Dark messiah of might and magic: codes in files. Dark messiah of might and magic: codes in files Dark messiah collectors edition codes

Launch the game with the "-console" option to activate the console.

Example: "C:\Program Files\Dark Messiah of Might and Magic\mm.exe" -console

Alternatively, this can be done in another way - from the options menu, select
bookmark "Keyboard" (keyboard), then "Advanced" (additional)
and check the box next to "Enable Developer Console"
(activate debug console).

While playing, press the [~] (tilde) key and then type sv_cheats 1
to activate cheat mode. Now you can type in the console
the following cheat codes:

God - invulnerability
god 1 - invulnerability
notarget - enemies ignore you
notarget 1 - invisibility
impulse 101 - get all weapons and ammo
ai_disable 1 - disable AI
sv_gravity [number] - change gravity (default 800)
Noclip - walking through walls mode
noclip 1 - walking through walls mode
Give [name] - get the specified item
buddha - buddha mode
mm_npc_create [name] - Get the specified NPC
mm_player_add_skillpoints [number] - add the specified amount of experience
mm_player_add_adrenaline 100 - full adrenaline
mm_player_add_gold - Get the specified amount of gold
arrows_unlimited 1 - endless arrows
developer 1 - debug mode
map [name] - load the specified map
showconsole - show the console
restart_assassin - Reload the map and start as a mercenary
restart_warrior - Reload the map and start as a warrior
restart_wizard - Reload the map and start as a wizard
map_assassin - start on the specified map as a mercenary
map_warrior - start on the specified map as a warrior
map_wizard - start on the specified map as a wizard
mm_player_time_to_add_mana 0 - infinite mana

Item names:
Used with cheat code Give [item_name] :
weapon_arx_long_sword weapon_mm_helmet_orcchief
weapon_arx_orc_chief_cleaver weapon_mm_helmet_orsmall
weapon_arx_short_sword weapon_mm_hook
weapon_arx_silver_sword weapon_mm_shield_deathknight
weapon_arx_sword_collector weapon_mm_shield_gob
weapon_arx_sword_of_fire weapon_mm_shield_guard
weapon_ax_sword_of_misery weapon_mm_shield_lava
weapon_arx_wakizashi_of_excellence weapon_mm_shield_magic
weapon_arxclub weapon_mm_shield_necroguard
weapon_arxcrossbow weapon_mm_shield_orc
weapon_arxcrossbowrope weapon_mm_shield_orcsmall
weapon_arxdaggers weapon_mm_specter_knife
weapon_arxhelmet weapon_mm_staff_collector
weapon_arxkatana weapon_mm_staff_combat
weapon_arxorccleaver weapon_mm_staff_destruction
weapon_arxringdexterity weapon_mm_staff_fire
weapon_arxringmana weapon_mm_staff_ghost
weapon_arxringprotectfire weapon_mm_staff_holy
weapon_arxringregeneration weapon_mm_staff_mana
weapon_arxringsecondchance weapon_mm_staff_necromancer
weapon_arxringstrength weapon_mm_staff_shadow
weapon_arxshield weapon_mm_staff_shock
weapon_arxsword weapon_mm_staff_spell
weapon_lockpick weapon_mm_staff_tun
weapon_missile weapon_mm_staff_wizard
weapon_mm_bow_collector weapon_mm_staff_wood
weapon_mm_bow_explosive weapon_mm_weapon_generic
weapon_mm_bow_freeze weapon_MMDummyCaster
weapon_mm_bow_holy weapon_mmspell
weapon_mm_bow_living weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_1
weapon_mmbow_long weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_2
weapon_mm_bow_mass weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_3
weapon_mm_bow_plan weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_4
weapon_mm_bow_poison weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_1
weapon_mm_bow_sniper weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_2
weapon_mm_daggers_collector weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_3
weapon_mm_daggers_dest weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_4
weapon_mm_daggers_kryss weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_1
weapon_mm_daggers_kryss_lk weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_2
weapon_mm_daggers_light weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_3
weapon_mm_daggers_of_ashes weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_4
weapon_mm_daggers_plan weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_1
weapon_mm_daggers_polar weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WAER_2
weapon_mm_daggers_shadow weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_3
weapon_mm_daggers_silver weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_4
weapon_mm_helmet_accuracy weapon_MMTelekinesis_physcannon
weapon_mm_helmet_confusion weapon_sword_souldrinker
weapon_mm_helmet_guard item_potion_life (Health potion)
weapon_mm_helmet_health item_potion_mana (Mana potion)

NPC Names:
Used with cheat code the mm_npc_create [NPC_name]

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Also in our database, in addition to cheat codes for Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, there are cheats for such popular games as.

At Cheat Happens

Hottest Stuff On CheatCC!

Hottest Stuff On CheatCC!

Cheat Codes

Start the game with the " -console" command line parameter. Alternately, in the game options, on the "Keyboard" tab, click the "Advanced" button at the bottom and check the "Enable Developer Console" box. While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. type" sv_cheats 1" to enable cheat codes. Then, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Typing part of the code will show all codes that start with those characters.

result cheat code
god modeGod or god 1
Full Adrenalinemm_player_add_adrenaline 100
Invisibilitynottarget 1
No clipping modeclip
All weapons and ammoimpulse 101
Add indicated amount of skill pointsmm_player_add_skillpoints
Add indicated amount of goldmm_player_add_gold
Enemies ignore younot target
Buddha mode; cannot go below 1 HPbuddha
Infinite arrowsarrows_unlimited 1
See enemy and items through wallsmat_depthbias_normal
Disable enemy AIai_disable 1
Sprinting costs no staminamm_player_stamina_megasprint_cost_per_second 0
Kicking costs no staminamm_player_stamina_needed_for_kick 0
Mana regenerates instantlymm_player_time_to_add_mana 0
developer modedeveloper 1
Enables open console with keycon_enable 1
Set the gravity; default is 800sv_gravity
Show the consoleshowconsole
Hurt character for indicated amounthurt me
wire frame wallsmat_wireframe 1
Disable darkness and shadowsMat_fullright 1
Show hit boxes on enemiessv_showhitboxes 2
Allow no clipping while game is pausedsv_noclipduringpause 1
Load indicated mapmap
Spawn indicated itemgive
Spawn indicated NPCmm_npc_create
Start specified map as Assassinmap_assassin
Starts specified map as Warriormap_warrior
Starts specified map as Wizardmap_wizard
Restart map as Assassinrestart_assassin
Restart map as Warriorrestart_warrior
Restart map as Wizardrestart_wizard
Item names


    item_potion_life(Health potion) item_potion_mana(Mana potion) item_potion_full_life(Full health potion) item_potion_cure_poison(antidote) item_potion_stone(Stone Skin potion) weapon_arx_long_sword weapon_arx_orc_chief_cleaver weapon_arx_short_sword weapon_arx_silver_sword weapon_arx_sword_collector weapon_arx_sword_of_fire weapon_ax_sword_of_misery weapon_arx_wakizashi_of_excellence weapon_arxclub weapon_arxcrossbow weapon_arxcrossbowrope weapon_arxdaggers weapon_arxhelmet weapon_arxkatana weapon_arxorccleaver weapon_arxringdexterity weapon_arxringmana weapon_arxringprotectfire weapon_arxringregeneration weapon_arxringsecondchance weapon_arxringstrength weapon_arxshield weapon_arxsword weapon_lockpick weapon_missile weapon_mm_bow_collector weapon_mm_bow_explosive weapon_mm_bow_freeze weapon_mm_bow_holy weapon_mm_bow_living weapon_mmbow_long weapon_mm_bow_mass weapon_mm_bow_plan weapon_mm_bow_poison weapon_mm_bow_sniper weapon_mm_daggers_collector weapon_mm_daggers_dest weapon_mm_daggers_kryss weapon_mm_daggers_kryss_lk weapon_mm_daggers_light weapon_mm_daggers_of_ashes weapon_mm_daggers_plan wea pon_mm_daggers_polar weapon_mm_daggers_shadow weapon_mm_daggers_silver weapon_mm_helmet_accuracy weapon_mm_helmet_confusion weapon_mm_helmet_guard weapon_mm_helmet_health weapon_mm_helmet_lichcrown weapon_mm_helmet_orcchief weapon_mm_helmet_orsmall weapon_mm_hook weapon_mm_shield_deathknight weapon_mm_shield_gob weapon_mm_shield_guard weapon_mm_shield_lava weapon_mm_shield_magic weapon_mm_shield_necroguard weapon_mm_shield_orc weapon_mm_shield_orcsmall weapon_mm_specter_knife weapon_mm_staff_collector weapon_mm_staff_combat weapon_mm_staff_destruction weapon_mm_staff_fire weapon_mm_staff_ghost weapon_mm_staff_holy weapon_mm_staff_mana weapon_mm_staff_necromancer weapon_mm_staff_shadow weapon_mm_staff_shock weapon_mm_staff_spell weapon_mm_staff_tun weapon_mm_staff_wizard weapon_mm_staff_wood weapon_mm_weapon_generic weapon_MMDummyCaster weapon_mmspell weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_1 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_2 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_3 weapon_MMSpel l_weapon_AIR_4 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_1 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_2 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_3 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_4 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_1 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_2 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_3 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_4 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_1 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WAER_2 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_3 weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_4 weapon_MMTelekinesis_physcannon weapon_sword_souldrinker
NPC names

Use one of the following values ​​with the " mm_npc_create"code:

    Arantir aratrok cyclope death_knight_sword death_knight_sword_shield ghoul goblin human_guard human_guard_bow Leanna lich Menelag necromancer orc_sword orc_sword_bow orc_sword_shield Phenrig undead villager_undead

New game from the world Might and Magic allows you to expand the capabilities of the character by changing the configuration file. The settings are in a file with the extension cfg, which can be found in the game folder. In order not to break the original combination, copy it under a different name, for example, experiment.cfg.

Here are some commands that simplify the actions in the game and improve the realism:

arrow_unlimited 1- an infinite number of arrows;

arrow_always_stick 1- arrows get stuck in the target;

arrow_stick_on_npc 1- arrows get stuck in characters;

arxmagic_apply_mana_cost 0- magic does not need mana;

mm_player_stamina_megasprint_cost_per_second 0- the hero can run without getting tired;

mm_player_skills_grosbill 1- open all available spells and abilities.

To launch the game with the selected settings, add the commands to the game shortcut +sv_cheats 1 +map_warrior e3_l06_l09 +exec experiment.cfg.

Many actions can be assigned to keyboard keys: one press is enough to call them. Commands that map a key to an action can be added to the same settings file experiment.cfg.

The command format is: bind "key" "action". For example, bind "n" "noclip" allows you to turn on the mode of passing through walls by pressing a key N. Team bind "i" "god" will make the hero invulnerable after pressing a key I.

Team bind "q" "mm_player_add_adrenaline 100" turns on the adrenaline mode, in which the hero is much more dangerous: you will see how the fighting technique will change in this case. In addition, you can get new weapons, just select a team bind "u" "give weapon". Instead of the word weapon, you can enter one of the lines: weapon_mm_staff_wood, weapon_arx_daggers_shadow, weapon_arx_daggers_polar, weapon_bow_poison.

Another possibility is to change the speed of the game. To speed up or slow down the action, we need to change the familiar bind command: bind "o" "host_timescale 0.3".

For training, you need not only weapons, but also enemies. There are teams that create an enemy or companion next to the hero to participate in the battle. The form of the command is the same, and it is convenient to use the function keys at the top of the keyboard to call it: bind "F1" "action". Some actions are known:

mm_npc_create_orc_sword- call an orc swordsman;

mm_npc_create_orc_sword_bow- call an orc-archer;

mm_npc_create_orc_sword_shield- call an orc;

mm_npc_create_goblin- summon a goblin;

mm_npc_create_cyclope- summon a cyclops;

mm_npc_create_Phenrig- summon Fenrig;

mm_npc_create_Arantir- call Arantira;

mm_npc_create_human_guard- call the guard;

mm_npc_create_human_guard_bow- call an archer;

mm_npc_create_human_guard_shield- call the guard;


mm_npc_create_necro_guard_bow- call archer-necromancer;

mm_npc_create_necro_guard_shield- summon a necromancer guard;

mm_npc_create_undead- summon a dead man;

mm_npc_create_wizard- summon a sorcerer;

mm_npc_create_necromancer- summon a necromancer;

mm_npc_create_necromancer_lord- summon the supreme necromancer.

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