baden? How do you think it was fair? Have you already found documents that have been sanctioned? Did you do anything to get out of them? Were there any results? I'll be waiting for your messages in the comments!

About the emergence of a new algorithm - Baden-Baden. Yandex developers commented on the algorithm as follows:

How does the algorithm work?

The Baden-Baden algorithm is similar in its profile to the "Perespam" or "Tailor" filter launched in 2010, but with a highly modified algorithm of actions. The new filter is designed to deal with SEO texts with pronounced re-optimization, multiple direct and morphological occurrences of keywords.

When applying a filter to the site, there is a subsidence of positions by 10-40 points, as a result of which the amount of traffic to the site decreases and, as a result, the number of sales falls.

The new algorithm works page by page (i.e. if you only have a couple of pages with spam, then they will go down, and the rest of the site will not lose anything). Particular attention is paid to the frequently repeated forms of requests.

Added after the report from Bynet Week by Slivinsky on 04/07/2017:

  • The entire site can now be downgraded in rankings!
  • An entry will appear in the webmasters panel in the Violations section.

A bit of history

Baden-Baden is similar in terms of the principle of influencing search results with Perespam, which was noticed by analysts back in 2010. At the same time, at the RIF and CIB 2010 conference, Denis Raskovalov, a former Yandex developer, spoke about optimizing the main and key pages as follows:

“Well, I’m certainly not a designer, but in my opinion, large texts on the main page look ugly.”

After the words spoken by Denis, many webmasters noticed the imposition of penalties on their resources for re-optimization of texts. Over the course of 7 years, the ways of presenting information and increasing the relevance of pages have changed, but Yandex again decided to improve the selection of useful content from low-quality content.

Problem Diagnosis

Due to the recent emergence of the algorithm, it is not yet possible to draw precise conclusions about the method for selecting relevant and re-optimized pages. In some topics, there is a dense subsidence of pages for commercial queries for really low-quality sites, while in others, a lot of non-competitive pages, collected “on the knee”, appeared in the main issue.

There is a clear flaw and dampness of the Baden-Baden algorithm. Obviously, in the next few updates, the positions of sites will change steadily until the filter is perfected to the ideal.

How not to get under Baden-Baden?

The algorithm is not afraid of high-quality sites aimed at satisfying user questions, as a rule, it is they who have taken the lead in the search results over the past year.

In order not to fall under the next punishing Yandex filter, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not perceive the number of key phrases in the article as the most important element that plays a key role in relation to the text;
  • Write informative texts that consider the solution to the user's problem from several positions, allowing you to give an exhaustive answer to the person's request;
  • Do not try to increase the visibility of the page by saturating texts with direct occurrences of keywords;
  • Keep the text informative and readable, use more simple and less verbose sentences;
  • Structure the text into paragraphs and logical headings;
  • Forget about the formula for calculating the number of keys per 1000 characters of text.

If the pages of your site do not currently meet the specified requirements, start editing them, reduce the volume of keys, proofread pages, work with headings and text structuring.

What to do if the site is under the filter?

Don't panic if your site's rankings go down in search results in the first few updates after the update, this trend is now observed in all topics and areas. The algorithm has not yet been finalized and is prone to making mistakes; in the near future, the position of the site will be restored.

If your site is replete with re-optimized content, then it's time to take care of finding an intelligent content manager that can proofread and modify published articles and news. It is necessary to reduce the number of key phrases, direct entries, make the article more informative and well-formed, the algorithm does not like "sheets".

What the experts say

Dmitry Shakhov
, company "Remarka"

Yandex has learned to see which texts are good and which scare users away. It's time to apply this knowledge to removing pages with text-keybags from the search. The hit will be on sites that were in the TOP (not the fact that because of spam texts) and texts that no one touched so that the site did not fly out of the TOP. I think that everything will be limited to rewriting texts, after which these sites will return to the TOP again.

Ilya Rusakov
, Impulse company

I am very happy with this innovation. In the struggle for a competitive TOP, spam text has long lost its relevance, because. First of all, the behavior of the user and his satisfaction are important. I am sure that this will improve the quality of search results and make marketers and SEOs think about users and their needs.

Roman Verdysh
, a private SEO optimizer

In my opinion, this is one of the best innovations in Yandex. For a long time I have been working according to the “solving the problem on the page” scheme, and not promoting 3-5 requests. In my case, the projects only went to the plus. You provide high-quality and useful content!

Dmitry Ivanov
, company "Ukrop Media"

It is too early to make any significant statements in this regard. In SEO, everything is cyclical, and now it is time to take on the texts. The links were last year. What's in 2018? Behavioral?

Evgenia Perebeinosova
, company "Realweb"

The succession of ranking parameters and their estimates in both search engines has long been known to everyone. And even from the meager initial description of the new algorithm from the Yandex team, we can conclude that the essence and spirit of Panda and Baden-Baden are similar. The unity of goals in this situation also entails the coincidence of means and methods for achieving them. Yandex and Google are trying to improve the quality of search results as much as possible and still make the dream of all users about the “best answer to the question” come true.

Artur Latypov
, "SEO Intellect" company

There are no texts written by us that fell under the algorithm - this pleases. There are some tensions associated with the possible development of the algorithm, the upcoming analysis, and the identification of patterns.

What will be the final result of the Internet, and what will be clear to webmasters after a few updates to the search results. Who will take the TOP this year, professional copywriters or professional SEO specialists?

Hello, dear readers and guests of my blog. More and more often, we are concerned about the question of how to write seo articles correctly in order to get into the top search engines and not fall under the Baden-Baden Yandex filter. , which will be discussed further.

When writing such texts, we are often cunning, in other words, we enter keywords wherever possible, thereby not noticing that we are greatly over-optimizing our article and it is not at all interesting to our readers.

In this article I will try to tell you about my vision, how, nevertheless, so as not to fall under the new Baden-Baden Yandex filter. Let me remind you that a few days ago, a note appeared in the Yandex news about a new algorithm from Yandex, which is aimed primarily at improving search results.

What is Yandex's new Baden-Baden filter?

Many webmasters did not have time " shake off" from previous filters, such as Minusinsk and, which I also visited and successfully came out, when suddenly the new Baden-Baden Yandex filter is capable of " knock out» re-optimized articles from the top of the search results, and not the whole site, as before. I published a copy of the article where Yandex representatives talk about the new filter at the end of the article.

Given that the Yandex Baden-Baden Filter will be used exclusively for pages that, from the point of view of the robot, are overflowing with keywords that affect the evaluation of the entire content of the article and are not useful for the reader, it will be extremely difficult to determine whether the site is under the filter - even a specialist.

In its appeal, the Yandex team encourages you to write seo texts, but not to overdo it. Seo articles, according to the Yandex team, should have two properties: be text for people, and also contain seo elements. But, I do not want to agree with them, since the article should first of all answer the user's question and be read to the end ...

Re-optimized article, from the point of view of the Baden-Baden filter from Yandex?

In one of the articles, Yandex called for writing seo articles, here is a quote from that article:

Choose a few key phrases that can describe the services you provide. For a page to rank high, it must provide the best answer on the web to the user's question.

In the first case, we see that Yandex's Baden-Baden filter is 100% likely to apply a filter to this text and exclude this article from the search results. But what happens if this article is re-optimized, as in the picture below? Write me your opinion in the comments.

In this case, the Baden-Baden Yandex filter will turn to behavioral factors, since despite the abundance of keywords, the article is structured and contains pictures, which greatly affects the reading time of the text as a whole.

Many of you might not agree with me now, but I still adhere to this opinion, since the main ranking criterion today, tomorrow and always is to answer the reader's question as much as possible.

What to do in order not to fall under the Baden-Baden Yandex filter?

I wrote in one of my posts, so I won’t get too hung up on this, but I’ll write just a couple of paragraphs, where I’ll reveal a little secret that will allow me not to fall under Yandex filters.

Write articles for people covering the whole topic, and not its separate fragments.

Let's take a look at this method with an example, which will not only help you avoid filtering your site, but also filter your site 5 times or more. Yes, I was not mistaken, of course, if you understand the essence, correctly.

Before writing an article, you need to find 10 suitable phrases, for example, I used 684 phrases to write this article, of which I chose only 12 for this article about the new Baden-Baden filter from Yandex.

Further, even more difficult, since this is the main secret of the successful promotion of the article to the top. From the available, non-zero requests, I tried to reveal the topic to the reader as much as possible, using the following structuring rule:

I must say right away that this does not work for every seo article, since everywhere there are additions, but these are the main points that should be present in every article written by a person. This method is used by many on their pages and novice webmasters can only envy their attendance.

Conclusions: why is the new algorithm from Yandex Baden-Baden not terrible for bloggers, but terrible for online sellers who re-optimize product descriptions?

Yandex algorithms: Baden-Baden versus SEO

Less than two years have passed since, following Minusinsk, Yandex developed a new filter. On March 22, 2017, the Baden-Baden algorithm was launched. It reveals overoptimized pages with texts for search engines, lowers the position of such sites and upsets discouraged owners of pessimized Internet resources.

What's happened

The appearance of this algorithm was predicted by Watermillsky back in 2015 immediately after the launch of Minusinsk. After the abolition of link ranking, webmasters rushed to the other extreme. Instead of buying links, they began to fill sites with optimized test content. Yandex did not remain in debt. He tracked this trend and launched the innovative Baden-Baden algorithm. Webmasters and site owners began to panic. Satisfied copywriters are happily wiping keyboards. Ahead of new orders for the correction of re-optimized texts.

Official Information

  • Baden-Baden is included in the general Yandex algorithm for ranking sites.
  • Overoptimized pages can be pessimized and lose positions in the search rankings.

Yandex answers

Elena Pershina (Yandex) answers user questions regarding the Baden-Baden algorithm.

Question . When will the updated filter take effect?

Answer. The new Baden-Baden is already in operation.

Question. What is the probability that the algorithm will make a mistake and pessimize a site with text for people?

Answer . Sites that don't use deceptive technology need not worry; the chance of error is negligible.

Question. On some pages of online stores with a list of products, there is a significant number of repetitions, where the difference is only in numbers. Baden-Baden takes this into account?

Answer. Yes, the developers took into account the features of the product pages of online stores. There are separate recommendations for such pages.

Question. Yesterday (03/22/2017) positions of many sites collapsed for no apparent reason. Is this situation in organic results related to the release of a new filter or was it just a simple glitch?

Answer. The positions of websites are influenced by different reasons. Therefore, it is necessary to understand separately in each case.

Question. Will there be details of the new algorithm?

Answer. We will definitely tell you more about this algorithm. Wait for details.

Question. Will Yandex.Webmaster show algorithm violations in the "Violations" section?

Answer. Currently Baden-Baden is not displayed in Webmaster. Planned in the future.

Question. Where to look for recommendations on the quality of web pages?

Question. What is the difference between the Baden-Baden algorithm and the previous Yandex filters against spammed texts?

Answer. The idea of ​​the algorithm is the same, but it is implemented in a new way.

Question. Tell me, how can you find out that a website page may contain re-optimized text that has a negative impact on positions in organic search results?

Answer. Yandex.Webmaster support will help you decide whether there are similar texts on your Internet resource.

Question. If you have launched a new algorithm, then consider behavioral factors. When a user stays on the site for a long time and reads long texts, it means that the topic is fully disclosed, and the material is interesting and useful.

Answer. Yandex takes into account the behavior of users on the pages of the site. The new algorithm does not affect large texts. Its task is to find pages with re-optimized content.

Question. When writing texts, I do not use optimization methods at all. Can a new algorithm pessimize my site?

Answer. If the texts are intended exclusively for users, there is no need to be afraid that they will be on the list of re-optimized ones.

Question. Does Baden-Baden downvote all queries on the page or just spammed ones?

Answer. At the moment, the algorithm pessimizes the entire page.

Question. When the Baden-Baden algorithm is run.

Question. If it's not difficult, show some examples of texts that are both suitable for people and for the search engine Answer. Such examples will not be given. Otherwise, such texts will turn into template examples for re-optimization of the new level.

Question. Will pessimized pages be shown in the Yandex.Webmaster panel?

Answer. Today, Yandex.Webmaster does not display such pages.

Question. How does the new algorithm work with respect to spammed pages: does it lower positions or exclude them from the index?

Answer. Lowers.

Question. We want to look at high-quality SEO text.

Answer. We will not give it, otherwise such a text will become an example for new re-optimized texts.

Question. I write good texts, but I am afraid to fall under the influence of the Baden-Baden algorithm. Will such spammed pages be displayed in Yandex.Webmaster in order to take prompt action?

Answer. Since pessimized pages remain in the index, there is no alert. The probability of an algorithm error is extremely small, so those who write normal texts for people have nothing to fear.

Question. Yandex will show the sanctions of the new algorithm in Webmaster? Answer."Baden-Baden" is included in the general ranking algorithm and therefore no special alerts are provided.

Question. When is the next update expected?

Answer. Yandex algorithms are in constant update mode.

Question. What exactly has changed in the algorithm, how will it detect and filter out spammy texts? Does the general algorithm work badly?

Answer. The Baden-Baden algorithm is more complete and better detects spammed text content. No one will say the exact criteria, otherwise they will quickly become inoperative.

Question. I read the announcement. What should be done now?

Answer. There are re-optimized texts - change. If there are none, nothing needs to be done.

Question. Can you tell me the exact launch date of the algorithm?

Question. Yandex will be more specific? Why can't you give an example of a good text and an example of a text that will lead to "Baden-Baden".

Answer. An example of bad text is shown in an article. We will not show an example of a good one, otherwise they will make a template out of it and it will turn into a bad one :)

Question. If I understand the topic, but I don’t have literary talents, am I ordered to get into Yandex search results?

Answer. Write texts in normal human language. Yandex algorithms will appreciate it.

Question. Why was Baden-Baden rolled out right now, when many SEOs don't use SEO texts?

Answer. Re-optimized texts have been dragging websites down for a long time. It's just that the new algorithm has been expanded and supplemented, it has become more correct.

question of the day. Make your own service for checking written texts for re-optimization!

Answer. Instead of creating high-quality texts, you need a service that will tell you how many key phrases you need? :)

Question. If the text is corrected, will the positions return?

Answer. Yes, editing and finalizing texts will help in this case.

Question. We want to see examples of good texts according to Yandex! Answer. You must be well aware that such examples are doomed. They will immediately turn into patterns and become examples of how not to do it.

Question. Does the algorithm work for all types of sites?

Answer. Yes, for everyone, including commercial ones.

Question. Does Baden-Baden operate throughout Russia and the CIS countries?

Answer. Yes, everywhere.

Question. Does the algorithm work constantly or periodically?

Answer. Yandex algorithms are constantly working and improving.

Question. What is valuable in this article?

Answer. There is an example of reoptimized text here. Yandex specifically drew attention to this point and said that such texts should not be written.

Question. Our furniture online store has never had seo texts. But in some cases, the names of goods contain words that are repeated many times. Will this cause pessimism?

Answer. If such words are appropriate and intended for users, there is no need to worry about re-optimization.

Question. How are the texts reoptimized or not? Answer. Try rereading such texts to find out for whom they were written.

Question. About feedback from users and interaction with technical support.

Answer. The Yandex team strives to make the Yandex.Webmaster service the most understandable and transparent tool for search engine optimization of sites. Updates to the functionality of Yandex.Webmaster clearly demonstrate this. All good comments, advice and suggestions within the feedback are taken into account when developing new products.

Question. After the launch of Baden-Baden, the issue of Yandex has significantly deteriorated.

Answer. Deteriorated for overspam sites. All new site ranking algorithms are rigorously tested before being included in the main algorithm, which has shown that search has become better for ordinary users.

Question. How do I check a website for accidental re-optimization?

Answer. You can’t accidentally write the same keywords many times in one text. There is a deliberate re-optimization.

Question. The fact that the technical data of many goods and services may be the same is not taken into account at all.

Answer. The Baden-Baden algorithm takes into account everything that is needed.

Question. How does the new algorithm work? On what basis does he evaluate sites?

Answer. Machine learning and other factors.

Question. The texts were written by myself. Manually removed all keywords. I can't order direct. What are the chances of getting into the top 10 again?

Answer. Try to check with Yandex technical support.

Question. Unfortunately, the Baden-Baden algorithm is still far from perfect. Websites with normal texts were affected.

Answer. We looked at examples of such sites, they contain a lot of strained facts.

Question. I recently learned about promotion with re-optimized texts and what a re-optimized text is. The site has a lot of text content and contains search queries. What to do now, should all the texts be rewritten or only selectively?

Answer. It is in the order of things when the site has landing pages for the most important queries and useful texts for people, where there are product names. The new Baden-Baden ranking algorithm identifies re-optimized texts that are written in an attempt to influence search engines.

Question. As they wrote SEO texts for search engines, they will continue to do so. Is not it?

Answer. If you don't feel sorry for the time, write :)

Question. What about sales texts? Delete important content, photos and prices? What can be done?

Answer. High-quality texts and re-optimized ones are a big difference. Photos and prices have nothing to do with it.

Question. If you write low-quality unique text for the Nth number of characters and add the necessary keys, will the site get into the TOP? Answer. This is from the category of bad advice - how to quickly fall under the Baden-Baden algorithm :)

Question. My site follows all Yandex recommendations. Why can't technical support give an exact answer - the site suffered because of the new algorithm or not?

Answer. Currently, Baden-Baden is the current ranking algorithm. The parameters of its work will change and therefore it is difficult for Yandex technical support to answer your question unambiguously.

Question. What is more important in ranking factors - quality texts or behavioral factors.

Answer. Yandex search takes into account more than 1,500 different factors. Therefore, the vector of efforts should be directed towards achieving another goal - how to make the site useful for your users.

How to avoid

  • Re-read the published texts for "meaningless and ruthless" re-optimization.
  • Remove unnecessary semantic optimization in product and service descriptions.
  • When writing new materials, focus on the usefulness of texts for buyers and customers.

What to do

After SEO-links, the time of penny copywriting is gone. Now it is not safe to order cheap SEO texts on various exchanges. Now it is costly to turn to pseudo-specialists. After March 22, the era of real LSI copywriting from professional copywriters has come. The number of occurrences is no longer important. It is no longer enough to get 100% technical uniqueness of content. In 2017, we need the semantic value of the text and its usefulness for the target audience of the site. Copywriting based on LSI technologies will help you avoid existing and new Yandex algorithms. This is a reliable solution to all the problems with website re-optimization and a practical way to attract the desired traffic.

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