Connecting the front panel to the motherboard. Connecting the front panel to the motherboard Connecting the front audio panel to the motherboard

The front panel on the system unit case is in no way connected with the rest of the “insides” of the computer. This means that when manually disconnecting for cleaning purposes or, which is a little more difficult, when replacing the motherboard, you will have to connect the front panel yourself. Next we will describe in detail how to do this as correctly as possible.

Steps to connect the front panel to the motherboard

Let's look at the main points in connecting the front panel to the motherboard:

Stage 1

The first step is to find the main cable with 4 (sometimes 5-6) plugs. There may be some difference in names, color etc.

There can be many more plugs, it depends on the type of front panel/motherboard. But following the diagram on the motherboard, it won’t be difficult to connect them all correctly. The description of the circuit is located a little further in the article.

The plugs located in the photo above mean the following:
  • POWERSW (or PWRBTN) – activates manipulations on the panel.
  • H.D.D.LED (or HDLED) is a light that blinks when the hard drive is operating.
  • POWERLED + and – (or PLED) – light on the computer on/off button; if the computer is working, it is on, and vice versa; may be a solid plug.
  • RESTARTSW (or RESET) – activates the computer restart button.
  • SPEAKER is a small speaker that emits a squeak if there are problems with the computer.

Connecting a SPEAKER plug is desirable, since such a squeaking signal helps save the motherboard from damage, instantly notifying the user of the presence of critical problems, of any plug being incorrectly connected or connected to the wrong socket. Also, this sound effect allows you to generally evaluate the operation of the computer.

The names of these plugs may vary, but not much. For example, PW may be specified instead of POWERSW. And instead of RESTARTSW - just RES. By comparing the first letters of the names of plugs and connectors, you can easily understand which plug should be connected where. Colors also help, which often match the color of the cables from the plugs. But first of all, you need to compare the names, then the colors, because they can differ, unlike the names.

Stage 2

The plugs must be inserted into one large socket (FRONTPANEL or F_PANEL) on the edge of the motherboard. Usually it looks like this:

To connect the wires to the connectors the correct way, you can simply look at the plug itself. If one contact is missing (an iron “spoke”), then you need to connect it in this place, in accordance with another empty place on the motherboard, in the connector. Side fastenings on some sockets and plugs can also help (the fastenings should be on the same side). Additionally, you can be guided by the colors in the connector or visual cues in the form of shiny contacts, etc. As a rule, the plugs are connected with the inscription “towards you” or towards the inscriptions on the motherboard (circuit).

When all of the above is absent, the plug can be inserted in either direction. The main thing is that the process goes smoothly and without the use of brute force. If the plug does not connect to the connector even with slight effort, it means that the wire is connected incorrectly.

Below, under the colored connectors, the places where the plugs need to be connected are schematically indicated (labeled). For example, according to the diagram below the connectors, the plug responsible for the computer power button (POWERSW) should be connected to the red socket (second from the left, from the top, labeled PW). All other wires are connected to the places indicated in the diagram accordingly.

The documentation that came with the computer, if available, also contains tips on connecting the plugs to the sockets. These hints look like this:

As can be seen in the figure, the documents even spell out the names of the plugs and abbreviations in the diagram. For example, RES – ResetSwitch (Russian “reset button”), etc.

Stage 3

The plugs responsible for the operation of the USB ports on the front panel are connected a little differently and easier. The USB plug looks like this:

The connector for this plug may have the following names:
  • F_USB1/F_USB2;
  • USB1/USB2;
  • or all sockets for this plug can be called simply USB.
It doesn't matter where the wire is connected, since all USB sockets are completely identical. Except for USB 3.0. If there is just such a USB plug on the front panel, then you need to look for a connector on the motherboard with the corresponding name. Often this is what it is called - USB 3.0, but there may be exceptions in the form of F_USB30, etc.

An interesting fact is that if you insert a USB 3.0 plug into a standard USB connector, the device will work. But its speed will not be the same as USB 3.0, but lower, because the connector only supports standard USB (2.0). If suddenly there is no USB 3.0 socket on the motherboard or you can’t find it, this method can help.

Stage 4

Connecting audio (headphones/microphone) on the front panel is identical to the processes described earlier.

Take a plug from the front panel with the name AC97 or HDAUDIO and insert it into the connector with the corresponding inscription:

  • AAFP, etc.

If the sound still does not appear, the problem may lie in the . After restarting the computer and getting into the BIOS, you should check the front panel and its characteristics. Sometimes it happens that the HDAUDIO plug is connected, but the BIOS recognizes the connected device as AC 97. This problem can be solved by changing the wrong driver in the BIOS to the one corresponding to the one connected to the motherboard.

Video instructions for connecting the front panel to the motherboard

The following video uses a clear example and explains in detail the process of attaching plugs to connectors on the motherboard.

The described method of connecting the front panel is suitable for any motherboard: msi, gigabyte, asus, asrock. The only differences, as already mentioned, may be hidden in the inscriptions on the sockets and connectors, their location on the motherboard, color scheme, etc. Otherwise, the connection process will always be identical.

This picture shows the motherboard connectors for connecting connectors.

In general (there are exceptions), under the connectors the order of connecting the connectors and polarity are written in small print. In my case it says:

PWR_LED (three connectors) - indication of the computer being turned on;

PW- (PWRSW) - PC power button;

RES+ (RESET) - button to restart the PC;

HD- (IDE_LED, HDD_LED) - hard disk access LED;

SPEAKER (SPEAKER) is the same signal(s) that the computer emits when turned on if an error is detected.

The connectors look like this (see screenshots)

Each connector has two wires:

POWER LED (green, white);

H.D.D. LED (yellow, white);

POWER SW (black, white);

RESET SW (orange, white);

SPEAKER (black, red).

In this case, white is minus “-” or Ground, and colored is “+”. The SPEAKER connector (black, red) has a black “+” and a red “-”. To determine the polarity of the connectors, just turn it over to the back side - we see a small black triangle on the opposite side of one wire - this is “+”.

We move on to the next stage, connecting the front additional USB connectors and the card reader to the F_USB2 and F_USB1 connectors (there is no difference, but it’s better to start in order). If the connector is already “soldered”, i.e. All wiring is collected in one block - the process is greatly simplified.

We simply connect this “big” connector consisting of: eight wires, one empty and one sealed connector (ten in total) so that the EMPTY connector coincides with the SEALED socket in the connector. (see screenshots)

Well, if you have a bundle of wires like in the picture, I’ll draw a visual diagram :)

Here we see: POWER (Power - 2 pcs.), GND (Ground - "ground" 2 pcs.), D3+ (plus), D3- (minus) for one usb port and D2+ (plus), D2- (minus) for different port. As you may have guessed, the two POWER connectors are identical and can be swapped with each other, just like GND. The main thing is not to confuse POWER and GND.

So now all that remains is to figure out how to connect the F_AUDIO connectors for the microphone and headphones.

Again, if you are lucky and there is a large block with 10 sockets coming from the front panel, just insert it (you definitely can’t go wrong here). I have a more interesting case... :) Ah, these are the connectors: SPK R (right channel output to the front panel), SPK L (left channel output to the front panel), MIC (microphone output to the front panel) and GND.

Hello friends! The front panel is in no way connected with the other “stuffing” of the computer and is connected directly to the motherboard. Connecting it is a rather complicated process, as it requires precise work with small parts and accuracy.

Otherwise, the thin pins to which the connectors on the wires are connected may be damaged, which may result in the computer not operating correctly. However, do not panic prematurely: no troubles threaten if everything is done correctly.

In today's post I will tell you how to properly connect the front panel to the motherboard and what needs to be taken into account.

Wire marking

From the front panel comes a thin bundle of several long wires, which are usually of different colors. At the end of each there is a tiny connector with markings:

  • PWRBNT or Power SW – responsible for the power button;
  • +HD LED or H.D.D. LED – hard drive indicator, which should blink when writing/reading data;
  • RESET or Restart SW – PC hot reboot button;
  • +PLED or Power LED – power indicator
  • Speaker is a small speaker that can also be present in this block.

Correct connection

All wires are connected to the front panel or F Panel port or to JFP1, which is most often located on the lower right side of the motherboard. The difficulty is that both the pins on it and the connectors themselves are small, so sometimes it can be difficult to fit them on the first try.

There is no rush in the process: carefully insert the first connector, then the second, and so on. Usually all the pins are marked, so it’s difficult to make a mistake about what to insert where. In addition, any motherboard comes with instructions that provide the correct pinout.

In this case, you should follow some rules:

  • The empty space on the plug is connected to the empty space on the connector;
  • The triangle is usually marked “plus”, which is marked on the motherboard itself next to the plug;
  • It is most convenient to connect the contacts in order, one after the other, so that each next one is in contact with the previous one - this way they will not slip out of their seats.

Place the connectors on the pins strictly vertically, without deviations to the left or right, so as not to bend the pins themselves, otherwise they can be broken with excessive force. With some enclosures, the speaker comes as a separate part and simply snaps onto the port, held in place by the plugs.
I recommend installing this component as well, since if the computer malfunctions, a certain number of squeaks from this speaker signals which part has failed.

This pinout is used on all motherboards of any form factor, regardless of the brand - Asrock, Gigabyte, MSI, ASUS or any other.

Of course, the position of the plugs on the port may vary, as well as the presence of wires with connectors on the front panel itself, but the principle of their connection and markings are always the same.

If everything is connected correctly, the computer will start and work correctly. If an error is made, one of the following situations may occur:

  • The device does not start from the power button;
  • Hard drive indicator does not work;
  • The computer does not reboot after pressing the corresponding button;
  • There is no color indication of the computer's on state;
  • The speaker does not work.

There is nothing wrong with these situations - it is enough to connect the connectors correctly for everything to work as expected. It is impossible to damage the computer by incorrectly connecting the front panel, since the so-called “fool protection” is provided.

Thanks for your attention, friends, and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter if you haven't already. Till tomorrow!

Hello, guests and frequent visitors of my blog;).

Have you decided to build your own computer? Or, on the contrary, you first disassembled it because the ports in front of the system unit did not work, and now you want to return everything back? You've come to the right place. Here you will learn how to connect the front panel to the motherboard.

I don’t recommend skipping this article, confident that you will do everything right without it. Of course, this does not apply to professionals, although in this case mistakes are not uncommon.


The fact is that the process not only seems simple - it is. However, it does suggest one important nuance - the assembly sequence. If it is not followed, some ports may not work.

Also, those who are assembling a system unit for the first time may get confused in the abundance of wires. Not literally, but who knows. So I recommend that you not only read my publication to the end, but also arm yourself with the instructions for your motherboard. The location of the ports on all models is usually the same, but sometimes the connector markings are different, which can be confusing.

Don't have a manual on hand? Find it on the Internet. If this doesn’t work out, then carefully follow the steps described in this article, and I think you will succeed.

Assembly guide

As already mentioned, it is necessary to assemble sequentially, so I will divide my manual into several blocks. This way you definitely won't get confused.

Indicators and buttons

The lights for turning on and restarting the computer, as well as the node with buttons, are connected first. These elements are located on one cable, from which separate connectors of different colors come out. They can also be called differently, depending on the model of your hardware. But the designations are usually similar, so you can easily figure out what’s what.

What contacts are we dealing with?

  • POWER SW (PWRBTN) - belongs to the computer start button;
  • D.D.LED (+HDLED) - hard drive indicator that constantly blinks;
  • RESTART SW (RESET) - is responsible for the reset button;
  • Power LED + — - Turn button light.

All these wirings are connected to one port, located in the lower right corner of the motherboard. It may say "F_PANEL" or "PANEL". There are also usually written hints on what to insert where. But just in case, I'm attaching a photo.

By the way, in nature there are convenient extension cords, in case you suddenly don’t have enough length for your wires.

You will also need to connect a small speaker - SPEAKER, which beeps when you turn on the PC or when there are system or hardware errors. Usually a separate 4-pin port is allocated for it, but it happens that it is inserted together with the above connectors.


Now let's move on to the USB connection on the front panel. His contacts are similar to the previous ones. But the situation is simplified by the fact that they are connected into one plug and there is no need to insert each one separately.

A place for them is allocated at the bottom of the board and labeled as F_USB1, 2. There may be several ports for these connectors. It doesn't matter which one you connect them to. The only caveat: the USB 3.0 and 2.0 plugs are slightly different. The third revision is wider and with more contacts.

Audio connectors

It's time to connect the sound. The cable is similar to a USB cable, that is, the connectors are also combined into one plug. The port for them is usually located next to USB and is designated as AAFP, AUDIO, A_AUDIO.

You will have an HD Audio or AC 97 cable at your disposal (if you do not have a discrete sound card). If the headphone or microphone jack does not work after connecting it, check the front audio panel settings in the BIOS. It happens that the system has the “AC97” driver, and “HD Audio” is installed in the BIOS. Set the correct parameters.

In principle, that’s all, there’s nothing complicated here :)

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Few novice users decide to implement the process of assembling a computer system with their own hands. Nevertheless, this “purchase option” is considered to be the most profitable. Since the user himself decides what exactly the hardware configuration of his computing device should be. At the same time, the correct connection of the front panel to the motherboard is a very important point in the overall assembly process. Some intricacy of the mentioned operation requires knowledge and precise actions from the practitioner. However, more details about everything in the following article.

Instead of introduction: claws, plugs and plug connectors

After you have installed the central processor, positioned and secured the main element of its cooling - the cooler, inserted RAM strips into special slots and equipped the motherboard with a hard drive (in general, installed important PC components), the moment comes when you need to connect the front panels to the motherboard. However, for many novice users, the last operation sometimes becomes simply impossible. After all, the system unit often has a bunch of incomprehensible wires. In some cases, their “quantity” is striking in its diversity and mystery of purpose. Since the case manufacturer does not always adhere to generally accepted standards, changing the cable markings and their location. However, everything can be easily resolved if the user carefully studies the technical documentation for the purchased device and strictly follows the installation instructions described below.

Trigger elements and indications

So, before carrying out the direct process - connecting the front panel to the motherboard, you need to conduct a visual inspection of the main system part for an accumulation of plug-type contacts. In other words, you need to find out where the connector pad is located through which the computer starts. After all, most motherboards, in addition to the main startup/shutdown and reboot unit, have in their, so to speak, configuration arsenal a number of additional connectors, which will also be discussed within the framework of this article.

  • When connecting the front panel to an Asus motherboard (the brand is indicated as an example), locate the connector pad labeled “Front panel.”
  • Focus on the color coding of the contact pads and their designation.
  • The two-pin “Power SW” wire must fit into the corresponding socket, as well as the other control cables: “Reset SW”, “HDD LED” and “Power LED”. By the way, when connecting the last group of contacts, it is necessary to observe the polarity (there are “+” and “-” signs on the board).
  • The “Speaker” sound sensor is also connected according to the principle described above.

Important digression

If for any reason you reverse the polarity or incorrectly position the mentioned controls, the computer may not start at all, or there will be no light indication of the operating equipment.

Therefore, be extremely careful when connecting the front panel to the motherboard. However, don't worry too much if something goes wrong. You can always correct a connection error by moving the incorrectly connected wires to a position that corresponds to the working diagram.

Additional interface connectors

Modern system units, in addition to the “Power” and “Reset” buttons located on the front of the case, are often equipped with additional Audio and USB ports. In some cases, there may be a card reader (a device for reading/writing memory cards) and even an IEEE 1394 connector, through which various peripheral devices can be connected. In any case, to improve the comfort of working on a PC, additional interface connectors must be activated. That is, first of all, they need to be physically connected to the motherboard and, if necessary, make some changes to the BIOS firmware parameters. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves...

Front Panel USB Connection

The motherboard (when you purchase it directly from the store) is always accompanied by a technical data sheet, which indicates the location of a specific connector and its purpose. At the same time, in the documentation the user can always find a graphically displayed connection diagram for the required device.

  • Locate the pin connector labeled USB on the system board. You'll likely find several of them. By the way, in multifunctional modifications of computers there can be up to ten such ports.
  • Connect the connector coming from the front panel to the nine-pin socket.
  • Make sure that the joints of the plastic parts fit tightly together.

In the case when the USB connector connected to the board does not have an integral structure, for example, it has a limit switch branched into four pins, use the following instructions.

Resolving a difficult situation: USB “pinout”

As a rule, each of the four pins has its own designation in the form of an inscription:

  • “VCC” is the wire that receives +5 Volt power.
  • “Data -” or “D -” is negative data.
  • “Data +” or abbreviated “D +” is the opposite of the previous point.
  • "GND" - ground (mass).

When the user connects the front panel connectors to the motherboard, he must remember that if the “pinout” is incorrectly used, there is a risk of damaging any system component. As you understand, haste and rash actions can cost you dearly. Therefore, connect each wire to a strictly defined location on the mother connector.

  • "VCC" is the first one.
  • Then, “Data -”.
  • The third pin is “Data +”.
  • The last one is "GND".

By the way, after the “ground” there remains an unoccupied pin of the first port; the lower row of connectors is connected according to the instructions described above. However, there will no longer be an “extra” pin after the mass. As you can see, everything is simple!

Agree, it’s convenient when there is a microphone input jack and an Audio output for headphones on the front side of the PC case. However, despite the simplicity of immediately connecting an additional audio panel to the motherboard of your PC, the user is often faced with an incomprehensible effect - the connectors do not work properly or do not function at all. To avoid such an unpleasant situation or to understand the true reasons for “digital silence”, you need to do the following:

  • Make sure the front audio panel matches your motherboard's audio standard and is connected to the appropriate "F-AUDIO" connector.

For example, if your motherboard supports “HD Audio”, then most likely this mode is activated by default, which means that the external “AC’97” module will not work. If the stipulated condition can be corrected by reconfiguring some software components, then if we consider the above situation in the context of the opposite, it will be necessary to completely replace the external audio module. The fact is that the “HD Audio” standard uses different codecs than “AC’97” and is incompatible in use with the latter due to some technical differences.

How to enable front panel connection in BIOS?

Just enter the BIOS firmware and find the corresponding audio device settings section. As a rule, you can make the necessary changes by using the “Advanced” tab, and by going to the “Front panel select” parameter change checkbox, set the desired working value. It is worth noting that a particular computer manufacturer equips its devices with the original version of the basic system. Therefore, some names of the BSVV control interface items may be designated differently.

Changes to settings in Sound Manager

Sometimes this happens: despite the front panel being correctly (physically) connected to the Gigabyte motherboard, the audio devices connected to the front connectors do not work.

The sound "snag" is resolved as follows:

  • Go to Realtek HD Manager and enable the Disable Front Panel Jack Detection option.
  • It may be that in the main “Connector Parameters” settings you need to enable the “item” that corresponds to the sound standard of the external audio module.


So, if you, dear reader, have a diagram for connecting the front panel to the motherboard (and this is not difficult to find out by looking at the technical documentation of your device), then a positive result is guaranteed. Remember that an incorrectly used connector can cause total breakdown of your computer. That's it - rational decisions and full-fledged achievements for you!

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