Translation memory programs (TM programs). TM and TM-Siddhis Program: A Personal Experience Case Study: All-Round Evidence-Based Benefits of the TM-Siddhi Program

“The scientific era had to come in order for the world to appreciate the philosophy of Yoga and its practical significance in creating a holistic personality, a single country and a lasting world peace. "Yoga" means "oneness" - the union of the individual consciousness with the unified field of all the laws of nature in the transcendental consciousness. Yogic flying demonstrates the ability of a person to operate from the level of the unified field and activate the full potential of natural law in all its manifestations - in the mind, body, behavior and environment. Yogic flights represent in miniature the flight of galaxies in outer space, united and ideally ordered by natural law. The coordination of mind and body, which manifests itself in yogic flying, shows that consciousness and its expression - physiology - are in perfect harmony.


What is the TM-Sidhi program?

The TM-Sidhi program is a natural extension of Transcendental Meditation. It can be learned after two months of regular TM practice and the Advanced TM Techniques course. The practice of the TM-Sidhi program accelerates the development of the full potential of a person - the achievement of the state of enlightenment.

The Transcendental Meditation technique promotes the attainment of transcendental consciousness, the source of thought, and the TM-Sidhi program develops the ability to think and act from this level of self-reversed pure consciousness. Thanks to the TM-Sidhi program, thoughts and actions of their own accord begin to come into harmony with the evolutionary power of natural law, and a person masters the art of action - gains the ability to fulfill his desires naturally and effectively, while simultaneously supporting the evolution of all people and the entire world around.

Beneficial results at the individual level

The TM-Sidhi program develops mental and creative abilities, increases the ability to learn and the flexibility of the nervous system. According to scientific research, the practice of the TM-Sidhi program leads to a high degree of brain integration, which is expressed, for example, in an increase in EEG coherence. The experience of pure consciousness during the practice of TM-Sidhi maintains the optimal functional state of the brain and creates the basis for unlocking the full creative potential of a person.

EEG coherence during yogic flying

One aspect of the TM-Sidhi program is called "yogic flying". In the first stage of yogic flying, the body rises into the air and moves forward in short hops. At this moment, a person feels joy, lightness and bliss. An EEG study shows that at the moment the body leaves the ground, the coherence of brain waves reaches a maximum. This high coherence of brain activity leads to the perfect coordination of mind and body, of which yogic flying is an expression. When people practice yogic flying in a group, the influence of coherence extends to everything around, which leads to a decrease in negative tendencies and contributes to the growth of positive, harmonious tendencies in the life of the whole society.

Practical results: comprehensive evidence-based benefits of the TM-Sidhi program

  1. So far, over 80,000 people around the world have studied the TM-Sidhi program. This program, like Transcendental Meditation, brings comprehensive practical evidence-based results. Those who have studied the TM-Sidhi program often report that it enhances the effects of Transcendental Meditation in terms of promoting health, increasing feelings of happiness, and developing the ability to make the best use of circumstances to achieve a desired goal.
  2. Over 600 scientific studies conducted in more than 250 universities and research institutes in 33 countries confirm the beneficial effects of Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi program on the psycho-physiological state and behavior of the individual, as well as on the whole society as a whole.
  3. The group practice of the TM-Sidhi program brings even greater benefits to each individual and to the whole society. More than 40 scientific studies have shown that even a small group of people - approximately the square root of one percent of the population (town, city, country, world) - doing this program together, creates a powerful effect of coherence, harmony and order in the collective consciousness of the entire population. This phenomenon is called the "Maharshi effect" after Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who predicted it forty years ago.
  4. Studies show a decrease in the level of crime, morbidity and the number of accidents, as well as a decrease in the intensity of international conflicts and social tensions. Time series analysis showed that during the three experimental "peace assemblies" held in Fairfield (USA) in December 1983 - January 1984, in Holland in December 1984 - January 1985 and in Washington in July 1985, when the number of participants in the group TM and TM-Sidhi programs approached or exceeded 7,000 people (this number is approximately the square root of one percent of the world's population), there was a significant decrease in the intensity of international conflicts around the world. In addition, according to independent statistics, the number of injured and killed as a result of international terrorist attacks decreased by an average of 72% during these assemblies.

Reducing the intensity of international conflicts

Translation memory programs (TM programs)

automated translation program

First, let's define how translation memory programs work. Their work is based on the translation algorithm - a sequence of uniquely and strictly defined actions on the text to find matches in a given pair of languages ​​A1 - A2 for a given direction of translation (from one specific language to another). The most common is the following sequence of formal operations that provide analysis and synthesis in the system of the program:

The CAT program segments the translated text, i.e. divides it into segments (sentences) and gives it to the translator in a convenient form that simplifies and speeds up the translation. In the program, each segment is displayed in a special frame, and in another frame, directly below the source text, you can enter the translation.

After that, each translated segment is analyzed for a match with the translation memory (TM - translation memory), and at a certain percentage of the match, translation options are issued. In turn, the translator confirms the proposed version, corrects it at his own discretion, or completely translates the unique segment.

Thus, every time it finds segments in the new text that have been translated earlier, the program automatically offers a translation option. The entire main part of CAT - programs works with the help of translation memory (TM) or translation memory.

TM is a database where completed translations are stored. The TM technology works on the principle of accumulation: during the transfer process, the original segment (offer) and its translation are stored in the TM. When processing a new text received for translation, the system compares each of its sentences with the segments stored in the database. If an identical or similar segment is found, the translation of that segment is displayed along with the translation and a percentage match. Words and phrases that differ from the stored text are highlighted. Thus, the translator needs to translate only new segments and edit overlapping ones. Each change or new translation is saved in the TM. As a result, there is no need to translate the same sentence twice.

Each TM database entry is a unit (sentence or paragraph) of parallel texts (usually in two languages). Such a database stores previous translations for the purpose of their possible reuse and for solving problems of quick content search. Translation memory does not translate anything by itself, it is just an aid to translation.

As a rule, a translation memory record consists of two segments: in the source (source) and target (target) languages. If an identical (or similar) segment in the source language occurs in the text, the segment in the target language will be found in the translation memory and offered to the translator as the basis for a new translation. The automatically found text can be used as is, edited or completely rejected. Most programs use the fuzzy matching algorithm, which significantly improves their functionality, since in this case it is possible to find sentences that only remotely resemble the phrases you are looking for, but, nevertheless, suitable for subsequent editing. TM search tools can work both with whole segments and with individual words or phrases, allowing the translator to perform a terminological search. The system also includes a separate program for working with a glossary containing terms approved for use in the project. Some systems work with machine translation programs. The main operating interface is either built directly into an existing word processor such as Word or is a standalone editor. The system must include filters for importing and exporting files of various formats. In addition, many, if not all, systems have a facility to add to the translation memory segments from the translator's usually old translated files.

Based on the descriptions above, it can be seen that the decision to choose a translation option lies entirely with the translator - this is the main difference between CAT tools and machine translation, where the final decision is made by the machine.

Currently, there are a huge number of programs whose work is based on translation memory. The most famous are such programs as Trados, Deja Vu, Wordfast, MemoQ, OmegaT, ABBYY Aligner.

Speaking of automated translation, they usually mean programs that translate based on Machine Translation technology. However, there is another technology - Translation Memory, which, although not so widely known Russian users, but nevertheless has a number of advantages.

The rapid development of technological progress has led to an increase in the number of technical devices, machines and other complex equipment, without which life modern man practically unthinkable. For example, the documentation for a European Airbus aircraft runs into tens of thousands of pages. According to a study conducted at the end of 2004 by the LISA association (LISA 2004 Translation Memory Survey), 42% of respondents translate about 1 million words a year, 24% of companies participating in the survey have an annual volume of translations of 1-5 million, 12 % translate from 5 to 10 million, the volume of translations of other companies - from 10 to 500 and more million words per year. In particular, most manufacturers today are not limited to their local market and are actively developing regional markets. At the same time, the localization of products, including the translation of the product description into the local language, is one of the prerequisites for entering a new market.

At the same time, although manufacturers regularly release new versions of their products - cars, excavators, computers and mobile phones, software, - not all of them are fundamentally different from previous models. Sometimes a new phone model is a slightly modified (or restyled) previous model. New versions sell better, so manufacturers have to update their products regularly. As a result, the documentation for each of these products is often 70-90% identical to that of the previous version.

Two factors - a large volume of documents requiring translation and their high repetition - served as an incentive to create the Translation Memory technology (abbreviated as TM, there is no generally accepted Russian translation of this term). The essence of TM technology can be figuratively conveyed in one phrase: "Do not translate the same text twice." In other words, Translation Memory is used to reuse previously made translations. This allows you to seriously reduce the time for preparing a translation, especially when working with texts that have a high degree of repetition.

Translation Memory technology is often confused with Machine Translation, which, of course, is also useful and interesting, but its description is not the purpose of this article. The use of TM technology increases the speed of translation by reducing the amount of mechanical work. However, it is important to note that TM does not translate for the translator, but is a powerful tool for reducing costs when translating repetitive texts.

The TM technology works on the principle of accumulating translation results: during the translation process, the original text and its translation are stored in the TM database. To facilitate the processing of information and comparison of different documents, the Translation Memory system breaks the entire text into separate pieces, which are called segments. These segments are most often offers, but other segmentation rules can be adopted. When a new text is loaded, the TM system performs segmentation and compares the source text segments with those already available in the connected translation memory. If the system can find a fully or partially matching segment, then its translation is displayed with an indication of the match in percent. Segments that differ from the stored text are highlighted. Thus, the translator only needs to translate new segments and edit overlapping ones.

As a rule, the threshold of matches is set at a level not lower than 75%, since if you set a lower percentage of matches, then the cost of editing the text will increase. Every change or new translation is saved in the TM, so there is no need to translate the same thing twice!

It is also important to constantly replenish the Translation Memory database, keeping in the database (or in the databases, if the translation is carried out on various topics) pairs of segments "source text - correct translation". This will significantly reduce the time needed to translate similar texts. In addition to reducing the complexity of translation, the TM system allows you to maintain the unity of terminology and style in all documentation.

The use of TM technology provides the translator with the following advantages:

  • increase in labor productivity. Substituting even 80% of the matching segments from the translation memory can reduce the time spent on translation by 50-60%. As practice shows, it is much more efficient to edit an already finished translation than to translate again - "from scratch";
  • unity of terminology and style in the presence of a translation base on the subject of the document being translated. This is especially important when translating highly specialized documentation;
  • organizing the work of a team of translators with guaranteed quality of translation due to access to a common database of Translation Memory.

Separately, we note that in Western countries, where the Translation Memory technology has long become a de facto indispensable tool for a translator, the funds spent on creating a translation base are not considered as costs, but rather as investments in a stable and quality work, which increases not only profit, but also the value of the company itself.

Market of Translation Memory Systems

The undisputed leader in the market of Translation Memory systems are SDL-TRADOS programs. In the summer of 2005, the two largest developers of TM systems, SDL and TRADOS, merged ( software products under the brand name TRADOS are well known to many users), and now they are releasing a joint product that sets the standards in the field of Translation Memory.

The new SDL-TRADOS system has enhanced (user-configurable) fuzzy matching functionality (search for matches in the translation memory), as well as tools for checking the quality of translated documents. The program checks spelling and protects the contents of memory blocks using encryption technology.

The system supports Word DOC and RTF, online help RTF, PowerPoint, FrameMaker, FrameMaker +SGML, FrameBuilder, Interleaf, QuickSilver, Ventura, QuarkXPress, PageMaker, SGML/HTML/XML, including HTML Help, RC (Windows Resource) , Bookmaster (DCF) and Troff. In addition to the SDL-TRADOS system, there are other TM systems on the IT market. French manufacturers are especially well represented.

The system of the French company Atril ( is called. Its developers first organized their own technical documentation translation agency, after which the idea arose to create specialized software based on Translation Memory technology.

This is a standalone application with a systematic menu. The system can create TM databases, as well as terminology databases and connect dictionaries. The translation process is carried out in a special Project shell, where, when it is created, a file is attached that needs to be translated, and additional settings are connected: the TM database, dictionaries, etc. The text is translated in a special table, where opposite each column of its original, you need to fill in the translation option. The benefits also include an additional function for translating files of various formats, which allows you to keep the original formatting of the file.

If your computer has antivirus program can scan all files on the computer, as well as each file individually. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate option to scan the file for viruses.

For example, in this figure, file, then you need to right-click on this file, and in the file menu select the option "scan with AVG". Selecting this option will open AVG Antivirus and perform a scan given file for the presence of viruses.

Sometimes an error can result from incorrect software installation, which may be due to a problem that occurred during the installation process. It may interfere with your operating system associate your TM file with the correct application software tool , influencing the so-called "file extension associations".

Sometimes simple reinstalling EOSAT Landsat Thematic Mapper Bitmap Data can solve your problem by properly linking TM to EOSAT Landsat Thematic Mapper Bitmap Data. In other cases, file association problems may result from bad software programming developer, and you may need to contact the developer for further assistance.

Advice: Try updating EOSAT Landsat Thematic Mapper Bitmap Data to latest version to make sure the latest patches and updates are installed.

This may seem too obvious, but often the TM file itself may be causing the problem. If you received a file via an attachment Email or downloaded it from a website and the download process was interrupted (such as a power outage or other reason), the file may be corrupted. If possible, try getting a fresh copy of the TM file and try opening it again.

Carefully: A corrupted file can cause collateral damage to previous or existing malware on your PC, so it's important to keep your computer up to date with an up-to-date antivirus.

If your TM file associated with the hardware on your computer to open the file you may need update device drivers associated with this equipment.

This problem usually associated with media file types, which depend on the successful opening of the hardware inside the computer, for example, sound card or video cards. For example, if you are trying to open an audio file but cannot open it, you may need to update sound card drivers.

Advice: If when you try to open a TM file you get .SYS file related error message, the problem could probably be associated with corrupted or outdated device drivers that need to be updated. This process can be alleviated by using driver update software such as DriverDoc.

If the steps didn't solve the problem and you are still having problems opening TM files, this may be due to lack of available system resources. Some versions of TM files may require a significant amount of resources (eg. memory/RAM, processing power) to open properly on your computer. This problem is quite common if you are using fairly old computer hardware and a much newer operating system at the same time.

This problem can occur when the computer is having a hard time completing a task because operating system(and other services running in the background) can consume too many resources to open TM file. Try closing all applications on your PC before opening HP Internet Advisor Capture File. By freeing up all available resources on your computer, you will ensure the best possible conditions for trying to open the TM file.

If you completed all the above steps and your TM file still won't open, you may need to run hardware upgrade. In most cases, even with older hardware versions, the processing power can still be more than enough for most user applications (unless you're doing a lot of CPU-intensive work like 3D rendering, financial/science modeling, or media-intensive work) . Thus, it is likely that your computer does not have enough memory(more commonly referred to as "RAM", or RAM) to perform the file open task.

"The TM-Sidhi program is the stabilization of an aspect of the infinite organizing power of pure consciousness."


TM-Sidhi Program Course

The TM-Sidhi program is an advanced program in Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology. The TM-Sidhi program is a natural extension of the Transcendental Meditation Technique and Advanced Techniques and can be learned no earlier than two months after all Advanced Techniques have been taught.

If the Transcendental Meditation Technique opens the mind to the experience of experiencing transcendental consciousness (“waking at rest”), then the TM-Sidhi Program develops the ability to think and act from this level of consciousness. Thanks to the TM-Sidhi Program, a person masters the art of action - gains the ability to do anything naturally and effortlessly with the help of intention alone. Therefore, the TM-Sidhi Program is also called the "technique for the fulfillment of desires."

The TM-Sidhi program further develops mental and creative abilities, intuition, increases the ability to learn and the flexibility of the nervous system. According to scientific research, the practice of TM-Sidhi leads to an even higher degree of brain coherence and greater integration between mind and body.

So called "yogic flights"- this is the culmination of the TM-Sidhi Program, the opening of the Field of all Possibilities before each person.

Let's see what Maharishi Mahesh Yogi himself says about human potential:

“The Vedic system of getting something is to stimulate the Complete Natural Law to fulfill any desire. According to the Vedic system of mind cultivation, the Complete Natural Law obeys our order. To cultivate the mind, lead your consciousness to the source of thought. The memory of everything wakes up in your consciousness from this area of ​​unmanifested emptiness. The infinite creative mind supports your desires, actions and behavior.

Transcendental Meditation trains the mind to consciously start thought from the self-reversed Unified Field, the field of Complete Natural Law within oneself. From there we fulfill the wish. This is a different philosophy.

To teach a man to do something and give him so much money is the philosophy of slavery. Then you give him more money and he will do this. This is the science of slavery, the philosophy of dependence. "Your obedient servant - how wonderful - I am, sir, your obedient servant." You remain a man's servant for a few thousand coins every month, and then you can buy yourself fruit and so on.

You can train your mind so that the Complete Natural Law that governs the Universe becomes an assistant in the fulfillment of your desires. The proof of this is "yogic flights". You invite the force of gravity, and the force of gravity says, "Yes sir, I'm here for you." You appeal to the force of gravity - and immediately the force of gravity fulfills your request. If you want the body to rise into the air, the body immediately rises.

This is proof. We're not talking about fantasies. Vedic education is a practical field of education. We have seen that modern education builds more ignorance than knowledge. Vedic education increases knowledge until you have access to the full knowledge of creativity - the infinite potential of Natural Law. This is something completely different, but this is exactly what we offer.».

“The various siddhis, which in times of ignorance were called superhuman abilities, are not superhuman at all. All within the normal range of human ability. The range of each person's own nature is all cosmic life, because it has the same nature... So far, the philosophy of wish fulfillment has been struggle... Now we must awaken humanity to a new philosophy of life... Success lies in interaction with nature and nature is man's own nature. The more you are able to control yourself, the more you are able to control the world.”

Refreshment Course of the TM-Sidhi Program

The TM-Sidhi Program Refresh Course is an opportunity to re-listen to Maharishi's introductory lectures from the TM-Sidhi Course and brush up on his personal instructions for this technique. During the course, TM-Sidhi Teachers also check the correctness of the TM-Sidhi technique and individual consultations with each of the participants.

Feedback from course participants

“The Sidhi Refresh course is very important to me. I learned how to practice the Sutras of Patanjali correctly. On the first day of the course, I gained invaluable experience in testing the practice of the TM-Sidhi program. The verification of the correctness of the practice of the sutras was carried out personally by Maharishi. It was an unusually deep and important experience. Thanks to TM-Sidhi Administrators Ajit Kumar and Nisha Kumari" (Irina Roginskaya).

“As a result of the course of refreshing TM-Sidhi, all the sutras were restored, they were ordered, the practice was also restored. This greatly helps the process of meditation and the fulfillment of the TM-Sidhi program in fullness and obtaining bliss and happiness. (Marina Beschasnova).

“The course was very helpful in understanding the TM-Sidhi technique and understanding its intellectual aspect, remembering the sutras and comprehending them.
Very informative, practically useful for the qualitative implementation of the TM-Sidhi program, which means the development of consciousness. (Alexander Viktorovich Likhogrud).

“The course is very informative and productive. Inside there was calmness, peace from the programs. Regularity and innocence. Thanks to the Teachers for the invaluable knowledge they bring to the world. Thank you Maharishi for these waves of bliss.” Irina Bukharina).

“The sutras began to shoot like bullets from a gun, and this in itself was a great happiness. The practice of the sutras has been renewed. Even meditation has changed, for the better, of course.” (Irina Kraineva, Teacher TM).

TM-Sidhi Program Practice Support Program

The TM-Sidhi Program Practice Support Program is a club session during which participants who have completed the TM-Sidhi Program Training Course do the TM-Sidhi Program together.

Once, to a request addressed to him for some more technique, Maharishi replied:
"You have another super technique - to be together, work together and do the program together."

Maharishi has repeatedly emphasized the importance of collective meditation both for personal evolution, in terms of moving as quickly as possible to the realization of the full potential of Consciousness, and for achieving Invincibility and prosperity for all peoples.

If you are interested in any program, you can check the necessary information in your regional Transcendental Meditation Training Center.

Video presentation of the TM-Sidhi program

Part 1 (4 minutes)

Part 2 (5 minutes)

Part 3 (2 minutes)

Part 4 (3 minutes)

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