How to protect yourself from unwanted paid subscriptions on your phone? Recommendations for setting up campaigns for mobile subscriptions Cancellation of the service

Paid subscriptions are a real evil. They appear suddenly. To activate them, just one random tap on the screen is enough, after which your account will be gutted daily by a certain amount.

Where do paid subscriptions come from?

Let's say you wanted to listen to music on your smartphone and entered the corresponding request in your mobile browser. The search returned a list of relevant sites. Having visited one of them, you saw a plug with a proposal to switch to listen. It cannot be closed.

After tapping on the stub, you were transferred somewhere to the side of the cellular operator, as clearly indicated by the address bar of the browser.

The picture was made correctly. A poorly dressed young lady with a musical instrument is a good distraction. White text on a light gray background is harder to see. One more tap, and you already have a paid subscription. 30 rubles per day or 900 rubles per month. By the way, there can be as many subscriptions as you like. Do you understand the scale of the problem?

Some more or less technically savvy people may be indignant: “What idiot would search THAT way?” A question like this is a good indicator of immature thinking.

There are 146.5 million citizens in Russia. Not all of them are tech savvy. We must not forget about children and the elderly.

Cellular operators, of course, pretend to care about their customers and pretend that they are trying to change the situation. What they don’t come up with: applications with which you can check the availability of subscriptions, new tariffs with the illusion of protection from subscriptions, and so on.

But what about changing the process itself? Why not make confirmation of consent to withdraw money more explicit? For example, by sending SMS?

The problem is that operators make money from paid subscriptions, and pretending to care about customers is typical hypocrisy. Bees against honey.

How to protect yourself from paid subscriptions

The only reliable way to protect yourself from paid subscriptions is to create an additional (content) account.

Federal Law No. 229-FZ of July 23, 2013 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Communications” obliges operators to create, at the request of the subscriber, a separate account for payment for content services of third parties. Debiting funds from the main account to pay for content services of third parties engaged by the telecom operator becomes impossible.

Simply put, after creating a content account, the telecom operator will no longer be able to charge money for paid subscriptions to partner services from your main account. All you have to do is keep your content account balance zero.

Therefore, make sure that you have not enabled auto-replenishment of your content account from your main account. The telecom operator can impose this service, and then the whole idea will lose its meaning.

Please note: a content account protects against paid subscriptions to the services of telecom operator partners. If a paid service is provided by the telecom operator itself, then the money for it will still be debited from the main account.

How to create a content account

Unfortunately, the procedure differs between different telecom operators and may even vary depending on the region. In one case it will be enough to send a USSD request, but in another you will have to go to the salon with a passport. Call your operator's support line and ask for clear instructions. This is your right, guaranteed by law.

Support phone numbers (calls within Russia are free):

  1. Beeline - 8 800 700 06 11.
  2. Megafon - 8 800 550 05 00.
  3. MTS - 8 800 250 08 90.
  4. Tele2 - 8 800 555 06 11.

How to protect children, parents and grandparents

  1. If possible, help them create an additional (content) account.
  2. If creating such an account requires visiting a communication store, and the person cannot go there, issue a new number for him in your name.
  3. Control the account of another subscriber through your personal account. This way you can check for paid services and, if necessary, disable them. However, this is a less reliable option.

Mobile subscriptions are still trending. Experienced affiliate marketers generate traffic and earn good money. However, not everyone knows how to start in this niche and create a campaign for mobile subscriptions on our network. Today you will learn about it.

If you are working with the VisitWeb teaser network for the first time, we recommend that you use the new interface

1) First, set any campaign name convenient for you.

2) Indicate the link previously received in the affiliate program to advertise the selected offer.

3) Choose a topic.

The most traffic for mobile subscriptions is in the “erotica – photo/video” category. These topics are marked with an asterisk (*), which means it is possible to buy clicks from system teasers and use generated teasers.

Clicks from system teasers are teasers from other advertisers. With this option you can get a larger volume of clicks. Generated teasers (ready-made sets of teasers) are teasers with the maximum CTR in the system. Such teasers get promoted faster and allow you to buy more traffic.

4) Select a campaign type. In this case, we will look at the settings for the cpc format (teaser format). Netizer traffic also works well on mobile subscriptions, but we’ll talk about that next time.

5) If necessary, check the box to activate Postback (a tab with its settings will become available to you). PostBack is used to track traffic conversion data and provides complete information on which parameters bring you the maximum income.

More details about postback on our side can be found here: . PostBack does not need to be configured, but in some cases it simplifies analytics (for example, if you do not use a tracker)

6) Be sure to activate the option “Prohibit redemption from pages that contain words from the stop list”. This option will help you reduce the risk of receiving sanctions from operators.

Targeting section settings

1) Geotargeting. In the fifth step we will connect IP ranges, so this item can be left unchanged.

2) Type of traffic (graph computers and mobiles). In order to leave only mobile traffic, you need to go to the Computers section and uncheck the “Select all” item. Next, click the Accept button.

3) Show time. This item is relevant after the tests; for now it is better not to touch it. You may have received the best envelope time from your PP, however, we recommend that you conduct your own testing first.

4) Targeting by gender and age. This option will be most relevant for advertisers with a significantly limited budget. In this case, we recommend leaving the “men” and “most likely men” checkboxes. If your budget allows for full testing, we recommend that you leave all the options activated. In the long term, this will bring you higher profits.

5) In the IP filter section, specify the IP ranges you need to reduce the amount of trafficback. The ranges are provided by your affiliate program.

If after entering IP addresses into the filter the number of lines has decreased, then there is no need to worry - the system has simply combined several disparate ranges into one large one. Also, please note that a single IP cannot be added.

7) If you have connected IP ranges, the Operators item can be left unchanged.

8) We will leave the Devices item unchanged.

9) The List of Sites section is used to connect black and white sheets. Black and white lists are compiled based on site hashes. To get hashes you need to use a macro (HSITE2). We will add it at the third stage (Tracking) and discuss this item in more detail.

11) In the Daily limit item, you can set the maximum number of clicks that you are willing to buy per day. This option is relevant for a small budget.

12) Item Additional options.

a) Show in fixed (floating) blocks. If the box is checked, you can redeem not only from classic teaser blocks, but also from “messenger” type blocks - imitates a message from a messenger, “slider” - a block with teasers pops up on the page and closes by clicking on the cross. This option allows you to purchase additional volumes of quality traffic.

b) Buy clicks from teasers of a system with the same theme. If you need to dramatically increase traffic volumes, this option will allow you to get more clicks. System teasers are teasers of other advertisers. If your bid is higher, you will buy clicks on their teasers.

Transitions from system teasers are transferred to your statistics with id=0, they need to be carefully monitored, since a lot of traffic is attracted, and sometimes the conversion may be lower than for your teasers.

13) Item Click number. To track effective click numbers and click numbers that don't convert, you need to add a macro (NUM) to the link. For mobile subscriptions, as a rule, the first click of the visitor is relevant.

Tracking section settings

In this section we will add macros to the link and set the click price. Macros - transmit parameters to statistics that allow you to understand what gives the maximum conversion (teaser number, referral source id, campaign number, click number).

In order to enable macros, you need to check the box in the Pass parameters in the link (macros, utm tags) section. Next, simply select the macros you need by ticking them and they will automatically appear in the link. Your affiliate program will provide you with information regarding the tags you need.

You can set your bid below, in the Cost per click section. Traffic purchase occurs on the basis of an auction. The higher the bid, the more clicks you can buy. For MTS and Megafon, we recommend starting testing with 2 rubles, for Beeline with 2.5 rubles. (prices are current at the time of writing July 2017). You can track the effectiveness of your bet using the Sent % column. You will learn more about this in the Decoding statistics section.

After adding the macro (HSITE2) and setting the bid, let’s return to the lists of sources item.

Lists of sources

The Site List section is used to connect black and white sheets. Black and white lists are compiled based on site hashes. To obtain hashes, we previously connected a macro (HSITE2).

Using statistics in an affiliate program or tracker, you will find out which sites bring clicks and have good conversions, and which do not. Sites without conversions or sites with low conversions simply eat up your budget, so you should disable them. To do this, add the site hash to the list.

You can add hashes through detailed statistics; you can get there by clicking on the number in the “sent clicks” column. In the table that opens you will find the hash.

If you want to add a fairly large number of hashes at a time, then it will be more convenient to select “Add list” in the “Source Lists” tab. List the required hashes and select a campaign.

Click on the button "Add List". Now fill out the form for adding a new list:

  • Select the format (HSITE2).
  • Enter the name of the list.
  • Select the list type (black, white).
  • Enter lists of sources.
  • We choose to connect to a third-party list.
  • Check the box to filter out inactive sites.
  • Click on the button "Save".

Adding ads

In themes with a star, ready-made teasers are available to you. These are teasers from other advertisers that have achieved the maximum CTR in the system. These ads perform quite well when working with subscriptions and allow you to save a lot of time. To use them, select the Ready-made sets option.

It is optimal to upload from five to seven teasers at a time within a campaign. So, you have set up your first advertising campaign for WapClick. All that remains is to top up your balance with an amount of 150 rubles or more, go through moderation and start buying traffic.

Decoding statistics

Your clicks - all clicks on your teasers, including non-unique ones for which you do not pay

Ours + Others are all clicks available for redemption. The volume depends on the targeting settings.

Sent - clicks you purchased. By clicking on the number in this item you will be taken to detailed information on clicks.

Sent% - what percentage of the available traffic you buy. Depends on the rate

The higher the bid, the more traffic you will buy. If the indicator reaches 100%, it means you are buying out the maximum traffic for the given targeting settings.

Good luck and high profits!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. The field of mobile commerce continues to actively develop in Russia, and it is quite possible for webmasters who generate good traffic from WAP and WEB clicks to take advantage of this.

The benefits for mobile content owners, as well as end users of the mobile advertising market, are obvious:

  1. People now always have gadgets at their fingertips, and 24/7 surfing the web provides a lot of traffic.
  2. Convenience of subscription: the operator provides the service at a certain tariff without using SMS, connecting the subscriber in one click.
  3. A good flow of profit received, part of which steadily goes into the pockets of webmasters, who help redirect traffic to the necessary services.

Specialized affiliate programs help you make money on WAP and WEB clicks, among which they offer perhaps the best conditions and tools today.

Let's take a closer look at what MobAlfa is like from the inside, and how it may interest users.

MobAlfa affiliate promotional materials

The registration process for the service takes no more than five minutes, while account activation occurs manually through the service manager (via Skype or Telegram).

After logging in, the user is redirected to the affiliate dashboard, which displays basic statistics on subscription activation, the number of rebills and earnings from auto-redemption. Account and promotional materials are managed through a sliding menu on the left side of the screen.

An experienced webmaster who has already dealt with wap clicks will not be difficult to understand MobAlfa tools.

In the “Promo” menu, user request pages are designed that work only with web services of the selected stream. In the appropriate items of the designer, you can select the file type and size, its extension, as well as additional reference information. In a separate list, you can configure optional forms for the appearance of the landing page.

*click on the picture to open it full size in a new window

It is worth noting that all landing pages are coordinated with the cellular operators represented in MobAlfa.

Advantages of affiliate program tools and statistics

MobAlfa offers several convenient and effective tools to choose from that are not available in the functionality of similar projects.

Through the “Streams” menu, you can create and customize a traffic flow for yourself, connecting it to the promotional material that gives the maximum impact on the target audience.

The traffic distribution system depending on user platforms, cellular operators and geolocation is configured in the “TDS” menu - proper configuration also helps to diversify flows depending on their profitability. TDS MobAlfa allows you to create several distribution rules at the same time or send all users who do not comply with the created user rules via a link to another promotional material.

*click on the picture to open it full size in a new window

The “Tools” section contains up-to-date functionality that improves the quality of traffic and the service quality of advertising materials. So, here you can park a domain to any MobAlfa web service, or to a TDS domain. There is a convenient API for obtaining fresh domains and settings for postback, global trafficback, and comebackers. Through this section you can also generate a counter and link encryption code.

The “Statistics” menu collects an extensive array of data on collected subscriptions, rebills, traffic back, search queries, etc. From here you can also see the top popular web services.

*click on the picture to open it full size in a new window

The convenience of working with the MobAlfa service lies primarily in the use of special preset functionality - a tool that cannot be found in any of the competitors working in the mobile affiliate industry.

Using presets, it is doubly convenient to generate statistics on traffic or dates. It is also possible to group all data by revshare and auto-redemption. The set parameters are automatically saved in files specially created for a particular presset, which can be uploaded outside of MobAlfa in CSV or XLS format.

*click on the picture to open it full size in a new window

Unlike other partner projects of similar topics, MobAlfa provides users with ready-made pads for file hosting services. The ready-made functionality works with SEO traffic from search engines, transmitting keywords through a pad to a paid landing page.

The advantageous advantage of MobAlfa is the provision of an exchange service for buying and selling a subscription base.

General account settings and referral program

Setting up an affiliate account is done through the “Profile” menu: here you can set personal information, indicate methods of communication on social networks and decide on the wallet into which the system will pay the earned funds.

MobAlfa works with all major payment systems, sending money to WebMoney and YandexMoney, QIWI and ePayments wallets, as well as to VISA card accounts.

All payments are made automatically and instantly. The benefit of working with MobAlfa is that when withdrawing money to any payment system, wallet or bank card, no affiliate commission is charged.

*click on the picture to open it full size in a new window

Through the profile menu you can also receive an individual referral link. The program to attract new partners to MobAlfa operates on the basis of an increase in the interest rate depending on the number of registered users.

The basic rate for the first attracted partners is calculated at 3% of their income, from 25 to 50 referrals give 5%, the range between 50-75 referrals is 6%, the range between 75-100 referrals is 7%, and finally, the first hundred partners bring 8% of their income. Profit from auto-purchased referral subscriptions is estimated at 2%.


The Russian niche of WAP traffic continues to develop dynamically and bring good money to people who know how to effectively monetize targeted traffic.

Improves the quality of this traffic significantly due to truly necessary and useful tools for diversifying users.

The advantages of an affiliate program are that it provides:

  1. High-quality and visual promotional materials, helping to direct mobile traffic in the right direction and at the same time receiving a high percentage of conversion.
  2. Individually customizable tools that increase the profits of active MobAlfa partners significantly. Well-thought-out redirect schemes, a managed TDS system, a link rotator, generated flows - all this allows you to focus exclusively on the traffic that brings the maximum income.
  3. Extensive visual statistics on all sections and groups of received traffic, allowing you to determine the most profitable flows.
  4. A large number of convenient, easily customizable auxiliary tools in the format of a friendly service interface.
  5. The support team is ready to help at any time of the day, communication with which is maintained through several different channels (Skype, Telegram, ICQ).

We propose to place our small code on the resources, with the help of which we will help you monetize mobile traffic from Megafon, MTS, Beeline and all telecom operators in Azerbaijan.

Mobile subscriptions wap-click. WapLab provides partners with ample opportunities to make money on mobile traffic using unique tools. Just one click of a button on the landing page and a hard coin will fall into your wallet! We buy subscriptions at the MOST EXPENSIVE!

KinoMoney is a new generation affiliate program for movie website owners, with which you can make money on films by converting site visitors into income.

Goodvert is a network of affiliate programs that operates using a common and cost-effective CPA (cost-per-action) system - payment for a specific user action.

B2M (Business to Mobile) is an affiliate program of mobile phone entertainment provider Playfon, through which you can start making money by selling mobile content.

Digital Stream is a company operating in the digital content market and presenting products for mobile phone users.

PhoneConvert is a service designed to organize paid access to files using mobile traffic. The affiliate program will become a profitable earning tool for webmasters with any share of WAP traffic. We offer the most popular landing pages at the moment (software, games, entertainment, etc.)

CenterCash is a service designed to organize paid access to files. CenterCash software - Archiver and ON-Line Archiver - allows webmasters to easily create a paid archive with files. CenterCash is the ideal way to monetize file traffic.

EnterCash is an affiliate program that provides partners with the opportunity, after installing a special code on the site, to sell access to links, both external and internal. The affiliate program is presented by one of the market leaders - the SearchConvert Affiliate Program Center.

Subscription to the Dr.Web Anti-virus service and payment are made for any period, which allows you to independently plan the costs of anti-virus security.


Subscription is made for any period. The service begins immediately after activating the subscription.


There is no need to worry about renewal - the subscription is renewed automatically.


Are you going on vacation or a long business trip? Pause your subscription for 1, 2 or 3 months and don't pay for the service!


It is possible to switch from one tariff package to another. You can upgrade to any tariff package for free.

Cancellation of the service

You can refuse to use the service at any time. When you renew your subscription to the service, the link to download the installation file becomes available again.

Doctor Web is a Russian manufacturer of anti-virus information protection products under the Dr.Web brand. Dr.Web products have been developed since 1992. The company is a key player in the Russian market of software that provides basic business needs - information security. Doctor Web is one of the few antivirus vendors in the world that has its own unique technologies for detecting and treating malware. Dr.Web anti-virus protection allows clients' information systems to effectively resist any, even unknown, threats.

Doctor Web was the first company to offer an innovative model of using antivirus as a service on the Russian market, and to this day continues to be the undisputed leader in the Russian market of Internet security services for IT service providers. State certificates and awards, as well as the geography of Dr.Web users, indicate the high quality of products created by talented Russian programmers.

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