Excel is hot. Keyboard shortcuts in Excel for Windows. Selecting and editing text

Below are some tips on how to speed up your work, make it easier and more enjoyable, how to evenly distribute the load on your hands using so-called “hot keys” or Shortcut Keys(Hot Keys) is a combination of several simultaneously pressed keys that allows you to execute the most common commands without using a mouse and without calling up a menu. IN MSExcel To perform certain actions, such as selecting menu commands, a combination of two or three keys is often used. Any combination contains one of the special keys:<Ctrl>, <Alt>, <Shift> or . To enter the required key combination, you must press the key indicated in the first combination, and, without releasing it, press the second key, and, if necessary, the third. For example, to enter a key combination<Ctrl>+<Enter>you have to press a key<Ctrl> and, while holding it, press the key<Enter>.

If the keys are separated by a comma, for example:<End>, <Enter>, then you need to press and release the first key<End>, then press and release the second key<Enter>.

Keyboard shortcuts to navigate and scroll within a worksheet or workbook


Move one cell up, down, left or right

Arrow keys

Move to the edge of the current data area

Ctrl+arrow key

Go to the beginning of the line

Go to the beginning of the sheet


Move to the last cell on the worksheet, located at the intersection of the rightmost column being used and the lowest row being used (lower right corner)


Go down one screen

Page Down

Move up one screen

Move one screen to the right

Alt+Page Down

Move one screen left

Alt+Page Up

Go to the next sheet of the book

Ctrl+Page Down

Go to the previous sheet of the book

Ctrl+Page Up

Move to next book or window

Ctrl+F6 or Ctrl+Tab

Go to previous book or window

Ctrl+Shift+F6 or Ctrl+Shift+Tab

Move to the next area in a book window divided into several areas

Move to the previous area in a book window divided into several areas


Scroll window to current cell


Show dialog box Transition

Show dialog box Find


Repeat last action Find(same as pressing a button FindFurther)


Move between unprotected cells on a protected worksheet

Using hot keys makes it much easier for users to work on the computer, because in this case several actions can be replaced with one. This feature is of particular importance for the Microsoft Excel office program. It is designed to facilitate working with arrays of various data.

It is suggested that you familiarize yourself with the most popular keyboard shortcuts used in different versions of the application. It is worth noting that in Excel 2003 there are no shortcuts designed to work with the Quick Access Toolbar. This feature has been offered since Excel 2007.

The most popular hotkeys

By pressing the presented combinations, basic commands are carried out. When , the “+” symbol is used to indicate a one-time press of the buttons that are located to the right and left of this sign. Key combinations can be seen in parentheses. It is possible to simultaneously press one, two, three or more buttons on the keyboard.

Typically, service keys are:

— Ctrl;
— Shift;
- Alt.

They must be pressed first. Then, while holding the buttons, other hot keys included in such combinations are used. To create a new file, press (Ctrl + N). When going to a menu or opening a file, use (Ctrl + O). You can save the data using (Ctrl + S). To execute the “Save As” command, use (F12).

To print a document use (Ctrl + P). If you need to close the file, you must press (Ctrl + F4). Undo and redo actions are performed using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Z) and (Ctrl + Y), respectively. To start creating a formula, you need to click (=). To close a file, use the combination (Alt + F4). When adding a column, (Ctrl + Shift + plus button) is applied. To insert a new sheet, you must press (Shift + F11). To open the table creation dialog, click (Ctrl + L). Pressing (Alt + Enter) collapses the text in the cell.

Navigation operations When making transitions, the following hotkeys are used:

Open the “Go” window – (Ctrl + G);
go to the cell on the right – (Tab);
go to the cell on the left – (Shift + Tab);
go up one screen – (PageUp);
go down one screen – (PageDown);
go to the next sheet – (Ctrl + PageDown);
go to the previous sheet – (Ctrl + PageUp);

The following key combinations are used for the data area:

To the starting cell – (Ctrl + Home);
to the final cell – (Ctrl + End);
towards the arrow to the first cell – (Ctrl + Arrow).

To move between sheets of an open workbook use (Ctrl + F6).

Formatting text and cells

Below are the hotkeys that are used to format text in a specific cell or area of ​​cells. In these combinations, the Ctrl button is used in conjunction with other keys, which are indicated in the subsection in brackets.

Thus, the following notations are used:

1. Font:
— bold – (B);
— underlined – (U);
— italics – (3);
— crossed out — (5).
2. Menu:
— change the font – (Shift + F);
— font size – (Shift + P).
3. Apply border outline – (Shift + 7).
4. Remove all borders – (Shift + Underline).
5. Call up menu:
— cell formatting – (1);
— font selection – (Shift + F);
— selecting font size – (Shift + P).
6. Set format:
— percentage – (Shift + 5);
– numeric – (Shift + 1);
— time – (Alt + 2);
– dates – (Alt + 3);
— monetary – (Alt + 4);
— currency – (Shift + 4);
— general (to remove formatting) – (Shift + #).

Selecting and editing text

To select the entire sheet, press (Ctrl + A). To specify a complete line, use (Shift + Space). When selecting the entire column, apply (Ctrl + Space). To designate a cell array in the direction of the arrow, you need to use (Shift + Arrow), a cell array that includes all the data on the worksheet - (Ctrl + Shift + 8).

When it comes to text editing, the following commands are used:

Cut selected text – (Ctrl + X);
copy selected text – (Ctrl + C);
paste from clipboard – (Ctrl + V);
delete the character from the cursor to the right − (Delete);
delete the character from the cursor to the left – (Backspace);
change active cell – (F2);
delete the current values ​​and change the active cell – (Space sign).

Other hotkeys

To open the text search window, you must press (Ctrl + F). To replace text, it is suggested to use (Ctrl + H). When selecting a style, a combination is provided (Alt + '). To create a diagram automatically on a new sheet, click on (F11). To change a cell comment, the keys (Shift + F2) are provided. You can calculate the AutoSum of the specified cells in a column using (Alt + =). It's also worth talking about how Excel suggests merging cells. In this case, hotkeys are not used. True, there are some secrets that make this task easier.

Algorithm of actions

When merging cells in Excel, users often encounter certain difficulties. This is due to the fact that during such an operation, data in all cells of the merged area is lost. The exception is the top left one. First of all, you should select the area of ​​cells that are to be merged. Then you need to right-click on the selection area. When the menu opens, you need to select “Format Cells...”. As a result, a window appears where you need to select the “Alignment” tab. In addition, it is worth checking the box next to the “merge cells” item.

There are no hotkeys to perform this operation. You can easily merge cells using the special “Merge and Center” button located in the “Home” menu. If there is no need to place the data in the center, you need to click on the mark to the right of the button. When the menu drops down, select the required item. It is advisable to install such a button on the quick access toolbar if you plan to use this operation frequently. To save information from other cells of the merged area, with the exception of the top left, you need to move the contents to another location. You can also add data to this cell using the Copy and Paste command.

Inserting a line using hotkeys

Users working with Excel often need to insert a row into a worksheet. To do this, use the Ctrl and plus sign hotkeys. It is worth noting that this operation involves selecting the line above which you want to insert a new one. This can be done using the hotkey combination (Shift + Space). This action is also performed by clicking the left mouse button on the number section on the left of the corresponding line. The cursor should take the form of an arrow.

If the row is not selected, then pressing (Ctrl + plus sign) opens the “Add Cells” menu, where you are prompted to select what you want to insert:

— cells with a shift down or to the right;
- string;
- column.

You can delete a line using (Ctrl + minus sign). First you need to select it, then you need to press this key combination. If you click on the Alt button, the menu bar opens hotkey hints that correspond to certain sections.

Paste Special in Excel

Often, users need to insert only values ​​or formulas into a cell. To perform these operations, a “paste special” option is provided. To insert a cell, use hotkeys (Ctrl + Alt + V). When you click them, the Paste Special dialog box opens. If you do not first copy or cut the desired object, it will not be available. In the window you need to select a specific item:

- formulas;
— formats;
- meaning and so on.

Options for this will be offered to the user.

Using this article, you can easily use hotkeys. To understand and manage them, the complete information given above is presented. As you might guess, the article does not describe the entire list of combinations. In fact, there are many more of them. However, these combinations are basic. They are used to execute frequently used commands.

Hotkeys are buttons or their combinations who are responsible for carrying out this or that teams. And it is customary to divide them into 2 categories - are common And special.

General are key combinations that are widely used and allow you to perform the same action in different applications. Example This combination is ctrl+c, which in all programs, with extremely rare exceptions, is responsible for copying the selected data to the clipboard.

Special they are used only in some programs, although, taking into account the number of button combinations, they can be repeated in different ones. Such combinations are responsible for executing a single command, often unique to a given application. For example, the combination of the ctrl+p buttons in some programs is not sending a file for printing, but, say, rotating an image.

Excel Hot Keys

In order to avoid certain misunderstandings, let us immediately go through general hotkeys, which have a completely logical effect in Microsoft Office Excel.

Ctrl(Short for Control) + C– copying the selected fragment

Ctrl+V– paste copied fragment/text

Ctrl+X- cut out. This action deletes a fragment from the document, but copies it to the clipboard. Useful when moving part of a document to a new location.

Control+S– saving the document. The specificity of this combination is that when you save the created document for the first time, a window will appear in which you are offered choose a place to save. That is, it is used as a command " Save as" But further uses will be simple re-record file.

Control+P– sending a document for printing. If you select a fragment, then by default only it will be sent for printing. Otherwise, the entire document will be sent for printing.

Ctrl+Z– cancel the last action. At the same time, a certain queue and logic for using the combination are stored. For example, if you cancel the action of typing in the selected cell, all entered text will be deleted. Also, this function does not work as “undo undo”, that is, by canceling the third action in order and pressing the hot key combination again, we will cancel the second action.

In this case, pressing Ctrl+Z will delete all text from cell 1:1.

Ctrl+Y will restore the last action. A combination similar to Ctrl+Z, but working in the opposite direction. That is, the action canceled using the previous combination will be restored. It is especially useful if pressing Ctrl+Z canceled the entry of a huge formula.

Control+W close the current document. It could have been a special keyboard shortcut, but it works in all MS Office editors, so it ended up in the list of general ones.

Ctrl+T create a table. It works in the same way as the previous one - common to all Office editors. However, it doesn't make much sense since Excel is a spreadsheet editor in itself.

Very often the use of this combination ends with the following message.

Control + N creating a new document. Opens a new document without closing the old one.

Special keyboard shortcuts are also present in Excel. True, they are not so diverse. But on the other hand, the specificity of their use allows you to save a decent number of mouse clicks.

Ctrl+K– inserting a hyperlink. In principle, it is a general button, but due to the unique interaction with other Excel workbooks, it ended up in special ones. Using this button, unfortunately, you can only add the opening of another book from the current one.

Ctrl+ F/Ctrl+ H– find and replace and simply find. A corresponding window appears, which allows you to find the required part of the document and edit it manually or replace part of the text with the specified one. I ended up in special ones because I was trained to edit formulas.

Ctrl+ B/ U/ I– text processors that allow you to change its appearance to “bold”, “underlined” and “italics” do not perform other functions and work only with text.

These keyboard shortcuts can be used in the spreadsheet editor MS Office Excel.

In principle, each of these combinations is present in all programs in the package. There aren’t that many unique combinations just for Excel. Although, they still meet. Special combinations also include combinations that activate add-ons programs. For example, the Adobe Acrobat plugin, which makes it possible to save documents in PDF format, is activated by a custom button and can be exotic, e.g. Control +F12, which by default works like opening a document.

Let's start with the basics, " Excel hotkeys“, these are keys, when you press a combination of which, the action associated with them occurs.

Hot keys are a combination of keys that, when pressed simultaneously, perform some action. This allows you to significantly save time on searching for what you need using the mouse button in the program menu. The expression comes from the English " hot key", literally hot keys, but figuratively

(and these combinations work in many programs, including Wivdows)

Ctrl+A- select all

Ctrl+C- copy

Ctrl + Alt + V

Ctrl+V- insert

Ctrl+X- cut

Ctrl+Z- go back to action

Ctrl+F— document search

Accumulated experience and research show that the hotkeys Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, Ctrl + X and Ctrl + S save approximately 3% of the working time of an employee working regularly at a computer. This is really useful!

Hotkeys for every day

Ctrl + 1— opens the cell format menu

Shift + 'space' - select the entire line

Ctrl + 'space - select the entire column

Ctrl + ‘-‘, Ctrl + ‘+‘ - deletes, adds a line

F4— when writing a formula, adds a $ sign to the formula or the so-called. anchors (choose between absolute and relative links)

F7- spell check

ALT+=— autosum function

CTRL + down/up arrow— moves the pointer to the last/first cell of the range

CTRL + End— moves to the last filled cell.

CTRL + Shift + End- selects all cells until the last one

ALT + down arrow - simple dropdown list

Useful Excel Shortcut Keys, But Rarely Used

CTRL + Shift + 4- insert date today

CTRL + PgUp/Pgdown- switching between sheets

CTRL + Shift + Enter- array formula

ALT + F8 - open menu

ALT+F11- open VBA

Other ledgers in Excel

To quickly copy a range, select it, hold down CTRL, and drag the border that appears to the desired location. The range is copied.

Remember to use alt + tab to switch between windows.

Keyboard shortcuts- this is almost the first thing you should learn when working in a certain program; they will help to significantly save time.

Some, because can be used in various applications, for example, the combination for selecting everything (text in MS Word, data in MS Excel or files in Explorer) “Ctrl + A”, finding an application where it will not work is quite problematic, other combinations are so intricate and specific, that memorizing them is meaningless, for example, the window for calling up the list of styles in MS Word “Alt+Ctrl+Shift+S” hardly makes sense to memorize. However, there are combinations that, on the one hand, are very simple and easy to use, but on the other hand, oddly enough, are little known.

You can start entering the sum formula, you can use the sum icon on the ribbon, or you can simply press “ALT+=”.

Combination 2 and 3. How to select a column or row in Excel.

Everyone knows the keyboard shortcut for selecting an entire sheet in Excel “Ctrl+A”; this combination works in many other applications, but in Excel you can select only a column or only a row.

Hot Shortcut to Select an Entire Column "Ctrl+space", and if you need to quickly select a line, you should use the combination "Shift+space". If you select a row, and then immediately, without deselecting it, select a column, you will get something similar to Ctrl+A. You can also select a row or column using the mouse by simply clicking on the name of the column/column, but using a hotkey combination is faster.

Combination 4 and 5. How to hide a column or row in MS Excel.

It’s unlikely to be a big secret that you can hide a column using the context menu, but if you use the combination "Ctrl+0" it will be faster and "Ctrl+9" hides a row from an Excel sheet.

Combination 6. How to delete a row or column in MS Excel.

If you need to not just hide, but delete a row or column, use the combination "Ctrl+-" this can be done as quickly as possible.

Combination 7 and 8. How to add the current date/time to a cell.

Unlike the previous ones, this is a rather specific hot combination. But the fastest way to insert the current date into a cell is "Ctrl+;", and if you add the Shift key to this combination, then the current time will be inserted - "Ctrl+Shift+;".

Combination 9. How to show formulas instead of calculations.

In complex calculations, it can be convenient to look not at the result of a formula, but at the formula itself. You can also display formulas in calculations through the menu, but with the combination "Ctrl+`"(tilde) this can be done an order of magnitude faster.

Combination 10. How to start editing data in a MS Excel cell.

You can start editing the data in a cell by simply clicking on the cell itself or placing the cursor in the formula bar, but the key "F2" will allow you not to be distracted to reach the mouse. At first it may seem that it is absolutely not important which method to use, however, for users who constantly work in Excel, the F2 key should be remembered almost the first.

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