On-screen keyboard online. On-screen keyboard online Greek virtual keyboard

You are all free to use this online Greek keyboard to type Greek characters on your computer, or if you don't have a suitable keyboard to type Cyrillic. This keyboard is applicable to enter both small and capital letters so you can type any Greek character with this online keyboard. Also, you can edit the text by simply placing the mouse cursor inside the box. The rules are similar to each other as you tend to type and edit texts in software to edit text. We believe that this quite simple online Greek keyboard will help you to type texts in Greek characters even if you are far away from your computerized Greek, for example you can use this online Greek keyboard when you are in a foreign country and using internet in Internet cafe.

If you duplicate the Greek text and enter it in a message Email It may happen that you see the Greek characters perfectly, but the people you will be emailing to will not see them properly. To work around this issue, you must save the Greek text in text editor, for example presumably OpenOffice or Microsoft Word and after that you need to send the text file as an attachment. But the best option is to export IS-text to PDF file and then you can be 100% sure that the Greek characters will not be messed up or lost in any way.

Use English letters. For example, α can be entered as English "a", Ψ as English "Y", and so on. This way of writing Greek words is called beta code.

Or install the Greek layout...

The most common Greek layout with 24 letters. In any case, you do not need a polytonic layout. Forget about keyboard chords for entering psili, dasii, oxiy, vari, signature yot and their combinations. Slavonic itself will give you the opportunity to introduce this diversity at the right moment. At the same time, your input speed will be higher than that of professional layout designers. What is there - higher than that of the ancient Greeks. I deliberately did not learn the standard ways of entering polytonic to be sure that what Slavonic offers is enough for the Greek minuscule.

To enter letters with accents...

Just press the same key again. In this case, the active character in the context keyboard will cycle through the list, replacing the simple letter you entered with a letter with superscripts. There is no need to press the ENTER key - just enter the next letter of the word. For example, you entered λο , and you intend to enter λόγος . After entering ο you will see options: ό ὸ . Just press the ο key again and the letter you entered will be replaced by ό . After that immediately enter γ .

Arrows can also be used...

When you press the left-right arrows, the effect will be like from a repeat, but it is much more convenient to enter symbols with superscripts by repeating - the fingers remain in place, and do not reach for the far, far arrow. You can also use a mouse, but it's unprofessional :).

And if you press SHIFT while repeating...

The active character in the context keyboard will move in the opposite direction. This technique is convenient if the list of candidates turned out to be long, but you want to quickly "reach out" to the last characters.

How to enter a subscription iota?

To do this, you need to enter the iota explicitly and select the subscription iota from its options. For example, let's say you need to type ᾳ . Press the letters α , ι successively, then press ι again to get to the variant with the signature iota. If you want to enter both an iota and an aspirated stress, such as ᾄ , enter ἄ first and then the iota.

How to administer colon?

The column is entered using a regular point - when entering a point, an option with a column is offered, which can be selected by pressing the point again.

When entering a capital letter...

All the characters offered to you in the context keyboard will also be large. In this case, when you repeat SHIFT for the sake of a capital letter, it is not necessary to press - it will only affect the traversal order, but not the case.

Why is the keyboard "contextual"?

The context of a letter is its location in a word. Depending on where the letter is in the word, its valid variants may differ. For example, aspiration is placed only on the first syllable, and is mandatory. This means that for the vowels of the first syllable there will be options with aspiration and there will be no options without aspiration, and for the rest - vice versa. Here are some cases:

  • aspiration is written only on the first syllable
  • the letter σ at the end of a word is written as ς
  • trema (two dots) is placed only in the position of a possible diphthong
  • the initial ρ is always written with a deep breath
  • combination ρρ is written as ῤῥ

Why is there no "necessary" among the variants of the letter?

This most likely means that the option in this context is invalid. In order to avoid mistakes, Slavonic does not even offer it to you. If you suddenly find that the correct option is missing, do not forget to inform the developers at [email protected]

And how to enter a consecutive letter?

After all, when you press the same letter again, Slavonik sorts through the options?! In this case, after entering the first letter, you need to turn off the context keyboard by pressing ESC or ENTER or with the mouse, and then enter the second letter. At first glance, this seems like an inconvenience, but trust me, using repetition to enter options is much more convenient. There are very few consecutive vowels.

When does autocorrect letters work?

Автозамена срабатывает в тех случаях, когда введенная Вами буква в данном контексте 100% должна выглядеть по-другому. Например, если не в начале слова Вы ввели σ , Славоник автоматически заменит ее на ς , поскольку нет смысла заставлять Вас выбирать вариант вручную. Острое ударение (оксия) на последнем слоге автоматически заменяется на тяжелое (вария) при вводе следующего за словом пробела. Если вдруг в каком-то случае автозамена Вам не понравится, е