Asus TF101 tablet: specifications, description and features, owner reviews. Review of the first transformer from ASUS: Eee Pad Transformer TF101 Keyboard layout and positioning devices

We have already written many times that it is almost impossible to create a universal mobile device. Therefore, it is not necessary to make excessive demands on tablets and netbooks - you just need to understand in what situations and for what you are going to use these devices. And then there is a chance that you will pick up the device just for you. However, many manufacturers still try to meet several user expectations at once and create products that expand our understanding of typical use cases. mobile devices. As a rule, such products are interesting in terms of ideas, attractive to the researcher, but of little use in real life. But there are also exceptions to the rule. Today we have to study just such an exception: an extremely unusual product that not only pleases with its originality, but also causes a strong desire to use it after the first acquaintance. We are talking about a convertible tablet Asus Eee Pad Transformer TF101.

With its name, this device clearly indicates the "pedigree" - netbooks of the EeePC series. As you know, Asustek Computer Inc. was one of the pioneers in this area, and - perhaps the most successful. And when last year, in the wake of the popularity of tablets, there was talk that they would force netbooks out of the market, ASUS engineers and strategists, presumably, decided to prove that, firstly, it’s too early to write off netbooks, and secondly, it’s completely you can combine the advantages of a netbook and a tablet in one device. Asus Eee Pad Transformer just became such a device.

For the first time, information about it appeared at the end of last year, and even then it was clear that this was a very serious and promising application. And at the end of March this year, an official announcement took place. At the time of writing this article, Asus Eee Pad Transformer was well represented in Russian stores, but it is worth noting that we are talking only about the version without 3G. The version with 3G-module will appear only in August. But, of course, this does not prevent us from getting acquainted with the Asus Eee Pad Transformer and making a general impression of it. Fortunately, the 3G version does not offer any significant differences (besides, of course, the presence of a cellular module).

Contents of delivery

The tablet came to us for testing along with the Docking Station (a docking station, which is a keyboard with a touchpad, an additional 24.4 Wh battery, an SD card reader and a pair of USB 2.0 ports). In two big boxes. Why not in one? Because the docking station is sold separately. However, there are also configurations that involve the presence of both a tablet and a docking station in one kit, but we had “separate” options for testing.

In the boxes were found quick start guides, as well as a charger and a cable to connect to a computer.

At the same time, the equipment cannot be called ideal: it's a pity that there is no cover for the tablet.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1Acer Iconia Tab A500ASUS Eee Pad TransformerApple iPad 2
Screen (size in inches, matrix type) / resolution, pixels10.1″, PLS / 1280x80010.1″ MVA / 1280x80010.1" IPS / 1280x8009.7″, IPS / 1024x768
CPU2-core, 1 GHz (NVIDIA Tegra 2 platform)2-core, 1 GHz (NVIDIA Tegra 2 platform)2-core, 1 GHz (Apple A5)
Flash memory16 to 64 GB16 or 32 GB16 or 32 GB16 to 64 GB
Memory card supportno / microSD in 3G versionmicroSDmicroSDno (via photo upload accessory only)
Wireless connectionWi-Fi (802.11b/g/n) / 3G (on some models) / BT 3.0Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n) / BT 2.1 + EDRWi-Fi (802.11b/g/n) / 3G (on some models) / BT 2.1 + EDR
Camera (photo)Front (2 MP), rear (3 MP)Front (2 MP), rear (5 MP)Front (1.2 MP), rear (5 MP)Front (0.3 MP), rear (0.7 MP)
Dimensions (mm)256.7×175.3×8.6260×177×13271×171×12.98*241.2×185.7×8.8
Weight (g)565 760 680 * 601
Price ** (rubles)From 18990From 14990From 16290 (without docking station)From 18990

* - the weight and dimensions are indicated only for the tablet, without the docking station. The mass of the docking station is 640 g, dimensions: 271 x 185 x 28 mm.

** - prices are indicated at the time of publication of the article.

Tablet design

Now let's look at appearance tablet. He looks stern and very solid. The metal (and not aluminum) edging immediately arouses respect, and thanks to the corrugated plastic back surface, it is very pleasant to hold the tablet in your hands.

Although it is very weighty (probably because of the metal). I am glad that Asus designers did not imitate Apple - the "transformer" has its own personality, its own face.

With connectors and buttons on the tablet itself, the situation is as follows: on the left - a volume rocker and an on / off button (all made of metal). There are no connectors and buttons on the top, on the right there is a headphone jack, mini HDMI and a slot for a microSD memory card.

Below is the Dock Connector: a docking station, a charger are connected through it, and you can also connect the tablet to a desktop computer using the supplied cable.

To the right and left of this connector, we see slots for snap locks. So, everything you need (in terms of connectors) is there. In general, the design of the tablet should be recognized as one of the best among modern models of the same class.

But the appearance and functionality of the device can be radically transformed thanks to the docking station. Let's plug it in and see what we got.

Dock design

The docking station looks like a keyboard with a touchpad and is made of the same materials and in the same color scheme (combination of black and dark bronze). The mass of the docking station is 640 g, dimensions: 271 x 185 x 28 mm.

The entire surface from the side of the keyboard is metal, and the bottom is corrugated plastic, completely similar to what we see behind the tablet.

Therefore, the appearance of the entire structure (tablet + docking station) is magnificent.

This is what a business netbook should look like (if such a phrase is possible). Yes, it's a netbook! When you first look at the Asus Eee Pad Transformer with the docking station connected, you won't even think that it is based on a tablet! The only thing that betrays the "composite" origin of this device is a metal cradle (cradle), in which, in fact, the tablet is installed. The cradle has a latch that automatically releases when the tablet is installed. If you want to pull out the tablet, then just move the latch lever to the left - and the tablet is easily detached!

Now about connectors. As we mentioned a little earlier in the text, the docking station is also equipped with some ports and slots that complement those available on the tablet itself. So, on the left side there is a USB 2.0 port and a client Dock Connector (it is needed for recharging or connecting to a computer when the main Dock Connector on the tablet is used when connecting to a docking station).

There is nothing on the front face to the user, and on the right there is a slot for working with SD cards (working with MMC / SD / SDHC is supported) and a second USB 2.0 port. Note that both USB ports are protected by plugs, so you don't have to worry about dirt getting in there. True, when you want to connect a flash drive, these plugs get in the way - you can’t connect a flash drive with one hand.

When the tablet is connected to the docking station, the notification "Dock connected" appears on the screen in the lower right corner, and when choosing a typing language, it is offered not only virtual keyboard, but also the Asus keyboard.

Keyboard layout and pointing devices

The keyboard layout deserves a separate discussion. The manufacturer quite rightly reasoned that the standard laptop layout is not enough here, it is necessary to adapt the keyboard to the Android OS. And this adaptation was a success.

The Android keys on the Eee Pad Transformer keyboard are placed in the bottom and top rows. Below is the Home button (in the same place where the Windows button is usually located), next to it is Search, and on the right side of the row is Menu. And in the top row, these are the buttons "Back", "Turn on/off Wi-Fi", "Turn on/off Bluetooth", "Turn on/off the touchpad", "Decrease brightness", "Increase brightness", "Auto brightness", "Remove screenshot” (a very valuable button in Android!), “Browser”, “Settings”, three playback control keys, three sound control keys (“Turn off”, “Decrease” and “Increase”) and a button to exit the standby mode.

The key travel is pleasant, and the Asus keyboard is much more pleasant to work with than most netbook keyboards I've seen - here Asus has maintained the standard of quality that is typical for laptops from this company.

There is also a touchpad - to it, as well as to the keyboard, there are no complaints, it works without problems.


The tablet is equipped with a 10.1-inch screen based on an IPS matrix. Resolution - 1280×800. Thus, Asus Eee Pad Transformer owners will get a picture no less high quality than iPad owners. And by the way, Asus is one of the few manufacturers that use IPS screens in their tablets. This is a very big plus. As for the subjective impressions of the Asus Eee Pad Transformer screen, they are the best: the colors are saturated, the brightness margin is sufficient (although you have to turn it up to the maximum in the sun), there are no complaints about the screen's responsiveness.

In connection with the screen, we note an interesting feature that already relates to ergonomics. As you already understood, a tablet with a docking station connected can be controlled (that is, execute some commands - for example, exit to the main menu) in four ways: using the function keys on the keyboard, using the touchpad, a mouse connected via USB, and also using touch screen. And in this, at first glance, there is some redundancy. But you get used to such opportunities very quickly. And then, changing to a regular netbook or laptop, you constantly catch yourself thinking that you want to scroll a web page with your finger across the screen, click on some icon, etc.

Operating system and software

Asus Eee Pad Transformer TF101 is running the latest version of Google Android OS - 3.1. This is the first tablet with 3.1 on the Russian market - Samsung tablets with the same OS version will be later, and the Acer Iconia Tab A500 is sold with 3.0 (however, users can upgrade to 3.1). By the way, Transformer owners can already upgrade to version 3.2, but we studied the tablet with version 3.1 installed by default.

Of the differences in version 3.1, let's name, first of all, wider multitasking capabilities. In version 3.0, the number of simultaneously open applications (displayed as a vertical row of thumbnails on the left side of the desktop) was limited to five, this restriction has now been removed. It became possible to connect various devices, joysticks, gamepads, etc.

In addition, a step forward has been made in terms of supporting various video formats, although the situation here is still not entirely clear: where is the “border” between the “areas of responsibility” operating system, software player (with a set of codecs) and the device itself? We will definitely return to this issue in future articles. And, besides, be sure to explore the cloud capabilities of Asus Eee Pad Transformer - they are provided by a number of exclusive pre-installed Asus applications. This is MyNet, which allows you to transfer multimedia files wirelessly. home network, and MyCloud, which provides access to digital content on the Internet and allows remote access to a computer (PC or Mac).

The browser in Android 3.1 supports Adobe Flash and quite correctly displays sites with a variety of multimedia content. Perhaps, in terms of convenience, the Android 3.x browser surpasses Safari on the iPad. Needless to say about the functionality - iOS still lacks support for Adobe Flash.

We also note that Polaris Office is installed as an office suite on the Asus Eee Pad Transformer, which is becoming more and more popular and, presumably, will soon replace Documents To Go.

But, of course, you can install another office suite, as well as the most diverse additional software. As expected, the Asus Eee Pad Transformer has an Android Market.

In addition, there is also a Tegra Zone game store. As the name suggests, it is designed specifically for mobile devices using the NVIDIA Tegra 2 platform and is supported by NVIDIA. A big advantage of the store for the user is that the games in it are optimized specifically for running on the NVIDIA Tegra 2 chip (which will be discussed below).

Let's note one more point. For the current version of Asus Eee Pad Transformer, there is an unofficial firmware that allows you to connect a 3G modem to the tablet. The disadvantage of such a decision is obvious, but if you really need it, then you should keep in mind this possibility.

Performance and battery life

In terms of platform, the Asus Eee Pad Transformer keeps pace with its main competitors: it is the NVIDIA Tegra 2 SoC, which includes a 1 GHz dual-core processor, as well as 1 GB random access memory. The NVIDIA Tegra 2 chip has become the de facto standard for tablets in 2011 - now we can say for sure about this. Almost all new products from major manufacturers are based on the Tegra 2 platform. But, of course, with the exception of the iPad 2. However, the Apple A5 chip that powers the iPad 2 has the same characteristics (dual-core processor with a frequency of 1 GHz) and architecture (ARM) . Therefore, it makes no sense to talk about the superiority of one or the other (and the applications are different, so even adequately testing this is problematic, as we already wrote about in the review of the Acer Iconia Tab A500 tablet).

However, to be fair, here are the results of two tests run on the Asus Eee Pad Transformer: Quadrant Standard (Android app) and SunSpider 0.9.1 (web test). In the Quadrant Standard, the Asus Eee Pad Transformer showed a very strange, implausible result - only 1528 (whereas other Tegra 2 tablets score over 2000). Probably, the fact is that at the time of testing the tablet, the Quadrant developers had not yet managed to optimize their test for Android 3.1. But SunSpider reported quite logical results: at different launches, they ranged from 2158 to 2143 ms (the lower the number of milliseconds in this test, the better).

When it comes to battery life, the Asus Eee Pad Transformer without a docking station can easily compete with the BlackBerry PlayBook and even the iPad. In active mode (online video, installing applications, etc.), its 24.4 Wh Li-Polymer battery lasts almost 7 hours, but in the "simplified" mode of web surfing (without launching "heavy" content ) Asus Eee Pad Transformer will last about 10 hours. Recall that the docking station has an additional battery, and in the minimum load mode (thoughtful reading and text editing), the battery life almost doubles (according to Asus, the Eee Pad Transformer tablet can work up to 16 hours with the docking station connected). It is clear that this is an incomparably better result than "regular" netbooks.


Again, in full accordance with modern trends, the Asus Eee Pad Transformer tablet is equipped with two cameras - 1.2 MP (front) and 5 MP (rear). The quality of the photos taken with the rear camera is not bad, but not outstanding.

But the video pleased: firstly, with a resolution of 720p (however, this is also becoming a standard), and secondly, the absence of serious artifacts (even small moving objects are quite distinguishable). For video recording, the H.264 codec is used. A 30-second video is 39.5 MB.


In general, the Asus Eee Pad Transformer TF101 tablet should be recognized as a very successful and interesting product. Moreover, at the moment it is probably best tablet based on Android OS 3.1. And a 3G version of the tablet, coupled with a docking station, will be a particularly good purchase. True, the cost of such a purchase will probably be around 26 thousand rubles, but for versatility, good design and excellent quality, this is quite an adequate price for our market. And while we still think that the pursuit of universality in the field of mobile devices is an unreliable and not always expedient path, Asus managed to prove that sometimes you can achieve excellent results along this path.

However, if you only need a tablet and it is based on the Android OS, and not a netbook, then the Asus Eee Pad Transformer looks great in this capacity, and there is no reason not to put this product at the top of the list of contenders for purchase.

For excellent implementation of the original idea, wide functionality and representative appearance, we award the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer tablet (in the package including the docking station) with the Original Design award.

The entire Internet is replete with inscriptions that the era of netbooks is coming to an end. Tablets are taking their place. However, if you can’t change your usual mobile PC for a touch-sensitive “tablet” yet, it advises you to take a closer look at the transformer from ASUSTek Computer. This marvelous device is called ASUS Eee Pad Transformer. It can be considered in two ways: either as a tablet with a docking station, or as a convertible netbook. That is, you can use the device both as a tablet and as a subnotebook. All the stuffing is hidden under the display, while an additional battery is placed in the topcase. Agree, the device is very interesting! By the way, Lenovo had a similar idea.

ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF101 received a 10.1-inch IPS touch matrix with support for multi-touch functions, an NVIDIA Tegra 2 platform, two cameras and wireless modules. The docking station in the form of a keyboard has incorporated a pair of USB 2.0 ports and a card reader. What else interesting can present to potential buyers ASUS Eee Pad Transformer, we will try to find out.


Perhaps, for a more accurate description of this device, it is more appropriate to consider the tablet and the docking station separately. So, the "tablet" itself has dimensions of 271x171x13 mm and a mass of 680 grams. She looks very attractive and stylish. The tablet is devoid of hardware buttons, several connectors are located on its edges. The frame and part of the edging of the display is made of metal, but the rear convex cover is made of textured plastic. The latter, by the way, bends quite strongly. The display is frameless. This whole “composition” looks harmonious and monolithic.

The bottom of the docking station is made of the same matte plastic, but Workspace and side faces are made of metal. On the connector for connecting the tablet, you can see a special pad, thanks to which the tablet panel will not be scratched when connected. There are also two clamps ASUS Eee Pad, adjustable slider. The docking station itself weighs 630 grams, that is, the entire transformer will weigh about 1.3 kg. By the way, you can buy this topcase both separately and as a set with a tablet.


ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF101 is equipped with a capacitive touch matrix with a diagonal of 10.1 inches. Its resolution is 1280x800 pixels. This liquid crystal display is made using IPS technology. Today, IPS screens are the only LCD panels that always deliver full RGB color depth (24-bit, 8 bits per channel). So, for example, the display of black color is close to ideal. Viewing angles on such a screen are close to absolute and reach 178 degrees. This says that the colors will not be inverted at all. The maximum backlight brightness is 230 cd/m2. It can be adjusted both manually and automatically.

The display is covered with Gorilla Glass, which is highly resistant to scratches and impacts. That is, you should not worry about the safety of the screen - the developers have already taken care of this instead of you.

The screen recognizes a huge number of multi-gestures, that is, zooming, flipping, scrolling can be done with two fingers of one hand. The color reproduction of the matrix is ​​​​excellent, the colors seem deep, saturated and bright. The developers have not forgotten about the gyroscope and accelerometer, which are responsible for the orientation of the screen.

Keyboard and touchpad

We can assume that ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF101 is equipped with two input devices. This is, in fact, the tablet itself and a docking station in the form of a standard island-type keyboard. The touch matrix responds well to touch, managing the contents of the desktop with your fingers is quite easy and convenient. There should be no complaints about the sensitivity of the screen. By the way, on the tablet you can call a virtual qwerty keyboard. On the side face there is a volume rocker and a power button.

As you already understood, by connecting the “tablet” to the topcase, ASUS Eee Pad turns into a full-fledged netbook. The working area is equipped with an island-type keyboard and a touchpad. Thanks to the docking station, entering information is noticeably simplified. With it, you can turn off and turn on wireless adapters, adjust the brightness and volume, and launch the browser. Considering that the netbook-transformer is running Android OS, the corresponding hardware keys must be present on the keyboard. They are. These are "Home", "Back", "Search", "Menu".

Under the keyboard there was a place for the touchpad. A double mouse rocker button is hidden under the touch pad. If you use the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer as a netbook, the touchpad and keyboard will obviously come in handy.

Processor and performance

ASUS Eee Pad Transformer powered by NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual-core processor @ 1 GHz (both Cortex-A9 cores running at 1 GHz). This CPU is a system on a chip (SoC). That is, NVIDIA Tegra 2 has incorporated an ARM processor, GPU, memory controllers and peripherals. The power consumption, however, is quite low.

You also have 1GB DDR2 RAM and 16GB, 32GB, or 64GB SSD storage. There is also access to the so-called online storage ASUS WebStorage.

Ports and communications

Once again, the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer can be thought of as two different devices: a tablet and a docking station. On the “tablet” itself, there was a place for a volume control, an audio jack (headphones / microphone), a mini HDMI port, a microSD slot and two webcams: front and main. The first one has a resolution of 1.2 megapixels and is used for video chatting. But with the help of the main camera, you can take quite high-quality pictures. It has a resolution of 5 megapixels and is equipped with autofocus.

On the bottom of the tablet is a connector for the docking station and two holes for fixing. The developers have not forgotten about the 3G SIM card slot (optional). To exchange data and charge the tablet, you will have to use a proprietary cable. On the topcase itself, you can find two USB 2.0 ports and an SD card reader.

Wireless adapters fit in the tablet itself WiFi networks 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR. There are models equipped with a 3G module (optional). By the way, the developers also did not forget about E-Compass and GPS.


According to ASUS, the Eee Pad Transformer TF101 has an amazing battery life. So, the device is equipped with a lithium-polymer battery with a capacity of 24 Wh. Moreover, a tablet without a docking station can work for about 8 hours without recharging, and the entire “transformer” will work offline for about 16 hours. Agree, it's impressive.


ASUS Eee Pad Transformer is a tablet and a netbook rolled into one. In a complex form, this device looks like a full-fledged laptop. But with a "light movement of the hand" it can turn into a "pill". The diagonal of the touch multi-touch display is 10.1 inches, based on the NVIDIA Tegra 2 platform, the device works under Android control 3.0 honey comb. However, Google at its recent conference announced that in June they will provide firmware updates to Android 3.1 Honeycomb.

After Apple launched first the first and then the second iPad into production, it seemed that it was simply impossible to produce something in the world of tablets, if not fundamentally new, then at least evolutionary development in the industry. Nothing is impossible - ASUS considered and announced a hybrid of a tablet and a netbook.

What in a good way seemed to lie on the surface, but required competent implementation. The new device was called Transformer for a reason, it really knows how to turn from one type of technology into a consonant, but completely different one. And if the model is “in the assembly”, then an unknowing person will not even have the thought that this stylish mini-computer is actually not such a thing.

Having got the Transformer in our hands, we will try to find answers to the most common questions - can a tablet really replace a laptop? How successful was the combination of the screen with the docking station? How does Android behave in the context of cutting-edge novelty? The journey into the world of a hybrid device will certainly be exciting - we open the boxes and ...


We see the docking station and the tablet itself neatly packed in a protective film. When you take it in your hands, you immediately understand that the industry is alive not only with the “a la iPad” design, and for your own “face” it is not at all necessary to invent something extraordinary. The front side is made in the spirit of the latest tablets and is completely devoid of controls - those are provided by default in Android 3.x, which made it possible to completely deprive the front of the buttons.

The main trump card of the model lies in the back cover. It is made of durable plastic, covered with a deep embossed mesh with a pattern. This has not yet been in any tablet and, if you do not confuse yourself with conventions, is rarely found in laptops. It looks so authoritative that there is no doubt that the tablet belongs to the business class. It can be seen that the thickness of the plastic is about a few millimeters, that is, it does not bend in principle.

The use of a matte patterned plastic sweeps aside any hint of the preservation of prints (which cannot be said about the screen) and any other contamination. In addition, it allows the device to lie firmly in the hand and not strive to slip out. A border is stretched along the sides, and not from aluminum, but from metal with a “copper-like” color to match the entire tablet. By the way, the same Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 did not escape claims - the lid is made of smooth plastic, subjectively significantly inferior in strength to the Transformer, besides, it sags noticeably on a hard "bottom", creating voids.

Transformer is heavy, you can't hide it. It weighs 680 grams and is unlikely to be comfortable for long-term use for girls "on weight". However, the mass is evenly distributed and does not cause critical pressure on the fingers. And I don’t want to call heaviness a disadvantage in any way - it’s clear that the Transformer is assembled from durable reliable materials, which will only benefit its durability.

Note that the Transformer is not the most “aggravating” tablet, it failed to beat the Acer ICONIA Tab record with 765 grams. Absolutely all tablet connectors are located on its sides, thereby saving the model from the "disease" of many colleagues in the shop - a removable cover. By its very presence, it increased the likelihood of breakdown and often contributed to the formation of squeaks and backlash.

In one of the reviews, it was said that with the advent of the iPad 2, manufacturers suddenly set a course for the ultimate reduction in thickness and weight. So, ASUS did not succumb to the trend, as we see it only benefited the tablet. Its solidity is undeniable, and the very question of build quality seems somewhat unnatural.

In general, the device looks stylish, all its elements are perfectly combined with each other and noticeably distinguish Transformer from competitors' crafts. The main task for the Android tablet has been achieved - the model has distanced itself from any associations with the iPad. And at the same time she managed to find her own unique face. Maybe this is the same alternative design to follow?

Connectors and controls

Tablets based on Android 3.x are distinguished by the complete absence of buttons on front panel. In theory, they are replaced by drawn buttons placed on the panel at the bottom of the screen, which, by the way, noticeably distinguishes such tablets from the iPad, which the rampant Apple “protects” with all its might. TF101 is no exception in this regard.

The front panel is covered with a highly reflective protective glass. At the top of the screen is the peephole of the front camera, and to the right of it is the name-logo of the manufacturer.

On the left side are all the physical buttons, including three pieces: on / off the tablet and volume control. Slightly below the fine perforation is the speaker.

The right side accommodates all connectors: 3.5 mm audio output, Mini HDMI, microSD memory card slot. There is also a second speaker.

The connector for connecting the charger is located on the bottom end, and synchronization with the computer is also carried out through it. On the sides of it are a pair of ventilation holes. There is nothing on the top end.

The back cover completely covers the device and is non-removable. On it, in addition to the manufacturer's logo in the upper part, there is a camera eye.

Dock station

The main difference between the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF101 and many similar tablets is its console with a keyboard, touchpad and additional connectors. In this capacity, this accessory is more like a docking station than a tool to improve the usability of the tablet. For example, a keyboard is also sold for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, but there is no touchpad on it, as well as connectors (except for the power / sync connector).

The design of the TF101 keyboard is extremely interesting. At its top is a curved metal grip that can only be rotated when you insert a tablet into it and change the position of the latch.

After such an operation, the device begins to look very much like a regular netbook, especially when opened. By the way, the grip is quite tight.

As for the layout, in some places it is quite different from the usual one, which, however, is natural. But the symbolic keys are located in the usual places and there should not be any problems here. The only pity is that while the TF101 keyboard is supplied without Cyrillic. But the keys , , , and were very pleased - they are all in their places. Even their size did not cause any criticism, except perhaps for the short right one. The arrow block is “squeezed” into the two bottom rows of keys, which does not affect the convenience of its use in the best way. Nevertheless, here you can make allowances for the fact that we are not dealing with a laptop or netbook, and therefore you will often not have to use this block.

The most important difference lies in the top row of keys. Instead of a block of function keys, there is a solid row of 17 keys for various purposes. So there is a return key (a kind of analogue), a couple more are responsible for the operation of wireless controllers, adjusting the screen brightness and volume, the rest call various applications and control playback in the media player. In addition, there are a couple of "non-standard" keys in the bottom row. In particular, these are "Home", "Search" and calling an additional menu.

In general, typing on such a keyboard is no less comfortable than on some 11.6-inch laptop. Of course, the office suite in Android is completely different from that in Windows, but if necessary, work with documents can be carried out without any problems. True, there is not enough multi-window mode, but these are already details. The main thing is that if an urgent need arises, it will be quite simple to quickly create or edit a particular file with text.

The touchpad seems to contribute to the quick performance of the work to no lesser extent. Actually, the mouse in the touch-oriented operating system is not so much in demand. We were perfectly convinced of this by Windows 8 with its Metro shell. Android 3.x is no exception. But we will dwell on the experience with the mouse pointer in more detail below.

Here we will say a few words about the touch panel. It is quite large for a TF101 docking station. Designers took advantage of all the available space. As a result, the height of the touchpad is maximum, but still it is not great. However, this was compensated by a large width. The surface of the touchpad is rough and matte and it allows precise control of the mouse pointer. The buttons on the bottom are thin and hard to press.

Strictly speaking, we don’t see much use from the touchpad for an Android tablet. However, there is a "side" plus, which appeared precisely because of the addition of the touchpad - the work area. Wrists are comfortably placed on it, which facilitates typing and reduces fatigue. The keyboard for the Galaxy Tab 10.1 is devoid of such a "surplus", which somewhat reduces the amount of positive emotions from working with it.

But that's not all. Keyboard for ASUS TF101 is a truly unique accessory. In addition to two purely "notebook" manipulators, he adds a few more connectors to the tablet, making it almost a real laptop. In particular, these are two USB and a card reader for full-size Secure Digital memory cards. And, of course, the power connector and synchronization with the PC are duplicated. The latter, when connected to the dock, becomes even more relevant, since a second battery is hidden inside the accessory - it’s not for nothing that the keyboard is so heavy and massive.

I am very pleased that the USB connectors are full. That is, you can connect to them not only a storage medium, but also, for example, an ordinary mouse. The latter works great, complementing the touchpad as if we were dealing with a regular laptop. Of course, the performance of any peripheral, even a regular printer, can hardly be guaranteed by anyone (due to the lack of drivers for Android, and not because of the connector itself), but such functionality is already more than enough.

Together with USB, two card readers (the second on the tablet itself) and an HDMI output, the ASUS TF101 tablet can really become a good business device. Without a docking station, this is a solid tablet, and with it - an almost full-fledged laptop, with which you can comfortably and quickly complete an urgent and not very task.


The first generation of tablets based on Android 3.0 had the same resolution of 1280x800 pixels. This was required by artificially imposed system restrictions, and therefore most tablets automatically became potential competitors to the iPad. With the release of Android 3.2, the restriction has been lifted, but 10.1-inch models, which include ASUS TF101, have not changed the screen resolution and are unlikely to change it (unless it will be increased).

In general, 1280x800 for 10.1 "is pretty good. The picture is quite clear, working with sites is a pleasure, you can watch large PDF documents, it is convenient to work with text files and spreadsheets. What can I say - most recently, most laptops with a diagonal up to 15.4" was equipped with a screen with this resolution.

However, the advantages of the TF101 display do not end there. Another, no less important, is the type of IPS matrix. This type has long been known to provide the best viewing angles and color reproduction. Confirmation of this is perfectly visible from every pixel of the screen of the tablet in question. The display is really very good and there are no complaints about it. In our subjective opinion, it is even better than the screen of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. The latter is based on PLS technology, recently launched by Samsung into commercial operation. According to its principles of operation, it is very similar to IPS, but about 15% cheaper in production. However, PLS has a well-known disadvantage of IPS - a black-filled screen gives off a strong purple tint. Moreover, the IPS technology has practically got rid of this feature in the latest generation modifications, which also applies to the TF101.

In short, the screen of the ASUS tablet is wonderful and we have absolutely no complaints about it.


Transformer has front and rear cameras, both located at the top of the covers in the center. If the location on the back cover is not important, then on the screen it, like in a netbook, contributes to comfortable communication in video chats, for example via Skype. The front and rear have 1.2 and 5.0 megapixel sensors, respectively. The maximum shooting resolution is 2592x1944 pixels. LED flash and proximity and light sensors are missing.

Shooting settings are extremely small, which is surprising after Android 2.3 on smartphones. The user sets the image quality, exposure, white balance, color effects and just a few more settings.

The quality of the pictures is inconsistent. It would seem that under the same weather conditions, Transformer can produce both acceptable pictures and frankly blurry ones. This is the main drawback of shooting - the camera does not guarantee stable quality and from time to time gives the opposite result, whether it's a far panorama or a macro shot.

The front camera did not cause any complaints, at close range, for which it is intended, the objects are quite clear, with natural color reproduction.


The Transformer TF101 tablet is not the only device in the ASUS Eee Pad lineup. There is also a TF101G modification with a 3G module, an Eee Pad Slider SL101 with a built-in slide-out keyboard, and a couple of 12.1-inch Eee Slate tablets based on Windows 7. However, we will compare the reviewed device with its direct competitor, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1.

The characteristics of the TF101 are not that impressive. If you think about it, flagship smartphones are even better than the biggest Google tablets. However, it is obvious that such a configuration is quite enough for comfortable work. Manufacturers did not put pressure on high clock frequency processor, preferring a balance between CPU frequency, graphics accelerator and number of cores. The NVIDIA Tegra 2 chip suits these purposes quite well. Its ARM component runs at 1 GHz and has two cores, and the ULP GeForce graphics card is considered one of the best on the smartphone and tablet market.

In terms of communication capabilities, both tablets are also very similar. They are equipped with Wi-Fi controllers (supporting 802.11n) and Bluetooth. However, the latest from ASUS TF101 is less perfect - it is based on version 2.1, while the Galaxy Tab 10.1 has already "mastered" the faster version 3.0. There was no 3G module in our TF101.

The amount of RAM and permanent memory for tablets is the same. However, there are options for the latter. So there is a version of TF101 with 32 GB of memory, and the Samsung device can be equipped with a solid state drive of 32 and 64 GB.

However, the possible lack of internal memory in the TF101 is more than offset by the presence of a microSD card slot, which can be supplemented with another SD card reader on the docking station. And do not forget a couple of USB connectors on the dock to which you can connect external drives.

In terms of connectors, the ASUS tablet is also very good. The Galaxy Tab 10.1 has only a 3.5 mm audio jack, while the TF101 is distinguished by the presence of Mini HDMI and the already mentioned USB on the dock. Mini HDMI can come in handy for a presentation or even for watching a movie on a big screen on vacation or a business trip.

As for device screens, we wrote about the difference between PLS and IPS technologies above, and their resolution and diagonal are the same. It remains to mention the cameras. The front one turned out to be better for Samsung, and the rear one for ASUS. But, in our opinion, the difference in resolution in this case is absolutely not fundamental. Here you can easily get by with less - hardly anyone will often use the tablet as a camera.

We wrote about the advantage of the aluminum case above. However, its disadvantage is more weight. Compared to the Galaxy Tab 10.1, the ASUS tablet weighs over 100 grams more, which is noticeable. The docking station adds another 640 grams (almost the same as the TF101) for a total of 1.32kg of weight. Usually 10.1-inch netbooks weigh less, although they are made of plastic. But this weight is comparable to a 13.3-inch Macbook Air or any of its equivalents. However, all these laptops are not equipped with a pair of batteries, which give a significant share of the weight.

There are operating systems. Both tablets were originally available with Android 3.0, but Samsung has started mass shipping the Galaxy Tab 10.1 with Android 3.1, and ASUS already offers an update to Android 3.2 on its website. The latter is very easy to install, as we will discuss below. In the meantime, let's see which of the tablets is faster in operation.

Performance Testing

Both compared tablets are based on the same processor, have the same amount of RAM and permanent memory. The only difference between them lies in the different versions of the operating system and the shell that was preinstalled by the manufacturer. So for the most part, we should expect relative parity.

Benchmarks testing the overall performance of the system showed approximately the same result, with a very slight superiority of the ASUS TF101. It will obviously not be noticeable at work.

The popular Quadrant test, on the contrary, showed a noticeable superiority of the Samsung tablet. Many factors could influence the result: from the OS version to the proprietary shell.

In the purely computing benchmark Linpack, both devices go head to head. The difference between them easily fits into the measurement error.

Browser tests also showed nothing unexpected. The difference between the tablets is present, but quite insignificant, which we predicted above.

It is interesting to look at the results in the 3D electopia game. It offers to run the test in the native screen resolution of the device, or in a kind of "compatibility mode", which means a resolution of 800x480. In both cases, the expected parity can be observed.

In total, we can state that the performance of ASUS TF101 and Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is approximately equal. So when choosing between these devices, you should look at their other parameters.


Since the introduction of the third generation of Android, Google has released three versions: 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2. The first release was extremely "raw", which was fully reflected by Transformer, since it was he who was installed in the first batches of the device. And here ASUS has set a worthy example for current and future Android tablet manufacturers.

The company has organized a quick and easy way to allow the user to painlessly carry out the system update operation. If we omit some details, then the owner of the Transformer only needs to download the firmware from the official website, copy it to the internal memory, after which the device will find new version The OS will prompt you to update. Further, just a few touches will lead to the fact that the system will “grow up” to the latest version on its own.

What is even more impressive is that after the update, the system settings and files in the internal memory are completely preserved. Therefore, the user does not have to make any “backups”. ASUS has clearly shown that its installation mechanism has been worked out, so with the release of Ice Cream Sandwich, no additional steps will need to be taken to deploy it.

Installing Android 3.2 gives a noticeable performance boost, menu transitions become smoother and faster, and the list of pre-installed services is also noticeably expanding.

When you turn on the tablet, you can see the "ring" of unlocking like HTS Sense. We remove the "lock" and get into the main menu. In it, Android shows its most visible desire to separate smartphones from tablets with the introduction of a local taskbar.

In the lower left corner are the very buttons that allowed the device to get rid of the physical control buttons: return to the previous screen, go to the main table and call up a vertical list of recently launched tasks.

On the right side of the line there is a tray area where you can see all notifications related to wired and wireless connections.

There is an abbreviated submenu and an extended one with several popular options.

To form a working environment, only five desktops are presented. The central one is also subject to change, which is necessary in the light of a far from the best set of labels.

In the upper right corner, by pressing the “+” button, the user enters the menu for setting screen elements. Here, in the corresponding tabs, there are widgets, shortcuts to all available programs and wallpapers.

Let's go to the application menu, where we will study the pre-installed elements.

First on the list is the online store Kindle, in the only possible English version with the only possible books in English. How necessary is its presence in the tablets sold in the CIS - the question is rather rhetorical.

As always there was a place for Google services, there is always an email client Gmail, Google Talk and Google search. In addition to Gmail, there is also an "omnivorous" mail program.

An interesting element is the Layar service, which is missing from new Galaxy Tab 10.1. It is a kind of program from the future and is designed to be used with a camera. Walking around the city, you can point the lens at different architectural structures and get information on them without manual search, if any. The application determines the user's gaze direction and location in order to display information.

Reading books organized in separate application with a visual shelf of available publications.

Movie Studio has remained a mystery to us. Logically speaking, he is called to edit images, but he did not accept any of the proposed files. More precisely, he reported a notification at the end of the video process, but he never showed it.

MyCloud is a collection of two "cloud" services. MyContent stores media content on a server on the Internet, making it available to you wherever you are. MyDesktop allows you to remotely control your computer, again regardless of its location.

PressReader and Zinio Reader are convenient services for buying magazines and newspapers, of which you can choose from hundreds of items on a wide variety of topics. For those who don't want to pay for content, PressReader will be the best choice. It has enough Russian publications, and for each half a dozen fresh issues can be downloaded for free.

MyNet begs the analogy with Samsung AllShare and allows access to materials on the tablet from other devices within reach via Wi-Fi.

The standard Gallery may well disappoint - there are practically no editing options, compared to HTC and Samsung shells, this is an unforgivable omission.

The File Manager allows you to perform operations both with individual folders and files, and with their arrays. It is necessary to mark the objects of interest, after which a context menu will appear with the operations of copying, cutting and deleting.

Not without the Tegra Zone store, which presents games specifically for NVIDIA Tegra. The titles have extremely attractive graphics, but so far there are too few of them - we think that over time the range will become much larger, since the NVIDIA hardware platform has become almost the standard for 10-inch tablets.

Navigation is more than standard, Google services are always ready to find the way and indicate where the user is.

The revamped Android Market shows a tiled menu, but it could also return to a more familiar list of app categories.

Music is one of the major disappointments of Android 3.2. The settings are reduced to a bare minimum, there is not even an equalizer and sorting tracks by artist.

Despite the absence of a shortcut, the system has a built-in player that flatly refuses to "be friends" with videos in 720p and 1080p formats. Variations with players made it possible to achieve playback of one of the files in normal mode, but no more. With the same files Samsung smartphone Galaxy R, based on the same hardware platform, had no problems. We make a reservation that the reason for this may be the high resolution of the screen. In addition, an absolutely identical situation is observed in the Galaxy Tab 10.1.

In continuation of common tasks, we will mention reading PDF files. It is almost impossible - if the overall rendering of the page takes a tolerable couple of seconds, then any approximation will make you wait up to 30-40 seconds, which is simply unacceptable.

Strange changes have taken place with the keyboard - ASUS decided to replace the standard Android block with a branded, but extremely far from ideal solution and, moreover, extremely paradoxical. The gray palette with blurry edges is a direct nod to archaic Android 2.1. Narrow elongated letters in portrait orientation are a package from the same distant version. Otherwise, this is a standard Android keyboard, so it begs to be replaced by more convenient variations from independent developers.

Transformer's limited functionality is compensated by the browser. First and foremost, it supports full tabs. That is, on the top panel you see a list of all tabs as on a computer. The browser consistently rendered bulky sites, did not crash and worked at a high level. Unless not all videos, with the exception of those from YouTube, wanted to run.

For "tick" we will mention ordinary applications, whose visual variations do not affect the main purpose in any way: voice recorder, calculator and calendar.

With the connected docking station, the tablet turns into almost a full-fledged netbook. Practically - because its limitations are caused purely by the capabilities of Android and the lack of a multi-window mode. Let's say you can't see a player, an open text document, and a browser on the same window. However, if there is no need for this, then Transformer is an extremely successful solution.

The main advantage of the docking station is that, together with it, the tablet looks like an absolutely finalized ready-made solution, which other manufacturers can only focus on. He can state with confidence that in terms of design, materials, performance and overall thoughtfulness, Transformer will not even have far-fetched competitors for a long time to come. And this is another victory over the iPad, since Apple does not even have anything like this in its plans.

As we already wrote, the docking station is equipped with two USB ports. ASUS could limit itself to one port, but it would look like a demo opportunity, but here the unit turns the hybrid into an efficient workstation.

Connecting a regular USB mouse is supported. The matter is not limited to this, the device is even able to recognize and work correctly with external keyboards! Flash drives are also correctly serviced, except that Android cannot cope with hard drives.

Not only an external mouse is suitable for control, but a built-in touchpad with two buttons. The left one is responsible for the "click", while the right one returns to the previous screen. Regardless of the connected devices, the touch screen remains functional. This is extremely convenient, since sometimes it is faster to directly point the desired element with your finger than to hover over it with the mouse pointer. The mouse is really not very useful on Android. This system is "sharpened" for finger control, while the mouse pointer is useful for "aiming" at something small. In the browser, it is more or less useful, it also works well when working with documents, but otherwise there is little use for a touchpad or an external mouse.

The keyboard takes some getting used to, just like any other in a regular netbook. Further, short key travel enables speed dialing, and Polaris Office is a viable alternative. Microsoft Office. If you have not come across this open package yet, then let's clarify - it performs all the basic viewing and editing functions in text and spreadsheet documents. Therefore, for students at lectures, and for those who just need to work with text on the go, Transformer becomes a competent assistant.

Plus, the docking station has its own battery, so the total battery life of the tablet increases to the declared 16 hours. Needless to say, the achievement surpasses that of netbooks and makes the Transformer ideal for long trips and air travel.


Summing up, I would like to focus on the Transformer as a completely new generation of tablet devices that change the idea of ​​​​the purpose and capabilities of this class of devices. After Transformer, questions about why analysts began to equate tablets with computers in their reports disappear by themselves.

From the point of view of the practicality of execution, ASUS turned out to be an ideal product. It has no structural flaws, the case is assembled from strong and reliable materials, as well as the docking station. The set is convenient and organically combined with touch controls, and support for external devices and drives, coupled with a sensitive touchpad, completely elevate Transformer to a level previously unattainable for tablets.

And as impressive as the work done by ASUS is, the “dampness” of Android, even in version 3.2, is so upsetting. The system has not yet learned how to read PDF normally, and a small set of codecs and poor optimization make watching 720p video almost impossible.

Be that as it may, Transformer looks like a reasonable and complete product, and software flaws, unlike hardware ones, can always be fixed, which is what Google is constantly doing.

The segment of tablets running Android 3.x includes key companies in the IT market. The ability to choose among competing options is an absolute advantage for the buyer, but he must be prepared for a high degree of similarity between offers. So, most of them have an NVIDIA Tegra 2 chip, which provides comparable performance in terms of results. And the use of the same software platform guarantees identical (or close to it) functionality.

Not surprisingly, in order to convince the superiority of their model, manufacturers implement additional features that distinguish it from competitors. For example, Samsung relies on the proprietary interface TouchWiz UX, LG is trying to attract attention with the tablet's 3D functions. ASUS has focused on the design.

The result was the appearance of two Android tablets - Slider and Transformer. Both devices received a physical QWERTY keyboard, the form factor is reflected in the names. In the Slider, the keyboard is installed in a sliding case, while in the Transformer it is placed on a detachable docking station.

The appearance of such an accessory makes the tablet much more versatile. It is no coincidence that in the full name of the ASUS model there is a connection with netbooks, a real boom in which took place a little earlier. Will a device like the one under review become a netbook replacement with high sales? Or will it be a niche product? Let's try to figure it out.


Let's take a look at the TF101 separately as a tablet first. Due to the use of a 10.1-inch display, it is large and also weighty. The device weighs 680g (without dock connected), over 100g heavier than the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. On the other hand, another competitor of the reviewed tablet, Acer ICONIA Tab A500, weighs 760 g. Holding the Transformer in one hand will be uncomfortable and difficult just because of its impressive weight.

The shape of the tablet is also determined by the matrix. Since the latter is widescreen, the case, which repeats the proportions of the display, is elongated, the width is much greater than the height. For this reason, it is much more comfortable to use the tablet in landscape orientation, rather than in portrait.

The body is made of plastic, but the design of the material leaves a “metal” impression at first glance (as will be mentioned a little later, metal elements are really present in the design, but they are not the main ones). The tablet as a whole is designed quite "expensively", spectacularly. The color scheme of the Transformer is unusual, the plastic has a bronze tint. Such a choice is both neutral (not catchy, not defiant) and unusual, rarely seen.

The back side of the device (in netbook mode, it plays the role of a cover) has a corrugated surface, which makes it possible to avoid slipping. In addition, such a surface makes possible physical damage less noticeable. Practical design is an indisputable advantage of the model. The assembly is executed qualitatively, the case gives the impression of a strong and resistant to external influences. The metal edging used at the ends of the case strengthens the structure.

The arrangement of elements on the main module of the Eee Pad Transformer is implemented as follows. At the top of the left side, at a short distance from each other, there is a power button and a volume rocker. It is most convenient to press them with your index finger, if you hold the device with both hands on weight. On the right side are a slot for memory cards microSD (without a plug), a miniHDMI port and a 3.5 mm audio jack.

Speaker slots are located on both described ends. Built-in stereo speakers are very loud, at maximum values ​​the sound is piercing, and in a quiet environment - even uncomfortable loud. Using the maximum volume does not negatively affect the quality of playback - no noise or other audio distortion was noticed.

The top end is free from any additional elements, but on the bottom you can find a proprietary connector designed to connect a cable, charger or docking station. On both sides of it are grooves that serve to attach the actual tablet to the docking station. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Dock station

Thanks to the docking station, the device in question takes on the appearance of an ordinary netbook with a 10-inch display. The area to which the tablet is connected is provided with a hinge. Thanks to this, you can adjust the degree of inclination of the screen in relation to the keyboard, as well as fold the TF101 like a laptop. This can be very convenient when transporting compared to carrying the two body pieces separately. For example, a similar accessory was introduced for the popular Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet. However, the mount in the docking station of the latter is fixed; it will not be possible to fold both parts into a single body.

The attachment of the tablet to the station is reliable; when folded, the halves of the case do not stagger relative to each other. To detach the parts, you must use a special lever.

Thanks to the docking station, TF101 owners get a physical QWERTY keyboard. In its design and parameters, it is as similar as possible to the corresponding blocks in netbooks. The keys are square in shape, slightly spaced apart. They are located more densely than in ordinary laptops, so the first time when typing blindly (without previous experience of using netbooks), there is a high probability of false pressing of neighboring buttons.

In addition to alphanumeric designations, there is also a set of function keys adapted for the Android platform. So, in the bottom row there are buttons "Home", "Search" and "Menu" for performing the corresponding actions.

The whole top row of buttons is also filled with function keys. They can be used to enable wireless modules, control the player, change the volume and brightness of the backlight, go to settings or the browser, take screenshots.

The touchpad, located under the keyboard unit, has a small area, which can cause discomfort at first. When using the touchpad, an unusual pointer appears on the screen - a small ring instead of a mouse. Since all the elements of the Android 3 interface are large, it does not cause inconvenience when managing the "transformer" and, in subjective opinion, looks very stylish.

The keys, however, are not the only advantage of the docking station. It has an additional battery that extends battery life (more on this in the corresponding section of the review), as well as additional ports. Of greatest interest are two USB. The interface is useful for connecting other accessories: a mouse (a normal cursor is displayed on the display when using it), an external drive. Other portable devices (players, smartphones) can also be powered by the tablet when connected via USB. In addition, at the ends of the docking station there is an SD memory card reader and another jack for connecting a branded cable.


The Eee Pad Transformer tablet boasts an installed IPS matrix. This gives the model a head start over Android competitors, most often using TFT displays. Objectively evaluating the screen, you can see the benefits of IPS technology (better contrast or resistance to sunlight), but it would be wrong to say that they leave the competition behind.

In a direct comparison of the TF101 and iPad 2 displays (both made using the same technology), the quality of the latter is slightly higher. This is a little surprising, because according to formal features (pixel density, for example), the ASUS version looks more attractive.

When viewing the Eee Pad Transformer screen in isolation, it leaves an extremely positive impression and is characterized by natural color reproduction, a large margin of brightness, maximum viewing angles, and a sensitive capacitive sensor. Among the current offers in the class of Android tablets, this is definitely one of the best matrices.


Model TF101 is running Android 3.2. The interface and most of the functionality is consistent standard set this platform. In fact, there are no differences from the original capabilities of the previously tested Acer ICONIA Tab A500 - another current proposal among Android tablets. Therefore, it is advisable to get to know key features operating system (desktop view, menu, widget management, standard applications) in the review of the mentioned competitor. Here and now, let's take a closer look at the distinctive features of the Eee Pad Transformer.

Branded additions, frankly, not so much. The base of widgets is practically not expanded, ASUS offered differently designed windows with information about the time, unread letters. A more interesting mini-application is MyZine, which contains several blocks of information: new images from the gallery, links to go to the calendar, mail, weather, library, audio player, and recently launched program.

The MyLibrary library combines directly the "reader" of books and text documents stored in the tablet's memory, as well as the online kiosk with PressReader periodicals. The latter allows (albeit on a paid basis) to subscribe and download issues of world famous newspapers and magazines. The list of supported editions is quite large. Downloaded editions can be viewed as ordinary newspapers (flipping through the pages), and opening texts of individual news or articles adapted for electronics.

Another functional addition from the manufacturer was the MyCloud application, which combines several utilities. So, MyContent is connected with the WebStorage service known from ASUS netbooks - a remote drive. On WebStorage servers, you can upload and store your files and access them using various devices. The MyDesktop utility helps you manage your paired PC remotely.

Hello everyone, this is a review of the very first transformer from ASUS. I bought this device a year ago, then I had no idea how to use the Android system, because I had a current Symbian and nokia s40, so I had a desire to try it out this system. Without much ceremony with the choice, I went to the store and purchased this model. The reasons why I didn't buy another or newer model was, of course, the price, the functional keyboard and the discount I was offered. A year later, I regretted that I bought this device.


Let's start with the kit of this device:

Pretty standard kit (sorry, but I threw out the box with all the manuals)

Now consider the device on the sides:

On the left side of the case, we see the volume rocker and the power button

And here we see the tray, in the closed state for 3G SIM cards and dimanik

SIM card tray open

Top antenna: Wifi, 3G, GPS

On the right side we see a slot for a card, a speaker, a mini-HDMI output, a microphone, output 3 and 5 for headphones and a microphone

2. And so we got acquainted with the tablet, now we are getting acquainted with its charging and USB wire. To be honest, I am not happy with the quality and assembly of the USB wire:

That's what I'm talking about, the USB plastic case is simply removed, in addition it cracked, I had to stick it with tape.


The charging case itself seems to be durable, but it heats up terribly. There is an assumption that because of him the USB plastic case cracked

4. And finally, we will look at the Docking Station or Keyboard for Transformer TF101:

I was pleased with the keyboard, which pleases me more in this model, because it has an extended battery that allows the device to work in reading mode up to 14 hours. There are also 2 USB ports, Card Reader, for external drives and usb accessories and useless touchpad. (according to personal experience, almost all USB accessories work, including computer mice and keyboards, but the exception is a portable CD or DVD ROM, Android is to blame, it cannot recognize disks)

Now we move on to the software part, because of which I regretted that I bought this model. On board Android 3.2, we can say the ideal software for this model, it’s better not to install it newer, the tablet is officially updated to 4.0.3, but this firmware is terrible to work with, not stable, buggy. After the update, I suffered a month and after that I made root- and flashed to 4.2.2, it became more stable in work, but the keyboard functionality decreased, he simply did not see the drives, he thought that they were all damaged. So to speak, it was not comfortable to work. I started looking for an alternative, I installed up to 5 firmware a day (I still think how my tablet didn’t turn out bad), and decided to return everything as it is. Of course, 3.2 is not an ideal firmware, sometimes it slows down, but I can safely use all the functions of the keyboard. And yes, the sound is louder on the official firmware.
To make new applications and games more stable, I had to overclock the processor and install the Seeder program, here are screenshots of Android itself and Benchmark:

I don’t know, maybe many will disagree with me, but Android 3.2 is very beautiful. This tablet gave me such a first experience, I learned how to root and flash other pitfalls about Android software on this model. I do not advise buying this model now, it is already outdated.
In general, if you close your eyes to unstable software, then we can say that it’s not a bad device with a dual-core processor from Nvidia Tegra 2. It holds games, some are good, some are bad, but there are a lot of applications and games in the Android Market, so with this tablet will not be bored.

Those who read to the end, thank you for your attention (this was my first review). And I give advice: please, before buying devices, you need to ask what you would like to take, you may have to shell out more money, but for that you will get a good thing (although this tablet is not bad at all, but you can buy better for that kind of money) . Thanks to all!

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