Status bar of the Microsoft Word text editor. What is the Android status bar? What's in the status bar

Status bar

At the bottom of the window there is a status bar (Fig. 1.39). This is another interface element that has been changed and improved in Word 2007.

Rice. 1.39. Status bar

In addition to traditional document data (the total number of pages in the document and the current page number), new elements have appeared on the status bar in Word 2007.

Almost all information blocks on the status bar are buttons designed to quickly invoke commands. When you click the number of pages button, the Find and Replace window opens, allowing you to quickly move to another page in the document. Clicking on the word count button opens the document statistics window, which shows the number of lines, paragraphs, characters without spaces and with spaces. This is very useful when writing articles and abstracts. In previous versions of Word, calling up the statistics window was much less convenient.

If Word has not detected any spelling errors in the document, the spell check icon is called Spelling errors not found and looks like an open book with a green “bird”. If Word thinks some words in the document are misspelled, the icon changes to a book with a red cross and its name changes to Spelling Errors Found, Click to Correct. When you click on this icon, Word sequentially highlights misspelled words in the text and displays a context menu containing options for actions with this word (Fig. 1.40). If there are similar words in the Word dictionary, they are displayed in this menu. If you click on a word in the menu, it will be inserted in place of the erroneous one. Using this menu, you can also skip the current erroneous word and move on to the next one, skip all similar erroneous words, or add the word to the program's dictionary. This is a very useful feature, since Word’s dictionary, although quite extensive, often does not contain very common words. This function is especially relevant if you often work with specialized texts, such as medical or technical ones. Once a word is added to the dictionary, it will not be considered incorrect.

Rice. 1.40. Context menu for an erroneous word

If you click on the button that shows the current document language, a window will open for selecting the language in the current document for which spelling will be checked (Fig. 1.41).

Rice. 1.41. Language selection window

In Word 2007, the buttons for switching document viewing modes moved to the status bar (in previous versions of Word they were located to the left of the scroll bar) (see Figure 1.39). These buttons allow you to select the document viewing mode: Page Layout, Reading View, Web Document, Outline, and Draft. Different document display modes serve to change the way the user perceives information. These modes are described in more detail in Section. 2.4.

The Status Bar in Word 2007 now includes options to change the document zoom level. If you click on the image of the current document scale, a dialog box will open in which you can select the desired scale from the proposed values ​​or specify an arbitrary one. In addition, you can change the scale using the slider by dragging it left or right and thereby decreasing or increasing the scale, or by clicking on the round buttons with a minus or plus icon. In this case, the scale will decrease or increase by 10%.

If you find it inconvenient to change the scale using the slider or you never use the spell check button, you can remove these blocks from the status bar. In Word 2007, you can customize the commands provided on it. To do this, right-click on it. In the menu that appears, you can not only disable the display of unnecessary commands, but also enable those that are inactive by default, but may be useful to you (Fig. 1.42). For example, you can enable display of line number, section number, column number, Caps Lock keystroke, etc.

Rice. 1.42. Status bar customization menu


If you have questions related to the topics covered in this chapter, please refer to Section 11.3 – perhaps you will find the answer to your question.

Status bar

At the bottom of the window there is a status bar (Fig. 1.39). This is another interface element that has been changed and improved in Word 2007.

Rice. 1.39. Status bar

In addition to traditional document data (the total number of pages in the document and the current page number), new elements have appeared on the status bar in Word 2007.

Almost all information blocks on the status bar are buttons designed to quickly invoke commands. When you click the number of pages button, the Find and Replace window opens, allowing you to quickly move to another page in the document. Clicking on the word count button opens the document statistics window, which shows the number of lines, paragraphs, characters without spaces and with spaces. This is very useful when writing articles and abstracts. In previous versions of Word, calling up the statistics window was much less convenient.

If Word has not detected any spelling errors in the document, the spell check icon is called Spelling errors not found and looks like an open book with a green “bird”. If Word thinks some words in the document are misspelled, the icon changes to a book with a red cross and its name changes to Spelling Errors Found, Click to Correct. When you click on this icon, Word sequentially highlights misspelled words in the text and displays a context menu containing options for actions with this word (Fig. 1.40). If there are similar words in the Word dictionary, they are displayed in this menu. If you click on a word in the menu, it will be inserted in place of the erroneous one. Using this menu, you can also skip the current erroneous word and move on to the next one, skip all similar erroneous words, or add the word to the program's dictionary. This is a very useful feature, since Word’s dictionary, although quite extensive, often does not contain very common words. This function is especially relevant if you often work with specialized texts, such as medical or technical ones. Once a word is added to the dictionary, it will not be considered incorrect.

Rice. 1.40. Context menu for an erroneous word

If you click on the button that shows the current document language, a window will open for selecting the language in the current document for which spelling will be checked (Fig. 1.41).

Rice. 1.41. Language selection window

In Word 2007, the buttons for switching document viewing modes moved to the status bar (in previous versions of Word they were located to the left of the scroll bar) (see Figure 1.39). These buttons allow you to select the document viewing mode: Page Layout, Reading View, Web Document, Outline, and Draft. Different document display modes serve to change the way the user perceives information. These modes are described in more detail in Section. 2.4.

The Status Bar in Word 2007 now includes options to change the document zoom level. If you click on the image of the current document scale, a dialog box will open in which you can select the desired scale from the proposed values ​​or specify an arbitrary one. In addition, you can change the scale using the slider by dragging it left or right and thereby decreasing or increasing the scale, or by clicking on the round buttons with a minus or plus icon. In this case, the scale will decrease or increase by 10%.

If you find it inconvenient to change the scale using the slider or you never use the spell check button, you can remove these blocks from the status bar. In Word 2007, you can customize the commands provided on it. To do this, right-click on it. In the menu that appears, you can not only disable the display of unnecessary commands, but also enable those that are inactive by default, but may be useful to you (Fig. 1.42). For example, you can enable display of line number, section number, column number, Caps Lock keystroke, etc.

Rice. 1.42. Status bar customization menu


If you have questions related to the topics covered in this chapter, please refer to Section 11.3 – perhaps you will find the answer to your question.

At the bottom of the window there is a status bar that displays various information about the document.

On the left side of the status bar (Fig. 1.23) you can see:

  • the total number of pages in the document and the current page number;
  • number of words in the document;
  • the language that is selected for spell checking in the current document;
  • button indicating the presence of spelling errors.

Rice. 1.23. Left side of the status bar

It is worth noting that all these information blocks are buttons designed to quickly call commands. So, when you click on the button with the number of pages, a window opens Find and Replace, which allows you to quickly move to another page in the document.

Clicking on the button with the number of words opens the document statistics window, which shows the number of lines, paragraphs, characters without spaces and with spaces (Fig. 1.24).

Rice. 1.24. Statistics Window

If you click on the button that displays the language, a window opens for selecting the language in the current document for which spelling will be checked. Finally, clicking the misspelling button will highlight the closest misspelled word in the text. A context menu will also open in which you can select the option to replace the word or exclude it from the spell check (Fig. 1.25).

Rice. 1.25. When you click on the button indicating the presence of spelling errors, the nearest misspelled word will be highlighted

On the right side of the horizontal scroll bar there are buttons for quickly switching between document display modes (Fig. 1.26): Page Layout, Reading Mode, Web Document, Structure And Draft.

Rice. 1.26. Document viewing mode buttons

NOTE. Read more about document display modes in section. 2.4.

In addition, there is a slider for changing the scale in the document (Fig. 1.27). Clicking the – and + buttons zooms out or in by 10 percent. By moving the slider, you can quickly zoom out or zoom in from 10 to 500 percent. Clicking on the number indicating the current zoom value will open a window Scale. Read more about scale in section. 2.3.

Rice. 1.27. Slider to change scale

It is worth noting that all the described commands are available on the status bar by default. In Word 2007, you can customize commands on the status bar. To do this, right-click on it. You can enable the display of the Caps Lock key pressed, line number, section number, column number, and other information. You can also turn off the display of commands that you don't need.

The Mini Toolbar contains the basic, most commonly used elements for styling data. The Mini Toolbar is very similar to a simplified version of the Toolbar Formatting from older versions of Word. You can see it in two cases - when you right-click and when you select text. In the second case, it is almost transparent and visible if you hover the cursor over it (Fig. 1.9).

Status bar

The status bar is a bar located at the bottom of the Word window, below the text entry area and scroll bar. It displays various information about the document, such as the total number of pages in the document and the current page number. In Word 2007, on the status bar on the right side, you can see a zoom slider that you can move, or you can click the plus and minus buttons, which gives you the ability to zoom in or out by ten percent.

Almost all information blocks on the status bar are buttons designed to quickly invoke commands. For example, when you click on the button with the number of pages window opens Find and Replace,

allowing you to quickly move to another page of the document. Click on the word count button opens the document statistics window,

where the number of lines, paragraphs, characters without spaces and with spaces is shown.

If you click on the button that shows the language , a window for selecting the language in the current document opens


Finally, clicking the misspelling button will highlight the nearest misspelled word in the text. A context menu will also open where you can choose to replace the word or exclude it from the spell check.

All these blocks can be removed from the status bar. In Word 2007, you can customize the commands provided on it. To do this, right-click on it.

In the menu, you can not only disable the display of unnecessary commands, but also enable those that are inactive by default. For example, you can show the Caps Lock key pressed, line number, section number, column number, and other information.

Word processor Microsoft Word

Main menu

Program window Word 2007 Microsoft Office 2007


Word processor Microsoft Word- a program designed to work in the Windows system, and therefore its interface is similar to the interfaces of other Windows programs. This concerns the structure of the program window, the names of some commands, the appearance of dialog boxes, etc. However, it also contains specific elements designed to perform tasks related to text processing.

The Word program interface is customizable, because the user has the ability to change the contents of toolbars and menus, their location, etc. As you gain more experience, you can customize the Word interface.

Now let's study the program in its standard form.

To launch Word, click Start All Programs Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Word 2003 (2007).

You can also double-click any Word document in the folder window.

After starting the program, its window will appear on the screen.

It contains a header that indicates the name of the active document (the one you are currently working with) and the name of the program. Below the title bar are the main menu of the program - tabs with toolbars. Most of the window is occupied by the work area in which the user enters and edits text.

On the left and top of the work area there are rulers with which you can determine and set the sizes of document objects, and on the right and bottom there are scroll bars that allow you to display parts of the document that are not visible on the screen. Below the work area there is a status bar that provides useful information and contains buttons for switching modes of working with the program.

Main menu

All functions of Word 2007 can be accessed through its main menu, or the program's system button.

After clicking any of its items, a tab is displayed with a group of commands designed to perform certain operations. So, by clicking the Microsoft Office system button, we expand the list of possible actions with document files

The Insert menu contains commands for pasting, and the Home menu contains commands for formatting various objects. The purpose of most commands is easy to understand from their names.

Program window Word 2007 has a standard appearance for the software package Microsoft Office 2007. It's worth considering the title line


It contains buttons and other elements with which you can quickly perform a certain action (change the font size, insert a picture, insert a hyperlink, etc.). Look at the images of buttons on toolbars - in most cases you can immediately guess what they are for. To find out the name of a button or list on the toolbar, just hover your mouse over it and wait a little: a hint will appear next to it.

Word has a number of toolbars: Home, Insert, Page Layout, Links, Mailings, Review, View, and Customize.

Other means of interaction with the program

Right-clicking an object opens a context menu containing commands that are most commonly applied to that object.

For example, in the text context menu there are commands Cut, Copy and Paste from the Edit menu, as well as Font Paragraph and List commands in the Format menu

Some commands can be executed in another way - using the key combinations provided for this. In particular, to save a document, use the combination Ctrl + S (hold the Ctrl key and press S), and to print - Ctrl + P. Common key combinations: Ctrl + C - copy the selected object Ctrl + X - cut the selected object Ctrl + V - paste an object from the clipboard Ctrl + Z - undo the previous action and the like.

The status bar at the bottom of an Office program displays the status of the options you select to appear on the status bar. Many options are selected by default. If you want to customize the status bar, right-click it and select the options you want.

The following options are available on the status bar in Excel:

Note: Some options may be available depending on the version of Excel you are using.


The following are displayed in the status bar

Cell mode

The current cell on the left side of the edit mode status bar. One of the following modes is displayed.

    All is ready to indicate general condition.

    Enter to specify the content input mode. It appears when you select a cell and start typing, or press F2 twice.

    Editing to indicate the editing mode in the cell. It will appear when you double-click a cell or press F2 so you can enter or change data in the cell.

    Points to specify the highlighting mode for formula cells. It will appear when you run the formula and click the cells you want to include in the formula.

Instant Filling of empty cells

Selected by default, this option shows the number of cells that were left empty after the Flash Fill operation completed.

Instant filling of changed cells

Selected by default, this option shows the number of cells that have been filled by Flash Fill.

Selected by default, this option specifies the digital signature of the active workbook.

Information management policies

Selected by default, this option specifies that Information Rights Management (IRM) has been applied to restrict access to content in the active workbook.


Selected by default, this option displays an icon next to the mode indicator cell that you can click to view the current reading and editing document permissions.

This icon appears only if access to the document is restricted. To apply a limit in Excel 2007, click Microsoft Office button , prepare, Limit permissions, Limited access. For other versions, select file > intelligence > Protect the book > Limit access > Limited access.

Caps Lock to indicate that CAPS LOCK is enabled to allow uppercase text input. By default, this option is not selected.

When you select this option, displays Num Lock to indicate that NUM LOCK is enabled to allow using the keys on the numeric keypad to enter numbers on the worksheet. By default, this option is not selected.

Selected by default, this option displays Scroll Lock to indicate that SCROLL LOCK is enabled to allow scrolling in the worksheet using the arrow keys.

Fixed decimal format

Selected by default, this option displays Fixed decimal means that all numeric values ​​that can be entered on the worksheet will be displayed with fixed decimal places. This option is enabled when you select Automatic insertion of decimal point checkbox in section Editing options on the "tab" Additionally" dialog box Excel Options(in Excel 2007, click Microsoft Office Button, Excel Options, Additionally. In other versions of Excel, click file > Options > Additionally.).

Replacement mode

When you select this option, displays replacements to indicate that insert is pressed to activate replace mode when editing the contents of a cell in cell editing mode (double-click the cell or press F2). By default, this option is not selected.

Selected by default, this option displays Finish mode to indicate that termination is pressed to activate termination mode. Pressing the END key successively with the arrow keys moves the selection in the direction of the arrow, stops at the beginning and end of the data, and presses the beginning or end of the worksheet.

Record a macro

Selected by default, this option displays a button next to the cell mode indicator field that you can click to begin recording the macro.

Selection mode

Selected by default, this option displays one of the following cell selection modes:

    Selection Expansion when you press F8 to expand the selected area of ​​cells using the arrow keys.

    Add to selection by pressing SHIFT+F8 to add non-adjacent cells or select a range of cells using the arrow keys.

Page number

Selected by default, this option displays the page number per page of the selected worksheet and the number of pages per worksheet when working in Page Layout mode or Preview mode.

Selected by default, this option displays the average, which is calculated from the selected cells that contain numeric values.


Selected by default, this option displays the number of selected cells.

Amount of numbers

Selecting this option displays the number of selected cells that contain numeric values. By default, this option is not selected.

Minimum value

This option displays the minimum numeric value in the selected cells. By default, this option is not selected.

Maximum value

This option displays the maximum numeric value in the selected cells. By default, this option is not selected.

Selected by default, this option displays the sum of the numeric values ​​in the selected cells.

Send status

Selected by default, this option indicates the submission status of the spreadsheet on the site.

View keyboard shortcuts

This option is selected by default displays Ordinary mode, mode Page Layouts and buttons Page mode. These buttons are for changing the view.


This level is selected by default scale. You can click Scale to open the dialog box Scale, where you can specify the zoom percentage you want to use.

Scale slider

Selected by default, this option displays a slider scale using buttons decrease And zoom in. You can then drag the slider or click the buttons decrease And zoom in to enlarge the contents of a worksheet to get more detail or reduce the amount of content on a worksheet so you can view additional content.

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