The left earpiece is quiet. Why are headphones playing quietly on the phone. What to do if the headphones play quietly. Reasons for not wearing headphones

Headset problems are quite common. Often this is due to poor quality products. Not always the manufacturer pays much attention to the creation of headphones. Especially when it comes to budget models. Although even the cheapest options can last for years.

As a rule, cost does not always play a key role. Sometimes users complain that expensive headphones have become quieter or even broken. You don't have to panic right away. Sometimes you can solve all the problems on your own.

Causes of breakdowns

To begin with, it is important to understand the causes of the problems: what they can be and what to expect from them.

If the headphones began to play quieter, then the problem may be hidden in improper operation. Of course, it is unlikely that someone will deliberately dip the headset into water or throw it into the sand. All this will undoubtedly lead to problems with which, most likely, nothing can be done.

But there are minor breakdowns that can disrupt the performance of the device. For example, the headphones began to play quieter, because they got drops of water, etc.

Possible problems

There are still the most common problems:

  • contact closure to the case;
  • demagnetized speaker;
  • foreign garbage;
  • problems with the device to which the headphones are connected;
  • mechanical damage.

Of course, this list could be longer. For example, marriage, which is often found in budget models, cannot be ruled out.

It will not be easy to fix the above problems on your own. Without proper skills, it is impossible to check a demagnetized speaker or contact closure. But to solve the issue with garbage and the device to which the headphones are connected is real.

Wire contacts

So, contact closure or marriage is a common problem. Especially when it comes to the plug. Low-quality headphones are especially prone to this failure, as they are made of poor materials.

Most vacuum models are often used daily. The plug is bent, pulled out and dirty. All this affects him not in the best way. Over time, problems arise. It happens that the sound disappears altogether, and sometimes you notice that the headphones began to play quietly.

The problem with this problem is that outwardly there are no signs, but the wire was frayed inside, which led to such a breakdown.

Solving the problem with wire contacts

Often the plug is a non-separable element. It cannot be unscrewed or removed for repair. In this case, you can purchase a new one and replace the old one with it. Of course, this option requires soldering skills. Just cutting off the plug and gluing a new one will not work.

If you can’t handle it yourself, you will have to carry the headphones in for repair. And then it is rational to do this only if the headset is really expensive. Cheap headphones are easier to throw away.

Solder break

This is another problem that can cause the headphones to play quieter. Unfortunately, even an expensive headset can be poorly soldered. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer is trying in every possible way to save money. Of course, he is trying to spend less money on assembly and materials.

It is also often caused by a marketing decision. If we find a successful device, we are ready to use it for years. Not all users are chasing fashion. But this state of affairs is unprofitable for the manufacturer. Therefore, you need to create devices that would not work forever.

Poor soldering can be caused by environmental regulations. In this case, manufacturers use those components that do not harm the environment. But often such materials are fragile and short-lived.

Solder break repair

In this case, again, you can solve the problem yourself. If you understand how headphones work, you can try taking them apart to replace the soldering. But this solution is not always possible, since some headset models are non-separable. The user during the repair process may damage other items that cannot be repaired.

Therefore, in this case, you can also contact the service center or purchase new headphones.

Cable break

This problem is mechanical. Many do not understand why the headphones began to play quietly, although it is a cable break that can be the main reason. Sometimes it can be seen with the naked eye, and sometimes you have to grope, because it occurred inside the shell.

By the way, such a problem often occurs with a sharp physical load on the wire. For example, you suddenly got up or caught on something with a cable, after which tension and breakage occurred inside. If you use the headphones at the computer, and the wire is so long that it often gets tangled under your feet, you could run into it with the wheels of the chair, and, accordingly, damage them.

Cable break repair

If such a breakdown occurs, there is only one solution - to change the cable completely. Of course, it is not easy to do this on your own, especially if you do not have the proper skills. Therefore, many turn to the service center. But you need to understand that if the wire is very thin, then similar problems will often occur with it in the future. It will be easier to replace the headphones with new ones.

Water or debris has entered

What to do if the headphones began to play quietly? Maybe they got water or debris in them. These are the most common causes of failure. Some headphones can be damaged even after they get a couple of drops of water or a little dust accumulated. If you quickly take all the necessary measures, you can fix the problem yourself.

What to do if water gets in?

First you need to dry your headphones. You can do this in several ways. Try putting them next to a warm battery. But by no means above. The battery may become very hot and damage the circuit board inside the device.

Alternatively, you can send the headset in a bag of dry rice. Groats quickly absorb moisture and in a day can take away all the excess water that was in the headphones.

But here it is worth understanding that the oxidation of contacts occurs very quickly. If the headphones still work properly for the first couple of weeks, then over time you will begin to notice sound problems. It will become quieter, the device will buzz or make noise. In this case, specialists in the service center will be able to help.

What to do if garbage accumulates?

The ear pads will get dirty over time. This must be understood and taken care of in advance. It happens that the headphones began to play quietly on the phone due to the fact that the mesh was clogged with earwax and dust. Over time, you will begin to notice that one earpiece has become much quieter.

In this case, you will have to clean them yourself. To do this, take hydrogen peroxide. It is needed in order to rinse the nets from dirt. You can clean them in any container, for example, in a bottle cap.

Depending on the structure, you will have to bathe the headphones in different ways. If it is possible to separately clean the mesh, then you will have to remove it first. If this does not work, then you can try to dip the mesh along with the earpiece so that water does not get on the speakers.

After such cleaning, it is important to lay the earpiece with the mesh down so that the remaining moisture does not flow inside. It takes over an hour to dry.

Device problems

But not always a breakdown can be associated with headphones. Sometimes the device to which they are connected is to blame. For example, if the headphones have become quieter on the computer, try connecting them to your phone or another PC. It may be that the sound settings in the system have gone astray, and therefore it seems that the headset is broken.

If they work well on the other, you will have to configure the computer. If no changes have occurred, then you will have to look for the cause directly in the headset.

Greetings! iPhone can be used in different ways - a smartphone after all! If you want to play - play, call - call, listen to music - listen! True, in some cases, music lovers can expect one unpleasant surprise - a different volume level of the left and right "ear" when listening to music through the connected headphones. Somewhere quieter, somewhere louder. Here is such a "joy".

It would seem that if the headphones do not work correctly, then you need to change them and there are no other ways out of this situation. However, do not rush, we will always have time to throw out the thing. Let's try to get by with other, less radical ways of solving the problem. Yes, it may not always work... but it's still worth a try!

Ready? Begin!

Headphone settings and software errors

Yes, few people know, but the iPhone has a certain setting that allows you to set different volumes for the left and right earbuds. It's just that it is designed for people with disabilities, and few people enter these parameters. So:

Look, perhaps the violation of this very balance is the reason that one "ear" plays louder than the other.

By the way, even if the slider is in the middle, you can always adjust the sound so that it sounds the same for both channels. Try it, it should work.

In rare cases (very rare), the difference in volume may be due to various software failures and “bugs” in iOS. That's why:

  • We definitely do.
  • To check for sure - .

However, don't be in a hurry to upgrade...

Different sound levels in headphones - connection problems

We smoothly move on to the “iron” malfunctions and start with the simplest ones:

Again, the most common cause of varying volume is a clogged jack. Even if it seems clean, still carefully pick it up :)

Worst of all - breakage

Indeed, the worst case is a headphone or jack failure. Although, if we talk specifically about the fact that “one is quieter and the other is louder”, then it is the ears that are most likely to blame.

After all, when the 3.5 mm input is broken, the sound is completely absent, and not partially.

Quite a logical conclusion, right?

Therefore, if you have not yet tried to connect a new headset - do it. Most likely, the sound will normalize (of course, if before that you have done everything that is written above).

P.S. Be sure to write in the comments which of the methods worked - help readers with advice! Or is one ear still playing louder than the other? Tell your story, ask questions - we will try to figure it out and find a solution!

P.S.S. To make the iPhone always sound good, you need to perform one simple action - put a "like" and click on the social network buttons. Try this secret method! :)

By inserting ear cups into the ears, a person can completely isolate himself from the outside world, focusing only on his favorite sounds. Without fear of disturbing others, you can safely turn up the volume to the maximum limit and enjoy musical compositions. But one day, the sound of adored tunes can become weaker, even if you turn the volume control to the maximum. Finding the cause of this may not be easy even for a specialist. And even more so, few people know what to do if the headphones began to play quietly.

Technical causes of sound deterioration

Before blaming an accessory, a simple check should be made to determine the cause of the problem. You need to connect to another source: if listening was done from the phone, then you should see how the headphones behave on the computer. If the sound returns to normal, then the problem is not in the headset, but in the settings on the phone. But if even when connected to other sources, the headphones still have a quiet sound, then the causes of the malfunction are purely technical in nature.

Contact inside the plug

The plug (also called a jack) is the weakest link in any wired device. Due to the fact that an accessory is often connected and turned off through it, it most quickly fails. From increased load, as well as from kinks, the wire inside the jack can fray. As a result, the device begins to wheeze and stutter.

In view of the fact that literally all manufacturers produce their headphones with a molded case in the plug area, there can be two repair methods:

  • purchase a collapsible jack and solder the contacts on your own (if you have knowledge and experience);
  • contact the service center.

The workshop can take a decent amount for such a minor repair, as unscrupulous craftsmen understand that the user will agree to relatively small waste in order not to buy new headphones because of a broken plug.

One earpiece is quieter than the other

The worst reason for one headphone to be quieter than the other could be speaker degaussing. This damage cannot be repaired.

Important! If the volume of one of the headphones has decreased as a result of degaussing the speaker, this indicates that the purchased accessory is a poor-quality fake. Such malfunctions from branded manufacturers are excluded.

When one earbud sounds louder than the other, it may be in a wire break at soldering points with a driver(speaker). This situation may arise due to savings in production, but the reason for flimsy soldering is most likely different: European environmental standards have banned a large list of substances and components from being used because of their harmfulness to the environment. Therefore, the quality of soldering has fallen even among the most branded manufacturers. In this case, two repair methods are also possible, similar to a faulty plug.

Cable break

If a long wire is subjected to destructive external influences (for example, run over by the wheels of a chair several times), then the headphones will stop working. This will lead to a guaranteed break inside the cable, which is fraught with the need for a complete replacement.

Advice! Such gaps may not be visible visually and may not even be felt by hand. Therefore, if there is no special equipment for ringing the cord at home, it is recommended to contact the service center.

Water inside the device

If music plays quietly in the headphones after the user has been out in the rain or accidentally dropped the accessory into any liquid, this indicates that water has flowed into them. If you do not immediately turn off the gadget and start drying it, then you can soon lose the device: oxidation from moisture will eventually capture such an area that repairs will no longer be possible, and the headphones will have to be thrown away. Even vacuum devices are not immune from such trouble.

Dry the headset next to a heat source. For this purpose, you can use a hot battery or heater. You need to wait until the moisture inside has completely evaporated. The drying process can be long and take up to 2-3 days (with a margin). However, to be sure of the complete drying of the device, you should be patient.

Important! Under no circumstances should the accessory be placed directly on the battery. From excessive heat, the inside of the device will become completely unusable.

In the summer, you can use the "grandmother's" way: put the headphones affected by moisture in a bag of raw rice. This grain has a unique ability to absorb all the moisture from nearby objects.

Plug socket at the sound source

The failure of the contacts in the plug socket is a rare but possible failure. The reasons for this may be: the unsuccessful design of the hole itself or the rush when connecting the device. Over time, this can lead to a situation where, in order to get a clear sound, without hiss and crackling, it will be necessary to keep the jack pressed all the time. Or a little pull him out of the nest.

Self-repair without the necessary equipment and knowledge can lead to even more serious consequences. Therefore, in this case it is better to contact the experts immediately.

Reasons for not wearing headphones

In medical practice, there are cases when the reason for the deterioration in the sound of your favorite tunes is not in the headphones. This phenomenon is explained by the habit of the younger generation to listen to music at the highest volume. And sound over 100 dB (such indicators are typical for modern devices) is able to gradually cause eardrum damage.

With constant practice like this, a person can just go a little deaf. But in youth it is difficult to believe in the vulnerability of your body, so everyone first of all thinks of a “spoiled” accessory. However, it is enough to limit listening for a few days, and hearing returns to normal. And here if this does not happen, then you need to urgently contact a medical specialist.

Another reason for hearing loss can be the presence of an excess amount of yellow-brown lubricant in the ear canal. In the common people, it is called earwax. Due to its large accumulation, there may be plug in the ear. The same lubricant can also affect the earpiece: in contact with the speaker cup, sulfur can clog the mesh holes. Treatment in both cases is the same - with the help of hydrogen peroxide.

As for the ear 3% solution should be instilled into it to soften the cork, and then clean. But it is better to entrust the solution of the problem to the medical staff (otolaryngologist), so as not to aggravate the situation by tamping the sulfur even more. A speaker grid is needed rinse with this solution.. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide is poured into a small vessel (a bottle cap will do);
  • the earphone mesh is lowered into the solution so as not to wet the speaker;
  • in this position, the grid is held in time for about 10 minutes;
  • the accessory is dried, for which the earpiece is held strictly with the net down for at least one hour;
  • all actions are repeated with the second cup.

After treatment of the ears and headphones, the volume of the sound is usually restored.

Software bugs

Before approaching software errors, you need to remember that in our age, most devices require their own software to work. In order for the equipment that reproduces sound to “see” the headphones connected to it, it is necessary that on a laptop, android or iphone a special driver has been installed.

Anywhere (any device) all parameters must be configured responsible for sound. And for the correct operation of wireless accessories, bluetooth must be enabled on the equipment. And if the user himself is not able to carry out all the manipulations, then there is always the opportunity to turn to specialists.

Advice! Service centers that serve electrical equipment from manufacturers such as Sven, Blood, Apple and many other equally well-known brands are engaged in installing software and its subsequent configuration.

But there are situations when the headphones do not play at all, despite the installation of all the necessary drivers and firmware. Or they work, but quietly and with distortion. In this case, you need to use the operating system tools, for example, Windows 7, and make deeper adjustments.

Connecting to a USB port

If the headphones were connected via the USB port, but they are silent, then you need to perform the following steps.

After these steps, the headphones should work. But in order for the sound to be clear and, most importantly, there were no problems during the next connection, you need to continue the settings.

  1. In the "Sound" window, select the headphone icon, on which you need to click RMB and go to the "Properties" tab. Here you can change the name and icon as you wish.
  2. In the item "Device use" mark: "Use this device" and click "Apply".
  3. Next, on the "Levels" tab, you can adjust volume and balance left and right earpiece. If one of the headset speakers is louder than the other, then the reason may be just in the imbalance. All indicators must be set to 100%. This will help when the headphones play very quietly, while the speakers sound normal.
  4. On the tab "Additional features" must be unchecked. This will remove any noise.
  5. At the last step, go to "Advanced" and disable exclusive mode. Here you can try the sound in different formats and choose the one you like.

The setup algorithm for the Windows 10 operating system may be slightly different, but it will not be difficult to figure it out, since the steps should be similar.

Front panel connection

Sometimes, when the plug is plugged into the front panel, for some reason the headphones do not show signs of life. This indicates that the panel is not active. The activation algorithm is as follows:

  • go to the Control Panel through the Start menu;
  • in the "Hardware and Sound" section, select "Realtek HD Manager";

  • in the "Connector Options" folder, activate both options.

The issue has been fixed and the headphones now play normally.

Drivers are to blame

If all the previous settings did not help, and device activation did not change anything, the cause should be sought in the incorrect operation of the drivers. The easiest solution is to update them or completely reinstall them.

Advice! You can try to install not even native, but compatible drivers. And in case the problem only got worse, rolling back will help: in the properties of the sound card, go to the "Drivers" tab and select "Roll back".

A very good way is in the device manager activate the function "Update configuration". The Windows system itself will find and install all the necessary software. But for this, you will first need to completely remove all sound card drivers.

If the system did not find anything, you can manually install the driver. You need to take it on official sites, guided by the capacity of the system. In many cases, installing via compatibility mode will help. And the launch only needs to be done with admin rights.

Important! To ensure that any software is not just updated, but reinstalled, you must first uninstall the old version.

Based on the foregoing, it is safe to say that many problems with sound reproduction with headphones are solved on their own. Moreover, you need to act from simple to complex, leaving reinstalling the software last.

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What to do if the headphones play quietly?

Master's response:

A huge number of people around the world listen to music through headphones. Enjoying your favorite tracks, they do not distract passers-by. And it happens that they are used when they want to maintain the confidentiality of the information being listened to. Of course, there are pros and cons to using headphones. After all, they not only cannot convey the entire spectrum of sound. They do not play as loudly as stationary speakers can.

Many reasons can cause headphones to play quietly. Naturally, you need to remember that you should not expect the same from a miniature speaker as from a large one. He simply can not cope with this in terms of physical and technical features.

It may be that the headphones do not have enough power. You can try to connect them through a special amplifier. At a relatively low price, it significantly improves the quality and volume of playback. Excessive lightness can also affect the sound volume level. Because of this, sound travels in all directions instead of one direction, which would amplify the volume. Also, large massive headphones make it possible to hear the sound much better.

You need to pay attention to what cable you use to connect the headphones to the sound source. To avoid interference, it is better to choose shielded, but with low resistance.

Check out the headphone design. Vacuum-type headphones protect themselves from ambient noise, making it much easier to hear the sound.

In the case when there are no problems with the headphones themselves, you need to check the plug to connect them. If it is loose in the connection socket, just fix it. Reducing contact leads to quieter and poorer sound transmission.

Also, the problem may be related to the sound card of your computer. Inspect it for signs of burnout and the density of its fastening. Pay attention to the volume level on the computer itself, for which you need to run the volume control. It is in the tray. If the sound disappears when you move the plug, then the problem is with the headphone jack.

The reason may be related to the sound card driver. In this case, you should reinstall it.

Everyone loves to listen to music. She accompanies us everywhere - at home, in the gym, while traveling, on vacation, in the car. But to enjoy your favorite songs anywhere you need to have headphones. Often, users have to deal with a common problem, namely, quiet playback in headphones. A quiet accessory may be initially, but it happens that for some time the headphones work perfectly, and after that the sound becomes quieter.

A few reasons

Initially, you should think and remember after what event the device became quieter. Perhaps you have been with him in a damp room, got caught in the rain, dropped or pulled hard. If such reasons took place, then it is worth trying to move the plug. You also need to check the sound card (if you have the opportunity to disassemble the device) for traces of burnout.

If only one earphone has become quieter in playing music, then perhaps the problem lies in the lack of contact or the cable coming off. But before you dig deeper, make sure you haven't accidentally hit the volume control and check your connected device's audio settings.

Carefully inspect the headphones, they may be dirty, and as you know, settled dust, dirt significantly reduces the sound quality.

If you are convinced that the settings are correct, but the sound does not improve, then try connecting the accessory to another device, or use a special amplifier when connecting.

Incredible reason

Many users listen to music at maximum volume. After listening for a long time, a lower volume level seems quite quiet to a person. In this case, you should contact an otolaryngologist and check your hearing. Or just listen for a few days at a lower volume, the ear will adapt, and the music will play louder.

Also, the cause of quiet sound may be insufficient charge of the headphones. Connect them to the charger and everything is back to normal.

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