Why put cacti in front of the monitor. How cactus protects from computer radiation Why do we need a cactus near a computer

Today, computers are everywhere: in offices, apartments, schools. Without them it is difficult to imagine the workflow. Being a source of radiation, they allegedly can harm health. Many believe that it is the cactus that protects our body from harmful radiation. Let's find out if there is a connection between the cactus and the computer.

To begin with, let's figure out whether there is such a problem as computer radiation, from which the cactus should protect. We must immediately refute the myth that computers emit radiation. There is no radiation at all, so you should not panic about this. What is actually happening?

Here we are faced with electromagnetic radiation, which really comes from the device. However, here you should also not panic, because at the moment the computer monitor is liquid crystal, so the radiation is minimal and does not harm health at all. Of course, when these devices first appeared, they really could pose a threat to the human body, but they have long been improved so much that there is no harm.

Human health is absolutely not endangered, especially considering the modern design of these devices. And if you add to this the fact that today people are increasingly buying laptops, and not huge personal computers, then all fears, in principle, can be called groundless. However, many still believe that computers are harmful to our health, and it is necessary to protect ourselves from their harmful effects by all available means. Therefore, a few decades ago, an ordinary cactus was chosen as such a “protector”, and many still put it on their desktops, believing in its miraculous possibilities.

In fact, the assertion that cacti protect humans from radiation is a myth. First, the electromagnetic waves themselves, emanating from modern devices do not pose a threat to humans. Secondly, these plants cannot absorb waves, it is physically impossible. However, there is a certain benefit from them, although you will not receive protection from electromagnetic waves.

Where did the myth come from that this prickly baby is so useful that it can protect a person from electromagnetic radiation if it stands on the table at the computer? This funny theory was invented by physics students decades ago. Despite the fact that after some time they themselves denied their statement, many people still believe in what was said.

Video "Cactus near the computer"

In this video you will learn about the beneficial properties of cactus.

What should be a cactus

Since we have already decided that the computer has almost zero radiation (in the sense that radiation does not harm a person, and a plant cannot protect us from it), the size or type of flower does not matter at all.

You can put some giant next to your computer, or you can simply surround it with miniature specimens - the effect will be the same. Therefore, here you should rely solely on your own tastes. Although the plant will not help absorb the electromagnetic waves emitted by the device, it is still able to improve appearance rooms. So just choose a beautiful copy and put it on your table or windowsill.

Reasons to put the plant at the computer

We have already found out that there is no reason for concern, and why a cactus is needed near a computer is rather a rhetorical question.

However, for the cactus itself, such an arrangement is very beneficial, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Cacti are excellent ionizers. Although there are no negative health effects and no radiation, computers do contribute to the heating of indoor air. So a great solution would be to place the plants exactly on the desktop so that they can ionize the air where it is most needed. And of course, do not forget about ventilation, the effect of this procedure will be more noticeable.
  2. These plants grow well near the electromagnetic field. It was because of this that the assumption arose that these babies absorb radiation. However, everything is much simpler: such an environment just stimulates the growth of a prickly flower well.
  3. Appearance. As a rule, many people do not even think about the benefits of the plant when they put it on their desktops. Rather, they do it intuitively, as small flowers fit perfectly into the environment and give the workplace a more aesthetic appearance.

Surely, you have heard more than once that a cactus protects against monitor radiation. And even in our time, it is often found when there is a pot of cactus near the computer screen. Is there any benefit from it and is the cactus really capable of absorbing radiation? From this article you will learn the truth.

There is an opinion that the cactus absorbs radiation from the computer monitor. But the fact is that the monitor does not emit any radiation, there are electromagnetic emissions, the same as in other electrical appliances. In the old CRT monitors, the emissions were much stronger than in modern ones, but what about the new LCD monitors?

New LCD monitors are practically harmless. A special mesh is installed to protect against radiation. The main radiation comes from the back of the monitor, but as a rule, we place monitors against a wall or some kind of fence. So what about the cactus?

Cactus attracts radiation: truth or myth?

Suppose a cactus near a computer has taken root since the days of CRT monitors, which, as we already know, emitted much more electromagnetic waves than modern monitors. And many out of habit (by hearsay) put cacti near LCD monitors. But after all, the whole point is that the cactus does not attract or magnetize radiation, which means that it is simply not capable of protecting it from radiation.

What is the point then?

Where did the myth about the protection of computer radiation by a cactus come from? - you ask.

It is said that cacti grow best in areas of electromagnetic radiation. I only know that they love a lot of light and little water, but about other places where they grow better or worse, botanists know and who are professionally growing them.

Therefore, if you have a cactus pot near the monitor, take it and throw it away (just kidding). You don’t need to throw anything away, it just makes no sense to put a cactus near the monitor and now you know it and can tell others.

The conclusion will be this: the cactus does not absorb electromagnetic radiation. It does not protect against radiation (where is this radiation?). And in general, a cactus near the monitor is nonsense. You can protect your health from the computer - move more and take care of your eyesight behind the monitor, do eye exercises, do not sit close and move away from the computer more often.

Source: ocompah.ru


Why do you need a cactus near the computer? Surely, you have heard more than once that a cactus protects against monitor radiation.
even in our time, it is often found when there is a pot of cactus near the computer screen. Is there any benefit from it and is the cactus really capable of absorbing radiation? From this article you will learn the truth. There is an opinion that the cactus absorbs radiation from the computer monitor. But the fact is that the monitor does not emit any radiation, there are electromagnetic emissions, the same as in other electrical appliances. In the old CRT monitors, the emissions were much stronger than in modern ones, but what about the new LCD monitors? New LCD monitors are practically harmless. A special mesh is installed to protect against radiation. The main radiation comes from the back of the monitor, but as a rule, we place monitors against a wall or some kind of fence. So what about the cactus? Cactus attracts radiation: truth or myth? Suppose a cactus near a computer has taken root since the days of CRT monitors, which, as we already know, emitted much more electromagnetic waves than modern monitors. And many out of habit (by hearsay) put cacti near LCD monitors. But after all, the whole point is that the cactus does not attract or magnetize radiation, which means that it is simply not capable of protecting it from radiation. What is the point then? Where did the myth about the protection of computer radiation by a cactus come from? - you ask. It is said that cacti grow best in areas of electromagnetic radiation. I only know that they love a lot of light and little water, but about other places where they grow better or worse, botanists know and who are professionally growing them.
Therefore, if you have a cactus pot near the monitor, take it and throw it away (just kidding). You don’t need to throw anything away, it just makes no sense to put a cactus near the monitor and now you know it and can tell others. The conclusion will be this: the cactus does not absorb electromagnetic radiation. It does not protect against radiation (where is this radiation?). And in general, a cactus near the monitor is nonsense. You can protect your health from the computer - move more and take care of your eyesight behind the monitor, do eye exercises, do not sit close and move away from the computer more often. http://balnet.ru/ #internet #digitaltvbalashikha #digitalTVconnectbalashikha #balashikhatv #internetbalashikha #IPTV


Is monitor radiation harmful?

The assumption about the protective properties of cacti appeared a long time ago. At that time, everyone had cathode ray tube screens, and they really posed a health hazard.

People sitting in front of a computer for a long time possible ways tried to defend themselves, including with the help of plants. But things have changed in the last few decades and there is almost nothing to fear now.

Some features of modern monitors:

  1. Modern LCD monitors are practically safe. The number of electromagnetic waves emitted by them is no more than that of an electric razor or an iron. In addition, they do not emit beta radiation, unlike CRT devices. It has been proven that the harm that LCD screens can cause is so small that it cannot even be recorded in clinical trials;
  2. If we talk about plasma screens, they also have a low level of danger. Of course, they can be harmful to vision under certain conditions, but that's another topic.

Thus, you should only be afraid of fundamentally outdated CRT monitors, but you rarely see them anywhere. If you have one, read on.

Does the cactus help with computer radiation?

It is believed that the cactus is able to absorb electromagnetic radiation. But the question arises, where did such information come from and is it scientifically proven?

The fact that cacti are one of the plants that take root well in an electromagnetic environment has been scientifically proven. They often grow where nothing else grows and is able to absorb harmful waves. However, these plants do not reduce the level of the radiation itself.

In addition, you should not worry if you work at home with one computer. If this is an office and there are a lot of devices around, it's a different matter. After all, the danger comes from the back wall of the monitor, and when the devices are everywhere, the probability of suffering from waves is much higher. This threatens to disrupt the metabolic processes in the body, which can lead to any complications.

But the cactus is not able to help here, it is necessary to properly organize jobs. Any of the neighboring computers must be at least 0.5 meters away from the person for safety.

Why do you need a cactus near the computer?

It turns out that more for beauty. However, if your green friend is not growing well, you can put him closer to the monitor and then he may grow faster. It is known that under the influence of these very waves, cacti increase in size quite well.

It is also a great option for decorating your desktop - plants are extremely unpretentious. They require a minimum of attention, but at the same time they are pleasing to the eye all year round. And also allow you to escape from the monitor after a long work.

You can’t protect yourself in this way, this assumption is just a myth.. Moreover, now everyone has modern devices, from which, if they can suffer, then after about 200 years of continuous operation.

As for vision, it can deteriorate if you look at the screen regularly and incorrectly. But in order to save it, you don’t need to put a cactus near the computer, it’s important to follow the rules: monitor the lighting, get up more often and be distracted, do exercises for the eyes.

Video debunking the myth

In this video, Mikhail Nemanov will tell you where the myth came from that a cactus will absorb radiation if you put it next to a monitor:


A cactus standing on a table near the monitor. A familiar picture, isn't it? And if you ask the owner of a computer place equipped in this way about the reasons for such a neighborhood, then, as a rule, in response you can hear something like: “He, this ... protects from computer radiation!”.

It should be said right away that neither the computer itself, nor the monitor, nor any computer peripheral device due to its design, it is simply not capable of emitting radioactive particles, be it alpha, beta, gamma or neutron radiation. True, in fairness it should be said that the kinescope CRT monitor and, like any other kinescope, it emits a certain dose of x-ray radiation, but the device of modern monitors neutralizes it almost completely.

In response to all the above arguments, our hypothetical interlocutor may object: “Well, you are calming me down! Firstly, there is no smoke without fire, and everyone does it, and secondly, there, “Low Radiation” is written on the monitor itself! Do you know how it translates? "Low radiation!". And such a delusion, which comes from, to put it mildly, not very good knowledge of the English language, today is very widespread among people who, by the nature of their work, are forced to spend the whole day in front of a monitor screen. But the word "radiation" in this case is not translated as "radioactive radiation", but as "electromagnetic radiation" that actually emits a computer monitor, as well as a system unit, a printer, and any other electrical device, including here and quite harmless coffee maker.

But, nevertheless, it is the CRT monitor that is the very computer device that emits electromagnetic fields of the greatest intensity. It is worth saying that the average person receives no lesser dose of electromagnetic radiation from a TV, a vacuum cleaner, or as a result of a trip in a trolley bus. If there is electrical wiring near the person’s bed, then in this case the intensity of the received electromagnetic radiation will be higher than a conventional computer can “provide”.

So how dangerous for human health are electromagnetic waves with a frequency of tens of hertz to hundreds of megahertz, which, in fact, represent exactly the same harmful radiation emanating from the monitor?

The fact is that the human body has the ability, so to speak, to “magnetize”, as a result of which various changes in the subtle processes of metabolism can be observed. An alternating electromagnetic field is caused by fluctuations of ions in the human body, which can also hardly be called a beneficial effect on health. However, modern medicine uses these same fields to treat various diseases (as an example, give various physiotherapeutic procedures), but in this case, radiation doses are carefully calculated. Poison, as you know, differs from medicine only in dosage.

The first computer monitors, which were produced in large quantities by the world industry in the eighties of the last century, were distinguished by a very high level of emitted electromagnetic radiation. The results of numerous studies conducted at that time show that the effect of such radiation on the human body causes various complications of existing cardiovascular diseases, negatively affects the development of pregnancy, reduces immunity and leads to a number of other negative manifestations.

But it seems that we have somewhat digressed from the main theme of our story. A natural question arises - what does cacti have to do with it? Yes, of course, many types of plants (including cacti) indeed grow much better in conditions of increased electromagnetic radiation. But as for lowering its level or some other influence exerted by a cactus on it, this issue requires more detailed consideration.

For the first time, mentions that cacti have the ability to absorb harmful computer radiation appeared in the press at the end of the same eighties of the last century. Since then, the tradition of setting the monitor with cacti has its origins, over which many simply laugh. But let's not rush and consider everything in order.

Previously produced monitors had, as is clear, a kinescope, which, in fact, played the role of the main emitter of electromagnetic waves. To be more precise, the electromagnetic field was emitted by a kind of “tail” of the kinescope, to which a high-frequency high-voltage voltage was applied.
It was this part of the kinescope design that worked as a kind of antenna, propagating electromagnetic waves of relatively high power in the space around it. Long-time computer users may have even sometimes noticed that various devices that were close to the monitor of the old model failed, which was to blame for the interference created by the hard radiation of the kinescope. Such strong radiation was used even for the purposes of industrial espionage. Numerous publications in the mass media of those days repeatedly mentioned the existence of special equipment that made it possible to read processed information from computers from a distance of up to 150 meters. It is this powerful electromagnetic field computer technology those days and was associated with great harm to the health of the operator.

This situation could not remain unchanged, and the joint efforts of a number of large companies were crowned with a considerable number of innovative technical solutions that ultimately made it possible to secure the monitor as much as possible. As an example of such a technical solution, one can cite the idea of ​​spraying the thinnest metal layer onto the monitor body from the inside, which shielded the electromagnetic fields emitted by the device no worse than a huge metal sarcophagus.

The technological revolution did not bypass the cathode ray tubes, in the design of which simple glass with a phosphor deposited on it was replaced by a special multilayer composition of glass, phosphor and metals. Monitors made using this technology practically do not emit electromagnetic waves into the surrounding space, and therefore they have become practically harmless to human health. It is worth emphasizing that the serial production of such devices was launched only in 1995.

It is quite natural that the safer the design of the monitor for human health, the greater the number of innovations implemented in it and the higher the cost of the final product itself. To date, the manufacturer is forced to comply with the existing strict sanitary standards for the use of video display terminals and personal computers. But, despite the fact that the radiation of these devices is minimized and, as experts say, is not harmful to human health, it still exists.

The greatest danger to human health is the high-frequency component of electromagnetic radiation, which is measured in hundreds of megahertz. We repeat that, to a special extent, what has been said applies specifically to older models of monitors. The wavelengths corresponding to such frequencies are units of meters, which far exceeds the size of any domestic cactus. This circumstance allows electromagnetic waves to easily flow around the cactus, practically not paying attention to it.

But upon closer inspection, things turn out to be somewhat more complicated. Let's try to draw an analogy between a monitor and cacti, as well as a radiating antenna and reflectors used in air defense. Such reflectors are inherently a kind of miniature antennas, since any specialist in the field of radio engineering will confirm that for an antenna, not so much its absolute dimensions as its shape are of great importance.

The fact is that the individual parts of an antenna of complex architecture exert mutual influence on each other, which greatly increases its efficiency, as if the dimensions of this antenna were greatly stretched in space. Given this circumstance, it becomes clear the meaning of such a radio engineering term as "effective antenna size", which is used along with the concept of its usual geometric size.

But if you now pay attention to the shape of the cactus, you will notice that it quite accurately copies the shape of the so-called multi-strip corner reflector, the effective dimensions of which are described by the well-known Stokes-Schrebinger equation L=Ln*m*en*t*s. In this mathematical expression, the variable m is the length of the protrusion (that is, the needle), n is the number of rows of needles, t is the number of needles per row, and s is the pitch of the needles.

Even a fleeting glance at this formula allows us to assert with confidence that the effective dimensions of such a reflector can exceed its geometric dimensions by tens of times. The main property of a multi-strip corner reflector is also known, which lies in the ability of this design to reflect an electromagnetic wave exactly in the direction from which it came. Such a remarkable feature of this reflector was the reason for their use in military affairs in order to interfere with enemy radars. If several of these structures are dropped from an aircraft, then they are capable of tightly blocking the radar screen with powerful reflected signals.

Given all of the above, we can say that the theoretical justification for the protective properties of the cactus is not a myth or fiction of the townsfolk. But, we repeat, this is only in theory, so in practice there is one significant problem. Namely, the Stokes-Schrebinger equation given by us describes the properties of a multi-strip corner reflector only if it is made with a very high degree of accuracy, which in no way can be said about a cactus.

But here, as well as from any other situation, there is a way out, and it cannot be called complicated and tricky. It turns out that if a certain number of such reflectors are combined into a special system that works in exactly the same way as a single reflector, then the requirements for the accuracy of manufacturing each specific reflector are significantly reduced.

One such system, which we will call the "pentagram", consists in the fact that all five reflectors used in it are located at the vertices of a regular pentagon, the edge of which can be from 5 to 25 diameters of a single reflector. The uniqueness of such a system lies in the fact that it is nothing more, nothing less, but an absolute electromagnetic screen. If any source of electromagnetic radiation (for example, the same monitor) is placed in the geometric center of the pentagon thus obtained, then no radiation, regardless of its wavelength, can go beyond the indicated pentagram.

Also, do not discount the fact that the cactus (or rather its spines), like any other plant, can perform the functions of a passive type air ionizer. After all, it’s not just that growing flowers at home has always been considered a useful and beneficial occupation for human health.

Finishing the article, I would like to mention one extremely interesting observation. The postulates of the well-known mystical science of Kabbalistics contain recommendations, when summoning evil spirits, to outline the area of ​​\u200b\u200btheir alleged appearance with a pentagram, since any evil spirit, being inside such a pentagram, will in no way be able to harm the person who called it. There is a desire to think about such an analogy ...


Is there anything to protect

To begin with, let's figure out whether there is such a problem as computer radiation, from which the cactus should protect. We must immediately refute the myth that computers emit radiation. There is no radiation at all, so you should not panic about this. What is actually happening?

Here we are faced with electromagnetic radiation, which really comes from the device. However, here you should also not panic, because at the moment the computer monitor is liquid crystal, so the radiation is minimal and does not harm health at all. Of course, when these devices first appeared, they really could pose a threat to the human body, but they have long been improved so much that there is no harm.

Human health is absolutely not endangered, especially considering the modern design of these devices. And if you add to this the fact that today people are increasingly buying laptops, and not huge personal computers, then all fears, in principle, can be called groundless. However, many still believe that computers are harmful to our health, and it is necessary to protect ourselves from their harmful effects by all available means. Therefore, a few decades ago, an ordinary cactus was chosen as such a “protector”, and many still put it on their desktops, believing in its miraculous possibilities.

In fact, the assertion that cacti protect humans from radiation is a myth. Firstly, the electromagnetic waves themselves, emanating from modern devices, do not pose a threat to humans. Secondly, these plants cannot absorb waves, it is physically impossible. However, there is a certain benefit from them, although you will not receive protection from electromagnetic waves.

Where did the myth come from that this prickly baby is so useful that it can protect a person from electromagnetic radiation if it stands on the table at the computer? This funny theory was invented by physics students decades ago. Despite the fact that after some time they themselves denied their statement, many people still believe in what was said.

Video "Cactus near the computer"

In this video you will learn about the beneficial properties of cactus.

What should be a cactus

Since we have already decided that the use of a cactus for a computer is practically zero (in the sense that radiation does not harm a person, and the plant cannot protect us from it), the size or type of flower does not matter at all.

You can put some giant next to your computer, or you can simply surround it with miniature specimens - the effect will be the same. Therefore, here you should rely solely on your own tastes. Although the plant will not help absorb the electromagnetic waves coming from the device, it can still improve the appearance of the room. So just choose a beautiful copy and put it on your table or windowsill.

Reasons to put the plant at the computer

We have already found out that there is no reason for concern, and why a cactus is needed near a computer is rather a rhetorical question.

However, for the cactus itself, such an arrangement is very beneficial, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Cacti are excellent ionizers. Although there are no negative health effects and no radiation, computers do contribute to the heating of indoor air. So a great solution would be to place the plants exactly on the desktop so that they can ionize the air where it is most needed. And of course, do not forget about ventilation, the effect of this procedure will be more noticeable.
  2. These plants grow well near the electromagnetic field. It was because of this that the assumption arose that these babies absorb radiation. However, everything is much simpler: such an environment just stimulates the growth of a prickly flower well.
  3. Appearance. As a rule, many people do not even think about the benefits of the plant when they put it on their desktops. Rather, they do it intuitively, as small flowers fit perfectly into the environment and give the workplace a more aesthetic appearance.


computer radiation

This is reminiscent of childhood, when my father, seeing me at the computer, always asked:

Based on this, I read the literature to convince my father that my computer does not emit any radiation. Our iron guy does not emit any radioactive alpha, beta, gamma, neutron particles. If it was possible to get X-rays from old monitors, now this is completely excluded in new monitors.

Sometimes on monitors you can see such an inscription as "Low Radiation". You may immediately think that the translation will turn out “Low level of radiation”, but the word “Radiation” itself in translation will mean “Radiation”, namely electromagnetic, in no case radioactive. This type of radiation can emit any electrical object. Of course, the monitor radiates the most, but if you sit half a meter away from it, then you are already in a safe zone.

If you have a lot of computers in one office at work, and they are on a trailer like school desks, it's better to rearrange and now I'll explain why. The fact is that the electromagnetic radiation from the monitor acts not only in front of the screen, but also on the sides and back, even stronger than in front. Therefore, you should be afraid not only of your computer, but also of neighboring computers.

This radiation affects the human body, thereby disrupting the metabolism in his body. Therefore, be careful when installing a computer in your workplace or at home.

There is another nuance that not everyone pays attention to - air. The monitor has the ability to electrify not only itself, but also the air in the room in which it is located. The air itself receives a positive charge, and this is not very good for the human body. How do you think, why does a person feel good in the mountains Or when they rest on the sea? The whole reason is that the air there is negatively charged, so a person feels good. Therefore, in a room where many computers work, the air is heavy and it is not very comfortable to stay there for a long time.

And what about the cacti?

Now let's talk about the myth about cacti. They say that cacti absorb radiation from a computer, but as we found out, it definitely does not absorb any radiation, but I can agree about electromagnetic radiation. Many plants tend to grow more in an electromagnetic environment, one of these plants is a cactus. Thereby they absorb electromagnetic radiation, but in no way lower the level of the radiation itself.

From this we can conclude that the cactus stands near the computer more for beauty than for good. Since it doesn’t solve anything cardinally at your workplace in terms of protection, and even more so, the radiation is not so big that it would harm a person. For it to give some effect, you need to sit in front of the monitor for 200 years. And we, as you know, do not live that long.


Today it is widely believed that a cactus located next to a computer monitor absorbs most of the electromagnetic radiation that is harmful to humans.

There are many points of view, often opposite, on whether this is a myth or reality. Despite all the arguments, it is still more of a tradition that many users still observe in homes and offices. Although it would be great if this turned out to be true, and the cactus would be able to protect a person from the harmful effects of radiation. But, unfortunately, cacti could absorb some of the radiation only if they surround the entire monitor from all sides with them. A small (as well as a large) cactus standing alone does not protect us from electromagnetic waves. But for him, the location near the source of these waves is very beneficial.

But I would like to return to the myth that as - tus - a unique protective agent that absorbs most of the monitor's radiation. For the first time, the myth that cacti have the ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation from computers appeared in the late 1980s. It is still unknown what it was connected with. There are various assumptions about this. One of them is that the legend about the miraculous properties of the cactus, which supposedly absorbs all the harmful radiation of the monitor, appeared in FIDO (this computer network). Allegedly, this option was put forward (albeit in a comic form) in the course of disputes between programmers and ordinary PC users in search of best remedy protection against electromagnetic radiation.

Another suggestion, less likely, is that the legend about the protective properties of the cactus was invented by sellers of flower shops. When cacti were first brought to Russia from Holland for sale, it was necessary to somehow attract buyers. So they came up with a myth that how - parties in pots with earth can save the user from the harmful radiation of the monitor. This is how the “cactus” myth appeared.

One can guess for a long time why and how the myth appeared, but it is only known for certain when - in the 80s of the last century. The monitors that were produced at that time were very far from modern technologies and were indeed able to have a negative impact on operators due to large doses of radiation. Gradually technology developed. Modern models emit a very small dose of radiation, and also include various protective devices. The dose of radiation must be strictly below the level, beyond which, electromagnetic waves are harmful to health.

One way or another, after the appearance of the myth about the protective properties of the cactus, people's opinion was divided. Since then, some have been furnishing a computer monitor with cacti from all sides, while others are sure that all this is nonsense. You must remember the excitement that arose after the appearance of the myth in the press. Cacti filled the computer tables not only in the homes of users, but also in office space.

Over time, the action of the myth began to slowly subside. Gradually, many users still abandoned this method, realizing that the "cactus" myth is contrary to logic. Others are still convinced that this the best way radiation protection.

The number of cacti near monitors is also gradually decreasing, despite the fact that many people still prefer to leave at least one small cactus on the desktop, referring to the fact that greenery in the room is useful anyway.

Thus, the power of the "cactus" myth is gradually fading away. But then it turns out to be strange that, judging by foreign films and reports, this myth also exists in European countries, and you can still find a monitor with a nearby cactus in many places. Do people still not realize that this is just a myth? It is not clear that this is a superstition, a tradition, or they do it just in case.

There is information that special testing was carried out, on the basis of which all cacti were qualified as follows:

small action;

medium action;


They differ in area of ​​effect, that is, the size of the monitor with which they should be used.

This is still quite likely. But what the developers of this theory offer further, in my opinion, indicates that this theory is a fiction. The fact is that further we are talking about possible configurations of cacti. So, supposedly there are cacti with built-in headphones or a USB port. This is absolutely absurd.

Given such a variety of opinions, you can have your own, different from all others. I would not like to impose my point of view, but still I urge you to consider this issue logically and draw the right conclusions, despite the fact that belief in the "cactus" myth is very convenient - put a cactus next to the monitor and no longer have to worry about your safety.

In order to finally figure out where is the truth and where is the lie, you need to find out what is the source of electromagnetic radiation in the monitor.

The radiation comes from the cathode-ray tube of the monitor, and not in one direction, but in different directions. Only a stream of electrons comes out in one direction. It follows from this that a lone standing cactus will not be able to absorb all the radiation emanating from the cathode ray tube. After all, it does not have the properties of a magnet and does not attract electromagnetic waves. Therefore, only a "fence" of cacti around the monitor can become a significant barrier to radiation fluxes, which, of course, is unacceptable.

As mentioned above, the proximity to the monitor is beneficial mainly only to the cactus itself. The fact is that this plant comes from tropical and subtropical countries. This explains its stability or even attraction to radiation, which it lacks so much in our conditions.

This state of affairs again reinforces the belief in the "cactus" myth, since many people are accustomed to explaining the accelerated growth of both parties located near the monitor by the fact that a mutation occurs under the influence of electromagnetic waves. And therefore, they think, the cactus really absorbs radiation and protects a person.

Radiation really has a positive effect on the development of the cactus. It only absorbs a small fraction of all the radiation that is directed in its direction. Therefore, if you already have cacti at home and you do not know how to take care of them, place them next to the monitor. This will definitely benefit them.

This property is a feature of cacti. Virtually no other plant is resistant to electromagnetic radiation, and if located in close proximity to a given source, it will more likely wither and die. With a cactus, everything is different. For him, radiation from a monitor or any other source is much more useful and preferable than sunlight from a window.

However, this is not about cacti, but about radiation. All of the above was to ensure that specifically, for the sake of protection from electromagnetic radiation, you should not buy a cactus. The cactus at the computer can be located only for its own good or as an interior detail.

By the way, if you already decide, then you also need to have a cactus at the monitor with skill. As already mentioned, electromagnetic radiation from a cathode ray tube comes in different directions. Moreover, the cactus will receive the largest doses of radiation if it is placed behind the monitor. There is the most dangerous and highly irradiated zone. Therefore, even when working at a computer, a person can be more harmed not by the monitor he is currently working on, but by the one that is located behind him. But placing the cactus behind the monitor is somehow unreasonable from an aesthetic point of view. It is clear that he has nothing to do right in front of the screen. First, the cactus will then block part of the screen. Secondly, this zone has the lowest radiation dose. Therefore, it is best to place the cactus on the side, on either side (as you will be more convenient and comfortable), and a little in front, and not at the level of the monitor. It is in this zone that the cactus absorbs the greatest amount of radiation.

Thus, I hope I managed to convince you that the "cactus myth" remains just a myth. Putting it into practice is more likely for cactus lovers, and not for PC users who are still worried about the dangerous effects of electromagnetic radiation from the monitor. I say “still” because at the time this legend was born (80s of the last century), monitors were indeed sources of powerful electromagnetic radiation and posed a health hazard to the user.

myth. Putting it into practice is more likely for cactus lovers, and not for PC users who are still worried about the dangerous effects of electromagnetic radiation from the monitor. I say “still” because at the time this legend was born (80s of the last century), monitors were indeed sources of powerful electromagnetic radiation and posed a health hazard to the user.

Today, with the development of completely new technologies, even ordinary cathode ray tube monitors do not pose a danger to humans if they comply with modern generally accepted safety standards.

In addition, already widespread liquid crystal monitors (LCD) as well as TFT monitors, which are also based on technology that does not use a cathode ray tube, are generally devoid of the electromagnetic radiation source itself. They are deservedly recognized as practically safe from the point of view of electromagnetic waves, since in terms of radiation dose they can be compared with a calculator or a tape recorder.

New generation monitors (LCD and TFT) are improving, becoming more affordable and spreading at an increasing speed. In the near future, they will most likely completely replace the old models on the cathode ray tube from the desktops of PC users.

This means that there will soon be no reason to worry about the harmful effects of monitor radiation on human health at all. And for those who already today have or are going to purchase a liquid crystal monitor, I want to say: you will not need a cactus near the display at all. He will not only not protect you (and not from anything), but he himself will not receive the necessary doses of electromagnetic radiation.


Greetings to all readers of our wonderful blog. Today we will find out why put cacti near computers and is it true that they absorb the radiation that your personal friend emits, thereby protecting you from radiation. So these are just myths and nothing more. First, let's dispel the myth that computers emit radiation.

Do not rush to judge us for the fact that lately non-thematic articles appear on the site at first glance. Maybe so, but we decided to somehow positively affect your health, wrote an article about maintaining vision, wrote about coffee and energy drinks. All this seems like simple things that surround us everywhere, but there are a lot of stereotypes and myths around this.

computer radiation

This is reminiscent of childhood, when my father, seeing me at the computer, always asked:

"Will you eat?"
I answered: "No, I don't want to."
In response, he said: "Understood. So he ate radiation and is already full."

Based on this, I read the literature to convince my father that my computer does not emit any radiation. Our iron guy does not emit any radioactive alpha, beta, gamma, neutron particles. If it was possible to get X-rays from old monitors, now this is completely excluded in new monitors.

Sometimes on the monitors you can see such an inscription as "Low Radiation". You may immediately think that the translation will turn out to be "Low level of radiation", but the word "Radiation" itself in translation will mean "Radiation", namely electromagnetic, in no case radioactive. This type of radiation can emit any electrical object. Of course, the monitor radiates the most, but if you sit half a meter away from it, then you are already in a safe zone.

If you have a lot of computers in one office at work, and they are on a trailer like school desks, it's better to rearrange and now I'll explain why. The fact is that the electromagnetic radiation from the monitor acts not only in front of the screen, but also on the sides and back, even stronger than in front. Therefore, you should be afraid not only of your computer, but also of neighboring computers.

This radiation affects the human body, thereby disrupting the metabolism in his body. Therefore, be careful when installing a computer in your workplace or at home.

There is another nuance that not everyone pays attention to - air. The monitor has the ability to electrify not only itself, but also the air in the room in which it is located. The air itself receives a positive charge, and this is not very good for the human body. How do you think, why does a person feel good in the mountains Or when they rest on the sea? The whole reason is that the air there is negatively charged, so a person feels good. Therefore, in a room where many computers work, the air is heavy and it is not very comfortable to stay there for a long time.

And what about the cacti?

Now let's talk about the myth about cacti. They say that cacti absorb radiation from a computer, but as we found out, it definitely does not absorb any radiation, but I can agree about electromagnetic radiation. Many plants tend to grow more in an electromagnetic environment, one of these plants is a cactus. Thereby they absorb electromagnetic radiation, but in no way lower the level of the radiation itself.

From this we can conclude that the cactus stands near the computer more for beauty than for good. Since it doesn’t solve anything cardinally at your workplace in terms of protection, and even more so, the radiation is not so big that it would harm a person. For it to give some effect, you need to sit in front of the monitor for 200 years. And we, as you know, do not live that long.

It is not known where, but a belief was born that cacti somehow attract and absorb computer radiation. Moreover, this opinion has spread so quickly that it is simply amazing. One can only philosophize: since this happened, it means that someone needs it.

Let's try to figure it out. Most of the high-frequency waves do not come from the computer itself (system unit), but from the monitor. Moreover, 4/5 of this radiation passes through the screen, and 1/5 - through other sides. To absorb frontal radiation, either protective screens or the monitor tube are built in special grounded grids. And monitors with a screen size of 17 inches or more, according to modern standards, are necessarily equipped with circular shielding protection. It is also clear that radiation (if any) propagates radially, in all directions. But cacti do not draw off the radiation of the monitor. they absorb (if they absorb) only the amount of rays that hit them - while a person, in the absence of protective devices, receives the same dose of radiation as without plants. Therefore, you should not rely on cacti, sacrifice your health - you need to purchase a new generation of equipment with circular screening, or purchase protective screens as a half measure.

Thus, the benefit of a cactus from a computer is doubtful, but the harm to plants is obvious - if no measures are taken, then it is doomed to death - cacti will not last long without proper lighting.

There is a myth that it is simply necessary to keep a cactus near a computer monitor, because this plant takes on part of the radiation emitted by the screen. Cactus is a really great plant that looks quite aesthetically close to the monitor. And today we will try to figure out whether culture helps to fight monitor radiation.

It should be said right away that it is really advised to keep the cactus near the monitor screen, but not at all because of "radiation absorption". The myth that a computer screen generally emits radiation particles arose back in the 90s. On overall, even the first then monitors, one could often meet the inscription “low radiation”. Most PC users were sure that the inscription meant "low radiation" or something similar.

In fact, PC monitors do not emit any radiation particles - neither alpha, nor beta, nor gamma. The above inscription means only a low level of electromagnetic radiation. This inscription, on the contrary, should act as a belief that the monitor emits a small amount of electromagnetic rays, no more than a coffee maker and less than a TV.

However, be that as it may, monitors do, like any other electrical devices, emit electromagnetic radiation. Its action for the body in small doses is harmless, but undesirable. Most of the radiation comes from the monitor, much less from the computer system unit itself. This radiation, roughly speaking, magnetizes everything around. That is why it is advised to place a cactus near the monitor. Its unusual shape and the structure of the plant itself act as a mini air ionizer. Therefore, the cactus, to some extent, really purifies the air and protects you from electromagnetic radiation, although not very effectively.

Cactus is a great monitor neighbor!

In the 80s of the last century, it was officially established that cacti not only absorb electromagnetic radiation, but also grow much better under its influence. Therefore, the best place for this thorny plant is near the monitor or TV.

Why is the cactus so susceptible to electromagnetic waves? It is believed that the spines of the plant act as mini-antennas and receive electromagnetic waves. So there are benefits from the cactus, and what else.

So, we figured out where it is better to grow a cactus, it remains to figure out how to plant a plant and care for it. And they plant a cactus in a small bowl 3-5 cm high, where 1 cm of light peat soil should be poured and on top another 3 mm of clean sand washed in several waters. On the soil prepared in this way, it is necessary to sow the seeds without sprinkling anything. A bowl with seeds should be placed in a plastic bag, put it in a warm (+ 20-25C) bright place without direct sunlight.

As for watering, despite all the jokes about the endurance of the plant, it is mandatory. Of course, you do not need to water the plant often, but during the growing season, watering should be regular. Enough to moisten the soil once every two weeks. But in winter, it is better not to water the cactus at all. Culture needs to provide conditions for wintering. To do this, remove the cactus from the monitor and move it to the windowsill, or even to the balcony. The ideal air temperature for a wintering cactus should be 10-12 degrees. If the cactus will stand near your computer, then it will be too hot for him.

As you can see, the cactus is a really useful plant in all respects. On the one hand, it is aesthetically attractive, unusual and original. On the other hand, it is useful and does not require vigilant care. The cactus is an ideal plant for those who are busy at the workplace for a long time, because the plant requires rare watering, and at any time of the year it looks equally attractive.

V. Kostenko

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