What to do if Wi-Fi is not working on iPhone. Wi-Fi does not work on the iPhone: why does this happen and how to deal with it? Iphone 4 works wi-fi

Apple fans look forward to any new product with the now legendary apple logo. At one time, the iPhone 4s was no exception.

But those who were lucky enough to buy this gadget faced some disappointments over time - one of the most common problems was the inability to connect the phone to Wi-Fi.

The advent of the iPhone 4s

The legendary iPhone 4s was introduced to users in the fall of 2011. The design was similar to the previous 4, which many users liked because of the panel made of glass, mirrored logo and metal rims on the sides. The difference in appearance between the devices was the placement of antennas on the case. To improve communication, the Cupertinos in the new generation brought them on the sides, and not on top, as was the case in the previous model. The photos that the iPhone 4s takes can still be considered high quality today. An innovation in this model was Siri - a virtual voice assistant.

For the first time in the long years of the company's existence, the presentation of a new product was made by Tim Cook, the man who led Apple after Jobs. Steve himself died literally the day after the presentation of the gadget, and many experts are sure that it was Jobs's death that influenced the commercial success of the iPhone 4s.

The first problems in the functioning of the phone

When developing the device, the creators made a number of miscalculations. After the start of sales, many users began to massively apply to the company's service centers with a claim that the iPhone 4s and Bluetooth. After the diagnostics, the specialists found a defect in the spare parts that are responsible for the performance of these functions. The company has recalled phones for replacement parts.

Despite this, some of the devices, as usual after the presentation, managed to get on the black market. Most of the iPhone 4s went to countries where there were no official sales, so they could not be replaced. These phones have not gone away and are actively resold from hand to hand to this day. If WiFi does not work on the iPhone 4s, then most likely this device belonged to the first batch. You can check this on the company's website by entering the phone's IMEI, where the assembly date will be indicated. If the phone was assembled in 2012, then you can fix the problem by replacing the Wi-Fi module.

Demand for iPhone 4s today

Although the iPhone 4s was discontinued back in 2014, it is still actively sold. There are many who want to become the owners of the legendary device. This is facilitated by the relatively low cost of the device (from $80 to $150) and a large number of released devices. In addition, the phone has a stylish design with a glass body and features that today are not inferior to competitors in terms of efficiency.

The main advantage of this model is a fairly good speed, which is provided by the proprietary Apple A5 processor based on the IOS operating system. The phone will not handle most modern games, but it is more than suitable for fast and comfortable surfing the Internet. The device can connect to the network using GPRS, 3G or the built-in WiFi module. The connection does not work on the iPhone 4s 4G, or, in other words, the mode of LTE networks, since the release of the smartphone fell on the period of the birth of this type of communication, and at that time it was not yet supported by many telecom operators.

What you need to know when buying an iPhone 4s

Those wishing to purchase an iPhone 4s need to take into account its age and be sympathetic to the fact that some parts have physically worn out during this time and require replacement, and be prepared for the fact that a number of parts could already be replaced.

When checking the phone before buying, it is recommended to pay special attention to the communication performance, to the network level, to test the quality of Wi-Fi signal reception, to dial standard SSD commands. You need to check if the phone has been repaired. If it was repaired, then you should not buy such a device. As a rule, in service centers, original, branded spare parts are exchanged for cheap Chinese counterparts.

No need to be surprised if the network or WiFi does not work while checking the phone. On the iPhone 4s, connectivity is "the weakest link" compared to other features. Failures can be caused by various factors. For example, old spare parts, in this situation, you can solve the problem by replacing them.

There are situations where users cannot understand why WiFi does not work on the iPhone 4s if the phone itself is in a metal protective case. You need to understand that the antenna of the Wi-Fi module in this model is displayed on the side panel of the device in the form of a small plastic strip. And the protective coating, which is made of a dense material, muffles the signal level on the devices, thereby creating problems in their work. As a solution to the problem, it will be enough to replace the metal case with silicone or plastic.

Another type of connectivity issues that exist on the iPhone 4s are software glitches. The cause of their occurrence may be the active and continuous use of the device.

A simple solution to problems in the work of Wi-Fi on "iPhone 4s"

If the signal strength indicator on the iPhone 4s WiFi turns gray during intensive use of the device, the Internet does not work, then most likely the problem arose due to overheating of the Wi-Fi module. You need to understand that it is in the same zone as the processor, which, when overloaded, gets very hot, and its heat spreads to other parts. No need to panic and run to the workshop. Try to just turn off the device and leave it alone for a few minutes. When you turn it on again, the phone will work in normal mode, without any failures. In the future, actively using the phone, he will need to give a little rest from time to time.

In situations where WiFi does not work on iPhone 4s after updating the operating system, simply roll back to the previous version. If the rollback does not solve the problem, you need to make a hard resend on the device, while holding down the home and tab buttons, hold for 4-6 seconds, after which the gadget will reboot and all settings will be reset to factory settings.

Most often, WiFi does not work on iPhone 4s for several main reasons, the main of which is the weakness of the WiFi module in relation to external factors. Water ingress, overheating, pollution - any intervention can be fatal, but all this is fixable.
In addition, there are less predictable causes, which every owner of Apple equipment should know how to identify and eliminate.

Why WiFi does not work on iPhone 4s: the main reasons

There are several possible events that led to this breakdown:

  1. Crooked firmware or incorrectly installed configuration. The device itself is intact and functions correctly, but due to glitches in the system or incorrect signals, it is interpreted incorrectly, which creates the illusion of failure.
  2. Third party software that affects the Internet channel. Some applications, on purpose or accidentally, can completely clog the communication channel with background streams, which makes you wonder: why does WiFi not work on the iPhone 4? Closing them is not enough, decisive action is needed to clear the phone's memory.
  3. Module failure. The saddest situation, entailing either long hours of painstaking self-repair, or large expenses for paying for the services of a service center. Here self-intervention can worsen the situation.

Do not be afraid in advance: even if Wi-Fi does not work on iPhone 4s, it can still be fixed, and often on your own.

Flashing and reset

As mentioned earlier, an unsuccessful update or a crooked flashing of the phone can cause the modules to work incorrectly. In the absence of other reasons, all this is corrected in two ways:

  1. Safe Method. If WiFi does not work on iphone 4s, then back up to iCloud or via iTunes, and then reset the settings to the factory settings (factory). To do this, go to Settings -> Reset -> Reset all settings. If the iOS image was intact, after a while the iPhone will start up again and work without interruption.
  2. dangerous method. If Wi-Fi does not work on an iPhone due to a firmware curve or the Ios image is broken, then the only way out is flashing through DFU mode. If you don’t know how to do this, it’s better to contact a service center so as not to turn an apple device into a brick.

Third Party Applications

When wondering why Wi-Fi does not work on the iPhone, the first thing to do is check all incoming and outgoing traffic. It is possible that some of the recently installed applications are constantly downloading something in the background. The solution to this problem is trivial: uninstall the app and restart your iPhone.

If there are no signs of the Internet being busy, but WiFi has not started working, then do a hard reset by holding the Power + Home keys for 5-7 seconds. This will help clear not only the Internet channel, but also the RAM along with the processor registers.

Physical breakdown and repair

Doesn't Wi-Fi work on iPhone 4 after the procedures described above? Well, condolences: You have encountered mechanical damage to the communication module. It is strongly recommended to immediately carry the device to the service, but if you want to try to fix everything yourself - read below.

WARNING: You carry out all actions at your own peril and risk, the described algorithms are not recommendations.

You will need: hair dryer (construction or regular), a set of screwdrivers for disassembly and free time.

  1. "Lazy" purge. The phone warms up without disassembly, which allows you to remove moisture from other nodes. Unfortunately, after such a purge, the service life of the phone is a maximum of several months (although there are some lucky ones who still use iPhone 4).
  2. Careful blowing. WiFi does not work on the iphone - which means we will remove the module itself and heat it with a hairdryer. With this method, even inaccurate actions are less sad: only the module will be replaced, while the rest of the phone can work for years.

In both cases, the main thing is not to overdo it and let the device cool down before launching, otherwise there is a risk of spending more money on repairs than buying a new iPhone (especially if there were no data backups).

How nice to get settled in a cozy cafe, library or airport and connect to the wireless Internet! Imagine that Wi-Fi suddenly stopped working on your iPhone. But such a problem visits smartphone owners quite often. Such an incident makes it difficult to work, communicate with friends, search for valuable information. You may not have time to buy a plane ticket, write an important letter to a colleague, etc.

You understand that such technical malfunctions are expensive. However, you will soon see that if suddenly Wi-Fi does not work on the iPhone, then this problem is solvable.

Let's figure it out

All causes of the problem are divided into only two types:

  1. hardware;
  2. software.

The latter are often easy to fix on their own, without the help of specialists. With hardware, the situation is more difficult, since they are associated with the design features of the smartphone and possible factory flaws. Of course, Apple gadgets undergo the most severe testing, but users have repeatedly noted cases when Wi-Fi stopped working on the iPhone 4. Similar situations happened with other models.

Very often, the release of the board is caused by the phone falling from a height onto a hard surface, such as the floor or asphalt. Even if the iPhone didn't fall apart, a shock could occur inside the case, causing the contacts to break or loosen, causing the wireless network to stop working.

Hardware reasons

These iPhone problems are not related to operating system firmware, viruses, or installation of unusual software. The reason is usually a broken contact with the board. It happens that Wi-Fi did not work on the iPhone 4s due to insufficient fit of the board. The network may not be caught at all (the slider in the settings does not work), it can only be caught two steps away from the router. This situation also happens with other models. Of course, it is wiser to contact the service, but it is possible to carry out repairs on your own, of course, saying goodbye to the warranty card and other obligations of the manufacturer.

Watch the video, it shows how to fix an iPhone with a hair dryer:

We disassemble the gadget

If the above manipulations did not help, you will have to take up a screwdriver. We need two of them:

We act in stages:

Watch the video, it shows in detail the process of disassembling and repairing Wi-Fi on Iphone:

Software flaws

It happens that the wireless network does not work due to system errors. Often the reason is the transition to iOS 7. This operating system has undergone a major revision under the strict guidance of Apple Vice President Jonathan Ive. The design, interface and general structure of the operating system have changed. The eighth version is also not very stable even compared to Android. If Wi-Fi is not working on the iPhone 5s, it may be a firmware issue. Do not change the operating system unless absolutely necessary. Remember that the new version may not be fully compatible with the old gadget.

A large number of users are faced with the fact that Wi-Fi does not turn on on the iPhone 4s. This problem is common in fourth-generation gadgets.

Most breakdowns are based on the fact that the wireless connection module is overheating or the problem is software in nature.

The main reasons for the incorrect operation of Wi-Fi:

  • the firmware version is incompatible with the hardware specifications of the phone;
  • iPhone is infected with a virus or a hidden application is installed that affects the operation of the Internet;
  • the Wi-Fi slider is greyed out and won't turn on;

Incompatibility of firmware and hardware features of the device

Before you start solving a problem, you should determine why it arose, as well as its nature: it can be hardware or software.

Many users have experienced Wi-Fi breakdown after Apple released a mandatory update for all devices - the new eighth version of the iOS operating system.

Restoring iPhone 4s will help solve the problem:

  • Before restoring the system, it is necessary to back up data from iTunes and / or iCloud so that user data is not lost during the system restore process.
    To start the recovery process, download the file with the seventh firmware version, which is in the ipsw format. Download the file from the official website of Apple;
  • Connect your iPhone 4s to your computer using iTunes. Then press the Home and Power buttons on your smartphone at the same time. Thus, the smartphone will enter DFU mode;

Simultaneously pressing the Home and Power buttons

  • Next, iTunes will notify you that a device has been connected to the computer that needs to be restored. A window will appear as shown in the picture;

  • Next, the system will prompt you to select a file with the firmware. Select the newly downloaded ipsw file. Wait for the reinstallation of the operating system, after which your 4s will automatically restart and be ready to go.

The influence of third-party software on the operation of the Internet connection. Hard reboot smartphone

Wi-Fi may be affected by viruses or other programs that work with the Internet.

First of all, try to check your smartphone for viruses and uninstall recently installed programs.

To fix the problem without flashing your phone, you can try resetting all settings to factory settings.

This method almost always restores Wi-Fi:

  1. Go to settings 4s. Find the "Reset" item;

  1. Click on remove content and settings;

  1. Clean your device and wait for it to reboot completely.

Solving the problem with the gray slider (hardware problem)

Often the cause of a problem when connecting to Wi-Fi is a hardware failure of the network connection module.

Direct evidence of this failure is the gray connection enable/disable slider, which does not respond to user actions.

Module failure can occur after a strong overheating of the device, moisture ingress into the case or a fall.

A professional service center will help you set up the module in the iPhone 4s.

If you understand the hardware structure of a smartphone, you can try to solve the problem yourself.

Advice! Start repairing your phone yourself only if you are sure that you can get the device working! Otherwise, contact the experts.

For repairs, you will need the following auxiliary items:

  • Small screwdriver (Phillips);

  • A special screwdriver for the iPhone, which is designed to unscrew the bottom screws;

  • Joiner's hair dryer. If you don’t have one, you can use a regular household hair dryer, which has the function of switching operating modes.

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Unscrew the bottom screws shown in the picture;

  1. Remove the back cover and unscrew the four screws as shown in the photo;

  1. Pry off the protective metal block;

  1. Unscrew the screw that fixes the antenna, it is indicated in the figure;

  1. Next, you need to pick up the latch and pull it out very carefully. You need to do this with tweezers. The module is now released. It needs to be warmed up with a hair dryer. The temperature of the hair dryer should be at least 250 degrees and not more than 300 degrees.

It is important to warm up the module correctly: do not hold the hair dryer for too long over one area.

The flow of hot air must be clearly directed to the board, to do this, hold the hair dryer strictly at right angles to the module. Warm up the machine for two minutes.

This will be enough. After warming up, wait for the device to cool down and assemble it.

After the reboot, the slider should become active, otherwise, you should check the temperature of the hair dryer and repeat all the above steps.

Thematic video:

WiFi not working on iPhone. How to make wifi on iphone.

What to do if WiFi does not turn on on iPhone 4s: Practical solutions

In this article, you will learn what to do if your iPhone does not have Wi-Fi and what to do.


Apple is by far the most popular smartphone manufacturing network in the world. At the same time, it is not only the most popular company, but also the richest of all existing companies that produce mobile smartphones. Thus, the opinion wanders in the network that Apple represents only quality, comfort and premium. But not always all three uses correspond to reality.

The repair service is also frequented by iPhone owners, who run not only with a request to fix the wireless Wi-Fi connection or change the module, but also with other equally important problems.

So, what to do if Wi-Fi suddenly disappeared on iPhone? Is it possible to fix the module or solve the problem in one and at home? Is it necessary to visit the repair service?

What to do if Wi-Fi is not working on iPhone?

Every day, smartphone repair services, namely Apple iPhone devices, add to the list of problems due to which Wi-Fi does not work or does not catch. Thus, many are wondering about fixing Wi-Fi at home, despite the fact that they only have a screwdriver and a hammer in their hands. It is rather worth noting the nature of the problem here, since there are two types of breakdowns: a breakdown in the hardware and a breakdown in the software.

But professionals also take into account the problems that are exclusively human factor, and highlight the following:

  • Perhaps you accidentally dropped your iPhone, as a result of which Wi-Fi now does not work, as the contacts and mechanisms of this technology were damaged. Therefore, if Wi-Fi stopped working after the fall of the iPhone, then there is only one way out - go to a repair center.
  • While the iPhone was charging, there was a voltage drop, resulting in a short circuit that you most likely did not notice.
  • Your device has been dropped in snow, water, or moisture. Thus, the Wi-Fi wireless network chip has become unusable due to oxidation.

Software breakdowns

It is worth noting that Wi-Fi repair can only be carried out with special knowledge if it concerns a problem in the software part. Well, if the problem involves a breakdown in the hardware, then in addition to special knowledge, special tools and a new Wi-Fi module will also come in handy here.

Thus, if you understand the iPhone, as in the back of your hand, then the maximum that you can do is reflash, reboot the device, and that's it. Therefore, it is very important to understand what to do in this situation, as excessive omniscience will lead to the purchase of a new iPhone 4S.

But still, let's look at the solution to the problem in the operation of Wi-Fi on the hardware side.

Method 1. We reset the settings on the iPhone

Performing a factory reset does not take much effort, and it does not require special knowledge.

So, in order to reset all settings to the original, you need to follow our instructions:

  • The first thing you need to do is find the gear icon called "Settings", and then click on it.
  • Then you will need to find in the section "Settings" item called "Basic", and click on it.

  • After that, you need to scroll down the slider in order to find the item. "Reset", click on it two or three times.

  • Now you need to choose what exactly you want to restore. After all, our failure is on the software side, so in our case you need to press "Reset all settings".

  • You then need to agree that all of your credentials, recorded browser passwords, apps, and games will be removed from iPhone. To confirm, click on the button "Reset all settings".

  • Ready! You have reset all settings on your iPhone, and now you can turn it back on in the hope that the Wi-Fi function will work again.
Method 2: Hard reset iPhone

If the first Wi-Fi repair method didn't work, then you should try hard resetting your iPhone.

Worth noticing that this method helped repeatedly when there was a problem connecting to a network via Wi-Fi, or the module could not find Wi-Fi networks.

So, in order to perform a hard reset, you need to follow our instructions:

  • First of all, you need to press two keys at the same time, that is, press the key combination « Home" + "power", and then hold them down and hold for 6-8 seconds, or until the phone turns off.
  • Then you need to turn on the iPhone again by pressing the button « power", then check if Wi-Fi is working or not. If everything worked, then great, if not, then the problem lies in the hardware of your iPhone device.
Method 3. We check the router to which we are trying to connect

By the way, it also happens that the router to which we are trying to connect our iPhone turns off, or the communication range is lost, and the iPhone simply cannot catch the specified access point. Therefore, here it is necessary to check not only the iPhone device, but also the router itself, since it can also malfunction.

Hardware breakdowns

How to bring Wi-Fi to work on your own?

So, if there are no reproaches on the software part, and everything is fine, then the problem lies in the software part.

Therefore, if you decide to revive the Wi-Fi network on your iPhone device yourself, then follow our methods.

Method 1: Warm up your iPhone with a hair dryer
  • First of all, you need to completely turn off the smartphone so that in which case there is no short circuit.

  • After that, you need to take the hair dryer and turn it on to the middle position so that the heating temperature is slightly higher than room temperature.
  • Then a working hair dryer, namely the barrel from where the air comes out, must be directed first to the bottom of the smartphone, and then to the top. It takes about 15-20 minutes to warm up.

  • Now you can try to turn on your smartphone, and therefore see what has changed. If Wi-Fi does not work as before, then proceed to the next method.

Method 2. Warming up the Wi-Fi board with a hair dryer
  • Before disassembling the gadget, you need to turn off its power by pressing the button « Power".
  • Then you need to take a special screwdriver, which is designed for disassembling phones, smartphones.

  • After that, you need to unscrew the two screws on the bottom of the iPhone and then remove the back cover of the phone.

  • Now you can see the bare Wi-Fi board, which you will need to try to warm up with a hair dryer at medium speed for 20 minutes.

  • When you finish the warm-up procedure and assemble the phone, you can turn it on and check again if Wi-Fi is working or not.

Well, on this we perhaps finish our article today.

Video: Repair Wi-Fi board on iPhone 4S

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