1c add a list form to the navigation bar. Navigation Panel. Global parameterizable commands

1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0 is the first version of the configuration, which provides the ability to customize the interface. On the one hand, this opportunity compensates for the fundamental differences in appearance new version from the previous one - 1C 8.2. On the other hand, it gives users flexible options for customizing their workspace, focusing only on existing needs, their own convenience and individual taste.

It is worth noting that during the existence of edition 3.0, which respectively works on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, the interface has undergone several changes. In particular, the number of available interface options has been increased, including:

  • Standard (as in previous versions of 1C: Accounting 8)
  • Taxi


When version 3.0 was released, its interface was identical in structure to version 8.2, but differed in design: the names of the sub-items of the upper horizontal menu, and also added pictograms.

A visual comparison of editions 3.0 and 2.0 shows that the interface structure has remained unchanged.

Clicking on a menu item brought up a drop-down list, and in the new version, sub-items are displayed as tabs.

Since this type of interface was the first, it remains the most popular. You can change its structure by going to “Administration-Program Settings” - item “Interface”.

allows you to access submenus without closing the active window.*

*Horizontal menus:

  • Panel section located directly below the main menu;
  • A panel of actions or commands available in the selected section.

The vertical navigation bar displays the structure of the section's content.

Using menu sub-items, you can customize the contents of panels and their display at the user's discretion.

(next item) allows you to add and delete sections, as well as items of the main horizontal menu, up to its complete removal.

allows you to open additional windows under the main menu - standard reports, information, contacting technical support (the horses essentially duplicate the vertical panel).

allows you to add/remove submenu items, which previously could only be done with the participation of programmers.


In the Taxi interface, the section panel is initially located on the left.

The implementation of customization of panels in this interface is carried out by dragging and grouping panels at the user's request in a special editor window.

The panel editor window allows you to group by dragging, adding and deleting panels such as the section panel, open panel, toolbar*, current section function panel, favorites panel, history panel.

*The panels at the top of the editor window are currently active.

Section sub-items are configured (the section panel is vertical) after their activation (the sub-item settings button is in the upper right corner).

The action panel settings window allows you to add and remove sections, even completely deleting them.

Interface nuance: selected sub-items are marked with asterisks

*Often external modifications are added here

Similar to the interface of edition 7.7

The menu structure is very similar to the standard version.

The ability to customize the 7.7 interface is located on the top panel on the right (down arrow), which allows you to add and remove buttons. It is active in all interfaces.

The 1C:Enterprise platform implements the Taxi interface type (mode) (the main interface type of the Avibus: Bus Station Management system). The interface description corresponds to the documentation from the ITS website.

In 1C:Enterprise, the user works with the window system. There are two types of windows: main and auxiliary.

The main application window is intended for navigating the application, calling various commands, and working with specific objects information base(for example, with documents or list items). System functions (such as calendar, calculator, etc.) are opened in auxiliary windows.

To open a particular form, the user should find the desired command in the interface (opening a list, entering a document, etc.) and execute it (select with the mouse or the Enter key).

In fillable forms, required fields are underlined with a red dotted line.

When the system starts, the main program window opens. The window is intended for navigating through the program, calling various commands, and working with data. It presents the user with the entire structure application solution. The main division of functionality is presented in the form of a section panel.

The window is designed in such a way that it makes it quite easy to navigate the program, move between different areas, and switch between open forms and windows.

It is possible to resize the main window using the mouse.

System command area

In the system commands area, in the header of the main or auxiliary program window, there is a main menu.

The main menu is one of the elements of the program’s command interface. It contains only general commands for working with files, commands related to searching and editing text, commands for setting up the interface, commands for managing windows, service commands, etc.

We should also talk about the team All functions. This command allows you to go to a list of all configuration objects and to the standard functions provided by the platform: managing totals, full-text search, posting documents, etc.

Typically, this command is not displayed by default. This is due to the fact that the listed functions are not intended for either the user or the system administrator. These functions are intended for developers and can be actively used at the stage of development or implementation of an application solution.

However, if necessary, the user can enable the display of the command All functions. To do this you need to set the flag Show All Functions command in the system parameters of the Service command group ( Main menu – Tools – Options ).

When working from the keyboard, to go to the main menu of the current window, press the F10 key.

On the right side of the system commands area, by default, there are auxiliary commands: commands for printing, saving, viewing documents, working with links, calculator, calendar, commands for working with the clipboard and information about the program, etc.

The ability to navigate through the program using the keyboard is supported. Tables of keyboard shortcuts for navigation are included in the built-in help.

The main window is closed and the program is exited by calling the command File - Output main menu or by pressing a button Close main window.


The default toolbar is located to the right of the main work area and looks like this:

The toolbar contains commands for opening the following forms:

    Function menu for the current section (Actions);

    Favorites form (Favorites);

    Form of history (History);

    Search form (Search).

Section panel

The sections panel contains a list of sections that make up the program.

It is possible to customize the section panel. To open the section panel settings dialog, use the main menu command View – Setting up the section panel .

Function panel of the current section

When you select a section, the current section's function panel will open - a list of all commands for the selected section.

The commands in the function panel are divided into navigation commands and action commands (subsections Schedule, Tariffs, etc.). When you click on a hyperlink, the corresponding command will be executed (opening a list form, creating a new object, running a report).

It is possible to quickly add commands from the function menu list to Favorites for subsequent prompt calling of commands. To do this, click on the star located to the left of the command.

Navigation Commands

The list of navigation commands in the function bar reflects the structure of the current section. If a section has subsections, they will be displayed as separate groups.

Navigation commands are divided into three groups:

    “Important” 1 – commands to move to important data areas in the context of the current section,

    “Normal” 2 – commands to go to the data of the current section,

The composition of the teams and the team's membership in the group are established by the developer.

When working with the keyboard, to go to the navigation panel of the current section, press Alt + 2

It is possible to customize the list of navigation commands. To open the list settings dialog, use the command Setting up navigation in the section functions menu.

Action Commands

The command bar of the current section contains the most popular and frequently used commands that allow you to view information in lists, quickly create new objects, perform standard processing or generate the most popular reports. These commands are called action commands because calling them opens a new, auxiliary application window and temporarily switches the user to another task.

Section commands are grouped by purpose. If there is no team in a group, it is not displayed.

When you hover over a command name, a tooltip appears, which may contain additional information about the action or a link to it.

The commands of the Cash section are combined into the following groups: Cash register, Cash and bank and Reports

When working from the keyboard, to go to the action panel of the current section, press Alt + 3.

It is possible to change the composition and order of action commands in groups. To open the dialog for setting up a list of action commands, use the command Setting up actions function menu.

Designing a workspace

The user can independently design his own workspace, placing panels in different areas of the screen. To do this you need to run the command View – Setting up panels... main menu.

Object Shape

The form header displays buttons for moving between open forms.

To return to the previous active form, click the button Back.

To go to a form that was active after the current one, click the button Forward. If the form was last activated, the go button is disabled.

To add an open form to your favorites list or to remove it from the list, use the star toggle (if the star is active, it means the link to the item is in the favorites list).

To close the form, click the button Close.

Form navigation bar

If a form has a navigation bar, it appears horizontally below the form title.

The panel allows you to go to view various information that is logically related to the data that the main form of the object displays.

The command of the current form in the panel is highlighted in color. When you click on a link Main the main form of the current object will be activated. When you click a link in the form's navigation bar, the object's helper form is activated.

When the button is pressed OK the current data will be saved and the selected data area will be navigated. When the button is pressed Cancel saving and moving are not performed and you can continue editing the current data.

Form command panel

The form's command bar contains commands that are directly related to the object that is displayed on the main form. Commands are displayed on the panel as buttons. The button used by default (and when you press Enter) is highlighted in the panel with bold text and color.

The default button is the Record and Close button

Work with documents

Documents are intended to store information about events occurring at the enterprise. For example, a document for setting tariff schedules, ordering tickets and services, a cash book, etc. In order for the document to take effect, it must be posted. Posting a document is available through the document editing form. You can also swipe and close a document immediately after creating it. The completed document is marked in the general list with a green checkmark.

Setting up reports

When generating reports, it is possible to save and use several versions of the same report. You can create your own options by changing the settings for the generation and appearance of existing reports (composition of fields, sorting, grouping, conditional appearance).

The report header usually displays the most important settings, some of which may be required. One frequently used parameter is period. You can enter the start and end of a custom period manually or select it from the calendar. Via link Today can be set in calendar current date. By clicking on the button in the form of an ellipsis, you can select a month, quarter or year, as well as a standard period. You can also use the Show standard periods link, after which you can select a relative period using the corresponding buttons, for example, Day.

To configure the report, click on the button Settings.

Using field buttons View You can change the settings to one of the modes:

Simple– you can only change existing parameters, using checkboxes to enable or disable them (set by default);

Advanced– you can manage settings: add parameters, change fields, report structure.

The settings window, depending on the complexity of the report, consists of several tabs:

    Selections – selection conditions and report parameters;

    Fields and sorting – using checkboxes, you can add or remove fields to the report, add or disable various sorting by the required fields;

    Decor – control of report design (possibly highlighting with color, borders of individual cells or rows depending on certain conditions). More details on the ITS website;

    Structure – management of report groupings.


On the tab Selections you can change the selection parameters.

Using the flag, selection by parameter (for example, Carrier) can be made active or disabled.

The report can configure several selections based on various parameters.

In an already generated report, the configured selection conditions can be quickly changed without opening the report option settings using the command Change selection conditions menu More .

For each individual field intended for selection in the report header, you can Change selection conditions using the appropriate context menu command with the right mouse button.

Using a button Advanced You can proceed to setting up all the provided report parameters.

To change the settings of report selections in advanced mode, use a table consisting of five columns:

Field – the report field by which the selection is made;

Condition – selection of the comparison type for selection for each field. Conditions Equals, Not equal, In Group, Not in group assume the choice of one value. Using conditions Equals or In Group the program will select only those records that fully correspond to one specified value. To select by several values, you need to select conditions On the list, Not on the list, In a group from the list, Not in a group from the list. Conditions Not equal, Not in group, Not on the list, Not in a group from the list are the negation of previous conditions. For conditions Completed And Not filled in no value selection required;

Meaning – you can specify one or more values ​​for each field for selection depending on the condition. The method of specifying a value (selection from a list, manual entry, etc.) depends on the field selected for selection.

Placement (asterisk) – visibility of a parameter or selection in the report window.

Heading – you can change the field title in the settings (assigned by the program by default, it matches the field name).

To change the visibility of the selection in the column Placement (asterisk) By double-clicking, you can select one of several values:

In the header of the report – the parameter or selection is displayed in the report header and in the report settings header;

In the report settings – the parameter or selection is displayed in the settings form. Used by default;

Do not show – a parameter or selection is displayed only in the advanced report settings mode.

Fields and sorting

Tab Fields and sorting consists of two parts:

    On the right side, you can use checkboxes to enable or disable report fields. This setting changes the appearance of the entire report;

    on the left side you can select fields to sort and set the sort order for each field.

Using the buttons you can add or remove sorting fields.

If there are several sorts, then, if necessary, you can raise or lower the sorting priority.

In advanced mode you can:

    via button Add display other fields of documents and program lists in the report;

    using the appropriate button Add sort by field. You must select a field to sort from the list offered by the program.

If the report has nested fields and sortings, the program displays a message about this; in this case, the field settings can be supplemented or redefined for each section of the report in advanced mode on the tab Structure .


The report may consist of several sections. Partitions are configured in advanced mode on the tab Structure .

Using the corresponding buttons, you can add new elements to the report structure, group report elements, move structure elements lower or higher, and swap report sections.

load a previously saved version of the report using the appropriate command from the list;

Using the appropriate command, go to other options for reports with similar content.

The current version of the report is marked in the list with a flag.

In this article I will tell you how to set up the Taxi program interface for comfortable work, so that all the necessary buttons and the most necessary reports are always at hand.

1) Let's start with the most common question from my beloved clients related to the lack of the “Operations” menu. Many accountants used it to search for reports, processing, and documents that were sometimes very difficult to find in other sections of the program.

There is no “Operations” menu as such in Accounting 3.0. Its analogue is called “All functions” and by default the display of this section in the program is not set. To enable it, you need to enter the menu, which opens using the orange button with a triangle in the upper left corner of the program. In the list that appears, select the “Service” section and open the “Options” section.

In the window that opens, check the “Display command “All functions”” checkbox and secure the result by clicking the “Apply” button.

Now in the same Main menu (orange button with a triangle) we see the “All functions” section

In which everything that we are so accustomed to seeing in Accounting 2.0 in the “Operations” section:

2) Now let’s look at the program’s capabilities in terms of setting up the TAXI interface. For example, now my program looks like this:

Those. sections on top. Open windows in the bookmarks below. Let's see how to change the location of all elements of the program's working window. Open the main menu again and find the “Panel Settings” section there.

Then everything is simple. With the left mouse button, grab the section whose position we want to change and drag it to where we want to see this panel. For example, like this: I will move the “Open Panel” to the top, and drag the “Section Panel” to the left side of the window.

Click the “Apply” or “Ok” button and voila, this is what our program looks like:

Perhaps it will be more convenient for someone to work this way.

3) Another tip for setting up the program. As a rule, every accountant has some sections or reports that he uses daily. Well, for example, SALT or SALT according to the account. And it would be very convenient if they were always nearby, always at hand. This can be achieved in a very simple way by placing the necessary reports in the “Favorites” section. We will find the balance sheet in the “Reports” section. By pointing the mouse at it, we see a gray star nearby.

By clicking on it, we will mark the selected report as “Favorites”

"Favorites" sectionUsing the panel editor we already know, let’s place it, for example, at the bottom of the program’s working window.

4) And one more “secret” for setting up the program interface. There are documents in various sections of the program that some people never use. Well, simply due to the specifics of the organization’s activities. For example, in the “Purchases” section there are documents related to EGAIS.

We don't need these documents and we can remove them from the desktop. To do this, in the editable section in the upper right corner, click on the gear and in the menu that appears, select “Navigation settings”

In the window that appears, we see two columns. On the left are commands that can be added to our desktop. And on the right, those commands that are on our desktop. Find the EGAIS section in the right column and click on the “Delete” button

Accordingly, documents that are in the right column can be added to the desktop using the “Add” button

5) And finally, for those who don’t want to get used to the “Taxi” interface. You can change the interface to the one that was in the first versions of Accounting 3.0.

In the “Administration” section we find the “Interface” item

Here the developers offered us the choice of changing the program interface to the same as in previous versions 8.3 and similar to Accounting 7.7. Having chosen the one we are interested in appearance program, it will have to be restarted.

This is what the program will look like with the previous interface.

For fun, let’s see what an interface similar to Accounting 7.7 is.

Well, I don’t know, I don’t know. I’ll probably go back to my usual “Taxi”.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you today. I hope some information will be useful to you in working with the program.

This is the second part of the article about setting up the Taxi interface that appeared in the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 application. In I talked about how to add new panels to the interface and change their layout according to your preferences. In the second part, I will teach you how to manage sections of the application and their content, as well as change the parameters of the initial interface page.

In the screenshot below, the interface looks like how we made it look in the last lesson. For me, this working view is not very convenient. I prefer the section bar to be on the left, as it is by default. And it's not just a matter of habit. It’s just that when all the sections are compactly collected on one side, they can all be covered at one glance, which cannot be said about the stretched menu at the top of the interface.

But since the side menu takes up too much space in the screenshots, I will leave the sections in the place where we moved them. Although I recommend that you leave this menu where the developers themselves placed it.

Here and below, screenshots created using “1C: Salary and HR Management 3.0” are used, but, as I said in the previous article, these settings are relevant for all new configurations, since the “Taxi” interface is used in them too.

So, the next feature I want to tell you about is customizing section panels. It allows you to remove individual sections from the interface.

Here the question may arise as to why someone might want to remove entire sections of operations from a program. In fact, everything is very simple. Let's say you have a small company in which only one employee is responsible for personnel and salaries. Of course, in this case, nothing can be deleted, since from time to time he will use all available tools.

But let's assume that you have a human resources specialist on staff who keeps personnel records and a payroll accountant. A personnel officer does not need payroll calculations, just as an accountant does not need personnel operations. Therefore, each of these specialists can be left with only those sections that they really need, so that unnecessary elements do not distract your employees from their work.

Of course, some objects are used by both personnel officers and accountants within the scope of their powers. For example, sick leaves or vacations. But, as a rule, access to such objects is duplicated in the corresponding sections.

To delete or add a previously deleted section, you need to select the “Customize section panel” function in the “View” settings subsection.

In the window that opens, it is easy to remove any elements from the interface and return them back. This can be done in several ways.

First, you can use the "Add", "Add All", "Delete" and "Delete All" buttons. If you do not use a button that removes or adds all possible objects, the action will affect only the selected objects.

In order to select several consecutive menu items, you need to select the top one with the mouse, and then, holding Shift, click on the bottom object of the selected group.

In order to select several objects in random order, you need to mark them with the mouse while holding the Ctrl key.

Secondly, you can add or remove objects by simply dragging the mouse.

But the third method is closer to me. Following it, you just need to do double click mouse over the desired object. If it is located among the available objects, it will immediately become selected, otherwise it will be moved from selected to available.

At the top right you see two blue arrows. They are needed to change the order of elements in the menu.

Now, using the knowledge we have gained, let’s remove the “Salary”, “Payments” and “Taxes and Contributions” items from the section panel, and raise the “Administration” section to the top of the list of selected sections.

Now let's accept the changes and see what form our menu has taken.

Everything turned out just as we planned. To quickly return everything back, you need to go back to the section panel settings, click the “More” button, select the “Set standard settings” option and accept the changes.

It is no coincidence that I spent so much time describing these actions, since they are widely used in all 1C:Enterprise 8.3 configurations and we will need them in the following examples.

The next thing I want to tell you about is setting up the home page. Right now there is an invitation to configure the system from scratch or transfer data from other configurations, but in the future, when the program is configured, other data will be displayed there. For example, if we talk about the “1C: Salary and HR Management 3.0” configuration, then this could be the staffing table and the history of accruals.

To manage the home page settings, you need to go to “View”, “Start Page Settings”.

As you can see, everything here is the same as in the section panel settings. The only difference is that the initial page also has a second column that can be activated by adding some of the available forms there. But you should only do this if you have a large enough display. Otherwise, the second column will only get in the way, eating away at the workspace.

You can experiment with customizing the Start screen yourself. You can return everything to the default settings in the same way as we did after setting up the section panel.

The workspace of each section is divided into a navigation panel and an action panel. Visually, they do not differ from each other, so for clarity, I marked the navigation bar in the next screenshot with a red outline.

Through the navigation panel, the user has access to lists of reports, documents, and so on. And using the action panel, he can immediately create a document, a report, and the same “so on.”

For clarity, let’s look again at the previous screenshot illustrating the “Salary” section. As you can see, in the navigation bar, which I surrounded with a red frame, there is a section “Sick Leaves”. If you click on it, a list of all sick leaves will open, which is currently empty. Here you can create a new sick leave by clicking the “Create” button.

But in the same “Salary” section, in the action menu, there is also the “Sick Leave” item, located under the eloquent heading “Create”. By selecting it, you will create exactly the same sick leave as in the previous example, but for this you will not have to go to their general list and click an additional button.

The content of the navigation and action bars can also be controlled. So if you are sure that a feature should be in a certain section, but it is not there, it may simply not have been added to the list. You can do this yourself using the Customize Navigation and Customize Actions features. This is done in the same way as the settings for sections and the home screen.

See what this same section looks like after I enabled all the features available for it.

It's just some kind of porridge, isn't it? All the actions do not fit on the screen, even if you expand it, and you have to use the scroll bar to see them all. Therefore, it is advisable to activate in the action menu only those functions that are really needed quite often. Those documents that you need much less often are better created by navigating to them through the navigation bar, and not including them in the action bar.

Here it would be useful to recall that access to any “1C:Enterprise 8.3” object in the “Taxi” interface can be obtained through the “All functions” option, which I wrote about in the first part of the article.

In the upper right corner of the Taxi interface there is a panel with buttons that duplicate some of the application’s functions. You can choose which buttons will be displayed in this panel. To do this, you need to use the “Add or remove buttons” function and tick those that you need most often, as shown in the screenshot below.

This concludes the article about customizing the “Taxi” interface. Next time I will tell you how to get started in the 1C: Salaries and Enterprise Management 3.0 configuration.

At the most global level, the 1C: Document Flow interface is a collection panels, each of which reflects certain information. Each user can customize the layout of the panels for themselves (via the menu View -> Panel settings). Also, the layout of the panels can always be returned to the standard view using the button Standard:

On section panels(by default at the top) the ribbon is located; the composition of its elements can be specified by the user through the menu View -> Setting up the section panel. There you can also specify how to show the section - with an icon, or text, or both options at once:

Manually set settings can always be reset to their original settings:

Having opened some section element, the user seesnavigationinside it - that is, the menu items of this section:

Items displayed in the navigation bar, as well as commands, can be customized within the suggested menu configuration Setting up navigation And Setting up actions:

Select the commands you want to display in the navigation:

Configuration object windows are configured by the developer and tuned by the user, like all managed forms of 1C applications.

Question 13.19 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. Interface 1C: Document flow consists of:

  1. Sections panel
  2. navigation bar
  3. action bar
  4. Options 1 and 2 are correct.
  5. Options 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is fifth, see above.

Question 13.04 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. Any Section of the program contains:

  1. Workspace.
  2. a list of objects reflecting the current command from the navigation bar.
  3. command bar.
  4. Options 1 and 2 are correct.
  5. Options 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is the first one. Although options 2 and 3 can always be added.

Question 13.32 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. The section panel can display on bookmarks:

  1. text only.
  2. just a picture.
  3. just a picture and text.
  4. Options 1 and 2 are correct.
  5. Options 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is number five, this is configurable, see above.

Question 13.31 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. The navigation bar can be:

  1. configured by the user independently.
  2. completely hidden.
  3. the administrator can perform a single setup for the entire program.
  4. Options 1 and 2 are correct.
  5. Options 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is fourth, there is no standard centralized configuration..

(not relevant) Question 14.31 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. To configure the action bar, you need to call the context menu:

  1. in the Sections panel.
  2. in the navigation bar.
  3. on the action bar.
  4. Options 1 and 3 are correct.
  5. Options 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is the second, see above.

Question 13.51 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. To return to the standard composition of any panel you need to:

  1. in the settings form, execute the command “Set standard settings”.
  2. On this panel, execute the context menu command "Set standard settings".
  3. perform setup according to a sample, for example, according to the demo database included in the delivery.
  4. execute the "Set standard settings" command in the "Settings and Administration" section.
  5. Options 1 and 4 are correct.
The first correct answer is:
Question 13.44 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. Workspace may contain:
  1. dialogue form.
  2. command-link.
  3. several dialog boxes.
  4. Options 1 and 3 are correct.
  5. Options 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is number five, all options are possible.

Question 13.36 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. The user influences the size of the panels:

  1. maybe by shifting the boundaries of the regions.
  2. cannot, areas occupy a minimum area.
  3. The administrator can configure the size of the panels by giving them an exact size value.
  4. The user cannot influence the size of the Sections panel.
  5. Options 1 and 4 are correct.
The correct answer is fifth. This is unfair for the Taxi interface.

The managed form is configured:

  1. strictly specified by the developers.
  2. by the user himself.
  3. only by administrator.
  4. Options 2 and 3 are correct.
  5. Options 1 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is the second one. The user can adjust the default settings.

Question 13.50 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. The shape of any object can be adjusted using:

  1. administrator.
  2. "Customize Form" command in the "More" menu.
  3. "Customize Form" command in the navigation bar.
The correct answer is the second one.

Question 13.40 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. When setting up a list form in a managed form, you can set:

  1. sorting.
  2. grouping.
  3. selection and design.
  4. Options 1 and 2 are correct.
  5. Options 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is number five, all of these options are available.

Question 13.01 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. In the grouping values ​​when setting up the list form, you can select:

  1. only one column value from the list.
  2. several column values ​​from the list.
  3. several values ​​of any object details, even those that, in principle, are not presented in the list.
The correct answer is third, you can group by several arbitrary columns.

Question 13.38 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. When setting up a card for any configuration object, you can:

  1. enable/disable the visibility of any element of the dialog form.
  2. move any dialog form element within the form.
  3. group the elements of the dialog form in any way.
  4. Options 1 and 2 are correct.
  5. Options 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is number five, all options are available.

Question 13.10 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. To configure the card you need:

  1. execute the "Change Shape" command from the "More" menu.
  2. execute the "Change Shape" command from the navigation panel.
  3. contact the administrator, since a regular user does not have rights to configure dialog forms.
  4. Options 1 and 2 are correct.
  5. Options 1, 2 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is the first one.

Question 13.27 of exam 1C: Document Management Professional. Document card settings:

  1. can be copied to another user in the "Settings and Administration" section.
  2. cannot be copied to other users.
  3. can be performed immediately for all users of the system.
  4. Options 1 and 3 are correct.
  5. Options 2 and 3 are correct.
The correct answer is the first one, settings can be transferred between users.
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