Creating a new console. MMC Management Console Walkthrough Prerequisites and Requirements

In order to get an idea of ​​the flexibility of MMC, it is useful to review the process of creating a console file - an MMC tool (document) - from the very beginning. For example, let's describe the procedure for creating a new console and adding the Computer Management and Certificates snap-ins to it.
1. From the Start menu, select Run, type mmc, and then click OK. The Consolel window opens with an empty console.

By default, the MMC console opens in author mode, in which you can create new consoles and edit previously created administrative tools. An empty console has no functionality as long as no snap-ins are added to it. The MMC menu commands in the menu bar at the top of the window apply to the entire console.

2. From the File menu (Console), select Add/Remove Snap-in. The Add/Remove Snap-in window opens, listing standalone snap-ins and extension snap-ins that will be added to (or already included with) the console. Snap-ins can be added to the root of the management console or to already existing stand-alone snap-ins (other nodes in the tree); this is indicated in the Snap-ins added to list. In our case, we will leave the default value - Console Root (Console Root).
3. Click the Add button. The Add Standalone Snap-in window (Figure 6.4) will appear on the screen with a list of standalone snap-ins available in the system.

You should distinguish between the names of snap-ins (i.e. their names that were given by the developers and which are fixed in the supplied snap-in packages, see Fig. 6.4) and the names of menu items, MMC tools and nodes in the MMC console snap-in tree.

4. Double click Computer Management. A window will appear with configuration options for this snap-in.

Rice. 6.4. Window with a list of snap-ins available in the system

5. Leave the switch in the Local computer position. Then click the Finish button. The first snap-in has been added to the console.
6. In the snap-in window, select Certificates and click the Add button.
7. In the next window, select the appropriate radio button - This snap-in will always manage certificates for:

  • My user account (my account user);
  • Service account(service account);
  • Computer account (computer account).

8. Click the Finish and Close buttons.
9. In the Add/Remove Snap-in window (which displays a list of snap-ins), click the Extensions tab. This tab lists the extension snap-ins that come with the selected isolated snap-ins. If you do not intend to include all extension snap-ins, deselect the Add all extensions check box (which is checked by default) and uncheck extra snap-ins. When the procedure is complete, click OK.
10. Close the window for adding snap-ins by clicking OK. The console window now contains two snap-ins, Computer Management and Certificates.
11. To save the created instrument, select the Save item from the File menu and specify the file name and folder in which the console file will be saved.

An additional benefit of this approach is that if a user has a roaming profile, that user will always have access to all the tools they create.

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The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) is often used by system administrators to create fine-grained administration products. With the help of MMC, you can ease the daily tasks assigned to the shoulders of system administrators. All tools that are in the MMC are displayed as consoles. Creating tools in this console is one of the most simple tasks.

You will need

  • MMC software.


  • You can create a console file on all operating systems, starting with version 2000 and Server 2000. To start the console, you must click the Start menu and select Run. In the window that opens, enter the MMC command, then click OK. You will see the MMC console management window. You should not expect a pleasant graphical interface from this program.
  • Click the Console menu, then select Add or Remove Snap-in. In the Add/Remove Snap-in window that opens, you can specify which snap-ins to insert into the list of all available snap-ins. Click Add.
  • In the Add Standalone Snap-in window that opens, double-click on Computer Management. Select the item "Local computer", check the box next to the item "Allowed to change the computer selected for management when starting from command line". Click the Done button, then the Close button.
  • Go to the "Extensions" tab, check the "Add all extensions" box, then click "OK". There are also other functions in the management console that are related to displaying windows of selected tasks. Since MMC is the main console operating system Windows, the choice of appearance depends only on the system administrator. This is an example of managing MMC features. The console helps to facilitate the work, not to launch the control panel, as well as other applications.
  • The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) allows system administrators to create very flexible user interfaces and customize administration tools. This walkthrough describes some of its new features.

    On this page


    MMC unifies and simplifies day-to-day system management tasks. The tools it contains are displayed as consoles. Consoles, which consist of one or more applications, are built from modules called snap-ins. Accessories may also include additional extensions. MMC is a central part of Microsoft's governance strategy and is included in the Microsoft Windows® 2000. In addition, Microsoft development teams will use MMC to further manage applications.

    The MMC Management Console allows system administrators to create custom tools to delegate specific administrative tasks to users or groups. Together with the operating room Microsoft system provides standard tools for the daily administration tasks that users need to perform. These tools are part of a shared local profile All Users and are located in the folder Administration on the menu Start. Saved as MMC console (.msc) files, they can be sent via e-mail, share it in a network folder, or host it on the Internet. They can also be assigned to users, groups, or computers through system policy settings. Such tools can be customized to perform a wide range of activities, fully integrated into the operating system, and repackaged.

    Using MMC, system administrators can create unique consoles for employees who report to them or for team leaders. They can apply these tools to system policy, send them by e-mail, or publish them to the public on the network. When the manager working group will open the msc file, access will be limited to only those tools provided by the system administrator.

    Creating your own instruments with standard user interface in MMC it is a simple process. Start with an existing console and modify or add components to get the results you want, or create a completely new console. The following example shows how to create a new console and place its administrative components in a separate window.

    Prerequisites and Requirements

    There are no conditions: You do not need to study any other walkthroughs other than this one. You need one computer running Windows control 2000 Professional or Windows 2000 Server. For the latest hardware and compatibility information for servers, clients, and peripherals, see the Hardware and Software Compatibility Checks page on the Windows 2000 site.

    Console Creation

    The easiest way for administrators to use MMC is to launch an existing console file from the Start menu. However, to get an idea of ​​MMC's flexibility, it's helpful to create a console file from an existing sample. It is also useful when using the new task creation feature in this version of MMC.

    Create a new console file

    1. On the menu Start select item Run, type in the text box the command mms and press OK. MMC will start with a blank console (or administrative tool) as shown in Figure 1 below. An empty console has no functionality until some snap-in is added to it. The MMC menu commands in the menu bar at the top of the MMC Management Console window apply to the entire console.
    1. In Console1 click menu Console and select the item Add or remove a snap. The Add/Remove Snap-In dialog box will open. In it, you enable extensions and specify the snap-ins that will be displayed in the console file. You can define which snap-ins should be inserted in the drop-down list of added snap-ins. Use the default host as an example Console Root.
    2. Click Add. A dialog box will appear Adding an isolated snap-in, containing a list of snap-ins installed on your computer.
    3. In the snap-in list, double-click Computer management, to open computer management master.
    4. Select local computer and check the box " It is allowed to change the computer selected for management when launched from the command line».
    5. Click Ready. This will return you to the dialogue Adding/removing snap-ins. Click close.
    6. Choose a bookmark Extensions as shown in Figure 2 below. If the checkbox " Add all extensions» checked, all local installed extensions are used. If this check box is not checked, you can specify any snap-in extensions that will be explicitly loaded when the console file is opened on another computer.
    1. Click OK to close the Add/Remove Snap-Ins dialog. The Console Root window now contains the snap-in computer control associated with the Console Root folder.

    Customizing the display of snap-ins in the console: new windows

    After adding the snap-in, you can add windows to the console to create different view combinations.

    To add a window:

    1. In the left pane of the tree view shown in Figure 3 below, click the + next to Computer management. Select Utilities.
    1. Right click a category Event Viewer and select the item New window from here. As shown in Figure 4 below, a new Event Viewer window will open associated with the appropriate Computer Management extension.
    1. Open the menu item Window and select Console Root.
    2. In the Console Root window select Services and Applications, right click Services in the left pane and click New window. As shown in Figure 5, a new Services window will open, linked to the appropriate Computer Management extension. In the new window, click the button on the toolbar (marked with a red circle in Figure 5) to hide the tree view on the left.
    1. Close the original window that displays Console Root.
    2. On the menu Window select item Top down. The console should display both windows shown in Figures 4 and 5, one below the other.
    3. Now you can save your new MMC console. Select an item Save as in the Console menu, and give your console a name. Your console is now saved as an msc file and you can give it to anyone who needs these tools to customize their computer.

    Note: each of the two sub-windows has a toolbar with buttons and drop-down menus. These buttons and menus apply only to the window on which they are located. You can see how the composition of buttons and menus changes depending on the snap-in selected in the left pane of the window. Turning to the menu View, You will be able to see the list of available panels.

    Advice: Windows look better if you have the maximum screen resolution and small fonts.

    Creating console taskbars

    If you're creating a console file for another user, it's helpful to have a simplified view where only a few tasks are available. Console taskbars will help you with this.

    To create a taskbar:

    1. On the menu Window select New window. Close the other two windows (You will save new file console at the end of this procedure). Expand the remaining window to full screen.
    2. In the left pane, click the + next to the folder Computer management, then click the + next to the folder Utilities. Expand the folder in the same way Event Viewer, select the item in it System and right-click on it, selecting New taskbar look.
    3. Complete all steps of the wizard, accepting the default values. Make sure the checkbox on the last page is checked to New Task Wizard could start automatically.
    4. In the New New Installation Task Wizard, select the default installation until you reach the page shown in Figure 6 - on it, specify List in the details window in the dropdown list and select Properties:
    1. Click Further and accept the default settings on the rest of the pages. When choosing Developments and clicking on Properties You will see the property page for this Event. After you have pressed Ready On the last page of the wizard, your console should look like Figure 7:
    1. Click the button Hiding/Showing the Console Tree on the toolbar.
    2. From the View menu, select Tune and uncheck all options except Description Area to hide all panel types.

    The next section describes how to lock the console file so that the user can only view it, but cannot modify it. At this point, your console should look like Figure 8:

    Figure 8: Changed console view

    Setting Console File Options

    If you're creating a console for another user, it's useful to prevent them from making further changes to the console file. This can be done in Console Options.

    To set console file options:

    1. On the menu Console select item Options.
    2. Change the console mode in the drop down menu by selecting Custom - limited access, one window. In this mode, the user will not be able to add new snap-ins to the console file or rearrange windows.
    3. In the same window you can change the name of the console file. Click OK, to continue.
    4. Save console file. Changes will not take effect until the console file is reopened.

    This is just one example of how the MMC Management Console allows you to combine information and functionality that previously required opening the Control Panel and two separate administrative utilities. MMC's modular architecture makes it easy for developers network systems creating application snap-ins that increase the functionality of the platform while reducing the burden on administrators.

    Additional Information

    For the latest information about the Windows 2000 network operating system, visit the Windows 2000 Web site and the Microsoft Windows NT Forum on the Microsoft Web site. For installation information and using Windows 2000, see Help for Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server.

    Hello everyone, today I want to talk about mmc (Microsoft Management Console), since many system administrators not only don’t know about it, but if they know they don’t understand what mmc provides wide functionality and saves time, for example, when I just got acquainted with operating Windows systems, in many books there were examples that the technical support or the personnel department had mmc consoles specially prepared for them, in which there were all the things they needed in order to take the load off the system administrator as much as possible. We will create our own Mega console with you.

    We will consider the creation of mmc, or as I also call it a mega powerful console, on Windows Server 2012 R2.

    Pros of mmc

    • no need to have a lot of shortcuts on the desktop or in the quick access menu in the start
    • the ability to manage other servers remotely from one place, if not of course
    • free as built-in Windows utility
    • flexible customization to suit your needs

    Types of launching mmc

    There are two types of snap-in start:

    • Author is a mode where you can add and change the contents of the snap
    • Custom - this is a mode when there is already a management snap-in and you cannot change anything in it, for example, Computer Management, and a bunch of such

    Launch mmc

    When launching the Microsoft Management Console, it will open by default in author mode, which means edits, but if you wish, you can then prevent changes to your console. Press Win+R and type mmc.

    As a result, you will see a window like this

    Adding snap-ins

    the mmc console allows you to add the necessary snap-ins through the File-Add menu or by pressing CTRL + M

    In my example, I will add the following things:

    • Active Directory- Users and computers (the most used snap-in)
    • Active Directory - Domains and Trusts
    • Active Directory - Sites and Services
    • Hyper-V Manager
    • Enterprise PKI
    • Event Viewer
    • ADSI Editing
    • Services
    • Group Policy Management

    Select the one you want and click the Add button.

    The selected console will appear on the right side

    If you click the change extensions button, you will be able to more fine tuning mmc windows console. For example, some of them include additional extensions. We see that Computer Management consists of more than 10 extensions, if necessary, you can disable unnecessary ones.

    The mmc windows console also allows you to add some snap-ins that will apply to other computers, for example, an event viewer that will show logs from another computer

    click review and add the one you want.

    As a result, we got such a tool.

    Customizing the appearance of mmc

    In order to make your mega console more usable, I suggest extending the center area and getting rid of the scope. To do this, click View-Customize.

    and uncheck the action bar.

    You can also add additional commands to turn your equipment into a really cool thing. We see that in Services there is only Stop or restart, let's expand this functionality.

    Choose an action - a new look for the taskbar

    The Panel View Wizard opens.

    We choose a vertical view, although you may like the other one, everything is up to you.

    apply to all elements

    Set a name if the old one does not suit you

    The task creation wizard will now open.

    You have three options to choose from

    • Menu command - standard command
    • Operating system command - script
    • Jump Command

    On the left side, select services, and on the right side, select the desired command.

    For example, I chose to connect to another computer.

    Set a label for it

    In order to add more commands to mmc, open Action-Edit Taskbar View

    Tasks tab - create

    In the end I ended up like this

    Here, what your imagination is much more then add, you can make good functionality.

    We'll talk about the rest in the second part of the MMC or the mega powerful console part 2.

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