Cheat codes for gold fear. Codes, saves and other secrets of the game Cold Fear. Codes for Cold Fear

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They receive a signal about a strange Russian whaling ship, which is missing any signs of life. The rescue team is entrusted to study the ship, however, upon arriving at the place, the team loses contact with the base and mysteriously disappears from the air. The last transmission, caught by the radio station, shocked everyone with terrible screams and the sounds of indiscriminate shooting. Then Tom Hansen, a member of the security staff, is sent to the ship, for whom this operation becomes the first rescue mission in a long time. It is he who will have to find out what really happened on the Russian ship and why the connection with the search team was lost.

From this moment, the passage of Cold Fear begins - an action-horror game released back in 2005 under the direction of Darkworks and Ubisoft studios. Despite the fact that enough time has passed since the release, the project is still popular with a certain circle of gamers. Today we have prepared a detailed walkthrough of Cold Fear, in which we have collected the most important and useful tips for each level. But first, some technical information.

What is important to know before starting the game?

The project is out on all major platforms, which means that we will be able to launch Cold Fear on Xbox, PS2 and PC. Since the game, by technical standards, is considered "old", it will only be possible to run it without any problems on older systems. It is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy Cold Fear on Windows 10, as the project remains unoptimized.

There are several ways to get access to the game: buy it on one of the digital marketplaces (for example, on Steam) or download the Cold Fear repack from Mechanics. At the same time, it is often the versions downloaded from torrents that have additional patches that help the application work without errors. As for codes or cheats for Cold Fear, we will talk about this at the very end of our guide.

It is also possible to download an emulator of the game to your PC. If you do a good search on the Internet, you can find both the PS2 version of Cold Fear and the Xbox version.

After starting the game, you may encounter another problem - a stretched image. This usually happens due to incorrect image transmission on modern monitors. Correcting the situation will help adjust the resolution of Cold Fear through a simple Widescreen Fix, which can be downloaded from the Internet.

Part 1. On deck

We land on the deck of the ship and first of all we select a note. In general, throughout the passage of Cold Fear we will meet a variety of letters, documents and notes. We advise you to select and read them all, as they contain interesting information about the plot of the game. We go to the very end of the deck, climb to the upper platform and move towards the opposite part of the ship. Ahead we will face small difficulties, such as swinging pulleys and rolling waves. We reach the corpse and search it for ammunition.

We go further along the corridor and find several barrels of flammable liquid. We shoot at them and watch a powerful explosion in which two sailors die. Then we reach the blue valve and close it - now we can go into the previously blocked corridor.

Part 2. From the armory to the recreation room

We continue our guide to Cold Fear. Location 2 is interesting because here you can replenish our ammunition. After searching the locker and the corpse, we leave the warehouse and go down to the lower level. On the main deck, another note is waiting for us, dedicated to electrical boxes. Then we go down even lower and reach the hold, on which freezers are located. In the middle of the room, in the water, there will be some shapeless pile - we come closer and see another corpse of a sailor. If you search it, you can find a key that opens the door to the upper deck.

After this point, the game will make it possible to replenish spent HP through medkits. There are such first-aid kits not only in random places, but also in special rooms that can be found by doors with red crosses painted on them. The first opportunity to use the medkit will be on the upper deck. Let's continue our movement along the corridors of the location, picking up ammunition and diaries along the way. We reach the rest room and deal with the two sailors who are inside. We leave the room.

Part 3. From the galley to the upper main deck

In the kitchen, a small surprise awaits us in the form of a dead man falling out of the refrigerator. We do not pay much attention and go to the exit. Once on the front deck, we move towards the boxes covered with an awning. We select another note, cartridges and go to the narrow bridge. There we will encounter a couple more opponents - we kill them and go down to the lower level. As soon as we reach the containers, another sailor will appear on the way - we deal with him and continue our journey towards the cockpit.

There are no signs of life in the room. We slowly move along the cockpit, simultaneously searching the corpses and collecting notes. In the bathroom we find dead Lansing. We go back to the main compartment of the cockpit and see the following picture - motionless corpses have turned into bloodthirsty zombies! We make our way to the exit, shooting everyone in our path. We advise you to aim at the heads, otherwise the dead cannot be defeated. Finally, we find ourselves on the front deck and meet with a survivor fighting off three zombies - we deal first with the dead, and then with the sailor himself. We get to the lower deck. Now you need to use the valve to put out the fire that has flared up. We pass the burning zombie and run forward to the door leading to the upper main deck. We pass the armory and look into one of the cabins, where the survivor ran earlier.

Part 4. From hold No. 5 to the captain's bridge

We shoot at the fire extinguisher and kill the sailor hiding behind one of the columns with an explosion. We pick up the wheel from the door, the medkit and run back into the corridor. On the way to the stairs, a zombie will attack us - we kill him and go down. Use the wheel to open the door to the fish hold. Once inside, we pass into a compartment designed for butchering whales. We collect notes, first-aid kits and cartridges, then go around the cutting table and select the key from the doors to the radio room. The last action will activate the appearance of small monsters that will start to crawl out of the dead killer whale. We deal with them, resorting to the help of fire extinguishers and various valves, and leave the room.

We get to the lower deck, kill the monsters and find the stairs that open the passage to the captain's bridge. We go upstairs, kill two dead men, search the bridge for ammunition. After stripping, we boldly pass into the Radio Room.

Part 5. From the radio room to the engine room

There is a radio node in the corner of the room - we use it to transmit all the information we have collected. After that, we will be instructed to find Colonel Dmitry Yusupov, who, according to the CIA, should be on the same ship. We leave the cabin, having previously taken with us a note dedicated to harpoons, and go down to the lower level. Before this point, we advise you to save. We pass through several doors and find ourselves on the front deck of the ship. At the left side, where the warehouse is located, a couple of zombies will be waiting for us - we deal with them and go inside the room. We select the machine gun lying on the floor and shoot with it the dead who have arrived in time. Don't forget to grab another note before heading back.

We go down to the back deck - the very location where we ended up at the beginning of the game. Our task is to reach the very end. Among the obstacles on the deck we will meet: one zombie, raging waves and pulleys swinging on the ropes. We pass all this and climb the stairs to the upper platform. We kill one of the crew members and run into the back cabin. Inside we will meet the wounded Yusupov. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to save him, because immediately after our dialogue with him, the character is killed by a small creature sitting on his body. We quickly deal with it, and then examine the control panel, where the harpoon gun lies. We grab a new weapon, select cartridges from Yusupov's body and a note from his diary, after which we leave the room.

We go down back to the back deck and kill a couple of the dead. We continue our journey, passing burning barrels and a swaying bale, also on fire. We pass through the next door and encounter an unusual zombie, from the body of which another vile creature will appear. After that we go down to the engine room. Inside there will be an entrance to the screw shaft room, locked with a key. We pass forward to the place where the electric box is located, and then we shoot at it. We rise to the platform and deal with the dead who have come to the rescue. Now we need to shoot at the barrels that contain fuel. From the resulting explosion, a monstrous uterus will die, producing the very vile creatures that we have met before. We clean the room from the remaining monsters, take the key and go back to the room.

Part 6. From the screw shaft room to the freezer hold

We climb to the upper level, where we find a shotgun. We reach the control panel and press one of the buttons - now we can cross the propeller shafts on a special bridge. Let's continue our journey, along the way shooting from random zombies and picking up valuable supplies. At the far wall, on one of the boxes, there will be a wheel from the door leading to the fish hold - we grab it and run to the stairs. We shoot at the electrical box and go inside the next room. Through the upper floor we descend back to the engine room.

We pass through several corridors, the last of which leads to the cargo hold. On the way, we will visit the freezer No. 3 - there on the floor there will be a part of the diary of the deceased Yusupov, as well as several ammunition. Even more ammunition, along with a first-aid kit, can be found in freezer number 4, so we advise you to look there too. Returning to the corridor, we climb onto the platform located on the left, and we go into the room intended for slaughtering whales. We cross the bridge, on which there are three zombies, and head to the exit. Inside the hold there is a small flood and an obstacle in the form of an electrical discharge. Let's wait a bit until the path becomes safe, and then quickly run towards the stairs.

Part 7. From the main deck to the pump station

We pass the warehouse with weapons and turn first to the right and then to the left. We pass through the door on which the red panel is located, and meet with a character named Anna - we received information about her earlier from the late Yusupov. Anna needs to get to the radio room, so we grab ammunition, a first aid kit and hit the road. We go back to the main deck and head towards the armory. As soon as we get closer, there will be a strong explosion inside the room, which will knock out the door. We ignore and continue on our way. We go down to the lower deck and penetrate the wheelhouse.

Anna will send a signal to the drilling platform and get in touch with them. After the conversation is over, the girl decides to stay in the wheelhouse, and we have to find the radio code. We are heading for the forward deck. As soon as we are in place, several dead men will immediately attack us. We deal with all the opponents, collect supplies from them and go to the bridge. Further, adhering to the left side, we continue to go forward until we come across a door with a sign "Warehouse". Through this room you can get to the rear deck. We carefully cross the part of the ship washed by the waves and climb to the top floor. The door leading to the pumping station is located not far from the burning barrels - we go inside and clear the room from the monsters. Let's examine the room for valuable and interesting things. On one of the boxes there will be a note about pumps - you need to read it. Then we will use the knife switch and turn on the pump, which will get rid of the water in the hold with the flood and electricity.

Part 8. From the engine room to the captain's cabin

We continue to share the secrets of Cold Fear. We go down to the lower level and find ourselves in an already well-known room. We deal with several monsters and go down even lower. We go to the site with a single exit, go inside and cross the corridor leading to the hold. Once in the room, we quickly shoot first at the electrical box, which is located on the pole, and then at the barrel that stands next to the box. We kill the remaining dead, collect supplies and go upstairs. We go along the long corridor to the freezer number 2. Inside we will meet a zombie that does not react to the cold temperature in any way - we kill it and examine the stiffened corpse of the captain of the ship. Next to him will be a note with important plot information on mutations, as well as a key that can open the captain's cabin. We grab all this stuff along with ammunition for our shotgun and exit back into the corridor.

Now we are interested in freezer number 1. We go inside and pick up another paper message from Yusupov, dedicated to the antidote. After that, we go back to the corridor and climb the stairs that lead to the main deck. Use the next door and another ladder to get to the upper main deck. We pass the corridor, go down a little lower and follow the left side to the captain's cabin. Let's destroy a few dead people blocking our way, and go inside the room. We go straight to the desk - there will be a magazine on it that needs to be read. After that, use the metal door to leave the cabin.

Part 9. From the docks to the main drilling module

We climb the observation tower and look around. Ahead you can see a round tower, on the doors of which is written "Elevator" - this is our new goal. The walls of the tower are washed by strong waves from time to time, so you need to go carefully. We advise you to press on the left side and go around the elevator in a circle until the character gets to the door. Once inside, look to the right - there will be a green button nearby that you need to press. After some time, the lift should stop and it will become dark around. We head towards the exit, marked by a bloody trail. We go outside and immediately run back to the left side, since at this moment a burning zombie will run at us. We wait a few seconds and move on.

Soon we will have to get to the armory, where you can replenish ammunition. We take everything we need and go to the first-aid post. Inside, we will be met by the local doctor, who will share with us useful information about what is happening on the platform. After talking to us, the doctor will leave, and we can replenish our inventory with a harpoon gun and a few medical documents. We leave the office and stumble upon the body of the doctor with whom we have just talked. Next to him will lie the key to the storage room - we select it and move on. Along the way, we will meet a few more corpses - we search them and collect useful equipment. We kill several zombies and, finally, we get to the warehouse.

Part 10. From closed warehouse No. 1 to the technical corridor

We go around a number of containers, behind which there is a ladder, and rise to the upper level. We kill one zombie (it will appear behind us) and reach the control panel - with its help you can open the lower gate. We perform the necessary actions, grab a grenade launcher and go down to the exit. On the right should be the entrance to the radio room, which can only be seen in the light of a flashlight. Inside the cabin we will be met by armed people who will immediately open fire. We deal with all the opponents and go upstairs for the diary stopped by Dr. Kamsky. We leave the cabin back into the illuminated corridor. Somewhere halfway we are attacked by some kind of monster that jumped from the ceiling - we shoot him with a shotgun (it's more efficient) and move on. At the end of the corridor is a wide staircase, which we can climb to the upper level. We shoot at the electrical box, pick up the medkit and go through the nearest door.

We turn right and get into another shootout. After that, we go through the door with a flashing light - we will find ourselves in a technical corridor. We go to the very end, simultaneously picking up a variety of supplies, from cartridges to first-aid kits, remove a couple of zombies and climb onto the bridge. Next, you need to bypass the pipes, go down a little lower and go into the room under the stairs.

Part 11. From drilling equipment to the upper corridor

We continue our walkthrough of Cold Fear. We go around the fire and move towards the lift. We activate the control panel to climb to the upper level, and we will reach the bridge. Do not forget that each new location has many useful and valuable items, so we carefully examine every nook and cranny during the journey. We jump from the bridge down to be on the roof of the control room, we jump again to be already near the entrance. We go inside the room and immediately pay attention to the fire extinguishing system - we activate it, go back and go down to the lower platform. The staircase ends with a cliff, so we boldly jump down and go into the door, which was previously hidden by fire. Let's examine the closed warehouse No. 1 and collect the necessary supplies. Then we return to the upper corridor and pass into the security room (there should be "Security" written on the doors). Inside there will be many different zombies and other monsters, so you have to deal with them. We search several corpses and pick up a flamethrower with fuel. After that, we approach the monitors and read a note that describes the principle of operation of the magnetic silencer. We leave back into the corridor and run to the door, above which the light is flashing. We turn to the right side, we reach the wall, on which the number "2" is depicted, and we head to the gate.

Part 12. From the helipad to the elevator

To pass through the laser beams, you need to bend down. We carefully move forward, bypassing various obstacles and, finally, we get to the hangar. We clean the lower part of the closed warehouse and go upstairs. Now you need to shoot at the barrel of fuel, which is located near the right wall. We finish off those who survived after the explosion and climb the slope even higher. We will deal with the next military and get to the lift, where the battle with Anishchenko will be waiting for us. We win, after which we tear out Anishchenko's eye, which will help us get into the communication room.

We return to the bridge and go to the opposite side. Let's use the flamethrower to quickly deal with the monsters. We get to the gate and run to the far end of the corridor, where the security room is located. Behind the partition there will be another door that will lead us to the communication room. Inside the room, not far from the dead man in the doctor's coat, we find the key to the lift. We return the same way that we came. Once at the lift, we examine the corpse - we find a note and a medical kit. Use the green button to activate the elevator.

Part 13. From the habitation module to the underwater tunnel

We pass to the other side of the bridge and reach the rest room. We continue to go forward until we come across a door with red slime on it. We go inside the room, deal with all the crawling monsters and shoot at the electrical box. Now we go to the left and look for the place where the passage to the cave is located. We climb to the upper level and find ourselves in the main corridor. We reach the room in which the guards should rest - we clean it inside, pick up supplies and a letter for Yusupov, after which we go back and return to the very end. We reach the underwater lift, with which we can go down to the laboratories.

Part 14. Laboratory complex

We continue our journey through underwater laboratories, simultaneously cracking down on various opponents. In one of the rooms we will come across a document from which you can learn more about the experiments carried out on the ship. We try to start the computer (we fail), and then we go to the morgue. We deal with a couple of the living dead, search the bodies and pick up ammunition from the floor. After that, we pass into the neighboring laboratory, where we will be able to read Bakharev's diary. Let's use the green button, which should activate the laser installation. We watch how one of the corpses is cut by a red beam and a terrible monster appears from it. We deal with the creature and inspect the control panel - it should contain the next part of the diary.

At this interesting place, we complete our walkthrough and review of Cold Fear. We hasten to please - this is not the end of the game! Unfortunately, the continuation - Cold Fear 2 - never followed, but the plot of the first part has not yet been completed! Ahead, the main character will face the last boss, the victory over which should decide the outcome of the entire game. In order not to reveal all the details, we advise you to complete the passage of Cold Fear yourself. From this point on, the levels become linear, so there should be no particular difficulties with navigation.

Codes for Cold Fear

Surely, many gamers are now interested in the question of whether any additional cheats are provided for this game. On the Internet, you can find and download the following files:

  1. Trainers for Cold Fear (options +4 and +10) are programs that allow you to change game parameters (for example, hp or ammo).
  2. Russifier.
  3. Save files - files with already saved progress (work for Cold Fear on the PC version).

In a terrible winter storm, Tom Hansen, a representative of the US Coast Guard, lands with a group on the drifting Russian whaler "Spirit of the East". The ship showed no signs of life, and rescuers went to it to find out the reasons for the radio silence. How was Tom then to know what a nightmare he was destined to meet ...
Once on deck, pick up the document. Go along the side, cross the deck and stomp along the other side to the end. A wave will flatten a Russian sailor against the wall, pick up the cartridges. It will not work to look into the warehouse, the door is closed from the inside. Shoot the shield next to the blue door, now you can open it. Two mercenaries were hiding here, shoot them, then turn the valve at the end of the corridor to put out the fire. You can visit the armory, then grab a leaf next to the stairs and go down it, next to the "cold chambers" sign, you will find yourself waist-deep in water.
Pick up the key (upper deck key) in the center of the corridor and get out back. Go through the door next to the stairs, past the first-aid post (on the right in the pantry there will be a page from Yusupov's diary describing the first acquaintance with the creatures) and open the door at the end with the key. In the wardroom, two sailors with pistols will attack you, showering you with selective curses, and in the galley (kitchen) a headless corpse will fall out of the locker. Go out the other door and turn the blue valve. The fire will begin to fade, but through it another psycho will come running to you with wild cries. Be careful not to get too close, otherwise you will see the bleak inscription "Missing in Action". Further along the corridor, in the shower, a sailor will jump out of the cabin on you, and the captain's cabin will be closed.
Next to the door to the galley, go out onto the deck, where a storm shower will fall on you again. It seems that wandering through the quiet interior rooms, he was already beginning to miss him. Walk along the bridge, shoot the annoying Russians, go down the stairs to the deck and go into the cockpit. Grab a page of Kamsky's diary and go to the latrine (toilet). There you will find the code you need by borrowing it from a corpse infested with flies. Soon you will meet with the first full-fledged zombie. Always try after the first attack, when the creature falls, shoot in the head or crush it with a boot. Come out onto the deck, where you will be asked for the first time - would you like to save? (Save). It is high time.
A very "warm welcome" awaits you on deck. Several zombies and a sailor who fires back at them. After shooting the reptiles, do not forget to aim at the skulls, otherwise the creatures will rise to try to bite you again. Next, go to the storage room (double large doors), there a sailor will attack you, and next to the crate and ammo for AK - another one. You leave in the door, rise along the stairs upward, then across the bridge. Go through the door, next to the blue valve will be the inscription "captain's bridge", we go there. Note where the "control room" door is located, requiring a magnetic card. Go downstairs, return to the infirmary, then to the main deck (main deck). You will see a scene of a soldier running through the door on the right. Follow him, you will see a container with the inscription "test 5", behind which the alarmist is hiding. Shoot him and take the valve from the shelf. Now go down to the cooling chambers, into the half-flooded corridor, and open the "whaling" door. save.
Go down and go around the gutted killer whale, pick up the radio room key. The orca will move terribly, and creatures resembling spiders will crawl out of its belly. Perebeyte them, then return to the "control room". This room is next to the captain's bridge, remember? On the way, zombies and spiders will brazenly pester you, and one will even break the door right in front of your nose. Then at the "radar" door, take the letter (the principle of operation of the speargun "a" is described) and into the "radio room". Use the radio transmitter here. Agent Bennet will contact you and say that you need to find Colonel Yusupov. Exit through the other door. Save.

Go past the blue valve, onto the deck, across the bridge to the whaling harpoon, and onto the lower deck, where the mercenaries are trying to sell their lives at a higher price. Further along the port side, past the swinging block, to the warehouse. Pick up a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a note and exit through the door next to the fire extinguisher. Then along the side, (careful, strong waves, and then a bunch of zombies!), To the other side of the ship. Up the stairs - and into the wheelhouse. save.
You will see Colonel Yusupov sitting on the floor. His vidocq, frankly, is unimportant. The colonel will say that you need to find Anna (and what kind of thing is this?), And will give you his experimental weapon, the speargun. Then a spider will pop out of his chest! So, stop, it seems that "Aliens" is not written on the box, it's a mess. Okay, God forbid, with plagiarism, pick up the cartridges, Yusupov's diary (there is a mention of Kamsky's daughter, Anna, and the codes you need) and go out on deck. Agent Bennet will contact you and order you to look for the captain. Kill a couple of zombies and go down the stairs. Then through the door next to the burning weight swinging on a rope. You will see a new scene: a spider crawls into the mouth of a corpse and it turns into a zombie. Brrr...
Shoot him, then the spider and further down the stairs to the Engine Room. The doors "pump" and "screw compartment" are locked from the inside, go down the stairs. Soon they will show a scene: the camera will fly around the room and stop at the "nest", and a couple of zombies will attack you. Calm them down and take the access card to the screw compartment from the box. Go to the nearest door - the "screw compartment", and once again you will be politely asked if you want Save?
Climb the stairs, pick up the shotgun next to the corpse and test it on the nearest zombie. Click on the panel in the center of the room, then cross the bridge that appears. A small delegation of zombies will walk towards you along it. Take the valve from the box by the stairs, shoot the shield near the engine room door and go inside. Further along the corridor, down the stairs, past the door to the "screw compartment" and through the door at the end - the "main deck". You will find yourself in Engine Room Access. The next door hides a surprise - corpses swinging on creaking chains. They are not dangerous, they just look creepy. In compartment N3 you will find Yusupov's journal. Then go through the "whaling slaughterhouse", a half-flooded corridor, past the armory. Go to the door with the red panel, you will hear an excited female voice. This is where you will meet Anna. save.
Pick up cartridges and Kamsky's letter to Anna, go out into the corridor. Bennet will announce on the radio that Anna is worth protecting, not sparing her stomach. In general, you understand - if she dies, "game" will be "over". Go left, the door from the armory will fly out with a bang, and follow the arrow to the wardroom. Up the stairs, past the first-aid post, to the right, up the stairs again and into the "control room". save.
Anna will contact the Star of Sakhalin platform, but not her father will answer her, but Pavel. Now the plan is this (it will be clarified by the annoying agent): you need to find the codes for the autopilot in order to direct the ship to the platform. To do this, you need to get into the captain's room. The keys to it are in the cold room 2 (Cold Room 2). Go out onto the deck through the door opposite the kitchen, across the bridge, through the warehouse. Further along the side, dodging the waves, cross the deck and into the door on the left (Pump Control Room), which is next to the swinging cargo. Now you can open it. Perebeyte all the spiders, turn on the pump, which will drain the flooded corridor, and go down the stairs. Left, down the stairs, upstairs and through the door marked "Main Deck". You will find yourself in Engine Room Access, further through the corridor with the dead on chains. save.
There will be a mess here, there hasn't been such a thing for a long time. For some fun, shoot the shield nearby - the container from the ceiling will fall right on top of the zombies. When it's over, go around the room around the perimeter and through the door. Take away Yusupov's letter about the antidote in the cooling chamber N1, and from the chamber N2, where you will find the captain's corpse, the keys to his cabin. In the captain's cabin, leaf through the magazine, Hansen will contact Anna and give her the autopilot codes. save.

The girl will come up with a rather unexpected plan: since it is impossible to moor normally to the platform, you need to climb onto the highest point of the ship, the "crows nest", ram the platform with a whaler, and then just jump onto it. Brilliant madness - not otherwise, although there is no other way out. Well, let's stomp to the "nest". Leave the captain's cabin through the metal door (not through the wooden one) and listen to the next radio session with the agent. Further along the stairs, climb into the "nest" (arrow "Mars"), destroying a dozen zombies along the way. Shoot at the exploding barrels, it will be easier. save.

Drilling platform "Zvezda Sakhalin".

After jumping onto the platform, Anna will fall into the water, and Hansen will be no more lucky - one of these disgusting spiders will climb into his mouth. You need to get into the "docks elevator" door. To do this, go around the perimeter of the tower, getting a couple of tangible shocks along the way. But health and so almost at zero. Funny situation. Then press the switch on the wall, the elevator will start to rise, but will get stuck at the fifth level. Come out to the drilling block, a burning zombie will attack you. Past the armory, then to the first-aid post. Got there! save.
The doctor will save you, and at the same time tell you a little about the work of Kamsky, who wanted to achieve greater control over the creatures. Take the gun from the table, the note about the scan and Yusupov's letter. Come out, the doctor will turn to you, but some creature will immediately drag him away and devour him. Grab the warehouse key next to the corpse, the next one will have a shotgun, and the last one will have an AK. Come into the warehouse. Go left, up the stairs, press the button at the remote control and pick up a grenade launcher, it will be very useful now. Once you've killed all these brethren, step through the door under the fallen container. save.
A new enemy will appear, a creature crawling along the ceiling, which is much more difficult to kill than anything that was before. Make your way to the Upper Corridor, then to the technical corridor (the door next to the number 2). This corridor will lead you to the Drilling Unit (it takes a long time to walk). Get on the elevator, it will take you up. Pick up Anishchenko Byakhirev's letter from the floor. Walk along the wall and jump down a few times to get to the control room. Press the button, the water will put out the flames, then jump down to where the ladder is broken. Further past the non-working elevator and into the metal door at the end. Back in the Upper Corridor, to the security room. Here, pick up a note and a flamethrower. The security system will turn on. To unlock the doors, just kill all the evil spirits. From here you can get to the communication center, but the door is still blocked. Return to the corridor and to the large door at the end with the inscription "helicopter block". save.
Directly in front of you will see laser beams, bend down and go under them, through the door. You will immediately encounter a bunch of mercenaries (perhaps for the first time so massive). Perebeyte, take away ammunition and iditol to the elevator. Anishchenko will appear. When you finish him, watch the scene: Hansen will rip out the eye of a dead Russian. Exit through the door through which you got here. save.
Pass the platform, taking out the zombies, duck under the last laser beam and through the door "drilling block". New "psychos with cleavers" will not keep you waiting long. You need to get into the "security" room, which is at the very end of the corridor. Here, approach the communication node: Tom will bring his eye to the scanner - and the door will open. Shoot three Russians, then take a piece of paper from the table, which mentions magnetic jammer. Now you need to destroy the three generators in this room (columns with monitors). Listen to Bennett's instructions. Then shoot all the spiders that came to your soul, and go out the door. save.
Some unimaginable monster from the abyss (this is the mutant Kamsky) will pull Anna's lifeless body out of the water and put it on the operating table. Saved? No matter how - in the next second, Hansen will see how his passion is surrounded by impudent spiders. Bennet will again pester with his papers, but will soon agree that saving Anna is more important. Go to the door, next to it, watch how an ugly spider falls out of the doctor's head. Wet it and take away the electronic key near the corpse. You leave into the corridor, and into the door to the right. Kill the crazies in military uniforms, take the arrows and fry one of the zombies by pressing the button. Then return back to the corridor and through the door leading to the Lower Corridor. Pick up a first aid kit and go down the stairs, here you will be attacked by a terrible monster crawling along the ceiling. Turn left and into the door "living block". save.

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