Great guide to chop. Chop and other animals Gta 5 chop pirate training

Chop, Franklin's favorite dog, can not only play, follow simple commands and shit anywhere - he will be of invaluable help in finding hidden objects, such as, for example, and.

To use Chop to search for pickups, you need to take the dog with you for a walk, and, having arrived at one place or another, give him the “search” command. To do this, turn Franklin to face Chop, hold down the right mouse button and press the spacebar, as indicated in the instructions that appear in the upper left corner.

Having sensed something unusual, he will notify the owner about the find with a loud bark. But, like any dog, Chop will not obey commands if he is dissatisfied or unhappy - he needs to be looked after. In addition, Chop needs to be trained, which will allow him not only to learn a few useless commands, but also significantly increase the distance at which the dog can find things of interest to you.

And if nothing is required to play with Chop, since the ball automatically appears in Franklin's inventory when he goes for a walk with his dog, then for care and training you will need to download and install a mobile device running Android or iOS and.

Chop the Dog

In the menu of this application there is a section "Chop the Dog", which is something like a Tamagotchi: you can clean up after your dog, play ball with him, feed him, water, walk him, buy him new collars and teach him new commands. If you take good care of Chop, you will be able to see the results of your efforts not only in the application, but also in GTA 5.

The most important part of the interface is the joy scale located in the upper left corner: Chop will obey your commands and play with the ball only if his needs are satisfied to a sufficient extent. To fill this scale, you must provide the dog with proper care: feed, drink and walk. The main thing - do not overdo it, he does not like it.

The first step is to clean up after him. To do this, you need to click on the icon depicting a hand with a trash bag on, and then pinch the pile with your finger, and carefully move the bag into the trash can. If you release your finger ahead of time, the pile will bounce somewhere to the side.

To feed Chop, food must be purchased for credits: by clicking on the corresponding icon, you will see the options. Next to each of the proposed dog treats is indicated by how many percent it can satisfy the dog's hunger. The richer the food, the more expensive it is.

With drinking, the situation is exactly the same: by clicking on the corresponding icon, you will see the drink options available for purchase, next to which it is indicated how much they can satisfy your thirst. There is no need to worry about loans, as they are restored over time.

When Chop eats and drinks, you can go for a walk: to the beach, to the street or to the park. Each option is an amusing mini-game, after passing which you can get additional credits. If you get "gold" in all three mini-games, you will open a bonus golden collar.


While walking along the beach, Chop likes to steal bikinis from girls, and your task is to help him with this. The timer will start counting down from 30 seconds before the splash screen disappears, so don't forget to keep an eye on the time - bonuses appearing every few seconds, looking like a small round clock, will help replenish its supply. Each such "clock" gives ten seconds of extra time.

The controls are extremely simple: you need to draw with your finger the path along which Chop will run. You can keep your finger on the screen continuously, you can draw separate lines. Having reached the end of your line, the dog will stop. In order for Chop to rip off a bikini from a girl, it is enough to draw a line next to her. In the same way, you can collect drinks that appear from time to time. Some of them increase the number of points, others allow the dog to run faster, but there are some that slow down Chop, so be careful. Most importantly, avoid getting hit by flying saucers, each of which will "take" 5000 points at once, and try not to get caught by sunbathing steroid jocks - they will spank you.

The street

It's no secret that the Chamberlain Hills, where Franklin grew up and lives, is not the best place for walking: you can easily run into trouble here. This is what usually happens - as soon as Franklin leaves his car on the local streets, ballas immediately begin to smash it, and Chop has no choice but to save the owner's property. Of course, with your help.

In addition to the timer, which also starts from 30 seconds, there is a car integrity indicator in the upper left corner, and the longer the car stays whole, the more points you get. The controls are no different from the previous game: you need to draw a route for Chop so that he drives the bandits away from Franklin's car in a timely manner, collects extra time and other bonuses.

The park

Chop is walking with his girlfriend in the park. She is so good that not a single local male is able to resist her alluring charms: they come here from all over the area. Of course, Chop must protect the honor of his lady and drive away annoying boyfriends from her until she goes over to one of them.

There is also a timer here that starts at 30 seconds, and a fully filled heart-shaped friend's affection indicator: if she spends even a little time near another dog, her feelings for Chop will weaken, and, in the end, she will leave the park already not with him. The controls are the same: you need to draw dashes, and Chop will follow your instructions, driving away intruders and collecting all kinds of bonuses.

And most importantly, don't forget to play ball with Chop! True, sometimes he brings some rubbish instead of a ball, for example, someone's hand, but that's a completely different story.

Chop workout video

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Combat dog, Rottweiler breed, by name Chop (Chop).

The name Chop is not accidental, since all translations from English mean something cruel and tough - to chop, break, beat, crush, split. You understand that after such a subtext, our friendly-looking Rottweiler ceases to be such.

Having a pet for a character in was the first such experience in the history of Grand Theft Auto.

Like any of the three main ones, Chop can be customized - that is, customize his appearance. In our case, everything is limited to several options for collars.

The Rottweiler can be used for your own defense and in combat, setting it on opponents. He also knows how to distract opponents to himself. On the radar, it is displayed as a yellow arrow marker.

According to unconfirmed information, the player may still lose Chop in GTA 5.

How to control Chop

Like any domestic dog, our Rottweiler obeys a number of commands. Here's what you can do with it:

1. Walk or let go.
Xbox 360: RB | PlayStation 3: R2

2. whistle so that Chop comes back to you.
Xbox 360: D-pad left| PlayStation 3: D-pad left

3. Order Chop hunt for collectibles(like parts of a spaceship)
Xbox 360: RT | PlayStation 3: R1

4. chop, sit!
Xbox 360: X | PlayStation 3: Circle

5. chop, give paw!
Xbox 360: B | PlayStation 3: Square

6. chop, ask!
Xbox 360: A | PlayStation 3:X

7. And finally you can pamper chop.
Xbox 360: Y| PlayStation 3: Triangle

chop- a dog from the Rottweiler breed, a true friend and assistant of your hero in GTA 5. He will help you in the game, entertain, and also require care for him. And the degree of assistance to you in the game will depend on how well you educate him, namely:

  • The chop will follow Franklin's commands such as: "Sit", "Give paw", "Lie down". And, of course, ask for treats.
  • Chop will sniff out various hiding places to please you, as well as help search for the remains of a crashed spaceship.
  • By walking Chop, you can also earn points that can later be spent on purchasing a new collar.
There are several options for training Chop, and each of them we will tell you below.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 without iFruit

Unfortunately, it is impossible to train Chop without ifruit. Since, this is such a feature from Rockstar games, where interaction with the dog is carried out only through the application, and training functions are available only in it. But, Rockstars try to take care of all the players and that is why they have released on many modern platforms - from mobile phones to personal computers. You just need to download it and start the entertaining process of training.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 on PC

To start training Chop on a personal computer, you need to download the "iFruit" application itself, install it, link an account and start training and caring for a dog. There is nothing difficult in mastering the application. Everything is quite intuitive and clear there, which any player will understand.

The only thing to consider is that the application only supports Windows 8.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 on Xbox 360

With the help of only a prefix in the game, it will not work to train Chop. The ifruit application is also required here - which you can download by clicking on the link above, there are all links to the official sites of the application downloader: appstore, google play, windows phone market and microsoft.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 on PS4

In principle, the PS4 game console does not differ from the PS3 in terms of training the dog Chop - you still need the iFruit application, the description of which, and download, you can follow. Everything is described in detail there: where to download and what device characteristics are required to run it. That is, you can start training the dog both from the iphone, and from the phone on Android and Windows Phone, as well as from the PC on which WIndows 8 is installed.

Almost ornamental seagulls, "incorporeal" shoals of fish and jellyfish, doves frozen in one place ... Fauna in GTA have always been nothing more than decorations, only sometimes they are the object of search and shooting. However, everything was supposed to change after the release of Red Dead Redemption, which had a lot of animals, and horses were used at all as a means of transportation. And so it happened - there were more animals than usual, and they began to have some influence on the gameplay. Not all, but the addition of Chop, his own dog, was a major innovation. The appearance of dogs became known from the first seconds of the debut trailer. Dogs in the game walk with their owners, guard houses and do other usual dog things. One, for example, will help you find the House twice, the other will become the target of a short foot chase. However, the excitement was caused by the information that one of the main characters, Franklin, will have his own dog. Later there were rumors saying that it would be possible to buy a new four-legged friend and the like. Such "statements" remained rumors. But the fact that Chop already has a serious impact on the gameplay and even the plot is unequivocal.

Dogs near people can be found both in the city and in the district.

Rottweiler Chop (Chop, which translates as "chopping", "jaws" or even "chop"), in fact, belongs to Lamar, but he will leave him in the care of Franklin. At first, the game will not be available to the dog, but after the story mission named after himself, Chop will always be waiting for Frank, who obeys as the owner, in the backyard. This location will be marked with a bone icon. There he will constantly spoil if he is not trained in the GTA application: iFruit. Training will also help if you go with Chop to search for scraps of a letter and parts of a UFO - he will find them when you are nearby and give the command. You can take the dog with you in the car and play with him by throwing the ball. The ball will appear in the weapon selection menu as soon as you give Chop the command to walk. However, the dog will not climb into the water, helicopter, plane or boat. Although in the mission he will easily climb into Trevor's helicopter. In this and in the already mentioned mission, Chop can literally move into a pet - the game will allow you to see the world through his eyes. He will be in other missions, as, for example, during the visit of Franklin, Lamar and Trevor to the "ballas" on Grove Street. By the way, if someone shows aggression towards Franklin, Chop will stand up for him, attacking the ill-wisher.

Chop covers for Lamar, Franklin and Trevor during the deal. True, during a shootout, he will not be able to help out, and therefore he will run away home.

There are several commands that Chop executes. One of them allows you to call the dog for a walk, and this is the first of the conditions for 100%. The second is to throw the ball, which the chop will bring to the feet. It is important to avoid the flow of traffic, otherwise the throw may end fatally for the pet. The best places for walking are those that are far from the roads. For example, park areas.

However, despite all the novelty and gameplay importance of Chop, the dog was not endowed with the life that one would expect. Yes, he will happily ride in a car or run for a walk playing with a ball, yes, he shits near the booth, like any dog. But this is where his actions, in principle, end, although it was possible to make him more “alive” while at home. Of course, in the first house there is very little space in the yard, but in the second, Chop could hang out in the pool or at least just wander around the bush.

Chop in the backyard of the first house. Indeed, there is not much to roam around here.

In the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean, which wash the state of San Andreas from all sides, sharks are found. They were first shown on pre-release screenshots. These predators are a particular danger to divers. When diving, you need to watch the radar, the red marks that appear on it are the “jaws”. You can fight and even defeat the shark, but it's better to get on the boat as soon as possible or try to swim away. However, if the toothy one still eats the hero, then there is no need to get upset, since the player will receive for feeding the sharks with himself. Sharks are found in the waters marked on the map in dark blue, in deep water, away from the coast.

Predators, which became known after the release, are also on the ground - in the mountains and on the hills you can meet cougars. They walk alone, so it's not a problem to fight back. The main thing is not to let the puma jump on you, it is better to open fire as soon as a red mark appears on the radar.

Admiring a dead cougar may not be as scientific or educational, but it is definitely safer.

The dog-like beast from the trailers turned out to be coyotes that live in the desert and plains in Blaine County. Trevor and Cletus practice on them. Often coyotes die under the wheels of cars on the highway, trying to cross the road. Tee, for example, crushing another poor fellow, calls them "cute, but stupid."

Cletus and Trevor's other target, deer, is found in the forests and can also be hit on the road. They are even divided into males (with horns) and females (without horns). Moreover, their anatomy is more thought out - in the game there is a so-called shot in the heart. This is an exact hit in the chest area, which is located below the neck. Deer are associated with such an activity as hunting.

On farms, cows lazily chew and roam around the fenced area. At times, after a violent drinking, Trevor wakes up in a barn of cows. Of the farm animals, there are also chickens that run smartly near the houses in the villages and are even found in the Los Santos ghetto. In landfills, in abandoned and simply unfavorable places, rats run underfoot.

Cow on the farm.

There are animals in the game that appear only twice in the game during the passage of story missions. This is a chimpanzee. For the first time, in the mission, Michael will see a chimpanzee during drug-induced hallucinations. Later, in the mission, the chimpanzees will no longer be in the cutscene, they can be seen in cages during the infiltration of the base.

You can be wrong, but it looks like caged chimpanzees, shaved bald.

As a result, the animal world is not only diverse, but also as similar as possible to the real one. It is similar in habits, interaction with humans, and, of course, habitat: dogs live among people everywhere, sharks live in the sea, cougars live in the mountains, coyotes live on the plains, deer live in forests, chickens and cows live on farms, in slums - rats, and a small bird flies in the sky.

Chop, Franklin's favorite dog, can not only play, follow simple commands and shit anywhere - he will be of invaluable help in finding hidden objects, such as, for example, parts of an alien ship and scraps of a letter.

To use Chop to search for pickups, you need to take the dog with you for a walk, and, having arrived at one place or another, give him the “search” command. To do this, turn Franklin to face Chop, hold down the right mouse button and press the spacebar, as indicated in the instructions that appear in the upper left corner.

Having sensed something unusual, he will notify the owner about the find with a loud bark. But, like any dog, Chop will not obey commands if he is dissatisfied or unhappy - he needs to be looked after. In addition, Chop needs to be trained, which will allow him not only to learn a few useless commands, but also significantly increase the distance at which the dog can find things of interest to you.

And if nothing is required to play with Chop, since the ball automatically appears in Franklin's inventory when he goes for a walk with his dog, then for care and training you will need to download and install a mobile device running Android or iOS and the application iFruit.

Chop the Dog

In the menu of this application there is a section "Chop the Dog", which is something like a Tamagotchi: you can clean up after your dog, play ball with him, feed him, water, walk him, buy him new collars and teach him new commands. If you take good care of Chop, you will be able to see the results of your efforts not only in the application, but also in GTA 5.

The most important part of the interface is the joy scale located in the upper left corner: Chop will obey your commands and play with the ball only if his needs are satisfied to a sufficient extent. To fill this scale, you must provide the dog with proper care: feed, drink and walk. The main thing - do not overdo it, he does not like it.

The first step is to clean up after him. To do this, you need to click on the icon depicting a hand with a trash bag on, and then pinch the pile with your finger, and carefully move the bag into the trash can. If you release your finger ahead of time, the pile will bounce somewhere to the side.

To feed Chop, food must be purchased for credits: by clicking on the corresponding icon, you will see the options. Next to each of the proposed dog treats is indicated by how many percent it can satisfy the dog's hunger. The richer the food, the more expensive it is.

With drinking, the situation is exactly the same: by clicking on the corresponding icon, you will see the drink options available for purchase, next to which it is indicated how much they can satisfy your thirst. There is no need to worry about loans, as they are restored over time.

When Chop eats and drinks, you can go for a walk: to the beach, to the street or to the park. Each option is an amusing mini-game, after passing which you can get additional credits. If you get "gold" in all three mini-games, you will open a bonus golden collar.


While walking along the beach, Chop likes to steal bikinis from girls, and your task is to help him with this. The timer will start counting down from 30 seconds before the splash screen disappears, so don't forget to keep an eye on the time - bonuses appearing every few seconds, looking like a small round clock, will help replenish its supply. Each such "clock" gives ten seconds of extra time.

The controls are extremely simple: you need to draw with your finger the path along which Chop will run. You can keep your finger on the screen continuously, you can draw separate lines. Having reached the end of your line, the dog will stop. In order for Chop to rip off a bikini from a girl, it is enough to draw a line next to her. In the same way, you can collect drinks that appear from time to time. Some of them increase the number of points, others allow the dog to run faster, but there are some that slow down Chop, so be careful. Most importantly, avoid getting hit by flying saucers, each of which will "take" 5000 points at once, and try not to get caught by sunbathing steroid jocks - they will spank you.

The street

It's no secret that the Chamberlain Hills, where Franklin grew up and lives, is not the best place for walking: you can easily run into trouble here. This is what usually happens - as soon as Franklin leaves his car on the local streets, ballas immediately begin to smash it, and Chop has no choice but to save the owner's property. Of course, with your help.

In addition to the timer, which also starts from 30 seconds, there is a car integrity indicator in the upper left corner, and the longer the car stays whole, the more points you get. The controls are no different from the previous game: you need to draw a route for Chop so that he drives the bandits away from Franklin's car in a timely manner, collects extra time and other bonuses.

The park

Chop is walking with his girlfriend in the park. She is so good that not a single local male is able to resist her alluring charms: they come here from all over the area. Of course, Chop must protect the honor of his lady and drive away annoying boyfriends from her until she goes over to one of them.

There is also a timer here that starts at 30 seconds, and a fully filled heart-shaped friend's affection indicator: if she spends even a little time near another dog, her feelings for Chop will weaken, and, in the end, she will leave the park already not with him. The controls are the same: you need to draw dashes, and Chop will follow your instructions, driving away intruders and collecting all kinds of bonuses.

If your walk was successful and you managed to get some extra credits, make Chop happy by buying him a new collar!

And if you think that he looks good in the old, invest in education: the better Chop knows the commands, the more willingly he will execute them in GTA 5.

And most importantly, don't forget to play ball with Chop! True, sometimes he brings some rubbish instead of a ball, for example, someone's hand, but that's a completely different story.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 without iFruit

Unfortunately, it is impossible to train Chop without ifruit. Since, this is such a feature from Rockstar games, where interaction with the dog is carried out only through the application, and training functions are available only in it. But, the Rockstars are trying to take care of all the players and therefore they have released the iFruit application on many modern platforms - from mobile phones to personal computers. You just need to download it and start the entertaining process of training.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 on PC

To start training Chop on a personal computer, you need to download the iFruit application itself, install it, link an account and start training and caring for a dog. There is nothing difficult in mastering the application. Everything is quite intuitive and clear there, which any player will understand.

The only thing to consider is that the application only supports Windows 8.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 on Xbox 360

With the help of only a prefix in the game, it will not work to train Chop. The ifruit application is also required here - you can download it by clicking on the link above, there are all links to the official sites of the application downloader: appstore, google play, windows phone market and microsoft.

How to train Chop in GTA 5 on PS3

In order to start training your friend and assistant - download and install the iFruit application on one of the following devices: mobile phone or computer. You can find download links and supported platforms here -

How to train Chop in GTA 5 on PS4

In principle, the PS4 game console does not differ from the PS3 in terms of training the dog Chop - you will also need the iFruit application, the description of which, and you can download it by clicking on the link. Everything is described in detail there: where to download and what device characteristics are required to run it. That is, you can start training the dog both from the iphone, and from the phone on Android and Windows Phone, as well as from the PC on which WIndows 8 is installed.

The wildlife in the fifth part of the Big Auto Theft is very different from what we have seen in previous releases of the franchise. Sharks in the water, deer and hares in the forests, cats and dogs in the cities, and this is not the whole list. One of the protagonists will even have the opportunity to become the owner of a dog, to which, by the way, this article is dedicated.

How to get a dog in GTA 5?

You can’t get a dog on your own, it is left in the care of Franklin by his friend Lamar, after completing a mission called “Chop”. As you might guess, getting a dog in GTA 5 online will not work, because animals were removed in multiplayer mode in order to increase performance.

Can you buy a dog?

Answer the question "how to buy a dog in GTA 5?" not so difficult, since the purchase of animals in the game is not provided.

Is there a cheat code for a dog?

Codes for GTA 5 for a dog do not exist.

Who is the owner of the dog?

The dog's owner's actual name is Lamar, however, he leaves her to live with Franklin.

What is the dog's name?

The dog's nickname from the plot of GTA 5 is Chop.

What breed is Chop?

The dog breed from gta 5 is a rottweiler.

What is the name of the application for Chop?

The application is called iFruit, it must be downloaded in order to train the animal. Also with this software you can tune cars.

How to train Chop?

In order to teach Chop commands in GTA5, you will need to download the iFruit application, which is designed to make it easier to educate him. With the help of this software, released by the developers, it will not be difficult to teach the dog various commands. It is important to note that training a dog without iFruit, as well as training him on a pirate is impossible, since everything is done through linking to the Social Club.

What can Chop do?

After you train your pet, it will be a great helper in finding various items, for example, it will help you look for pickup trucks and similar useful things, such as the wreckage of a UFO ship or parts of a letter. As soon as he finds the object you are interested in, you will hear barking.

Does he know any commands?

Yes, there are certain commands for Chop in gta5, however, they are not available by default, they need to be upgraded. After training, he will be able to give a paw, sit and beg, standing on his hind legs.

Can you play as a dog?

It is possible and even necessary to play as a dog in GTA5, since this is a necessary condition for completing the "Chop" mission. As soon as you switch to it (as you switch between characters) you will need to control Chop, by the way, this feature is available not only on PC, but also on consoles.

How to play and walk with Chop?

You can invite Chop out for a walk by removing your weapon and then going up and right-clicking on PC, R2 on PlayStation, and RB on Xbox. You can also play with the dog, for example, leave him the ball, which is located in the weapon selection wheel. During the walk, you can even go somewhere by car, then the dog will jump into the front seat.

How to increase the joy of Chop?

You can increase the level of Chop's joy in the iFruit application, to do this, remove his piles near the booth, feed and water your pet, and don't forget to play with him. You can also please him with a new collar. If you cheer him up enough, then his mood will rise and this can be seen in the upper left corner of the screen:

Are there missions with Chop?

As we said above, in GTA 5 there is a mission with a Rottweiler, however, there are situations when it does not appear, the thing is that you need to complete the tasks "Difficulties" and "Favor".

What happens if you kill Chop?

In the event that the pet dies, you will receive a notification on the screen that the dog has died, however, it will soon appear at Franklin's house.

Can you pet Chop?

Yes, you can pet an animal by pressing Triangle on PS3 and Y on Xbox.

Interesting Chop Facts:

  • If you throw a ball to a dog, then sometimes it can bring torn off hands.
  • In the case when you threw a grenade instead of a ball, an animal (obviously not from a great mind) can grab it in its teeth and explode.
  • The death of a pet significantly reduces the level of joy.
  • On his Leifinwander page, Lamar says he caught a dog having sex with a cat.
  • If you are driving in a car with a Rottweiler, you will not be able to jump out of it. No matter how fast you eat, the car will stop instantly.
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