Easter eggs from Google. Google Easter Eggs - Find Them All! Block from Super Mario Bros

The Google search engine, in addition to its basic functionality, is also known for a huge number of hidden Easter eggs. Some of them are widely known, but some users are unlikely to have ever heard of.

In contact with

Before listing the most interesting Google Easter eggs, it should be recalled that not all of them may work in your region. Therefore, for fidelity, it does not hurt to use English version of Google.

Sonic The Hedgehog

For all fans of the game about the blue hedgehog. Type in search " Sonic The Hedgehog ”And under the pictures on the right, click on the small image of the main character. There will be a corporate rotation, and after that the picture will become animated at all.

Roll the dice

If you cannot choose one of the 6 different options or offers, then the query " roll a die ” will help you make a fateful choice. We remind you that in order to use this "Easter egg" it is mandatory to use English version of Google.

Tic-tac-toe game

If you enter in the search bar « tic-tac-toe» or " tic tac toe ”, then the familiar game of tic-tac-toe will open to everyone. Some settings will be available immediately: You can play against Google itself at three difficulty levels or against your friend.

Game "Kerchief" (Solitaire)

With the request " solitaire » You can quickly and without any problems play the good old Klondike. What you need for fans of the famous card game.


Atari breakout game

A tribute to classic Atari games. Enter the phrase " Atari breakout "and go to the tab" Images". There we will expect a peculiar version of the legendary game from the cult studio.

rickety search

If you enter the word " askew ”, then the search results page will be displayed skewed. This "Easter egg" can scare impressionable friends or girlfriends.

- blinking text

– a tag that makes the enclosed text blink. To see how it looks in practice, you can enter the phrase " blink html ».


Festivus is an original American parody holiday, exposing traditional rituals and paraphernalia of Catholic Christmas in an absurd light. The symbol of this event was a bare metal pole, which can be seen next to the list of sites found for the word « Festivus» .

Easter eggs for Starcraft fans

Starcraft fans can request " zergrush » Watch the Zerg army destroy sites from the SERPs. The strategy of an instant hit with cheap units, as gamers will surely remember, was one of the simplest and most common in the game.

Cipher "Enigma"

A demonstration of decoding the cipher will appear on the screen if you enter " Bletchley Park "- the place where the headquarters of the encryption unit was located.

Shall we toss a coin?

Can't make a choice, but don't have a coin at hand? No problem, we open English version of Google, enter " flip a coin ”, we guess “eagle” (eagle) or “tails” (tails) and look at the page for issuing results. There is also an alternative to this "easter egg", which will open after the request " roll a die».


Dreidel is a Jewish game resembling "bones". Enter " play dreidel and play directly in the search engine.

Some easter eggs are region specific, so if something doesn't work in your region, try the english one this link.

Breakout game

If you type in the search bar Atari breakout and switch to the "Pictures" section, you can play the famous arcade game with Atari, where images from the search results are used as blocks.

Block from Super Mario Bros

A tribute to another iconic game - Super Mario Bros. The very block from which the nimble plumber knocks out upgrades for himself can be seen right on the issuance page on request super mario bros. And it works just like in the game.

Crooked search

You can play a friend if you enter in the search on his computer askew. After that, the entire page and its content will become skewed. True, any other query entered will return everything back.

Flashing text

There is a special tag in HTML that makes all the text framed by it blink. If you try to search blink html, you will immediately understand what it is about, and remember the tag itself.


Festivus is not very common in our country, but a very popular phenomenon in Western popular culture. This is the opposite of Christmas and an annual holiday, the main symbol of which is a metal pole on a stand. It is he who adds the query next to the search results. festivus.

Make a barrel!

A reference to another game - the Star Fox flying game, where the player could make a barrel, becoming invulnerable for one second. For the search page to “make a barrel”, you need to enter do a barrel roll. By the way, this also works in Google Now, and even for voice queries.

Back to the past

Missed the beginning of the web, but want to know what the first version of Google looked like? It's easy to arrange: just type in the search google in 1998.

Drowning for the Zerg

An Easter egg especially for Starcraft fans who are well aware of the tactics of the same name, when in the first seconds of the game opponents are defeated by small cheap units. Inquiry zergrush will release a cloud of zerglings into the page in the form of the letters "o", which will destroy all its content.

Decipher it!

Inquiry Bletchley Park will give information about the mansion, which housed the main encryption unit of the UK. It was here that the Enigma ciphers were cracked. As a tribute to this, the name "Bletchley Park" on the card is being decoded from the cipher before our very eyes.

Heads or tails?

When there is no coin at hand, but it’s impossible to make a decision, a request will help flip a coin. The search engine will toss a coin and give the result - Heads (heads) or Tails (tails). By the way, there is another option. roll a die. Try it too!

Dreidel game

Another trick with an element of chance. Right on the search page, you can play the Jewish game dreidl, where you need to spin a four-sided top. To do this, you must enter play dreidel.

Bacon counter

Hollywood actor Kevin Bacon's theory is that every actor he's ever starred with has worked with every other actor. The number of connections from any actor to Bacon and will be given by Google if you enter a query bacon number actor_name.

Recursion in action

If you ask Google what recursion is, they will clearly explain it to you, endlessly repeating their “Perhaps you meant “recursion””.

Cellular automaton "Life"

easter egg conway's game of life refers us to the game invented by an English mathematician " Life", which is a cellular automaton that simulates the evolution and development of life.

Webdriver Torso

The story of Google's unusual video quality testing on YouTube has become so full of mysteries that, after being exposed, it acquired its own easter egg. If you enter webdriver torso in the search bar, the Google logo will turn into those same red and blue rectangles.

Anagram example

As with recursion, the query anagram will clearly show you what it is.

Pac man game

The cult game that influenced the gaming industry and spawned many clones is available right on the search page. Especially for the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man, the developers hid an "Easter egg" for fans. You can find it on request. google pacman.

The answer to the main question of life

According to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and all that was to solve all the world's problems. A special computer has been looking for an answer to it for 7.5 million years. Google can calculate it in a second, you just need to enter the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything. And don't be surprised later if you didn't know.

The next time you get bored, try searching fun facts- learn a lot of new things. True, in English, but at the same time you will practice if you do not speak the language perfectly, the definitions are simple there.

Roulette "I'm lucky"

Everyone knows about the "I'm Feeling Lucky" (or "I feel lucky" as in the original I'm feeling lucky) feature that returns the first page that comes up from a search. In the English version, it has several options. If you hover over the button and hold it for a while, i'm feeling lucky will change to another feeling like trendy, hungry, artistic. Depending on the selection, Google will show you current searches, a list of restaurants or museums.

Hello. Today, another selection of Easter eggs, but not simple ones, but ... from Google! Yes, yes, all the Easter eggs listed below will be exclusively from G o o g l e, it turns out that "Gosha" also has a sense of humor and easter eggs is also in its services.

Once I already told, but the selection turned out to be "not very", i.e. the main thing has long been known to the majority and has been written about them already a huge number of times. Today, easter eggs I think will be more interesting.

What exactly are Easter eggs? Simply put, this is a special kind of jokes incorporated by developers into their programs, games or websites. (Recently seen in films). So Google, on their web services, has something similar.

And so, look and be sure to try it in practice, I assure you it's worth it.

Easter egg 1. Snake on YouTube.

If you pause any video in YouTube, and then quickly click on the arrows "right" and "up" (alternately), then the game "Snake" will appear, enjoy the good old game.

Easter egg 2. Piano on YouTube.

And again, there is an Easter egg on YouTube. If you follow the link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlcfB9ZPmJw&featur and upload a video, you can play it like a piano, you need to press the number keys at the top of the keyboard (from 1 to 0). Especially look at the comments, there are interesting sets of numbers that allow you to play beautiful music.

Easter egg 3. Requests.

These queries need to be entered one at a time, just copy and paste into the Google search field and watch what happens.

  • google gravity
  • do a barrel roll
  • zergrush

Easter egg 4. Search for IT "shnikov.

By going to the page here here , the same Google search engine will open, only for IT specialists, programmers and hackers are easier there than mere mortals =)

Easter egg 5. Mirror Google.

Here we just go to the site - elgoog.im and admire Google, mirror. At one time (I don’t know how it is now), the Chinese actively used this site. YouTube was blocked for them and they found such a way out, this site pleased them a lot.

Easter egg 6. Chinese feature.

This thing is in Chinese Google, just go to the site http://www.google.com.hk/intl/zh-CN/landing/shuixia and type something in the search.

Easter egg 7. Guitar.

By the address - http://www.google.com/logos/2011/lespaul.html there is a guitar, you can play it with the mouse. This guitar was created in honor of Les Paul's birthday, who the fuck knows who he is, but if you leave the page like this for a short time without playing this virtual guitar, the results of the query "Les Paul" appear.

Easter egg 8. Converter.

If you ask a query in Google search "how many parrots in a boa constrictor" you will see the answer immediately. "1 boa = 38 parrots".
The same with the exchange rate, but this is more likely not an Easter egg, but for the convenience of users, for example, by entering "dollar to ruble" in the search, the exchange rate will come out, how many rubles is equal to one dollar.

Easter egg 9. Ninja.

If you use a Google RSS reader, then while in it, press the arrow buttons one by one: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a. And the ninja will jump out.

Easter egg 10. Pac-Man.

If you remember the good old game Pac-Man, then you can play it by clicking on the link - http://www.google.com/doodles/30th-anniversary-of-pac-man

Easter egg 11. Beat box.

Google translate also has its own easter eggs, for example, translate into German or Czech and paste the text, click listen and you will have a super beat box.

bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk bschk bschk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk bvzk pv

That's it, that's all easter eggs from google enough for today.

Some easter eggs are region specific, so if something doesn't work in your region, try the english one this link.

Breakout game

If you type in the search bar Atari breakout and switch to the "Pictures" section, you can play the famous arcade game with Atari, where images from the search results are used as blocks.

Block from Super Mario Bros

A tribute to another iconic game - Super Mario Bros. The very block from which the nimble plumber knocks out upgrades for himself can be seen right on the issuance page on request super mario bros. And it works just like in the game.

Crooked search

You can play a friend if you enter in the search on his computer askew. After that, the entire page and its content will become skewed. True, any other query entered will return everything back.

Flashing text

There is a special tag in HTML that makes all the text framed by it blink. If you try to search blink html, you will immediately understand what it is about, and remember the tag itself.


Festivus is not very common in our country, but a very popular phenomenon in Western popular culture. This is the opposite of Christmas and an annual holiday, the main symbol of which is a metal pole on a stand. It is he who adds the query next to the search results. festivus.

Make a barrel!

A reference to another game - the Star Fox flying game, where the player could make a barrel, becoming invulnerable for one second. For the search page to “make a barrel”, you need to enter do a barrel roll. By the way, this also works in Google Now, and even for voice queries.

Back to the past

Missed the beginning of the web, but want to know what the first version of Google looked like? It's easy to arrange: just type in the search google in 1998.

Drowning for the Zerg

An Easter egg especially for Starcraft fans who are well aware of the tactics of the same name, when in the first seconds of the game opponents are defeated by small cheap units. Inquiry zergrush will release a cloud of zerglings into the page in the form of the letters "o", which will destroy all its content.

Decipher it!

Inquiry Bletchley Park will give information about the mansion, which housed the main encryption unit of the UK. It was here that the Enigma ciphers were cracked. As a tribute to this, the name "Bletchley Park" on the card is being decoded from the cipher before our very eyes.

Heads or tails?

When there is no coin at hand, but it’s impossible to make a decision, a request will help flip a coin. The search engine will toss a coin and give the result - Heads (heads) or Tails (tails). By the way, there is another option. roll a die. Try it too!

Dreidel game

Another trick with an element of chance. Right on the search page, you can play the Jewish game dreidl, where you need to spin a four-sided top. To do this, you must enter play dreidel.

Bacon counter

Hollywood actor Kevin Bacon's theory is that every actor he's ever starred with has worked with every other actor. The number of connections from any actor to Bacon and will be given by Google if you enter a query bacon number actor_name.

Recursion in action

If you ask Google what recursion is, they will clearly explain it to you, endlessly repeating their “Perhaps you meant “recursion””.

Cellular automaton "Life"

easter egg conway's game of life refers us to the game invented by an English mathematician " Life", which is a cellular automaton that simulates the evolution and development of life.

Webdriver Torso

The story of Google's unusual video quality testing on YouTube has become so full of mysteries that, after being exposed, it acquired its own easter egg. If you enter webdriver torso in the search bar, the Google logo will turn into those same red and blue rectangles.

Anagram example

As with recursion, the query anagram will clearly show you what it is.

Pac man game

The cult game that influenced the gaming industry and spawned many clones is available right on the search page. Especially for the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man, the developers hid an "Easter egg" for fans. You can find it on request. google pacman.

The answer to the main question of life

According to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and all that was to solve all the world's problems. A special computer has been looking for an answer to it for 7.5 million years. Google can calculate it in a second, you just need to enter the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything. And don't be surprised later if you didn't know.

The next time you get bored, try searching fun facts- learn a lot of new things. True, in English, but at the same time you will practice if you do not speak the language perfectly, the definitions are simple there.

Roulette "I'm lucky"

Everyone knows about the "I'm Feeling Lucky" (or "I feel lucky" as in the original I'm feeling lucky) feature that returns the first page that comes up from a search. In the English version, it has several options. If you hover over the button and hold it for a while, i'm feeling lucky will change to another feeling like trendy, hungry, artistic. Depending on the selection, Google will show you current searches, a list of restaurants or museums.

Hello! Recently I was scrolling through twitter and came across a tweet from Google Russia. Google decided to remind about their Easter eggs. I decided to see what was prepared there. Now I want to tell you! All under the cat...

1) Back in 1998.
So the first Easter egg takes us back to the past, namely to 1998. It was in 1998 that Google was registered as a private company. In this way, Google is trying to show that they have always fought for a simple user interface. In order to see it with your own eyes in the English version of the search engine, enter the following " google in 1998", without quotes, and the results will appear in the interface that the search network had in 1998.

2) Sweet Android surprises.
Many people know about this Easter egg, but Google is just crazy about it! Back in 2010, in Android 2.3 Gingerbread, users could stumble upon an interesting Easter egg in the settings. It is not clear in what state the user should have been in order to poke according to the version of Android, but there was a stoned dude who poked according to the version and told the whole world. As I already wrote, to find the Easter egg, you need to go to your phone settings and click on the Android version several times.

  • IN Gingerbread a zombie gingerbread and an Android figure appears surrounded by zombies;
  • IN honey comb(Android 3.0) Android bee appears on the screen;
  • Easter egg in Ice Cream Sandwich(Android 4.0) - this is Android in pixel art, if you keep your finger on it for a long time, then many of the same figures will fly across the screen;
  • IN Jellybean beans fly across the screen. And in kitkat an animated mosaic of pictures representing different versions of Android appears.

3) Drag me upstairs, Scotty.
To be honest, I didn't understand what it was about. And did not understand after the explanation. According to Google, this phrase is from the Star Trek series. I will not deceive the series, I have not seen it and in general for the first time I hear about it. The phrase "Beam Me Up Scotty" is the starship captain's signature call to an engineer and means that he needs to be transferred to the ship. To see this Easter egg with your own eyes in the YouTybe search engine, enter the following “ Beam Me Up Scotty” without quotes and enjoy.

4) Surprise in a telephone booth.
It's hard to find, but it's not necessary because there is a link. I remember when I was little I watched the Doctor Who series on TV, I was madly in love with him even more than the drug addicted Pokimons. Google simply could not pass by and prepared a surprise for us in London. If you walk on Google maps and go to the right phone booth, you can find yourself in the Tardis - a time machine and Doctor Who spaceship.

5) Pony.
Everyone likes ponies and a little girl, and even a brutal biker. Google figured it out. Now Hangouts has ponies. True, they live only in the desktop version. It remains to be hoped that ponies will come to us on smartphones. To see cute ponies, you need to type the following in the message box " /ponystream" without quotes and scream for joy.

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