Why are there three recently added lines in the bookmarks? Learning to work with bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox. How to save bookmarks in Mozilla

Add the required page
in "Bookmarks" of the Mozilla Firefox browser

To add a bookmark in the Mozilla Firefox browser, click on the “Bookmarks” button on the top bar of the browser. A new tab will open.

In the new tab, select "Add Page". Another tab “Added to bookmarks” will open, in which the name (name) of the site will already be entered.

All you have to do is click the “Done” button.
If you want the bookmark name to be clearer for you, then erase what is written in the line and enter your name, and then click the “Done” button. Bookmarks will be added to the Bookmarks tab. That's where they will be stored.

Additionally, when adding a bookmark, you can fill in the line
“Tags” and later find a bookmark by tags in the “Bookmarks” tab
on the “Recent Tags” button.

And the most recently added bookmarks can be found
on the "Recently Added" button.

Managing Bookmarks in the Mozilla Firefox Browser

Manage Bookmarks
in Mozilla Firefox browser

To manage bookmarks, in the “Bookmarks” tab, select the “Show all bookmarks” button. The Library window will open.

Click on "Bookmarks Menu".
If you open it in the left window (in the “tree”), then with one click. If you open it in the right window, double-click it. All your bookmarks will open in the “Bookmarks Menu”.

Select the bookmark with which you want to perform some actions (just left-click once on the bookmark) and click the “Manage” button at the top. An additional tab will open.

From this tab you can do whatever you wanted to do with the selected bookmark. Cut, copy, delete, move bookmark, create a new folder for the bookmark. If you click the “Select All” button, you can select all bookmarks and perform the actions you need not with one, but with all bookmarks in the “Bookmarks” tab.

Managing a bookmark in the Mozilla Firefox browser with the right mouse button

However, there is a shorter way to manage bookmarks.
Click on the “Bookmarks” button on the panel and after it opens
tab with bookmarks, right-click on the selected bookmark.
A tab like this will open.

And from this tab you can do whatever you wanted with the bookmark.

If you click the “Properties” button in this tab,
then a new tab will open.

In which you can edit your bookmark.
And if you check the box “Load bookmark in sidebar”
and when finished editing, click “Save” at the bottom - then in the future this bookmark will open in the sidebar. If you change your mind, go to this tab again and uncheck the box.

The View tab in the Library window opens a new tab.

In the “Show columns” line you can see
data and statistics of the selected bookmark.

In the “Sorting” line you can mark the one
type of bookmark sorting that will be more convenient for you.

suggested experimenting

they proposed replacing the bookmarks with the Express panel and Moneybox, but in the end they returned to the classic list. Or how Chrome experimented with visual bookmarks, but never implemented them into the browser.

We would like bookmarks to be useful and convenient not only for those who are used to them, but also for new users. And first we turn to you, the readers of our blog. Help us understand your preferences by sharing the following:

1. What do you find inconvenient when working with bookmarks? Describe all the problems you encountered both in Yandex.Browser and in any other browser.

2. If you find some bookmarking service particularly convenient, then tell us about it.

P.S. We want to reassure those who are now being bookmarked. It’s too early to talk about any plans, and this post does not mean that tomorrow the bookmarks will suddenly change.


Bookmarks are one of the required elements for any browser. Moreover, unlike the address bar or a new tab, changes to bookmarks do not take root so easily. You may remember how Opera proposed replacing bookmarks with the Express panel and Moneybox, but in the end they returned to the classic list. Or how Chrome experimented with visual bookmarks, but never implemented them into the browser.

We would like bookmarks to be useful and convenient not only for those who are used to them, but also for new users. And first we turn to you, the readers of our blog. Help us understand your preferences by sharing the following:

1. What do you find inconvenient when working with bookmarks? Describe all the problems you encountered both in Yandex.Browser and in any other browser.

2. If you find some bookmarking service particularly convenient, then tell us about it.

Moreover, you don’t need to limit yourself to describing browsers for your computer - your impressions of mobile bookmarks interest us no less.

P.S. We want to reassure those who are now being bookmarked. It’s too early to talk about any plans, and this post does not mean that tomorrow the bookmarks will suddenly change.


Bookmarks are one of the required elements for any browser. Moreover, unlike the address bar or a new tab, changes to bookmarks do not take root so easily. You may remember how Opera proposed replacing bookmarks with the Express panel and Moneybox, but in the end they returned to the classic list. Or how Chrome experimented with visual bookmarks, but never implemented them into the browser.

We would like bookmarks to be useful and convenient not only for those who are used to them, but also for new users. And first we turn to you, the readers of our blog. Help us understand your preferences by sharing the following:

1. What do you find inconvenient when working with bookmarks? Describe all the problems you encountered both in Yandex.Browser and in any other browser.

2. If you find some bookmarking service particularly convenient, then tell us about it.

Moreover, you don’t need to limit yourself to describing browsers for your computer - your impressions of mobile bookmarks interest us no less.

P.S. We want to reassure those who are now being bookmarked. It’s too early to talk about any plans, and this post does not mean that tomorrow the bookmarks will suddenly change.

Bookmarks are one of the required elements for any browser. Moreover, unlike the address bar or a new tab, changes to bookmarks do not take root so easily. You may remember how Opera proposed replacing bookmarks with the Express panel and Moneybox, but in the end they returned to the classic list. Or how Chrome experimented with visual bookmarks, but never implemented them into the browser.

We would like bookmarks to be useful and convenient not only for those who are used to them, but also for new users. And first we turn to you, the readers of our blog. Help us understand your preferences by sharing the following:

1. What do you find inconvenient when working with bookmarks? Describe all the problems you encountered both in Yandex.Browser and in any other browser.

2. If you find some bookmarking service particularly convenient, then tell us about it.

Moreover, you don’t need to limit yourself to describing browsers for your computer - your impressions of mobile bookmarks interest us no less.

P.S. We want to reassure those who are now being bookmarked. It’s too early to talk about any plans, and this post does not mean that tomorrow the bookmarks will suddenly change.

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Bookmarks are one of the required elements for any browser. Moreover, unlike the address bar or a new tab, changes to bookmarks do not take root so easily. You can remember how Opera offered to replace bookmarks with the Express panel and Piggy Bank. Or how Chrome experimented with visual bookmarks, but never implemented them into the browser.

Bookmarks are one of the required elements for any browser. Moreover, unlike the address bar or a new tab, changes to bookmarks do not take root so easily. You can remember how Opera offered to replace bookmarks with the Express panel and Piggy Bank. Or how Chrome experimented with visual bookmarks, but never implemented them into the browser.

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After recently updating Firefox to version 57, the updated “New Tab” section now has a “Favorites” section. This, of course, is far from the most important innovation in the new Firefox 57, but it is definitely the most noticeable.

In the list " Favorites» Firefox 57 shows you the sites you've recently visited.

Mozilla describes the new section as follows: " Find a way to return to interesting pages you've recently visited or bookmarked«.

In general, now in under the search bar and the “Top sites” list there is also a list “ Favorites«.

If you hover the cursor over any of the windows and then click on the circle with 3 dots, a menu will open. It contains in particular two options with which the corresponding site can either “ Hide", or " Remove from history", as well as options " Open in new window«, « Open in new private window«, « Add/Remove bookmark" And " Save to Pocket«.

Remove section " Favorites» from the “New Tab” in the Firefox 57 browser is also not difficult. To do this, open “ Settings "new tab (“gear” in the upper right corner of the screen), then in the menu that appears, uncheck the “ Favorites " and press the button " Ready " at the bottom.

The bulky section from the new tab field will immediately disappear, but in the menu “ Libraries" browser it will remain as a section " Latest Favorites". As practice shows, the menu itself “ Library"in Firefox 57 is a very useful thing, because it provides quick access to everything at once: bookmarks, downloads, browsing history, screenshots, etc.

Because if " Library"you use often and the list" Favorites“is also bothering you there, then you can also remove it.

But in the usual “Settings” of Firefox 57 this option is not provided...

... so you'll have to find and disable it browser.

For this:

  • copy into the search bar about:config?filter=browser.library.activity-stream.enabled and click Enter ;
  • in a collumn " Meaning» double click to change true on false .

A value of "true" indicated that the section " Latest Favorites" in the "Library" of the Firefox 57 browser was displayed. "false" means this feature is disabled. By the way, you can turn it on just as easily.

Aug 24 2016

New changes in test versions of Firefox

A few months ago, we already talked about various innovations that await the Firefox browser in the foreseeable future. However, since then, thanks to the constant release of new test versions, information has significantly increased, so today we want to return to this topic, talking about what was not mentioned the previous time.

Recently added bookmarks

As already mentioned in that very last article about, the highlight of the 49th version will be the updated reading mode with adjustment of text width, distance between lines, as well as the ability to read text in an electronic voice. However, this is not all; some changes will also occur in other corners of the browser.

For example, some things will be different in the bookmarks menu. There, the five most recently added favorites will now be displayed by default:

Apparently, Mozilla thought that this would be more convenient from a usability point of view and the user would not have to spend an extra click to access recent bookmarks. For those who are starting to feel sad about the menu because it is bloated, let us remind you of the excellent Simple bookmarks menu extension, which will help remove from the bookmarks menu all the items that you think are unnecessary.


In current versions of Firefox, pressing Ctrl+Tab on the keyboard allows you to sequentially switch tabs one after another. However, recently the developers decided that it would be nice to give this switch some functionality that is more useful in practice, and starting with Firefox 50, a new option appears in the browser that allows you to use Ctrl+Tab to return to recently viewed tabs:

Of course, for users of the Tab Mix Plus extension or even something simpler, this is not new at all, but everyone else should certainly pay attention to the new option.

Emoji in Firefox

If you are a regular Firefox user, then we bet you’ve come across such strange icons at least a couple of times on web pages and especially in various comments:

Behind them are special pictograms, the so-called emoji. These can be not only various emoticons expressing mood or emotions, but sometimes something else. For example, country flags.

In Windows 8 and below, as well as in Linux, Firefox currently cannot display emojis and instead substitutes the same incomprehensible icon from the screenshot above. However, starting with Firefox 50 the situation should improve:

Improved page search

In the previous article, we wrote in great detail about improving page search through the dimming effect, as well as using the default “highlight all” option. Unfortunately, for some reason Mozilla has disabled these changes for now. You can turn them back on by activating the findbar.modalHighlight and findbar.highlightAll parameters in about:config.

Of the changes described last time, only the expanded counter of what was found on the page moved to Firefox Developer Edition. Let us remind you that the counter is now limited to accurately indicating the number of results found not within a hundred, but within a thousand.

Something new has also appeared. On the page search panel, you can now see a “only whole words” button, which will allow you to better navigate if there are too many results:

Displaying the scale in the address bar

The Firefox developers decided to adopt a rather convenient feature with displaying the page scale in the address bar if this scale had previously been accidentally or intentionally adjusted manually by the user.

Simply put, as soon as the page has been reduced or enlarged, any zoom value other than the base 100% will be displayed in the address bar. In turn, clicking on the new button will immediately return the scale to the default value.

This will help find a way out of the situation for completely “green” users who do not understand what suddenly happened to the page. For experienced users, this feature will also be useful, as it will allow them not to open the main menu again and, accordingly, not to make an extra click. Unfortunately, this small feature, as well as almost everything we will talk about below, will appear no earlier than Firefox 51.

Switching search engines in the address bar

Many users use the address bar not only to enter an address, but also to search, even though the search field in Firefox is located next to the address field. Therefore, Mozilla decided to add buttons to the drop-down address bar interface to quickly switch search engines:

Of course, no one has canceled the short name function, which has been in Firefox for a long time, but it is not very obvious to the average user, and sometimes requires additional configuration. So such a change is also quite justified, especially since the order and display of search engine icons can be customized, and the innovation itself can be disabled if desired using the new parameter browser.urlbar.oneOffSearches.

Restore default search

Another innovation noticed in the nightly builds of Firefox is the about:searchreset service page, which is responsible for restoring the search to the one that was originally used. How this feature differs from those already available in the browser, however, we find it difficult to say for now. It is quite possible that in nightly builds this is still just a sketch or part of something more serious that the developers are working on:

Containers for tabs

Containers for tabs are one of the most serious and interesting new features that have been running for the second month in the same nightly builds of Firefox.

Fire Fox, as well as some other browsers, have long had such a feature as profiles. Thanks to them, several people can comfortably work on the same browser without fear that their personal data will overlap.

However, profiles can also be useful for one user who is concerned about his privacy, since some sites and services sometimes strive to use the information accumulated by the browser about the user’s preferences without asking. It would be logical to give them a clean profile.

Unfortunately, creating and working with profiles in Firefox is not the most visual, nor the most convenient operation, especially for a novice user. And now Mozilla is working on tab containers, a special feature that will allow individual tabs and groups of tabs to open as if in a separate profile. The new feature icon in current test builds must be manually dragged to the toolbar or to the main menu:

When this is done, you will see that the browser will offer to create a separate group of tabs and give you a choice of four preset categories, responsible for something personal, something for work, as well as money transfers and online purchases:

Probably in the future there will be more such groups and the user will be able to create new ones. But for now there are only these four. Most likely, there are no fundamental differences between them and they are designated with the appropriate words only conditionally for greater clarity.

After clicking, for example, on the Work category, a new tab will open. The name of the category will be written in the address bar, and a barely noticeable orange stripe will appear at the top of the tab itself. This color is set by the developers as corresponding to this category.

As soon as you open a site in this tab and start opening links from it, then just because of the colored stripe at the top you will notice that they open within the same Work category:

In turn, other categories are marked in a different color. It is noteworthy that in one window on one panel tabs in all four of these categories can coexist, as well as regular tabs that are not assigned to any of the groups:

The bottom line is that the internal data accumulated by the browser for each such category will be located in a kind of separate container. Hence the name of the function. This will increase your privacy, since sites/services opened in one category will not be able to poke their noses further than its container.

In addition, this approach will allow you to comfortably work with several accounts within one service. For example, one Gmail account for personal correspondence and another for work can be opened simultaneously in tabs marked Personal and Work. And the color indication itself can be a convenient solution so as not to get confused in a large number of tabs.

Note that this function is not a 100% alternative to profiles. In addition, it still has experimental status. We hope that Mozilla will not give up on the idea and will bring it to fruition.

Removing unnecessary things, multi-process mode, Firefox x64

Another change will be the removal of the Hello communication client from the browser starting from version 49. Obviously, it failed to gain even a little popularity among users, which is why the developers decided to cut out this mechanism so as not to burden the program with components that were not in demand among users.

Work continues on the implementation of multi-process mode. Already in the current release of Firefox 48, it was enabled by default for the small percentage of users who do not use add-ons. In FF 49 and 50, this percentage will gradually increase, and multi-process mode will become available for users with extensions, if the latter are on a special compatibility white list:

Mozilla continues to work on the x64 version. By January, the option to install this version should appear in the Firefox network installer. FF 49 will further improve performance on systems that do not support hardware acceleration.

This concludes the review of upcoming changes for now, but we note that various innovations appear in test builds of Firefox quite often. For example, when this review was being prepared in nightly builds, a drop-down submenu appeared in the downloads menu with a suggestion to clear the list of recently downloaded files and open the downloads folder:

Firefox release schedule

If in previous years everything was more or less clear with the release schedule: versions were released approximately every six weeks, then in recent years Mozilla has slightly complicated this process. The fact is that now developers have more free time during the summer season, as well as during the winter holidays.

As a result, sometimes instead of six weeks there will be eight between releases. And in some cases, as, for example, in December of this year, instead of a new major version, only a minor update will be released. As a result, in order not to get confused, it’s easier to look at the official schedule, which the creators of Firefox strictly adhere to:

Firefox bookmarks are a web link to your favorite/frequently visited web page. Using bookmarks, you can navigate between your favorite websites in one click. If you haven’t had time to finish reading the news on some Internet resource, then by adding it to your bookmarks, you can easily return to it at any time. Bookmarks are convenient because you don’t need to remember the exact name of the site, type it into the search bar every time and look for it in a huge list of similar ones. By launching an Internet browser, you can instantly get to the required page, provided that it has already been previously added to the useful notes section.

How to save bookmarks in Mozilla

The process of saving footnotes to the necessary Internet portals is carried out by one click on the icon in the shape of a five-pointed star in the quick access menu or by using the “Ctrl + D” key combination on the keyboard. By default, it is without fill, but if the page is in saved bookmarks, then it changes its color to blue.

By clicking the save icon, the user can change the name of their note and also change the save directory. There is also a reverse action in this menu - deleting an unnecessary note.

You can view saved bookmarks by clicking on the following icon or “Ctrl+Shift+B”.

In order to save Internet bookmarks from the Mozilla web search engine on a personal computer, you need to perform an export operation. You can find out how to do it by reading the article “”. This article also describes how to restore bookmarks in Mozilla.

Where are bookmarks stored in Mozilla Firefox?

All actions regarding changes to the Firefox web browser, such as installing plugins, saving user personal data and adding bookmarks, are saved in a service folder called “Profile”. This folder is saved separately from the main search engine documents; this is done for reliability so that the user does not lose their data when deleting or reinstalling the browser.

To find your profile you need the following:

  • Launch the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox;
  • Open the browser engineering menu;
  • Click on the icon located at the very bottom of the menu window with the image of a question mark.

The help menu opens. Here we select the “Problem Solving Information” option.

You are then presented with a new page called “Problem Solving Information.” Here, in the application data, you need to find the “Profile Folder” item, opposite this item, select the button to open the folder.

In the folder that opens, containing the current changes made by the user in the Mozilla search engine.

Another way to get to this folder without launching a web browser is as follows.

To do this, you need to click the “Start” button in the Windows menu and enter the path to the folder “%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\” in the search window. Then select the very first folder with the English word “default”.

You will see the same folder that you opened through the browser.

Be extremely careful when manipulating information in this folder. Since, by carelessly deleting some objects, you can ruin the performance of the Firefox search engine and permanently lose some important data.

Share with friends or save for yourself:
