What is high priority. Increasing the priority in the Task Manager of the Windows operating system. Changing precedence values

By launching using the start console command, you can launch the application with the desired priority, specify the time after which the application should be closed, and some other parameters. See start /? for more help. All these commands can be written in *.bat file and used to run the application. In order not to write *.bat files for each program separately, and not to type the entire command, you can make a high .bat file with the following content

echo off

start /high %1

and place it in the SendTo directory of your user profile. Then, in order to run a program with a higher priority, simply send it to this file using the right mouse button. But it is the executable file that needs to be sent, and not a shortcut to it. Of course, this file can be remade and run programs with a different priority.

Add-on: Acceleration of program launch

XP can work in two modes. The first gives more priority to applications launched by the user ( Optimize Performance for Applications ), the second gives more priority to background applications and services ( Optimize Performance for Background ). The setting can be viewed by selecting the System icon in the Control panel , then the Advanced tab and the "Performance options" button. (In the Russian version Control Panel / System / Advanced / Performance Options).

The first value ( for Applications ) prioritizes applications based on their priority level . If you are not familiar with this concept, then briefly explain: by level, the computer decides which programs are more important and spends more processor time on them. The level is determined by two parameters: priority class (Priority Class) and thread priority (thread priority). Classes are: real time (real-time), high (high), medium (normal), close to zero (idle) priorities. The thread has the following priorities: time critical ( time critical ), high ( highest ), above average ( above normal ), medium ( normal ), below average ( below normal ), low ( low ) and close to zero ( idle ).

In the table below, you can see how these two settings affect the execution of the task.

Priority class

A value between 1 and 31 indicates how much computer time is allocated to each process. The user can change the program priority class in two ways. The first is through the Task Manager. It is suitable if the program is already running. Select the tab "Processes" (Processes), right-click on the desired process, select the line "Priority" (Set Priority) and set the priority class. The second way is to specify a parameter when starting the program, or creating a command (.CMD) file in a text editor. Options:

start /<класс приоритета> [<путь>]<имя файла>

For example, start /high c:\windows\notepad.exe

Be careful when assigning a realtime class. Such a program will have a very high priority, which may slow down the execution of other programs. What's more, if you don't have an SMP system, then a resource-hungry application might just leave nothing to the system, and you'll run into a situation where the computer won't respond to your actions, or will respond very late. In the worst case, it can just hang.

let's talk about Windows process priorities. In most cases, there is no need to “play around” with setting priorities, but sometimes a competent system administrator can help the system more correctly distribute processor time between running tasks. There is no single recipe, but by "selection and enumeration" it is quite feasible. Where might it be needed? For example, in a 1C-SQL bundle, you can give more processor time to 1C and SQL, as the most resource-critical processes.

In general, you can view and change the priority of a running process through the Task Manager

WindowsNT/2000/7 /2008

In Windows 2012 it was "buried" a little deeper

As you can see from the examples above, there are only 6 priorities available to you (as it turns out later, this priority classes). Enough? Microsoft thinks so. But let's remember the "legendary" phrase of Bill Geist, who said that "640 KB of RAM will be enough for everybody". But time has shown that this is far from the case. :)

Now let's see how it really is.

There are actually 32 priority levels in Windows, from 0 to 31.

They are grouped like this:

  • 31 — 16 real time levels;
  • 15 — 1 dynamic levels;
  • 0 is a system level reserved for the zero-page thread.

When a process is created, it is assigned one of six priority classes:

  1. Real time class (value 24),
  2. High class (value 13),
  3. Above normal class (value 10),
  4. Normal class (value 8),
  5. Below normal class (value 6),
  6. or Idle class (value 4).

You can view the priority of the process, as described above, using the Task Manager.

Note: Above normal and Below normal priorities have been introduced since Windows 2000.

The priority of each thread ( base thread priority) is the sum of the priority of its process and relative priority the flow itself. There are seven relative thread priorities:

  1. Normal : same as process;
  2. Above normal : +1 process priority;
  3. Below normal : -1;
  4. Highest : +2
  5. Lowest : -2
  6. Time critical : Sets the base thread priority for the Real time class to 31, for other classes to 15.
  7. Idle : Sets the base thread priority for the Real time class to 16, for other classes to 1.

The following table shows the process priorities, relative and base thread priorities.

Thread Priority Process class Process class
Idle class Below normal class normal class Above normal class high class real time class
1 IdleIdleIdleIdleIdle
2 Lowest
3 below…
4 Idle class NormalLowest
5 Above…below…
6 Below normal class HighestNormalLowest
7 Above…below…
8 normal class HighestNormalLowest
9 Above…below…
10 Above normal class HighestNormal
11 Above…Lowest
12 Highestbelow…
13 high class Normal
14 Above…
15 Highest
15 Time criticalTime criticalTime criticalTime criticalTime critical
16 Idle
22 Lowest
23 below…
24 real time class Normal
25 Above…
26 Highest
31 Time critical

Now that we know all this, what can we do with it all? Well, for example, start using.

How else can a process be started with a "non-standard" priority or changed?

Method 1. Start a task/process and change the priority via the Task Manager.

Cons of the method:

  • Only 6 priorities available
  • Switching priorities is done with the mouse, not automated.

Method 2. You can use the START command with the appropriate switches

The available switches for priorities are as follows (I deliberately omit the command line switches of the command START not related to the described process of working with priorities):

C:\>start /?
Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command.

LOW Start application in the IDLE priority class.
NORMAL Start application in the NORMAL priority class.
HIGH Start application in the HIGH priority class.
REALTIME Start application in the REALTIME priority class.
ABOVENORMAL Start application in the ABOVENORMAL priority class.
BELOWNORMAL Start application in the BELOWNORMAL priority class.

As you can see, the START command makes it possible to start the process with the same 6 priorities that are available through the Task Manager

Minus the method:

  • Only 6 priorities available

Method 3: Using the wmic.exe utility

As shown above, the Task Manager and the START command are rather clumsy for the task of prioritizing. Let's see how to apply this more flexibly. We will use the utility wmic.exe.

Command line:

wmic process where name="AppName" CALL setpriority ProcessIDLevel

wmic process where name="calc.exe" CALL setpriority 32768

wmic process where name="calc.exe" CALL setpriority "above normal"

Priorities (predefined):

  • idle: 64
  • below normal: 16384
  • normal: 32
  • above normal: 32768
  • high priority: 128
  • real time: 256

Retreat. What if there are several processes with the same name? The priority of a process can be changed either by the process name or by using the PID (Process ID) of the process.

Here is a short example of running wmic.exe to get the information you need

We use the command:

Note: I will not give an example of executing this command. The list of processes is too big. Do it yourself if you wish.

You will get a list of processes running on your local computer. Now run the command:

wmic process list brief | find "cmd.exe"


I specifically ran several copies of cmd.exe to make the illustration more complete.

Now the list of processes is limited to only those processes whose executable name contains the string "cmd.exe". Pay attention to the PID of the process(es).

Now let's try to select processes of interest to us, using WMI directly and without resorting to standard command line tools. To do this, simply write:

wmic process where description="cmd.exe" list brief


Compare your results. Take note of the PID of the CMD.EXE process.

Command line to run wmic.exe

wmic process where processid="XXXX" CALL setpriority ProcessIDLevel

Well, now we can change the priority of a particular process (for example, with PID=8476):

wmic process where processid="8476" CALL setpriority 32768

wmic process where processid="8476" CALL setpriority "above normal"

If you set a high priority for an application, it will start working faster. I personally have a script that sets the priority of all processes to High. And you know - everything really works faster, pages open faster. True, and Chrome at the same time loads the processor even more.

So, I will now show you how to manually set a high priority program / process in Windows 10. For example, I will take .. ICQ (ICQ). ICQ is a program for communication, messenger, which was very popular before. But now it has been replaced by social networks, Viber, and that's it .. and although it was very popular, and convenient, everyone had their own number, and it was possible to write to each other. Yes, and today it is possible - only few people use it now. So, okay, launch the dispatcher - right-click on the taskbar and select this item:

Then we are looking for the program that we want to set a high priority, I have it as ICQ, it is called here as ICQ (32 bits):

Right-click on it and select Details:

After that, the Details tab is automatically activated, where the program process will be highlighted, in my case it is icq.exe. Right-click on it and set the priority:

We confirm:

Everything, after that the priority of the program process will be high. I do not recommend setting real time - there may be wild brakes if the program itself freezes, and it still has real time priority .. then the whole computer may freeze tightly. To return the priority back, you do the opposite, well, I think it’s clear.

Should I prioritize the game? If at the same time you close all programs, as much as possible, then yes, it’s worth it. And the effect will be better if you also turn off the Internet and antivirus. The more you disable, the better the high priority will work. But don't put a real priority on the game, unless you have a top processor. If the top one, then you can try, but again, everything can freeze. The fact is that by setting a real priority .. you indicate that the game needs to be processed in the first place. In terms of processor instructions. Well, well, what to do with the rest of the processes, among which there are important and system ones? So they may not receive resources .. and as a result, the computer may freeze once, twice, and for the third time it won’t hang down ..

Good day to all. Today, as you understood from the title, we will talk about how speed up computer and processor using prioritization.

Many have probably heard that you can use different priorities (background, normal, high, real time, etc.) to different processes, thereby optimizing their performance and allocating more processor power (processor time) to them.

Sometimes this helped to significantly speed up the work of a particular application or the system as a whole and even (ping) (the reasons for the decrease in ping depending on processor priorities and capacities, in principle, will be described in a separate article).

How to speed up a computer and processor in theory

However, you will agree that, say, a 3D game and a regular notepad are slightly different applications and, obviously, the game needs more processor resources in real time, because being in a three-dimensional application you hardly interact with this very notepad and it You do not need it for the time being (yes, the notepad almost does not need special processor power - there is that program then .. once or twice and no).

From here, it seems to follow logically that the priorities of different applications should be different (especially in times of multi-core then), but in practice this is far from reality.

As you already understood, I tend to suggest that full-fledged applications should be given higher priority, which will automatically significantly optimize them by injecting large computer resources.

But still, I think that you will agree that to do this every time (because the priority set in the task manager is forgotten by the system after a restart) manually is a real punishment and generally universally lazy, and therefore this process needs to be automated somehow, i.e. That is, conditionally, to speed up the computer and the processor is not entirely manual.

That's about it and will be discussed in this article.

How to speed up the computer in practice using the program

About two months ago I came across a wonderful program called Mz CPU Accelerator. What it does is that it automatically changes the processor priority of the active window or application to a pre-specified one, which, in general, is what we need, because it is this that will allow us to speed up the processor and computer.

Moreover, all this is implemented really rarely convenient, logical and does not require unnecessary gestures from the user. Plus, there is support for multiprocessing (multi-core) and the ability to run an application in a separate segment (that is, say, to allocate only two cores out of four to the program (this is closer to completely point optimization)).

Note. I don't know how I didn't stumble upon this before :)


  • put a circle Realtime;
  • check the Load on Windows startup checkboxes (so that the program is loaded immediately at system startup);
  • Start Activated (so that the program is immediately activated, that is, so that it does not require an additional button press in order to start its duties) and..
  • Start Minimized (to be initially minimized to tray).

If you wish, you can also check Check for updates on startup (so that it is immediately checked whether the program has been updated), as well as to your taste, choose how the program will be displayed in the tray: Show Mz CPU Accelerator Icon (the icon of the program itself will be in the tray) or Shows CPU Usage (shows how busy it is) (the color of the numbers is selected from the drop-down list).

Everything, it remains only to press the Activate button and enjoy how the computer has accelerated, more precisely, the active window or application.

List of useful notes worth knowing

What else is worth knowing and understanding on this topic:

  • Note: on the Exclusions tab, you can add applications that you want to exclude from the list of optimized by the program, i.e. it will not assign any priority to them. To do this, use the Add new process button and select the program you want to exclude;
  • Note 2: on the CPU Manager tab, you can distribute processes to different cores (buttons Add new process and Run new process), i.e., say, assign some cores to one program and others to others, which in a sense can affect performance gain. Similar in principle
  • Note 3: I have not come across it myself, but I admit (albeit unlikely) that on some machines there may be problems (in the form of system slowdown) due to the choice of an excessively high priority. If so, try using the High circle instead of Realtime.

Now let's move on to the afterword.


Here is such a thing. In general, I really liked the program, because it is really effective and allows you to speed up your computer and Windows, and, relatively speaking, the processor.

By the way, in theory, owners of multi-core processors, as well as users of the FireFox browser (it is processor-dependent and, when Realtime priority is given, it starts to fly noticeably faster (especially in a coupe)) and everyone who is somehow connected with processor-dependent full-fledged applications (this I'm talking about all sorts of renders in photo, video and 3D editors).

If you have any questions, then, as always, ask in the comments to the article - I will be happy to help.

PS : Feedback on personal feelings in terms of performance gains is no less interesting than questions;)


Press the key combination "Ctrl+Alt+Delete". A list of actions that can be performed will appear on the screen.

Select the program whose priority you want to change. Right-click on it and, in the drop-down menu, click on the "Go to processes" item. All programs that are running have their own processes, and it is for them that they have priorities.

Helpful advice

You can view more information about a running process in Task Manager. To do this, right-click on it and select Properties. A dialog box appears that displays information about the process, including its location and size. Click the Details tab to view detailed process information.

Task Manager can be launched by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting "Task Manager" from the drop-down menu.


  • how to change your priorities

Process scheduling in UNIX is based on their priority. Typically, each process has two priority attributes. Windows has 32 priority levels. On a computer, you can speed up the work of programs that are in the operating system. To do this, you just need to increase the priority process.


You need to go to Task Manager. To do this, right-click on the "Taskbar" section. Select "Task Manager" from the context menu. Go to the "Processes" tab. There you will see a list of all running processes. Find the one you like and right-click on it. Then select the "Priority" command. Now you can increase the priority process. "Task Manager" is possible.

You can also increase the priority using the InqSoft Speedballs utility. This monitors all processes. Run her. Priority boost process automatically. By going to "Settings", you can change the settings. In the menu where it says "Increase priority to", check the box for High and click "Apply".

In the "Control Panel" go to the "Settings" section. Select Performance and Maintenance. Go to the "System" menu and switch to the "Performance" tab. Find the Application Performance section and set with the desired priority level process.

If you need to prioritize process in game, do the following. For example, take the game World of Warcraft. Open Start, then Notepad. Paste in the following text: @echo off cd /d "C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft"start/high wow.exe. Change this path: "C:/Program Files/World of Warcraft" to the new one you have. Save the text written earlier in Notepad, in .bat. Run your game through this file. You will notice an increase in priority.


  • how to change priority

No matter how powerful a reserve of resources your computer has, they are still not endless. The distribution of RAM and graphics memory, the order and frequency of access to the processor, cache memory and some other resources between all running system and application programs is handled by a special OS component. He does this in accordance with the priority table, which he himself compiles by default. The user has the opportunity to intervene in the distribution of the degree of importance of running processes.


Launch the Windows Task Manager. This can be done in several ways - for example, by pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Delete. In Windows 7, an additional menu appears on the screen, in which you should select the “Start Task Manager” item, and in earlier versions of Windows this intermediate step is not available. Another way to open the task manager is to open the program launcher by pressing the Win key and R key combination, then enter the taskmgr command and click the OK button.

Go to the Processes tab of the Task Manager window. In the general list of currently running processes, find the one whose priority you want to change. To simplify the search for the desired name, the inscriptions in the Image Name column can be sorted alphabetically - click the column heading to sort the process names in ascending order. Clicking again will sort the list in reverse order.

If you do not know the name of the process, but the program to which it belongs is listed on the Applications tab of the Task Manager, then find it there and right-click. In the pop-up menu, select the line "Go to the process" and the dispatcher will switch to the "Processes" tab, find and select the desired process in the list.

Right-click on the line with the desired process and open the "Priority" section in the context menu. By default, all processes have "normal" priority - change it by selecting any of the six options placed in the list. At the same time, do not forget that in some cases, an excessive increase in the priority of application programs (the “High” and “Real-time” items) can lead to a slow response of the operating system to keystrokes, mouse movements, etc. The same trouble can also occur if the priority of system processes is excessively lowered (for example, a process named explorer).

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