Aliexpress does not send the goods. The seller does not send the goods what to do. What are the shipping times?

Many buyers think that after payment, the goods immediately go for transportation. In fact, there are two operations before the delivery stage. They can take several weeks. First, aliexpress checks the payment. After verification, the order is sent to the seller. A store employee goes to the post office and arranges transportation.

There are situations when the registration of transportation is delayed. The buyer waits a week, two, three, and the seller still cannot send the package. The order is not closed. Money is not returned to the card. The client begins to panic and fear of deception.

Aliexpress does not send the order not always for a negative reason. Force majeure happens, and which the buyer can ask the seller or the administration. Let's take a look at the most common reasons for shipping delays.

How long does the administration give time for sending?

The client will not see the exact dates anywhere. Aliexpress once introduced the exact scope of the departure. The innovation did not lead to positive results. The sellers did not have time to send orders, customers did not receive the goods. I had to constantly return money to the card, which was inconvenient for aliexpress.

Now the sellers themselves decide when it is time to ship the goods. Adequate stores cope with the operation in a few days. Some take several weeks. The laziest vendors forget. The order is automatically closed.

Average shipping time is one week. The date may vary depending on environmental influences: holidays, human factors, problems in the mail.

Why can an order be cancelled?

The buyer will not wait a month until the seller changes his mind and goes to the post office. In all cases, all parties can influence the process. An order can be canceled in three ways:

  • By the buyer - the client opens a dispute and asks for a refund. Money is returned within eight days.
  • Seller - the store learns that the product is not in stock, cancels the order. For the inconvenience caused, the user can be given a coupon.
  • Administration - the procedure dragged on for months. The system cannot wait and closes the order.

In any case, the money spent is returned to the buyer. It will not be possible to return the time, but the money will be returned in full to the original account.

Why is the seller delayed?

There can be many reasons. The seller is also human. He may have personal problems. This does not justify the negligent attitude towards the buyer, but it explains the behavior of the store employee. In some cases, nothing needs to be done. Just wait a few days.

Common reasons for shipping delays:

  • Negligent attitude - the buyer cannot insure against inadequate sellers. Such stores do not respond to messages, ignore disputes. We recommend that you send a private message before placing an order. Ask questions and ask for help with the choice. Adequate stores help users.
  • Sales or promotions - the store has a lot of orders. Employees are physically unable to cope with the influx of offers. Treat sellers with understanding and wait for the start of transportation.
  • Holidays in China - in all states on holidays, services do not work well. Transport may be delayed.
  • Problems in personal life - the same person is sitting thousands of kilometers in front of the monitor screen. He also feels and knows how to experience. Understand this and do not write angry messages every second.
  • The goods are over - the seller does not want to close the order and is waiting for new deliveries. Usually the store warns customers about problems.

Be sympathetic to the delay in processing transportation. Defending the rights is normal when the status does not change for several weeks. In other cases, it is recommended to take the waiting position.

What to do if the seller is delayed?

The waiting position is not always justified. In some cases, you need to remember your rights, get out of the mink and take action. We offer several solutions.

  • Send a private message to the seller. Describe the problem and ask for an explanation of the reason for the delay. Don't be rude. It's also not worth it to pity. Store employees do not like inadequate users. Brands with a good reputation will try to fix the problem quickly. It is not recommended to trust every word. Sellers can hang noodles on their ears, but nothing will change.
  • Contact support. We recommend writing to real people, not to a virtual assistant. The system is reliable, but will not be able to solve serious problems. After reading your message, the administration will try to speed up the seller by imposing sanctions on him.
  • Refuse the order. If the order is not so important, do not waste your nerves. The money will automatically arrive in the original account within eight days. The administration will treat with understanding.

If you refuse, do not blame the seller. State your reason for changing your mind. If the store is to blame, aliexpress will impose penalties.

When will the money be returned?

If you decide to cancel your order, you are concerned about a refund. From the same second, the money will not come. The operation can take several days. A smaller amount may be credited to the account. Commission fees are non-refundable.

If the account is blocked, go to the bank and demand a refund. We wish you happy shopping and fast delivery.

Aliexpress Natalia 21 10 2015

Hello! Recently, a not very pleasant story happened to me with the purchase of a gift for Aliexpress, which was the reason for writing a new article. The fact is that I very often order a variety of cosmetics or jewelry as a gift to my friends for various holidays.

On the site, it is quite possible to find sellers with high-quality and useful products in these categories, but at the same time much more budgetary than on the shelves of domestic stores. I always approach the order responsibly and, knowing the peculiarities of Chinese mail, I select a gift a few months before the significant date. I did the same this time. Unfortunately, I did not receive my present on time, which was due to a delay in sending by the seller. How this situation was resolved and how it ended - below in this article. And today we will talk about what to do if the seller does not send the goods to Aliexpress.

Why shouldn't you be scared?

First, it is worth noting that each seller on Ali has an individual deadline for sending an order. For some, it does not exceed a couple of days, but for some slow-moving Chinese, it drags on for several weeks.

If you paid for the order, the deadline for sending has passed, and your order has not been sent, you should first of all write to the seller and find out the reason. Most of them respond quickly and solve the problem quickly. Seller not responding? Do not despair! After all, your money is still in Ali's "buffer zone" and until you receive and confirm your order, it will not be transferred to the seller.

If your order is under protection (you can see its expiration date right below the status, and you still haven’t received a response from the supplier), it makes sense to open a dispute and demand or send the paid purchase as soon as possible or return the money. Here are the possible scenarios:

  • You expect shipment before the end date of the protection of the goods and sooner or later it will still reach its owner
  • You open a dispute and seek to send/refund/compensate
  • You do nothing, and if a person is unscrupulous and does not send anything, the money goes to him automatically after the expiration of the protection period.

Getting a refund is real!

I must say right away that the fulfillment of the second requirement is more difficult to achieve. In my case, everything looked like this: I opened a dispute, the seller (apparently frightened) immediately sent the goods, but due to problems at the post office and with delivery, my parcel began a long journey throughout Russia, after which it was delivered to my post office late at 2 weeks. As you understand, the gift was not successful and I had to invent a new one in a short time.

It is worth noting that if the supplier still sent the item I wanted within the specified period, such problems would not have arisen. I wrote about this in an open dispute. Why the supplier did not send orders on time, but began to tearfully ask not to return the order back and even promised a discount on the next orders. But for me, the product was no longer relevant! I managed to get some of my money back and plus I got my parcel! It turns out that the wolves are full and the sheep are safe)) Here is such a story.

How to avoid such a situation?

Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe; you cannot protect yourself from order delays. But there are certain rules that I noticed from experience. It is usually not the seller with a high rating and a large number of orders and reviews that does not send the goods for a long time, but vice versa - the one who has few of them. A strange pattern, but nevertheless, advice follows from it: order goods only from trusted sellers and carefully filter them by profile information. On time, the goods sent for several weeks, or even a month later, certainly will not arrive, so you can safely open a dispute.

Now you know how to force an unscrupulous or forgetful seller to send goods to Ali. Don't forget to subscribe for new articles! Enjoy the shopping!

Video of the day: what a real vacation looks like!

Sincerely, Natalya Melnikova!

Online shopping is becoming an increasingly common way to shop. The current leading platform is the Aliexpress website, however, with increasing popularity, the number of questions related to the purchase of a vending product is also increasing. Choosing a product is easy, dealing with delivery is difficult, but possible. The greatest fear among buyers is a long delay in the order and fraud. What should I do if the seller does not send the goods on Aliexpress? Explore.

So, after you finish placing an order, specifying its availability in personal correspondence with the seller, he will have to send the goods to you. When the seller comes to his post office and sends your goods, Aliexpress will automatically send an email to your mail notifying you that the order has been sent. Plus, according to the rules of the site, after its registration, the seller. The seller will send it in details to the order.

Remember the date you received the letter: from this moment the countdown begins, at which the seller undertakes to deliver the purchase to you, as well as the order protection time. If you delay the protection period, the order will be closed, and you will not be able to return the money and make a claim to the seller on any grounds, even if the goods did not appear in the country of the recipient.

What to do if the seller does not send the goods to Aliexpress? The reason for the delayed shipment may be

  • holidays (especially New Year's)
  • weekend,
  • high workload of the merchant.

Also, on Aliexpress, parcels are sent for a long time. in a rare case of suspicion of the administration of the fraud of the seller. Your order is frozen, and the site administration calls you and notifies you of the situation. If the seller is acquitted, the deal will continue. If not, you will get your investment back.

If the purchase was made a long time ago, and the status on the parcel page "The seller has sent your order" still does not appear, wait to open a dispute. Most often, goods are not sent to Aliexpress for reasons not related to fraud. First of all, try to discuss the current situation with the seller, check how long he has been online. Remember that communication is in English. If the seller does not send the order, but honestly and quickly answered you, explained the reason for the delay, then everything is in order: you need to wait.

In case he didn't show up online, doesn't answer you, etc., you have 3 options to follow up.

However, it is easier to prevent such situations than to resolve: choose sellers with awards, high ratings (92-100%) and a lot of positive reviews.

The seller does not send the goods what to do

There are a lot of sellers on Aliexpress, and they are all different. Someone sends a parcel almost immediately after placing an order. Others may collect the package within a few days. Remember that sellers work with a huge number of buyers from all over the world. During the day, the seller can collect dozens, hundreds and even thousands of orders. That is why it gives sellers a few days to process the order. During these 3-7 days, the seller does the following:

  • makes a complete set of goods in a warehouse;
  • packs the order;
  • calls a courier or goes to the post office himself;
  • sends a parcel and receives a track number;
  • enters the received track number in the description of the order.

The status "Order Processing" means that the seller is currently executing the above algorithm. Sometimes sellers ask buyers to extend the processing time via private messages if they cannot meet the deadlines set by AliExpress. The buyer can either agree or refuse. It is better to agree, as it may take even longer for a similar item to be sent by another seller. If the order processing time expires, it will be canceled automatically, and the buyer will receive his money back. Also, before sending, the buyer can cancel the order himself.

Factors affecting the time of dispatch of the goods:

  • the required product is not currently available in the store;
  • the order is placed during a holiday or weekend;
  • Aliexpress is having a big sale.

What can be done if the seller does not ship the goods?

If the period for sending the order is delayed, then there are several options for the development of events:

  • The processing time expires, the order is automatically canceled, and you receive a full refund.
  • During processing, you yourself cancel the order. The money will be returned to you within 3-14 days. After canceling, you can immediately order a similar product in another store on AliExpress. Don't forget to use the cashback service.
  • You are waiting for the goods to be sent, extending the order processing time if necessary. The status of the order should change to "Shipped" if everything went well.

What to do if the processing time expires?

If you wait until the time counter expires, your order will automatically close and the money will be returned without a dispute. But often, even after a week, the prices for the purchased goods have already crept up and it is now more expensive to buy it. That is why I advise you not to wait for the closing of the order, but to extend the processing time yourself for the first time.

Usually I also write a letter to the seller, he answers me: “yes, we will send it tomorrow”. Will send - good. What if there is silence again?

There are Chinese sellers who, by sending an order at the last moment, thereby insure their package for a week, i.e. actually sent on the first day, the track number was written to the buyer a week later and now seven days are added to the delivery time.

And there are sellers who will not send the goods, the order will be closed or you will cancel it yourself. And they will get nothing for it. If there is no product in stock, let them write, but such ignoring and feeding breakfast is not professional.

Therefore, in this case, I close the order with the wording "Product out of stock." What am I supposed to be thinking. A well-founded reason - does not send, then nothing. The main essence of this wording is that the seller will be sanctioned by the trading platform for it. And if the order is closed for this reason, he will not be greeted.

Do not worry, as soon as the seller sees your manipulations with the closure, he will immediately restore the order and write a personal message. It will probably promise to send or with a request to close the order but with a different wording. It took me two times to “close” the same order with exactly this wording in order to make it clear to the seller that it was better to send the goods at the price that was three weeks ago at the time of purchase.

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