The best and most profitable tariff for calls within Russia (MTS)

For many tariff offers, the mobile operator MTS offers to take advantage of increased cost characteristics compared to the home region of SIM card registration. But everyone is looking for an option for profitable conversations. The provider met its subscribers and activated an option such as "Profitable intercity" .

Main advantages

When activating any option, the user is always aimed at a certain benefit and reducing financial costs from the personal account balance. This is different, including the service "Profitable intercity" . But initially it is worth pointing out the main advantages that are provided to the subscriber during use:

  • The same fee for minutes of communication has been established in all directions. It does not change depending on the number of minutes of communication completed, as well as their duration or the specific provider.
  • Extended to any cellular operator in the country without restrictions.

In addition to all this, there is also a minimum subscription fee, which will be discussed below.

Features of application

When using the “Beneficial Intercity” service, it cannot be combined with other offers that can provide a reduction in the cost of intercity travel. In this case, it will only be valid at the moment when the subscriber is within his region of residence. Next, you will have to rely on the basic tariff, which is provided for in the included tariff plan from the provider.

Certain tariffs may include packages of minutes for calls. If you activate the option in question, initially it is the included quota that will be spent, and only then an identical fee will be established in all directions. It is also worth noting that if MTS You can make calls to Russia completely free of charge; you will only be charged for “Favorable Intercity” when speaking with representatives of other cellular operators.

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A similar situation applies to basic tariffs. If the cost is lower than the parameters of the additional service on the number, the tariff will work, and the option itself begins to extend to other areas of service.

In addition, there is a restriction regarding the applicable tariff plans. It will not be able to be connected to Smart line offerings such as “X”, “Smart +”, “Smart TOP” or “Nonstop”. This is understandable in principle, since they already have enough useful functions that can be used during the maintenance process.

Cost characteristics

Particular attention will always be paid to the costs for using the option. This cell phone company user MTS always gives meaning. At the moment of its connection, 40 rubles will be immediately written off. This amount is provided for the entire subscription period of one month. Subsequently, there is a one-time reduction in the balance of the personal account at the onset of the next reporting period, for which you need to be prepared. But at the same time, subscribers can count on all outgoing calls costing three rubles per minute of conversation. The main thing is that you are within your home region, and you can call in absolutely any direction, without paying attention to a specific cellular operator.

Procedure for activation and deactivation

When all the main points have been considered, all that remains is to talk about what actions to take to enable the service on your subscriber number. One of the options is the USSD command. To use it, simply type the combination on the keyboard in the form *111*903# , and then don’t forget to click on the call button. This is a very common option, as it can be used also on a classic push-button telephone.

There is a group of users who, from the entire range of services of mobile providers, use only telephone communications. They do not need packaged tariff plans, because in such cases MTS tariffs without Internet and subscription fees are much more profitable.

The desire to save on traffic is understandable, and in this article we will try to understand which MTS tariff without Internet and subscription fee 2018 is the best. From the review you will learn the specifics of each TP, its cost and how to disable the imposed services.

Super MTS

The operator considers this TP to be the most profitable. At first glance, you might think that you won’t have to pay for anything here at all. In fact free SMS, gigabytes and minutes are available only if special options are available(list and shutdown commands at the end of the article).

With all connected services, the monthly fee will be 642 rubles, which is not that cheap. If you want to make the use of the tariff completely free, after switching to the plan you need to disable all services. Then you will be able to use only 20 outgoing minutes for free to landline phones and mobile MTS of your region every day.

Without additional options or if the daily limit is exceeded, calls are charged at 1.5 rub./min.(MTS) and 2.5 rub./min.(urban). When calling to other regions, conversations with MTS clients will cost 5 rub./min., other operators – 14 RUR/min.

The price of one outgoing SMS to subscribers in the home area will be 2 rubles, in other districts – 3.8 RUR.

USSD combination for changing the tariff to “Super MTS” – * 111 * 8888 # .

Red Energy

This tariff is notable for the single cost of calls to all numbers in the region where the SIM card is connected - 1.6 RUR/min. On-net long distance calls are charged at 5 rub./min., to numbers of other service providers – 8 rub./min.

The tariff plan includes the services “SMS Smart Package” and “SuperBIT Smart”. If you don't turn them off, You will have to pay 585 rubles monthly for all options.

The cost of one SMS without an SMS package will be 1.9 rubles in the region of connection and 3.8 rubles- around the country.

Paid services

On all tariffs without the Internet, under the guise of “optimizing options,” the provider includes a number of paid services in the initial package. In the first 14-30 days, services are provided free of charge. But if you don’t get rid of them in time, the costs of communication at the beginning of a new reporting period will greatly surprise you.

The table lists additional paid options for each TP without a subscription fee. Their cost per month of use is indicated in brackets, but in fact the fee is charged every day.

You can refuse these services through USSD combinations:

  • Call for free to MTS Russia 100 - * 111 * 868 #
  • SuperBIT Smart - * 111 * 8650 #
  • SMS Smart package - * 111 * 9009 #
  • They called you! - * 111 * 38 #
  • GOOD'OK - * 111 * 29 #
  • The first Internet package - * 111 * 1431 #

Subscription fee

Until 2018, on tariffs without the Internet, it was possible to disable all paid services and use only free services.

For example, use a SIM card for calls within the MTS network. As a result, it was possible not to top up the phone balance for months. In fact, subscribers used communication services for free, albeit in very limited quantities.

Now the operator is forcing users to use paid services on tariffs without a monthly fee. You must perform a paid action every two months: make a charged call, send an SMS or go online. If this does not happen, your tariff plan will be switched to “Basic” (you will not be notified about this), according to which a daily fee of 3 rubles.

If you have already been switched to the “Basic” tariff plan, it is too late to call or send messages. You need to reconnect the tariff without a monthly fee. You will not be able to switch to the “old” tariff plan if the operator’s tariffs include a more recent version with updated parameters.

Which tariff without internet and monthly fee is the best for calls?

MTS tariffs without Internet and subscription fees are replete with pitfalls. With a competent approach to selection and preventive disabling of unused paid options, you will receive the optimal tariff plan.

Which cellular plan without a monthly fee should I choose for my phone? All of the listed MTS tariffs without the Internet can be considered profitable, based on the category of customers they are aimed at:

  1. The cheapest– “Super MTS”, but only if all additional options are rejected. This option will not suit all subscribers, but you won’t find a better offer: you get 20 minutes a day for local calls for free.
  2. Do you call mostly to subscribers of different operators, and the call time rarely exceeds a minute? “Per-second” is your choice. "Red Energy" is good for longer conversations. Both tariffs are suitable only for profitable communication with home area subscribers.
  3. If long-distance or international calls are important to you, the best tariff would be the “Your Country” or “Guest” tariff plan. Plans provide the best rates for calls within the country and abroad.

    go to the Super MTS TP and activate the option, calls to other regions will become even cheaper - 3 rubles per minute.

Many of MTS subscribers do not even suspect what opportunities they have to talk with relatives between cities. There are many service options for such calls, so after studying each one, you can find yourself a profitable MTS long-distance service in terms of money and capabilities.

How to call other cities on MTS

You can now call a subscriber in another city without wasting time on additional settings. To make a call, you just need to dial a number, preferably 7 first, but this does not make a big difference. Here is an example: +7 (operator/city code + the remaining digits, which are called the phone number), the same can be dialed with 8. There is no need to wait for beeps after this.

If you often call other cities, you can save money. There are many functions for this, for example, “Favorable intercity”. Already from the name it is clear that the option is aimed at profitable calls between cities. The cost of such a call will depend on the tariff and the region where you are going to call.

MTS services for profitable intercity

Profitable intercity MTS - description

One call to another city with the “Favorable intercity” service activated will cost 3 rubles for 1 minute of conversation. The monthly payment is 40 rubles. The fee begins to be debited from the day on which the service was activated.

How to connect Profitable intercity MTS

It’s easy to connect or disconnect; there are three options for this:

  • Go to your ;
  • The command to connect is *111*903# on your mobile;
  • Send an SMS to 111 with the text: 903 - connect, 9030 - disconnect.

Connection and disconnection can be done free of charge.

The service is not available on some tariffs, so you need to check whether your tariff supports it or not. Remember that when you connect it, you cannot connect other functions that give a discount on calls between cities.

Call for free to MTS Russia

Who doesn’t want to communicate with relatives who live in other cities for free? It is logical that everyone is interested in how to save on long-distance calls. This can be done with the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” service, which allows you to make calls between cities. The only thing worth considering is that the range of tariffs that can activate the option is too limited, namely:

  • Super MTS;
  • Super MTS (region);
  • Super MTS 042014.

With the service activated, you will have free calls to MTS Russia for as long as 100 minutes to residents of Moscow and the region, and plus another 100 to communicate with relatives who live in various parts of our vast Russia. Connecting and disconnecting is easy.

How to activate the Call for free service on MTS

  • Or dial *868# on your phone;
  • Or send an SMS with the text 868 to number 111;
  • Or go to and complete the task there.

How to disable the Call for free service on MTS

  • Through ;
  • By sending an SMS with the text 8680 to number 111;
  • By dialing *111*868# on your mobile phone, pressing “enter” and selecting the desired menu item.

Service Zero on MTS

If you are connected to the “Super Zero” and “Super MTS” tariff lines, then you have a chance to activate the “Zero on MTS” service. It will be possible to communicate with people from other cities of Russia absolutely free of charge. This service gives 100 minutes a day for calls in Moscow and 100 throughout Russia. The connection cost is low - 3.5 rubles. For one day you will also pay 3.5. Agree that the service is economical, because by spending about 4 rubles a day, you can talk for more than an hour with the most dear people throughout the country. Connecting/disconnecting is simple - dial:

  • *899# — connection;
  • *111*899# - both connection and disconnection;

Or SMS to number 111:

  • 899 - connection;
  • 8990 - shutdown.

Call MTS for the Your Country tariff

The “Call MTS” service is available to those who are connected to the “Your Country” tariff. The subscriber is invited to use free minutes (100) for calls throughout Russia; calls can be made even to the most remote places. It is important to understand that if you have not spent the time provided to you, it will not be carried over to the next day, you will simply have 100 new minutes. If you have unlimited options, then calls will not reduce their number of minutes in any way. Service fee - 3 rubles per day, connection - 3 rubles. You can connect and disconnect in several ways:

  • Call *111*859#;
  • Write an SMS to number 111 with the text 859;
  • Perform an action in MTS.


Talking with loved ones, with friends, with parents is very important, because communication is the best thing that can happen between close people. Many have long since flown away from the warm family nest, forgotten about daily conversations with their parents, and do not want to share anything with friends who are far away. But if you try, if you start to trust, resume the old relationship, everything will change.

It’s not difficult to connect any of the above services to MTS, and the fee for them is affordable, but you will know that you have 100 minutes a day to hear the voice of your beloved mother, say hello to your brother and tell your friend about new products.

Having friends and relatives all over Russia is simply wonderful, so don’t refuse such an opportunity!

“During the New Year holidays, MTS traditionally tries to please subscribers with profitable and interesting promotions, allowing them to congratulate friends and relatives throughout Russia. This year we are introducing a special service “Favorable long-distance”, by activating which the user receives equally favorable call conditions, regardless of which number in another region - mobile or landline - he makes a call to. By activating the “Favorable Intercity” service, the subscriber will be able to call from a mobile phone in any place and at any time convenient for him, and the cost of the call will not be higher than a call from a home phone,” said Mikhail Gerchuk, MTS Vice President for Commercial Issues.

When the “Favorable Intercity” service is activated, the cost of the first minute of conversation and starting from the 11th minute is charged in accordance with the terms of the subscriber’s tariff plan.

Terms of use of the “Favorable intercity” service

The “Profitable intercity” service is valid in the “home region” for all MTS subscribers, including users of corporate tariffs, except for subscribers of the “Business without Borders”, “Business without Borders Corporate”, “European” tariff plans. The cost of connecting to the “Favorable intercity” service is 50 rubles. The subscription fee for using the service is 1.7 rubles per day.

How to connect

To connect/disconnect the “Profitable Intercity” service, the subscriber should:

  • use the Internet assistant;
  • send an SMS with the text 2194/21940 to number 111;
  • dial the command *111*2194#;
  • call 111 then 2194.

New Year's calls within Russia with the MTS “Beneficial Intercity” service

MTS is launching the New Year's service "Beneficial Intercity", allowing subscribers to make long-distance calls to fixed and mobile numbers of other telecom operators at a favorable price of 2.5 rubles/min from the second to the tenth minute of the conversation.

Cost of the new MTS service “Profitable intercity”

With the “Profitable Intercity” service activated, calls to fixed and mobile numbers of other Russian telecom operators will be charged at 2.5 rubles from the second to the tenth minute of the conversation. The cost of the first minute of conversation and starting from the 11th will be charged at the base rate according to the terms of the subscriber’s tariff plan.

Activating the service costs 50 rubles. The subscription fee is 1.7 rubles. per day.

Validity of the MTS “Beneficial Intercity” service

The service is valid when the subscriber is in the “home” region. “Profitable intercity” is available for connection on all tariff plans, except for the “Business without borders”, “Business without borders corporate” and “European” tariffs.

For corporate subscribers, the service is mutually exclusive and cannot be simultaneously activated with other services/discounts that reduce the cost of long-distance calls. For subscribers of mass tariff plans, connecting to the “Profitable Long-Distance” service does not exclude other discounts and special offers for long-distance calls provided for by regional MTS services.

Goals of introducing the new MTS service “Beneficial Intercity”

With the launch of the “Beneficial Intercity” service on the market, MTS expects:

Clearly demonstrate that using cellular communications for long-distance calls is beneficial. Moreover, not only within the MTS network, but also when calling fixed and mobile numbers of other telecom operators.

Stimulate the growth of long-distance traffic consumption by MTS subscribers.

Advantages of long-distance calls with the new MTS service “Profitable Intercity”

Activating the “Favorable Long-Distance” service will allow an MTS subscriber to save up to 60% of the cost of a long-distance call within Russia in 3.5 minutes of conversation according to his basic tariff plan, and with a ten-minute call the subscriber’s savings can reach 75%.

  • According to our data, the average duration of long-distance calls for an MTS subscriber is 3.5 minutes per day.

At basic tariffs in the Moscow region, the cost of one minute of a call to fixed and mobile numbers of other Russian cellular operators varies from 12 to 15.5 rubles. The cost of a long-distance call lasting 3.5 minutes. is respectively from 42 to 54.25 rubles. depending on the subscriber's tariff. With the “Favorable Intercity” service activated, the cost of such a call will be from 18.25 to 21.75 rubles. which is almost 2.5 times (or 60%) cheaper than the cost of an international call at the basic tariff of an MTS subscriber without connecting to this service.

Consumption of long-distance traffic by MTS subscribers

According to our data, the largest consumption of long-distance traffic in the MTS network is observed in the Moscow region. Moscow now accounts for 20% of all intercity traffic of MTS subscribers.

Other long-distance communication services of the MTS operator

MTS also offers its subscribers the “Home Towns” service, which allows them to make outgoing calls to MTS phones in all regions of Russia for 2.5 rubles/min. To connect to the service, an MTS subscriber pays 34 rubles. For tariff plans of the “Maxi” line and the “Many calls” tariff, a monthly subscription fee of 100 rubles is established. On other tariff plans (“Long Conversations”, “RED Energy”, “Girlfriends”, “Super Zero”, etc.), the subscription fee for using the service is 3.5 rubles. in a day.

MTS also provides special regional long-distance communication services, the connection of which allows MTS subscribers to make calls on preferential terms to mobile and fixed numbers to all cities in the region where they are located at the cost of calls in the “home” region. Such services include: “United Urals”, “My Siberia”, “Baikal”.

Dynamics of changes in the average price of fixed long-distance communications in Russia in 2004-2009. Savings for an MTS subscriber with the “Profitable intercity” service

Since 2004, the cost of long-distance calls within Russia has been decreasing, which makes long-distance communication services more affordable for subscribers. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, from 2004 to 2009. the price of fixed long-distance communication over a distance of 1201-3000 km decreased from 6.5 to 5.3 rubles/min., i.e. by almost 19%.

  • The cost of a minute of long-distance call for an MTS subscriber with the activated “Beneficial Intercity” service in Russia is up to 2 times lower than the average market price of a minute of call on a fixed long-distance connection. From the second to the tenth minute, the subscriber's savings are about 50%: 5.3 rubles/min: 2.5 rubles/min = 2.12 times.
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