Network software inventory. Automated network audit. If the culprit is found, then the operations have the form

The IT park of any organization often has more than a dozen systems of very different configurations. And there will always be a couple of freethinkers who want to dilute the authorities for an extraordinary upgrade or install software for personal purposes. Without a system of accounting and control, the administrator risks at least his premium. Consider solutions to simplify this task.

WMI and Powershell

In WinNT 4.0SP4, administrators received a new tool for centralized management and monitoring of various parts of the operating system - WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation, Toolkit for Windows controls). True, in the first versions of the embedded components there were few (only 15). But in subsequent Win2k+, their number increased along with the possibilities. Today, WMI is available for all versions of Windows, including Se7en. By querying various WMI classes on local and remote systems, we can get all the information we need about the company's software and hardware.

In the examples, I suggest not to use VBScript, JScript or other scripting languages, they are too cumbersome and inconvenient, especially since we already have a luxurious PowerShell that can do the lion's share of the work for us (read more about PS in ][ 09.2009 and 05.2010).
First, let's get a list of BIOS on slave computers:

PS> Get-WMIObject Win32_BIOS

As you understand, after "-computerName" the host name is indicated. Although this parameter can be omitted when polling the local system, which we will do in the future for brevity. By writing a simple script, it is easy to pass Get-WMIObject a list of systems from which information will be collected. The result, if necessary, is saved to a text file for further analysis.

Similarly, we poll the remaining parameters. For example, we request information about the CPU:

PS> Get-WMIObject Win32_Processor

A complete list of data, as a rule, is not needed, so we select only the necessary parameters:

PS> Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select Manufacturer, Model

Let's see what kind of motherboard we have:

PS> Win32_Baseboard | Select Manufacturer, Name, Product | ft-a

The Win32_ComputerSystem, Win32_ComputerSystemProduct, and Win32_OperatingSystem classes allow you to collect general information about the computer and system:

PS> "", "", "pc01" | Check Online |
Foreach-Object ( Get-WMIObject
Win32_ComputerSystem -computerName
$_ }

Request OS version:

PS> Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | Select CSName,Buil

PS> Import-CliXML C:\check.xml |
Out GridView

A complete list of Win32_* classes and properties is available in the MSDN documentation "Win32_Classes" ( An alternative is to use the search function.

For example, let's look at a list of objects that have the word disk in their names:

PS> Get-WmiObject -List | where($_.
name -match "disk")

Ready-made utilities and applications

If you search well on the Internet, you can find more than a dozen ready-made WMI scripts in a variety of programming languages ​​that are easily adapted to your needs.

My attention was drawn to the Hardware Inventory HTA application ( with a web shell. Just enter the name of the computer and get information about the installed equipment. If necessary, you can edit the raw in text editor, supplementing it with the necessary parameters (the polling of WMI objects is implemented in VBScript).

Third-party developers have created a number of special cmdlets that make it easier to write scripts. The Computer Inventory Script (CompInv) script, which is available on, allows you to get information about the hardware, OS and save all the collected data in an Excel file for further analysis. After running the script, it will ask several questions, answering which, the administrator selects data collection mode.The list of computers to be scanned is determined using a special text file, the script can also automatically scan all systems or servers included in the domain.As an option, the computer name is set manually.The current one is used by default. Account, but by answering "Yes" to the question "Would you like to use an alternative credential?", you can specify the required account.

In order not to run the created script on our own, we will entrust this to SchTasks. For example:

> SchTasks /CREATE /TN CheckScript /TR "powershell.exe`
-noprofile -executionpolicy Unrestricted`
-file check.ps1" /IT /RL HIGHEST /SC DAILY

As a result, a task called CheckScript is created, which will execute the check.ps1 PS script daily, and with the highest priority. Together with the equipment inventory system and installed applications NetPoint ( offers a set of PS-scripts (GetNet*) designed specifically to collect a certain type of data about subordinate systems. For example, let's look at the availability of free space on the hard drive:

PS> Get-NetLogicalDisk -DriveType "Local Disk"
| where ( $_.FreeSpace / $_.Size -lt .10 ) | %(
$_.ComputerSystemName )

Now let's try to collect information about installed programs Oh:

PS> Get-NetProgram -System -Uninstalled $False
| % ( $_.DisplayName ) | sort-unique

In total, the package includes 20 cmdlets. A free NetPoint Express Edition is available that runs on 32/64-bit WinXP/2k3/2k8/Vista/Se7en and can be used on networks of any size. To install NetPoint, you will need PS 2.0, IIS, and SQL Server (Express Edition is enough).

By the way, the list of installed programs can be obtained by simply reading the desired registry branch:

PS> Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\
Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Format Table
DisplayName, Publisher | Out GridView

The Out-GridView cmdlet displays data in a separate searchable and sortable window.

Cons of using scripts

While collecting data using WMI/PowerShell is quite simple, all reports and configuration changes have to be controlled manually. Of course, you can complicate your scripts by trying to automate the process, but not everyone wants to spend time on this. Here it is worth recalling that Microsoft offers the necessary functionality in SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager), which we already wrote about in the issues 08.2009, 09.2009 and 01-02.2010. But in cases where the admin also has *nix systems, all kinds of routers and other equipment that needs to be taken into account, WMI is no longer a helper. In addition, the problem of visual presentation of data and reports remains. Here you will have to resort to third-party programs (including those distributed under free licenses), fortunately, there are plenty to choose from.

Myzci inventory system

Many who tried the zCI inventory system ( found it to be a pretty good solution, but it lacked the ability to manually enter data and a localized interface.

Of course, these are not critical moments, but there are other little things. For example, you cannot delete a device via the web interface - you must manually create an SQL query to clear data from tables. The MyZCI inventory system ( is a fork of zCI. Yury Vinnik is engaged in the development, he brought zCI to the required conditions: the interface was translated into Russian and Ukrainian, new fields were added to the tables (for example, computer placement) and management was simplified.

MyZCI requires any web server with PHP support (with PECL, PHP Extension Community Library) and MySQL.

Unpack the archive to the root directory of the web server and specify the MySQL access parameters in the zciconfig.php file:

$ sudo nano zciconfig.php
return dbx_connect(DBX_MYSQL,"local

To create tables in the database, use the mysqlscript.sql script located in the engine directory. The records inside need to be aligned with the data:

$ sudo nano mysqlscript.sql
create database zci;
grant all on zci.* to
"zci"@"localhost" identified by
# If you do not plan to access the database with
other systems, comment the last line
# grant select, delete, insert, update
on zci.* to "zci"@"%" identified by

Localization of the interface is done by setting the “$Lang” variable to “ru” in the langconfig.php file.

To collect information on a Windows system, Windows Script Host is used, on Linux - lshwclient in Java. All components are in the add-ons and engine subdirectory. MS Windows Scripting Host 5.6 and MS WMI Core 1.5 are also located here, which are necessary for the client part to work in Win95/98/NT4. Before deployment, the takedata.js and files should change the value of the MyZCIpath and MyZCIserver variable to point to the URL of the server.

The process of setting up the client part on end systems is simplified. So, the script used when installing on Linux checks for the presence of the lshw, jdk and read-edid packages (monitor info) and displays an explanatory message if they are missing. The next step is to build the Java client and install the cron job. After deploying MyZCI, you need to connect to the server from a remote system and register a computer by clicking the appropriate link on the main page. Information about the new system should appear in the MyZCI database. Download the archive with the client part from the main page and run the installer.

After that, the scripts will start sending data to the server. The interface is extremely simple and allows you to display detailed information about the hardware, enter and edit data about computers, group, search for systems by a certain criterion (for example, the type of video card and monitor), track changes.

The admin menu allows you to define the status (pinned, leased) and location of the system.

OCS Inventory NG system

The OCS Inventory NG solution (OCSNG, Open Computers and Software Inventory New Generation, allows you to inventory components and software installed on computers in local network, and monitor their changes, periodically receiving data on the configuration of the systems. Another useful feature is the ability to remotely install programs and execute commands. To collect information on client computers the agent is installed.
The agent is available to almost everyone Windows versions 95 to 2k8R2, Linux, Mac OS X, *BSD, Solaris, IBM AIX and HP-UX. All collected data is sent by the agents to the management server as an XML stream compressed using the Zlib library. For transmission, the standard HTTP / HTTPS protocol is used, so problems with the firewall usually do not arise. With the help of agents, the "IP discovery" function is implemented, which helps to find all network and peripheral devices operating in the local area, including those that cannot be accessed install an agent (switches, printers, webcams, etc.) Agents scan the network for such devices and send information about them to the server for analysis.

The Windows version is written in C++, the *nix version is written in Perl and C.

The OCSNG backend includes four components that do not have to be installed on the same server. It is a DBMS (MySQL) for data collection, as well as a web server that can play one of three roles:

  • Communication service - provides HTTP communication between the database server and agent programs (Apache 1.3.X/2.X with integrated Perl, Debian/Ubuntu package libapache-dbi-perl);
  • Deployment Service - storage of installation files for agent programs (any web server with SSL support);
  • Management console - view the collected data in the browser (web server with PHP support with ZIP and GD).

The OCSNG server part can be installed on a computer running Win2k/XP/2k3, Linux, *BSD, Solaris, IBM AIX and MacOS X.

Installing Ocsng

The required package is available in the repositories of most distributions, although this is usually not the most current version. Self-assembly from source should not cause difficulties with a careful approach. The installation script, located inside the archive, will check for the presence of the required components and issue recommendations for troubleshooting, if necessary.
On Debian/Ubuntu, for manual assembly, you need to roll packages:

$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2
libdbi-perl libapache-dbi-perl libdbd-mysqlperl
libsoap-lite-perl libxml-simple-perl
libnet-ip-perl libcompress-zlib-perl php5-gd

And XML::Entities from the CPAN repository:

$ sudo cpan -i XML::Entities

The installation process will create all the necessary configuration files and aliases for the web server. Since the files that can be distributed with OCSNG are often large, the post_max_size and upload_max_filesize variables in the /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini files (defaults to 8 and 2 MB) and ocsinventory-reports should be set to the desired values. conf. After all the settings, we call the browser and run the installation script http://localhost/ocsreports/install.php, where we specify the parameters for accessing the database. During the installation process, an account “ocs” with a password “ocs” will be created to access the ocsweb database. If access to the database is not limited to the local system, the default password should be changed for security reasons. Installing the agent on Linux will require some Perl modules (XML and Zlib) and dmidecode.

$ sudo apt-get install libcompress-zlib-perl libnet-ipperl
libnet-ssleay-perl libwww-perl libxml-simple-perl
po-debconf ucf dmidecode pciutils

After that, the agent is installed in the standard way for Perl's applications:

$ tar xzvf Ocsinventory-Agent-1.1.2.tar.gz
$ cd ocsinventory-agent-1.1.2
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ sudo make install

Next, the script will start asking a series of questions about the placement of configuration files. We enter the server data, create a tag (for grouping systems), activate the task for cron. When configuration is complete, the collected computer configuration data is sent to the server. If the connection is established and we receive the response “Success!”, the agent installation can be considered complete. Its data will appear in the web console, in the " All computers". An XML file containing the current computer configuration will be created in the /var/lib/ocsinventory-agent directory. If the connection fails, run the agent in debug mode:

$ ocsinventory-agent -l /tmp --debug --server http://ocsng-server/ocsinventory

Usually, the information received is enough to diagnose errors. Agent for Windows can be installed in several ways. The simplest is manually or using the included logon script.

After installing the server, the agent installation file can be imported into the OCSNG database. Just select the "Agent" tab and specify the location of the file, after which it will be available from any computer on the network. The installation is standard: at the last stage, we report the name or IP address of the OCSNG server, and in order to immediately generate and send a report, check the "Immediately launch inventory" checkbox. Next, the agent is added to autoload and starts as a service.

Working with the OCSNG Interface

The interface is localized, so it won't take long to figure out how to use it. By default, the All Computers tab shows seven main characteristics of client machines.

The "Add column" list makes it easy to add up to 23 more fields. It is very convenient that the data can be edited manually. Also of note is the easy search and removal of duplicate systems.

As mentioned earlier, OCSNG has the ability to install applications and run scripts (bat, vbs, etc.). Such functionality helps a lot. We create a package in Deployment - Build and fill in the New package building fields: name, Priority (installation order) and action in Action. Three options are provided:

  • Store - copy to the target system;
  • Execute - copy and execute with a command;
  • Launch - copy and run.

The options in User notifications allow you to alert the user and allow them to cancel the task.

After creating the package, it should be activated in Deployment - Activate. Enter the server URL and click Submit. We select the computer on which we will install the package, go to the Customization menu and click the Add package link. We specify the package and start the process by pressing Affect. The task status is displayed in Customization, general statistics are available in the Activate table.

In OCSNG, the connection is initiated by an agent that connects to the server once a day, sends status information, and receives jobs. If the package you created needs to be installed earlier, you must force the ocsinventory-agent command to run on the client.


After setting up and filling in the database in the inventory system, you will always have up-to-date information about the current state of computers at hand and will be able to track changes. The reports it generates make it possible to quickly determine the configuration of a typical computer used in an organization, which will serve well for a planned upgrade or OS change.

Localization of OCSNG/GLPI

The OCSNG interface is localized, but there are still some minor issues that cause the Russian-language names of programs installed on Windows to be displayed incorrectly.

The fact is that OCSNG initially uses the ISO-8859-1 encoding (for displaying CP1251), while GLPI uses UTF8. When importing OCSNG -> GLPI data, there are also problems with encodings.

There are two known solutions:

  1. On the fly during export, change the data and fonts used. To do this, you need to fix the export.function.php file and use the ttf2pt1 package to create new fonts that support UTF8.
  2. Initially teach OCSNG to work with UTF8. For this, patches and rebuilt installation files for Windows are proposed. You can download them from There are also ready-made deb packages for Ubuntu/Debian here.

In addition, in the inc/ocsng.class.php file, you should change the line "$this->dbenc="latin1";" to "$this->dbenc="utf8";" and in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini check the setting "default_charset = "utf-8"".


  • A complete list of Win32_* classes can be found in the MSDN documentation "Win32_Classes" -
  • NetPoint project website -
  • MyZCI project website -
  • zCI project website -
  • OCSNG project site -

GLPI Project

GLPI (Gestion Libre de Parc Informatique, is another project that is well-deservedly popular with admins. In addition to the tasks of accounting for computers and components, it allows you to store data on the rest of the "economy", including consumables. Unlike OCSNG, the administrator fills the database of devices on his own using a localized web interface.
But this problem is solved by using a plugin that integrates GLPI with OCSNG. Therefore, they are often installed together. To enable support, go to "Settings - General" and switch "Activate OCSNG mode" to "Yes". After that, a new tab "OCSNG Mode" will appear in the menu, in which you can synchronize data.

Based on GLPI, it is easy to organize a technical support service for users, which is very convenient, because instead of a call, the user leaves a request that is registered by the system. Then the IT department processes it. This disciplines users - they stop calling for trifles, and admins have a database of calls to report on the work done. But the possibilities of GLPI are not limited to this. It allows you to create a knowledge base consisting of articles, keep records of suppliers, contracts. The system is equipped with a large number of various reports with the ability to export the result to a PDF, CSV or SLK file. Calendar synchronization via iCal, Webcal protocols is supported.

The functionality is easily extended with plugins available on the project website ( In addition to OCSNG, you can import data from a Cacti or Nagios server.

The GLPI package is available in the repositories of the major *nix distributions. Installing from source is standard for applications written in PHP that require a web server and MySQL.

Today it is difficult to imagine a company without IT infrastructure. Every organization has computers. And like any property, they need to be inventoried periodically. What are the features of inventory computer technology?

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It's fast and IS FREE!

Absolutely all property of the organization is subject to inventory. But computers are quite different from other property values.

They are often part of the inventory. Often computers are upgraded. How to inventory computer equipment? What are the features of such verification?

What do you need to know?

Computers, office equipment, mobile devices and similar objects are something that almost no company can do without today.

Often, computer equipment is a fairly significant part of the property of the enterprise. And this means that it is necessary to carry out not only constant monitoring, but also periodic checks.

The presence of computers, as well as other property, is checked through an inventory. But how often should you check?

The legislation provides for a mandatory inventory at least once a year, before the preparation of the annual financial report.

All other cases of inventory checks remain entirely at the discretion of management, except for the occurrence of circumstances requiring an indispensable inventory.

In practice, organizations carry out the procedure in late December - early January. In addition, the Accounting Regulations provide for the possibility of inventorying fixed assets once every three years.

Here it is worth considering that a computer is a complex mechanism and it consists of many parts. Often repairs, upgrades, replacements of individual parts are made.

The accountant is aware of all these operations only in general terms, since the prerogative of servicing computers still belongs to representatives of the IT sphere.

Thus, in a year the computer can change beyond recognition and it will be very difficult to restore the accounting support for all transactions carried out.

It is better to inventory computers and similar equipment as often as possible. The order and timing of the inventory are determined by the head.

But it is advisable to check at least once a quarter. Moreover, there are many special computer programs, allowing to make an inventory of computer equipment in a matter of hours.

Basic terms

Inventory of property involves an audit, during which the actual number of objects is checked against the data on their presence in accounting.

Inventorying computers is no different from checking any other property. But we must understand that the concept of "computers" refers to all computer equipment available to the enterprise.

Computer technology is a complex concept. It describes the entire spectrum of computer technology, from a conventional smartphone to a heavy-duty computer.

Refers to computer hardware and software that is installed on a computer to perform certain functions.

In general, computer equipment and the programs running on them constitute a single hardware and software complex.

If we talk specifically about the types of computer technology, then these are:

For what purpose is

An inventory of computer equipment is necessary, first of all, to check the compliance of its quantity. But not only... In the course of check it is possible to find out how effectively this or that equipment is used.

This helps to optimize the cost of computer and software. Perhaps the organization does not have the necessary computer equipment or desired programs leading to a decrease in labor productivity.

Or, on the contrary, the enterprise has too many unnecessary computers and some programs are not used at all. Also, the inventory of computer equipment allows you to determine how much the cost of individual objects has changed.

It may turn out that some computers have become unusable due to their dilapidation and they need to be completely written off. The cost of other computers may increase due to upgrades.

The result of the inventory may be getting rid of unnecessary computer equipment and acquiring the necessary computers or programs.

The legislative framework

The inventory of computers is regulated by the regulatory framework regarding the general procedure for inventory.

Legislatively, the inventory procedure does not differ from the usual inventory of fixed assets. Inspection is also carried out in mandatory cases and according to the schedule approved by the organization.

The results of the check are drawn up in standard - unified forms established.

Emerging nuances

The nuances of the inventory of computers are that often computer equipment is moved from one office to another, responsible persons change, individual computers are portable portable devices.

Therefore, it is rather difficult to link with respect to location and accounting to computers. Another nuance in the identification of objects. In accounting, computers are registered according to their model, brand and inventory number.

Video: taking inventory

Only an IT specialist can distinguish a certain model by eye, and comparison with the inventory number will take a lot of time, especially if several identical models are used.

Therefore, to simplify the inventory, each individual object of computer equipment must have a special label. It must contain all the necessary data, including the name and inventory number.

Order of conduct

Conducting an inventory of computers is possible manually or with the help of automated accounting programs.

In both cases, it is necessary to carry out preparatory procedures. In particular, this concerns the simplification of identification. This is achieved by supplying each object with a label.

With the manual method, the label indicates:

  • name of the owner (organization);
  • the name of the object according to accounting (often in accounting, the name is very different from the real name);
  • inventory number of the object;

With an automated process, based on a database of computer technology, labels are printed for each object with the presence of bar codes. These are then glued onto the appropriate technique.

The usual scheme for inventorying computers, in general, looks like this:

Published about the need for an inventory of computers The document indicates the period of verification, its procedure and the composition of the inventory commission
The commission receives in the accounting department forms of statements with credentials Direct verification is carried out. With manual inventory, data on the actual availability is entered into the act. At the same time, it is not advisable to check in the sequence of the accounting inventory, since this way you can lose sight of individual objects. It is better to move around the room (rooms) and mark all available computer equipment along the way. With automated accounting, it is enough to go through the verification area with a scanner and read information from barcode labels. Then the information is transferred to the computer used for inventory, where the verification certificates are filled in automatically.
Verification of actual availability and accounting data is carried out The reasons for the identified discrepancies, the guilt of the responsible persons are determined
If there are inconsistencies Amendments to accounting

As a program that supports inventory through barcoding, you can use the 1C program "Equipment Accounting".

To get acquainted, you can download the demo-base of the program or watch the presentation "Equipment Accounting 1.0".

An equally popular solution is the Hardware Inspector program, which allows you to inventory computers using a barcode scanner.

Inventory of computers over the network

Computers in general are designed to simplify human work. This quality applies to inventory as well.

At this time, to conduct an inventory of computers, it is not at all necessary to move around the enterprise with a piece of paper and a pencil or a scanner.

What’s more, you don’t even have to leave your desk to check it out. Suffice it to use the inventory programs of computers on the network.

To implement such a program, all computers available to the organization must be connected to a single network. The process is more than simple:

An important advantage of the program is the ability to use both ready-made report templates and those developed independently.

It is noteworthy that in this way it is possible to carry out an inventory absolutely imperceptibly. The scan is performed in the background and no action is required from the users of the devices being scanned.

The speed of the inventory by the program and the accuracy of the data collected are especially significant. Even in a very large organization, an inventory of computers on the network is carried out in the shortest possible time.

In this case, the maximum amount of data is collected regarding the hardware and software of the device. That is, using the program, you can inventory not only the computers themselves, but also the software installed on them.

Another feature of the computer inventory program over the network is that in most cases, scanning can be scheduled according to a schedule.

At the indicated moments, the program will scan and provide ready-made reports. This will allow you to always be aware of the state of computer technology in the organization.

What is the program for this

There are many programs for inventorying computers on the network. Each of them has its own characteristics, but the general algorithm of their work is approximately the same.

As an option for the free version of such a program, you can download and apply the program "Inventory of computers on the network."

You can also keep an inventory of computer equipment using the IT Invent program. This product supports network scanning and automatically collects data from computers in the public network.

Using the program, you can inventory any computer equipment in several branches, if the objects are connected to a single database.

In addition, the program has many other functions that facilitate the accounting of computers. If you want to use the full range of functions, you can buy the program.

And if necessary, you can use free version IT Invent. Another program of this type is 10-Strike: Computer Inventory.

Computer technology is used today in every enterprise. Like other fixed assets, it is subject to inventory. This procedure is unique. The procedure for conducting an inventory of property is regulated by: Law on Accounting No. 402-FZ of 06.12.2011, Guidelines, approved. Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 49 dated 06/13/1995, Regulation on accounting, approved. Order of the Ministry of Finance No. 34n dated 07/29/1998. Let us consider in detail in the article how the inventory of computers takes place, what the inspectors need to know about this type of accounting.

Basic Inventory Concepts

Checking the availability of computer equipment involves an inventory and related components. The main objects of the inventory are presented in the table.

The inventory of computer equipment has the following objectives:

  • Property safety control;
  • Determining the correspondence of actual availability to accounting data;
  • Optimization of expenses for the purchase of computers;
  • Identification of unused objects;
  • Formation of a list for write-off;
  • Control of changes in the value of property;
  • Maintaining the discipline of persons responsible for the technique.

Inventory of computers over the network

Currently, there are a large number of special programs that allow you to quickly perform an inventory of computer equipment. To carry out an inventory in an automated way, it is necessary that all the company's equipment is connected to a single network. The order of further actions is given in the table.

The use of an automated program has several advantages:

  • Ability to use template or self-developed reporting forms;
  • Checking in the background;
  • Saving time;
  • No need to interrupt employees from performing their duties;
  • One hundred percent accuracy of the received data.

The entire amount of data on computer hardware and software products is subjected to verification.

A feature of a specialized program for inventory is that you can schedule a scan according to a specific schedule. According to the specified scheme, the program will view network data and present final reports. This allows you to find out at the right time what condition the computer equipment of the company is in.

Computer inventory accounting

The shortage of computers is written off at the residual value to the 94th shortage account. If the culprit is identified, then he must pay damages. Its value is determined by the value of the property on the balance sheet. If the guilty person is not found or the court refused to collect funds from him, then the shortage is written off to the financial result. Similarly, take into account the loss from force majeure.

The surplus is taken into account at market value. It is determined by the price of a similar object, confirmed in writing, for example, by the manufacturer or according to the opinion of expert appraisers. The cost must be documented. The corresponding amount is charged to the financial result.

In the income statement, the surplus is shown under the item "Non-operating income".

Example. A computer worth 48,000 rubles on the balance sheet disappeared at Vympel LLC. The depreciation amount is 14,000 rubles. The investigating authorities did not establish the culprit and issued a corresponding decision. The object is subject to write-off to the financial result.

Dt 01.2 Ct 01 48 000 rub. - reflected the initial cost of the missing computer;

Dt 02 Ct 01.2 14 000 rub. - depreciation is taken into account;

Dt 94 Kt 01.2; Dt 91.2 Kt 94 34 000 rub. - shortage written off.

Timing of the audit

Computers are the main assets of the company. In accordance with the law, their planned inventory is carried out once every 3 years before filling out the final financial statements. Management can independently determine the timing and frequency of verification and reflect this in the accounting policy.

Conducting an inventory is mandatory for the following reasons:

  • Change of responsible employees;
  • Identification of cases of theft and damage to property;
  • Liquidation of the company or its reorganization;
  • Emergencies and natural disasters;
  • In other cases prescribed by law ( p. 1.5, 1.6 of the Recommendations, approved. Order No. 49).

The procedure for conducting computer accounting

Before starting inventory activities, it is necessary to carry out preparatory measures. To simplify the procedure, a label should be attached to each object. It displays the following information:

  • Company name;
  • Name of the object according to accounting data;
  • Inventory number;
  • Responsible officer.

The order of the inventory is reflected in the table:

No. p / p Stage Actions
1 PreparatoryAppointment of a commission, drawing up an inspection plan, issuing an order, printing inventory records
2 ExaminationInspection of objects by divisions of the organization in the context of financially responsible persons, filling out inventories
3 Registration of discrepanciesDocumentation of surpluses or shortages (memorandums, inventories) indicating the reasons for discrepancies
4 Registration of resultsDrawing up an act
5 Data mappingReconciliation of received data with accounting

The order can be drawn up in the INV-22 form or in any form. The document indicates the reason for the inspection, the composition of the commission, the start and end dates, what property is being inventoried. The data during the inspection are recorded in the inventory records (, for intangible assets).

The information in them is grouped by responsible employees and structural units. They contain accounting information about the nomenclature, quantity and inventory numbers of objects to be checked. During the inspection of the equipment, the commission enters into the inventory similar data on the fact.

If faulty equipment or its absence is detected, a report is drawn up addressed to the director. Names, numbers of equipment lost or unsuitable for further use are recorded in it. The reasons for the identified defects are also indicated here, the signature of the employee and members of the commission responsible for the safety of valuables is put. The identified surpluses are processed in the same way.

Based on these inventories, the commission draws up an act on the results of control. The final stage is the reconciliation of the received information with accounting data. Necessary adjustments are made, the perpetrators are punished, etc.

Example. In October 2016, during the inventory at Udacha LLC, it turned out that a computer purchased in July last year was in operation. He was not taken into account. The cost of the object is 50,150 rubles, including VAT - 7,650 rubles.

The computer must be registered and depreciated for the entire period of its operation. The service life is defined as 30 months. Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method.

1 / 30 * 100 \u003d 3.33% - depreciation rate;

(50,150 - 7,650) * 3.33% = 1,415.25 rubles. - amount of depreciation per month.

In October 2016, the accountant made the following entries:

Dt 08 Kt 60 50 150 rub. - the computer is taken into account;

Dt 19.1 Ct 60 7 650 rub. - VAT on the purchased object is taken into account;

Dt 01 Ct 08 50 150 RUB - the computer is included in fixed assets;

Dt 91.2 Kt 02 7 076.25 rub. - reflected depreciation for 2015 (1,415.25 * 5);

Dt 26 Ct 02 RUB 14,152.50 - the amount of depreciation for the current year at the time of detection of the error was taken into account (1,415.25 * 10).

Automated Inventory Program

With an automated inventory method, barcode labels are printed for each object from the computer credential database. Subsequently, they are glued to the appropriate equipment. When coding in this way, the 1C program “Accounting for equipment” is used for inventory. On the Internet, you can download its demo version and watch the presentation.

Checking computers by scanning barcodes is performed by the well-known Hardware Inspector program.

All specialized programs on the market have a similar workflow. For example, it's easy to download and use the Network Computer Inventory product. It allows you to detect outdated models, schedule equipment updates, select computers whose resource does not match the tasks performed on it, etc.

The IT Invent program has proven itself well. It supports network scanning and collects information on all network devices. With its help, you can carry out inventory accounting of network computers in all branches of the company.

The free version contains a limited set of functions, their full list is available in the commercial version of the product. Another program "10-Strike: Computer Inventory" is offered in several modifications. The organization can choose the most suitable one for its purposes.

Accounting entries for accounting for surpluses and shortages

To reflect the results of the inventory in accounting, the following typical operations are provided:

Surplus Accounting:

Dt 08.3 Ct 91.1 - income in the form of fixed assets was taken into account;

Dt 01 Kt 08 - the object is accepted for accounting at the market price.

Dt 91.1 Kt 99 - reflects the profit from the acceptance of an unaccounted object for accounting.

Deficiency accounting:

If the culprit is not found, the damage is reflected as follows:

Dt 94 Kt 01 - a shortage was detected;

Dt 02 Kt 01 - depreciation of the missing object is written off;

Dt 91.2 Kt 94 - the loss was charged to other expenses.

If the culprit is found, then the operations look like:

Dt 73 Kt 94 - the shortage is written off to the culprit;

Dt 50 Kt 73 - the employee repaid the debt;

Dt 70 Kt 73 - the debt is deducted from the employee's earnings.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Question number 1. What is the maximum amount that can be withheld from the salary of the guilty employee to pay for the shortage following the results of the inventory?

Monthly you can keep no more than 20% of earnings.

Question number 2. What consequences can threaten an organization if tax authorities discover unaccounted computers?

Such errors in accounting lead to distortion of financial statements. If it is equal to or greater than 10%, then the minimum fine will be 5 thousand rubles.

Question number 3. Is it possible to recover the identified shortage from a financially responsible employee who quit before the start of the inventory?

No. According to Art. 232 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, termination of an employment agreement with an employee does not relieve him of liability for a shortage. To prove that the damage was caused by the employee, it is necessary to conduct an inventory upon his dismissal. After a while, it is impossible to prove his guilt and to recover the shortage too.

Question number 4. How to take into account the shortage of equipment that arose due to a fire?

The loss at book value is attributed to the loss of the current year:

Dt 91.2 Kt 94 - damage from force majeure is written off.

Question number 5. Do I need to draw up an INV-1 form for computer equipment leased to other firms?

No need. The tenant must inspect such property. He sends one copy of the inventory with the results of the inventory to the lessor.

An inventory of computer equipment is necessary to account for the number of objects and determine the productivity of their use. With this procedure, the organization optimizes the cost of acquiring computers, components and software. Special programs allow you to conduct it without spending time and labor, to obtain accurate data.

An accurate PC inventory is something you cannot do without in a company or organization. Managing the inventory of hardware and software updates of the entire computer park on paper or even in Excel spreadsheets requires significant labor and time even for small businesses, not to mention large corporations with hundreds and thousands of computers. Not surprisingly, system administrators are often overwhelmed by these chores and perceive the work of maintaining records and statistics as a burden that prevents such valuable time and resources from being used for more important projects.

AIDA64's fully automated network inventory takes that burden off the shoulders of IT professionals. AIDA64 Business and AIDA64 Network Audit, designed for business users, allow you to perform a detailed inventory of hardware and software of Windows-based computers connected to the same corporate network. The amount of information collected by the program can be fully customized to the needs of the user, and administrators can choose between several templates (report profiles).

Configuration flexibility

The program does not require installation, therefore, it can be run from a shared central folder on any client in a domain environment. Of course, AIDA64 allows you to set the frequency of reporting (inventory) of computers: reports can be collected once a month, once a week, once a day, or after each user logon. Since AIDA64 supports parameters command line, the process can be fully automated.

Reports can be saved in open formats ready for further processing, as well as in a SQL database. AIDA64 Network Audit and AIDA64 Business versions support the following report formats:

  • plain text format (.txt)
  • ADO (for database insertion)

Integrated Audit Administrator

Audit Administrator allows you to view and analyze the software and hardware inventory of the computer park. Here you can also filter the data and create graphs. For example, system administrators can easily identify clients that do not meet the minimum system requirements of a new application being applied, or that do not have the latest service packs installed. operating systems and security systems. In the statistical report (which can be filtered by several criteria) provided by the program, you can immediately see the percentage of corporate computers with a certain type of processor, memory size, or installed version Windows.

You can also track changes between network audit snapshots taken at different times and detect changes in the hardware or software environment of computers. You can learn more about the AIDA64 Change Manager feature.

What are the clients saying?

"Replacing manual work, the program allows you to keep records and perform statistical tasks that were just a burden for IT professionals, and also frees up staff time for other work."

Josef Szabo, system administrator
Budapest Baths and Hot Springs Co.

If you are interested in the opinion of other customers about the AIDA64 program,

With the growth of the computer park in organizations, the danger of forgetting what peripheral device located inside a particular workstation, or even lose one of them. The loss may occur due to the negligence of an employee of the technical support department or through the malicious intent of an employee who decided to improve the performance of his home computer at the expense of the firm. There are several ways for the technical service manager or system administrator to prevent this kind of incident. For example, you can seal the cases of system units and conduct regular inspections of the integrity of the seals. You can make an inventory of components every morning (or evening). It may also be effective to install means of visual observation. All of these methods have their pros and cons. The main disadvantage of these tools is their increased labor intensity, as well as a very serious costly part (visual observation tools, seals, increased working time for control). There are no such disadvantages for another accounting option - software.

The Total Network Inventory system from Softinventive allows you to keep a complete inventory of the software installed on your computer, as well as control the hardware of computers in offices, small and large corporate local networks. Without leaving his seat, the administrator can scan the network and get comprehensive information about each computer. No pre-installed modules are required - they are installed automatically. The program allows you to scan the network both in real time (immediately) and, using a script, at the moment the client connects to the domain.

Total Network Inventory has both a mandatory wizard in our time, which gives the user a very impressive result with a minimum of brain strain, and a manual scan mode that allows the user to configure all the parameters on their own. The capabilities of the scanner are impressive. Scanning is based on three types of information: hardware, installed software, and real-time system information (processes running in the system, services, shared resources, environment variables).

The appearance of the program resembles "Explorer", visually displaying the tree of the local network in the left panel, broken down into groups. The name of the group corresponds to the position of the workstation in the network hierarchy or is selected manually by the user. When a computer is selected, information about it is displayed in the central part of the main program window. Detailing about a particular subsystem is selected based on the marked category in the corresponding panel displayed on the right. The interface of the program is scalable and can be easily customized to your taste. A large number of visual themes, customizable panels, tools, as well as saturation with keyboard shortcuts will allow even the most fastidious user to adapt the program interface for themselves.

When the program is launched for the first time, the user will be offered options for further work: launching the network scan wizard, scanning the current computer, or opening the main window and further work. The main mode of operation for the system administrator will most likely be the work in the main window. However, in order not to manually enter computers, you can use the Network Scan Wizard in the first step.

The wizard offers two options for working: online scanning and logon script. Each option is accompanied detailed description, indicating which permissions and security policies should be enabled. Which path to choose depends on the specific situation.

When scanning computers using the logon script, the administrator can add the scanner program call string to the domain logon script, allowing collecting information about each computer that connects to the domain using this script (when the WMI service is installed and running). The wizard allows you to select a shared folder where the scanner program files are placed and a folder for saving the scan results. Further, by modifying the logon script, the administrator can only wait for users to start connecting to the domain and from time to time control the information received using the program.

Online scanning has more steps to achieve the result. This type of scan includes two options for finding computers: "Network Neighborhood" and "IP Address Range". In the first case, the program looks through the tree of computers visible through the network environment. This option allows the administrator to see the structure of their network Microsoft Windows(workgroups, domains) and visually select nodes to scan. If the network environment is displayed slowly, or the administrator has several subnets to scan, or there is no NetBIOS connection to them, you should select the second path - "IP Address Range". This path will allow you to specify one or more ranges of addresses that will be scanned. In each of the options, you need to specify a username with the appropriate privileges (having the rights to work with administrative resources).

Two options for finding computers - "IP address range" and "Network Neighborhood"

The result of the wizard will be a list of groups, domains, nodes, as well as detailed information about them. Additionally, an account card is created for each computer, which contains information about the owner and the computer:

  • computer name;
  • inventory number;
  • registered user;
  • computer cost;
  • Name of the organization;
  • date of payment and installation;
  • workgroup or computer domain;
  • IP address;
  • personal data;
  • additional information fields.

The program can automatically generate inventory numbers for any newly found computer, and also allows you to create additional information fields containing information about the peripherals connected to the computer (for example, an uninterruptible power supply, a scanner, a camera).

The completeness of the information collected by Total Network Inventory allows you to monitor any hardware or software component of the system, tracking any changes and responding to them in a timely manner. For efficient work with data, the program provides a category panel, duplicated by buttons on the toolbar. The user, choosing a category, receives comprehensive information about it. For example, when you select the "processor" subcategory from the "hardware" category, the program will display everything about the processor, starting from its name and ending with the core voltage and the frequency of the L2 cache.

To organize all this ocean of information, the system provides a report builder. Using the "Reports" menu or by clicking the corresponding button on the toolbar, the user gets access to the tools associated with reports. The builder is able to summarize data in a convenient form based on user-selected criteria. The selection criteria in the program are conditionally divided into four main groups: general information, equipment, programs, and others. When switching to the reporting mode, the administrator will have access to tools for working with reports, as well as multiple selection of criteria in the corresponding panel. Thanks to this, the operator of the Total Network Inventory program has many opportunities to control the current situation with the technical and software base of an office or corporate network. Depending on the realities of a particular company, the program provides an opportunity to use either pre-installed report schemes, or create your own, which most fully displays the required picture with equipment. The "Reports" menu contains schemes for displaying reports. They (reports) are divided into two groups: complete and brief. For example, a report on the criterion "Computer and motherboard" takes up a page in full and contains detailed information. This is information about system unit, motherboard(manufacturer, name, serial number, version), BIOS information (name, manufacturer, release date, SMBIOS version). In short form, this report takes up a third of the page and summarizes the same information, but without specifying dates, serial numbers, and so on.

The builder allows you to generate reports both for the entire network and for computers or groups selected in the "Network Overview" panel. You can include any number of computers and categories in the report in any combination, that is, select several computers from different networks or groups, combining this with any combination of information categories. The resulting report can be saved by the administrator in the internal format, as well as in the format of an ASCII text file, HTML, CSV, and RTF file. If necessary, the report can be printed.

And finally, the program settings. Depending on the network security settings, as well as the network configuration, the program allows you to configure options for connecting to remote stations. This can be either using named administrative pipes over the SMB protocol, or connecting to the WMI service over the RPC protocol, or a combination of the two. The settings also allow the administrator to take into account the presence or absence of a DNS server on the network and determine whether to allow IP addresses during scanning or not. Many other settings allow you to very flexibly manage certain program parameters, depending on the current need of the administrator or the configuration of the local network.

So, in the matter of remote monitoring, ordering and saving information about the technical and software component of the organization's computer park, this product has been very successful. It has a reasonable price, good performance, an excellent processor of the collected information, as well as all the necessary tools for working in networks of varying complexity. We are confident that Total Network Inventory will save a lot of effort and nerves to the system administrator.

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