Brute force password brute force. Brute force brute force passwords Who is engaged in brute force

In games, social networks, etc. that were obtained illegally, that is, hacked or stolen. Of course, it is quite difficult to understand what a brute is, how it works, but we will try to do it. But first, let's figure out how not to become another victim of intruders.

What is brute and how to protect yourself from it

So, there is special software that allows you to find the correct passwords for existing logins, emails, etc. by selecting combinations of numbers and letters. Of course, there are a number of features in the operation of such programs. For example, the longer and more complex the password, the longer it will take to guess, everything can come to the point that the brute force fails. As for time, much depends on the computing power of technology, Internet connection. So, the process can last from several minutes and drag on for up to a day or more.

You have probably already understood what a brute account is. As for protection, as noted above, it is advisable to set a password that is difficult to remember on your own. For example, RKGJH4hKn2. It is safe to say that hacking it will be quite problematic. In addition, you need to remember that, for example, many identical letters do not give any effect, just like numbers. Everything should be confusing and mixed, it is desirable to alternate capital and capital letters.

What is a brutus base

Of course, the program will not work if there is no data. So, if she has nothing to pick up passwords from, then she will not do this. The base is a set of passwords and logins. The more extensive this list, the greater the chance that the account will be hacked. Much depends on what combinations are present in it, that is, the more competently it is composed, the better. It is also worth noting that the database includes not only passwords, but also logins, since brute force, which means “brute force” in English, can simultaneously select both.

It is worth noting that the file itself, in which all records are stored, is quite large. The minimum combination length is 3 letters and numbers, the maximum is 8-16 depending on the program and its version. The selection starts with the letter "A" and ends with the last letter of the English or Russian alphabets. Here is essentially all the information on the databases that may be useful to you.

Who needs it and why?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. People try to hack accounts for many reasons. It can be just fun, the desire to read other people's letters, send invalid messages, etc. The whole point is that this is illegal. In addition, it can be considered a real theft, and you need to answer for this. It is strongly not recommended to engage in such matters, especially since sometimes it is a waste of time.

Even if the account is hacked, it can be easily and quickly restored. It is especially easy to do this if you specified real data during registration. As for accounts created in haste, it will be much more difficult to return them back. But, as practice shows, such accounts are not valued by hackers. There is no point in taking away an account or mail from someone that has nothing useful, and this does not need to be said again.

Who is doing brute force?

It will not be superfluous to say that the so-called hackers do this. This is about large-scale hacks. By and large, such people earn their living on this and do it very skillfully. And the scheme works as follows. With the help of brute, logins and passwords are selected (a certain number), and then the whole thing is sold in bulk to customers. That is, the hackers themselves practically do not use what they got illegally, but simply sell it. But who is the buyer, you ask?

It could be anyone. The only thing that can be said is that they are in the process of purchasing a large number of accounts. Further, these accounts are sold to ordinary users, who are then surprised that he returned to his former owner. The same applies to personal data of payment systems (Webmoney, Qiwi). In addition to the fact that there is a chance to get a certain amount of funds, such an account can be sold, this is especially true in cases where there are expensive certificates confirming the owner's competence.

A little about proxy servers for brute force

Any self-respecting hacker first of all thinks about how to protect himself. And since what he is doing is completely illegal, this should be given special attention. We already know what a brute is, and now I would like to say how a proxy server works. It will allow you to go unnoticed during account hacking. In simple words, the IP address remains unknown. This is the main protection for people who hack other people's accounts.

But that's not all. After the account has been hacked, you need to log into it. But even with the correct username and password, sometimes it is not easy to do this. For example, changing the IP address entails sending a security code to the mail or phone, such a system is successfully used by Valve, in particular, to protect their product called Steam. Of course, it has already become clear, for a brutus. Therefore, we can log into any account and not arouse any suspicion at all, which makes the crime ideal.

Do not repeat once again that the password should be long and complex. It is also not recommended to use your account in crowded places or at work, where anyone can use a computer or laptop. Firstly, a special spy program can be used that remembers which keys were pressed, as you understand, it will not be difficult to calculate the password.

But that's not all there is to know. It is advisable not to remember the password in the browser, as it can be intercepted. There are accounts where, when you log in, you immediately receive an SMS with a confirmation code on your mobile phone. Therefore, if she came, and you have nothing to do with it, then change the password, and it is advisable to act as quickly as possible.

What is the difference between a brute and a checker?

So, let's now understand what is the difference between these two concepts. So, we have already decided that brute force allows you to pick up a username and password by simply enumerating from a dictionary (base). Consider an example of hacking a mail service. For example, we got access, but what to do next? As a rule, they are interested in information about accounts in social networks, online games, payment systems, etc. So, the checker checks the password from the mail that we already have for matches.

In simple words, if it matches, for example, the one installed by Vkontakte, then we will immediately find out. We can conclude that this will deprive us of unnecessary headaches. Consequently, the process is more automated and practically does not require our participation. Now you know what brute and checker are and how these programs work.


Based on the foregoing, certain conclusions can be drawn. The account should be used only on a personal computer, when access by unauthorized people is excluded. The same applies to connections to free Wi-Fi, as there is a possibility of interception of the data stream and subsequent theft of your account. Since you already know, brutus, it will be much easier for you to defend yourself. As they say, he who is aware is armed. Remember that how well your account is protected is up to you. If you did everything right, then you don’t need to worry again, and it’s unlikely that you will need to know what an account brute is and the nuances of the program.

Brute force (derived from the English phrase: brute force) is a type of hacker attack - a way to hack accounts in computer systems, payment / banking services and websites through automated selection of combinations of passwords and logins.

Brute force is based on the mathematical method of the same name (brute force), in which the correct solution - a finite number or a symbolic combination - is found by sorting through various options. In fact, each value from a given set of potential answers (solutions) is checked for correctness.

The principle of operation of brute force

The hacker writes a special program for guessing passwords or uses a ready-made solution of his colleagues. It can be focused on a specific mail service, website, social network (i.e., designed to hack a specific resource). The next step is preparation for hacking. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Compiling a proxy list

In order to hide the true IP address of the computer from which the attack will be carried out, and to prevent blocking from the site where it is necessary to hack the account, the Internet connection is configured through a proxy server.

The search for proxy addresses/ports is carried out in the proxy grabber (Proxy Grabber). This utility independently extracts all data for connecting to intermediary servers from sites that provide proxies (they are specified in the list). In other words, the proxy is collected.

The resulting base is saved in a separate text file. And then all server addresses available in it are checked for operability in a proxy checker. Quite often, programs designed for automated proxy mining combine the functions of both a grabber and a checker.

As a result, we get a finished proxy list in the form of an IP/port list, saved in a txt file. (You will need it when setting up the brute force program).

  1. Search bases for brute

It is necessary to connect a dictionary to brute force - a certain set of combinations of passwords and logins - which it will substitute in the login form. It also, like the proxy list, has the form of a list in a plain text file (.txt). Dictionaries, they are also databases, are distributed through hacker forums, sites and file hosting. More experienced "craftsmen" create them on their own and provide them to everyone for a fee. The larger the base (the number of combinations, logins, accounts), the better (for a hacker) - the greater the likelihood of hacking success.

  1. Brute force setup

The proxy list is loaded; the selection program will automatically change the proxy so that the web server does not detect the attack and, accordingly, the source (host) of the attack.

A dictionary of password/login combinations is connected. The number of threads is set - how many combinations brute force will check at the same time. A powerful computer with high Internet speed can confidently handle 120-200 streams (this is the optimal value). The speed of the brute directly depends on this setting. For example, if you set only 10 threads, the selection will be very slow.

  1. Launching a brute force

The program captures successful hacking attempts: it saves hacked accounts (password/login) to a file. The duration of the selection procedure ranges from several hours to several days. At the same time, it does not always turn out to be effective due to the high cryptographic stability of the login data or the implementation of other protective measures on the part of the attacked.

Types of brute force

Personal hack

Hunting for a specific account - in a social network, on a mail service, etc. Through or in the process of virtual communication, the attacker elicits a login from the victim to access a site. Then he cracks the password using the brute-force method: he specifies the address of the web resource and the extracted login in brute force, connects the dictionary.

The chances of such a hack are low, for example, compared to the same XSS attack. It can be successful if the account owner used a password of 6-7 characters with a simple character combination. Otherwise, it will take years - tens and hundreds of years, based on the calculations of the mathematical search formula, to "unravel" more stable options of 12.15, 20 letters, numbers and special characters.


A database with logins / passwords from mailboxes of one mail service (for example, or different ones is connected to brute force. And a proxy list is used to mask the host (because email web services quickly detect an attack by multiple requests from the same IP address).

The brute options include a list of keywords (usually site names) - the reference points by which he will look for login data on hacked mailboxes (for example: steampowered, worldoftanks, 4game, VK). Or a specific Internet resource.

The user, registering in an online game, social network or forum, as expected, indicates his email (mailbox). The web service sends a message to the specified address with login data and a link to confirm registration. It is these letters that brute force is looking for to extract logins and passwords from them.

Press "START" and the cracker starts brute force. It operates according to the following algorithm:

  1. Loads the login/password to the email from the database.
  2. Checks access, or “checks”, (automatically authorizes): if it is possible to log into the account, it pluses one in the good column (it means another working email has been found) and starts viewing it (see the following paragraphs); if there is no access, it puts it in bad (bads).
  3. In all "guds" (open emails), brute force scans letters according to the request set by the hacker - that is, it looks for logins / passwords to the specified sites and payment systems.
  4. When the required data is found, it copies them and enters them into a separate file.

Thus, there is a mass "hijacking" of accounts - from tens to hundreds. The attacker disposes of the obtained "trophies" at his own discretion - sale, exchange, data collection, theft of money.

Remote computer hacking

Brute force, in conjunction with other hacking tools, is used to gain remote access to a password-protected victim's PC via an Internet channel.

This type of attack consists of the following steps:

  1. A search is performed for IP networks in which an attack on user computers will be carried out. Address ranges are taken from special databases or through special programs, such as IP Geo. In it, you can select IP networks for a specific county, region, and even city.
  2. The selected IP ranges and selection dictionaries are set in the settings of the Lamescan brute force (or its equivalent), intended for remote login/password brute force. Once launched, Lamescan does the following:
  • performs a connection to each IP from the specified range;
  • after establishing a connection, it tries to connect to the host (PC) through port 4899 (but there may be other options);
  • if the port is open: attempts to access the system, brute force when prompted for a password; if successful, it saves the IP address of the host (computer) and login information in its database.

  1. The hacker launches the Radmin utility, designed to manage remote PCs. Sets the network coordinates of the victim (IP, login and password) and gets full control over the system - the desktop (displayed visually on the cracker's computer display), file directories, settings.

Programs for brute

Classic brute force, one of the very first. Nevertheless, it does not lose its relevance and competes with new solutions. It has a smart brute-force algorithm and supports all major Internet protocols - TCP / IP, POP3, HTTP, etc. It can fake cookies. Brute with a dictionary and generate passwords on its own.

Powerful brute-checker. Equipped with an extended arsenal of functions for working with databases (checking, sorting by domains). Supports various types of proxies, checks their performance. Scans mailboxes based on settings such as date, keyword, address, unread messages. Can download letters from and Yandex.

Appnimi Password Unlocker

A program for selecting a password for a file on a local computer by brute force. Such a workhorse. The free version of the program allows you to guess passwords of no more than 5 characters. You can read about how to install and use Appnimi Password Unlocker

Hi all! I finally found the time to write a great article.

In it, I will show how to write BruteForce (colloquial "brut").

1) A bit of history

At the beginning of the year, I started looking for information on writing brute force on the net.

There was very little of it, I even had to translate something from Spanish =)).

But I did not give up and continued to search, and about two months ago I figured everything out and wrote a simple single-threaded brute force. But it was far from "giants" like "Brutus AET2". I began to look for information about multithreading, and my search was successful. Now all the information has been collected and I am writing this article so that those who decide to write a brute do not have to climb the corners of the network, collecting information.

2) Theory

In my previous story, I mentioned the word brute force more than once. What is it?

I'll show you with an example: Let's say you forgot your password, not Email (by the way, this happens quite often).

You can try to recover the password through a security question or a mobile phone, but if there is no mobile phone, and the security question says - "How many teeth on my cat's right paw?".

What to do then? That's right, try to guess the password. But how??? Manually?? Of course not, this is what brute force was created for, to do the search for you.

The principle of operation is simple: Specify our Email and connect the list of passwords. Click Start and let's go about our business. When the correct password is chosen, brute force will display it on the screen.

Everything would be fine, but if we have a million passwords in the dictionary? Brutal will send a million requests to the server and the server will think that we are trying to hack into someone else's mailbox and will simply block our IP address. How then to be?

To do this, provide a proxy server. I won't go into what it is, as it's a fairly broad topic. You can read about proxies. In a nutshell: proxies will change our IP and the search will continue.

The last point of the theory is enumeration modes.

There are only two of them: single-threaded and multi-threaded.

In single-threaded mode, brute force takes the first password and waits for a response from the server. When the answer is received - takes the next password, etc.

In multi-threaded mode, brute force creates many threads. In each of them, a search occurs, i.e. brute force does not need to wait for a response from the server to continue. It simply creates the next thread and the iteration continues.

Example: You decide to download a movie via torrent. You found a torrent file and downloaded. While the download is in progress, you, for example, went to Contact and chat with friends. In one thread, the browser is running, and in the other, the torrent is diligently downloading the movie, and in the third, the antivirus is scanning the system, etc.

I hope I explained clearly.

2) A long-awaited practice

While we will write a simple single-threaded brute (so as not to overload the brains), and become in the second part, I will talk about creating a multi-threaded iteration and changing

proxy + I will give my parts of the code that you can use in your projects.

So! Go.

We open VB.NET, create a regular project and make something like this design:

Now you need to decide on the server and "sniff" requests.

I will show on the example of

With it, we will see how the authorization on the server takes place.

2) Run the Stand-Alone version of the program: 3

3) Go to mail and enter the data, but do not enter yet:

4) In HttpAnalyzer, click off the pause.

We return to Mail Mail and click Login.

Now back to the sniffer. We observe the following:

The POST request to the authorization script is highlighted in blue.

Let's see what data is sent:


Domain - Domain

Password - Password

Saveauth - Should we save our data (not sure exactly)

I can’t say anything about the last parameter, but we don’t need it: n =)

Trying to send a request:

If everything is entered correctly, then we get to our mail.

If not, we will see a login error message.

To do this, go to the Cookies tab. We are interested in the right side:

We see that two cookies are created: Mpop and t.

"Set - Cookie" - header field sent to the server.

6) Now let's enter the left data and analyze the result.

We see that cookies are not being created.

Great! Now we know how to write brute force:

First, let's declare an array in which we put the passwords from the dictionary:

Public PassList As New ArrayList

Code for the button "..." (three dots):

Dim f As New OpenFileDialog " Create a new file open dialog If f.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK And f.FileName<>"" Then " If the user has selected a list, then PassList.AddRange(IO.File.ReadAllLines(f.FileName)) " Read all passwords into an array txtPassList.Text=f.FileName " Display the path to the file in the textbox End If

Now the code for the Start iteration button:

If txtLogin.Text<>"" Then " If you entered a login then Dim i As Integer = 0 " Declare a counter to enumerate For i = 0 To PassList.Count - 1 " We iterate while there are passwords System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000) Dim Request As Net. HttpWebRequest = Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("" & txtLogin.Text & "&Domain=" & Split(txtLogin.Text, "@")(1 ) _ & "&Password=" & PassList(i)) " Forming request Dim Response As Net.HttpWebResponse "Data transfer method: Request.Method = "POST" "Disable autoredirects Request.AllowAutoRedirect = False "Sending request Response = Request.GetResponse "Checking cookies If Response.Headers("Set-Cookie").IndexOf("Mpop") = 0 Then " If Mpop cookie exists, then MsgBox("Password matched: " + PassList(i)) " Displaying the correct password Exit Sub " End iteration End If Next End If

If something is not clear - write to me. I will leave my contacts below.

We make a dictionary of passwords like:

[correct password here]


Copy and change the red text to your password.

We connect everything to the program:

Click to start sorting.

If you see the Password selected box, then everything is working.

P.S. Sorry for the typos.

P.P.S. If something is not clear, then write. Always happy to help!



I'll give you the code!!! Well, what the hell kind of people?!


And what makes it stand out?


So, moved to VB.NET. Damn, everyone writes everything for hacking, so if they just wrote, they also strive to highlight the code!

A huge request to the next generations: DO NOT SELECT THE CODE!!!


well you kapets mega power


At least post the source


A very useful lesson :) I did everything in Visual Basic 2008, although I edited a little

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