How to convert a Chinese rechargeable flashlight to batteries. All about Chinese LED flashlights. Modernization of the operating mode switch

For safety and the ability to continue active activities in the dark, a person needs artificial lighting. Primitive people pushed back the darkness by setting fire to tree branches, then they came up with a torch and a kerosene stove. And only after the invention of the prototype of a modern battery by the French inventor Georges Leclanche in 1866, and the incandescent lamp in 1879 by Thomson Edison, did David Mizell have the opportunity to patent the first electric flashlight in 1896.

Since then, nothing has changed in the electrical circuit of new flashlight samples, until in 1923, Russian scientist Oleg Vladimirovich Losev found a connection between luminescence in silicon carbide and the p-n junction, and in 1990, scientists managed to create an LED with greater luminous efficiency, allowing them to replace a light bulb incandescent The use of LEDs instead of incandescent lamps, due to the low energy consumption of LEDs, has made it possible to repeatedly increase the operating time of flashlights with the same capacity of batteries and accumulators, increase the reliability of flashlights and practically remove all restrictions on the area of ​​their use.

The LED rechargeable flashlight that you see in the photograph came to me for repair with a complaint that the Chinese Lentel GL01 flashlight I bought the other day for $3 does not light, although the battery charge indicator is on.

The external inspection of the lantern made a positive impression. High-quality casting of the case, comfortable handle and switch. The plug rods for connecting to a household network for charging the battery are made retractable, eliminating the need to store the power cord.

Attention! When disassembling and repairing the flashlight, if it is connected to the network, you should be careful. Touching unprotected parts of your body to uninsulated wires and parts may result in electric shock.

How to disassemble the Lentel GL01 LED rechargeable flashlight

Although the flashlight was subject to warranty repair, remembering my experiences during the warranty repair of a faulty electric kettle (the kettle was expensive and the heating element in it burned out, so it was not possible to repair it with my own hands), I decided to do the repair myself.

It was easy to disassemble the lantern. It is enough to turn the ring that secures the protective glass a small angle counterclockwise and pull it off, then unscrew several screws. It turned out that the ring is fixed to the body using a bayonet connection.

After removing one of the halves of the flashlight body, access to all its components appeared. On the left in the photo you can see a printed circuit board with LEDs, to which a reflector (light reflector) is attached using three screws. In the center there is a black battery with unknown parameters; there is only a marking of the polarity of the terminals. To the right of the battery there is a printed circuit board for the charger and indication. On the right is a power plug with retractable rods.

Upon closer examination of the LEDs, it turned out that there were black spots or dots on the emitting surfaces of the crystals of all LEDs. It became clear even without checking the LEDs with a multimeter that the flashlight did not light due to their burnout.

There were also blackened areas on the crystals of two LEDs installed as backlight on the battery charging indication board. In LED lamps and strips, one LED usually fails, and acting as a fuse, it protects the others from burning out. And all nine LEDs in the flashlight failed at the same time. The voltage on the battery could not increase to a value that could damage the LEDs. To find out the reason, I had to draw an electrical circuit diagram.

Finding the cause of the flashlight failure

The electrical circuit of the flashlight consists of two functionally complete parts. The part of the circuit located to the left of switch SA1 acts as a charger. And the part of the circuit shown to the right of the switch provides the glow.

The charger works as follows. The voltage from the 220 V household network is supplied to the current-limiting capacitor C1, then to a bridge rectifier assembled on diodes VD1-VD4. From the rectifier, voltage is supplied to the battery terminals. Resistor R1 serves to discharge the capacitor after removing the flashlight plug from the network. This prevents electric shock from capacitor discharge in the event of your hand accidentally touching two pins of the plug at the same time.

LED HL1, connected in series with current-limiting resistor R2 in the opposite direction with the upper right diode of the bridge, as it turns out, always lights up when the plug is inserted into the network, even if the battery is faulty or disconnected from the circuit.

The operating mode switch SA1 is used to connect separate groups of LEDs to the battery. As you can see from the diagram, it turns out that if the flashlight is connected to the network for charging and the switch slide is in position 3 or 4, then the voltage from the battery charger also goes to the LEDs.

If a person turns on the flashlight and discovers that it does not work, and, not knowing that the switch slide must be set to the “off” position, about which nothing is said in the flashlight’s operating instructions, connects the flashlight to the network for charging, then at the expense If there is a voltage surge at the output of the charger, the LEDs will receive a voltage significantly higher than the calculated one. A current that exceeds the permissible current will flow through the LEDs and they will burn out. As an acid battery ages due to sulfation of the lead plates, the battery charge voltage increases, which also leads to LED burnout.

Another circuit solution that surprised me was the parallel connection of seven LEDs, which is unacceptable, since the current-voltage characteristics of even LEDs of the same type are different and therefore the current passing through the LEDs will also not be the same. For this reason, when choosing the value of resistor R4 based on the maximum permissible current flowing through the LEDs, one of them may overload and fail, and this will lead to an overcurrent of parallel-connected LEDs, and they will also burn out.

Rework (modernization) of the electrical circuit of the flashlight

It became obvious that the failure of the flashlight was due to errors made by the developers of its electrical circuit diagram. To repair the flashlight and prevent it from breaking again, you need to redo it, replacing the LEDs and making minor changes to the electrical circuit.

In order for the battery charge indicator to actually signal that it is charging, the HL1 LED must be connected in series with the battery. To light an LED, a current of several milliamps is required, and the current supplied by the charger should be about 100 mA.

To ensure these conditions, it is enough to disconnect the HL1-R2 chain from the circuit in the places indicated by red crosses and install an additional resistor Rd with a nominal value of 47 Ohms and a power of at least 0.5 W in parallel with it. The charge current flowing through Rd will create a voltage drop of about 3 V across it, which will provide the necessary current for the HL1 indicator to light. At the same time, the connection point between HL1 and Rd must be connected to pin 1 of switch SA1. In this simple way, it will be impossible to supply voltage from the charger to the LEDs EL1-EL10 while charging the battery.

To equalize the magnitude of the currents flowing through the LEDs EL3-EL10, it is necessary to exclude resistor R4 from the circuit and connect a separate resistor with a nominal value of 47-56 Ohms in series with each LED.

Electrical diagram after modification

Minor changes made to the circuit increased the information content of the charge indicator of an inexpensive Chinese LED flashlight and greatly increased its reliability. I hope that LED flashlight manufacturers will make changes to the electrical circuits of their products after reading this article.

After modernization, the electrical circuit diagram took the form as in the drawing above. If you need to illuminate the flashlight for a long time and do not require high brightness of its glow, you can additionally install a current-limiting resistor R5, thanks to which the operating time of the flashlight without recharging will double.

LED battery flashlight repair

After disassembly, the first thing you need to do is restore the functionality of the flashlight, and then start upgrading it.

Checking the LEDs with a multimeter confirmed that they were faulty. Therefore, all the LEDs had to be desoldered and the holes freed from solder to install new diodes.

Judging by its appearance, the board was equipped with tube LEDs from the HL-508H series with a diameter of 5 mm. LEDs of type HK5H4U from a linear LED lamp with similar technical characteristics were available. They came in handy for repairing the lantern. When soldering LEDs to the board, you must remember to observe polarity; the anode must be connected to the positive terminal of the battery or battery.

After replacing the LEDs, the PCB was connected to the circuit. The brightness of some LEDs was slightly different from others due to the common current-limiting resistor. To eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to remove resistor R4 and replace it with seven resistors, connected in series with each LED.

To select a resistor that ensures optimal operation of the LED, the dependence of the current flowing through the LED on the value of the series-connected resistance was measured at a voltage of 3.6 V, equal to the voltage of the flashlight battery.

Based on the conditions for using the flashlight (in case of interruptions in the power supply to the apartment), high brightness and illumination range were not required, so the resistor was chosen with a nominal value of 56 Ohms. With such a current-limiting resistor, the LED will operate in light mode, and energy consumption will be economical. If you need to squeeze out maximum brightness from the flashlight, then you should use a resistor, as can be seen from the table, with a nominal value of 33 Ohms and make two modes of operation of the flashlight by turning on another common current-limiting resistor (in the diagram R5) with a nominal value of 5.6 Ohms.

To connect a resistor in series with each LED, you must first prepare the printed circuit board. To do this, you need to cut any one current-carrying path on it, suitable for each LED, and make additional contact pads. The current-carrying paths on the board are protected by a layer of varnish, which must be scraped off with a knife blade to the copper, as in the photograph. Then tin the bare contact pads with solder.

It is better and more convenient to prepare a printed circuit board for mounting resistors and soldering them if the board is mounted on a standard reflector. In this case, the surface of the LED lenses will not be scratched, and it will be more convenient to work.

Connecting the diode board after repair and modernization to the flashlight battery showed that the brightness of all LEDs was sufficient for illumination and the same brightness.

Before I had time to repair the previous lamp, a second one was repaired, with the same fault. I didn’t find any information about the manufacturer or technical specifications on the flashlight body, but judging by the manufacturing style and the cause of the breakdown, the manufacturer is the same, Chinese Lentel.

Based on the date on the flashlight body and on the battery, it was possible to establish that the flashlight was already four years old and, according to its owner, the flashlight worked flawlessly. It is obvious that the flashlight lasted a long time thanks to the warning sign “Do not turn on while charging!” on a hinged lid covering a compartment in which a plug is hidden for connecting the flashlight to the mains for charging the battery.

In this flashlight model, the LEDs are included in the circuit according to the rules; a 33 Ohm resistor is installed in series with each one. The resistor value can be easily recognized by color coding using an online calculator. A check with a multimeter showed that all the LEDs were faulty, and the resistors were also broken.

An analysis of the cause of the failure of the LEDs showed that due to sulfation of the acid battery plates, its internal resistance increased and, as a result, its charging voltage increased several times. During charging, the flashlight was turned on, the current through the LEDs and resistors exceeded the limit, which led to their failure. I had to replace not only the LEDs, but also all the resistors. Based on the above-mentioned operating conditions of the flashlight, resistors with a nominal value of 47 Ohms were chosen for replacement. The resistor value for any type of LED can be calculated using an online calculator.

Redesign of the battery charging mode indication circuit

The flashlight has been repaired, and you can begin making changes to the battery charging indication circuit. To do this, it is necessary to cut the track on the printed circuit board of the charger and indication in such a way that the HL1-R2 chain on the LED side is disconnected from the circuit.

The lead-acid AGM battery was deeply discharged, and an attempt to charge it with a standard charger was unsuccessful. I had to charge the battery using a stationary power supply with a load current limiting function. A voltage of 30 V was applied to the battery, while at the first moment it consumed only a few mA of current. Over time, the current began to increase and after a few hours increased to 100 mA. After fully charging, the battery was installed in the flashlight.

Charging deeply discharged lead-acid AGM batteries with increased voltage as a result of long-term storage allows you to restore their functionality. I have tested the method on AGM batteries more than a dozen times. New batteries that do not want to be charged from standard chargers are restored to almost their original capacity when charged from a constant source at a voltage of 30 V.

The battery was discharged several times by turning on the flashlight in operating mode and charged using a standard charger. The measured charge current was 123 mA, with a voltage at the battery terminals of 6.9 V. Unfortunately, the battery was worn out and was enough to operate the flashlight for 2 hours. That is, the battery capacity was about 0.2 Ah and for long-term operation of the flashlight it is necessary to replace it.

The HL1-R2 chain on the printed circuit board was successfully placed, and it was necessary to cut only one current-carrying path at an angle, as in the photograph. The cutting width must be at least 1 mm. Calculation of the resistor value and testing in practice showed that for stable operation of the battery charging indicator, a 47 Ohm resistor with a power of at least 0.5 W is required.

The photo shows a printed circuit board with a soldered current-limiting resistor. After this modification, the battery charge indicator lights up only if the battery is actually charging.

Modernization of the operating mode switch

To complete the repair and modernization of the lights, it is necessary to resolder the wires at the switch terminals.

In models of flashlights being repaired, a four-position slide-type switch is used to turn on. The middle pin in the photo shown is general. When the switch slide is in the extreme left position, the common terminal is connected to the left terminal of the switch. When moving the switch slide from the extreme left position to one position to the right, its common pin is connected to the second pin and, with further movement of the slide, sequentially to pins 4 and 5.

To the middle common terminal (see photo above) you need to solder a wire coming from the positive terminal of the battery. Thus, it will be possible to connect the battery to a charger or LEDs. To the first pin you can solder the wire coming from the main board with LEDs, to the second you can solder a current-limiting resistor R5 of 5.6 Ohms to be able to switch the flashlight to an energy-saving operating mode. Solder the conductor coming from the charger to the rightmost pin. This will prevent you from turning on the flashlight while the battery is charging.

Repair and modernization
LED rechargeable spotlight "Foton PB-0303"

I received another copy of a series of Chinese-made LED flashlights called the Photon PB-0303 LED spotlight for repair. The flashlight did not respond when the power button was pressed; an attempt to charge the flashlight battery using a charger was unsuccessful.

The flashlight is powerful, expensive, costs about $20. According to the manufacturer, the luminous flux of the flashlight reaches 200 meters, the body is made of impact-resistant ABS plastic, and the kit includes a separate charger and a shoulder strap.

The Photon LED flashlight has good maintainability. To gain access to the electrical circuit, simply unscrew the plastic ring holding the protective glass, rotating the ring counterclockwise when looking at the LEDs.

When repairing any electrical appliances, troubleshooting always starts with the power source. Therefore, the first step was to measure the voltage at the terminals of the acid battery using a multimeter turned on in mode. It was 2.3 V, instead of the required 4.4 V. The battery was completely discharged.

When connecting the charger, the voltage at the battery terminals did not change, it became obvious that the charger was not working. The flashlight was used until the battery was completely discharged, and then it was not used for a long time, which led to a deep discharge of the battery.

It remains to check the serviceability of the LEDs and other elements. To do this, the reflector was removed, for which six screws were unscrewed. On the printed circuit board there were only three LEDs, a chip (chip) in the form of a droplet, a transistor and a diode.

Five wires went from the board and battery into the handle. In order to understand their connection, it was necessary to disassemble it. To do this, use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the two screws inside the flashlight, which were located next to the hole into which the wires went.

To detach the flashlight handle from its body, it must be moved away from the mounting screws. This must be done carefully so as not to tear the wires off the board.

As it turned out, there were no radio-electronic elements in the pen. Two white wires were soldered to the terminals of the flashlight on/off button, and the rest to the connector for connecting the charger. A red wire was soldered to pin 1 of the connector (the numbering is conditional), the other end of which was soldered to the positive input of the printed circuit board. A blue-white conductor was soldered to the second contact, the other end of which was soldered to the negative pad of the printed circuit board. A green wire was soldered to pin 3, the second end of which was soldered to the negative terminal of the battery.

Electrical circuit diagram

Having dealt with the wires hidden in the handle, you can draw an electrical circuit diagram of the Photon flashlight.

From the negative terminal of the battery GB1, voltage is supplied to pin 3 of connector X1 and then from its pin 2 through a blue-white conductor it is supplied to the printed circuit board.

Connector X1 is designed in such a way that when the charger plug is not inserted into it, pins 2 and 3 are connected to each other. When the plug is inserted, pins 2 and 3 are disconnected. This ensures automatic disconnection of the electronic part of the circuit from the charger, eliminating the possibility of accidentally turning on the flashlight while charging the battery.

From the positive terminal of battery GB1, voltage is supplied to D1 (microcircuit-chip) and the emitter of a bipolar transistor type S8550. The CHIP performs only the function of a trigger, allowing a button to turn on or off the glow of EL LEDs (⌀8 mm, glow color - white, power 0.5 W, current consumption 100 mA, voltage drop 3 V.). When you first press the S1 button from the D1 chip, a positive voltage is applied to the base of the transistor Q1, it opens and the supply voltage is supplied to the LEDs EL1-EL3, the flashlight turns on. When you press button S1 again, the transistor closes and the flashlight turns off.

From a technical point of view, such a circuit solution is illiterate, since it increases the cost of the flashlight, reduces its reliability, and in addition, due to the voltage drop at the junction of transistor Q1, up to 20% of the battery capacity is lost. Such a circuit solution is justified if it is possible to adjust the brightness of the light beam. In this model, instead of a button, it was enough to install a mechanical switch.

It was surprising that in the circuit, LEDs EL1-EL3 are connected in parallel to the battery like incandescent light bulbs, without current-limiting elements. As a result, when turned on, a current passes through the LEDs, the magnitude of which is limited only by the internal resistance of the battery and when it is fully charged, the current may exceed the permissible value for the LEDs, which will lead to their failure.

Checking the functionality of the electrical circuit

To check the serviceability of the microcircuit, transistor and LEDs, a 4.4 V DC voltage was applied from an external power source with a current limiting function, maintaining polarity, directly to the power pins of the printed circuit board. The current limit value was set to 0.5 A.

After pressing the power button, the LEDs lit up. After pressing again, they went out. The LEDs and the microcircuit with the transistor turned out to be serviceable. All that remains is to figure out the battery and charger.

Acid battery recovery

Since the 1.7 A acid battery was completely discharged, and the standard charger was faulty, I decided to charge it from a stationary power supply. When connecting the battery for charging to a power supply with a set voltage of 9 V, the charging current was less than 1 mA. The voltage was increased to 30 V - the current increased to 5 mA, and after an hour at this voltage it was already 44 mA. Next, the voltage was reduced to 12 V, the current dropped to 7 mA. After 12 hours of charging the battery at a voltage of 12 V, the current rose to 100 mA, and the battery was charged with this current for 15 hours.

The temperature of the battery case was within normal limits, which indicated that the charging current was not used to generate heat, but to accumulate energy. After charging the battery and finalizing the circuit, which will be discussed below, tests were carried out. The flashlight with a restored battery illuminated continuously for 16 hours, after which the brightness of the beam began to decrease and therefore it was turned off.

Using the method described above, I had to repeatedly restore the functionality of deeply discharged small-sized acid batteries. As practice has shown, only serviceable batteries that have been forgotten for some time can be restored. Acid batteries that have exhausted their service life cannot be restored.

Charger repair

Measuring the voltage value with a multimeter at the contacts of the output connector of the charger showed its absence.

Judging by the sticker pasted on the adapter body, it was a power supply that outputs an unstabilized DC voltage of 12 V with a maximum load current of 0.5 A. There were no elements in the electrical circuit that limited the amount of charging current, so the question arose, why in quality charger, did you use a regular power supply?

When the adapter was opened, a characteristic smell of burnt electrical wiring appeared, which indicated that the transformer winding had burned out.

A continuity test of the primary winding of the transformer showed that it was broken. After cutting the first layer of tape insulating the primary winding of the transformer, a thermal fuse was discovered, designed for an operating temperature of 130°C. Testing showed that both the primary winding and the thermal fuse were faulty.

Repairing the adapter was not economically feasible, since it was necessary to rewind the primary winding of the transformer and install a new thermal fuse. I replaced it with a similar one that was on hand, with a DC voltage of 9 V. The flexible cord with a connector had to be resoldered from a burnt adapter.

The photo shows a drawing of the electrical circuit of a burnt-out power supply (adapter) of the Photon LED flashlight. The replacement adapter was assembled according to the same scheme, only with an output voltage of 9 V. This voltage is quite sufficient to provide the required battery charging current with a voltage of 4.4 V.

Just for fun, I connected the flashlight to a new power supply and measured the charging current. Its value was 620 mA, and this was at a voltage of 9 V. At a voltage of 12 V, the current was about 900 mA, significantly exceeding the load capacity of the adapter and the recommended battery charging current. For this reason, the primary winding of the transformer burned out due to overheating.

Finalization of the electrical circuit diagram
LED rechargeable flashlight "Photon"

To eliminate circuit violations in order to ensure reliable and long-term operation, changes were made to the flashlight circuit and the printed circuit board was modified.

The photo shows the electrical circuit diagram of the converted Photon LED flashlight. Additional installed radio elements are shown in blue. Resistor R2 limits the battery charging current to 120 mA. To increase the charging current, you need to reduce the resistor value. Resistors R3-R5 limit and equalize the current flowing through the LEDs EL1-EL3 when the flashlight is illuminated. The EL4 LED with a series-connected current-limiting resistor R1 is installed to indicate the battery charging process, since the developers of the flashlight did not take care of this.

To install current-limiting resistors on the board, the printed traces were cut, as shown in the photo. The charge current-limiting resistor R2 was soldered at one end to the contact pad, to which the positive wire coming from the charger had previously been soldered, and the soldered wire was soldered to the second terminal of the resistor. An additional wire (yellow in the photo) was soldered to the same contact pad, intended to connect the battery charging indicator.

Resistor R1 and indicator LED EL4 were placed in the flashlight handle, next to the connector for connecting the charger X1. The LED anode pin was soldered to pin 1 of connector X1, and a current-limiting resistor R1 was soldered to the second pin, the cathode of the LED. A wire (yellow in the photo) was soldered to the second terminal of the resistor, connecting it to the terminal of resistor R2, soldered to the printed circuit board. Resistor R2, for ease of installation, could have been placed in the flashlight handle, but since it heats up when charging, I decided to place it in a freer space.

When finalizing the circuit, MLT type resistors with a power of 0.25 W were used, except for R2, which is designed for 0.5 W. The EL4 LED is suitable for any type and color of light.

This photo shows the charging indicator while the battery is charging. Installing an indicator made it possible not only to monitor the battery charging process, but also to monitor the presence of voltage in the network, the health of the power supply and the reliability of its connection.

How to replace a burnt out CHIP

If suddenly a CHIP - a specialized unmarked microcircuit in a Photon LED flashlight, or a similar one assembled according to a similar circuit - fails, then to restore the flashlight's functionality it can be successfully replaced with a mechanical switch.

To do this, you need to remove the D1 chip from the board, and instead of the Q1 transistor switch, connect an ordinary mechanical switch, as shown in the above electrical diagram. The switch on the flashlight body can be installed instead of the S1 button or in any other suitable place.

Repair and alteration of LED flashlight
14Led Smartbuy Colorado

The Smartbuy Colorado LED flashlight stopped turning on, although three new AAA batteries were installed.

The waterproof body was made of anodized aluminum alloy and had a length of 12 cm. The flashlight looked stylish and was easy to use.

How to check batteries for suitability in an LED flashlight

Repair of any electrical device begins with checking the power source, therefore, despite the fact that new batteries were installed in the flashlight, repairs should begin with checking them. In the Smartbuy flashlight, the batteries are installed in a special container, in which they are connected in series using jumpers. In order to gain access to the flashlight batteries, you need to disassemble it by rotating the back cover counterclockwise.

Batteries must be installed in the container, observing the polarity indicated on it. The polarity is also indicated on the container, so it must be inserted into the flashlight body with the side on which the “+” sign is marked.

First of all, it is necessary to visually check all contacts of the container. If there are traces of oxides on them, then the contacts must be cleaned to a shine using sandpaper or the oxide must be scraped off with a knife blade. To prevent re-oxidation of the contacts, they can be lubricated with a thin layer of any machine oil.

Next you need to check the suitability of the batteries. To do this, touching the probes of a multimeter turned on in DC voltage measurement mode, you need to measure the voltage at the contacts of the container. Three batteries are connected in series and each of them should produce a voltage of 1.5 V, therefore the voltage at the terminals of the container should be 4.5 V.

If the voltage is less than specified, then it is necessary to check the correct polarity of the batteries in the container and measure the voltage of each of them individually. Perhaps only one of them sat down.

If everything is in order with the batteries, then you need to insert the container into the flashlight body, observing the polarity, screw on the cap and check its functionality. In this case, you need to pay attention to the spring in the cover, through which the supply voltage is transmitted to the flashlight body and from it directly to the LEDs. There should be no traces of corrosion on its end.

How to check if the switch is working properly

If the batteries are good and the contacts are clean, but the LEDs do not light, then you need to check the switch.

The Smartbuy Colorado flashlight has a sealed push-button switch with two fixed positions, closing the wire coming from the positive terminal of the battery container. When you press the switch button for the first time, its contacts close, and when you press it again, they open.

Since the flashlight contains batteries, you can also check the switch using a multimeter turned on in voltmeter mode. To do this, you need to rotate it counterclockwise, if you look at the LEDs, unscrew its front part and put it aside. Next, touch the body of the flashlight with one multimeter probe, and with the second touch the contact, which is located deep in the center of the plastic part shown in the photo.

The voltmeter should show a voltage of 4.5 V. If there is no voltage, press the switch button. If it is working properly, then voltage will appear. Otherwise, the switch needs to be repaired.

Checking the health of the LEDs

If the previous search steps failed to detect a fault, then at the next stage you need to check the reliability of the contacts supplying the supply voltage to the board with LEDs, the reliability of their soldering and serviceability.

A printed circuit board with LEDs sealed into it is fixed in the head of the flashlight using a steel spring-loaded ring, through which the supply voltage from the negative terminal of the battery container is simultaneously supplied to the LEDs along the flashlight body. The photo shows the ring from the side it presses against the printed circuit board.

The retaining ring is fixed quite tightly, and it was only possible to remove it using the device shown in the photo. You can bend such a hook from a steel strip with your own hands.

After removing the retaining ring, the printed circuit board with LEDs, which is shown in the photo, was easily removed from the head of the flashlight. The absence of current-limiting resistors immediately caught my eye; all 14 LEDs were connected in parallel and directly to the batteries via a switch. Connecting LEDs directly to a battery is unacceptable, since the amount of current flowing through the LEDs is limited only by the internal resistance of the batteries and can damage the LEDs. At best, it will greatly reduce their service life.

Since all the LEDs in the flashlight were connected in parallel, it was not possible to check them with a multimeter turned on in resistance measurement mode. Therefore, the printed circuit board was supplied with a DC supply voltage from an external source of 4.5 V with a current limit of 200 mA. All LEDs lit up. It became obvious that the problem with the flashlight was poor contact between the printed circuit board and the retaining ring.

Current consumption of LED flashlight

For fun, I measured the current consumption of LEDs from batteries when they were turned on without a current-limiting resistor.

The current was more than 627 mA. The flashlight is equipped with LEDs of type HL-508H, the operating current of which should not exceed 20 mA. 14 LEDs are connected in parallel, therefore, the total current consumption should not exceed 280 mA. Thus, the current flowing through the LEDs more than doubled the rated current.

Such a forced mode of LED operation is unacceptable, as it leads to overheating of the crystal, and as a result, premature failure of the LEDs. An additional disadvantage is that the batteries drain quickly. They will be enough, if the LEDs do not burn out first, for no more than an hour of operation.

The design of the flashlight did not allow soldering current-limiting resistors in series with each LED, so we had to install one common one for all LEDs. The resistor value had to be determined experimentally. To do this, the flashlight was powered by pants batteries and an ammeter was connected to the gap in the positive wire in series with a 5.1 Ohm resistor. The current was about 200 mA. When installing an 8.2 Ohm resistor, the current consumption was 160 mA, which, as tests showed, is quite sufficient for good lighting at a distance of at least 5 meters. The resistor did not get hot to the touch, so any power will do.

Redesign of the structure

After the study, it became obvious that for reliable and durable operation of the flashlight, it is necessary to additionally install a current-limiting resistor and duplicate the connection of the printed circuit board with the LEDs and the fixing ring with an additional conductor.

If previously it was necessary for the negative bus of the printed circuit board to touch the body of the flashlight, then due to the installation of the resistor, it was necessary to eliminate the contact. To do this, a corner was ground off from the printed circuit board along its entire circumference, from the side of the current-carrying paths, using a needle file.

To prevent the clamping ring from touching the current-carrying tracks when fixing the printed circuit board, four rubber insulators about two millimeters thick were glued onto it with Moment glue, as shown in the photograph. Insulators can be made from any dielectric material, such as plastic or thick cardboard.

The resistor was pre-soldered to the clamping ring, and a piece of wire was soldered to the outermost track of the printed circuit board. An insulating tube was placed over the conductor, and then the wire was soldered to the second terminal of the resistor.

After simply upgrading the flashlight with your own hands, it began to turn on stably and the light beam illuminated objects well at a distance of more than eight meters. Additionally, the battery life has more than tripled, and the reliability of the LEDs has increased many times over.

An analysis of the causes of failure of repaired Chinese LED lights showed that they all failed due to poorly designed electrical circuits. It remains only to find out whether this was done intentionally in order to save on components and shorten the life of the flashlights (so that more people would buy new ones), or as a result of the illiteracy of the developers. I am inclined to the first assumption.

Repair of LED flashlight RED 110

A flashlight with a built-in acid battery from the Chinese manufacturer RED brand was repaired. The flashlight had two emitters: one with a beam in the form of a narrow beam and one emitting diffused light.

The photo shows the appearance of the RED 110 flashlight. I immediately liked the flashlight. Convenient body shape, two operating modes, a loop for hanging around the neck, a retractable plug for connecting to the mains for charging. In the flashlight, the diffused light LED section was shining, but the narrow beam was not.

To make the repair, we first unscrewed the black ring securing the reflector, and then unscrewed one self-tapping screw in the hinge area. The case easily separated into two halves. All parts were secured with self-tapping screws and were easily removed.

The charger circuit was made according to the classical scheme. From the network, through a current-limiting capacitor with a capacity of 1 μF, voltage was supplied to a rectifier bridge of four diodes and then to the battery terminals. The voltage from the battery to the narrow beam LED was supplied through a 460 Ohm current-limiting resistor.

All parts were mounted on a single-sided printed circuit board. The wires were soldered directly to the contact pads. The appearance of the printed circuit board is shown in the photograph.

10 side light LEDs were connected in parallel. The supply voltage was supplied to them through a common current-limiting resistor 3R3 (3.3 Ohms), although according to the rules, a separate resistor must be installed for each LED.

During an external inspection of the narrow beam LED, no defects were found. When power was supplied through the flashlight switch from the battery, voltage was present at the LED terminals, and it heated up. It became obvious that the crystal was broken, and this was confirmed by a continuity test with a multimeter. The resistance was 46 ohms for any connection of the probes to the LED terminals. The LED was faulty and needed to be replaced.

For ease of operation, the wires were unsoldered from the LED board. After freeing the LED leads from the solder, it turned out that the LED was tightly held by the entire plane of the reverse side on the printed circuit board. To separate it, we had to fix the board in the desktop temples. Next, place the sharp end of the knife at the junction of the LED and the board and lightly hit the knife handle with a hammer. The LED bounced off.

As usual, there were no markings on the LED housing. Therefore, it was necessary to determine its parameters and select a suitable replacement. Based on the overall dimensions of the LED, the battery voltage and the size of the current-limiting resistor, it was determined that a 1 W LED (current 350 mA, voltage drop 3 V) would be suitable for replacement. From the “Reference Table of Parameters of Popular SMD LEDs,” a white LED6000Am1W-A120 LED was selected for repair.

The printed circuit board on which the LED is installed is made of aluminum and at the same time serves to remove heat from the LED. Therefore, when installing it, it is necessary to ensure good thermal contact due to the tight fit of the rear plane of the LED to the printed circuit board. To do this, before sealing, thermal paste was applied to the contact areas of the surfaces, which is used when installing a radiator on a computer processor.

In order to ensure a tight fit of the LED plane to the board, you must first place it on the plane and slightly bend the leads upward so that they deviate from the plane by 0.5 mm. Next, tin the terminals with solder, apply thermal paste and install the LED on the board. Next, press it to the board (it’s convenient to do this with a screwdriver with the bit removed) and warm up the leads with a soldering iron. Next, remove the screwdriver, press it with a knife at the bend of the lead to the board and heat it with a soldering iron. After the solder has hardened, remove the knife. Due to the spring properties of the leads, the LED will be pressed tightly to the board.

When installing the LED, polarity must be observed. True, in this case, if a mistake is made, it will be possible to swap the voltage supply wires. The LED is soldered and you can check its operation and measure the current consumption and voltage drop.

The current flowing through the LED was 250 mA, the voltage drop was 3.2 V. Hence the power consumption (you need to multiply the current by the voltage) was 0.8 W. It was possible to increase the operating current of the LED by decreasing the resistance to 460 Ohms, but I did not do this, since the brightness of the glow was sufficient. But the LED will operate in a lighter mode, heat up less, and the flashlight’s operating time on a single charge will increase.

Testing the heating of the LED after operating for an hour showed effective heat dissipation. It heated up to a temperature of no more than 45°C. Sea trials showed a sufficient illumination range in the dark, more than 30 meters.

Replacing a lead acid battery in an LED flashlight

A failed acid battery in an LED flashlight can be replaced with either a similar acid battery or a lithium-ion (Li-ion) or nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) AA or AAA battery.

The Chinese lanterns being repaired were equipped with lead-acid AGM batteries of various sizes without markings with a voltage of 3.6 V. According to calculations, the capacity of these batteries ranges from 1.2 to 2 A×hours.

On sale you can find a similar acid battery from a Russian manufacturer for the 4V 1Ah Delta DT 401 UPS, which has an output voltage of 4 V with a capacity of 1 Ah, costing a couple of dollars. To replace it, simply re-solder the two wires, observing the polarity.

Good afternoon to all readers and admirers of the Radioschema website! Today I want to introduce you to another modification of the Chinese lantern.

Once I received an impressively sized plastic case from some Chinese flashlight from an unknown company, completely free of charge. I decided that if it would come in handy, I would do something. Having disassembled it, I found inside a completely dead battery of an unknown manufacturer, there was not a single inscription on it. There were also no light-emitting elements. Well, I put it off until better times.

Battery replacement

Subsequently, a 6 volt 4.5 A/h battery of similar size was purchased. True, its size was a little larger, so the body had to be, as they say, “modified with a file.”

There was obviously some kind of incandescent light bulb at the top of the lantern. Having rummaged around a little with my brains and eyes, I discovered that in place of the latter, a lens from a one-watt LED fits very well. Which, with the help of the same file, successfully fit into this technological hole, along with the same LED. And then two pieces of aluminum profile from sliding furniture doors were glued onto it as a radiator. Initially, I wanted to put a three-watt LED there, but the experience of using such diodes said that my improvised radiator would not have enough cooling area (and a larger one would not fit inside the flashlight), so I decided to go with a one-watt diode.

I wanted to power the LED using . But then I came across a car charger for the phone, as it turned out, built on some Chinese analogue of the same MC34063, since the circuit coincided one to one. I decided to take this board as a basis, unsoldered the USB connector, and replaced the voltage divider with a multi-turn trimmer. I set the current to 270 mA (while the diode is designed for 350 mA - there will be a reserve). The light intensity is quite enough to illuminate a space of 15-20 meters at night.

Installation of LEDs

Further, in the lower part, most likely, there was some kind of fluorescent lamp. Which can be determined by the characteristic protrusions on the reflector. Without hesitation, I decided to install LEDs there that had recently arrived from China:

Everything was done very simply. I marked out the location of the LEDs on checkered paper, glued them to the reflector with paper glue, and drilled holes for the leads with a millimeter drill. I removed the paper, cleaned the reflector with a cloth to remove the glue, inserted the LEDs and bent the legs. Since I didn’t want to sculpt a driver, I decided to limit myself to resistors. I connected all the LEDs in parallel and put a 180 Ohm resistor on each LED; I used SMD resistors for this, which I fused directly into the plastic, since the battery turned out to be too big and there was simply no room for lead elements.

The power switch is located at the top of the handle and has three fixed positions. In the middle position everything is off, in the rearmost position the lower part of the flashlight is on, it gives diffused light. And in the extreme forward position, the upper part turns on and produces a narrowly directed beam of light, plus the lower part is powered to it through a diode soldered to the switch.

Voltage indicator

Then the idea arose to make an indication of the battery charge. I searched the Internet and found this table:

Since my battery is 6 volts, the numbers in the “voltage” column must be divided by two. I decided to build an indicator on the widely used LM324 microcircuit, which is a quad operational amplifier (op-amp). Since I had already soldered a similar circuit for the light indication of a metal detector, I was left with a signet, which later had to be slightly modified. To display information about the state of the battery, I took four values ​​(according to the number of op amps) - 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%. I had to spend half a day just to calculate the voltage divider, I even created a special table for this in Excel to make it easier to calculate.

The button for turning on the indicator is located on the body under the handle; when you press it, the number of LEDs corresponding to the charge lights up. If one is on, then 20%, if all, then 80% or more.

Power Bank

The next function of my flashlight was the ability to charge mobile devices. Since the battery has a good capacity, it is quite capable.

I thought for a long time about how to coordinate the voltage levels of the battery and mobile phone. At first I wanted to make the same converter on the MC34063, but it didn’t fit due to the small voltage difference. There was an option to install the LM7805, but again it was not suitable for the same reason. As a result, after talking with my radio amateur friends on our forum (for which I thank them very much!) I came to the conclusion that you can use an ordinary resistor that will limit the current, and by simple manipulations with Ohm’s law, this element was calculated. It turned out 3 Ohms 1 W.

Charge indicator

Next, it is planned to modernize the flashlight by installing a solar panel on the side surface of the body to constantly recharge the battery. After all, most of the time the flashlight is off. You will get such a portable, autonomous mini power station. For charging mobile phones and lighting. On this cheerful note, let me take my leave, see you again on the pages of the site! Author - Temych (Artem Bogatyr)


This flashlight was purchased on EBAY about 4-5 years ago. The link to the seller has not been preserved, and it is unlikely that he still sells this product. But even now I repeatedly see the twin brothers of this flashlight on many trading floors, so I think this review is still relevant.

Moreover, the principles of refining this flashlight can be applied to other similar products.

The flashlight served me faithfully for several years.

I can't identify the LED. Something small, low heat output, but bright enough.

I didn't use it particularly intensively and it suited me. There were no modes that I didn't need. The power button is at the end, just the way I like it. There are rubber seals. Initially it worked on three AAA elements. Then I got LiIon 18650 batteries and tried to stuff such an element into a flashlight.

Oddly enough, it fit without any problems. Why did I decide to disassemble and modify it? It’s just that my little son somehow took out my other flashlight, played with it all day, and the LED in it burned out from overheating. I took that flashlight apart and saw that the LED was installed so there was no heat sink and no driver at all. Horror! Therefore, I decided to look at how the hero of my today’s review works. I wouldn’t want it to fail at the most inopportune time if I suddenly have to use it intensively. We'll have to take it apart.

There is no need to disassemble the switch, but you will have to look at the holder in which the LED and driver are located.

It is clear that this clip is metal, which is not bad. I came across flashlights that had this part made of plastic.

It can be seen that there is a large hole inside and the LED board touches the holder only with its edges, the contact area is small and without thermal paste.

Raise the LED board. Where is the driver?

The driver consists of a contact board and a piece of wire. Yes, the Chinese have clearly relied on reliability

There is a spring on the contact pad. That is why there was such a margin in size and the 18650 element fit into the case without any problems.

I can’t stop looking at the laconic Chinese driver before throwing it in the trash.

It would be good to change this clip to one that does not have such a hole inside, so that the LED board is completely adjacent to the entire surface for better heat dissipation.

But I don’t have a lathe, and it’s not profitable to order a turner at the factory to make this part; it’s easier to buy another flashlight, the price will be comparable. Therefore, I decide to leave everything as is, just improve the contact and coat the contacting surfaces with thermal paste before assembly.

After rummaging through my bins I find a real driver. This is probably not the best copy, but it really works and I already have it, no need to order and wait for the package. Here he is, handsome.

There is also a spring, this is a must, silicone wires and 3 modes.

The new driver fit into the cage tightly, with tension, just as it was here.

Slightly damaged the track on the driver. It's my own fault. I had to connect it with wire. It would have worked without it, but I soldered it for reliability.

At the same time I decided to replace the LED with something more interesting. I dug out the following from the bins:

The first one is too big, the second one is more powerful, but it heats up like a stove. I choose the third one, CREE XP-E.

Warm White/Cold White
LED Emitter: 1-3W
Model Type: CREE XPE LED
Lumens: 328Lumens/ 3W
DC Forward Voltage (VF) : 2.8-3.6Vdc
DC Forward Current (IF): 350-1000mA
Beam Angle: 115 degrees
Lens color: water clear
PCB board: Diameter 20mm base
Resin (Mold): Silicone Resin
Certificate: CE&ROSH
LifeSpan Time: >50,000 hours
Power: 1W-3W
Model Name: CREE XPE
Emitted Color: Blue
Wavelength: 470-480nm
Brightness: 60LM~70LM

Maximum Pulse Voltage: 3.8V
Maximum Pulse Current: 1200mA
LED Viewing Angle: 115 degree
Diameter: 20mm
Usage: House/Street/Architecture Illumination
Power: 1W/3W
Model Name: CREE XPE
Emitted Color: Green
Wavelength: 520nm-530nm
Brightness: 90LM~100LM
DC Forward Voltage (VF): 3.2V-3.6Vdc
DC Forward Current (IF): 350mA~1000mA
Maximum Pulse Voltage: 3.8V
Maximum Pulse Current: 1200mA
LED Viewing Angle: 115 degree
Diameter: 20mm

Here he is larger.

And here is the one that stood originally. Maybe someone can identify him?

I coat the contact points between the clip and the LED board with thermal paste. It is unlikely that this will solve the problem radically, but just a little, but it should improve the cooling of the LED. Apply a little bit of thermal paste to the thread along which the holder is screwed into the flashlight body to improve heat dissipation to the body. We collect.

The diameter of the crystal of the CREE LED is smaller than that of the one that stood before and it protrudes more forward. In order for the beam of light to be without a dark spot in the center, you need to slightly move the reflector away from the LED. But since the LED board is pressed against the heat sink by the reflector itself, you have to place a photoplastic washer under the reflector.

Let's check - it works. The brightness is comparable to the brightness of the LED that was installed initially. But okay, let it remain CREE. I hope it doesn't overheat...

The button works as expected, turns it on and off. If you do not press the button all the way, but only press it a little, the flashlight mode switches. There are only 3 modes: full brightness, half brightness and strobe. There is no SOS mode, thank God. I definitely don't need him. I would refuse the strobe, especially since I came across information on updating such drivers. But after thinking about it, I decided to leave the strobe, what if it came in handy?

Here is a video of the flashlight working after modification:

The video footage shows light modulation, the result of the driver’s operation. This is how it should be, it is not visible to the eye, only on video.

Here you can see how the flashlight works in full and half brightness modes, as well as in strobe mode.

Conclusion: the flashlight was very inexpensive, has a good solid design and good potential for improvement. After modernization, its performance improved and now it fully meets my needs.

There are times in every person’s life when lighting is needed, but there is no electricity. This could be a simple power outage, or the need to repair the wiring in the house, or perhaps a forest hike or something similar.

And, of course, everyone knows that in this case, only an electric flashlight will help out - a compact and at the same time functional device. Now there are many different types of this product on the electrical engineering market. These include regular flashlights with incandescent lamps, and LED flashlights with rechargeable batteries. And there are a great many companies producing these devices - “Dick”, “Lux”, “Cosmos”, etc.

But not many people think about the principle of its operation. Meanwhile, knowing the structure and circuit of an electric flashlight, you can, if necessary, repair it or even assemble it with your own hands. Let's try to figure this out.

The simplest lanterns

Since flashlights are different, it makes sense to start with the simplest one - with a battery and an incandescent lamp, and also consider its possible malfunctions. The circuit diagram of such a device is elementary.

In fact, there is nothing in it except a battery, a power button and a light bulb. And therefore there are no special problems with it. Here are a few possible minor troubles that may result in the failure of such a flashlight:

  • Oxidation of any of the contacts. These could be the contacts of a switch, light bulb or battery. You just need to clean these circuit elements, and the device will work again.
  • Burning out of an incandescent lamp - everything is simple here; replacing the light element will solve this problem.
  • The batteries are completely discharged - replace the batteries with new ones (or charge them if they are rechargeable).
  • Lack of contact or broken wire. If the flashlight is no longer new, then it makes sense to change all the wires. This is not at all difficult to do.

LED flashlight

This type of flashlight has a more powerful luminous flux and at the same time consumes very little energy, which means that the batteries in it will last longer. It's all about the design of the light elements - LEDs do not have an incandescent filament, they do not consume energy on heating, which is why the efficiency of such devices is 80–85% higher. The role of additional equipment in the form of a converter involving a transistor, resistor and high-frequency transformer is also great.

If the flashlight has a built-in battery, then it also comes with a charger.

The circuit of such a flashlight consists of one or more LEDs, a voltage converter, a switch and a battery. In earlier flashlight models, the amount of power consumed by the LEDs had to match the amount produced by the source.

Now this problem has been solved using a voltage converter (also called a multiplier). Actually, this is the main part that contains the electrical circuit of the flashlight.

If you want to make such a device with your own hands, there will not be any special difficulties. Transistor, resistor and diodes are not a problem. The most difficult part will be winding a high-frequency transformer on a ferrite ring, which is called a blocking generator.

But this can also be dealt with by taking a similar ring from a faulty electronic ballast of an energy-saving lamp. Although, of course, if you don’t want to mess around or don’t have time, then you can find highly efficient converters on sale, such as 8115. With their help, using a transistor and a resistor, it became possible to produce an LED flashlight on a single battery.

The LED flashlight circuit itself is similar to the simplest device, and you shouldn’t dwell on it, because even a child can assemble it.

By the way, when using a voltage converter in the circuit on an old, simple flashlight, powered by a 4.5 volt square battery, which is no longer available for purchase, you can safely install a 1.5 volt battery, i.e. a regular “finger” or “little finger” one. battery. There will be no loss in luminous flux. The main task in this case is to have at least the slightest understanding of radio engineering, literally at the level of knowing what a transistor is, and also to be able to hold a soldering iron in your hands.

Refinement of Chinese lanterns

Sometimes it happens that a purchased flashlight with a battery (which appears to be of good quality) completely fails. And it is not necessarily the buyer’s fault for improper operation, although this also occurs. More often, this is a mistake when assembling a Chinese lantern in pursuit of quantity at the expense of quality.

Of course, in this case it will have to be remade, modernized somehow, because the money has been spent. Now you need to understand how to do this and whether it is possible to compete with the Chinese manufacturer and repair such a device yourself.

Considering the most common option, in which when the device is plugged in, the charging indicator lights up, but the flashlight does not charge and does not work, you can notice this.

A common mistake by the manufacturer is that the charge indicator (LED) is connected in parallel with the battery, which should never be allowed. At the same time, the buyer turns on the flashlight, and seeing that it is not lit, again supplies power to the charge. As a result, all LEDs burn out at once.

The fact is that not all manufacturers indicate that such devices cannot be charged with the LEDs turned on, since it will be impossible to repair them, all that remains is to replace them.

So, the modernization task is to connect the charge indicator in series with the battery.

As can be seen from the diagram, this problem is completely solvable.

But if the Chinese installed a 0118 resistor in their product, then the LEDs will have to be changed constantly, because the current supplied to them will be very high, and no matter what light elements are installed, they cannot withstand the load.

LED headlamp

In recent years, such a lighting device has become quite widespread. Indeed, it is very convenient when your hands are free, and the beam of light hits where the person is looking, this is precisely the main advantage of a headlamp. Previously, only miners could boast of this, and even then, to wear it, you needed a helmet, onto which the flashlight was, in fact, attached.

Nowadays, the mounting of such a device is convenient, you can wear it under any circumstances, and you don’t have a rather large and heavy battery hanging on your belt, which, moreover, must be charged once a day. The modern one is much smaller and lighter, and also has very low energy consumption.

So what is such a lantern? And the principle of its operation is no different from LED. The design options are the same - rechargeable or with removable batteries. The number of LEDs varies from 3 to 24 depending on the characteristics of the battery and converter.

In addition, such flashlights usually have 4 glow modes, not just one. These are weak, medium, strong and signal - when the LEDs blink at short intervals.

The modes of the LED headlamp are controlled by a microcontroller. Moreover, if it is available, even a strobe mode is possible. In addition, this does not harm LEDs at all, unlike incandescent lamps, since their service life does not depend on the number of on-off cycles due to the absence of an incandescent filament.

So which flashlight should you choose?

Of course, flashlights can be different in voltage consumption (from 1.5 to 12 V), and with different switches (touch or mechanical), with an audible warning about low battery. This may be the original or its analogues. And it’s not always possible to determine what kind of device is in front of your eyes. After all, until it fails and repairs begin, you cannot see what kind of microcircuit or transistor is in it. It’s probably better to choose the one you like and solve possible problems as they arise.

Hello Muska readers.
I decided to tell you my little story about the modification of a Chinese headlamp with a remote power compartment on 1-2 18650 lithium batteries.
In principle, this topic has already been discussed in some posts and there have been reviews of these boards more than once, so there will not be a lot of background information, but perhaps there will be useful information here too.
If anyone is interested, please cut
I use a widely used cheap Chinese headlamp with a remote battery pack located on the back of my head. (lantern heads may vary, but many have identical compartments)

The obvious disadvantage of this design is it's a necessity to take it out battery from the compartment if you need to charge it, and you also need to have a charger on hand for an 18650 lithium battery.
Since this flashlight is located in the glove compartment of the car, there is no mobile charging for it, and if charging is necessary, you need to remove the battery and take it home for the charging process.

I once bought myself a lot of 10 pieces. MP1405 controller boards

Brief Specifications:

Model: MP1405
Input voltage - 5V
End of charge voltage: 4.2V ± 1%
Maximum charging current: 1000mA
Battery discharge control voltage: 2.5V
Overload protection threshold: 3A

The difference between this board and the repeatedly reviewed cheaper boards like these:
The fact is that the board controls not only the charge, but it can also monitor battery discharge. And this is especially important when using unprotected lithium battery cells in a device that is not equipped with a driver with a discharge control function.
Since looking at the board with the flashlight “driver”, it was clear that there was no smell not only of the discharge level controller, but also of the driver itself with any kind of stabilization.

All the brains of the flashlight are the mode selection chip on the CX2812 chip and the A1SHB transistor (P-Channel 1.25-W, 2.5-V MOSFET)
Therefore, it was decided to introduce a board with control of both battery charge and discharge.

Actually, this is not difficult to do. First I pulled the board out of the flashlight. Connected the output of the controller board to the power input of the flashlight driver board and to the terminals B+ And B- Soldered the terminals of the battery compartment.
This is what the inclusion check looked like before assembly:

Intermodule connections were made using MGTF wire.

For one thing, in such a disheveled state, I took measurements of the currents flowing into the battery during charging and during the process of powering the flashlight to max. brightness (installed cree Q5 diode)

Measuring the charge current going to the battery

(The ammeter readings are not entirely accurate because when taking measurements, I discovered that the low battery indicator in the tester was on, so the readings may fluctuate, but usually the error is not very large, the order of the numbers can be understood)

Measurement of current consumption of the flashlight during operation at max. brightness

The measurements showed quite satisfactory figures. The charge current, as promised by the board specification, is 1A. I didn’t test the cutoff voltage (I didn’t have time to wait for the battery to completely discharge), but I think the board should work out the algorithm of its operation correctly.

Next came the process of stuffing both boards into the battery compartment body, cutting out a neat hole for the microUSB connector and organizing an indication of the charging process.
Initially, I was sure that there was plenty of space in the compartment and I could arrange the board without problems, but after a more complete analysis of the situation and rough fittings, I realized that not everything is so simple.
I had to move the flashlight driver board to the side so that the charging board lay next to it.
The ending of these manipulations is as follows:

The controller board is tightly inserted and the hole cut out for the microUSB is additionally fixed with “liquid rubber” (I don’t know what the tubes for glue guns are called), and in addition both boards are clamped with an upper plastic cover. In general, everything is holding up very well.

I decided to organize the display issue as follows:
I decided to remove the green indicator diode, which signals the end of the charging process, and attach it next to the LED soldered on the flashlight controller board (a duplicate light that lights up on the back of the head when the flashlight is turned on)
Thus when charging is complete The flashlight behind the white lens will glow green.
Like this:

I decided not to touch the charging progress indicator and left it in its place. It can be seen in the gap between the case and the microUSB port.
this is what it looks like:

I think this indicator is quite sufficient.
That's basically it.
Although no

Here are a few more close-up photos of the general view of the flashlight and charging port:

That's it now. According to this scheme, I also modified a similar flashlight only with a compartment for 2 parallel 18650 batteries and on an XML-T6 crystal, but this does not change the essence of the matter.

Now this device can be safely charged from any USB port that is now even in cars or any telephone charger with a microUSB end.

Thank you all for your attention. I will be happy to answer your questions. If you find something to latch on to, don’t be shy, poke your nose at it.
According to tradition, my little animal is not a cat.

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